Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Favorite Freebie Finishes: 2012 Edition

Good morning all! I've just returned from my monthly 600 mile round-trip journey to visit and help out my parents. Unfortunately, I got no stitching done while I was up in New York because, guess what ~ I forgot my needle! Luckily, the iPad that I received for Christmas kept me very busy playing "Words With Friends" (I'm totally addicted!), admiring all of your lovely new stitching and stash, and trying to figure out those horrid, new word verification "captchas." Mine has been removed from my blog to make it easier for you to comment and so far, any spam comments have been caught by the spam file on blogger, so I guess I'm going to leave things this way and see how it goes. Interestingly, when I used my mom's Mac to comment on blogs this weekend, the two "jumbled" words were very easy to read so I wonder if those of you who have Apple computers are all having an easier time with the changes than those of us who don't?

One of my most popular older posts was my Favorite Freebie Finishes back in October of 2010, so I decided it was time for another. I'm always so thankful to designers for sharing their talents with us through the form of freebies, aren't you? Several of you have asked if I'm doing my "ornament a month" finishes this year and the answer is "yes"--in fact, here are my first three... It just so happens that each of my Christmas ornaments so far this year has been stitched from a freebie chart. I didn't plan it that way, they just happened to be what I picked. I've also added the links for each one to my list of "Favorite Freebies" in my sidebar.

First up, is this sweet "Noel" freebie with its scenes of winter: the snowflake, the swag of holly, and the inviting looking house with heart-shaped smoke drifting up from its chimney (which, as I'm writing this, I realize I forgot to stitch--yikes!! Oh well, I'm not going to try to add it at this point!) . I found this one on a new-to-me French blog called "Balades et Broderies" and the chart can be found right here. Carmela offers quite a variety of cute freebies so check out the rest of her blog, too.

My January ornament is stitched over one on 28 ct. black Monaco. No colors were suggested by the designer, so I chose DMC B5200, 815, and 3051. Very simple, but effective on the black, don't you think? To finish it off, I ruched a bit of burgundy and white gingham ribbon and topped it with a white pin. It is very small--just a bit over two inches wide by two inches high. For me, the smaller the ornament, the better!

When I first saw Melissa's version of this next freebie back in 2010, I fell in love with it and knew I would stitch it myself some day. I hope she doesn't mind, but I "borrowed" her color ideas and used similar shades of overdyeds that I had in my collection (WDW Cocoa, Ivy, and Raspberry). Here is the chart for this cute deer freebie, and I'm sure you'll love many of the other free charts available on the main page of this site which you can find by clicking here.

To finish my February ornament (which is also stitched over one), I made a simple hanging pillow ornament with a bit of sage green fabric, rope-like trim and hanger, and a trio of soft cocoa colored buttons. You'll notice that I didn't stitch the border as charted because, well, the mystery piece of scrap linen that I used wasn't quite big enough for it! I think it looks great on its own, though, don't you?

And, believe it or not, I'm a bit ahead of the game as I've already finished my ornament for March, too! This comical melting snowman and his long-legged crow buddy were so adorable, I just had to stitch them. Doesn't it look as though the crow is just waiting for the perfect chance to pluck that tasty carrot nose from the snowman and eat it for his dinner? The chart for this freebie can be found right here on the French blog "Jura Point de Croix". I just used a small portion of the design and also changed the border so it would be symmetrical.

Vonna's extremely thorough tutorial on finishing a Mounted Flat Ornament was so helpful. Thank you, Vonna, for all the time you've spent creating those detailed tutorials in an effort to help each of us become better finishers! I used a fun black and white polka dot material for the backing and trimmed it with three silver jingle bells, burgundy satin ribbon, and handmade cording. It's quite a bit larger than my normal ornaments, but I'm still very pleased with how it turned out. So, there you have it--my first three ornaments of 2012.

I want to thank one of my Canadian blogging friends, Kathy, for passing along this darling LHN chart called "Summer Splendor." I had admired Kathy's finish of it on her blog and she so generously offered to pass along the chart. I'm especially thrilled because I have so few true "summery" pieces that this one will be a joy to finish and display. Thank you, my friend--I can hardly wait to start stitching this one as soon as I purchase the threads...

