What day is it again? If you're like me, the days seem to be simply running into each other--one day seems just like the one before to the point where I really have to stop and think, "Is this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... ???" This seems to be our "new normal" for a while--quite a while, I think. This COVID-19 pandemic has me unable to settle--I flit from one thing to the next and I can't maintain my focus on anything. I haven't left my house in two weeks since self-quarantining after our plane flight on March 21st. I've walked out onto my patio a few times on the rare occasions when the sun was shining, but that's it. We are not supposed to be out at all in our area except for "life-sustaining" purposes (getting groceries, visiting the doctor, etc.). How are you all coping?
Thank goodness I have my stitching and other hobbies to enjoy at home and keep my mind off the increasingly dire reports on the spread of the virus. I try not to look at the news, but, it's hard not to be drawn into it at the same time. As my youngest son said, this is probably one of the few times in history that the entire world is on the same side, fighting the same battle.
I thought you might like to see a couple "pretties" today to give you a break from dwelling on that "thing" that has consumed our lives... I actually finished this piece in early March, before things got so worrisome. "Be Happy, Humble, & Kind" is a design by With Thy Needle and Thread stitched on 40 ct. vintage country mocha using a variety of overdyed threads from my stash. The colors were what first drew me to this piece along with the sentiment.
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"Be Happy, Humble, and Kind" finish |
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I changed the color of the man's face, hands and legs to DMC 950. |
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A beautiful, big white house, but I'd hate to wash all those windows! |
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Being "happy" may be a bit more difficult these days, but better days will come again! |
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Be Kind: one thing we can all practice--no matter what is going on around us! |
The latest issue (Spring 2020) of Punch Needle and Primitive Stitching" Magazine has so many adorable charts. I was immediately drawn to this robin sitting on his beautiful blue eggs. It is designed by Subrosa Designs and is called "Bless Our Nest." The original design contained the words "Bless Our Nest" below the basket, but I left them off. One of my favorite linens, 40 ct. Woodland Newcastle was used--love the way the white shows up on it! I changed all the suggested colors except for the brown on the robin's body, which is Weeks Dye Works "Cocoa." The blue eggs are stitched with Dinky Dyes silk in "Aquamarine"--aren't they lovely?
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I so enjoyed stitching this one and see more robin stitching in my future! |
I just haven't been motivated to get out any of my stitched bunnies this year--hope I can make myself do so this week. This is ordinarily one of my favorite months to decorate with the pretty pastels of Easter and Springtime. I think if the weather warms up and the sun starts coming out, that will help immensely!
We had horrid thunder/rain storms pass through on Saturday! Torrents of water coming down into our yard (which is on a low spot in the neighborhood) with overflow from our pond created this "river" in our side yard for a while and ruined some newly planted landscaping. Sigh... not what we needed right now!
A big storm turned our normally grass-covered side yard into a raging "river" last week! |
Unfortunately, some of the new landscaping we had just put in last fall was damaged, too. |
How are you managing your grocery shopping? We've been ordering online and picking up in the parking lot of the grocery store, but that is getting increasingly difficult. And you know the one thing we've had the worst time finding (no, not toilet paper!)--flour! Simple baking flour! I guess everyone is engaged in comfort baking these days--I know I am... Cookies, granola, and a new recipe for banana-carrot muffins have been baked here recently. We do have baking flour for bread so I plan on making some in my bread machine this afternoon. I've included links to the banana-carrot muffin recipe and our favorite chocolate pudding recipe that also made an appearance last week (just click on the name of the recipe below each photo). If this keeps up, I'll come out on the other side of the pandemic having gained 20 pounds!
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Easy Banana Carrot Muffins |
Quick Creamy Chocolate Pudding |
It was such fun reading your answers to my "Getting To Know You" questions last week. It appears that the great majority of cross stitchers are introverts (which didn't really surprise me!). And it was nice to read how many of us take refuge in our other "hobbies" of listening to music, exercise, working puzzles, reading, and gardening when trying to de-stress.
So, what question do I have for you today? As always this is just a fun way to get to know each other better--no pressure to participate. Right now, the last thing we need is more pressure, right?
