Whew! It's been a busy first two weeks of March for me... I think I've left my house more over the past two weeks than I did over the entire past year! (Well, not really, as there were trips to visit my mom and my grandson last year, but you get the idea). This was my "self-care" time of the year when I schedule all the doctors' appointments that I can manage into two weeks. I went for my annual physical, my eye appointment, my dental check-up, my mammogram, my bone density scan, and had my blood and urine tested at the lab. Throw in a much-needed haircut and color and it was a productive, if tiring, couple of weeks. Thankfully, all my appointments went well. (Although when you suffer from osteoporosis like I do, the results of my bone density scans are never what you want to see... In spite of all my exercise, my bones continue to grow weaker. For me, it's genetic, both mom and grandma had severe osteoporosis, too).
I have had a bit of time to stitch--though not as much as I would have liked. As you can see below, my St. Patrick's Day display has been brightening up the kitchen. Although I have no Irish blood, I really love the cheery green of these pieces--they just say spring to me and they're a perfect transition from frosty snowmen to frolicking bunnies. I purchased the little pitcher and two matching cups adorned with shamrocks at Goodwill over a year ago (BC--before Covid). I thought they would be a perfect addition to my Irish-themed basket. And do you see the green checked "placemat" that everything is resting on? It is an extra-large men's shirt that I also purchased at Goodwill to cut up and use in finishing and in my displays. Since all the shirts are the same price, why not look for the "extra-large" size, right!?
Lots of green goodies in my St. Patrick's Day display |
For those of you who are new to my blog, I thought perhaps you might enjoy reading about each of the cute green finishes in my tiered basket... You can click on the highlighted name of each piece and be taken to my blog post with details about each finish. The piece peeking out in the back right corner is from Prairie Schooler's Book No. 13 "A Prairie Year." In front of that is "Wee Lassies" from Pineberry Lane's "Little Shamrocks" chart. Over on the right is a freebie from Erica Michaels called "The Lion and the Lamb." And in the very front is another freebie from Remy at Embroiderbee's Primary Hive. Love that black kitty as he reminds me of our old cat, Shadow.
Love that black cat finish! |
Moving on down to the lower basket, you can find "Basket O' Luck" from Pineberry Lane's "Little Shamrock's chart in the back left, "Erin Go Bragh" from the same chart in the middle, and the Lizzie Kate March Stamp from the Flip-It Series on the right. In the very front is "Leprechaun Lodge" by Blue Ribbon Designs. The freebie for this design can be found right here.
My newest St. Patrick's Day finish is in the frame on the far right |
One of my favorite St. Patrick's Day finishes is this little cutie called "Sweet Clover Girl" by Pineberry Lanes. It, too, can be found in the "Little Shamrocks" chart. She is resting on an old hankie from my maternal grandmother--look at the delicate clover lace edging on it. I treasure this so much!
Love this embroidered handkerchief that belonged to my grandmother! |
But, wait--I missed telling you about one finish... On the far right of the display is my latest in the Holiday Hoopla series--"St. Patrick's Day" by With Thy Needle and Thread. I used 40 ct. Woodland Newcastle linen and the suggested colors. I did add a few extra ecru "doodads" to round it out a bit more and surrounded the circle (which is glued onto a square of fabric covered sticky board) with ecru covered cording. I am using the same frame for all of my Holiday Hoopla finishes. You can see the Valentine's Day finish right here and the Easter finish in this post. I really love how this one turned out! I want to thank my sweet friend, Vickie, for passing this wonderful chart on to me! And to keep the kindness going, I'll be giving it away today... Just follow the directions below if you are interested.
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How cute is this sheep wearing his Irish hat? |
Stitchers really are the kindest people and I have three wonderful friends to thank today. First of all, my friend, Ginger S., on Instagram who sent me a very special chart a while back. You see, Ginger lost her mother last year, too, and her friend, Joy, sent her the wonderful Plum Street Samplers chart called "Remember Me" so she could stitch it in memory of her mom. As soon as Ginger was done, she kindly passed it on to me and now that I have finished, I have passed it on to another stitching friend who also lost her mother in 2020. We are hoping to keep this kindness going for as long as possible.