Do you remember when I last posted, I was feeling a bit forlorn because my husband had gone on a skiing trip to Utah leaving me alone for Valentine's Day? Well, he tried to make up for it by leaving me this surprise box of chocolates--aren't they incredible? You can click on the photo to get a better view--each one is painted like a miniature work of art. Why, they were almost too pretty to eat--almost!! They came all tied up in that pretty pink, satin ribbon, too--just perfect. Yes, my dear husband is in my good graces again--he knows chocolate goes a long way toward winning my heart...

Is anyone else shocked at how quickly this year seems to be passing by? It's hard to believe March is nearly here, isn't it?! When I was up at my parents' home this weekend, we watched that charming movie, "My Dog Skip." My dad seems to be totally enchanted with children and dogs these days, so I thought it would be a perfect movie to make him smile... Anyway, a line from it really gave me pause:

"Why, in childhood and youth, do we wish time to pass so quickly - we want to grow up so fast - yet as adults we wish just the opposite?"

Do you remember those times? The days when it seemed like forever 'till you were allowed to walk to the store all by yourself, go on your first date, or learn to drive.... And then suddenly, time seemed to be passing by more and more quickly and you began to wish it would simply slow down. When did that change occur? For me, I think it happened when my sons were born. I just wanted to hold their tiny hands a bit longer while they crossed the street and shelter them a few more minutes from the reality--sometimes harsh--of the grown up world. And now, as my fifties seem to be whizzing by faster than any previous decade, I long for the world to slow down more than ever. I have no desire to go back in time or to relive my life at a younger age; I'm happy being at this stage of my life. I just think I need to be more mindful of things that are happening around me right at the moment and to take time to really enjoy even the smallest things in life to their fullest... How about you?

Well, that's all I have to share with you for now. Thank you, as always, for stopping by and taking the time to say "hello." I truly love hearing from each and every one of you and I so appreciate your kindness and friendship--you guys are the best! Wishing you all a wonderful week--and remember to slow down, treasure those simple moments, and take some time for yourself. Bye for now...


♥ Nia said...

Am I really the first one to comment here today?!?! :D wow!!! Usually you have more than 50 comments when I arrive here hehehehe It's nice to be the first one, I feel special :D ahahhaahhah Crazy girl, I know I am ;) LOL

First, thank you for sharing all the links! :)
I love your march ornament, the white really pops out on that fabric! Looks gorgeous :)

Lovely gift from your DH =) I bet those candies were as delicious as they look! :D

Have a great week my friend!!
Hugs&smiles to you :)

♥ Nia said...

yeap, I was the first one...
I had to say it one more time! :D ahhahahah

barbara said...

Gorgeous finishes as always. :) And I'm glad you were able to spend some time with your parents even if you did forget your needle. ;)

natalysneedle said...

Carol, all of your ornaments are beautiful. I love the finishing on the march ornament it's adorable..

cucki said...

wow beautiful finishes like always..i love them all so much..
love and hugs cucki xx

Nima said...

so nice to see all gorgeous finishes

Annie said...

What a gorgeous set of ornaments and all from freebies! Thanks so much for sharing those links. Some are definitely new to me.

Great job on your first flat finish. Vonna's tutes are a real treasure.

And candy too pretty to eat! Well.. if you must, force yourself! And I bet you can find a way to use the box later for some crafty project!

Christina said...

What a lovely post Carol. Yes indeed, time does seem to be passing by at an incredible speed. It doesn't seem 2 minutes ago that my baby was born and he's 1 next month. And don't get me started on my 'baby' girl starting school in September...I'm just not ready to even think about that yet!

Your ornies are beautiful. Thank you for sharing the links (I've saved them all already!) One of these years I'd like to stitch just freebies all year long. There are some lovely freebies out there - I'm sure it could be done!

The word verification seems to be getting a little easier. I've no doubt blogger has received many complaints!

Ellen said...

Gorgeous ornaments, love your finishings! Thank you for the freebie links!

Yes, the chocolates look too good to be eaten!


Catherine said...

Such a wonderful lost Carol! Your stitching and finishing is so amazing and as usual, very inspiring!
And oh, those chocolates! They are so pretty, almost too pretty to eat! Oh scratch that, of course you had to eat them!
Your comments on time are exactly what I have been feeling! I do remember wishing to grow up and be able to do things, and my mom telling me not to wish my time away!

priscilla said...

