Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine Freebie Finishes

Good morning, my stitching friends! And how is February treating you so far? I know you'll all be envious when I tell you what my husband brought me back from his recent Florida trip. Why, he so generously gifted me with a lovely, lovely... C-O-L-D! Yes, after two years of being cold-free, I've been down for the count for the past five days. Luckily, from what I hear, it is on the mild side as colds have been going this winter, so I really can't complain. In the past 17 years, I have used only one sick day from work so I'm usually quite healthy, thank goodness. I am still hoping that nasty flu doesn't appear on our doorstep, though! Has anyone remained cold or flu-free this winter? It seems like almost every one of you has come down with one or the other!

I needed some bright colors after all the white and gray our winter has brought this season so I've been working on a few cheery little Valentine finishes--and guess what? All of them are freebies! I am always so grateful to the talented cross stitch designers out there who share their creativity with us in the form of freebies, aren't you? It is a wonderful way to introduce us to their larger designs, too.

When I first saw this love-letter carrying little bird, I fell in love with him! He is a freebie designed by the very creative Luli which you can find right here. He is part of a larger design of four birds, but you know me and my love of smalls--I decided to stitch him all by himself. He just looks so sweet flying his Valentine to someone's true love, doesn't he? This design is stitched on 40 ct. pearl gray Newcastle with a variety of overdyeds and is finished with some white satin ruched ribbon and pearly white pins. I slightly changed the bird's body and then added the three little red hearts in the front. Every time I look at him, I just want to say--you are SO cute (well, actually, I do say that!).

 Luli's "Love" freebie

When I showed my husband my little bird carrying the love letter, he asked if it was for him and I was so surprised! I never dreamed that he would want anything stitched by me. But then I thought, well, why not? After all, if I gave him something stitched by me it would be a permanent Valentine rather than just an overly expensive greeting card that would eventually end up stashed in a drawer somewhere. So I set out to find the perfect thing and when I saw this little freebie by Cathy Habermann, I knew it was ideal. It stitched up fairly quickly and so I decided to embellish the finish and make it even more special.

"Love You More" freebie

The red and white fabric is definitely vintage--at least 40+ years old. If you wonder how I know that, it's because this is a scrap of fabric that I had saved from my sewing days in high school. Yes, I had made a top for myself (probably a peasant-style blouse which was very much "in-style" back then or it could have been a halter top--remember those anyone?!) Before you laugh--remember that this was back in the late '60s/early '70s when everything was about hearts and flowers, peace and love. That's what makes this so special;  it was something that was around when I first met my husband at the tender age of 19. I wish you could see (and feel!) the fabric in person because it is covered with red flocked hearts and flowers--so very cute! I jazzed it up with a bit of black fabric, brass heart charm, and black handmade cording. Do you think he will like it?

"Love You More" freebie

I've been asked many times how I come up with the combinations of fabrics and trims that I use in my little pillows... Well, the first step is to pull everything from drawers and cupboards in the colors used in a design and then begin eliminating things. Sometimes a print is too large or too small or the colors just aren't quite right so they are put away. Sometimes an idea I had in mind gets totally put aside when I hold up another fabric or trim and--wow--I know immediately, that that is the way I now want to go.  I found another very quick-to-stitch freebie at the Sub Rosa blog and after looking through my piles of fabrics and trims, I decided that these were the ones I wanted to use...

"True Love" freebie

Rather than stitching the design all in red as was charted, I added some color in the form of green leaves and gray birds. I also changed the four lower hearts to a checkerboard design and eliminated the words "True Love." The next step involves layering and configuring the fabrics differently to get a pleasing look. I just place them alongside my design in different combinations until I find a design that makes me smile. Would you like to see how this one ended up? Well, here it is--a bright, cheery spot of mid-winter color...

"True Love" freebie

So, now I have three quick, new smalls for my bowl of February finishes. None of them took more than a few hours to stitch and then a couple more hours to pull together for a finish.  I've also been working on a larger (for me!) piece which I hope to have finished or my next post.