1) What is your favorite comfort food? Without question, mine is homemade bread with butter--more than chocolate, more than soup, more than macaroni and cheese casserole. I think part of the reason is that the thought (and that wonderful smell!) of just-baked bread takes me right back to my childhood. My Dad used to bake the most wonderful rye bread (two kinds, actually) as a form of stress-relief after long hours spent in the operating room (he was a surgeon). Simply imagining that bread brings instant comfort to me. (He eventually had to stop making it, though, as he was gaining way too much weight!).
The days seem to be dragging on and on for me lately. Does anyone else feel that way? I hope that by the next time I post, we will be finding better ways to combat and contain the pandemic. I'm so sorry I haven't responded to your many emails and comments--just haven't felt quite like myself lately, as I'm sure you're feeling, too. I keep seeing scenes on fictional television shows and in movies of people doing "normal" things like eating in restaurants, going to movies and plays, and gathering with their extended families and I find myself feeling quite envious of the way life used to be! I know those days will come again sooner or later... Take care now, my friends, and thank you for your condolences and sweet comments in my previous post--they meant so very much to me. Bye for now...
How sweet is that robin design? Love it! Your choice of finishing is once again, a perfect compliment. The Be Happy finish has the softest blues, just beautiful.
Comfort food? Is ice cream a food? If not, pasta!
Such beautiful pieces, Carol. I especially love the robin with your charming finishing touches! Your robin doesn't look like our European robin at all!
I'm actually really enjoying the extra free time that I have now without interruptions from outside appointments. My food is delivered once a week with the possbility of getting extra things if needed through the Scouts who are serving my neighbvourhood with great kindness!
Plenty of crochet time to enjoy, books and watching Netflix. I've just completed two weeks of total self-confinement when they announced lockdown ov er here on March 17th.
Kocham twoje prace, haft jest cudowny,podziwiam!
Your Be Happy, Humble, and Kind finish is just beautiful. I really, really like the robin a lot! :) I am with you Carol. I love bread.
I am shocked to hear of you seeing people doing normal things. Please, not in our country! Wake up people! Stop endangering us all. This is spreading like mad. We have not even come close to seeing the death totals.
A very nice post expressing what most of us introverts feel. Plenty to do indoors, yet easily distracted. Dismayed by the news, yet it draws one in. My husband is grocery shopping with flour on the list, i shan’t be disappointed if there is none. I enjoy too many comfort foods. Stay well.
I love the robin, Carol. "Be Happy, Humble and Kind" - words we should all live by all the time. Keep well.
Good morning, Carol - what a happy surprise to find your posting this morning! It truly brought a smile to me when I saw it! Your stitching pieces are so beautiful! I just love how you make some creative changes that are so clever and wonderful - such as the wrapped vine on the handle of the basket of the robin, and some color changes that are beautiful, too! These are so special and remind all of us that it’s okay to make changes if it suits us. Thank you so much! I’m currently trying to finish a little project I started a longtime ago. It’s just a long piece of 14-ct Aida with some red, white & blue stitched hearts on it to wrap around a basket to use as a decoration for 4th of July (and maybe Memorial Day & Flag. Day :-). ). I have a ton of stitching that needs to be finished - so this is a good time to work on those.
Sorry to see the “river” in your backyard. It looks like it doesn’t get too close to your house, hopefully, and sorry, too, that it damaged last falls yard work. Nothing is ever “easy” is it?
I can completely agree with you that homemade bread is The Best!!! My mom used to make it when I was still living at home and I really don’t think there is anything better than the smell of bread baking in the oven! Do you ever make yeast bread? I like to bake cookies and “easy” stuff, but I haven’t made bread.
I hope you and your family are doing well. All the best to everyone!
Betty Crocker’s original recipe for Scalloped Potatoes. I do add cheese through out the casserole. So very good. I good eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Miriam
I think I need to get that Brenda Gervais design after seeing yours.
How cute are those Bees? And that big basket with the house inside!
Love the colors too.
What a beautiful Robin, I too am going to stitch this one, love your changes.
Sorry about your yardwork being ruined.
I too went to buy flour, none to be found. I do have a partial bag though. I want to buy some rye flour for rolls that I make, it's hard to find. Seems Hodgson Mills stopped making it, can't find it anywhere, even online. Thanks for the recipes, I love muffins.
