Happy St. Patrick's Day, my friends... I truly hope that you are all doing as well as can be expected during these unsettling times. Every day we are greeted with yet more worrying (at times, downright scary) news and updates regarding the coronavirus/COVID-19 which has affected every one of our countries. It appears to me, that it will have a far-reaching effect that will take our world a long time to bounce back from. Here, our schools are closed throughout the state, restaurants and bars are shut down (except for getting take-out food) and all non-essential businesses are closed for at least two weeks. My guess is that it will last even longer than two weeks... My dear mother is allowed no visitors in her senior living community and my in-laws are now required to eat in their room as there will be no communal dining time for the foreseeable future. How are things being handled in your country or state?
In times like these, our stitching brings comfort, doesn't it? I can't imagine life without my needle, fabric, and thread--they truly soothe my soul during times of distress. I've finished up the four St. Patrick's Day designs from Pineberry Lane's "Little Shamrocks" chart. Each one stitched up very quickly and, I have to admit, the finishing took longer than the actual stitching. They are stitched on 40 ct. raw natural Newcastle linen with most of the suggested threads, although I did change a few things along the way. Below is a little vignette I put together with my newest St. Patrick's Day stitching. I bought a set of the topiaries (shown on the left side of the photo) at the Target Dollar Spot and the white pitcher and two tiny cups adorned with clover were purchased at Goodwill last year. The moss "rocks" came from The Dollar Tree.
Would you like a closer look at each one? Here you go...
"Basket O'Luck" finish. I added three small buttons, a ribbon and silver shamrock charm to the flat mounted finish. For this one, all of the suggested colors were used. |
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Here is one last glance at the quartet. Which one is your favorite? |
I truly loved stitching these and even though I have not one ounce of Irish blood in me, they definitely make me smile! How about you--are any of you mostly Irish?
Saying goodbye... This past week was a very difficult one for me as I said goodbye to two very special people in my life. The first was a wonderful co-worker of many years who passed away just weeks short of her 90th birthday. We shared so many laughs and fun times at the library and she was probably one of the kindest, most generous people I ever met. Always there for you in a pinch.
Unfortunately, I was not able to attend either my friend's visitation or her funeral as I was down in Texas for yet another funeral. And this one was even more difficult. I can't help but cry as I write this... My dear daughter-in-law lost her mother at the very young age of 71. Although she'd been having some serious health issues for the past six months, no one expected this outcome so soon. So, in spite of our fears of flying with the coronavirus epidemic, my husband and I boarded two planes and flew down to El Paso, Texas. I think our presence truly brought some comfort to my daughter-in-law and I can only hope that she'll turn to me for the love and guidance she received from her own mother all these years. It won't ever be the same for her, but I promise to be there whenever she needs me--she is so very dear to our family.
Flying was not easy... I am not a good flyer to begin with, but flying with the coronavirus fears is a different experience altogether. We wiped everything down in our seat area and tried our best to keep our hands away from our faces (not so easy when you are on two planes each way for more than eight total hours of flying time!). I hope and pray that neither of us picked up anything on our trip! To ensure that I don't pass anything along, though, I'm staying at home for the next two weeks happily holed up with my stitching, reading, and baking. We have almost no food in the refrigerator, but have placed an order online and my husband will pick it up later today. He doesn't even have to go into the store as they will load it into the trunk of his car. We've never done anything like this, but I hope it is successful and I can shop this way more often!
GETTING TO KNOW YOU... Oh, I so loved reading all of your responses to my new "Getting To Know You" section questions! Thank you so much for letting me get to know you a bit more... I have to admit that some of your responses to the question of "What small living thing are you most afraid of" made me cringe--I mean maggots and earwigs! UGH!!! So, I have two new questions for you today. As always, this is just a fun way to get to know each other a bit better--participate or not, it is up to you. Of course, I'll give my answers to the questions as well.
1) Do you think of yourself as an introvert or extrovert (or a bit of both!)? I don't think you'll have any trouble guessing that I'm an introvert. I am most happy in my own little world doing my own thing. I have always been quite shy and simply prefer my own company. Parties exhaust me and I'm always relieved when I can "opt out." After a social gathering, I need time alone to "recharge my batteries." I won't have any trouble self-isolating, let's put it that way!
2) What, besides your stitching, helps you relieve anxiety in stressful times like these? For me, it's exercising. I love to walk on my treadmill and if I don't do it daily, I can feel the anxiety building up inside me. Music helps, too--even more as I get older. It can take you back to easier times or bring back memories of happy experiences. Can't imagine life without either. How about you?
I'll leave you with one last photo I took in Chicago's O'Hare airport on our flight home from Texas. I think I'm behind the times, but look at one of the many receptacles placed in very plain view throughout the airport...
Who knew?!?! |
And that wraps up another post... I hope it's brought you a few smiles during this scary time we are all facing. Things are changing so quickly and it's hard to keep up with all the news. I truly hope each of you stays healthy and safe. We WILL come out of this on the other side! Take comfort in your stitching, call a friend or family member, read, pray, and do whatever helps relieve the anxiety. Bye for now...
