I really didn't mean to be gone for four weeks! July has been one of the busiest months ever and I'm so ready for a quieter August... Before I show you my stitching or give family updates, I really, really want to thank all of you who commented on my last post. I simply haven't had time to get back to most of you. But, I truly appreciate each and every comment--thank you!
I did manage two simple finishes this month, both of which I've already shared on Instagram. First up is the charming Plum Street Samplers design called "Summer in Nantucket." Who has visited Nantucket? Not me, but it's definitely on my list! I just love the photos I've seen of the most beautiful hydrangeas blooming against the weather-beaten gray background of the seaside houses (although in this scene, the house just happens to be red!). I love the whimsical details--the whale weathervane, the seagull as big as the roof, and who doesn't love a flag-bearing, whale riding mermaid? I did make a few changes to the colors in this piece--mainly to the red and green. For the red, I used Gentle Arts "Weathered Barn" and for the green, I substituted Gentle Arts "Baby Spinach." The fabric is one of my favorites: 40 ct. stormy night Newcastle. It's such a great fabric for summery piece, snowy designs, or even spooky stitching!
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"Summer in Nantucket" |
Luckily, I had a perfectly sized frame in my stash of thrifted frames (this one was $3.00!). It started out as a gold frame, but I knew that wouldn't do at all. So I gave it three coats of a creamy white paint (FolkArt matte finish acrylic paint in 515E "Vintage White"), distressed it a bit, and had an instant finish!
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The shells are ones I've collected on my travels |
Another change I made to the design was to add a few little bubbles for the fish--it seemed to give the piece some movement. I'm thrilled to have another true summer-themed piece all ready for display as I have so few. Most of my summer finishes are either patriotic or sunflower/bee themed.
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I do love that mermaid sailing through the sea on the white whale! |
Having very little time to stitch my monthly Christmas ornament, I had to choose a simple and quick design. As I was looking through my notebook of possible ornament charts, this little cutie popped out at me. With only four DMC colors and a simple to follow snowflake, I had this one stitched and finished in just a couple days. This is called "Bird and Snowflakes: Chickadee" and can be found in the February 2020 issue of Just Cross Stitch Magazine. There are two other alternative bird designs included: a red cardinal and a little robin. I love the way the beads were added to the lattic design in the back. Once again, I used 40 ct. stormy night Newcastle for the fabric.
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A sweet chickadee for my July ornament |
I turned it into a simple round ornament, bordered it with a gray and white cording, and added a double layer of gauzy white ribbon to the top. It's so delicate and sweet, isn't it? Seven ornaments down, five to go for 2024!
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Sometimes a simple finish is best! |
I've turned to stitching a cute bee-themed piece for August along with my latest Christmas ornament so I hope to have those to share with you soon.
Giveaway winner... There were quite a few entries for the "Americana Sampler" that I offered in my previous post. I really enjoyed reading about where you purchase your cross stitch supplies and have to say I'm envious of those of you who still have local needlework shops. Sadly, there seem to be fewer and fewer of them! The lucky winner's name drawn from the hat is...
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Gail L.--you are the winner of this patriotic chart! |
Congratulations, Gail L.! Please send me your mailing address (my email is in the right sidebar--just click on my profile) and I'll get this in the mail to you next week. I hope you enjoy stitching it as much as I did and will pass it on when you're done. And for those of you who didn't win... keep an eye on this space. I'll be offering more giveaways in the near future!
So... which do you want first? The good news or the bad? Let's get the bad out of the way. My dear husband now has Lyme disease. He began having some muscle pain and asked his doctor for a Lyme test and, sure enough, he tested positive. So, he's on doxycycline for two weeks (the same antibiotic I was on a few weeks ago). He's had no other symptoms, so we are hopeful that the medicine will clear it up with no lingering effects. I'm considering getting tested myself as I've been having some unusual symptoms lately. Although my tick report came back positive for Lyme, I was not tested for it and was simply put on the antibiotic. So, I may just have it, too... For those of you living in Pennsylvania, you can send the ticks to the Pennsylvania Tick Research Lab for free testing. I would imagine other states have similar programs, but I don't know for sure. Anyway... Lyme disease and ticks are terrible problems in this part of the country and they will certainly spread to more and more states and countries. We are now paying to have our yard sprayed for ticks (many neighbors already do so because they have pets) and I'm hoping that helps. Stay safe out there and always, always check yourself for ticks after being outside in grassy areas!