I want to thank two very thoughtful blogging friends for their recent treats.  From my dear friend, Lois, came these wonderful birthday gifts. I just love the little blue scissor fob she made for me--it is so beautifully stitched and finished. And, of course, the delicious chocolate is already half-eaten. Lois also tucked in a pretty Brightneedle chart called "Something Blue," some flowery buttons, and a lovely calendar from Northern Ireland. Judging from the photos in the calendar, I've just added a new place to my "must-visit" list--the scenery from Northern Ireland looks spectacular! Thank you, Lois, for extending my birthday a bit longer and for your very special gifts and friendship...

Birthday gifts from Lois!

And from my sweet friend, Myra, came this adorable heart-shaped mug mat! I fear that it is much too pretty to use as a mug-mat, Myra, and I may use it as a candle mat in front of my February bowl of smalls. Myra's work is just wonderful and if you haven't visited her blog, run on over--you're in for a treat. Thanks so very much, my friend--your gift came on a day when I wasn't feeling my best and it certainly gave me a nice boost!

Valentine Gift from Myra!

Do you have any special plans for Valentine's Day? I'll be up in New York visiting my parents (my first two true loves!), but this time my dear husband will be making the five-hour drive with me, so that will make it special. (However, I'm still hoping for a nice box of chocolates from him--hint, hint!!). Anyway, I wish you all a happy week ahead--my thoughts are with all of you in the New England area--sure hope your power returns soon and that you can dig out from all of that snow that winter storm Nemo dropped on you.

Before I forget, here is one new honor for my city of Pittsburgh just in time for Valentine's Day... It was recently chosen by Forbes Magazine as one of the 10 Unexpectedly Romantic Cities in the entire world. Yes, the world--not just the United States!! Who knew? The link to the article and the list of the other nine cities is here. Is your city on it, too? Pittsburgh has come a long, long way from its old steel industry days--it has really blossomed as you can see in this photo.

 The city of Pittsburgh

Thanks so much for visiting me this week. Oh, one last thing--I noticed that my last post pushed my follower numbers up to (gulp!!) 1000+!!! Amazing and humbling that so many of you find my little blog interesting enough to read--truly. I think a giveaway is in order, don't you? Give me a few weeks to think of what to offer as I have a very busy two weeks coming up at work. Thank you all again for your wonderful comments, emails, and most of all--thank you for your friendships. Bye for now...

Happy Valentine's Day 
to my dear stitching friends!


cucki said...

Aww super cute finishes..I love them all so much..
Lovely gifts to treasure..
Big hugs Cucki x

Barb said...

Congratulations on 1000 followers!! No wonder really - your blog is so much fun to read and your needlework is spectacular! Thank you so much for sharing it with us..

Happy Valentines Day to you, too!

priscilla said...

Love your 3 new Valentine finishes Carol ! So cute and creatively finished ! The one for your husband is fabulous!
Hope you feel better ! No fun being sick !
Have a great week !

Manka said...

Super cute finishes Carol!



Mavi. said...

Carol, your embroidery is impeccable. And combinations of fabric to make cushions are fantastic ... 'd make a very good quilter ...
I love it.

Annie said...

Perfect pieces for the most romantic city! Love what you did with Luli's design. Really shows it off nicely. So many times I can't picture what a finish would look like when all I see is a chart. You ought to be a model stitcher for these designers!

Hope all that stitchy goodness works its magic makes that nasty cold go away and crawl under a rock.

Anonymous said...

Hello Carol

Your finishes are beautiful! Thank you for the links.
Lovely birthday gifts too - happy belated birthday!
Glad your cold is improving.
Have a good week.

Cindy's Stitching said...

you always bring a smile to my face when i read your posts carol. the finishes are just adorable. sorry you got sick. I dont miss the snow that long island was hit with. have a blessed week.

Scrap said...

Lovely work ! very nice finishes

happy Valentine's day for you too !


Dawn said...

Love your finishes and thanks for the links to the freebies. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Kate said...