"Remember Me" stitched in memory of mom |
My finish of "Remember Me" was stitched on 36 ct. Sand Edinburgh linen by Picture This Plus. I did change several of the colors, the font for my mom's initials, and if you look closely in the photo below, you'll notice a tiny addition to my version. I added a wee hummingbird--can you see him stitched "over one" in the upper right? I am no artist so I'm thrilled that he resembles a hummingbird even a little bit!
I added a teeny hummingbird to the design |
Why did I choose to add a hummingbird? You see, hummingbirds were "mom's bird"--she loved them. She had them on her china, on coasters, drinking glasses, stationery, and ornaments. There is even a hummingbird etched above her name on her gravestone. When I see one in real life, or even a drawing of one, I always think of my sweet mother. In the photo below you'll see my parents after my dad's graduation from medical school (just a few months after I greeted the world in 1955)! I've been taking a lot of comfort in looking through these old black and white photos of my parents looking so young and whole and in love. That is how I like to imagine them together again...
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Mom and Dad in 1955--oh, how I miss them! |
Another lovely gift came all the way from England from my friend, Linda G. She recently got in touch with me after many years and said she was still enjoying reading my blog. She asked if she could send me some gold plated needles to thank me for "all the joy" that my blog posts bring her. Isn't that thoughtful of her? Well, just look at this fancy box of needles that arrived from The Cross Stitch Guild in Great Britain! Oh, my--I feel like royalty! The needles are wonderful and they truly do glide through the fabric. I will treasure your gift, Linda, and I truly thank you!
A lovely set of the best needles from my friend, Linda G., in England |
A third gift arrived as a complete surprise from my young friend in Germany, Amara, whom I first "met" on Instagram (her name on IG is "xstitchingmakesmyheartlight" if you would like to follow her). Amara wanted to thank me for always being so "kind and supportive." I was truly touched when I opened her package to see a beautifully stitched bunny ornament and a lovely Easter card. Isn't this darling? I love the bunny girl bearing a bouquet of spring blooms. And the blue cording and ribbon finish it off perfectly, Amara! Thank you, my friend!
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A sweet Easter gift from my Instagram friend, Amara |
Giveaway winner... So, to keep the stitchy kindness going, I want to first announce the winner of my giveaway from my previous post. Many of you entered the drawing, but there can only be one winner of the pretty "Love Grows" chart and that is...
Darlene J.
Darlene J.--you have won the "Love Grows" chart! |
Darlene, please contact me via email or Instagram and send me your mailing address. I'll post the chart as soon as possible. Hope you enjoy stitching it!
Giveaway time... And, guess what?! I'd like to send one of you the "Holiday Hoopla St. Patrick's Day" chart. Who is interested? If you are, please 1) Specifically say so in your comment, 2) Make sure to leave your email address if I don't already have it and 3) Answer today's "Getting To Know You" question below.
If you would like to enter the giveaway for this St. Patrick's Day chart, please follow the instructions above. |
Getting To Know You... I so enjoyed reading about your place in the family from my last post. As I predicted, many of you are firstborn children like I am. For today's question, I'm wondering if you collect anything? Some people are big collectors and some aren't. I've gone through various phases in the 43 years that I've been married. At first I collected gnomes, then I moved on to Lizzie High dolls, then to David Winter Cottages, and then to Dedham Pottery (the reproductions--not the pricey genuine pieces). It's been about fifteen years now since I've collected anything, though. I think I'm beginning to slow down as I get older and simply enjoy the things I already have. Now, it's your turn--do you collect something special (or have you in your younger days)?
I'll be taking a bit of a blogging break for a few weeks as a certain eight-month-old bundle of baby boy will be occupying my time. I'll still try to read your blogs, but it's very hard for me to comment from my phone so I'll just have to catch up with you all in April at some point. If you follow me on Instagram (which you can do by clicking right here), I'll still try to post a few photos during my blogging break so look for me there. In the meantime, I'm so glad you stopped to visit today! Welcome to my new followers and a big thank you to all of you who take the time to comment or email me. I always enjoy hearing from you. Wishing you a blessed Easter and hoping that more and more of you are able to once again hug your families. Bye for now...
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♣ Wishing each of you something to smile about on St. Patrick's Day! ♣ |
Carol, is Darlene J me? OMG, I sure hope it is because I love that chart so much! Thank you so much!!!!