Hugs and condolences Carol, such difficult times for us all. I think stitching will be the saviour of many in the next few months. Your Irish/green/lucky stitching it super, such a variety all so beautifully finished. Happy St Patrick's Day
I am so sorry for your losses, Carol. But how brave of you to brave flying to Texas for your DIL! You are special and I'm sure will be a great mother to her. Love seeing your stitching as always. I hope you and yours stay safe and well. As for your questions, yes, I'm definitely like you -- an extrovert all the way! Hate parties too. lol! Of course stitching and knitting help me relieve stress and anxiety. Also books, of course, escaping is important for me these days. I get on my treadmill most every day as well, and I do think it helps as well. I seem to need distraction even while knitting -- a podcast or audiobook, etc. And I like watching movies or such. I enjoy instagram, but for now, I've put that on hold -- it's no longer relaxing at the moment. Take it easy and lots of hugs.
Oh Carol, I am so sorry to hear that news. Yes, you had to go and comfort as best you could. This is certainly unprecedented and weird and I could go on and on. I too ordered groceries the other day. I have never done that. Lindsay does it if they go out of town and she is coming back on a Sunday evening and it is certainly been helpful to her.
The stitches are adorable. The finishes just adorable. The whole little setup is so cute. I only have the one St. Patrick's Day stitch now so that is something to do in days going forward.
I could have written your answer to #1 for my answer. IT is a ditto in every way. It is so funny because my little Lindsay and my Jeff are going to have great difficulty with staying home. My son is much more like me.
I love to go for walks outside. I also love to sit on the dock in the mornings and late evenings for stress relief.
Take care!
Siento mucho tu pérdida , seguro que encontrará tu nuera el apoyo que necesite en ti.Tus trabajos son fantástico, como tu me encanta todos los trabajos relacionados con hilo y también las manualidades(https://bolillos-rosamaria.blogspot.com/2015/).No soy como tu, yo soy introvertida y mi deporte preferido es la piscina y caminar; pero lo mejor siempre es tener algo entre las manos(https://contrastes-rosamaria.blogspot.com/2020/03/entre-manos.html). Cuídese esperando que todo vuelva a la normalidad
Carol, My condolences on your losses. I feel for your DIL, 71 is too young an age to lose your Mother too. My Mom was 86 and I still feel like she passed before her time...No age is easy to lose a parent.
I feel for all the people in nursing homes that will be missing out on family. Thankfully, phone calls cost nothing now so you can keep in daily contact.
Your vignette is just perfect with all your finds and sweet stitches. The Basket of O'Luck is my favorite! My maiden name is O' and my ancestry is Irish with a Dutch Great Grandmother.
I am a mixture of Introvert/Extrovert. I dislike going to large parties and big group settings. But, I'll strike up a conversation on line at the supermarket with no problem. My anxiety reliever is my daily walk in the woods. I don't like going more than a day without spending time in nature.
I have never seen the cannabis amnesty box before, times have changed!!
Be well and thankfully are stitching brings us solace. Mary
I am definitely an introvert. Always have been, always will be.
I can't think of anything that relieves stress as much as stitching does. Maybe reading something very interesting.
Love your stitching Makes me want to start one. I love stitching projects that are a "series".
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you Carol! I am bit Irish. On my mother's side. :) I will tell you I LOVE this vignette you have Carol. My favorite is the same as yours. She is so darling!!
I am so sorry for your dear DIL. How very brave of you and Tim. I don't know if I could have made the trip.
I am an extrovert. I would be giving you a hug Carol. Not to worry, it is a Coronoa virus free hug! ;) I am a talker. Still drive Brian a little mad at get togethers after all these years because when it is time to go, I am still talking. HA!
I have become addicted to listening to audio books when I stitch. I love them. And I read books when I walk on the treadmill. And I am like you with the treadmill Carol. I do it daily.
My condolences to your sweet daughter in law. I know your presence was a balm to her sorrowing heart. Sometimes we have to do things that are hard and flying right now would definitely top the list. As a nurse I am trying to keep calm as we only hear the worst case scenario. I do think the Media could help calm some of this panic but they choose not to do so. As for stress relief...stitching, avoiding the news outlets and reading help me to remain calm. Also my faith as I know that my life is in God's Hands, always has been and always will be. There is very little in life I can control other than my attitude. Now...LOVE you St Patrick's stitches. I have only got my little St Patricks Hoopla. I may have to add a few more pieces as I am English, Irish, Scottish with a bit of Norway thrown in. I definitely have the Irish skin that is prone to Rosacea. lol Carol I hope you are comforted by the sweet memories you have of your friends who have died. Hugs!
Carol, I am sorry to hear of your friend's passing along with the passing of the mother of your DIL. I am glad you were able to get to Texas and be there for her, your son, and the family.
Each one of your St. Patrick's Day finishes are lovely. My favorite is the round one.