Love your 3 new ornaments ! They are all fabulous !!

Jennifer said...

Love your new ornaments Carol! My fav is the melting snowman. Once finished it is just wonderful! I finally have one for January done but have to get the sewing machine out . You are right about mac users . I don't seem to have any problem at all.The chocolates certainly are a work of art! Lucky you!Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. Always a pleasure to read.

MoonBeam said...

Three cute finishes and we appreciate the links.

Nice that you are spending time with your parents. And your thoughts on time passing are so true...seem to feel more true as each year flies by.

Have a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

I do love the idea of making Christmas ornaments all year long, but I'm a one work at the time kind of girl. After the Monet painting I'm cross stirching (slowly) I wll look at my Prarie Schooler schemes for Christmas. They were choosen by DH and since we both love Christmas, here we goooo!!Time is flying by and now we appreciate it much more than when we were young. Back then everything seemed so slow! Now, it runs at such a fast speed!!! The chocolates reminded me the ones we had at Jacques Genin in Paris! Lovely!!! A late Valentine is a good Valentine!!!


LoriU said...

Hello Carol,
Your finishes are beautiful! Love that melting snowman!

I remember my dad telling me not to rush thing...boy was he right!!

Elizabeth said...

You know I have been holding my breath until you showed those new ornaments.... such wonderful little treasurers. Of course I love those finishes! Your husband would love living here in Idaho. Out our front windows we can see the lighted ski runs at night! Enjoyed spending time with you this morning.....

Mary said...

Beautiful finishes Carol! Thank you for the links to your freebies....I especially like the chart from Balades et Broderies.

YAY! You're also a month ahead with your ornies....I suppose that will give you a little extra time to stitch up a special little treat for yourself (and your readers)

Oh, I completely agree with your thoughts on time passing.
I think once the kids grow up it flies.
Life is so unpredictable in so many ways that we need to take time to appreciate everyone,everyday and the gifts they bring into our lives.

HUGS to you dear friend,

Tricia said...

Thank you so much for sharing the links to the freebies - and for mentioning that there were links in your sidebar! I think I'll be printing some out today!

I love the little melted snowman. Adorable! My DMIL would love that for Christmas. I'm off to browse!! :)


marly said...

You certainly know how to showcase your stitching. The fabrics, trims, and finishing ideas are fabulous. You're absolutely right about our perception of time. Maybe if we become as anxious to reach 65 as we were to reach 18, time would seen slower!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful array of finished ornaments you have shared! I truly enjoy seeing how you finish your stitching! And thanks for the links!

Robin in Virginia

The Inspired Stitcher said...

What a great post today! I couldn't agree more about time. I find myself thinking exactly that same thought.

I love your ornaments! I had forgotten about that deer. I saved it a long time ago too. Seeing your version really makes me want to stitch it even more.

I'm glad your trip to your parents went fairly well and you arrived back home safely.

Have a great week!

Rachel S-H said...

Beautiful beautiful finishes!

Anonymous said...

I love all your finishes!

have a wonderful week!


Vickie said...

Thank you for smart, smart words Carol. I find myself saddened by the pulling away of my oldest teen(17 1/2). I know this is to be expected, just so hard. Beautiful stitching Carol. You can tell from my blog that I am addicted to freebies. :)

BrendaS said...

Carol --
Great to see a post from you! Glad you had a nice visit with your parents.

Your stitching and finishes are wonderful as always. LOVE that little treasure stitched on black! Just beautiful.

I agree with you about life just flying by. We all need to enjoy the every day things in our lives and take nothing for granted.

Have a good week my friend.

HUGS to you.

Jennifer said...

Beautiful, beautiful finishes!!! It always amazes me how lovely and creative your finishes are. Charts that I don't necessarily find appealing on their own are suddenly transformed into a "must have" when I see them done up by you.

And yes, time that seemed to drag by when I was a teenager and anxious to be an adult is flying away before my very eyes as my son grows up.

Kate said...

I like your 'finishes'. I have no problem x-stitching but the finishing is not easy for me ... still have lots to learn.

passionfruitprincess said...

Hi Carol! Cute finishes, I love the March one. Thanks for the links for the freebies, I love French blogs.
Your chocolates look divine...and I agree, time is going way too fast.
Have a wonderful day!