Your projects are beautiful as always. How sweet of your husband to want one and I love what you made for him. I enjoy the stories behind your work. How wonderful that you still had a piece of fabric from Home Ec in High School. Congratulations on having 1000+ followers!!
BTW, thanks for the links.

Mary Ann said...

Such lovely little Valentine finishes! My favorite is the Love You More.

Gabriele said...

Beautiful! Your Valentine finishes are lovely.
Congratulations for 1000 followers.
Happy Valentine's day!
Greetings from Germany

Ele said...

My dear Carol,

you were very buzy in making such lovely Valentine's gifts, love them all and also the very special finish.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day
and thank you very much for your friendly mail


Margaret said...

Love your Valentine's finishes! I think your DH will love his Valentine! Definitely tell him about the fabric too! That is special! Lovely gifts as well. 1000 followers -- wow!

CJ in OK ;-) said...

Great little freebie finishes. Sure your husband will like the one you put together for him. How sweet the blue bird of happiness gift and mug mat. Enjoy your week. CJ in OK

Rita said...

Sorry about the cold!

Beautiful stitching!

Lisa V said...

Hi Carol, dont worry I feel your pain too. I got hit with an almighty cold/flu after going over a year with none at all. It sure hit me with a vengeance, nasty thing!
Love all your pillow finishes as always they make me smile.
Hugs dear friend.

Tricia said...

Beautiful stitching and finishing. Carol! I love your little bluebird. It is TOO sweet!! And how nice to get a few more birthday gifts. It's nice to spread out the fun, isn't it! : ) Hope you are feeling all better soon!


Laurie in Iowa said...

Your Valentine finishes look wonderful. You've received lovely gifts.

Vickie said...

ooOoo! Carol, the Valentine piece for your husband is gorgeous, great job! I love the little bluebird and was thinking of doing up just one as well, as all of them make a pretty big piece. We like our smalls don't we? ;)
What a perfect, perfect Valentine to share with us.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful heart pieces you stitched and finished, Carol! I love the one you made for you husband and know he will be thrilled as well.

Hope your cold is on the way out! Have a safe trip to your parents this week!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Robin in Virginia

Krista said...

Lovely new finishes Carol! Your finishing on them is so beautiful. Well my town is not on the list but I am not too far from the Berkshires, MA. There are a few on the list that are on my travel wish list including Italy though! Happy Valentine's Day!

Carolyn said...

Carol, I must say that out of every blog on my list, yours is my all time favorite. I love the description of your projects and the lovely way you finish them into adorable pillows. You have a great eye for color.

I hope you feel better real soon! Thank you for sharing with us, and congratulations on reaching 1000 followers!

Carolyn :)

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Hi Carol,

I'm really impressed with your new finishes! Love them ALL! They are full of really nice rich colours! Thanks for making special Valentine's mood! Hugs, Tatyana

Christina said...

Sorry you got sick, hope you feel better soon. Love your new finishes. The bird is adorable, I can see why your DH wanted it.

Thank you for posting the links to the free charts. I think it is so nice when designers share their lovely work.

LoriU said...

Great finishes! Love that little bird, but I especially love the finished on "Love You More". Congratulations on starting to fill your February bowl!

AnaCristina said...

Oh Carol! Your blog is very very very interesting! I love the red and white fabric! 40 years? It's so modern!


Keeper of the Crowes said...

Your finishings are wonderful, Carol! Thanks for the "pick-me-up"!

Fiona said...

Hope you feel better soon. I loved looking at all your finishes. I really liked learning about how you select your finishing materials and seeing the end result, which was stunning.

marly said...

Congratulations! For all the inspiration you provide, it's no wonder. All the finishing are wonderful as always but the little lock is my favorite. I take fabric out to view them all too, but I don't put them back. Then I can't find anything.

Roberta said...

Carol, hope you are feeling better. Love your stitching smalls, they are always so cute and put into lovely finished pieces.

Happy Valentines Day

BrendaS said...

Carol -- Beautiful Valentine finishes with some very personal touches -- LOVE IT!

Have a good time visiting with your parents -- so glad your husband can come too:)

HUGS to you!

passionfruitprincess said...