Like you I've enjoyed collecting a variety of things over the years. In recent years I've only collected dust. LOL
Yes, it's correct what your friend say. Your posts always bring joy. It's always a great pleasure to read and see the lovely stitching and finishing you do.
Your March bowl looks great.
Collecting? Yes, it started when I was young with ducks, then I switched over to little angels and flowerchildren from the Erzgebirge and then to tiny little animals made of cristal.
Wish you a wonderful time in CA.
As always warm greetings from Germany
Such a lovely post, Carol. I always leave feeling inspired and motivated to stitch. Your tiered tray is filled with the sweetest stitches and I am so in love with your Hoopla finishes. I am not entering the giveaway since I have the St. Patrick's Hoopla chart, but as far as collecting- lol you know me- the easiest question would be what do I not collect? Hmm. I will have to get back to you on that. Lol. Anyway, Carol, I hope you have a fabulous next few weeks with your precious grandbaby. I know you are excited. Have a wonderful week.
Oh Carol you spread so much Joy around the world with your blog .
I always enjoy reading and looking at all your wonderful stitching .
I love all your March stitching love the little girl in the white dress .
Great idea about the shirt , would make a good backing too.
I have collected lots of things over my life time , but now I collected anything pretty and love looking in thrift shops with my friend .
Hoping we can do that again one day .
What lovely gifts from friends.
Enjoy every moment with your family , big hugs .
I love all your st. Patrick's Day stitching! A real feeling of spring is coming into your work!
I'm also going through all my annual check-ups, just like you. So a busy March for me too!
Enjoy that beautiful grandson of yours and have a woncerful time away!
Hello Carol,
oh ja ich liebe deine Post und freue mich immer wieder von dir zu lesen.
Du hast wieder so schöne Finishes gearbeitet. Eines schöner als das Andere. Deine März Dekoration ist ganz bezaubernd, so viele unterschiedliche Motive.
Ich sammele Hummelfiguren und Elefanten.
Genieße die Zeit mit deinem Enkelkind und ein frohes Osterfest.
Big Hugs, Manuela
Another wonderful post. Your stitching is always inspirational. I love your St. Patrick’s Day display, actually I love all of your displays if I’m to be honest.
I collect teacups and blue plates. I have enough of both but you never know...
Have some great cuddles with that cute little boy.
Carol, another lovely post! Your St. Patrick's Day display is so sweet...as for not having any Irish blood, I've always heard we are ALL Irish on March 17th! :) Your stitched pieces are all wonderful, but oh, that hankie with the shamrock lace...so special! And the pitcher and cup set...too darn cute! I wish I had luck at Goodwill.....
AS for collecting, I too collected Lizzie Hi dolls...in fact I helped make them back in the 80's when I lived in PA. A friend and I , among many other ladies,would assemble the clothes and embellishments and glue on the hair....a true cottage industry. You know I collect bee things now, but am slowly reaching a saturation point. But perhaps my biggest collection is my cross stitch Stash...charts, fabric, fibers etc.. LOL
Enjoy the visit with your bundle of joy...I have no doubt you will!!!
Your display of finishes are always so pretty, Carol! And that's a great use of shirt too ;) Your newest finish is lovely!
I don't remember being a collector for anything and even now I don't specifically collect any special things other than my regular crafting stuff.
Feels good to visit your blog again:) Have been seeing your finishes on IG too.
Such beautiful green stitches! I think I like the Pineberry Lane ones the best! I've had that chart in my shopping cart at 123stitch forever... Enjoy all those gifts from friends! The needle case looks divine!
Love your March basket! So pretty.
I have several old hankies also, I treasure them.
That teeny Hummingbird is so darn cute.
Maybe I will steal that from you when I stitch this.
We love Hummingbirds, & they will be back soon.
What great goodies you received, enjoy them.
I would a chance for the Holiday Hoopla.
I used to collect Unicorns.
Enjoy your blogging break with the little guy.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Your St. Patrick's Day basket is filled with goodness. I will need to keep adding to mine, but that is ok. More to work on. That hummingbird was just the right touch to personalize the stitch. One would never know you are not a pattern designer. I have a collection of space memorabilia. It is scattered throughout my home. I also have always liked dogs and ducks, so if you look carefully in each room. you are likely to find something with a duck or a dog on it.