Gabriele said...

Hi Carol, wonderful ornies. I like the snowman and Carmelas' design turns out great on blue!
Hugs from germany, Gabi

Barb said...

Hi Carol - I have to agree with all the other comments - your ornaments are just beautiful - thanks for sharing them and the links to the freebies. I am always so impressed with the level of talent and the amazing generosity of stitchers out in the world.

I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you have been up to and your lovely stitching.

Rita said...

Beautiful finishes! Thanks so much for the links. (I think I'll be stitching that deer soon.)

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

What a wonderful post, Carol! Isn't it great to be able to spend time with your folks? Mine live quite a ways away and I miss them terribly and cherish the time we get to spend together. And yes indeed, time is passing much too quickly.

Absolutley fabulous finishes - every one is perfection! Well done!

Chocolates work wonders for me, too. The box you got are scrumptious!

Myra said...

Carol, I have said I want to stitch like you when I grow up and now I want to be able to write like you as well. You are so eloquent and the pics are just like buttercream icing on the cake! I am glad you enjoyed your visit with your parents. Thank you for the links and sharing your fabulous finishes. I totally agree with you on the aspect of time and wish we could just slow it down a bit. Did you finish off those chocolates yet? :0)

Laurie in Iowa said...

I love all three of your ornaments and your finishing is beautiful. That box of chocolates is beautiful too!

Margaret said...

Wow, your ornaments are so beautiful and beautifully finished too! That box of chocolates is pretty nice! Isn't it funny how time goes by more and more quickly as one ages? My DS is already feeling that time is going quickly and he's in high school. lol!

The Queen Bee said...

Lovely finishes, all of them. And, yes, time always goes either too slow or too fast.

PS....we have stores that sell needles! I'm just kidding. Sometimes those electronic time eaters are just too enticing.


Ranae said...

Wow! you are on track with the ornies and beautiful they are.
The chocolates look too pretty to eat, I bet they were delicious?!

Deborah said...

Those chocolates are wonderful! I would have had to look at them for awhile before I ate. lol Your finishes are beautiful. I just love all your finishing.

Solstitches said...

Another lovely post Carol.
I'm admiring your pretty new blog header which is perfect for spring.
Your little finishes are all gorgeous. I especially love the little house and the trim which looks a bit like homespun or is it ribbon?
Whatever, it looks fabulous.
Yes, the new word verification is just awful and I have changed to moderated comments on my blog to see how that goes.
I'm with you in wishing for time to go more slowly.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Those are lovely ornaments Carole. Thank you for putting a link to them:)I love the first one.
I am looking forward to seeing your Summer Splendour,I love this design too.

I, too,am in my fifties with sons of 30 and 25 and myself and my husband were watching videos yesterday from our holidays in the early and mid nineties of our family holidays as my husband has transferred them to DVD's, and while I don't feel I want to re live it, it was so special and it was a reminder of how quickly it all went.Our younger son says he carries his happy childhood with him and it has helped shape who and how he is today. We cannot ask for more than that :)

butterfly said...

Hello my sweet friend.
Once again your stitching just blows me away just so beautiful, love every one.
I have a Apple Book Pro, and the word verification was still not easy to do .
Hope your visit to your parents went well.
Wish I could stop the clock a little each day it just seems to go faster and faster.

Dani - tkdchick said...

As usual Carol you've made up some spectacular ornaments!

Daffycat said...

Your first three ornaments are wonderful, Carol. I especially like the one done on black fabric. I must do that!

Vonna's finishing tutorials are such a treat. I have the link to them on my finishing tutorial page.

Theresa said...

Wow~ I love your ornament finishes!!!! And they're free!! Awesome~

Lesleyanne said...

Your ornaments are gorgeous. Thank you for the links. I think this year is flying by again.

msmartello said...

Hi Carol,
Love the new ornaments. Great finishing on them. I too cannot believe we are in the 3rd month of the year already. I feel like when I have a day off, I don't get anything done b/c I have so much to do. sounds weird I know! I remember you said your family lives close to me. Next time you are in New York we should meet. I'd love to meet blogging friends.


Mary H said...

Love, love, LOVE these ornament finishes! Thanks for sharing your talents!

Deb said...

Very cute finishes!! That is too bad that you forgot your needle, but I'm sure your trip was wonderful and having an iPad is a great thing to have with you.

