The end of the year always brings a mixture of the bitter and the sweet, doesn't it? I think that holds true more this year than any other year that I've lived. It's been a tough one! And yet, I am still grateful for so many things--especially my family and my stitching friends who have really made living through a pandemic just a bit easier. One of my favorite quotes from Ralph H. Blum states: "There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy." I've chosen to find that gratitude this year in spite of some pretty sad happenings... You can choose to dwell on the sad or you can decide to find things in life to be grateful for--because there is always something, no matter how small, to give thanks for!
Well enough of my end-of-the-year philosophizing! How was your Christmas? I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it felt to have my youngest son home for five days after not having seen him since last Christmas. My middle son was able to join us for Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas morning brunch, too. It felt so good to just sit and laugh together (I actually laughed so hard during a game of Balderdash that my ribs hurt the following morning)! How I missed the simple normal things this year like spending days with my family. We ate too much, watched "It's a Wonderful Life" (which, although it is one of my husband's favorite movies, I had never seen!) and episodes of The Mandolorian. As I looked around the table one evening, I smiled to myself: "How wonderful it feels to just laugh and chat and feel normal for a change!" I'm sure most of you can relate, can't you?
One of the normal things in life that I didn't have to miss out on this year was my stitching! I'm sure you all feel that it's been a lifeline at times, just like I do. This beautiful piece is called "Merry Christmas Sampler" by Crown & Thistle. The chart was given to me by my dear friend on Instagram, Claire, from Canada. Although I'm not really a sampler stitcher (I usually need the reward of instant gratification given by smaller pieces!), I truly enjoyed stitching with one color and I think the end result is gorgeous.
It is stitched with a stunning red thread--Gloriana Silk in the very Christmasy sounding name of "Poinsettia." I used, for the first time, a higher count of linen: 46 ct. white Bergen linen. Now, what I didn't realize as I was stitching along, is that this is not an evenly woven linen. I panicked as I saw that right margin growing smaller and smaller as I stitched across the top row of the sampler. You can see it here in the photo below--the right margin is about half the size of the left. I think I can make it work, but I won't have much fabric showing when I frame it.
I hope to frame it in a pretty, tarnished silver frame of some sort. Can't wait to display it for many Christmases yet to come. Thank you again, Claire--your gift was so sweet and I look forward to seeing your finish in the coming year!
But, there's more! I must have been a good girl this year as I got some lovely gifts from stitching friends around the world. I truly appreciate each of them taking the time to make a little something for me!
Cindy D. made me this gorgeous Hands On Design ornament for my tree. She changed the colors to darker blues and I absolutely love it! Thank you so much, Cindy! |
From Vickie came this very sweet little bird that she sewed out of an antique quilt. Of course, she chose to make him blue for me! Thank you, Vickie--he is adorable! |
Two beautifully stitched cards arrived from two of my German stitching friends. Manuela made the pretty snowflake on the left and Gabi stitched the sleigh laden with Santa's goodies on the right. Thank you both so much--they are lovely! |
From Stasi came this darling ornament mounted on a piece of tin. Such a beautifully stitched and finished piece, Stasi (and that little "Spread Love, Not Germs: Go Wash Your Hands" needleminder is a perfect way to remember 2020!) Thank you so much! |
Another German blogging friend, Martina, sent a lovingly stitched card and two cuts of cardinal themed fabric. She knows how much cardinals mean to me! Thank you so much, Martina! |
And last, but certainly not least, from my dear friend June in England, came this darling cardinal card, a sweet Merry Christmas bookmark and a cute "I Believe In Christmas" chart. Thank you so much, June--everything is delightful, as always! |
What a lovely variety of gifts I received this year! I am truly grateful for your friendships and for these sweet remembrances. I displayed them on my mantle this year and smiled each time I glanced over at it. Over the past 12 years, I've received so many lovely ornaments from stitchers around the world. I display them on my staircase garland (after I move my 12 newly stitched ornaments to my Christmas tree when it goes up) and it looks so pretty and bright. Here are a few photos of the wonderful ornaments I've received over the years--I treasure each and every one. Some people are no longer active in the blogging world and we've lost touch, but I still think of you when I see your ornament. I hope you know that... I truly am grateful for all the stitching friendships I've had--both old and new!