You go and have a wonderful time with family! See you when you get back!
Oh your St. Patrick's Day display is fabulous Carol!! I hope to stitch some of those myself. You received lovely gifts! That bunny is adorable!!
I think you know what I collect!! 🐩 Early in our marriage I collected roosters. I had a LOT of them. I sold off most of them when we moved to this apartment.
I enjoyed seeing all your St. Patrick's pieces, Carol. Have fun with your grandson!!
Carol, thank you for the opportunity to win the lovely "Holiday Hoopla St. Patrick's Day" chart. YES, I am always interested in anything to do with Ireland, as I have a LOT of Irish in my family tree.
My email address is: barbara.snyder@gmail.com
Collections: Beleek china, particularly the shamrock series. McCoy and Brush McCoy and Roseville pottery, all GREEN. Bird paintings,particularly Audubon prints. Blue and white pottery. Imari china. Metal black toile pieces. Orchids, coleus, begonias. Anything to do with needles--sewing machines, cross stitch, knitting, quilting, embroidery, needlepoint. Antique textiles. And as someone else said, a lot of dust!
Again, thank you for the chance to win the St. Patrick's Day chart.
Carol, I do have a lot of Irish in me but very few Irish Stitches. I did do the Brenda Gervais chart and I love it I finished mine in a hoop and put it on an easel. Love all your delightfully Irish smalls. And what lovely gifts!! Happy Mail always brightens the day. As for collecting. I collected Longaberger baskets and I still have quite a few. I collect little china dogs. Pears are a favorite thing of mine and friends often gift me with pear items. And I collect cross stitch charts.lol More than I can probably do in my lifetime. Have fun with sweet B. Nothing like those precious babies. Joshua will be 2 in May and he is looking more and more like a little boy.
Def time for a break--given who you'll be seeing! Love how you always create something amazing, such as the placemat, out of something others would dismiss. Wish I had an ounce of your creativity! I especially like the little details of your display- the placement, the lamb, the pitcher- these add so much to your amazing pieces.
Beautiful finishes Carole and it's nice to revisit you. Glad that your "health yearly's" are doing well enough considering your genetic heritage and please remember that you still ARE! Despite the health challenges I find you very creative, upbeat, joyful, smart, kind and friendly to bout! How's that for your modern day collection: one of the many positive attributes as witnessed and shared by many family friends and fellow bloggers, IG contacts.
Regarding collections I have collected in the past items but not recently. I still enjoy my past things like scissors, Santa, and even assortments of threads but like you not any too costly items and find that now I am enjoying what I do have and using them. They give me joy and I am blessed. Happy Spring and St. Patrick's Day.
Carol another post of gorgeous stitching. The Goodwill shirt is genius!
As for collecting...xstitch patterns and linen, Willow Tree figures, hand blown glass pumpkins, sand timers, and I used to collect Boyds bears and Boyds snow globes, Americana pattern Fostoria.
I forgot to mention your thrift store ideas are great, thanks! Also I'd love to stitch this piece as I do enjoy my Irish heritage so would appreciate it.
It is always a happy time in the day to see and read a new post from you, Carol! Your St. Patrick's Day pieces are so pretty. I really need to stitch a few more of them for my tree starting with the PS one. What wonderful goodies you received from your stitching friends! Love the piece you stitched in memory of your Mom and that over one hummer is darling. Enjoy your time with your grandbaby and his parents! Thinking of you!
Ty for creating your sweet patterns and for the giveaway! I collect so many different things,but especially like old kitchen related items, ols sewing notions and buttons and lace and linens. And i love to collect(hoard) fabrics, mostly reproductions. I have more of all than I will ever find a use for, but I see the beauty in these older, many handmade items that bring me back to a simpler time. My email is daisylu4629@yahoo.com
What a wonderful display for March, thank you for including the links to the details too.
I collect cross stitching and finishing supplies! Also books. I don't really collect Ornaments although I have some nice Lilliput Lane cottages.
Enjoy your time with the Grandbaby too,
I'm always thrilled when I see you have a new post out. Your blog brings such joy.