Alissa said...

Your blog is without a doubt my favorite blog EVER! You always have the most beautiful finishes. It inspires me to keep going!

Quiltsmiles said...

NIce finshes as typical. Glad you were able to visit with your parents and not be crazy without having your needle. WHat is their address? I will send you a package to their place just in case. Hehehe.
Lovely post, nice to reflect on and it is so true. Jane

Faye said...

I always draw inspiration from your crisp finishes Carol...Not ever have I been disappointed by your choices... I love to go back and look over some of the older freebies and previously stitched designs...Often, some of them warrant stitching again!

Take care my friend and glad you are back home.....Always, Faye

Barbi said...

I love you're freebie posts! I found a bunch that I want to stitch just following your links! Thank you...like I don't have enough to stitch already! LOL
Time is flying by! I'm happy at the age that I am at as well. I lived the life that I wanted...of course there are a couple of things that I would change...but I know that if I went and did that, I may not have what I have now. And I wouldn't trade that for anything. But yes...the time that I have now could slow down for sure. :) HUGS!

valerie said...

Wow! I have no idea how you keep track with your ornament a month challenge. They are all wonderful! I think my favorite one is the reindeer so far!

Time is totally flying! I wish it would slow down some. I feel like it's slipping through my fingers and there's so much to do!

Those are pretty chocolates! I am sure I will see some pretty ones this weekend. I am going to a chocolate exhibition...

Melissa said...

Lovely pieces, Carol! I love how you stitched and finished the Reindeer. That's such a lovely chart. Thanks for showing all the freebies!

I owe you an email but work is super busy so it will be later this week before I can reply!

Take care!

Veronica said...

Once again, beautiful, beautiful ornaments. You really have a knack for finishing each and every one of them so perfectly. I like the melted snowman best. So cute and the polka dot fabrci along with the red trim/silver bells... Just lovely.

I've never seen such gorgeous chocolates before. I don't know if I'll be able to actually eat one. They're too pretty. LOL!


Anne said...

Caro, thank you for posting those freebie links! I actually think I came across Melissa's when I first started blogging and finding out about the cross stitch world, and have adored that pattern! I forgot about it until now!! Love your 1 over 1 and your adorable finishes...for ALL your designs!!

As for time passing, just a moment ago, my friend and I were remarking that February passed by us like a snap of the fingers!! SLOW DOWN I SAY!!!

Those chocolates look scrumptious! I bet they were hard to eat. NOT!! After looking at the designs you start to think what they would taste like!!

Slowing down and enjoying some lovely moments,



Otter said...

I love your ornaments! They are fabulous. I haven't been very successful with linen so I just love drooling over the projects that others do on it.

Your comments about time flying by us as we get older made me stop and think again on how true it is that we spent so much time as children longing to grow up and now that we're there, we'd just like to be able to stop and smell the roses every once in a while. Kind of made me a little weepy tonight (in a good way though). So thanks for that!

boysmum2 said...

Those stitchings are so cute, I too love freebies, thanks for giving us some links to them

Mouse said...

ooooo well first of all thanks for the enabling , secondly thanks for the drool fest of beautifully finshed ornaments mmmm wish I could have a few lessons off you :) and I am with you on the slow down you move to fast gotta make the morning last now, bit ...lol
happy stitching :) love mouse xxxx

Lois said...

Carol, you always find the cutest freebies! I will be following the links as soon as I have posted this comment.

I totally agree about time going too quickly. Here we are, having an extra day to enjoy but it still feels unbelievable to me that we're heading into March. Christmas just seems like a moment ago!

Those chocolates look scrumptious and I'm sure they tasted just as good!!

Giovanna said...

Very cute finishes, well done!
And no, captchas aren't easy to read on a Mac :-)

Kate said...

Lovely finishes. I love the melting snowman!
I think life goes faster because we are busyier.

Siobhán said...

What fantastic finishes, Carol!! They are so pretty, and your finishing sets them off so nicely. I just love that little melting snowman guy--too cute.

My husband and I were just discussing how fast time is going by! I was saying to him that I remember sitting in school, watching the clock, thinking that each small move of the hands took years to do. Now, I am just getting ready for autumn but it's nearly the end of March--and autumn has passed me by. Crazy!!