Such sweet finishes Carol! And the fabrics you used to finish are darling.Here we all got some version of the Cold/Flu. With a kid at school it almost impossible not to get.
Happy Valentine's Day to you too!
Ana Paula.

Melody said...

Carol, Once again your post is full of inspiration! Your beautiful finishes are always so perfect. Love what you have stitched and finished!

I am amazed that you have only used 1 sick day in 17 years..! That has to be a miracle. I can't make that claim. I hope you get to accrue what you don't use.. :)

I have been lucky (knock on wood) this winter tho, and have not had a nasty cold.

Glad you husband can go with you on your trip. Have a good time.

Cole said...

Happy Valentine's Day Carol! Lovely finishes :)

Ali said...

Gorgeous makes & finishes xxx

Beth said...

What great Feb finishes Carol. The Valentine for your husband is wonderful - and, as you wrote, something that will last...and maybe the topic for an arguement "I love you more!" "No, I love YOU more" - or something like that!

Hilda said...

Oh Carol - they are all SO cute your Valentine smalls. You are so talented in selecting wonderful freebies and finishing them to those little treasures!!
Hope you feel well soon.
All the best for your trip to your parents


Charlene ♥ NC said...

Your beautiful finishes are all adorable, as usual. Sorry you've been under the weather, but glad to hear your recovering in time for V-day. I love, love the sewing Valentine! Be well - safe travels.

Jane said...

Get Well wishes for that rotten cold Carol x Your stitchy freebies are gorgeous and all finished lovely, I'm sure your DH will love the gift you've made for him and YES! definitely some chocolates for all the effort you've made and to make up for his gift of . . . a cold!
Enjoy your week and have a good trip xxx

Brigitte said...

And again your finishing of these little beauties is just outstanding. All the three of them are overflowing of creativity, just wonderful. It's always a delight to see a new post on your blog and to see your latest finishes.

Melissa said...

Awww, what a sweet start to Valentine's Day. I love what you have stitched, of course.

I am glad your DH is driving up with you this time and it will make the trip so much more enjoyable. I hope you get to go out for a nice dinner.

Lovely gifts from Lois and Myra! Have a good week, Carol!

Eszter/SubRosa said...

Dear Carol, all your Valentine-smalls are adorable♥

Bertie said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery Carol, you would not like to be driven to NY feeling poorly!
Love all your Valentine ornaments and so beautifully made!!
Lovely birthday present's, have a chocolat Valentine;)

Elizabeth Ann said...

Oh my gosh I love your Valentine pieces. I still remember the smell from that heart fabric! I 'm glad you are doing better, have a safe trip to see your parents, I hope all goes well and not to stressful for you. Thank you for the sweet little card at the end of your post, I love those little cards, they bring back such wonderful memories....

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

beautiful bird !

bisous from FRANCE

Annette said...

Ow my goodness!!
What a beautifull pieces!!
I love the pattern of the header!!
very V-day!!
The first pattern I love the very most, the blue birds with the letters, I ownloaded it too.. too beautifull.
Next year it will be on my stitch list!!
And as always a beautifull finish!!

The second piece for Hubby.. how great .. you done a great job!!
Did he love dit, or do he still need to get it??
I'm totally in love with that fabric.. how great.. a real cute girlie skirt fabric too.. love it!!
and in my favorite colors!!!
You will make many more beutifull pieces out of that!!!

The last is also a love piece!!
And with 2 fabrics finished off.. wonderfull!!!

You lucky girl.. so many beautifull pieces!!

Enjoy V-day at your parents..
Happy Valentine's Day!!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Carol, it's fun to read about your creative process as you put together your darling smalls. I love your finishes. I think the bird and its love letter is my favorite. It's always fun to visit with you. Have a great week and be well! Hugs

Annette-California said...

Lovely Valentine gifts you stitched. Especially the one for your husband - sweet! love Annette

Melanie said...