The ornaments from stitching friends certainly brighten up my stairway! |
So much thought and love went into each and every gift! |
I think I need a longer bannister, but I love how bright and cheery my friends' ornaments look as I walk up the steps! |
Do you have any favorites from the pieces you've stitched this year? On Instagram, my "Top Nine for 2020" (generated from the photos that received the most "likes") were the following. All of them were Christmas related except the lone Valentine's Day photo in the lower right. The numbers are a bit skewed, of course, because as the year goes by, the number of followers grows, so, naturally, the posts at the end of the year will garner more interest.
My "Top Nine" 2020 on Instagram |
My number one pick would be none of the above, however; it would be the post that I made in July when my little grandson came into the world in La Jolla, California. Do you remember this one? Yes, far and away, my favorite post of this year!
My personal favorite post from July: my precious grandson, "Baby B" |
Where did that helpless baby go? Well, he's almost six months old now and is sitting up, attempting to crawl, and just fascinated by what's going on around him. My husband and I just shake our heads in awe as we watch the changes in him practically unfold before our eyes when we FaceTime with him each day. Here is my favorite photo from Christmas of the little fellow in his Santa cap. I wonder what is going through his mind? So precious...
I'll share a couple of photos from our Christmas day, too--we didn't take many this year. Although I missed my oldest son, daughter-in-law and Baby B so very much, it was wonderful to have my two younger sons join us for the holiday.
![]() |
And here I am with my tree! I'm just a wee bit proud of all those ornaments! |
Well, this ends yet another year of Stitching Dreams. Next month, will mark my 13th anniversary of blogging! Where have the years gone? I've so enjoyed getting to see some new names among my commenters this year--thank you for taking the time to say "hello!" It's been a tough year for the entire world... one none of us ever dreamed about, that's for sure. And it's not over... we still have a long way to go until the majority of us are vaccinated and things become safer again. So, on that note, I'll leave you with my word for this coming new year. In 2021, I wish you HOPE! Happy New Year, everyone! Bye for now...
Wishing you hope in this new year! |
What a fabulous end of the year post, Carol! I always look forward to you post, partly because of your positive attitude, which we could use so much more of in the world,and, of course, your lovely stitching. Here's hoping for a return to a sense of normalcy next year...hopefully sooner than later! Happy New Year and see you for the ornament SAL!
Oh Carol, that grand baby is adorable. Makes you just want to hop in and kiss those cheeks. I haven't announced it publicly yet, but Tucker is getting a sibling in July. I like stitching in that monochromatic wave. I had never done one until the drum, but I would love to do a sampler in one color. Happy New Year. I suppose my best memory would be a new grand baby on the way and a ring on the finger of Katie,
Great post at the end of the year. Your little grandson is adorable.
Well, memories of this year? Not so much because of this ... virus.
But glad that we all are healthy.
Have a happy new year and I look forward to your next post.
Big hugs
What a great post! So much to look at and ooh and aah over. All the things you were gifted are beautiful. I love your sampler, I know what you mean about the margins, but I'm sure once its framed it will look stunning.
We too watched Its a Wondeereful Life for the first time this year, and really enjoyed it.
Wishing you and all your family a very happy and peaceful New Year, Jillxx
Lovely photos of you both with your boys, I can see how happy you were to have them home. Happy New Year Carol lets hope 2021 will be a good one, we could do with it.
Take care x
Such lovely gifts and handsome boys!! Wow. And baby B may be the cutest of the bunch.
Honestly, it's scary to admit but I just can't remember much and living a mundane life with only few family, I guess my favorite memory is that we made it through!!