Julie said...

Wonderful selection of ornaments, you finish them off so beautifully Carol. Thanks for the link to them, I can see them being added to my ever increasing pile.
I think as mums we all want time to slow down, I can hardly believe that my darling Isabelle is now 9 months old,, how can that be?
Your choccies look amazing, I bet they were really yummy.
Much love xxx

Nancy M said...

Great post as usual! First, those 2 word comments are driving me nuts! I find it hard to believe that everyone with blogger needs to use them. I wish everyone would turn them off. Love all the freebies and it's so nice for you to share the links in the post. I had no idea that deer was on the Tantes Zolder site. I have done several of the geometric patterns from there. Your finishing is awesome and I love Vonna's tutorials too. She has really helped me become a better finisher. I am still working on my craft room and we are leaving on vacation tomorrow, so my update will still be a few weeks in the making! I am happy with it so far though!

Annette said...

How is it with your parents?
I don't like it too the new word verification.. I also have removed it.. and I got my first troll.. so also nobody can comment anyous anymore.

Ow great more freebies... I also love stitching freebies!!!
Your January piece is so lovely.. thanks for the link.
And you finfished it op so beautifull... lovel al the buttons on that picture..

You February piece also really is a cutie.. you stitched it so lovely with your colors.. and you finished it up so wonderfull.. lovely ribbon.. and those buttons, really finished it =)))

Saved the link from you March piece.. really love it!!!
Your white looks so great on that fabric.. I only have white fabric, so it don't loook like that, but it's really beautifull
I went to Vonna's blog.. saved it.. how great all those tutorials..
You finish it off so lovely

You have three lovely ornaments... still 9 more to go...lol

Enjoy stitching the piece you got!!!

mmmm those chocolates.. I think you had a great lonely day them them..hihi =))))

yes I know what your mean.. when I was little I also wanted time to fly by.. but now, it can stay still for a while.. the kids are flying so fast.. Both are walking.. terring down my house...lol..... I wish they could stay that way for a while... in a few years... they we be out of ther one!!!

How it it with your March pieces???

Have a great week

Sally said...

Oh Carol your ornament finishes are just divine! I love them all and have been over and downloaded the freebies. I don't know when I'll get around to stitching them but they are all so sweet and you finished them so beautifully.

Those chocolates are gorgeous!

Lynn said...

Your finishes are fabulous as always but I have to tell you I giggled when I saw the one you did based on Melissa's finish.

At some point in time I saved a pic of Melissa's finish for a future stitch but forgot to put down where the chart was located. I have spent the past few weeks looking for that chart and only just this weekend found its location online. Would you believe I had it in my folder of online freebies all along?! I had already pulled the floss to start it and then I spotted your finish. Too funny! We do think alike!

Time is definitely speeding up! I've noticed it even more since I retired. My son says that it hit him when his daughters were born. He had heard me remark on it before but never really noticed until the girls came along. Now everything seems to be in fast motion!

Kathy A. said...

Wonderful little stitches. Love the ornaments especially that poor melting snowman!
Glad you liked the pattern and I do like your idea of passing it on when you are done.
Sending hugs my friend.

Elia said...

dear friend
your works are lovely, I always fall in love with these designs simple but so beautiful.
I'm glad you to spend some days with your parents.
I think it's wonderful the great detail of your husband, uauuuu prefer not to see them bigger, I would pass the screen, I love chocolate!


eljardindemiduende ^^

Coco Cross Stitcher said...

Your ornament finishes are just gorgeous. I wish I had the time at the moment
x catherine

Christine said...

All your ornament finishes are gorgeous, I'm off to print off some of those charts now

Barb said...

Nice pieces. And that box of candy looks really good. I enjoy your blog, it's always very interesting.

Michele B. said...

Whether they are freebies or not, you always do such wonderful things with a needle and thread and the gorgeous linens you choose. I especially like Noel on black. Thanks for the links!

How nice to be gifted with Summer Splendor. That's on my wish list - it's my favorite of the newer LHN designs. The chocolates look so scrumptious - I hope you gave in to temptation and ate them.

Your rumination on time is very timely, no pun intended. My 12 year old son's time stretches out before him endlessly, it seems, while mine flies by. Lately he's been worried about what his life will be like when my husband and I are gone. I try to reassure him that it won't happen for a long time, but sometimes the thought crosses my mind too. I guess we just have to make the most of life and relationships when we have them.

