Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winter Circle

Hello everyone! We've had some snow here in western Pennsylvania this week and it is so fresh and peaceful looking. Not sure if it was the snow or what, but yesterday I had this odd feeling that something was calling my name. I instinctively was drawn to the large wooden armoire in my family room. Slowly, I opened the second drawer on the left where I keep my finishes and "almost finishes" and there, on the very top, lay an angry mob of eyeless snowpeople. "Give us some eyes, Carol," they seemed to shout! "Hey, how about some buttons!" "Come on, lady, let us out of our dark prison--we've been shut up in here since 2007!" I sighed and reached for the little snowmen and women, gathered some black and white beads, my needle, thread, and scissors and within 90 minutes, I had a new finish. I even added some white beads in the center snowflake that weren't actually called for on the chart!

So what took me so long? It's simple: I really don't enjoy beading. Oh, I admire all of your beautifully beaded pieces, don't get me wrong. But, for some reason, I just don't like sewing on beads. Stitching beaded edges on ornaments doesn't bother me at all, it is just sewing beads onto fabric itself. How you stitchers stitch those intricately detailed beaded beauties just amazes me! What patience you must have...After three years, I'm thrilled to have "Winter Circle" (stitched on 28ct. summer khaki Lugana with DMC threads) by The Cricket Collection finally finished. They really are a winsome bunch, aren't they?

So which one is your favorite?

Do you like the grand couple off to the
opera? Don't you love his top hat and little vest.
And how about her turban with her golden yellow shawl?

Or maybe, you're partial to this little cutie.
Doesn't she remind you of Little Red Riding Hood?

Or perhaps, you like the simple casual look on this guy.
I think he might be the jeans and t-shirt type.

Or how about Mr. Prep with his argyle vest?
I think he just might be my personal favorite!

Or do you like one of the other three the best? I can't wait to get this framed and up on my wall for the rest of the winter. Finally finishing up this circle of snowmen gave me a much-needed break from slowly plugging along on "Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow."

Now, doesn't this look like fun? This is my progress so far on the infamous Block 11 of Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow. UGH! Black, black, and more black. It is really questionable whether or not I can finish this block and the final one by December 31st. I'm trying my hardest, but you all know how many other things there are to do this month! I haven't even begun my Christmas shopping or cards, but at least we got the tree up today! It is sitting in my sunroom as I write this, just waiting for its decorations.

Although I haven't begun my shopping yet, I've already received my very first Christmas present from my friend, Cindy, who thoroughly spoiled me with these goodies. She not only stitched this darling bird ornament from the 2010 JCS Ornament Issue, but also sent some delightful fabrics, red heart buttons, and the tiniest Hallmark Goldfinch ornament. I told her I had been thinking about starting a collection of those miniature Hallmark ornaments and so now it is official. I just love everything, Cindy, and your generous and giving spirit certainly exemplifies the Christmas season.

I'm feeling very old today because my middle son turned 25 yesterday! A quarter of a century ...unbelievable. He and my oldest son came over for their weekly Sunday dinner and to help decorate the tree today and this is what he is being rewarded with--his favorite dessert. Giant Chocolate Eclair Dessert--YUMMMMM... It really does taste like a Chocolate Eclair, but it's much easier to make. (If anyone would like the recipe, just email me.) So, "Happy, Happy 25th Birthday" to my dear middle son; I wish you a year filled with unexpected joys, love, and laughter... (and, hopefully, a job that you enjoy more than your current one!).

Well, I've rambled on long enough for now. I need to get the troops organized and get this Christmas tree decorated. I can't wait to pull out all of my treasured ornaments--they always bring smiles and laughs along with a few nostalgic and teary memories. Thank you all for visiting and for your wonderful comments and emails--they really mean so much to me! Bye now...


Catherine said...

Oh Carol! Those snowmen and ladies are so cute! It's too hard to pick a favorite!

Wow! That's a lot of black to stitch in that block. It will be stunning when all completed though!

What a sweet gift from Cindy - I love the stitched ornament!

Happy Birthday to your middle guy! I guess he and I have something in common as that is one of my favorite desserts to make! Okay, I'll admit it, and to eat too!

Have a wonderful week!

Annie said...

Those snow people are the cutest things ever. I've never seen that chart before. How on Earth could you let them sit in a drawer like that!

