Good morning! It's so hard to believe this is the very last day of May, isn't it? I hope you are all excited for some warmer weather like I am... This last week has really warmed up in western Pennsylvania, but I spent most of it laid up with the flu. I can't remember the last time I was that sick--cold, cough, fever, chills, the whole achy body thing--ugh! But, I'm just about "normal" now (other than a lingering cough) and I wanted to get one last post in before the month was over...
I actually have just one finish to share with you, but first, I want to thank you for your always appreciated comments on my last post. I guess the insect art freaked a few of you out, didn't it? Not my thing, either, but it was creepily fascinating anyway! I've been stitching, but some of it is for gifts so I can't share them with you yet. This finish was actually a gift, too, sent to my sweet Canadian friend, Melissa. She isn't cross-stitching these days, but is happily spending time with her sewing machine so I made this cute With Thy Needle and Thread piece for her sewing room.
"Pin Feathers" |
The colors in this second photo of "Pin Feathers" are more "true"--really soft and pretty. I used the suggested colors and stitched this one on 40 ct. flax Newcastle. I made a simple flat hanging ornament backed with the fabric on the right and topped off with handmade cording and a blue-gray gauzy ribbon. Melissa wrote that she has it hanging near her sewing board to remind her of me. Awww... I'm so glad she likes it! I love it so much that I plan on making one for myself one of these days.
With Thy Needle and Thread "Pin Feathers" finish |
The only other stitching I can share with you today is a larger (for me!) piece that I have stitched only a quarter of so far. Here is a sneak peak--can any of you guess what it is? Those funky looking creatures are chickens, in case you're wondering!
Can you guess what design this is? |
MAY WAS A HAPPY MONTH! In spite of coming down with the flu and feeling pretty wiped out after so many work and social obligations, there were many, many things that brought smiles :-)
My youngest son received his Master's Degree in International Affairs from George Washington University. His job hunt looks promising, although he's hoping to put off the world of work until August as he has trips to China, Croatia, Hungary, and Slovenia planned this summer!
My dear mother turned 89 years old on May 14th... It's been a hard year for her with lots of physical aches and pains, but just lately, she seems to be doing better. She is till so sharp--we play Words With Friends online each night (and she often beats me!). Thanks to all who ask after her health!
After nearly two months, I was able to trade in my screaming blue Cookie Monster loaner car for my old soft blue/gray Honda CRV. I was SO happy to get it back--you know what I missed the most?? The arm rests! With new airbags in place, I should be good to go for another five years or so... We tend to keep our cars at least 10 or 12 years.

My oldest son's girlfriend received her PhD in Biological Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University. We attended the graduation for the whole biology department (both undergrad and grad programs) and were just in awe of all of the students' accomplishments...
My youngest son paid us an unexpected visit for a long weekend... In spite of the cool, rainy weather, we had a great time and I spoiled him with his favorite comfort foods. He just loved these enchiladas (which, interestingly, are from the food blog of designer Lizzie Kate's daughter!).
With my youngest son's surprise visit, we had all three sons here for a Sunday dinner for the first time since Christmas. Hearing them laugh and tease each other about childhood events and memories shared while growing up is one of this mom's very favorite things...
I finally got new glasses... I'm having a tough time getting used to the larger librarian-looking frame (well, I am a librarian, after all!), but I can read so, so much better with them. I wear contacts, too, but seem to be wearing my glasses more and more. Hope I get used to them soon!
The Pittsburgh Penguins won the National Hockey League Eastern Conference and are now playing the San Jose Sharks for the coveted Stanley Cup Championship. My hockey loving men are so excited! GO PENS!!
I made a new-to-me very pretty and oh-so-tasty dessert: Lemon-Blueberry Cream Pie. With a graham cracker crust and layers of cream-cheesy lemon goodness, blueberries and piles of whipped cream, a small slice went a long way!
And I've saved the best for last! May 21st marked a year since my dear husband fell down our front stairs and broke his neck. Just a couple of weeks ago, the feeling returned to normal in his middle finger on his right hand. Now, only one finger, the pointer, remains without normal feeling. We have confidence that that will come in time, too. We feel truly blessed... A huge thank you for your support--you made a scary and stressful time so much easier!