Hello Carol
Thank you for the links it is appreciated. Your blog is a cosy place to be after a long day at work and I enjoy reading all your news. I like the explanation of how you decide on finishing your stitching projects which of course are always an inspiration. Enjoy your visit to your parents and keep well

Melanie x

Dani - tkdchick said...

Carol once again such beautiful finishes and I love how you can take something so simple and make it so elegant!

Kay said...

Thanks for sharing the lovely stitching, and especially the links. You always find the best freebies! The little bird is a must on my to do list. Congrats on all 1000 your followers too

Nancy said...

Happy Valentine's Day Carol! Your finishes are so pretty, and you received some lovely gifts. Hope you feel better soon.

Congratulations to Pittsburgh! Don't you love the way a city looks at night with all the lights?

Barbi said...

I just love how you picked out the best parts of the valentine letter bird! It's not a wonder hubby wanted it! Makes me all warm inside :) All your smalls are always special!
Have a wonderful visit with your parents....stay safe and warm. EEK!
hmmmm romantic city! Nothing like a little romance..any time of year.

Judy said...

Such cute valentine finishes. It is no wonder you have all these followers. It is always a treat to find a new post--full of fantastic finishes and so well written. You are a great inspiration to all of us! Beautiful photo of Pittsburg and a top 10 romantic city. Who knew. The reto valentine is just too cool!! Hope you are feeling well again. Have a nice trip.

Judy heartland stitcher

Anne said...

So sorry to hear your husband gave you a cold :( It seems to be traveling the world and not many can escape it's grasp. Well, what can I say Carol, you have an artist's eye that's for sure!! Your finishes are so unique and everything placed just so. I love how your hubby thought the birdie was for him! How cute!! The heart fabric from high school is so sweet and makes your pillow to him so much more meaningful. Adorable! I love your selection of fabrics and how you place them together. I think I really need to go fabric shopping and find two toned fabrics so I can play match up!! Lovely gifts you received from Lois and Myra! Congrats on 1000 followers! I'm not surprised at all :D


Maggee said...

HI there! What a HUGE number of followers! Congrats! Love your finishes, as always. I have been squirreling away old clothing for finishing too! And I have this great idea for jeans! I will do it and post about it hopefully soon! Have a nice Valentines with Hubby and your folks in New York ! So sweet! Hugs!

Friendship Crossing said...

Oh my goodness Carol, not quite sure where to start! those freebies turned out way too cute and adorable! Thanks for the links and on how you figure out your finishes.
Congrats to you on the 1000 followers~Wowza! and to your city as well.
We will be celebrating our 26th anniversary on Valentine's Day, so hoping to feel better by then. Been a bit under the weather lately, so not a lot of stitching going on.
Happy V Day to you and your honey~have a safe trip!


Pam in IL said...

Such cute finishes and stitchy gifts you received! Thanks for sharing.

Barb said...

Wow Carol, 1000 followers! That is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your method of choosing your ways to finish. I think it might help maybe even old "Just frame it" me! Great picture of your city. It is quite beautiful!! I hope you have a good visit and a very Happy Valentine's Day!!! Oh, and get well !

Mouse said...

simply perfect from start to finish and yes he will like it ... and you do the same as me choosing what to go with what .... hope you have a fab valentines dat :)
and WOW with the followers , it is because you inspire us to finish as beautifully as you do :) love mouse xxxxxx

Belinda said...

Beautiful valentines stitching Carol. I love the little birdie, and he is so cute!
I hope you have a lovely valentines day with your husband. :-)

butterfly said...

Wonderful post again Carol, your stitching and finish is just amazing.
Hope you are feeling better .
Enjoy your trip to New York.
And congrats on reaching 1,000.00 followers WOW .
Big hugs .

Marilyn said...

All great finishes.
So cute!

Elia said...

Ohhh so lovely Carol !!
Wonderful post again, I like so much,
is amazing !

I hope your are well with the snow !

best wishes


Chris said...

So sorry to hear that you have a cold. I hope that it will be over soon.
I think that your stitching and finishing are so pretty. You come up with such wonderful combinations.
Yea Pittsburgh! She is on my list to visit.
Congratulations on 1000 followers too.Whoot!