Just get in a Zen like state and stitch that black while you meditate!

Wonderful gifties from Cindy. Enjoy!

Birthday greetings to your son. Worth getting older if you get to eat something as yummy as that dessert!

gracie said...

oh alright, if I have to pick one, it would be red riding hood...or maybe the simple casual guy...they are all so cute.

Joanie said...

They are all too cute to just pick one! I like the casual guy though...jeans and flannel shirts, just my style!

Tricia said...

I like simple casual guy!! What a wonderful finish. And that ornament is on my Crazy January challenge list to make for my DD for next Christmas. I might have to go find that goldfinch ornie, too. She'd love it! Have fun decorating!

The Queen Bee said...

I LOVE the circle of snowpeople. So darn cute. The detail is wonderful. I really like beading. I would have happily done it for you!

Happy Birthday to my birthday buddy! And, yes, I'd love the recipe as my husband likes eclairs.

I hope you take a picture of your tree.


Friendship Crossing said...

Oh dear, I would sure have trouble picking out a favorite snowman/woman! LOL They turned out so adorable Carol!!! too cute!
That black would be monotonous(sp)?
I love seeing your projects.

You sound like me, I'm bad for not finishing certain ones till I finally get the 'urge' or 'whisper' like you did! Maybe I need a 'shout'! ha

I'm currently working on a wool piece w/beads, so I know how you feel.

Cindy's Stitching said...

Oh Carol, I love all of the snowmen. I can't pick just one. I have never seen that chart before. I am not crazy about the beading either, but I always like how it looks when it is done. How do you know you started it in 2007? Do you date it or do you just remember. I do not have a good memory, I would never remember. Glad you like all of your goodies, giving for me really is christmas. Happy Birthday to your son. The cake looks so good. I am not a great baker. I do know the best bakery to go to in my area.

Melissa said...

Oh that cake looks yummy. Happy B-day to your boy. I suppose we do feel older as they grow older, but I'm sure you're proud as punch too!

The snow people are just so cute. I'm glad you finished them and well before Christmas!

Enjoy your snow, Carol!

Lisa V said...

I think I agree with you, my favourite is Mr Argyle Vest. Lovely finish!

Vicki said...

What a great project. Your snowmen/ladies turned out so cute!

Peggy Lee said...

Well if I was FORCED to pick would be the little red caped cutie. They are all adorable though. Congrats on the finish.
I don't envy you with all that black work but it will all be worth it in the end!

Chris said...

Hey Carol,
I love all the snow people and cannot pick a favorite.
I love the ornaments that your friend sent. I get the hallmark ones every year for my MIL.
Have a great week!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Sometimes we can no longer ignore the voices! I'm glad you listened to them, they're so cute!

We just got our tree up today too. I'm glad it's up, everything looks so much more festive.

It looks like you're doing well with Block 11. Everything else slows down for me during the holidays while I go through all the preparations.

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on getting the beads done on your beautiful snow people! I'm not fond of beading either, or french knots for that matter. Love the block on your Christmas at HRH piece. It's going to be so beautiful!

Barbi said...

I just love your posts Carol, I feel like I could sit down and chat with you all day!! I love the snowman cirle and I'm glad that they pulled you to their dark place. I love all of them but I think that I am partial to the casual guy. LOL
I can hardly wait to see pics of your tree! Have fun! I love Christmas!!

Bonnie said...

Carol,I really love the Winter Circle design. it has been calling to me for several years. Now that I saw your beautiful finish I know I am going to have to start mine.

Belinda said...

Hi Carol,
I love all the little snowmen but I think red riding hood is my favourite, what a gorgeous piece. Well done on getting it finished.

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE your Winter Circle - I could not pick which snowman was my favorite I love them all!!

Great giftie - friends are such a treasure aren't they.

My kids came down today to decorate our trees - sure does make the Christmas season seem more real. Boy do I have a lot to get done - LOL!

Veronica said...

Those snowmen and women are too cute! Congratulations on the finish. I like them all though the one at six o'clock is my favourite.

Deborah said...

I can't pick one, they are all too cute! Can't wait to see how you will frame it.

Theresa said...

Those snowmen are soooo cute!!!! I love them all!!!!!

Happy birthday to your son~~~~

Hazel said...