Your posts are always enjoyed and we thank you for continuing and including us in your life and stitching. On to 2021! So hard to believe what seemed to be far into the future is actually here.
Best wishes to you and your family for the new year.
So many lovely hand stitched gifts! Thanks for sharing them. How wonderful that you were able to spend time with most of your family. Balderdash is fun! Baby B is precious and the technology to keep in touch is certainly something to be grateful. I've had several favorite moments this past year and have much to be thankful. May you and your family have a blessed 2021.
Wonderful post, Carol! One of your best as it had all the feels for me. I believe my stitching has saved my butt this year. Except when I lost my stitching bug February to May, due to fears of Covid and working 6 days a week. My stitching had come back with a vengeance! I think what you need is a bigger house with a longer staircase! Your boys are so handsome! Haha.
Carol, it is not the holidays without a Christmas post from you. Your gorgeous tree, all the gifts from the stitchy friends....reading your post takes me away ala Calgon! Take care, stay healthy. A happy healthy 2021 to you and yours!
The red sampler stitching is beautiful and done in a thread called Poinsettia!
So lovely to see your gorgeous little grandson. You've received some beautiful gifts! So happy for you that you were able to get together with two of your handsome sons! What a happy time for you and your husband! Wishing you all a Happy and especially Healthy New Year!
Yes, unfortunately, the sad part is part of our life, but the many beautiful memories remain for which we are grateful, because they are also precious.
Yes, we had a nice and quiet Christmas, the children ate the meals with us, on Christmas Eve there was raclett, which is a lot of fun. We watched films together, but everyone also had their own interests. The turn of the year was also very quiet and I would secretly wish it would always be like this.
Your sampler is really a beautiful color, I prefer red for Christmas.
Oh, your sweet grandson is already 6 months old, how nice that you can at least see him with Face Time.
A wonderful photo of the 4 of you, hold onto it, it's so precious.
My favorite memory? For the first time in many years, my husband and I went on vacation alone for a week and it was lovely.
Now I wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year, and let's hope that it will get better and that we can simply tick off the last year. Let's look ahead positively. Happy New Year, Carol,
What a lovely positive post. We had a very simple Christmas, for one day only in England we were allowed to mix in homes so my daughter and her partner came over in the morning for a while before going to see his family, we did a family zoom with my other daughter who lives abroad (we haven't been with her for over a year now). Christmas was different but relaxed and a very happy day. Favourite moments for this year include eating lots of meals in the garden, this is something we don't usually do but as we were in lockdown for all of the spring and lots of the summer we took every moment possible to get outside while we could. I also got more cross stitch finishes done than normal this year, stitching certainly became a lifeline to happiness and sanity. Wishing you joy and peace and normality this year. Thank you for blogging, it brings a little joy to my strange and worried life at the moment. x
Such a lovely post,Carol. I am so happy you had a great Christmas and you were able to spend it with some of your family. Your grandbaby is growing and I know you are anxious for your next visit. All of your gifts were gorgeous and love how you decorate your railing. Thank you for sharing and being such a positive light in this stitching community. Hugs.
What a great uplifting post. I'm afraid I have no favourite memory, just of anxiety and panic. I'm so pleased that we can see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.
Love the red sampler. It will be so pretty in the frame you describe. You can always add a piece of fabric to the side just to give you a bit more to anchor on the back.
Such lovely gifts you received. I love your decorated handrail on the stairs.
Take care.
Happy New Year!!
Hello Carol,
a great post at the end of the year 2020.
Ich habe die Tage zu Weihnachten und zu Silvester mit meinem Mann und unseren Kindern sehr genossen.
So many wonderful gifts and card arrived for Christmas.
Thanks for sharing your Christmas photo from you and your family. Glad, to hear that you via Face time see your grandchild every day.
I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Take care and a big Hugs, Manuela
That red Sampler is beautiful!
What great gifts you received, each is beautiful.
