Wednesday, December 15, 2021

2021 Parade of Ornaments

Can it really be time for another of my annual ornament parades? I mean, seriously! Where did 2021 go? It seems like I was just writing the post for my 2020 "Parade of Ornaments" and... whoosh! Twelve months have flown by. I have to say that last year I was so hopeful that we would be done with this Covid mess by this time. Sadly, it seems that it may be haunting us forever in one form or another. Sigh... Thank goodness we have our stitching to bring some sanity and a sense of peace to our lives, right? 

Would you believe that the "Parade of Ornaments" began for me way back in 2010? That was the first year I posted my newly-minted dozen hanging from the garland on our staircase and I've been doing so ever since! Is it hard to stitch 12 new ornaments each year? Not at all--especially when  you have lots of company. This year, for the very first time, I led an ornament stitchalong on Instagram using the hashtag: #12in21ornamentstitchalong. It was very well received and I got to know so many nice stitchers from around the world. Plus, it helped me stay on task and complete my own ornaments in a timely fashion! I've had many folks tell me they really admire the way I finish and have even told me they end up finishing their ornament in the exact same way. I don't mind that at all--I'm honored that I can inspire you! (I always appreciate it, however, when you credit me for your finishing inspiration when you do imitate my finishes).

So, let's get started... the weather here in Pennsylvania is gray after three gloriously sunny days. Not the best day for a parade, but the temperature will be in the 50s today so I'm not complaining! Anyway, sit back, relax, and enjoy the parade! I hope you find a bit of inspiration somewhere along the way...

The 2021 "Parade of Ornaments!"

How about a closer look at the 2021 parade participants?

January ~ March 2021

April ~ June 2021

July ~ September 2021

October ~ December 2021


Once again, I had no theme to my twelve... half were oval or round finishes and half were little pillow finishes. And as you can tell, my choice of what to stitch is very eclectic! From the classic Prairie Schooler Santas to the adorable stack of Christmas mugs to the whimsical children (not so) patiently waiting in their beds as Santa visits below--I really love them all. How about you? Do you have a personal favorite? Here are close-ups of each month; study them a bit more and let me know your favorite in the comments section below. I'd love to know! (And for anyone wanting specific information on fabrics, threads, changes, etc., just click on the title of the ornament in the caption below each photo and that will take you to the specific post for each finish).


"Old World Santa" from Prairie Schooler Book No. 80


"Merry Friends" by Plum Street Samplers


"White Christmas" by Ewe & Eye & Friends


"2021 Annual Prairie Schooler Santa"



"St. Nicholas II" from Prairie Schooler Book No. 36


"Night Before Christmas" by Birds of a Feather



"Miss et Mister Snow" by Tra La La



"Winter's Song" by Plum Pudding Needleart



"Old World Santa" from Prairie Schooler Book No. 82



"Winter Saltbox" by Melisa at Pinker 'n Punkin



"Sweet Christmas" by Whitehouse Stitchery


"Joy" by Luminous Fiber Arts


So, which one makes you smile the most? I'm having a hard time picking just one, but, I think November's cute little gingerbread boys peeking out of the stack of Christmas mugs wins my vote this year. That sweet Tra La La snow couple from July is a very close second, though. 

This year, I added a sweet little vignette of wrapped packages and a small tree next to the staircase. I saw the idea on Pinterest  last year and immediately filed it away for future use. The smallest package wrapped in simple brown paper is a book for my sweet 17-month-old grandson: "Baby Touch and Feel Merry Christmas." I'm still working on his ornament for this year, but it should be all finished up by Christmas morning. Oh, how I'm looking forward to seeing the excitement in his sweet brown eyes on December 25th!


Here is one last shot of my foyer at night... a bit hard to see the ornaments, but still lovely.

Love the soft glow of Christmas lights...


So how did you enjoy this year's parade? I hope you loved it as much as I loved stitching and finishing each of those little ornaments. If you would like further inspiration, please click on the dates for past parades--I think you'll find that my finishing has come a long way over the years, too! I really try to make each one the best it can be so there is a wide variety on my tree... Hopefully, I've succeeded! Here are the links to all of the parades from years past that you may wish to check out: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020Enjoy!