Libby said...

Such nice finishes this month. I just love the piece you made your husband. It is so clever and original. It's not something anyone else could duplicate.

Safe travel and Happy Valentine's Day.


Nancy M said...

Even as you show your fabrics laid out....I just can't picture the finish until you show it! I'm so NOT creative like that. That's why you have so many followers, you have such a talent for it. I am just getting over what I thought was a cold...but have been told was the classic flu. It's been almost 3 weeks now. I missed 2 patient days of work and more "non" pt days. I've been at my job for 30 years and can't remember when I've missed 2 days!!! I'm finally feeling almost normal. Still don't have my taste buds back to normal!LOL

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Carol, it's just amazing how you can take a simple cross stitch design and turn it into such a wonderful work of art with your little pillow finishes. Love them all!

Unknown said...

all so fine and fantastic !

msmartello said...

Great finishes Carol and I think your husband will love his. How special it is! I too have been bit by the cold bug. Blah!! I have just enough energy to stitch. LOL! I have too much to do to be down and out. fell better soon and have a safe trip.


Melanie said...

Oh noes! Sorry to hear you've been feeling badly lately. :(
There really is SO much sickness going around this winter!!
(I'm still holding strong and flu-free.........thankfully. Though I don't know that I've ever gotten the flu in my life. Sinusitis? Hay fever? OH YEAH.)

Yay for freebies!!! I always love these little finishes AND the links to download. Save. Save. Save. :) You outdid yourself with the one for your husband. ADORABLE!

valerie said...

I hope you are feeling better from your cold Carol! I feel your pain. I am just getting over the second one. All your valentine's smalls are so cute. I just adore the one you made for DH! The fabric combo and that little lock charm just totally makes it! Cute gifts from Lois and Myra!

Ellen said...

Happy Valentine! Love your finishes, so gorgeous!

Hope you are recovered from your cold!


Catherine said...

I do hope you are feeling better. So far three of my boys have dealt with colds ~ just my oldest and I have avoided it so far (knocking on wood).
I love seeing a post from you pop up, as I know my eyes are in for a treat!!! Love your finishes ~ I have to say, I am smitten with the True Love finish ~ love how you combined the fabrics!!
You'll have to let us know how your husband likes his gift!

Valma said...

awww hubby is too kind =)
I hope you're better now. Indeed it seems that lot's of people have the flue this winter !! it was my turn this last weekend, a big cold, but ow it's OK and I took my needles back =)
speaking about're enchanting our eyes again ! 3 wonderful pieces again, sure your hubby will love his one (they can surprise us ! last year mine asked me for a key ring =D)
they are really beautiful, and thanks for the links to the charts
all the gifts you received are lovely and deserved, Myra's mat is so pretty !!
1000 followers ! in 10 years maybe I'll have hihihi
big big hugs

Julie said...

Beautiful smalls Carol, the finish for hubby is so special and sentimental, he's going to love it. How wonderful he can make the trip with you this time. I hope you have a lovely visit with your parents.
I hope you are feeling much better. x

Lesleyanne said...

Congrats on a 1000+ followers, fantastic. Gorgeous Valentine finishes. I absolute love the one for your husband with the special fabric from your younger days.

Lesleyanne said...

Ooops forgot to say gorgeous gifts from your friends.

Myra said...

Your posts are always such a delight Carol, I am not surprised at all that you have so many followers. Your finishes are just fabulous. I love that you used just a portion of that bird design - so sweet. Lovely gifts from Lois too! I hope you are feeling better.

Giovi's Creations said...

Nice post Carol! I really enjoy your writing style :)Beautiful finishes (I love the little bird), as always! and congrats for your number of followers. You deserve it! (of course. Hugs,

Lynn B said...

Love your finishes Carol, they are ever so sweet and the colours are gorgeous!
Happy belated birthday by the way, sorry I missed it.

Unknown said...

Carol, I am honored that you stitched my Love You More design - beautiful finish! We have Pgh in common as well! Grew up there (Penn Hills) but now live in the Heartland! I will post more complimentary designs in the future.