Baby B is really growing!
What a great pic of you, hubby,& your handsome sons, glad you got to spend time with them.
Your tree is so pretty.
Wishing you a safe, Happy New year!
What a wonderful Christmas for you Carol. Loved seeing all the ornaments but the best picture was the one of young B. He is just precious and I know you cannot wait to hold him in your arms again. So glad you got to hug your big boys as well. Hoping 2021 is not a year we will You know what I mean. Praying God's Blessings on all of my blog friends.
Oh Carol, the gifts you received are just fantastic! You are well loved my dear!! And I love the way you display the ornaments from friends. :) Oh how I love that picture of Baby B in his Santa cap! A cooking son! Yes! Our Jacob is also a cook now. ;) I love it! You have Baby B this year, I have gained Kristen as a DIL. :) And your "word HOPE" brought the BIGGEST SMILE to this face! I think I recognize that ornament Carol!!!!!!
What a super uplifting post again.
It's like Christmas wonderland .
Love your new sampler,and all your lovely gifts ,I also love my gifts thank you so much . My bunnies are right in front of me on my coffee table .
Lovely to have your boys with you for Christmas too.
Your decorations looked so beautiful.
Well another year and what a year .
But with your word HOPE I would also love to add the word FAITH my favorite word.
Happy New year and together we can all get through these times .
BIG HUGS to you and all of your family xxx
What a wonderful year end post, Carol! It sounds like you had a beautiful Christmas with 2 of your sons. Baby B is a cutie and I love that picture of him in the Santa hat. Thank you for sharing the pictures from your Christmas. You received lovely goodies from around the stitching community. Your word "Hope" is a good one for this new year. And I love that quote you shared at the beginning of your post. Wishing you a brighter, peaceful New Year and one filled with hope.
Great post, Carol! What a beautiful sampler. It's been a very different year, but I think most of us have learned to roll with it. Which is a good thing we can carry with us into other areas of life. The picture of Baby B is adorable! Happy New Year!!
What a wonderful blog entry to finish out this horrible year. Such wonderful pictures of you and your sons. I too, hadn't seen my son since last Christmas. I decided to visit him rather than him and family come visit me because he lives in a "safer" city than I (if you can call ANY PLACE safe).
Happy New Year to you and your family and all your followers here.
Happy New Year, Carol!
Your new sampler looks gorgeous and all the gifts you received are simply wonderful. There is much to be grateful in this year despite everything and this post sums up well. I don't have any favourite memory to share but I would like to wish you and your family all the best for the upcoming 2021.
Merci Carol pour ce magnifique post. Je vous souhaite, ainsi qu'à tous vos proches, plein de bonheur, d'amour, d'amitié, de créativité et surtout une bonne santé, bien sûr j'espère également que vous pourrez profiter de toute votre famille plus souvent.
Que 2021 apporte en effet de l'espoir, l'espoir de voir partir cet horrible virus et la paix dans le monde entier.
C'est un bel hommage que vous rendez aux personnes qui vous ont offerts les différents ornements. On reconnaît bien là votre gentillesse, votre générosité.
Je n'ai pas d'ouvrage préféré pour 2020... Ils sont tous leur charme... Je n'ai pas été très productive cette année. Manque de concentration...
Mes plus beaux souvenirs de 2020 sont tous les moments que j'ai pu passer avec ma petite-fille Lara et mes enfants.. Je n'oublies pas bien sûr mes parents et ma sœur, nous nous sommes moins vus mais nous nous rattraperons bientôt. En fait je crois bien que malgré cette ambiance si particulière j'ai aimé tous les jours, d'autant que mon mari était en télétravail à la maison.
Noël fut magnifique, j'aime les étoiles que nous avons tous dans les yeux le matin de Noël.. Quel bonheur..!
