Good morning! It's so hard to believe this is the very last day of May, isn't it? I hope you are all excited for some warmer weather like I am... This last week has really warmed up in western Pennsylvania, but I spent most of it laid up with the flu. I can't remember the last time I was that sick--cold, cough, fever, chills, the whole achy body thing--ugh! But, I'm just about "normal" now (other than a lingering cough) and I wanted to get one last post in before the month was over...
I actually have just one finish to share with you, but first, I want to thank you for your always appreciated comments on my last post. I guess the insect art freaked a few of you out, didn't it? Not my thing, either, but it was creepily fascinating anyway! I've been stitching, but some of it is for gifts so I can't share them with you yet. This finish was actually a gift, too, sent to my sweet Canadian friend, Melissa. She isn't cross-stitching these days, but is happily spending time with her sewing machine so I made this cute With Thy Needle and Thread piece for her sewing room.
"Pin Feathers" |
The colors in this second photo of "Pin Feathers" are more "true"--really soft and pretty. I used the suggested colors and stitched this one on 40 ct. flax Newcastle. I made a simple flat hanging ornament backed with the fabric on the right and topped off with handmade cording and a blue-gray gauzy ribbon. Melissa wrote that she has it hanging near her sewing board to remind her of me. Awww... I'm so glad she likes it! I love it so much that I plan on making one for myself one of these days.
With Thy Needle and Thread "Pin Feathers" finish |
The only other stitching I can share with you today is a larger (for me!) piece that I have stitched only a quarter of so far. Here is a sneak peak--can any of you guess what it is? Those funky looking creatures are chickens, in case you're wondering!
Can you guess what design this is? |
MAY WAS A HAPPY MONTH! In spite of coming down with the flu and feeling pretty wiped out after so many work and social obligations, there were many, many things that brought smiles :-)
My youngest son received his Master's Degree in International Affairs from George Washington University. His job hunt looks promising, although he's hoping to put off the world of work until August as he has trips to China, Croatia, Hungary, and Slovenia planned this summer!
My dear mother turned 89 years old on May 14th... It's been a hard year for her with lots of physical aches and pains, but just lately, she seems to be doing better. She is till so sharp--we play Words With Friends online each night (and she often beats me!). Thanks to all who ask after her health!
After nearly two months, I was able to trade in my screaming blue Cookie Monster loaner car for my old soft blue/gray Honda CRV. I was SO happy to get it back--you know what I missed the most?? The arm rests! With new airbags in place, I should be good to go for another five years or so... We tend to keep our cars at least 10 or 12 years.

My oldest son's girlfriend received her PhD in Biological Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University. We attended the graduation for the whole biology department (both undergrad and grad programs) and were just in awe of all of the students' accomplishments...
My youngest son paid us an unexpected visit for a long weekend... In spite of the cool, rainy weather, we had a great time and I spoiled him with his favorite comfort foods. He just loved these enchiladas (which, interestingly, are from the food blog of designer Lizzie Kate's daughter!).
With my youngest son's surprise visit, we had all three sons here for a Sunday dinner for the first time since Christmas. Hearing them laugh and tease each other about childhood events and memories shared while growing up is one of this mom's very favorite things...
I finally got new glasses... I'm having a tough time getting used to the larger librarian-looking frame (well, I am a librarian, after all!), but I can read so, so much better with them. I wear contacts, too, but seem to be wearing my glasses more and more. Hope I get used to them soon!
The Pittsburgh Penguins won the National Hockey League Eastern Conference and are now playing the San Jose Sharks for the coveted Stanley Cup Championship. My hockey loving men are so excited! GO PENS!!
I made a new-to-me very pretty and oh-so-tasty dessert: Lemon-Blueberry Cream Pie. With a graham cracker crust and layers of cream-cheesy lemon goodness, blueberries and piles of whipped cream, a small slice went a long way!
And I've saved the best for last! May 21st marked a year since my dear husband fell down our front stairs and broke his neck. Just a couple of weeks ago, the feeling returned to normal in his middle finger on his right hand. Now, only one finger, the pointer, remains without normal feeling. We have confidence that that will come in time, too. We feel truly blessed... A huge thank you for your support--you made a scary and stressful time so much easier!
So, how about you? I hope you each had some happy times in May--and have more to look forward to as you head into summer... Any fun events coming up on your family calendars? I'd love to hear about them!
Thought you might like to see a photo of the Lemon-Blueberry Pie (you can find the recipe right here). Isn't it pretty? There are layers of lemon pudding with cream cheese and blueberries with blueberry preserves. I should have taken a photo of a cut piece so you could see the yellow and blue layers, but it disappeared way too quickly!
Lemon-Blueberry Cream Pie!! |
Now that the sunny days have returned, our backyard is hopping (literally) with wildlife. We saw a mama deer and her new little fawn back by our pond just last week--so adorable (until they start munching on our newly purchased garden flowers, that is!). And there have been lots of bunnies like this big guy hopping here and there. Luckily, my husband's vegetable garden is fenced in and surrounded by chicken wired to prevent the bunnies and groundhogs from using it as their restaurant...
How he would love to get inside that gate... |
More and more birds are appearing--in fact I spied this beautiful orange bird in the collage below that I've never seen before. Does anyone know what it is? I am thinking that it might be a Baltimore Oriole, but I'm not positive. He only appeared once, but I hope he'll be back.
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A Hairy Woodpecker, Blue Jay, and a new feathered friend |
And just look at this handsome guy--a giant Pileated Woodpecker! It was so funny watching him try to feed from the small suet feeder.
That about does it for my last post of May! I'm wishing each of you a relaxing June. We have a calmer month scheduled (so far!), so I should be back with more stitching to share in a couple of weeks... Thanks so much for stopping in today! Bye for now...
The regal looking Pileated Woodpecker |
Think we need a bigger feeder! |
That about does it for my last post of May! I'm wishing each of you a relaxing June. We have a calmer month scheduled (so far!), so I should be back with more stitching to share in a couple of weeks... Thanks so much for stopping in today! Bye for now...