I've finally finished decorating my tree and will share that with you in my next post. When I was pulling out the ornaments this year, I realized just how many I had stitched on black. And I also realized that those tend to be my favorites (but, shhh... don't let the other ornaments find that out!). The colors just look so bright and cheery on the black background, don't they? Many are stitched "over one" on 28 ct. black Monaco, a few on 32 ct. Belfast linen, and a couple of the oldest ones are done on 18 ct. black Aida.

Love my ornaments on black the most of all!

Why am I addicted to ornament stitching? I suppose it's the almost instant gratification that comes from the process. You stitch for a few days, finish in a day, and you're all set. No running around trying to find a frame or sticking it in a drawer waiting to finish it "some day." But, there are also the memories attached to the little ornaments... This year, the June ornament makes me distinctly recall being in Florida and fighting to do even a handful of stitches a day due to my issues with vertigo. The July snow couple reminds me of my July wedding anniversary--44 years this year! And the five Little House Needlework "Hometown Holidays" finishes (stitched on black in the photo above) remind me of the small home town where I spent my growing up years (note to self: you really need to add to that series next year!). So many memories in each carefully stitched ornament...

I so appreciate you cheering me on in my ornament journey each month. It really was wonderful having so many stitchers joining me in doing a monthly ornament in 2021. I hope even more of you will consider joining in on the fun for 2022... Enjoy this last ten days before Christmas! I still need to get a couple of gifts in the mail and finish sending my cards, but, other than that, I feel like I'm in great shape for my family's visit. Take care now, my friends! Bye for now...


Marilyn said...

Oh Carol, as always your ornaments are all so very pretty.
My favorite is the Tra La La Snow people.
Love, love, love that one!
You are going to have so much fun this Christmas!
Can't wait to see your tree!

Donna G. said...

What a lovely collection of ornaments. You may have even inspired me to attempt a monthly ornament stitch. Stitching isn’t the hard part…..finishing is. I have a small stack of stitched ornaments that need to be FFO’d. Maybe that’s what I should attempt in 2022 instead of stitching more ornaments. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Vicki said...

Your ornaments are lovely! I'm drawn to the ones stitched on black, also. They just stand out so with the black background. You're going to have such an awesome Christmas this year with Baby B!

Robin in Virginia said...

Love your annual ornament parade, Carol! I can't pick a favorite as each one speaks to me in a different way. I love looking back at your past parades as I always see something I want to stitch. I love stitching ornaments (Christmas or otherwise). Enjoy these remaining days of 2021.

butterfly said...

Just wonderful , love your ornaments my favorite is July also love
Yes this year really went by far to fast . I started early but I am still rushing around , enjoy your week and above all have lots of fun .

Vickie said...

Love this post! My favorite is Night Before Christmas. :) SO cute!! Cannot wait to see your grandson's ornament.

Stasi said...

Oh Carol, it is always a delight to see your ornament parade. Each and very one is so perfectly stitched and finished. My favorite is the Birds of a Feather piece...there is something about about the kids faces, so simple yet so expressive, that tickles me.
I'm considering doing the SAL next year again as there are so many ornaments I'd love to stitch! Please keep the inspiration coming!!!

Sandy said...

Squeal! The parade is here. I love them all, but December caught my eye this year. You are going to need two trees soon. We all love your inspiration!

Heritage Hall said...

Such a lovely collection and beautifully displayed...Favorites, White Christmas, Sweet
Christmas....Thank you for the inspiration.... A blessed Christmastide to all...

Wanda McColl said...

Oh Carol, I was so excited to see this post! You are truly part of my Christmas traditions! I love your parade of ornaments and your gorgeous tree and look forward to them each year. Your stitching and finishing are simply magnificent. I think the snowmen are winning my heart this year but, like you, I have such a fondness for anything Prairie Schooler.
I think we all thought this Christmas would be closer to 'normal' but alas, it will be another quiet one. I am so thankful for the summer we had and the ability to see family but our numbers are really climbing here.
Wishing you a healthy, happy and blessed Christmas! I am so thrilled for you that your grandson will be with you and that they now live so much closer to you.
Take good care my friend,
hugs, Wanda

Unknown said...