Much of my time this month was spent with my grandson which was wonderful! In early July, we drove the four hours to Maryland for his very first overnight stay alone with us. The first night was a bit difficult for him and he cried and cried for his parents at bedtime, but the remaining three days and nights went well and we had such fun! Since we were there over the 4th of July, a parade was, of course, in the mix. The neighborhood Mister B lives in has such wonderful community activities at holiday times. This time they held an event in the park where the kids could decorate their bikes and scooters, get temporary tattoos, and even have their photo taken with Uncle Sam before they participated in a short parade. And, what would the 4th of July be without an ice cream truck?!
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Mister B and Uncle Sam on the 4th of July |
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Our patriotic tattoos (somehow, I put mine on upside down!) |
Mister B turns 4! We drove home on Monday, July 8th and then back down on Saturday the 13th for Mister B's 4th birthday party. Like most little boys of that age, he is totally into superheroes so his mom and dad went all out and had a Spider-Man themed party for him. Since they are relatively new to the neighborhood, they also invited many nearby neighbors so there were close to 50 people there.
It was such a fun party! Until... about two days later. One by one, we each began to get sick. Yep--the birthday party was a "super-spreader" event! Not Covid, thankfully... "just" colds, sinus issues, headaches, coughs, etc. Almost everyone in our family got sick with it! My worst symptoms were fever, cough, and neck pain. And, unfortunately, the surgery that was scheduled for my oldest son a few days after the party had to be postponed because he was one of the sickest. Sigh... You'd think a summer party would be safer. But, I guess there is some nasty virus going around as I've heard of many folks having similar problems.
We came home to recuperate and then my oldest son and grandson were here for a four day visit last week (my daughter-in-law was on a girl's trip with a friend). What fun we had--visiting local parks and a community garden, going to a bike event where he was thrilled to go up and down some small ramps on his balance bike, feeding the koi in our pond, exploring his grandpa's garden and relishing all those juicy red tomatoes, and playing with all of the wonderful old toys that I'd saved from the 1980s when my sons were small. He cried when he had to go home on Sunday... It warms my heart to know we're creating such fun memories for him of visits to Nonna and Pompa's house!
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I can't believe Mister B is now four years old... Where have the years gone? |
We've finally gotten a bit of rain this week--thank goodness! Our lawn is brown and crispy and some of the leaves have already dried up and fallen. It's been one hot, dry summer here and I actually found myself dreaming of cooler, snowy days last week. (WHAT?!? Snap out of it, Carol!). The pictures of the flowers taken here were from early July when everything wasn't as dried out. My husband grows all of these flowers (except for the hydrangeas which we treat with an anti-deer spray) for me within the confines of his fenced in vegetable garden.
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Snapdragons, sunflowers, zinnias, and hydrangeas from our garden--my husband deserves all the credit for growing them! |
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This is the best year for hydrangeas we've ever had. I read it was due to our mild winter and all the rain we had in the spring. |
So, that's a wrap on July... I am truly hoping August will be a bit cooler and a lot less busy. I think all of you know what a homebody I am and I've missed just puttering around the house and sitting quietly with my stitching or a book. Then again, I would never give up those memories spent with my family during our busy July! Hope each of you has a wonderful new month. Bye for now...
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Mister B spies a young male deer right outside our basement door. One of my favorite things is watching the awe in his expression as he enjoys the wonders of nature. |
Hello Carol, what an exciting month. Ups and downs. First, all the best to you and your husband. We also have problems with ticks in Germany. I believe that you had a wonderful time together with your grandson and what a birthday party. Awesome.
Your flowers are wonderful. I love hydrangeas. I have one in my garden she starts blooming in white and in fall she is dark red. Magic!
Summer is very changeable, rain, hot, sunshine, clouds etc. Everything is growing, especially the weed. OmG!
Well, stitching is as beautiful as ever, the little bird looks very cute. I started my Christmas stitching, have a lot of lovely designs. Think, I need another tree, Hahaha.
Have a wonderful moth of August and all the best. Take care.
Hugs, Gabi
Hi Carol, There are always ups and downs in life .
Hope your husband is feeling much better, and it would be wise for you to ask the doctor if you have it to.
Your little one is enjoying his time with you,lovely photos .
More beautiful stitching love it all .
Enjoy the rest of your Summer, I shall be happy to get back to normal , I am way to busy this year I can't believe how quick the year as passed , Hugs June.
I'm very sorry, Carol about the Lyme disease, my sister got it many years ago, she wasn't diagnosed right away, she didn't notice the tick, and despite treatment, she's often in pain now. I love your embroidery, even the Christmas one, it's not simple at all!
Hello Carol,
your two newest finishes are wonderful. I like the summer stitching very much and the litte bird ornament is so cute and a great finish.