Amitiés de France,
Oh Carol - what a wonderful posting you have shared for all of us to really enjoy! I am so happy for you that your two sons were able to be with you and your husband for Christmas - that is so great! Thanks, too, for sharing the photo of them and your family together in front of your beautiful tree - all of that makes the holiday even better. And especially sharing the most precious picture of your sweet grandson - he truly is adorable. I do hope your son and daughter-in-law and your sweet grandson had a very happy and wonderful Christmas, too. It’s great you can at least visit frequently through FaceTime.
I love seeing your stairway bannister and all the stitched gift ornaments you have received from other stitchers. It is just a perfect way to show all those wonderful gifts from your stitching friends.
Best wishes to you and your family for a very Happy New Year! 🥳
Barb R.
Un bellissimo post, tanti bei ricami.
Buon anno
A beautiful post, Carol. I love seeing all your projects. You received beautiful gifts from your stitching friends.
Hopefully it won't be too long before you are holding your grandson again. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021.
What a wonderful post to commemorate your Christmas and 2020. I am so glad you had two of your sons home and love the huge smiles in the pictures - it must have been so good for your soul to be with them! They look so much like you too! What lovely gifts you received from friends near and far and I love the way you have them displayed. Your grandson is just adorable - he's entering my favorite age - about 6 - 18 months - I remember as a mom watching with amazement how they change almost before your eyes. I am sure it is even more fun watching as a grandmother. I think my favorite memory of this year was of getting our new dog...actually probably a few days later when my son and I were walking her and he expressed his gratitude and happiness over it - not something that you hear every day from a 13-year old boy. I think Hope is a great word for 2021 - a great way to go into the year and wish you much health and happiness in the coming year!
So glad you were able to have family around for christmas and such lovely gifts from others. I just really love the red sampler and you have stitched it beautifully !!
What a great blog post! You all do look so happy in the family pictures. What a little doll your grand son is turning into. We had a very nice Christmas with Laurie. I suppose my favorite happening of last year was spending time with my sister and going to Nashvill antique Week with her and my BIL. That was all last Feb. before the covid time hit. We had such a grand time. I do try to find joy in everyday. I am so thankful that we have remained well and we live close to our sweet daughter!
I enjoyed your year-end post...your sampler is beautiful! I am starting some Christmas silhouette scenes done only in red. Have never stitched anything in all one color, but excited to see how they turn out.
It was a long year, but there is hope on the horizon. My favorite memory was a family gathering in August. All of our children had isolated for a couple of weeks, and then we gathered together for almost 2 weeks on our family ranch. The 6 grandkids played and played, we shared a meal every evening, and we finished many projects with my youngest son's leadership and strong back. At the time, our rural county in NE only had 3 cases. Soon after, it hit and we haven't all been able to be together since. We have memories to savor, until we can celebrate together again. Our youngest son is expecting a baby in February, so we are excited about that!
Stitching in the winter and gardening from May-October have kept me safe, happy, and calm this year. I plan to join you in the "stitch an ornament a month" this year, so I need to get ahead of the calendar because I know I won't stitch much during gardening season.
Wishing you many small blessings and simple joys in 2021. That darling grand baby will be part of them, I'm sure.
Always a fun visit !! Happy New Year
Enjoyed reading about your wonderful Christmas and seeing all your beautiful gifts. Love seeing Baby B in his Santa hat! The birth of our first grandchild and getting to spend time with him has been the best thing that has happened in 2020. That happy little boy has stollen my heart.
I choose to believe the same as you, the children born during this pandemic will be resilient, brave, strong, curious and intelligent. I already see it in my grandson when he watches and listens to everything so intently, when he tries something after only seeing it once, and when he does things over and over again because it makes someone smile or laugh.
Hope is such a perfect word for 2021! Wishing you and yours a New Year filled with hope and blessings!
Hello, Carol,
all the photos of your family please my heart, especially of your sweet grandson, thank you very much. You photographed your Christmas sampler so well that I didn’t recognize the differently woven linen until I read your text . . . . what a beautiful sampler. Here in Germany we say: Hope dies last! I wish you and your loved ones all the best, stay healthy and full of hope and a Happy New Year,
Carol, your Christmas ornaments, actually all of your stitching, are always beautiful and inspiring.