The snowmen are fab! I like the one in the blue spotty cape best. The cake looks gorgeous. x

Lee said...

I am so glad you finished the piece....its truly delightful.... which one thats to hard to decide.

Cath said...

Love all of your snow peeps .
Happy Birthday to your DS .X

Shari said...

good morning Carol! Congrats on finishing the snowmen & women! I think my favorite is the one you said looks like jeans & t shirt guy! He is just too cute!!!
Happy birthday to your fun to have the boys home to work on your tree. It is just hubby & I here & he has no desire to even decorate. He said we could go without a tree....I told the dog HE COULD GO WITH ME to pick a tree & he & I would decorate it!!!!

Vinniey said...

Oh.. the cake looks so yummy, Carol. Happy belated birthday to your son. I can see all the snow people looks so happy now with their eyes and buttons! (LOL).. all of them are so beautiful; I love them all. Especially love the center part with beads, very nice!

Beautiful gifts from your friend. I hope you can start stitching the block 12 before end of the year.

Happy stitching. Cheers!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I love ALL the darling snowmen in that darling finish! SO CUTE!!!

That cake...YUM-O! And a happy belated birthday to your dear son :) My dear sons turned 11 on Dec. 4...a good day to have a baby, right?!

Margaret said...

Happy belated birthday to your son! Wow, 25! Love the pressie you received! And your stitching! Just wonderful! I love all the snowmen for sure! Hope that block on CaHRH doesn't throw you off schedule. Looks like you're doing well with it!

natalysneedle said...

Love your Winter Circle. It's so cute! I love all of the different snowmen/women in their neat little circle.

Mary said...

Ahhh yes, the wonderful nostalgia that comes with trimming the Christmas tree and carefully hanging those delicate little treasures.
Your snow people are gorgeous - can't choose a favourite, although maybe the one with the long scarfe. Wonderful gifts from your friend, and the best of all, your progress on CHRH. I can't wait to see this one finished. What linen are you using and what threads ? This is very high on the list for an early 2011 start, so I am trying to ignore your comments about all that black. It will be wonderful.

KarenV said...

What a gorgeous finish Carol! I love all the little snowpeople :) Funnily, I'm the opposite of you - I don't mind stitching beads onto the piece (not my favourite job, but it's OK), but beaded edgings are my least favourite type of finishing - I find them way too fiddly! ;)

Happy Birthday to your son, that looks like a scrummy cake :)

Kay said...

First off happy birthday to your son! I love the snowmen, I collect snowmen to begin with so anything with snowmen or women I am a pushover. What a nice little gift you got from Cindy!

Angela said...

As soon as I saw those Snowmen I had to run on over and see which design they were! I LOVE them all, can't pick one and I'm so glad you gave them some eyes etc.

What a lovely gift you rec'd too!

Patty C. said...

I just love snowmen at Christmas - What a GREAT design - I adore it - You did a wonderful job !!!!!!! I am going to have to get that pattern !!!!!!

Ranae said...

I love and adore snowmen, so this one is really really cool. I don't really have a favorite, they are all so cute.
Nice progress on 11, good luck with it!
Super cute birdie ornie and package from Cindy
My son turned 25 this year too

Rachel S-H said...

An hour and a half of irritation for a beautiful finish! Great job!

Can't wait to see your CAHRH finish!

Meari said...

My favorite snowman(lady) is the one in red! Congrats on finally finishing it up. It's adorable.

Happy Belated Birthday to your DS. :)

Nice Christmas exchange.

BrendaS said...

What a BEAUTIFUL finish. 90 minutes and you get to cross another finish off the list! I like them all so it's hard to pick a favorite.

I hope you had fun decorating your tree. Isn't it fun to think about all the memories the ornaments bring back? My daughters think I'm crazy every year when I get tears in my eyes but one day it will happen to them.....

Have a great week.

Lesleyanne said...

Your snowmen/women are stunning.

♥ Nia said...

Since 2007?!? oh my! how could you? Lol!
It's such a pretty project, I really love it :D
My favorite? 'Little Red Riding Hood' for sure! lol That one was the first to catch my eye :) Love them all!!! :))))

Lovely gift from Cindy :)

Happy Birthday to your son :D
Have a great week!!

Melanie said...

I love this piece!! It's just gorgeous. :)
I think my fav one is the argyle sweater snowman - I'm a sucker for argyle for some reason. lolol

Happy Birthday to your son!