You had a great time with Mr B and his parents. Wonderful photos from your family.
Have a nice time in August and a big Hugs, Manuela
Nantucket is so pretty, & the frame is perfect.
Love that Chickadee, my favorite bird.
I love to watch them, they have so much energy!
Sorry your husband has Lyme disease, hope the meds help.
This is supposedly a very bad year for them.
Happy Birthday to Mr. B!
He is so cute, & growing!
Sorry so many got sick.
Your flowers are so very pretty, my Hydrangea did well this year too.
Happy August!
Happy belated 4th birthday to Mr. B! I can' get over that he is 4. Both your finishes are beautiful, Carol. Sorry Tim has been diagnosed with Lyme. I think it is wise if you got tested as well. Hope everyone is healthy following Mr. B's birthday bash. Happy August!
It was an intense month for you, Carol!
I hope you also enjoy the month of August a lot.
Happy August, Carol. Wow 4 years old?! It doesn't seem possible. Mr. B is growing like a weed and is as cute as a button. Your cross stitches look amazing. What a fabulous price on the frame too! I am going to take note of the white you used; it is so pretty. I wish you a wonderful evening. Hugs
Happy 4th Birthday Mr. B!! He is really growing up to be a good boy full of curiosity and love. So happy you get to spend so much time with him! Keep making those memories with him.
You new ornament is very cute! I love that bird in the center of a snowflake. Summer in Nantucket is great too! I love all the whimsical elements. Sorry to hear about the Lyme disease for both of you! I hope the meds work and it goes away. Your husband has quite the green thumb!
Hope you get some time to relax in August!
Despite all the illness, it sounds like such a great time! Your grandson is THE cutest! Four year boys are my favorites! They are so open, honest and full of life! Hope all the Lyme disease symptoms are mild and short lived. It can be quite an ordeal. Thanks for sharing. I always love your choices and finishes.
Carol, the new ornament is exquisite. Your taste is just ‘right on’! Each of your finished projects is so lovely. This one is extra special! What designer produced the pattern in the magazine? I’d love to find the pattern but I don’t have the old magazines. Here’s hoping your August is lovely and peaceful!
Le mois de juillet a été très occupé chez nous aussi. Les vacances, notre fête nationale le 14 juillet, la garde de la plus grande de nos petites filles, un violent orage qui a causé des dégâts sur le toit de la maison et dans le jardin. Demain nous allons terminé de nettoyer le terrain et débiter l'arbre coupé en deux pour facilité son évacuation...
Votre broderie estivale est ravissante et le cadre parfait.
Le flocon et la mésange sont plein de douceur, c'est magnifique. Et comme toujours la finition apporte du charme en plus.
Quelles sales bêtes les tiques. Chaque fois que j'en trouve une sur moi je reste vigilante les jours suivants et en cas de doute trop important je vais chez le médecin. Pour le moment je ne suis pas porteuse de la maladie de Lyme mais pour avoir déjà développé des infections à cause de ces sales bestioles je reste très vigilante. Vigilance aussi pour mes chats même s'ils sont traités contre.
Passer du temps avec nos petits enfants est toujours merveilleux.
Mister B a eu une très belle fête d'anniversaire.
Un virus chez vous début juillet et chez nous c'est maintenant. Nous sommes tous plus ou moins touchés, fièvre, douleurs, toux, nez bouché, maux de tête. Seule Maman est sous antibiotiques, c'est la plus touchée, pour nous c'est paracétamol, sirop contre la toux, boire de l'eau en quantité suffisante et si possible se reposer (chose impossible pour le moment suite au dégâts de l'orage..).
Bravo à votre mari pour toutes ces jolies fleurs.
Quel bonheur de pouvoir voir d'aussi près un cerf... La nature est merveilleuse.
Amitiés de France,
I love that last photo! Hard to believe your handsome little man is already four. So upsetting that summer is closing in quickly.
I hope the anti's work on your husband and your test is negative. I had no idea there is a spray for ticks!! Does it bother pets? Opossum diet is ticks and they do a good job, but I rarely see them anymore. Even our raccoons are missing. Thanks for the link, I will save that since I've removed ticks several times and my doc told me not to worry unless I get sick!!!
Lots of Covid here.
The pictures of your grandson are adorable and I know you enjoyed all that time with him. I am so sorry about the Lyme disease. That is so scary. I think I would invest in something to keep them out of the yard as well. I love both stitches, but seriously the snowflake with the bird is so cute. How did I miss that one?
Th year is rolling on by quite quickly.