I've been following you on Instagram, spreading each tiny picture on my phone searching for details, and today I just found your blog when you mentioned it! What fun!! Lots of details AND big pictures. Of course I subscribed instantly, and since I'm returning to cross stitch after a 30-year absence, I'm hoping you will do a 12 ornaments in 2022 this year. I love group motivation. I can't wait to follow your progress and especially your beautiful finishes.

Georgia said...

Carol, I just love your annual parade of ornaments. You give me so much inspiration:) I really enjoyed the 12in21 ornaments and am looking forward to 12in22. I haven't thought of a theme yet, but I know I will still be stitching a Joy or two. Again Thank you so much. May you and yours have a very blessed Christmas and New Years.

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

I really look forward to your annual parade of ornaments Carol. They are all beautiful, but I think I like March the best - the white on blue feels very wintery and Christmassy. And it's a bit different to all the others. Your stitching is beautiful, and your finishing is next level! Merry Christmas to you and your family from far away in New Zealand where it's summer.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Your Parade is stunning, beautiful stitching and finishing. My favourite is August, I love a snowman and they are such a cute couple. Wishing you a Merry Christmas⛄

Kyle said...

I can't believe you have done this for so many years. Your ornaments are beautiful. For the 2021 lineup, I'll vote for July. Love the snowmen. I agree there's something about the black background that make the designs more dramatic.

Katrina said...

Have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones Carol, sending you best wishes from New Zealand. I love seeing your annual ornament parade! I too love stitching on black fabric and have such an addiction to ornaments, or anything Christmasy ha ha, and I love sharing these with my dear family and friends.
All the best to you and your family xx

Sharon Vance said...

Such great inspiration here! My favorite is Winter’s Song…your finishing is so lovely. Someday I will have to learn how to do the cording. I also love Melisa’s winter saltbox house. Thanks so much for sharing!

Honeybee said...

Melisa's is my favorite!

Karen said...

I always enjoy your ornament parade, Carol. My calculations show you have at least 144 stitched ornaments after all these years! Quite the collection!

It's so hard to pick a favorite. I think if forced I would pick Winter's Song by Plum Pudding. It's simple, traditional, and elegant. I love cardinals, and they are very rare in our part of western NE, so when we see one it's quite a delight. Last year my granddaughter, Lula, had a couple nesting in their spruce trees and she was enthralled. I had given her a book called "Red and Lulu" about a pair of cardinals. So this year I had to add them to her ornament.

A favorite book that I have bought for my grandchildren is "The Sweet Smell of Christmas". It is a scratch and sniff book. Your little guy might enjoy it next year.

Wishing you a very joyous Christmas with your family, Carol. And many happy stitching hours in 2022!

marly said...

My favorites of the 2021 ornaments are the first twelve. I've scrolled back and forth long enough and just can't decide!

C Reeder PhxAz said...

As always they are all beautiful. My favorite is October. Enjoy your holidays with family.

Sandra said...

That's quite some parade, Carol! It's very difficult to have just one favourite. I really like October (I like the house and the blue, red and white), April (because of all the animals with Santa) and November with the festive mugs and gingerbread men! Another fantastic year of stitching!

Cute little Christmas tree with the presents! Enjoy these last days leading up to Christmas!

Isabel para ALROMASAR said...

This ornaments are absolutely spectacular!
Hugs from Spain

kobieta w pewnym wieku said...

Witam, Od jakiegoś czasu obserwuję Twojego bloga. Bardzo podobają mi się Twoje małe, słodkie robótki, ale dopiero teraz widzę jak je wykorzystujesz. Są super dekoracjami świątecznymi. Ja robię dekoracje, bombki na choinkę metodą decoupage, ale zaczynam się zastanawiać czy nie podjąć wyzwania i haftować tak jak Ty. Gratuluję. Są naptawdę piękne. Elżbieta

maxi said...

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Merry Christmas + happy stitching

Manuela said...

Hello Carol,
all your ornaments are so wonderful. It is difficult to say, which is my favourite, but it is Mr. and Mrs. Snowman. They are so cute.
I like your girlande and your little new christmas tree decoration.
I'm looking forward to your next post with your Christmas tree full of your wonderful ornaments and pillows.
Have a nice time until Christmas.
Hugs, Manuela

Unknown said...