So, how about you? I hope you each had some happy times in May--and have more to look forward to as you head into summer... Any fun events coming up on your family calendars? I'd love to hear about them!
Thought you might like to see a photo of the Lemon-Blueberry Pie (you can find the recipe right here). Isn't it pretty? There are layers of lemon pudding with cream cheese and blueberries with blueberry preserves. I should have taken a photo of a cut piece so you could see the yellow and blue layers, but it disappeared way too quickly!
Lemon-Blueberry Cream Pie!! |
Now that the sunny days have returned, our backyard is hopping (literally) with wildlife. We saw a mama deer and her new little fawn back by our pond just last week--so adorable (until they start munching on our newly purchased garden flowers, that is!). And there have been lots of bunnies like this big guy hopping here and there. Luckily, my husband's vegetable garden is fenced in and surrounded by chicken wired to prevent the bunnies and groundhogs from using it as their restaurant...
How he would love to get inside that gate... |
More and more birds are appearing--in fact I spied this beautiful orange bird in the collage below that I've never seen before. Does anyone know what it is? I am thinking that it might be a Baltimore Oriole, but I'm not positive. He only appeared once, but I hope he'll be back.
![]() |
A Hairy Woodpecker, Blue Jay, and a new feathered friend |
And just look at this handsome guy--a giant Pileated Woodpecker! It was so funny watching him try to feed from the small suet feeder.
That about does it for my last post of May! I'm wishing each of you a relaxing June. We have a calmer month scheduled (so far!), so I should be back with more stitching to share in a couple of weeks... Thanks so much for stopping in today! Bye for now...
The regal looking Pileated Woodpecker |
Think we need a bigger feeder! |
That about does it for my last post of May! I'm wishing each of you a relaxing June. We have a calmer month scheduled (so far!), so I should be back with more stitching to share in a couple of weeks... Thanks so much for stopping in today! Bye for now...
What a lovely update, Carol! I'm so pleased to hear that your husband is starting to recover feeling in his fingers. What a blessing! Your stitching is beautiful - especially your new PS piece, and it sounds like you had a wonderful month. Sorry you had to have the flu, though. uggh. Hope you are 100% soon!
Hi, Carol! What a great post! Sweet stitching - and all the good news to share! Awesome! Here's to June and another month full of happy surprises!
This was a great post! I get lots of the same birds but havent seen that one either. I also have a small suet feeder and a large bird!!
Hi Carol, Glad to know that you were so happily busy and had a great family time !! :) Your stitched finish is perfect as always :) Congrats on all the academic achievements !! The cake looks yummy and I enjoyed seeing the birds and bunnies around your garden. I liked your idea of using emoticons :)
Que cantidad de buenas noticias, repuesta de la gripe y feliz con todos los acontecimientos y logros de tus hijos un cierre del mes de mayo estupendo, sobre todo con la buena noticia de la recuperación de tu marido, esperando que ese dedo vuelva a sentir con precisión.
Aquí estoy yo, esperando a reponerme de mi tonta caída y poder caminar con normalidad, porque sino terminaré rodando en lugar de caminando.
Mientras tanto y aprovechando la no deseada baja laborarl, coso, bordo y hago rehabilitación.
Un beso Carol para ti y para tu madre.
That amount of good news, recovered from the flu and happy with all the developments and achievements of your children a close of May great, especially with the good news of the recovery of your husband, hoping that finger feel again with precision.
Here I am, waiting to get over my silly fall and be able to walk normally, but because finish rolling instead of walking.
Meanwhile and drawing unwanted low laborarl, sew, board and do rehabilitation.
Carol kiss for you and your mother.
Great post Carol. I love the list of "smiles" and hope your cough clears up soon. Yes that is an Oriole. We see them once too, but a few years they did return when we had a large feeder for them. This year, the large bird was trying so hard to drink the hummer's nectar. Haven't seen him since! I love to see the large Pileated too, so comical with that head! But I shake in my boots when he looks toward my house siding!! I thought your husband's fall was about a year ago, so glad his outcome is good. Enjoy the weather!
Love Pin Feathers Carol. The colors are lovely.
The Oriole is gorgeous, isn't he? We would get them at out last home. I put out orange halves on our deck for them.