Ms. Wright said...

As always, amazing work, Care. I don't quite know how you do it. I definitely like the black background...very different. Glad you had a good journey to NY...I hope your Words with Friends addiction didn't have you pulling off on the drive to get some playing time in. Thanks again for sharing your talents!

Mavi. said...

Hi Carol. Very nice your ornaments. I like the finish you, especially the snowman.
The graph of the deer I have it waiting to be embroidered.
And yes, I too spent his time is very slow and now it has begun to run and run, perhaps too much. I think I will be doing many things, I try to enjoy every day.

Nicola said...

I love your posts Carol, they are like having a chat and a catch up.

I am so glad that you like your ipad, I would be lost without mine.

Bekca said...

Gorgeous ornaments Carol, they will make a stunning addition to your Christmas tree.
I can't believe how quick time is flying by, I'm over half way through my first year of Uni and it only seems like yesterday was results day. I feel like I'm achieving a lot though, so even if most days are jam-packed, at least I go to sleep content :)
Best wishes.

Patty C. said...

Summer Splendor is a lovely chart ;)

Hilda said...

Dear Carol!
Your are speaking to me from the heart! Not only, that I love each of your new ornaments (the little snowman is waiting to be stitched by me, too) but also your words about the time running so quickly.
Although - the first weeks in every year I really like to pass quickly - because I am awaiting spring very impatiently. But then ....

Thank you for your wonderful pictures, links to freebies and, of course, words.

Have a nice weekend, dear friend!


Sweet Sue said...

Oh Carol, your flat mount turned out smashing, love the colors you chose, kudos! Vonna's truly a wonderful inspiration fur us all. I've two perfectly good needles somewhere down in the couc, they could've been yours:) xoxo

Mary said...

Hi Carol
a beautiful selection of ornaments. I especially loved the melting snowman and loved the way you finished it. I must pop over to Vonna and see if she can get me enthused about doing some finishing.

Jennifer M. said...

Wonderful post Carol!

I too hate the new word verification stuff. I've advised fellow bloggers to just turn it off and disable the Anonymous posts option.

Very lovely ornaments you made. They all turned out darling.

Your husband did good with the chocolates. My honey knows to buy me flowers to get back in my good graces.... sometimes. :)

The quote from that movie is so true. I'm 28 but I can still remember as a child wishing to grow up fast. Now I wish I could go back and do some of it over. But oh well...one day at a time is the best way to live and enjoy each moment.

Take Care ;)

Penny said...

Your ornaments are stitched beautifully and the finishes are perfect! Love that little snowman. :)
Those chocolates are incredible!
The older I get, the more aware of time I am. It does seem to pass all too quickly.

Anonymous said...

I love all your ornaments so far, especially the melting snowman! That bird is too funny! I love how you finished it and the Noel one, so pretty! I really like the colors of the Noel one, and the heart shaped smoke :) Sweet!

Oh my goodness, the chocolates look divine! I bet it was hard to eat the first one, huh? I've never seen such pretty chocolate!

Can't wait to see what else you're stitching in March. Did you find any cute smalls for St. Patty's? I know there's a couple at the Rainbow Gallery website. There's also one there called Summer Fun that I can just picture in your wooden bowl ;) Just look at that little ant!

Have a nice weekend,
Donna in WV

Melanie said...

Love love love the new ornaments! They are all DARLING. I think the snowman HAS to be my favorite though because of the spindly legged crow. How can you not fall in love that?

Thank you so much for providing links to the designs! I saved them all to my computer because they are all great.

Brigitte said...

Oh Carol, what new beauties you show us here. It's always amazing to see your wonderful and creative finishing ideas. And thanks for the links to the freebie sites.
I'm also very happy with my age and wouldn't like to be younger - particularly because I'm only one year away from retirement, lol.

Peggy Lee said...

I wish I was disciplined enough to commit to an ornament a month. I admire all of you who do this. I love that melting snowman!

I had a dream last night that my 26 year old was 2 again!


Time goes by way too fast!!

Kathy Ellen said...

This was a really fun post, Carol. I loved seeing your beautiful 'freebie' finishes, and appreciate your sharing the links to those websites too.