Oh dear, what do I collect? Cross stitch charts, stitching supplies, quilting fabrics, collie artwork but anymore I have to *love* it, collie magazines and books, particularly old ones. My DH would tell you I have too many collections going and I have cut back but some things are treasures. :-)
I am an Irish girl (red hair and freckles) so, of course, I collect anything Irish and would love this pattern. I have many shamrock cups and saucers. I love my Irish dolls especially a Barbie that goes back many years - she is dressed in an Irish dress and hat. Happy St. Pats to you!!
I would love to enter the drawing for Holiday Hoopla St. Patrick's Day. You display is a real delight and beautiful. Green is my comfort color. At first I was going to say that I don't collect anything until I remembered how many projects I have planned and bought supplies. So I collect projects!
God bless you!
Karen in NC
So many, many pretty stitched pieces in your display. I'm not Irish at all just married a "Mac". My only concession to St Patrick's Day is to tell my husband "Kiss me, I'm German" in German. I'm a collector, I have pink and green depression glass, Tom Clark gnomes, stoneware crocks, several authors entire line of books, and rolling pins. I don't have huge collections of any of it-just enough to be fun.
Carol, what a wonderful post and thank you, thank you, thank you for being so diligent in linking to all of the designs. You have a wonderful display for St Patrick's Day, which is today in Australia! Our local bar which is owned by an Irish couple usually have a St Pat's Day event with a pipe band and everything but last year they unfortunately had it two days after hosting a private party with visitors from England and you guessed it - major (for Australia - I know that our numbers do not compare to elsewhere in the world) Covid outbreak! The owners were hospitalised as well as some local shopowners plus the attendees at both events. Luckily we were not invited to either so stayed safe! Lovely gifts from your friends, which are well-deserved as your blog does bring us so much joy. Congrats to Darlene J and please count me in the new St Pat's giveaway - kayedep@gmail.com - and I collect thimbles, old china and teapots, although as we are moving into the new house soon I am trying not to collect anymore atm. ❤️❤️
Great post. Thanks for sharing.
Actually among the many things I collect are sheep.And would love to win that chart!
Yes, please enter me in the drawing! My birthday is on St. Patrick's Day and this would be a wonderful stitch. I collect vintage linens. My e-mail address is gnations@oliverlaw.com. Glenda
Yes, please enter me in the drawing! My birthday is on St. Patrick's Day and this would be a wonderful stitch. I collect vintage linens. My e-mail address is gnations@oliverlaw.com. Glenda
Hi Carol,
I'd love to enter the drawing for the Holiday Hoopla Saint Patrick's Day chart. I really enjoy seeing your charming seasonal displays for each new holiday season! As for my collections, I collect many things: antique Valentines, figural & animal teapots, cookbooks, folk art and face jugs, seasonal plates, placemats, and decorations for each holiday. I also seem to collect animals; we're big suckers for a hard-luck story and currently have six rescued cats and three rescued hens. And of course I collect cross stitch patterns!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Teresa L.
Your St.Patricks Smalls are such a lovely sight, Carol
Thank you for linking the Freebies, although i'm not Irish too, i will stitch some of them, cause they are beautiful and i'm born in March :).
Thank you for your kind words about my Gift, i loved stitching the sweet bunny Girl for you and i'm happy, that you like her :).
Have a lovely cuddle time with Baby B and your Family.
Sending a hug fom Germany
What a cute St Paddy's Day display!
Enjoy your trip, I'm eager to see some photos and hear about your adventures when you return in April.
I collect thimbles and wooden thread spools. I display the spools in a large vase. They come in all sizes and colors and, to my eye, make for a lovely collection. I've been collecting both items since I was in my late teens. I've yet to meet someone who collects spools, but I hope I do someday!
I love you St Patrick's day cross stitch finishes and your display. I would love to win that cute chart! I seem to have numerous collections including pincushions, milk glass, owls, vintage needlework, and a lot of UFO's!! Have a lucky St Patty's Day!
Carol, your St. Patrick's Day display is lovely!!! Your displays and stitching always inspire me to want to stitch, stitch, stitch. I've been in a minimalist phase over the last year which has helped to bring me peace - but, I have fallen down the houseplant rabbit hole. So, plants would be what I am collecting currently. Enjoy your time with your sweet little grandson!