My favorite comfort food is Popcorn, I can et it any time of day!
We are doing okay here, I keep busy stitching & finishing, but hubby doesn't have any hobbies to keep him busy, so he is bored.
take car!
Carol, I didn't even notice all the bees on your IG post, so love the WTNT piece even more!!! Thanks so much for posting the chocolate pudding recipe...my grandmother used to make that when I was a child and I'm sure it will bring back sweet memories. I am happy to see a microwave version and will definitely give that a whirl. I'm trying NOT to make many comfort foods, so my weight doesn't go back up ( I recently lost 10 lbs)and I find a cup of hot tea does the trick for me.
I hope you can find some peace in the coming days and comfort in your stitching. Take care and stay well!
Your stitched pieces are pretty,Carol.I do like Be happy,humble,so beautifully stitched.
My stitching and knitting are keeping me going.
I hope your family are keeping well, particularly your mom.Being unable to see our loved ones face to face is the hardest part of these lock downs.
I worry for our sons' and their families.
I looked out for an elderly neighbour when she had to self isolate before the virus took a firm grip here in the uk.
However,I am asthmatic so I am staying at home now.
My husband, as a lorry driver whose company is delivering food stuffs for supermarkets and supply chains, goes to work each day,.He is taking hygiene precautions wherever he goes and his company have been responsible towards their employees. As he has to go out to work, he also does our weekly food shop.We did not get drawn into the madness of panic buying, which has eased off thank goodness.
I have not been comfort eating, amazingly, because I have been known to, however I cannot do without my cups of Yorkshire tea.Tea has been scarce on our supermarket shelves and very luckily I bought a big box a few weeks ago, when it was on offer :)I am expecting to grow a handle and a teapot spout any day now :)
Take care, stay well Carol.
Lesley x
Both are lovely finishes, but my favorite is the Robin stitch. I love your changes and love how you finished it.
Let's see, comfort food! Macaroni and cheese (it reminds me of my grandmother), mashed potatoes, and hamburg gravy are just a few.
Wishing you peace during the coming days, Carol!
Like you, I avoid the news.....it helps me to keep sane. Carol, your stitching is so beautiful. I wish I could stitch on 40 count. I love using just one thread, it makes the pieces so much prettier. I am doing something on 36 right now and I can stitch on it with my magnifier for a while before I have to put it down. My favorite comfort food is biscuits and gravy. I made some last week and it was so good. I am trying to avoid making sweets as I would gave the Corona 15 as I have seen it called online.lol I did find some flour yesterday when we went to the store. WE go once a week, keep our distance and sanitize on coming home. I understand the virus is much more active right now in the north east. Keep safe!!
Beautiful stitching, Carol! My favorite comfort food is anything pasta.
It is warming up here and we're lucky to spend a lot of time outside. Our neighborhood is full of greenbelts with walking paths and we're taking lots of walks. It's getting easier to grocery shop. The National Guard is helping to stock the shelves of our local stores. Still no paper products, but I don't need any so it's not a worry for me. I avoid the news too. Which really sucks because I am a news/current/event junky! So one of my pleasures is no longer good for me. Take care, Carol!
My favorite comfort food can be described with one word - carbs! Not many are in my diet these days though and I feel so much better without them.
Beautiful stitching as always!
The stream in your yard does not look fun at all! We are supposed to get storms this afternoon but don't generally have any standing water here. The area where my son lives is older and lower and they often have water in the streets.
I hope you are safe and have everything you need. Need is being redefined these days isn't it? xoxo
Both of the stitches are simply adorable. Once again you knocked it out of the park with the robin finish. I have pulled out my spring stitches but it is much warmer here.
My comfort food is an odd one. I like elbow macaroni cooked with just a can of tomatoes. I don't eat the tomatoes but just like the flavor. Whenever I am sick or well anytime I love it. I even have a nickname based on how much I ate it as a kid. My son likes it as well. When I am stressed don't show me a bag of Golden Flake barbecue potato chips. I can eat the entire bag. So probably not your typical answers.
I keep remembering the phrase "This too shall pass." My aunt said that my entire growing up years.
It's not only you who has lost track of time, Carol. Last week I was preparing to go grocery shopping when my family stopped me and said "Where are you going? Today is a holiday?" I totally forgot which day it was.