Oh Carol every photo is just so beautiful, especially the ones of your family. That sweet little baby is just the cutest and it makes me happy to see you with your boys in front of your tree. Such beautiful stitching and are an inspiration.I am so tempted to join your 12 ornament stitch along but you know how poor I am at stitch alongs.I am hoping to finish that red Christmas sampler this year. Yours is magnificent! I treasure the stitching that I received from you and thank you for your friendship and support this year. I'm so glad you had such a happy 2020 event in your life. My favourite memory is of the friends that I have made this year and hope to one day meet them in real life. We are so lucky to have technology to help us keep in touch. I leave with a wish for you from an Irish toast...May you never forget what is worth remembering, nor ever remember what is best forgotten. Love to you in 2021.
Hi Carol, a happy new year to you! What a fun coincident, that little 'Hope' sheep you showed at the end of your post was my New Year's Day start. I really wanted that sentiment to begin the year with.
So many lovely gifts you got, it's truly lovely how caring and generous our stitching community is.
As for a favourite memory...I have a lot of fond memories of 2020. The few precious meetings with friends and family. Gifts given and received. I think the most precious thing I'm taking with is the the new friends I made - we made a stitching discord server during the first lockdown to support each other, and have grown really close since!
What beautiful gifts you have received from your friends. Your tree looks more beautiful every year and I love the ornaments all around the rest of the house. Glad your Christmas was a special one with two of your sons coming home to spend it with you.
Happy New Year to you and your family Carol and I hope that your get to see Baby B soon!
I think I've said this before but every time I see a post from you I just know if will be beautiful. Yep. Did it again. Perfect wrap up post. Love your Holiday photos. I'm so glad two of your boys were home. How special. I know it was a rough year for you and you deserved that laughter and love. Now let's hope for a much better 2021. One of my favorite memories of 2020 is I had my godson and son at our cabin for 6 straight weeks. It was only supposed to be one I think and it kept stretching. We loved every second of it and I grew closer still to my godson.
You certainly received some beautiful gifts this year and they look wonderful on the Gifted Garland down your banister!
How wonderful to have two of your son's home for Christmas. Hopefully next year the grandbaby will be there too. He's going to be into everything by then!
What a great post. Thanks for sharing. The boys home was extra special too. Would you consider loaning out the Merry Christmas chart to me for awhile? I will return it promise!
Wonderful post Carol. I love seeing your tree each year and also your stairs decorated with so many stitched gifts to be treasured. I like your Poinsettia sampler which will look just perfect with a tarnished silver frame. Lovely thoughtful gifts you received too and so good to spend time with two of your sons and enjoy their company. How baby B has grown already! - time just escapes us. Happy New Year Carol.
This is such a beautiful positive post, thank you! I always feel inspired and uplifted by your beautiful stitching and optimistic attitude. I'm so glad you were able to have such a lovely visit with your sons at Christmas. Your grandson is beautiful, and what a wonderful blessing in such a difficult year. Best wishes for a healthy and happier new year!
Lovely post and you are so dedicated blogging, keep it up. It helps your viewers get through this year and the future. I blog because it has become like a diary. I always enjoy hearing from my friends overseas. Stitching keeps me sane. Happy New Year and being a grandma is such a gift.
Just happened upon your blog and enjoyed our visit. I am retired and enjoying my life in spite of the pandemic. Just finished supper that my daughter in law brought in, lasagna and salad. Anyway, I enjoy all kinds of fiber work am currently working on a wool applique quilt, plan to enjoy your site and love your outlook. Such a cute grandchild, they are fun (I know because I have 12 grands ranging in age 1 to 54, even a great, great in the mix) Stay well and I plan to keep watching. Donna from Illinois.
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