It is warming up here also. Unfortunately that is no longer good for me. I have to garden early in the day now.
So glad Tim continues to improve.
You have had a busy May! So glad you are over your flu. I had that about a year ago and it was awful! Congrats to your son and the girlfriend for their degrees. I think i've said this before, but your youngest reminds me of my oldest - traveling the world. So wonderful for them!
I'm envious of your pileated woodpecker! I've never seen one. I think you are right about the oriole. We get them sometimes. They like out mulberries:)
Have a good June, Carol! Can't wait to see what you will be up to!
What a fantastic post! Such great news about your husband - what a scary time for you both. I adore your finished stitch - what a lucky friend!!
It is always a wonderful start to the day to see (and read) a new post from you, Carol. I like your smiley list. Your stitched and finished piece to Melissa turned out great. I don't have a clue as to your sneak peek although I want to say it is something by The Prairie Schooler. Glad you got your car back! What great news that your husband continues to make progress with regaining feeling in his fingers. Thinking of you!
What a pretty stitched piece! I love the soft colours and of course the fact there is a bird in the design! I had to remove our bird feeder and I really miss all the little finches that have been visiting us lately. One of the first things I will do in our new property is hang it back up.
I'm going to guess the new stitched piece is by Prairie Schooler. The more of their designs I see, the more I like them. They just feel good to look at.
So happy to hear your husband is getting feeling back in his fingers. It shouldn't be too long and he will be right as rain.
Have a restful June!
Jenn M
What a lovely post Carol - I can hear how happy May has been especially with you all together and such fantastic news for Hubby.
I love Pin Feathers, it's so elegant :)
So glad you can mark this one year anniversary with a happy smile. There is always something to be thankful for and blessings abound! Have a great June!
Lovely post, Carol! I like how you had your "bullet points" with those funny faces!
Thank you so much for my ornament! I truly love it and it's hanging on my bulletin board right by my cutting table! I noticed your blog header has my last stitched gift too and that was wonderful as well!
I hope you are feeling better and recovered. I haven't been well neither but slowly on the mend. At least you had lots of lovely family celebrations in May! Hooray on your husband's check-up results!
What a great post, Carol. I enjoy your family updates, your stitching projects are all terrific, and I enjoyed the "wildlife" in your yard! I had to chuckle at your opening sentence about warm weather. We live in totally different climates, and our weather is getting HOT. Forecast to be 115 next Saturday. It's a little early for that kind of heat, but it's been known to happen in the past. I'm now officially looking forward to the warm temps we cool down to in October! haha
What a nice post, Carol! That lemon blueberry pie is to die for! I'm thinking the big mystery project you are working on is one of the bigger seasonal PS designs. Your finish is sooo pretty. I have to ask you, how many strands of thread do you use to make your cording? I have made cording with 8 strands but it comes out so skinny, not so thick like yours. Maybe you could reply here? Congrats to your son on his graduation. Sounds like he has a fun couple of months coming up and Happy Birthday to your mom. Have a nice week! Have to add to Vickie's comment above, yes, summer is arriving in AZ and it's going to be quite toasty! Not as hot as where she is but hot enough!
What a wonderful post, Carol.
The little ornament for your friend is very pretty.
Have a nice June.
Greetings, Manuela
It brings pleasure to me when I read your posts Carol. May was good month for you with so many academic events to attend and family visits.
I'm so glad to hear your husband is better now and I wish you recovery too.
I too had a good month stitching wise and looking fwd to June.
I always love your posts and wonderful stitching .
Love the bird ornament beautiful colours.
Not sure what the other one is but it looks beautiful.
Congrats to all your family , and it looks like May was a good month.
Your birds and wild life are amazing .
Hope your flu is now gone and you can have a happy June too.
Another sweet post Carol :) Love the ornament you made for Melissa and that cake certainly look delicious with the blueberries (yum)
Hello Carol - what wonderful news about your husband! I'm so glad that he's getting some feeling back after so long. As ever, your post has been lovely to read - I do so enjoy hearing all your news and seeing your photos. The wildlife that comes into your garden is so varied and interesting - and as for your baking - it's looks delicious!!