Your two last works are lovely and very fitting for the time of the year —yes, I know it's already spring, but for a synesthetic like me February means grey and blue, and your "Be Happy, Humble, & Kind" represents it perfectly! As you worked on it last month it fits well. The "Robin Nest" looks very delicate and the light blue frame and backing you chose makes it stand out.
As for the comfort food it has to be cheese. Any kind is fine, but the smellier the tastier. ;-)
Take care and have a nice week!
Hi Carol. It's interesting that your sampler says "Be Kind". Our Prime Minister in New Zealand made "Be Kind" a key message of our response to COVID-19. At first we thought it was a bit silly, but as time have got tougher, and the restrictions more severe, it really does seem to be a message to live by at the moment. Your stitching is gorgeous as always.
I noticed at Christmas time that the stores just don't stock the amount of flour like they used too--think it is because alot of people did not bake much anymore--at least that is the only reason I could come up with--like Walmart used to have half an aisle of flour--but now it only has about an 1/8th of an aisle--so don't think it is because folks are stock piling it--I think it is because the stores just don't carry much any more!!!
love your posts--stay safe-
luv, di
That's an interesting observation that most cross stitchers appear to be introverts. But no surprise, as I think about it. We're in good company, aren't we? We have to be introverted to get the stitching done!
My favorite comfort food is peanut butter. One good dollop on a spoon is filling and tasty.
Your stitching is so perfect!
LOVE your robin! I, too, am finding that it's hard to keep track of what day of the week it is. My comfort food is definitely chocolate, but home-baked bread would be a close second.
Oh my, I didn't check out the flour and sugar because I don't need it right now. If people would just buy like normal, things would be plentiful except the masks probably. I don't go out to eat so I don't really miss it but I know a lot of people do. So many can't celebrate important dates and then the loved ones are restricted when someone passes away. I will be so happy for things to return to normal. My favorite comfort food is homemade pizza with a runner up of Mom's Kentucky style chicken and dumplings. The dough is rolled out and cut into strips like noodles. No Bisquick either. I grew up on Southern Style food and never had pizza until I was about 16 when I slept over a friends house. We went ice skating then stopped at Pizza Hut before going back to her house. I kind of felt like a backwards country girl but she was kind. My family just couldn't afford to eat out much so it was a fantastic treat when Dad took us to A&W or Jets Hamburgers. Those burgers stunk to high heaven but were sooooooo good. Better than White Castle, McDonalds, Burger King or any other burger place. Stay safe.
I always enjoy reading your blog Carol. I too am in PA in the south central part of the state, also known as the Susquehanna Valley. Fortunately for me, I can do 80% of my work from home, but I do understand about the days running together.
I am also lucky that I haven't had to make a grocery run for the last two weeks and I think I can get by for another 2 weeks.
I love your stitching! And, your finishes always give me a "uuuummmm" moment. They have inspired me with some of my own finishes.
My comfort food is peanut butter and butter sandwiches. Been eating them since I was a kid. I think we had run out of jelly and my mother told me to try butter instead.....I was hooked. But, the butter has to go on top of the peanut butter and only on one slice of the bread. Add the second slice and 'vola" my comfort food.
I agree with your son that I have never heard of a pandemic that affects the whole world.
I love this beauty, I like every detail very much and the colors are perfect. But I'm also in love with the robin. I really like these motifs at the moment. And you found a perfect Finsih.
At the moment I can buy everything from us again, there have been restrictions that you can only buy a certain small amount of the important things - such as flour, toilet paper, pasta, kitchen rolls.
My favorite food - homemade bread. But I also like to eat red peppers, and at the moment even cheese.
Keep fit and healthy, it's a tough time, but we'll get through it.
Hugs Martina
Thank you for sharing your lovely stitching today. Every morning when I get up I go through my Bloglovin' post and read blogs, this helps to cheer me up and give me a bit of happy time. Flour is in short supply in England too, as are eggs. In the end we are managing to eat something every day. My favourite comfort food has always been chocolate of any kind and in any form. x
I don't know what the original Sub Rosa design is supposed to look like, but I love the way you have stitched yours. I must admit I do love a Whispa Gold every now and then, but I too love bread and butter. I don't bake my own bread yet, but the loaf we pick up from the Co-op at the weekend is still warm when we buy it, so lovely and fresh, and it has to be real butter on it, not margarine or any other rubbish.