Hello, I'm new to your blog, and yes, I am the eldest child. I have collected many things baskets, Hobnail Glass, and endless amounts of fabric as I am a quilter as well as a stitcher. I really enjoy the peacefulness of hand stitching. Your St. Patrick Day display makes me smile because it reminds me that spring WILL arrive soon! I would love the little sheep with the hat pattern, and the cat! Elizabeth
Gorgeous St. Patrick´s Day display Carol, full to the brim of pretty stitched treasures with delightful fabric finishes and gleeming flowers, very hard to pick a favourite there, but I do like the delicate Sweet Clover Girl. Wonderful gifts received from your stitching friends, so very generous.
Please add me to your St. Patrick´s Day chart giveaway, as I have nothing in that line and it is such a lovely pattern. I collect thimbles.
Carol: I too would take a break to spend time for a baby boy , how lucky you are to be able to do so, have a bundle of fun.
Beautiful post, so many beautiful Irish designs to see, being part Irish I only have a few items that represent St. Patrick's Day shame on me.
Beautiful needle set.
Congratulations to Darlene J. on winning the design.
Lovely Bunny gift from Amara.
What an amazing finish on St. Patrick's Day from With Thy Needle, such an unusual finish but positively beautiful.
Remember Me is a beautiful finish and frame.
I love black and white photos, they last so long.
Please include me in your drawing.
Have a lovely day
Vous avez reçu de superbes présents de vos amies. Quelles belles attentions.
Bravo pour la déco de la Saint Patrick. Je n'ai rien concernant cette fête car aucun modèle que j'avais vu ne me plaisait. Mais en nous présentant celui de Brenda Gervais voici enfin le premier que j'apprécie. Alors je vais bien sûr jouer et si je ne gagne pas je le commanderai en espérant qu'il soit arrivé en France...
Je crois que je suis une collectionneuse depuis toute petite... Les timbres, les ciseaux de brodeuses (j'en ai des anciens que Maman a trouvé au gré de ses balades) et les livres... Ah les livres, c'est envahissant même si ce sont des formats de poche. Les 5 bibliothèques à l'étage sont pleines et je continue d'en accumuler... Je ne les achète pas neuf mais de seconde main, dans les ressourceries, les brocantes.. On m'en donne aussi car souvent les personnes préfèrent les grands formats dont les couvertures sont plus jolies.
Joyeuses Pâques, profitez bien de votre petit-fils.
Amitiés de France,
Love your St. Patrick\s Day finishes and display. I admire your courage in adding personal touches in your stitching, such as the hummingbird. The piece them becomes truly your creation. One day I will find the courage to do this as I am still stuck in following the chart and I am afraid to even substitute colors.
As far as collecting, I love the color blue so my decorating. stitching and collectables all have something of blue in them. A little blue obsessed as my husband says. Enjoy your well deserved break from blogging.
Happy Easter.
Carolyn K
What fun gifts. Those needles look incredible. The sheep wearing his Irish hat is so cute. Thanks for the chance to win the pattern. What do/did I collect? Thimbles, pottery, tea cups, books, cat stuff, small jewelry boxes.....just to name a few. I have slowed down on collecting things. Guess it’s a “getting older” thing. However, I do continue to collect cross stitch patterns. 😊 Can’t have too much stash.
Your stitching amazes me. Oh, to have such wonderful smalls. Would love to win the pattern. I have collected many things, but lately I would have to say it is Xstitch charts. Enjoy the time with baby.
I always enjoy reading your blog, Carol. Wishing you a Happy St. Pasrtick's Day as well. My madien name was McGirr, so you know I wore green today. Have fun with that sweet grandson of yours!!!
I collect wizards and dragons. Just love the myths of both.
Nan Davis
Carol, the Remember Me chart is so beautiful. What a kind thought to pass it along. I have stitched a 'remember me' from Blackbird Designs and would like to do one for each daughter. My oldest daughter has one that my mother stitched.
Quel bonheur de vous lire toujours, et vous nous donnez vraiment le plaisir de partager. Partager c'est recevoir n'est-ce pas, la preuve avec les jolis présents que vous avez reçus.
Pour sûr, vous avez de jolies collections de broderies par thème, la Saint Patrick en est un très bel exemple.