Your stitching is beautiful - such a beautiful design, too. I loved reading your list - in fact everything in your post has been delightful to read.
Hoping the weather stays sunny and bright!
Take care,
Much love,
Flu in the spring.. doesn't sound like fun, but glad you are feeling a bit better. So great to hear that everyone is doing so well in your circle of family and friends.
That pie looks delicious!
I'm going to need new glasses soon and I'm dreading getting the bigger plastic frames. I need a small width and they are hard to find.
The stitched piece is so pretty. Those round finishes can be tricky. Yours is perfect!
Hi Carol. It's always a treat to see a post from you. Your stitching gift turned out beautiful! I'm sure your friend will treasure it. How nice all your boys could be together. I know what you mean about how great it is to get the family together. It makes me happy as well. Your pie looks delicious. So pretty too! I'm happy to read about your husband's recovery from his fall. Take care!
Pin Feathers is a perfect stitch with all your recent avian feeder action. You are lucky to have a Pileated cone eat suet, mine are far too shy. There are suet feeder with a woiden paddle thatbacts as a tail rest for larger woodpeckers like Hairys and Flickers. People leave out orange slices to attract Oriels. So nice to have your whokevfamily together, happy with school, work, and healthy!
PS I think the woodpecker is a Hairy, not a Downy. It is larger and has a larger beak.
I love all what you show us !! Sticheries are lovely ! And your happy points of May are really good to know.
Have a happy June now !
Dear Carol, I read all of your life in May. Similarly, I had it too. Home were my three sons and one grandson. I was very happy. In June my mother will be 100 years old, but he died long ago.
Interestingly, the life of a woman - the mother is the same in America and Europe :-)
I wish you, your mother and especially her husband good health !!!
Lovely update Carol. Yuk....the flu! What an awful thing for you to endure in the spring. I loved seeing your stitching, just beautiful. I am happy that you were able to have some family time with your boys. Wishing you a wonderful June!
How fun to have all your boys home at the same time. Sounds like you have had a great month. Congrats on the pretty finish Carol.
Missed your last post, was holidaying in Japan for two weeks!
Great to know you are recovered from the flu! Beautiful stitching as always, love them! Thanks for sharing all the great news, it's always fun to have all the children home together!
Happy Summer!
Glad you are feeling better! Great stitching as usual and wonder what your sneak peak piece is. I have no idea. Sounds as if May is shaping up for you with the flu in the rear view mirror as well as getting our car back and your sons being home. A reason to celebrate.
What a lovely new post. Good to hear you recovered. Your stitchery is, as always, beautiful.
May in my area wasn't very nice. A lot of rain and when the sun came out (not very often) very warm. Hope June will be better.
A very enjoyable read,Carol.I am glad you feeling better and that is wonderful news about yout husband.
So many things to celebrate in May! Sorry about the flu. Just when you think you're free and clear from winter ailments.
Hope June brings as many happy high points.
So much good news to share. Except for your flu, that is. That pie looks absolutely delicious. Lemon and blueberry is such a yummy combination.
A beautiful finish and wonderful WIP.
It sounds like you have been having a wonderful time with lots of lovely good news!
Our weather here is so cold right now. Hard to believe it is June but I hope it will improve soon!
Sorry to hear you have been ill. I hope you'll be feeling 100% soon. Fantastic news about your husband.
I so enjoyed your post Carol! Your stitching is lovely as usual.... your smilies really made me smile too....and I am so glad to read that your husband is recovering! That is just wonderful!
The Oriel is just beautiful! We have a male and female that come back every year to our yard....I make them food in a big raspberry jelly out for them...but I think the main attraction for them is our berries that we grow in our garden! They are usually back there flying
I love blueberries too and are so glad they are in season again!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my last post! That was so kind of you and it really meant a lot. It made my heart smile!
Have a good day my friend!
I discover your blog today thanks to Robert from Gentleman Sampling and I can tell you that I love your blog :)
I am happy to know your husband feeling is always a great news when a person revocers his health :)
I can see that you love Prairie Schooler as I .....and sure, after reading this post, I become a follower :)
Lovely post Carol. My mouth is watering for the pie which looks absolutely delicious.
Beautiful stitching. I'm stitching Pin Feathers too but having a hard time with the colours which are not showing up on my fabric. I will need to be brave and substitute for some of them. Something I'm not too good at.