Hi Carol, It looks like you had all kinds of fun with your little grandson this summer. They grow up so fast! Both of your stitches are wonderful. I may have to look for “Summer in Nantucket” since we live right on Lake Michigan and it looks like the perfect piece for summer! I love Plum Street designs and I’m not sure how I missed that one! Your ornament finish is perfect, as always. I hope your husband can recover from Lyme disease quickly with no ill effects and that you don’t have it. Enjoy the month of August. Cherie in WI
Summer in Nantucket is a wonderful summer pattern. And the frame, like it's made of shells. Fits perfectly. I love your July ornament, the little titmouse is so cute.
Oh yes, the first night without mom and dad was a bit difficult for my son too, but with loving grandparents it goes by really quickly. How nice that you had a great time.
I hope you have a great and relaxing August.
So hard to believe Mr. B is 4 years old!!! What a cutie!!! I know you're happier that they are within driving distance these days.
Sorry Tim has Lymes disease and hope the antibiotics do their job.
Your finishes are both wonderful and I'll look forward to your August completions...especially the bee one! :)
Hi Carol! You're stitching is lovely. How do you make such pretty bows? Mine never look that good. It's fun to see photos of your family goings-on. Looks like a fun time. :) I'm going to look for the chart you hosted the giveaway for. I'm into Patriotic themes lately.
Also -- I hope your hubs has a speedy recovery with no after effects.
Mr B is growing up so fast! He is a real cutie!
I’m sorry there’s been illness mixed in with the fun times. As you said, a summertime party seems an unlikely scene for catching a bug, but that was proved wrong.
Love your stitching, as always.
As for wishing for cold and snow…. it’s been mightly hot in my area, along with lots of humidity. But even with that, the humidity gives my hair more body, and I kinda like that.
Blessings to you and yours!
Carol: Love both of your finishings, you have the perfect gift for finishing, the Nantucket design is so sweet with the Whale and Mermaid, the Bird design is lovely the added beads make it look so rich.
Mr. B is adorable, time does seem to fly.
So sorry about your husbands Lymes diagnosis, I do hope you do not also have Lymes disease, please keep us posted as to how you both are feeling.
Congratulations to Gail on winning the design.
The flowers from your garden are beautiful.
What a month Carol! Highs and lows for sure. Hope your husband is doing okay and that you are too - those viruses we get when kids are young are just the worst. Your two new finishes are great, I really like all the details in the summer piece and that sweet bird on the grey fabric for your ornament. I’ve started two ornaments this month to try to do a little catching up, but really need to catch up on the finishing! Your flowers are just lovely and I hope the cool weather is headed your way - we have a cool and sunny weekend ahead and it is so nice to have the windows open. Your grandson is such a cute little boy, love that your stories of him started and ended with crying, but for different reasons. I bet he just loves his time with you and your husband. Hope you have a good, quiet weekend!
I just love your finishes! Mr B is going to be a chick magnet when he hits his teenage years! I myself am wondering where time has gone😁so sorry to hear of your hubby's diagnosis, and also of everyone getting sick at the bday party. Hope hubby, and your oldest son are feeling better. About the weather, I've promised the weather gods that I'll not complain about the cold this winter! I'm tired of the heat Here's to a quiet and healing August for all🤞🏽
Wow, what a month! Summers are crazy for me as well, especially July and August, hardly a quiet day during these months. And while most of it are really fun outings, I can't wait for quieter, cooler days!
Sorry to hear you and your husband haven't been feeling well on top of it, and that super spreader party...ugh! Hopefully, things will run more smoothly from now on out.
As always, I really enjoy hearing about your stitching and your family. I love the Nantucket stitch, and the little chickadee is simple and elegant. I'm sorry to hear your husband was diagnosed with Lyme, hopefully the antibiotic will work so he has no lingering issues. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with several visits with your grandson. It's hard to believe that he's already 4 years old. I hope you're enjoying a very happy, and somewhat quieter, August. Take care.
I SO hope you and your husband are recovering from you Lyme disease and that your case is mild. Thank goodness your husband pushed for testing!
It's so hard to believe Mr. B is 4 years old already! As someone whose grandparents died while I was young, those memories are absolutely priceless. I missed having that relationship so much!
I thought of your in-laws home when Debbie came through. I hope all is well if it hasn't sold already!
Dear Carol,
thank you for this long blog post, there are so many beautiful new embroideries to admire, it's great that you were able to embroider despite everything.
I'm very sorry that your husband is ill, I wish him a speedy recovery, hopefully he can tolerate the medication.
All the best to Mr. B, he's been 4 years old now, belated congratulations.
All the best to you too, I hope rain for your beautiful garden, best wishes, Jutta
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