I am more of an introvert unless I am with people I am totally comfortable with. And I had to chuckle because I am always exhausted following any type of gathering. I know that part of that is due to my hearing loss because my brain needs to work harder in settings like that.
Reading helps to relieve stress and anxiety or taking a walk outside around the property.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Carol!
Good Morning Carol, Your blog is a bright spot to my day. My paternal grandmother was Irish. According to ancestry I am 40%. The other 60% is English:) I am sorry for your losses, and I am sure your visit to Texas, means the world to your Daughter-In-Law. She will never forget your kindness:) I loved all of your St Patrick's day stitches (and amazing finishes) Who was the designer for the little girl, I think she is my favorite too. Again, thank you so much for sharing, and stay healthy my friend:)
I am definitely an introvert. I can go for days without leaving my house quite comfortably. Blogs and flosstube keep me connected to the outside world, so I am not a total social hermit. All of my needlework hobbies keep me centered during stressful times - quilting, knitting and cross stitch are like mediation for me. I just get into a zone and the rest of the world goes away. Stay safe everyone.
All of your St Patrick's Day stitches are cute, I can't choose a favorite!
Growing up my parents told me I was an introvert, but I've learned as an adult that I am a shy extrovert. I cringe at being in the spotlight, but I can't stand to be alone. I get approached by people wherever we go, strangers who literally come up and just start talking to me... some have even told me their life stories! My husband says it's because I'm approachable. I don't know why it is, but I've learned to embrace it and view it as one of the characteristics God gave me!
I love to read. If I'm not stitching, I'm reading. Also now that we have grands that are getting older I enjoy playing board games with them.
Here is AZ we have very few cases and although the schools are closed, most of the restaurants are still open.
My deepest sympathy at the losses you have experienced recently. Take care!
Beautiful stitching, Carol. Yes, these are very hard times for us all.
You have had the added heartache of losing loved ones. Your presence must have been so very appreciated.
I know and love the quotation by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and many years ago, I was able to do a workshop with her in Holland.
I am confined to stay in my home until April 19th. Then we shall get further information on how to proceed. My pantry is well-stocked and when I starting running out of things, I will order online.
Take care!
Hugs to you and DIL. It was very kind of you to fly down to Texas and I hope you emerge from your isolation virus free.
Your stitching is just beautiful and I love the red hair!
I'm a well adapted introvert. Meaning I can do public speaking, travel alone, eat dinners in public alone etc but any time with a lot of people sucks all of my energy out. Fortunately, I married an extreme introvert and gets my need for solitary recharging!
I love to quilt and read and snuggle with my kids and dogs.
So sorry about your sad news Carol ,I find the older I get there are more and more friends and loved ones that pass, my hubby was talking to his brother today
and most of his school friends have now passed it was very upsetting for him today.
Your stitching is just beautiful again ,what a lovely foursome so pretty ,
Love your finish and the way you displayed them all .
I am very much like you Carol and Hubby is the over way so it's great fun!
But I am changing a little.
Stay safe and enjoy life we all should .
Carol, so sorry about your losses...never an easy time, but compounded by what's happening today, must have made it even tougher. Virtual hugs coming your way!!!
Your Irish pieces are precious and I think My fave is the round one. I am about 50-60% Irish...a little from both sides, but my Mom was a McNamara and you can't get more Irish than that!
I am never comfortable at large gatherings or with people I don't know well. I will be very happy to stay home for awhile with needle and thread except for the Grands. We will do what we can do to help our daughter but it will have to be a bit limited.
Stay well!
Happy St Patrick's Day. Love your St Patty's Day finishes and display. Perfect. My dad's side has found we have a lot of Irish. My son with his bright red hair shows that off pretty well I guess. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend and your daughter in law's mother. How sad. I'm sure you will do everything possible to be there for her. We are supposed to fly end of April. It will be Jeremiah's first time flying. I haven't flown since 2001 so I know it's changed so much as has my anxiety so I got some medicine to take just in case. I just hope this craziness has settled so we can ever do our trip. We'll see. Your picture is one I'm looking forward to Jeremiah seeing. I think he will love that.
I'm an extrovert and yet my anxiety makes me worry when I walk into a room with a lot of people. Then after a few moments I stop thinking about start talking haha. I love getting to know people.
Other than stitching I love watching scary movies and listening to music. Both things can really make me smile.
Someone else shared that new box on my Facebook. I guess it makes sense because it's legal now in some places and yet not legal in others.
Stay healthy.
So sorry to hear about your recent losses. I'll keep you and both of these families in my prayers. I have a wee bit of Irish in me, so I do very much love your stitched pieces and the way you finished them. I can see where it would take longer to finish them than to stitch them.
Answers to your questions: I am definitely an introvert. I enjoy being home and away from crowds. The idea of staying home to help control this horrible virus doesn't bother me at all. Other than stitching to calm me I enjoy worked jigsaw puzzles. I'm stitching an older Just Nan sampler right now. I'm about half way through and I finished a puzzle last night. Ready to keep stitching and puzzling! Stay safe and healthy!