I hope June will be as happy for you as May was. The year is flying though.
Why can't it go a bit slower???????
Oh and I'm sure someone will have told you this already but I was tickled to open my World of Cross Stitching magazine at the back page to see that one of your finishes was featured as a Pinterest Pick! Congratulations!
I enjoyed your post and all of your beautiful photos of what you are doing. Thanks so much for continuing your blog!
Fabulous post, Carol. Your month seems to have been a full and blessed one (except for the nasty flu bug). Lovely stitching and your photos of your garden and wild life are just gorgeous. Great looking pie, too.
A wonderful post full of nice things, except the flu. Hopefully, it has already gone away.
Your stitching look again so beautiful, lovely soft colors on your Pin Feathers.
And what nice pictures of your garden visitors. I also like watching birds and often I take pictures of them.
Happy June to you!
That's a lot of May Happiness! Congratulations on all of those wonderful family accomplishments. That pie.......what a gorgeous centrepiece it would be for a special dinner.
Carol: What a wonderful post so many things going on in May.
Love the Bird finish so pretty that ribbon really finish's the look, lovely.
Beautiful photos and It´s nice to know that May was a good month for you. Well, I love May, it´s the month of my birthday and in Brazil we have Mother´s Day. I always get gifts and hugs, well I love hugs filled with love.
I also liked your finishes !
This was a wonderful post, Carol. I read every word with great interest. You covered all my, stitching (always so lovely), food, birds, etc. I've bookmarked that lemon blueberry pie...sounds like a great summer dessert. Happy June to you.
It sounds like you have had a good month despite your flu. Hope you are finally on the road to recovery. It does tend to knock us for six and gets longer to recover from the older we get!
Some wonderful stitching. Your gift is just so pretty. I'm guessing it is a PS piece knowing you. :)
Have a good weekend.
What a wonderful busy month you've had, Carol! Filled with lots of lovely happy moments :)
A lovely chatty post Carol! Lots of good news to balance out the yucky flu too.
I love the ornament you made for Melissa, it's really pretty. And the lemon and blueberry pie looks delicious!
Must have been lovely to have all your sons at home at the same time.
Hope June turns out to be even better than May!
I'm so glad the glasses are bigger these days -- easier to fit in the bifocals. But you are right, Carol, they do take some getting used to. Glad you are feeling better and that your spouse is continuing to recover from what certainly could have been a real life changing injury
Such a newsy and chatty post, Carol, with such a lot of happy May moments. One of the best being that your husband's health has now been restored nearly completely. Health is the most important thing and when you get older you get aware of it each single day.
I see that you also had some very happy family moments in May. Congratulations to your son and your other son's girlfriend on getting their degrees. And so wonderful to read that you mother is getting better after a tough year.
I hope that you have got rid of the last symptoms of the flu by now. Like you I got the flu around Easter for the first time after a couple of years without being ill. I used to be struck by each virus floating around while I was still at school but since I'm retired it was my first time being ill.
In spite of being so busy and also ill you managed to get some stitching in in May. This little gift for Melissa is so beautiful and I can easily imagine how pleased she must have been. It's so her :) I'm looking forward to seeing the other things that you couldn't show yet. But the piece you are working on looks a lot like Prairie Schooler. Now I have to go and leaf through my PS charts and see if I'm right. You made me curious ...
I do hope you are feeling better.
What a bummer to have the flu this time of year. :(
What a pretty ornament, great finish.
That design looks like a PS.
Happy B-day to your Mom, and congrats to your son, and other son's girlfriend on their accomplishments.
Glad your hubby is doing well.
That does look like an Oriole, we have them here but they don't stick around long.
The Pileated Woodpecker is gorgeous!
I have yet to see one here, we have Downeys and Hairys though.
Take care, and have a great Summer.
I saved your post for Saturday morning so I'd have time to soak it all in - I really love to read your tales from life every month! Sorry to hear about your flu - they are the worst, except for the fringe benefit of losing a few pounds - at least for a week or so! Congrats to you and your sons on the graduations - wonderful news! And even better to hear that your husband has the feeling back in his finger - I hope the other one comes along too! Hope you have a great weekend and find some time for stitching and watching all the animals in your yard. It is a rainy Saturday here, which means some cooking with my daughter and working on teacher gifts before the end of school Tuesday (nothing like saving it to the last minute!).