What beautiful stitching and finishes! I love how different all your ornament choices are. Merry Christmas!

http://thankfullga447 said...

Lovely and all are so beautiful. I am enjoying PS this year - I like January. Your home is beautiful.

Kay said...

I always look forward to seeing this post every Christmas. As usual your work and attention to detail with finishing them all is amazing. I think my favourite is the lovely blue house in October. Happy Christmas. X

Janny said...

Loved your ornament parade Carol, as I always do! My faves are July and November, as both made me smile broadly. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Kath said...

I was so excited to see you posted your annual Parade of Ornaments. I so look forward to it every year! All of the designs you stitched this year are so great and I love your finishes too. I immediately went out and purchased the pattern, thread and linen to stitch "Sweet Christmas". I just love the gingerbread in the cups with candy canes. I hope you don't mind me asking, but where do you find your supplies of ribbon, charms and greenery you use to finish them off? What width ribbon do you find you use the most? Thank you again for sharing your wonderful ornaments. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

Janice Boucher said...

Carol, your ornaments put me in the Christmas mood for sure (despite the Covid situation going on.) What a welcome site to cheer us all. I would love to attempt to stitch an ornament per month but find that since I cna't do finishing, I'd have to send them all out to be finished. That can be pretty costly. But nevertheless, I may just try and stitch one monthly. It's very hard to decide which one I like since they are all beautiful but I'm going to choose the Snow Couple (since snowmen are my passion) and the gingerbread boys in the mugs. That one reminds me of my childhood. Merry Christmas to you and your family. May 2022 bring us all good health and happiness.

Eva H. said...

Carol,your embroidering is so nice.I think you have it as I.It is a big relaxing for me.
Have fantastic days before Christmas ☺
Eva from Czech Republic

Cathy H. said...

Reading your Christmas parade of ornaments post is one of the highlights of December for me! I love seeing your beautiful stitched pieces hanging along your stair rail! My very favorite ornament is August's Winter Song. This ornament is peaceful and I love red birds in the winter. My second choice is July's snow couple. So very sweet and cute! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas with your family! I'm planning on joining you for 12 in 2022.

Cindy's cross stitch said...

I love them all Carol. I remember where i sttiched certain pieces also. This year really was a blurr. I totally enjoy the whole proces of a stitching project. Like you said, it keeps us grounded. Merry christmas to you and your family.

Kyle said...

Your ornaments are lovely, Carol. My favorite this year is November. The mugs remind me of growing up in Western PA and the winter snows. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your grandson!

Joanne said...

It's so fun to see your parade each year. They are all so lovely. My favorite is October. I like how a blue house with a red door can feel like Christmas! Merry Christmas.

Pam in Virginia said...

My favorite would have to be Merry Friends from Plum Street. I have already stitched and finished this design, but as soon as I saw your version on black, I knew I must stitch it again. I've done quite a few ornaments and projects from the Housewives, and love the black, whether on fabric or on perforated paper.
My other favorite because of its delightful cuteness is Miss et Mister Snow from Tra La La.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday!

duClay Chapter of EGA said...

I'm surprising myself but I think Winters Song is my favorite! It's that Cardinal! I've loved seeing your ornaments over the years. I know I've seen most of your annual recaps, if not all of them.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You did an amazing job on your ornament parade, Carol. I look forward each year to your parade and seeing your tree ( which is my dream tree- lol) . I really do not think I could choose a favorite because they all are spectacular and different. Thank you so much for including Winter Saltbox in your Christmas stitching. I can not tell you how honored I am. Merry Christmas.

Christel said...

C'est bien trop difficile de choisir un ornement. Ils sont tous si beaux, si bien mis en valeur avec vos finitions. Non vraiment je suis incapable de dire quel est mon préféré...
L'année malgré le covid est passée à toute vitesse en effet. Je me le disais en tout début de semaine ! C'est bien pour cela qu'il faut profiter des bonheurs que chaque jour nous offre.
Merci Carol pour ce merveilleux défilé, c'est toujours un réel plaisir de venir admirer vos ouvrages.
Amitiés de France,

Mary said...