OH my Carol what beautiful stitching I love the designs the colors and the
finish .
Lovely yummy cooking .
My hubby goes down to do the shopping very early in the morning , there were only a couple of people out , he is very quick , and the rest we shop on line.
Only one person can do your shopping here .
Have faith my friend we will get through this , it will take time but the positive that will come out of this , people will be thinking different about life and how lucky we are and love one another more and become more caring .
The world will change.
Well I love eating anything sweet , I have put allot more weight on the last two weeks hubby is pleased he thought I was to thin , after the last virus I had the other year.
Take care my friend , stay safe big hugs to all.
Hey Carol,
you show such beautiful work again. good thing that we have our nice hobby to get over this time. I only go shopping once a week.
you ask about your favorite meal, there are many. a typical german dish i like is beef roulades.
please stay healthy.
happy stitching
Hello Carol,
Yes it's true, that we manage to no longer know what day it is!
We are fighting against an invisible enemy!
Fortunately we have our dear little crosses, I am also on Instagram, your works are magnificent!
Good luck !
Monique, from France (Vineuil Loir et Cher)
Hello Carol,
two wonderful finishes. I like the colors you have choose for the Be Happy Humble & Kind.
I'm so happy that I have my hobby and my garden in this difficult time.
Stay safe and heathy my friend.
Hugs, Manuela
i love your works ! i will come back to visit you :-) on top, i can translate all in french, even if i speak and write english it will be easier for me !
Two beautiful designs, Carol. Like you I find that the days are blending into each other. Continue to be safe.
Your robin is a bright light in the day today, Carol. Dark and pouring rain here. I hope all of the flowers will be getting a good drink! There is a shortage of flour here, too, especially bread flour. I have noticed the same thing on TV...people hugging when they meet...it seems strange already. Funny how the brain reacts to such things after such a short intense time. Makes us appreciate those simple things like a hug from a friend or stitching together. I would take bread over chocolate any day. How sweet that your dad would bake it. My husband's mom was a super bread maker and luckily he likes to do it, too. Here's hoping April brings some warmer weather and that we can enjoy sitting outside. Stay safe until next time...
Greetings from Idaho!
We had the drudgery of the stay-home order interrupted just after six o’clock last night when a 6.5 magnitude earthquake hit! The epicenter was near where my mom lives in central Idaho. I was sitting on my loveseat and it felt bouncy and fun like a waterbed. My husband shouted, hurry, we all need to get outside! Quickly! I shouted back, “I can’t move quickly!” And I pointed to my crutches. Haha! By the time I got out of my reclining seat and on the crutches it was over.
I was 10 when the violent Borah Peak earthquake rocked our town, so this wasn’t my first earthquake. Even the mild ones can be scary, though, because you don’t know how long they’re going to last or how bad they’re going to get. This one wasn’t bad, and I called my mom and she is fine.
Hearing everyone’s frustration at the stay-home orders is, believe it or not, somewhat validating for me. This has been my reality since surgery in December. I’ve learned to be patient and just accept it, and try to look for the bright spots such as having more time to stitch. Now that I’m able to finally get out more, I’m being ordered to stay home! Haha.
I hear you on the flour! My son lucked out and found 20# at Walmart so I shared half with a friend. When I heard another friend had none, I lucked out and found some at Whole Foods and picked up 10# for her. We did the drive-by delivery with each friend, leaving it at their doorsteps. I miss seeing friends in person.
Love your stitches/finishes. I especially like how you stitch with overdyed, variegated flosses. I can tell you don’t go back and forth but stitch in a more randomized pattern so you don’t get such a “stripey” effect. Looks good!
My favorite comfort food? Toss up between homemade bread—any kind—and good, homemade cinnamon rolls. My mom used to make all our bread. My dad bought some giant green plastic pig feeding bins for her because they made the best bread mixing bowls. She could mix up six to eight loaves at a time (use some/freeze some). She gave me her copy of the Tassajara Bread Book, the bread makers’ Bible.