I share in your feelings about life fleeting so slowly in our youth, but in adulthood, time seems to whiz by, doesn't it? I can remember when my children were small, and I used to wish that I could just keep them "little" for a while longer. It is so true that as we get older, we seem to appreciate the simpler things of life, and be glad for each new day and what it adds to our lives.

Kathy K said...

Greetings Carol, just found your blog and have spent HOURS looking over your wonderful work. I love the ornaments and all the "small" work you do AND finish - yes, the oh-so illusive finishing - the bane of my stitching endeavors! Love the freebie links too - looking forward to future posts, thanks!

Meari said...

Forgetting a needle sounds like something I'd do. Too bad there wasn't a shop nearby where you could get another one. I hope you had a nice visit with your parents, though.

I took word verification off my blog, too. I've gotten spammed 3 times already, but since I have to approve each comment they were caught.

What's your user ID on Word with Friends? I play with the BF and sometimes with strangers, LOL

Your finishes are just devine. I love the snowman one. You give me such inspiration.

Time does seem to fly by so fast now. Like you, I wish it would just slow down.

Anonymous said...

SOme really lovely stitching and stunning finishes. Well done.

Joy said...

What a great blog!! I appreciate you sharing the links to the freebies. I recently returned home from a 1000 mile roundtrip visit to help my parents...had my needle but not enough time. Those chocolates are beautiful and I bet yummy! LOL

♥marylin♥ said...

bisous de france, my dear

xxxxx mary

Andrea said...

Sorry I'm a bit late but I did want to comment on this post. :)

Love all of your ornaments and your finishing of them. Looking at the chart, I agree the reindeer looks better as you have stitched it.

I don't know how time seem to go faster. You can guarentee at least once a month that you'll be saying "this time last year" and it only seems like the day before!

Jackie said...

Good day Carol. How very kind of you to post all the freebie links to your adorning ornaments. Yes!!! Time is passing by and was thinking just the other day, how I need to find some "time" to get out some ornies for gifts this year. Is that going to happen? I do not know.
Vonna indeed is a wonderful stitcher and she too is so kind to post her tutorials for others to finish their goods. What a treasure box she creates.
I see you are moving on with Summer Splendor; that should be a fun stitch.
What a cute surprise of chocolates too.
and finally, yes! I do remember as a youth wanting time to pass quickly, and yes, now I want it to slow down. Must be part of our life cycle.
This year I've been slowing me and things down mentally and by circumstance...doing more enjoying the process of stitching and creating.
Thank you so very much as it is always a joy to come and read.

Pumpkin said...

I despise that new word verification thing! I have 20/20 vision and even I have trouble!

Your first ornament is adorable and LOVE the colors on that black fabric :o)

Your second ornament has such delicate colors and is beautifully finished!

Your third ornament is just darling! Thanks so much for including the links to these fabulous designs.

Are those actual chocolates you can eat????

I completely agree with you Carol but right now I wish the next month would fly by so I can get this whole thing over with! LOL! After that, it can slow back down again ;o)

Edit said...

I love all your new finishes Carol, but that melting snowman is absolutely my favourite this time :) Here we do not get to see too much snow in the winter, well winter I think I only saw snow once. So building a snowman is impossible :( I remember when we used to build them when I was a child.

Have a lovely weekend!

Kay said...

Lovely gift from your husband, lucky girl! Glad to hear the visit with your parents went well. Your stitching is beautiful! As always thanks for sharing with us!

Valentina said...

Your ornaments are lovely! Both the stitching and the finishing.

Carolyn NC said...

Agreed to all! The WWF (addicting isn't the word!) LOL
...the time flying by, the WV (hate them...) and the freebies!

Vinniey said...

Wow!! So sweet of your husband! Those chocolates are so "art" and too pretty to eat! I like the third one on the bottom row from the left.

Your "Noel" is beautiful! Love the creative idea of heart shaped smoke. :) And the color combination is very nice too. Well done on the finished also. Your February ornament is adorable, Carol! Cute pattern for your March ornament! And cute finished too. The black fabric you've chose is so well match with the bright burgundy ribbon.

Summer splendor is beautiful and I just can't wait to see the progress; so hurry to get all the threads. :)

Happy stitching!

Unknown said...

all very fantastic...it's so all beautiful
ciao Pat