Carol lots of exciting news for you. How nice your son will travel this summer. Love your round ornie. Your pie looks amazing. Glad you are over the flu. Looks like you are working om prairie schooler.
Your post made me feel like one of the smiley faces you put next to your good news. I'm so happy to read so much good news, especially about your husband's finger. Your little bird for Melissa is lovely - what a neat idea to wrap the ribbon around the cording in such a strategic spot. I'll have to remember that. Glad that you got your car back - as a CRV owner I hear you on the arm rests! Thanks for sharing the photos of your menagerie. I'd love to wander around your back yard sanctuary. And oh, that pie! Gotta go, I'm craving some sugar now...
gorgeous bird, love the finishing
I'm behind on blog reading yet again, but loved reading your post. Having gotten over that nasty illness of mine, I sympathize greatly with your bout of the flu. I hate being sick, don't you? Hope you are feeling back to normal. Such good news about your DH! I'm so glad he's recovered so well -- thank God! Love the pics of your stitching as always. And that lemon blueberry confection -- oh my! Not only is it tasty (I'm sure!), but it's gorgeous! I love blueberries too -- same as you, I pile the blueberries onto my cereal in the morning! Congrats to your youngest and to your son's girlfriend on their graduating! Can't believe it's June!
Amazing month for your family and such good news about your husband. pretty stitched piece. Love that cake, just perfect to accompany the coffee I am about to make. Hope the month of June is as interesting.
Oh Wow ! Carol what a happy post, I can imagine you been busy as a bee. Good news on your car and glad you are feeling better. The blue bird stitching is so sweet. My congratulations to the graduates. The cake look absolutely yummy.
Just love your garden, so full of life. If only I had a garden like yours, I could sit for hours. Thanks for sharing.
Well, I am going to comment on the most important thing first--hubby's progress! That is great news.... especially considering last year's suspense and worry! Yay! The weather has been so wet this spring and coming to summer... I have gotten sluggish because of that... I am not getting out as much as normal... Love the piece you made for Melissa--I sure hope you get around to making it for yourself! I think I will do a piece for me after seeing how good it was for whoever, but... never get to it! I am going to guess that your large WIP is a Prairie Schooler, but that is as far as I can get! You have had lots of great family happenings this year...congrats to the Grads! Thanks as always for sharing your life with us! Hugs!
I always enjoy reading your posts Carol. Love the stitched finish and your new start looks great too! Glad to hear your husband is continuing to feel better :)
The flu really seems to be hanging around this year - glad you are feeling better (although those lingering coughs can be the worst)! Love the colors in Pin Feathers! And you did a lovely job finishing! Cute chickens. : ) So much happy news for you in May, Carol - I'm happy for you! Looks like there may be some celebrating in Pittsburgh soon - only one game away.
Your post was so positive and inspiring! I really enjoyed reading all the good things that happened in your life during May. :)
Your finish is so pretty. I really like the delicate colors.
That pie! Oh my... it looks so yummy.
Just popping in to say hello Carol :). I will be back to read and catchup.
Hello my dear friend.
I already read your latest posts some time ago, but I really did not know any more, if I left my comment - and how I can see, I did not:
So happy to read of all that good news. Above all about the nearly complete healing of your husbands injury. So glad!
Congratulation to your son and the girlfriend of your other son for there graduations - such a big step.
Your lemon blueberry cream pie looks quite delicious, yummy.
The bird ornament you have stiched and made is darling. I love the colors and I am sure Melissa loved her present.
Have a wonderful rest of the week, my dear friend!
Such a pretty finish Carol! Love all your garden and wildlife photos! Your mystery piece is a PS chart ..right? :)
Fantastic post! Delicius cake! Greetings!:))
Thanks for the newsy blog! Congrats to your family on your son's Masters degree! Love the pin feathers gift you made and I adore those black roosters with the barn. I don't know what the pattern is??? What fun to do all the emojis in your blog. Congrats too on the new glasses! I love getting new ones! Hugs and happy summer!
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