Hi Carol from sunny northern Illinois.
My condolences in the passing of your friend and DIL's mother. When we love greatly, we grieve greatly. May your memories of your co worker be good ones and put a smile on your face. You DIL will have a hard time in the loss of her mom. But the Mother In Law sounds great! You will be there for her and that is wonderful.
I recently lost my husband of 35 years, two months ago. The quiet in the house is hard at times. However, I have cross stitch, and am a quilt maker so those two things are helpful. Have two dogs, so walking outside in fresh air during this virus situation is a good thing. I read a few blogs and yours is one of my favorites. You are an introvert huh? well nothing wrong at all about that. I would say I am a bit of both. I enjoy being by myself doing my crafts and talking to my pups. Have older son at home but he works an odd shift so I am content to keep busy during day. This virus is a nutty thing, but if we all do our part, we can get through this.
May you have a wonderful week or two doing your crafting. Thank you so much for your blog. It is a joy!
Cindy in northern Illinois
Lovely stitching. Basket O' Luck is my favourite, I really like how you have finished it. I am so sorry for your losses, it is always hard to loose someone. Your daughter in law i lucky to have you there for her. My parents died at 63 and 70 and I know how hard it is. In answer to your questions I am very much an introvert, I find parties a nightmare. Apart from my stitching I also sew, bake, and read a lot. I went out to my favourite second hand book shop yesterday and stocked up on books to keep me going. Over here in England church is cancelled, my husband is working from home, Girlguiding is cancelled (I run the little ones in our village). We have been told not to visit anyone over the age of 70, not to go to anything social, cinemas are closed, pubs and restaurants are open but we have been told not to visit them. Apart from shopping and dog walking we are no longer leaving the home. Stay safe. x
Hi Carol, I had to skip ahead and make sure you weren't ending your blog after reading the title of this post. Thank you again for writing and sharing, even about hardships and loss. I'm sorry for your loss. I am a introvert, but also a Leo, so I have my moments of being outgoing... and have to channel the Leo bit for my job too.
In times like these, I return to my dearly beloved books... like the Betsy-Tacy series, L. M. Montogomery (but Emily more than Anne!), and classics like 84 Charing Cross Road. Books and stitching mean the world to me.
Thank for your post today.... I think we needed it.
Montgomery. Oh forgive me!
2o2o has not started out very well for me and it sounds like you've experienced a less than stellar start too. So sorry for your losses. I love all your pieces. I'm bashful, shy and an introvert but I've had to learn to come out of that over the years. In the summer I love to garden, in colder months I also crochet, work on quilts, hand embroider and work on wool applique. I'm sure there's much more but those are the major things-jack of all trades and master of none.
Carol, my heart goes out to your daughter-in-law. One of my biggest fears is losing my mom. I’m so glad you have a good relationship with her and that she has you.
Your St. Patrick’s Day stitches are all so cute, and my favorite is your favorite as well. I love the ruched ribbon.
I am most definitely an introvert. I heard that if you feel drained being around people you are an introvert and if you feel energized you are an extrovert. Yup, even being around my besties, I need to get away at some point to recharge my batteries.
Stitching gets me through tough times. So does binge-watching a good TV series. In the summer when it’s hot, I like to recline in a zero-gravity chair under the shade tree out back, put on my noise-canceling headphones and listen to music.
What is a “Cannabis Amnesty Box”?
Mass hysteria is just now hitting Idaho. Store shelves are emptying and basic supplies are getting harder to find. I am trying to share what we have with family and friends. I would rather suffer a little than have someone else suffer a lot.
Stay healthy, sweet friend.
I haven't checked the blogs for ages, but I've been thinking of you today and I'm glad I checked in. I am so very sorry for your losses. It also must be so hard not to be able to see your mother! How brave of you to get on those flights! Was anyone wearing a mask? Your question about being an introvert or extrovert is difficult to answer. I definitely love a good party or gathering but I also love being alone and a usually quite happy to be a hermit. Take care, and all my love to you in these trying times.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you. Your medley of projects turned out so lovely!
I am so sorry for your losses, especially at a time when all normalcy that we rely on has disappeared. I guess that is why we turn to stitching, cooking, gardening...just to ground us. I am sure it was very comforting for you DIL and son to have you there to get through such a difficult time.
I am an introvert around adults, but as an elementary teacher for years, I loved being around all my kiddos every day. But I recharge my energy with alone time. My main passion is gardening, but that is limited to about 6 months in NE, so I started cross stitching this winter after a 25 year break. It has been a good diversion for all the virus-related stress. Staying home is not a problem for me, other than I miss in-person contact with my grandchildren. Stay safe, and keep stitching and inspiring us with your projects. We will get through this if we all stay home as much as possible.
Hi Carol, How kind of you to fly to a Texas for the funeral. Your daughter in law has a very special mother in law. You m sure she knows that.