So sorry about the flooding and your landscaping. Ugh... that is a lot of work and a lot of money. Ugggh... sorry.
Please stay healthy!
En France nous entamons la 3ème semaine de confinement. Comme vous je me perds dans les jours mais ça n'est pas important.. Je me dis que c'est tous les jours dimanche.. ! Nous respectons les consignes pour que cette pandémie cesse rapidement, pour les courses alimentaires nous faisons également par le internet et récupérons le tout au drive et nous allons aussi à la petite épicerie de notre village. Il y a ici aussi pénurie de farine, beaucoup de personnes se sont remises à faire leur pain et des gâteaux en tous genre. Je suis entièrement d'accord avec ce que dit votre fils. C'est bien la première fois sur terre que le monde entier est embarquer sur la même galère et que nous allons tous dans le même sens.
Quel régal pour les yeux vos ouvrages. J'adore les deux, de jolies couleurs qui font du bien en ce moment. Nous avons des rouge-gorges dans le jardin, ils viennent manger les graines de nos poules lorsqu'elles sont en promenade dans le jardin. Je les laisse toujours en liberté, elles rentrent dans le poulailler pour pondre et le soir pour dormir à l'abri.
Mon aliment préféré, ça va être difficile j'en ai plus d'un que j'aime..... Le bon pain j'adore ça, le fromage (nous en avons beaucoup en France...) les légumes et les fruits... La viande passe de plus en plus difficilement, même si elle est très très cuite... Il en faut pour le fer notamment, aussi je me force à en manger une fois par semaine le reste du temps je fais seulement avec les légumes.
Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches.
Amitiés de France,
Hi Carol! What beautiful finishes you have for us today. I love the colors of the "happy, humble & kind" project, those blues are so very soothing, and the general sentiment is calming. Also, those banana carrot muffins look stunning!! I feel like grabbing one through the screen lol, you are a very accomplished cook indeed.
I really understand when you say that you can't focus on much of anything and that you have a general sense of unease, and also that watching shows and movies of people doing mundane things looks surreal now... I hope we find a way to cope with this pandemic soon. For now it's good that we have our stitching, as you say, to make the waiting more bearable.
To answer your question, my comfort food is pizza :) It reminds me of carefree childhood, road trips, movie nights and time spent with friends. What could be better?
Take care Carol, I hope you find some comfort stitching and that next time you post we'll have more answers about this virus. Until then, keep safe! Sending you a big hug. Robin.
Oh my March felt the same way. I still have to check multiple times a day to see what day it really is. My mom hasn't been out since March 5th other than to take two drives. No getting out of the van while running around though. She is doing okay. I was having a horrible time enjoying stitching. Plus reading things. I just seen a bunch of words. Love your finish. So perfect for right now. Be Happy. The robin is adorable. Love your finish of course. We had a horrible rainy weekend last weekend too. Sorry it did damage to your landscaping. My husband and I are still going to the store. There is no flour around here either. We did finally find TP. How crazy! My favorite food is chocolate of course. But also I love pasta. Any pasta. Please stay healthy and safe.
Dear Carol,
it seems to me that time is running like crazy, too.
I wish you all, all the best, get well through this difficult time.
I like your two projects very much, you are a real photo artist!!!
Take care of yourself, hugs, Jutta
Your stitching and finishing are lovely, your baking looks scrumptious, and the rain looks like a lot! But I am sorry to hear you are slightly struggling. It is all so unprecedented and somewhat scary. It sounds like you are doing everything right to stay safe and healthy. It is a very strange time. Thanks for sharing your stitching and your thoughts. We are all in this together and it helps to connect with others. hugs and love to you, Carol!
We are having to think about what day it is when we get up too, and we have only been at home for just over a week. It's a strange and worrying time for everyone I think. I have days/nights when I think about what's going on more than others, I do try and not look at the news often now.
I love both of your stitched pieces, that Robin is really cute:-)
Food delivery slots are very hard to come by here in the UK, my daughter has had one booked for 3 weeks for delivery on 9th April. There must be a world wide shortage of flour, it's one of the things missing from our supermarket shelves too, although loo rolls seem to be plentiful now :-)
I bet you can guess my comfort :-) Cake! lol. Although I am being very good at not eating it at the moment.