Lisa said...

What wonderful stitching and finishing :-)

Siobhán said...

Congratulations on hitting 1,000+! You go girl! :)

I love your Valentine's finishes! Very pretty. I love how you finished them off, too.

Shirlee said...

Congratulations on 1000+ followers my friend! Your Valentine freebies look great! I hope you got that Valentine box of chocolates ... & more ... from your sweetie yesterday : ) (Yes, I'm a bit behind in my blog reading.) Pittsburgh looks WAY different than I remember it.

Jennifer said...

Sure hope you're feeling better!

Such wonderful finishes, and I love the sentiment behind the fabric you chose for your husband's piece. I am an absolute sucker for those extra layers of meaning and sentiment in gifts.

Alissa said...

This is the reason your blog is my favorite. Your finishes are always so PERFECT!

Shirley said...

Beautiful finishes as always Carol. Hope you are getting over your cold now. Congratulations on your 100th follower.

Shirley said...

Whoops, meant to say 1000th.

Michelle said...

Such beautiful stitching and lovely gifts! Congratulations on your 1000 followers!

Mylene said...

Love love all your finishes. Each piece perfectly finished, i so love your kind of finishes with the pillows, i am not that so ctreative with colour combinations.

Hope you have had a lovely Valentine's Day.

Happy weekend!

barbara said...

As always, Carol, your stitching and finishing are just stunning. I look forward to your monthly bowl updates and hope someday to start copying all your great ideas. :)

Quiltsmiles said...

I can't believe I missed your Birthday, Happy Belated Birthday my dear friend!
Your finishes are lovely and think they are so cute too! Nicely done.

Pilar Garcia de la Cueva said...

Carol¡ que trabajos tan lindos!
un bso.

Michele B. said...

Hope you were well enough to go up to visit your parents, and that they are doing okay. And also that DH managed the box of chocolates (or more!) How sweet that your husband wanted something stitched from you. I have stitched a few things for mine which he accepts with good grace, and one of them hangs in his office, but mostly I think he is rather bemused by it all.

Thank you so much for the freebie links, and especially for the methods behind your gorgeous finishing. I love the story of your vintage fabric. See - everything comes in handy - we just need to wait awhile (spoken like the packrat I am).

Congratulations on your plethora of followers - your blog gives such pleasure to so many. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Andrea said...

Love your finishes, they are just glorious.

Hope you are feeling much better.

María Dolores Jiménez Acevedo said...

Hello Carol, Mavi said me to visit your blog and it's beautifull!!!!
I stay whith you. Kiss

Carin said...

Oh my ... what a great finishings again !! You are very talented !!

Meari said...

I've only had the flu twice and I was lucky enough to get it over Christmas.

Your Feb stitching is adorable!! Thanks for always providing links to the freebies. :)

Nice birthday gifts, too.

Love the vintage valentine!

Bekca said...

The finish for your husband is wonderful. I never expected to have anything stitched requested by Lawrence, but I've just finished his third piece :) It's nice to have your hobby appreciated once in awhile!
I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day and that your cold is long gone.
Best wishes.

Karoline said...

Your Valentine's finishes are gorgeous, congratulations

You got some lovely gifts. I hope you are over your cold now

Carolyn NC said...

Love your stitching finishes! And what lovely gifts, too. :)

Kay said...

Such beautiful finishes as always! You have such a beautiful way of going about finishing your stitched items. Looks like you also got some nice little surprises in the mail as well! Hope you are feeling better now, take care

Lynn said...

Your finishes always make me smile Carol! They're always so cheerful.
The Valentine for your husband is stunning and I'll be he was smitten with it.
You've received some lovely gifts from some special friends. I hope you enjoyed your special day!

Solstitches said...

Your Valentine's ornaments are gorgeous Carol.
Lovely gifts from your friends too.
I don't think I could bear to set a cup on the pretty heart shaped coaster either :)
Congratulations on 1,000+ followers!


Michelle said...

Beautiful my friend x

Rachel S-H said...

Yay for 1000 followers!