Je suis et ai toujours été fan de collectionner, depuis très longtemps je collectionne les timbres et je les collecte toujours mais je ne les ai pas rangés depuis des années. Mes collections sont plutôt autour du fil maintenant avec les bobines en bois et les ciseaux de brodeuse... et très envie de collecter le plus possible de petites broderies comme vous !
Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bon temps et de bonheur avec votre petit-fils.
Enjoy !
Carol, I always love seeing what you are up to. Your display is gorgeous. I'm a big fan of green, love the shirt idea. I need to stitch the cat for my son. Tommy is a beautiful gray boy. I collect birds, roosters, plants and Longaberger baskets.
Enjoy your time with your precious grandbaby. Kim
Please enter me in your giveaway. I just love this chart!
Kbepote at yahoo dot com
I collect cross stitch fabric and patterns. :-) and books. Marie Kondo would not approve.
My reading about your two weeks of activities has made me tired! Very clever making a placemat from a shirt, I will have to keep that in mind. I think everyone is an honorary Irish person on St. Patrick's Day! Thanks for the recap on your pieces. How you can stitch on 40 count is beyond me! Great job on the hummingbird and a wonderful memory to include on Remember Me.
"I'm wondering if you collect anything?" Well, yes I do! I collect Bunnies and Eeyores! I have far more cute bunnies than Eeyores but I have them mixed together on some shelves in my room.
Have a safe trip and hug that little boy a lot!!
I love all your green! I am very much behind.
Green is my favourite colour and I loved seeing your St. Patrick display! All ornaments are beautiful but oh, that cute sheep wearing an Irish hat! It just stole my heart. Would you kindly include me in your giveaway, please?
I collect postcards from all over the world, preferably written and stamped. It's always a joy to open my postbox and find a card someone sent from a faraway place. They allow me to travel vicariously and learn something new. :-)
The presents you received this month were lovely. You have truly thoughful friends, Carol. Enjoy their gifts and their friendship! And of course enjoy your family time with your grandson as well.
See you soon!
Your stitching, finishes, and tiered tray are perfection! So many good ideas shared...thank you! I have collected so many things.....Suzy's Zoo characters (school), owls (school), Longaberger baskets, Rae Dunn, holiday decorations, llamas, sheep, buttons, scrapbook supplies, cross stitch patterns, markers/pens....
Enjoy your grandbaby! What a special time you will have.
I would love to enter your giveaway. I have that pattern on my wish list already. It's so sweet.
Safe travels!
Please enter me in the St Patrick Chart.
I collect HJ Heinz company memorabilia. I am a fellow Pittsburgher, grew up on the North Side with the factory in view from my home. I was a member and now volunteer at Sarah Heinz House, a Boys and Girls club funded by the Heinz Endowments. Heinz has a special place in my life so I found some cool items like jars, clocks, tin advertisements that I decorated my kitchen.
Oh Carol I do so enjoy your posts. I would love to be considered for the St. Patrick’s Hoopla! I only found out a couple of years ago courtesy of Ancestry.com that I am Irish......I always thought we were Scotch! I love everything you posted but the hummingbird is especially darling. Let’s see what to I collect......years ago my mother said everyone should collect something and somehow my parents decided it should be bears. Like you over the years I have culled that collection. I like collecting antiques but often the pocketbook doesn’t permit. I know I do collect crafting supplies beyond anyone’s life expectancy.....fabrics and trims and vintage trims and buttons are my weakness....but my favorite thing I collect is rocks......let me explain. My grandson is 4 and whenever we go for a hike he picks up and rock and gives it to me. I wish I had the foresight to use a sharpie and add the date and location to each rock. Enjoy your grand baby. They are a true joy.
Hello Carol,
Your post is a breath of Spring. I think we are all so glad it's finally here! Your St Patrick's Day display is gorgeous. Love the shirt/placemat idea! I usually bypass the clothes section, but may have to rethink that. The gifts you received are lovely.
The piece you stitched in honor of your dear Mom is so special~especially with the darling hummingbird you created.