Take care and stay safe Carol xx
The sampler is lovely, I like the muted colours. The Robin is a great Easter finish, much bigger than our robins here.
Our supermarkets are returning to normal although some prices have risen.
I also try to avoid the news, but that is because our leaders make me want to throw something at the TV. Scotland and New Zealand have wonderful First Ministers, I feel like emigrating!
Beautiful stitching! I love the robin design.
I've been feeling very much like you. Both my hubby and I are considered "essential" employees and are still working. My office is closed to the public but hubby is out and about as his job requires him to do service calls at hospitals, nursing homes, doctor offices, schools, etc.
Grocery shopping is so difficult here. Most of the stores have long lines of customers waiting to get in as soon as the doors open and then they all panic buy so much that the shelves are bare within a couple hours. Stores have started limiting the number of customers in the store at one time as well as only 1 person per cart. The few stores still doing the online ordering either don't have the items we need or it's at least a week before our order will be ready. And, yes, in addition to no toilet paper, cleaning products, milk or eggs, I still haven't been able to buy flour. I keep wondering when I'll be able to get the basic groceries.
As if we didn't already have enough stress and anxiety from this pandemic, we had severe storms with tornadoes last Saturday. My area received hail damage and heavy rain but there were 4 tornadoes in the surrounding area. Sorry that you had damage from the flooding.
My favorite comfort food, in addition to sweets and chocolate, is real mashed potatoes like my Grandma always made.
Hang in there, dear friend!
I love Be Happy, Humble, and Kinda very good sentiment in these crazy times. Glad to hear that you are managing to get thru this craziness and I hope that it will end soon. My daughter is essential (unfortunately) and she is doing some of the shopping while she is out. The bulk of the shopping is being done thru InstaCart and being delivered to our driveway where everything gets wiped down before entering the house.
My favorite comfort food is probably mac and cheese or else potato chips!
Happy, humble and kind just squeals 'Carol', it is so perfect for you and such a pretty finish.
A sweet ornament, I really must get some 40ct and give it a try.
My comfort food is cashew nuts or chocolate.
Take care my friend x
Carol, I think you might now by now that RJ and I just love anything by Brenda Gervais, and how on earth did I miss this pattern? I love it and the beautiful colors. Love the sentiment and all those sweet bees. 40 ct newcastle is my favorite but I am unfamiliar with the woodlot color. It's very pretty.
Another favorite of mine is birds and how sweet is that robin!! Now, I'm going to have to purchase the magazine!! So sweet!!
I recently said to someone that I flit from one thing to another and not accomplishing much, other than baking!!! I have been baking up a storm!! One thing I made is banana muffins with crumb topping that was soo good. I'll have to try your recipe now too, it sounds healthier with the carrots!!
WE had a huge thunder storm last Sat with a small amt of rain but lots of thunder in the morning. It was very spooky as it came up so fast. You really got hit with the rain!!
My favorite comfort food is homemade bread and homemade soup. When I was growing up that was our Sat night dinner most every week. Mom made the best soups and the warm bread with butter was my favorite part of the meal. I was so fortunate to have a Mom who loved to cook and bake.
Stay well. Mary
Beautiful color you picked for the eggs, Carol. I've been finishing some of my stitching finishes, trying out different sewing and quilting projects, and trying acrylic pour painting. Several days a week I take the dog to the park for a good long walk. That makes us both happy.
Hang in there Carol! It is hard for sure, but you will find a new “normal.” Our has come here in week four of work from home and week three of school from home. I am probably spending too much time on my iPad, eating too much, and letting the kids veg a little too much, but I am also giving us all grace to get through this in the way that works for us. Hopefully you’ve had some nice spring weather this week, which I know lifted out moods here. I just love to see the flowers blooming and the trees budding, it gives me hope for better times ahead. I absolutely love the blue eggs and trim on your newest stitch! It is so pretty. Sorry to hear about the damage the rain does to your yard. We have a low spot too and a river when it rains hard. One of the neighborhood drains is at the back of our yard. Well, now on to your question. I think my comfort food is potatoes - either mashed or baked. I’ve always loved them and my mom makes the best mashed potatoes, always from scratch. She usually made me a baked potato as a kid when I had a bad cold, and I still love them today! We routinely eat them for dinner at our house! Hope you have a nice Sunday and look forward to your next post!