Carol, YOu banister is stunning!!! Love all the ornaments but Rejoice in Winters song is my favorite, beautiful cardinal and lots of green, my favorite color. My stitching has been limited to non-existant but I will try to do 12/12 with patterns with the least amount of stitching. I can't wait to see your tree!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is always a lovely post and I do enjoy seeing the wide range of ornaments you stitch. I think my favourite is possibly the Winter Saltbox this year. But I also love your collection stitched on black fabric too.

I do have a garland for my stitched Ornaments now but there are no where near as many as you have!

Anonymous said...

Well, I struggled trying to figure out a favorite ornament and I then realized that I truly love them all!! Carol, your ornaments are so beautiful - each one is just so special, finished so perfectly, each one is truly a treasure! Your stair railing is wonderful - an absolutely wonderful welcome to your home. Of course, then we could talk about all the ornaments you’ve stitched on the black fabric - stunning and dramatic! I honestly believe that you are such an inspiration to all of us. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful, creative work with all of us.

A very joyous, happy and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

💕Barb R. 🎄❤️

MartinaM said...

I love your Ornament Parade and I look forward to seeing everyone again. Especially when they are hanging on the garland.
I like April best - the Santa with the animals, July and November. But actually they are all beautiful and very well done.
I also love your ornaments on black fabric, I haven't dared to do it yet.
I am very curious what you will choose for the new year.
Happy stitching, enjoy your Christmas time with your grandson.

Christine said...

Love your yearly ornament parade! This year's is beautiful as alway so thank you for taking the time to share it with us! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Shelly said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours, Carol! August is my favorite ornament, and the colors on black fabric really pop. I think a tree covered with black cross stitched ornaments would be gorgeous! Can't wait to see your tree!

Karen Motsinger said...

Merry Christmas! I always love your ornament parade. This year my favorite is December's Joy because of the non-traditional colors.

Faith... said...

I love them all Carol! And while I enjoyed each one when it was featured I think my favorite of 2021 is he Snow Couple in July. I have always envied your finishing, it looks so perfect! I am already looking forward to 2022's parade.

Hope your family has a wonderfully blessed Christmas!

Maggie said...

It's always lovely to see your ornament parade Carol, I am in awe that you manage to stitch 12 ornaments every year, and they are all stitched and finished beautifully, it would be hard to pick a favourite.
This year has gone by in the blink of an eye and I think we were all hoping that Covid would have been a thing of the past by now, instead we are facing more or less the same restrictions as last Christmas, surely there must be an end in sight next year, fingers crossed.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and wish you and you family a healthy and happy new year. Take care. xx

Mylene said...

Such beautiful collections of ornaments. I Love them all and cannot really pick a favorite. I wish i can finish ornaments so neatly as you do.

Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

Tricia said...

I'm looking at the beautiful ornament you sent me so many years ago and just had to come find your blog and say Merry Christmas. Thank you for being such a faithful inspiration. For just being you! I'm hoping to stitch a little more this year than I have. For now I think I will just go update my blog (which I haven't posted on since January!) with my finishes for this year. :)

Jennifer said...

I love seeing your annual ornament parade Carol - such a fun grouping each year and this year is no different - I am tied for favorites between February, November and December - and seeing all your stitches on dark fabric is making me think about pulling a few like that to stitch next year. Thanks for the continued inspiration and encouragement and hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!

Katie said...

Oh I always love your parade of ornaments. They are all beautiful. I think I like November and December most. If I was forced to pick I guess I would pick December.

Have a wonderful 2022!

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

I love seeing your parade of ornaments. The variety of designs that you stitch keeps the idea fresh.

Robin said...

Oh Carol! Where to start. They are all beautiful. Each is also beautifully finished. Prairie Schoolers are always a favorite. It is hard to pick one. I narrowed my choices to August/Cardinal pillow and November/GIngerbread man in the mugs. You are so inspiring and make it sound so easy to just stitch one up! I might have to join your Instagram challenge for 2022 if you are having one. Thank you so much for sharing.

Leonore Winterer said...

I always love your yearly parade of ornaments! I think November is my favourite as well. And I agree, all the ones on black look especially nice!

Sun City Stitcher said...

A very pretty collection!