Mary said...

Hi Carol,
Winter Circle looks great...that's on my "to do" list. I bought the chart for "Leaves" and that's as far as I ever got! It's hard to pick a favorite...they all have their own little personality :)

I have faith that you WILL finish CaHRH in time for the New Year.
It will be a stunning piece for which you can be sooo proud.

What an adorable treat from Cindy...she's so thoughtful. the bird ornament is one of my favorites.

Happy Birthday to Andrew! What a cake!! If any is left, I'm coming to your house! No, you are NOT OLD....but I know well what you mean. I felt that way when my youngest went to college but quickly snapped out of that mindset!

Hope you get a few precious moments of stitching during these next few weeks.

*HUGS* dear friend,

Myra said...

Those snowmen (and women) are just cuter than cute! I love their little outfits. Aren't you glad you let them out of the armoire and finished them up? Lovely gifts from Cindy. I collected those mini Hallmark ornaments several years ago, I need to find them. Happy Birthday to your son - the years just fly by, don't they?

Nancy said...

I love your snow people Carol! You did such an amazing job of stitching them. I think my favorite is the upside down lady with the turquoise cape and little black hat.

Happy birthday to your son!

Edit said...

Your snowmen and women all look so cute. I am not surprised they were shouting to get out from the drawer! :) I like all of them, but I can understand you about beading... I don't know if I will ever do any beaded piece at all...

Good luck with the block of Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow. So much black... But think about the result, it is going to look absolutely beautiful!

I can't wait to see photos of your Christmas tree. We only have a tiny tiny one, not more than 50 cm, but at home we used to have big ones with lots of ornaments. Here the big tradition is to set up a big nativity scene, with lots of figures.

Good luck with all the preparations for Christmas and have a nice week!

Sally said...

Oh wow, Carol, what an adorable finish! I couldn't choose between them. They are all gorgeous!

Lovely gift from Cindy.

Now that is a lot of black on Christmas! Rather like all the blue of the sea on Shores!

Happy Birthday to your son :)

Blu said...

What a cute cute finish! I have to go for the gentleman in the vest. (There's just something about well dressed guys ;)

Cute mail from Cindy. The goldfinch is so cute.

Daisy said...

I love them all, are precious.

Winter Circle is a really wonderful, every detail is great.

A big hug

Lynn said...

This is just the cutest little piece Carol! I've never seen this one before. I think Miss Red Riding Hood is my favourite of the group. I'm a bit like you. I think I dislike beading and keep putting it off but once I get started I seem to enjoy it alright.
Happy Birthday to your son! My middle son is celebrating 26 yrs next week. I can't believe how fast the time is passing now. My eldest will be 30 in January!!

Martine said...

I love your snowmen and women, Carol and I prefer Miss Little Red !
Congrats to Cindy !!!! His ornaments is beautiful and I love very much his robin.... He is so pretty !!!
I hope that you will show us your Christmas tree !!
Happy birthday to your son !
Have a good day, Carol !

Brigitte said...

Oh Carol, what a pity that all those interesting snowmen and snowwomen had to spend so much time in your drawer. It was high time that you finished them and gave them eyes to look at the snowy world, lol. Wonderful finish!
Don't say you're old. What can I say then, as my youngest son turns 30 today??? We are just as old as we feel, aren't we?

Julie said...

Belated birthday wishes to your son, his dessert looks very tasty

That sure us a lot of black on HrH although it will look so lovely when the block is completed

Thos little snowfolk are so cute, not sure i could pick a favourite, how lovely that is out of the drawer and finished in time for the festive season

Super gift from Cindy

Barb said...

The snow people are adorable! I like the lady with the blue shaw. She looks feisty! Do you think you will do a round mat for this?

Don't know what it is about Christmas this year. I just can't seem to get in the swing of it and plans to make many ornaments are going by the wayside. I will keep stitching Christmas through January probably.

That cake looks to die for. YUMMY!

Bekca said...

Congrats on such a lovely finish Carol, I think the Casual Guy is my favourite, his scarf is the best. I don't mind beading actually and I think it makes a lovely effect. What a great gift to receive from Cindy, she's very kind. Happy Birthday to your son and enjoy putting up your festive tree - that's one of my favourite parts of the holiday! Best wishes.