I love your St Pats smalls. You always have the cutest displays. I used to decorate every inch of my house for holidays but haven’t done much the past few years and am giving most of it to my family or good Will. Did you see the darling Veronique Enginger st pats small on someone’s post this morning. It was adorable. I wish I knew wher she got it from. I didn’t know all those current questions belonged to and didn’t know how to find them or I would have taken part.
I went out to my LNS today and bought a couple sampler patterns and fabric. Just in case this thing gets really long. I can sdontwo weeks but after that I’m not sure.
We just lost a very dear friend. Late 60s in such a traumatic and unbelievable way. I can’t magi ever how his family was able to function. It was the 4 th friend we lost this year.
I so enjoy your posts and blogs. I didn’t know you were the blogger of the year a few years ago. Wow an accomplishment.
Take care
Here in Florida we are having many of the same limitations you are seeing in Pennsylvania. Of course one of the big things is the closure of Disney World, Universal Studios, and the like.
Your St. Patrick’s pieces are just as cute as can be. Your finishes are wonderful. I really like that green with the white dots fabric. Perfect! And your photography is so clever, too! Sprinkling the green buttons around the Sweet Clover Girl is a neat idea.
Yes indeed, my stitching brings me comfort during times like this. It’s a very fun thing to do as we “shelter in place.” Like you, “happily holed up with my stitching” is not bad at all. Prayer, Bible reading, and calming music also help to relax me.
As for the introvert/extrovert question, have some of both. I can be an extrovert when I need to be which means many would be surprised that I prefer a quieter atmosphere with just a small number of people. Like you, once I get home after a gathering, I need to recharge with some solitude.
I am so sorry to read about your recent losses of special people.
So sorry to hear about your losses. Yes, 71 is considered young these days, what a shame. My good friend lost her 94 year old mom 9 months ago and is still having difficulty with acceptance. I hope your DIL finds some peace and comfort in memories.
Your Irish pieces are wonderful and I love the greens chosen. Very nice. In answer to your questions, introvert and Ativan!!
You have truly had a hard time Carol. I lost my own dear Mom at 59. And I loved the piece you shared because it is so true. She was way too young! I know you will be such a comfort to your DIL. I will keep all of you in my prayers. Yes, stitching has been a great comfort to me. I am stitching "A Savior's Praise" It is so big, I am convinced I will still have lots of it left long after this horrid virus is gone! Besides stitching reading and gardening give me great joy. I do walk everyday but more because I know I have to than because I want to! I hope your Mom and in-laws stay well. We are pretty much locked down here too except for grocery stores and pharmacys .
Hi Carol,
It's the same with us, school and university are closed, no more events until 10.07. Shops and restaurants, bars and cinemas are closed, only the food markets are open. I work in an administrative office and was at home this week, I'm curious what will come when I go back to work on Friday.
During this time, the hobby brings the best for the soul. With such bad news and restrictions in daily life, you need distraction.
Your work looks so great and each one has a nice finish.
Such goodbyes are always difficult, but you are certainly a great help to her and I am sure she will grow closer to you. It is the same with me and my mother-in-law, my mom thinks 10 years ago died so suddenly.
You do the right thing and think not only of yourself but also of others, so not many do it and still handle the virus very carelessly.
I'm probably also more introverted - I don't like big gatherings, I prefer to be in my little world, I don't like going to parties, I leave that to my children.
Music helps me, sometimes loud and I sing along, sometimes loud. I also like to read, but I think music is very important to me.
I find we are similar.
I wish you and a family good health,
Big Hugs, Martina
Hello Carol, my sincere condolences. You are right, 71 is much too young. I think your DIL will find a very good friend in you.
This damned virus slows down everything here.
Your stitching is as usual very nice. Like the little lady with the shy smile.
Well, introverted or extroverted, I can say I am both. Like to be with friends but not too often. I like to laugh and can do crazy things sometimes.
Stitching, knitting, reading and listen to music makes me feel good.
When I am down I listen to my favorite music (Country, but not the new kind of it) and sing along with Waylon Jennings or others. My collection is big.
Hope we will have better times soon.
Hugs and stay save.
Hey Carol,
i like your st. patricks embroidery. the processing is, as always, very, very nice.
now to your questions if I'm introverted
Rather not, I like to meet and talk to people.
To your 2nd question
When I found our beautiful hobby again about 16 years ago, it helped me over a bad time. today i can no longer imagine a day without embroidery.
Since you have to say goodbye to dear people, I'm sorry.
happy stitching
You seem like you would be a perfect mother in law, and I'm sure your daughter in law will love you more and more in the years to come.
What would we do without our stitching! I'm watching floss tube and some Prime movies while I stitch. I really enjoy just being home with my husband as we work on our projects - his woodworking and my sewing.
Do you watch floss tube? There are some wonderful stitchers out there.
So sorry to hear about your friend's & DIL's Mother's passings.
Love your Pinebarry Lanes, I have stitched the first one so far, but need to finish it.
I commend you on taking the trip, flying is so scary now.