Over the years I've collected Longaberger and Henn. I still use some of them. Mostly I love Spode. Blue and white is my favorite, but I like red and white too. Really any transferware seems to come home with me if it's a good price :) I seem to have a fettish with small chairs as well. I just started with that recently. I've found they are pretty cute in holding things in displays. Let's not even mention cross stitch charts/quilting books or fabric! LOL
Even though I'm not Irish~just married a Mc
I would like my name entered in your drawing for the cute Hoopla chart.
I hope you and your husband have a wonderful time visiting with Baby B and his parents!
A lovely March display!! You find and stitch the most wonderful pieces! Thank you so very much for the link to the free chart. I loved and printed several of them.
Do I collect? YES, too many things I'm afraid! My Little Golden Book collection is my favorite. I just can't pass the older ones up when I find them at flea markets. The collection started with my own Golden books: Peter Pan, Zoro, The Three Bears, and Cinderella. I'll answer last month's question, too. I am the middle child. I do like to please others. I'm somewhat rebellious and I'm a peacemaker. But thriving on friendships and having a large social circle is not me! I'm a quiet introvert.
Here's wishing you the best time with Baby B!!
I just went down a rabbit hole on Pintrest and found your lovely blog. Wonderful stitching and I especially love how you personalized your piece to add a hummingbird for your mom.
I'm a collector as well I especially love vinatge doilies and it's a bonus if they are tatted rather than crochet. My kids and I have a goal to collect a postcard from all 50 states.. it's a slow process but it's good to have goals..haha I would also say I collect bags.. is there such thing as too many bags? I'm either buying them used at tag sales or Salvation Army or I'm making more for myself..lol I use them for project bags for either my stitching or my knitting which goes everywhere I go..
Happy Hump Day
I hope you'll enjoy your break and quiet time after these busy weeks - you deserve it!
As usual, your stitching looks great. St. Patrick's is not usually a holiday I stitch for, but I enjoy the greens and little sheep.
I don't really collect anything - I sometimes joke that I collect books, video games, and stitching supplies, as I have more of all three that I will probably ever read/play/use, but I'm not sure that really qualifies, as I do pass on the ones I'm done with!
Being mostly of Irish decent I love your Irish display!! Such wonderful gifts you have received, you and your blog are well loved. I collect cross stitch things now but never wanted a big collection of anything in particular. I am sure you must be enjoying your time with your grandson by now, have a fantastic trip!! And enjoy every second with him, the time will fly by.
Hello Carol...been a while since i visited my blog, unexpectedly stopped blogging spring of 2016, that couple of years been a very difficult time for me...well, life goes on and i tried updating my blog beginning of this year but don't know my way anymore and had to wait on my daughter's help..
Posted a couple of pictures early this year and haven't been back to it until recently and found out all comments then went to my spam box...
I really appreciate you stopping by and leaving me a comment. So sorry i haven't seen it earlier. I do hope from now on to try and do more update regularly.
I Love your March displays, all are so beautifully finish.
Have fun with your grandson and wish you all a Happy Easter.
I am way behind in my blog reading, but so happy to see your post with the lovely St. Patrick’s day stitching and the piece you made in remembrance of your mom. I love the old picture of your parents too - isn’t it neat to imagine their lives back then? I know I love seeing pictures from my parents and their parents too - they give me a little more window into what their lives were like. I don’t really collect anything, but I do love reindeer and decorate with a ton of them at Christmas, so perhaps that’s a collection. I used to collect pins from every place I skied, and went through a phase of collecting some figurines from the Hallmark stores (their name escapes me now!). Now I guess I could say that I coollect quilting and cross stitch projects and supplies - wink! Wishing you a wonderful Easter Carol!
Your St. Patrick's day layout is just lovely! I would love to have the WTN&T pattern. I tend to collect ceramic pumpkins! That came about from all the exchanges I took part in! I'm also on my way to a collection of nutcrackers, haha. My favorite is a pirate nutcracker and a display that goes around playing the Nutcracker Suite. This collection started 2 Christmases ago. I miss my parents too. Yours are an attractive couple, you look like your mom. I hope you had a fine time with your grandson. Happy belated Easter to you! Take care.
Hi Carol - just checking in to see if you are back home from your visit with your precious grandson and his Mom & Dad and if we are lucky enough to find a new posting from you on your wonderful blog. I truly hope all is well with you and your whole family, and I hope the you have had a very special time away. All the best to you - always!
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