Daffycat said...

I definitely go for the Scotsman in the Argyle sweater!!! Awesome finish, Carol!!!

Nancy said...

Love Winter Circle! Everytime I see it posted I say I am going to dig it out of my stash and stitch it. Maybe this time for sure. Yours looks wonderful. I'm with you on beading. I usually substitute over one or french knots, which I don't like either! Great finish! Nancy

Giovanna said...

Hang on with the black, you're past the worst (all the fireworks, yuck)! And block 12 goes very very fast.

Congrats on Winter Circle, what a cute bunch!

Annette said...

They Snowmen and women are so beautifull. You will have a lot of fun watching them, when it's framed!!
I like the little miss Red Riding Hood... So cute.
Your new block on CaTRH looks very black, hopefullt it isn´t getting tired..
What a beautifull gifts you got.
Happy nirthday on your son... and ow that cake looks so yummy..

Andrea said...

A wonderful finish. They're all adorable.

Wendy said...

wauw Carol, I love your snowmen !
it´s definitely not a good thing for me to look around here so often, I see way to many thing that I like !

cake looks jummy, not that we haven´t been having enough sweets and cookies...........

Unknown said...

Your Snowpeople are so appealing, each with some piece of attire that makes it special. My favorite is the "Little Red Riding Hood" look.

Andrew's cake look soooooo good.
Hope he had a wonderful day.

Such nice gifts from Cindy. Mom.

Lois said...

I don't know that I can pick a favourite snowman from this gorgeous piece! They are all so cute and you will enjoy being able to finish it now that the dreaded beads have been added. Hopefully the little bit of a break you've had from CaHRH will take you back refreshed to all that black stitching! I can understand how boring that has become! You are so nearly there though, what an achievement to have worked on this throughout the year. What a lovely gift to receive in the mail!

Birthday greetings to your son - that dessert looks delicious!

Kathy A. said...

Oh Carol - so slow catching up on blogs and look what I missed. I love your circle of Snowmen. They are all so sweet and have such character.

Veerle said...


love your blog! it looks great. Love all the small ornaments you make. For me it's mostly bigger projects to frame!


Mavi. said...

I can stay with all the snowmen? if you're nice, the rest too.
Congratulations to your son for his 25 th anniversary.
I use a translator.
You could put one on your blog?
Congratulations on your work.

Pumpkin said...

Gorgeous finish and I can't believe it took you this long to finish it! I love the casual fellow :o) I wasn't sure I liked this design but the fabric you used really makes it pop. Can you tell me what color that is?

Oh wow...that is a LOT of stitching! You're going to be cutting it close girl ;o)

Lovely gifties that you received. The little gold finch is adorable!

Happy Birthday to your DS :o)

Siobhán said...

Happy belated birthday to your son! That dessert looks mighty yummy! ;)

CONGRATULATIONS on the finish! The Strawberry Sampler had that as a model for some time (don't know if they still do) and I always loved it. I am not a fan of beading, either. I don't know why, it certainly adds to the piece and is so pretty, but I just don't enjoy that last step.

Nice progress on the 11th block, too!

barbara said...

Those snowpeople are so utterly adorable!! :D I don't mind sewing beads to a project, but I cannot for the life of me do a nicely beaded edge (and I love how they look, so that's really sad).

Happy birthday to your son!

Shirley said...

The snowmen circle is adorable, I love them all but there is something I like about the snowlady with the pink scarf, she looks very business like and unflappable. Just the sort of person (or snow person) you need around Christmas time.
all the best,

Olga said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your son! Your "Winter Circle" is gorgeous! They all are so cute!

Lee Albrecht said...

Que desenho e bordado lindo... os Bonecos de Neve parecem ter vida.
Feliz 2011!!

Lindaiá Campos said...

è lindo você poderia passar o gráfico?

Unknown said...

Dear Carol
My mother is going to make me a Christmas cloth and I would like to have the circle of snowmen, that you have made - it's so nice!

Do you by any chance have a pattern?

Best regards from Denmark

Kitty Fix said...

I LUV IT! Where can I get the pattern? You made a gorgeous job of it.

Kaisievic said...

So gorgeous, Carol, thanks for sharing the finish on IG in 2020! I didn't start blogging until 2011 so I am thinking now that I should go back and check out all of your earlier posts.