We have the same restrictions as you do.
We are ok for supplies right now. No need to go to a store.
I am an introvert like you.
I love to be by myself & sew or stitch.
To relieve anxiety, I love to listen to music, all kinds.
Take care & stay safe.
Hello Carol,
your St Patrick's finishes are so beautiful. I love them all.
Hier in Deutschland sind die Schulen und Universitäten bis 18.April geschlossen. Meine Kinder bekommen ihre Aufgaben per Mail und müssen es sich selbst erarbeiten.
Mein mittlerster Sohn ist zur Arbeit.
Geschlossen haben nicht lebensnotwendigen Geschäfte, Bars, Restaurants und vieles mehr, das heißt geöffnet haben die Supermärkte, Drogerien, Apotheken, Post und Banken.
Ich ist nicht leicht sich von seiner Mama für immer zu verabschieden. Ich wünsche deiner Schwiegertochter viel Kraft für die nächste Zeit und sie wird in dir eine liebe und gute Freundin finden. Da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher.
Ich gehe nicht gern auf Partys und fühle mich zu Hause sehr wohl und widme mich meinen Hobbys, neben handarbeiten lese ich auch sehr gern.
Take care and stay healthy. HUgs, Manuela
So sorry to hear of your losses. Beautiful St Patricks Day stitching! And I haven't flown through Chicago in a bit so my first cannabis amnesty box sighting. Thanks for sharing!
(Hug) Carol, so much sadness in the world at the moment.
4 super St Patricks finishes.
I'm sure your daughter in law will be so thankful to have you in her life
With love x
Je vous présente mes sincères condoléances pour les pertes d'êtres chers autour de vous.
Tous vos ouvrages pour la Saint Patrick sont très jolis ainsi que les différentes finitions. J'aime beaucoup le panier, il a beaucoup de charme avec les boutons rajoutés.
En France c'est le confinement également. Mais pas de quoi m'ennuyer avec les points de croix, les livres et la musique ainsi qu'avec mes chats et mes deux poules. Mon mari est en confinement également à la maison pour 15 jours renouvelables selon les consignes qui seront données. Il fait du télétravail. Comme je suis quelqu'un de calme il peut travailler sans soucis. Et puis mon atelier est dans le jardin alors aucun bruit même lorsque je couds à la machine. Pour la musique, je travaille les morceaux tous les jours sur le clavier je mets un casque. Pour la nourriture je fais depuis de nombreuses années des commandes et vais les chercher directement au drive. Cela évite la foule dans les magasins.
Concernant vos questions je dirai que je suis plutôt introverti, j'aime mon petit monde. Je fuis la foule, le bruit. J'aime vraiment le calme de ma campagne et je serais bien malheureuse s'il fallait que je retourne vivre en ville.
Pour lutter contre l'anxiété, la broderie, la lecture, mes animaux, la musique m'aide énormément. Cela permet à l'esprit de s'évader.
Prenez soin de vous,
Amitiés de France,
I'm so sorry to hear of your losses Carol, it must be excruciating to lose such a long time friend like that. I'm also very sorry about your daughter-in-law's mom, and I am so happy that she has you to rely on and look after her, I'm sure she feels the same! It was brave of you to fly during this pandemic and I am sure that your daughter and law was very comforted to see you there :)
Your finishes are super cute as always, you really have a gift for finishing things! Beautiful. To answer your questions: 1) I'm definitely an introvert, I need a lot of quiet time to recharge and think, and I get sensory overload if I can't escape social gatherings. And 2) it might sound old fashioned, but reading the Bible and meditating on it really helps me cope with anxiety. But if it's nervous energy that we're talking about then I go for a brisk walk to calm down- which I can't do now that we're on lockdown unfortunately!
I hope you are well, you're doing the right thing by staying at home in self-quarantine.... Have fun cross stitching, reading, and doing anything else that makes you happy! And above all else, stay safe :)
Carol, Don't be afraid. I made 8 flights during the last two weeks including Chicago and Dallas (2 times). I saw this box, too and it seemed to me that Chicago is a very clean airport. Dallas is not so clean. You cannot escape from the virus. Take care.
I am very sorry to read of the passing of your dear friend and your daughter in law's mom,Carol.That you travelled to comfort your daughter in law in such a worrying times shows how much you love her.
Your stitching which I follow on IG is beautiful as always and beautifully finished.
I am self isolating in line with government guidelines for 12 weeks because I have asthma.I am happy with my own company, my stitching and knitting, reading and music.
I hope your mom, you and all your family stay safe and well.
So sorry to read about your recent losses, It must have been quite frightening to travel by plane with what's going on but I'm sure your DIL appreciated your support at a very difficult time, good for you for being there for her.
Your St Patrick's day display is just lovely, I love all the shades of green together, beautiful.
To answer your questions, I suppose I'm an introvert, I much prefer my own company to being in a crowd, I was very shy when I was younger although as I've got older I am much less worried about standing up for myself and speaking out.