Hi Carol,
I hope you're holding up okay :) For me, times just flies byy recently...I'm still working my full schedule (but from home) and also taking care of my grandma (who's 88 and her care takers are not coming in right now) and shopping for two more elderly people. There's so much to do and with working from home, it feels like work and time off just flow into each other and they day goes by so fast - I'm really looking forward to Easter and a couple quiet days.
I hope your son is right, and we'll all stay on the same side in this crisis...it would be terrible if we started gettng at each other's throats, too!
Your stitching is lovely, I especially like the robin with its eggs and all the nice, soft colours.
My favourite comfort food is probably pasta. I love pasta in all kinds of variations - with meat, with tomato sauce, lasagna, all of it! I could probably eat it every day for weeks on end. I'm trying to not have it too often, though.
Your stitching and finishing is beautiful as always. So sorry to read that your new landscaping was ruined. I pray that you are able to find comfort and peace during this unsettling time. We are both essential workers so most of our routine is the same. My husband works at the grocery store we he is doing the shopping when things we need come in. Luckily we have always been the type to buy extras when things so on sale, so our pantry is usually pretty well stocked.
Chocolate is the best comfort food ever!
Hi Carol. Your Robin finish is the prettiest. Comfort food for me is a beef stew that my dad made and that I now make. Since I'm the only one here at home now, I have leftovers. Something with Mac n cheese or mashed potatoes is a comfort to me. I see I'm getting really behind on commenting on blogs! I have my grocery shopping down to once a week and I have quit stressing over toilet paper, haha! Take care.
No need to apologize Carol, I think we are all just doing the best we can and I know my best is NOT my best! Stitching does seem to be a huge comfort to me. I hope all is well with your mother. It must be a worry for you. Love the stitching as usual! Take care , we still go to the grocery store trying to make it only once a week. Yes, flour is gone here too. Odd, I think! A nice warm soft chocolate chip cookie makes my day. Unfortunately that has to be a very rare pleasure for me!
Hi Carol - just thought I’d check in on you today, say “Hi” and ask how everyone is getting along during this truly unusual time in everyone’s lives! I truly hope you are doing well - lots of time to stitch, that’s true for all of us - and taking care of yourself and your husband. How are your sons doing? How is your Mom doing and your husband’s parents? Truly a difficult time for all! and like nothing any of us have ever even remotely experienced before. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers - all the best to you!
Your finishes are so lovely, and so refreshing to look at! A breath os spring! Sorry about all that flooding on your property -- at least your house is dry! Comfort food. I'm not sure what mine is. There could be so many different categories. lol! Chocolate? Macaroni and cheese? Split pea soup? Good question! Hang in there! These are hard times indeed.
Very beautiful stitching, Carol! That design by Brenda is so lovely, I wonder why I don't have stitch that so far...
The bird ornament is so pretty.
Hope you and your family are doing well.
Popped in from a mutual friends blog, it's always nice to meet new blog friends. Lovely stitching. I understand what you mean about flitting from one thing to another. I sit down to the computer with something specific to do, loose track do something else. Get up and realized I never did what I sat down to do. I've been reading far more news than normal. I rarely watch, enjoy reading it more, and somehow it seems less in your face. Stay well and stitch on.
Hi Carol, as always such a lovely post. You expressed what so many of us have been feeling. But, we are so lucky to have our stitching and our blogging and each other, aren't we? Your two finishes are exquisite as always and the Be Happy, Humble and Kind is so true for this time. I have only recently found Punch Needle and Primitive Stitching magazine but I am so glad that I did as it is a real treat - such gorgeous designs. Oh dear, re your "river" and what a shame about it ruining your landscaping. Re my grocery shopping, we have a well-stocked pantry and fridge and freezer but like everyone else, I cannot always get the specific items I want at the supermarket. And, as I am trying to go to the supermarket as rarely as possible, I am learning to do without. Thank you for the recipes, I will have to give them a try. As for my comfort food - I do so love the classic English winter dishes - tuna patties, tuna mornay, rissoles with mashed potatos, soups and casseroles. Those dishes from my childhood. Look after yourself, my dear. Love from Australia.
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