I too put music on if i'm feeling anxious or just a bit down, it does lift my mood, also I do like time alone, if I don't get some time alone during the week that stresses me out, Mark understands that sometimes I just need to be on my own, that's why sometimes I will go away for a weekend, on my own or just take myself off for the day, when I come back I feel much better for it. Loving these get to know you bits on your blog, it's interesting getting to know you better and also reading comments from others.
Take care x
Lovely Irish stitches! I'm thinking of getting that pattern now! lol! I'm mostly an introvert, but can be an extrovert when needed...and yes, I'd have no problem self-quarantining....if only my employer would tell us to. Sorry for your losses...young or old, it's never easy to say say goodbye...hugs!
I like your Basket o' Luck the best, but mainly because I like the way you have finished it. I am definitely an introvert and this staying at home and avoiding crowds doesn't bother me one bit. I don't think I have any stress relievers apart from stitching, but I do like to do puzzles to keep my brain in gear and also love to read.
Stay well Carol.
Sorry for your losses this month. I am sure your DIL was very grateful that you were able to be there for her.
I love the little basket of greenery. Erin is my favourite, I like the way they are dancing a jig!
I'm an extrovert who recharges by being alone with my stitching. I do enjoy drawing too but cross stitch is my main relaxation. And blogging!
I'm so sorry for your loss, Carol. You were a brave woman to have flown all the way down to Texas! I'm sure your daughter inlaw appreciated your being there for her.
I loved all your little Irish pieces ( you are the queen or 40 ct and smalls). My favorite is the Basket O'Luck. I love its simplicity and colors.
My stitching is my peace. As an Elementary teacher for 35 yrs, my stitching became my therapy...esp after a long day at school. I stitch in absolute silence... no music, no tv, no audio books. I love the solitude... Just me and my needle and thread.
When not stitching I like to watch Floss Tube. I love to get to know other stitchers and see all their beautiful work. (of course I'm enabled as we all are!)
I used to be more of an extrovert when I was younger and in my teaching days talking and mingling with lots of people, but the older I get the more introverted I've become. I enjoy getting together with a couple of my friends and stitch together or go out for a nice lunch. I avoid large gatherings, and am not a traveler. I guess you could call me a home body.
Dear Carol,
I really like your beautiful Stitching Shamrocks, they have become so wonderful and I can relax while reading your post. The corona crisis is also difficult to bear in Germany, senior homes and hospitals in Berlin are subject to one hour visiting time per day. In other federal states you are not even allowed to visit your loved ones anymore, a really hard time.
The others have already written what other restrictions there are in Germany. I can switch off when I am embroidering, that is the only thing that makes me feel calm and relaxed.
Take care of yourself and stay healthy, with love, Jutta
Oh Carol your shamrock stitches are the most delightful thing I've seen today. I have been eyeing that pattern for a couple of years now so I think I'm just going to have to support Stacy's small business and download it! Thank you for enabling me! I am so sorry to hear of your two losses. I completely agree with Elisabeth. Loss is like an open wound that heals but always leaves a scar. You can live with it but you're never the same. Stitching and being outside in nature are two stress relievers for me. The calming effects of the woods, ocean and fields work wonders for worrying hearts. Thinking of you often throughout these days. Love and courage to you.
I am an introvert. I am an only child and as such I learned to entertain myself and enjoy doing so. I have a few very close friends with whom I feel comfortable, but I am slow to warm to people and am usually just a listener. I have always loved to sew and stitch and read, all solitary pleasures. I need time alone and when we have extended guest visits, it is very wearing and stressful.. Carol in Texas
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, and your daughter-in-law's mother.
I am so sorry for your losses Carol.I hope your DIL finds comfort in knowing that you are there for her.
I love your St. Patrick's stitching! They are very cute. I have turned into more of an introvert since I stopped working. If I don't have to go out then I don't and if I can stay in my pjs all day that is a plus. Something else that I do to help relieve stress and anxiety is assembling jigsaw puzzles!
HAve a great stitchy day and stay safe!
Your stitching is beautiful. As always I'm in awe of your finishing.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your DIL must be devastated but then she has you.
I'm clearly an extrovert, I love to talk . However after being cheated few times I don't share personal things now. I can strike a conversation with anyone about any topic-food,travel,environment etc. I'm not invited to many parties but I love gatherings with intelligent people.
Besides stitching , I find peace in cooking, organizing, letter writing and mindless Netflix watching.
Stay safe my friend.
Sincere condolences.
Beautiful stitching. Love your collection and display of St.Patrick's Day stitching.
1). Definitely an introvert. Like you I hate to go to social events. I don't really look forward to my birthday as I know its "all about me", much preferring Christmas as it's an collective celebration.
2). I do like walking. Being a member of The National Trust is a joy as I get to walk around some beautiful places. I can get lost in it all and forget all about work stress and personal woes.
Stay safe and well.
Hello Carol!
Love your stitching, they are adorable!
So sorry for your losses.
Stay well.
So sorry to hear of the passing of the two ladies. A hard choice to make of which service to go to. Love your St Patrick's day finishes. I've been admiring that particular chart for some time. My state has ordered all schools closed, any event with 50+ attendees to cancel. If a county has 1 confirmed case, all bars and restaurants need to close but they can do delivery and take out. Since a case has been confirmed in a neighboring town, I have become serious and take precautions. Oh, I am an introvert! It doesn't bother me to stay home on my one day off! Best wishes to you and hubby. Stay safe.
Stitching really is a great comfort in these times, and your St. Patrick's ornaments look great!
I'm sorry to hear you're having to deal with personal grief on top of the hard times we're all going through right now. I hope you'll have the time to process and grieve and get your thoughts and emotions in order.
I am very much an introvert myself - in fact, this whole self isolation thing is totally up my alley, as getting away from people and holing up is my natural reaction to stressful times, anyways! Besides stitching, I try to set myself a bit of a routine, doing a little yoga in the mornings or use the crosstrainer. I also read and play videogames and have video chats with my friends, anything to get my mind off the crisis!
Hi Carol and thank you for your lovely post. It really made my day on the start of week 3 of working from home and limiting my trips outside the home. I am not minding being home too much, just wish I had time off work so I could do some more crafting! As it is, I have been super busy and working longer days at home. I find it harder to walk away from the dining room table/office than I do to leave the office, but I am very grateful for a job that I can do remotely, I love your green stitching, the girl in the shamrock dress is my favorite for sure! She is so sweet. I am very to hear about both losses. I am sure you will be a great comfort to your dil, 71 doesn’t seem old at all anymore...funny how “old” changes as I age and my parents age. To answer your questions, I am right on the introvert/extrovert line every time I take a quiz. I think I lean a little more to the introvert side these days as I really cherish my quiet time at home. I am also trying to exercise to relieve stress, but the other thing that always perks me up is time with my Girl Scout troop. Those girls make me smile every time I am with them. No one told me that being a leader for them would mean so much in my own life. Who knew I’d have 10 more “kids” to love? We had a virtual meeting yesterday and it was good to see them all and let off some steam together. Hope that you are healthy after your travels and doing ok in your home!
Hi Carol - oh, thank you so much for sharing your St. Patrick’s stitching with us. They are wonderful (as always!) and so pretty. It’s really hard .to pick a favorite ‘cuz I love them all! Makes me wish I was Irish!!
I was so sorry to read about your good friend passing away and your daughter-in-law’s mother passing away, too. You and your husband traveling to El Paso was a blessing and I’m sure your daughter-in-law truly appreciated your kindness and the love you shared with her. I can only imagine how traveling with all the unknowns in our lives at this time would be quite difficult.
How are you doing now? How are your sons getting along? I really hope all is going well for you and your family.
I wish all the best to you and your family.
I love seeing your stitching, Carol. I was sorry to read that you have had two recent bereavements. It is hard at any time. I hope it won't be too long before you can visit your mother again.
Dear Carol,
I am so sorry for the losses you have had. I really feel for your daughter-in-law and am so glad you are there for her. I have been thinking about your mom and your in-laws during these very difficult times and praying they stay well.
Your St. Patrick's Day ornaments are just adorable Carol! Your finishing is just exquisite.
I am definitely more introvert than extrovert. I love quiet time and am enjoying the extra time the current restrictions have provided (there's a blessing in everything). Besides stitching,I find walking is my other great stress reliever. I prefer to walk listening to the sounds around me.
Please stay safe and well. Hugs to you.
Hi Carol, so sorry to hear about your friend and DIL's mom. I'm glad you were able to get to Texas and back. I think the Cannabis Amnesty Boxes came about when Illinois legalized recreational cannabis last year.
In answer to your getting to know you questions, I have always thought of myself as 100% introvert, but during college, I worked in retail and that really helped me open up a little more. Now I'd say I'm 80% introvert, lol. My oldest daughter is so not like me. A few weeks ago, I was babysitting my grandson & he's starting to coo and make noises. As I was talking to him and he was cooing back to me, I said "your mommy started taking and she still hasn't stopped" and he gave me the biggest baby smile ever!
Besides stitching, I also use music, reading, crochet, knitting, drawing and painting to help with anxiety. Having two high energy dogs that are always ready to go for a walk, chase a ball or catch a frisbee gives me a outlet for physical activity when I need to get moving.
Take care!
Oh Carol, I am so sorry to hear of your two recent losses and my condolences to your sweet DIL, so young for her mother to pass away but she is so lucky to have you as a MIL. I love all of your sweet St Patrick's Day cross stitches, such a great display. To answer your questions, I am more of an extrovert but having said that I do love my down time, on my own with my sweet Furio when I can stitch and read to my heart's content. My stress relief, apart from stitching, would be walking with my dear friend, Marie, and reading, cooking and baking. Take care, sweet Carol, hugs, Kaye
I think you are a delightful extrovert! You freely share sorrows and fun with us on your lovely blog!
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