The second day of the second half of 2024... How did that happen? It seems as if just yesterday I was putting away my Christmas decorations. July, here in the United States, is filled with flags, fireworks, family, fabulous foods, and fun all celebrating the most important thing: freedom! I know my July is going to be very busy with three trips down to the Washington, DC area to help care for my grandson for a few days (first time he'll be away from mommy and daddy overnight--wish me luck!), celebrating three family birthdays, and helping out with my grandson as my oldest son recovers from surgery at the end of the month. Busy, busy, busy... I doubt there will be much stitching done this month, but that's okay. The family memories we'll make together are much more important.
I did manage to get two new things finished up in June. I have a brand new patriotic piece called "Americana Sampler" (by Plum Pudding NeedleArt). This pretty chart was given to me by my Instagram friend, Trinka, last year. It is stitched on 40 ct. woodland brown Newcastle using the suggested colors except for the green and red which I changed to GAST "Schoolhouse Red" and Classic Colorworks "Pine Needle."
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"Americana Sampler" by Plum Pudding NeedleArt |
I went back and forth on how to finish this piece, but eventually decided on simply framing it. I did add a trio of red, white, and blue star buttons to the very top. The frame was one I had purchased from Goodwill years ago and I thought the vintage look of it meshed well with the old-timey look of the woman's garb.
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A wonderful new addition to my patriotic decor |
Below is a closer look at the pretty detailing on the frame...
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I especially love the red, white, and blue bunting! |
Of course, my other finish is my latest Christmas ornament for the month of June for the #12in24ornamentstitchalong that I host over on Instagram. Isn't it a cutie? This is "Santa, Please Bring Me" by Homespun Elegance. I purchased the chart way back in 2008 when it was first released, but, for some reason, hadn't yet stitched it. I struggled stitching this on 28 ct. country mocha Cashel linen with two threads. I just hate stitching with more than one thread, but in this case, the scissors charm would have been too large if I had stitched him on my normal 40 ct. linen. Santa's beard and the trim on his coat were supposed to be done with Rainbow Gallery Wisper thread for a fluffy appearance. But I just didn't want to struggle with it (stitching is supposed to be relaxing after all!) or purchase it. I substituted good old ecru DMC for the beard and DMC 3862 for the trim on the coat and think it looks just fine. I also changed the color of his bag to DMC 844 and added little red berries to the tree. The bottom border was changed to a simple green (WDW Blue Spruce) and ecru.
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"Santa, Please Bring Me" by Homespun Elegance |
I finished this Santa into a simple pillow with handmade cording and two tiny spools of DMC 221 attached on the ends. The scissor's charm came with the chart and I added a wee gold star to the top of the tree. I also omitted the date as I don't like to date my ornaments. What do you think? I think that the very last item on Santa's list is something we could all use more of, don't you? Even though I'm retired now, there still don't seem to be enough hours in the day to stitch as much (and as many!) things as I'd like. How about you?
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I'll take everything on this Christmas list, please! |
Giveaway time... I always like to pass on charts that have been given to me, so how about a little giveaway? Would you like to stitch the Americana Sampler by Plum Pudding NeedleArt? This is a pdf chart (already printed off) that I will send to one lucky winner who follows the guidelines below:
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If you would like to win the giveaway for this chart, please follow the guidelines below: |
To be included in the drawing for the Plum Pudding NeedleArt chart shown above, please...
1) Specifically mention that you would like to win it in your comment
2) Be a follower of Stitching Dreams (in my blog's sidebar on the right)
sure to leave your email address in your comment if I don't already have it
4) Answer the "Getting to Know You" question below.
Getting to know you... For this month's "Getting to Know You" question, I'd love to know where you purchase your cross stitch materials. Are you one of those lucky ones who has a convenient local needlework shop? Or are you like me--you live in a barren desert when it comes to cross stitch shops. Sadly, I have to order everything from charts to threads to fabric online. It's especially hard to determine exact fabric and floss colors by viewing them on a computer screen, isn't it? I usually purchase my things through 123 Stitch or from various Etsy shops. In the good old days, there used to be at least three cross stitch shops nearby, but now the nearest one is almost 1 1/2 hours driving distance. I hope all of you who have access to a local shop know just how lucky you are! Let me know what your cross stitch buying options are... I'll post the winner of the "Americana Sampler" chart next time I blog, so stay tuned. However, if you're really in a hurry to stitch this sweet sampler, there is a sale on it on Etsy right here!
One of the best parts of summer for me is the wonderful fresh fruits that are in season. We ended up with a huge amount of peaches from The Peach Truck this year. The fruit in the first delivery (three weeks ago) wasn't up to their standards, so they promised to give everyone who ordered a free second box of peaches--in other words, 25 pounds for the price of 12! Here they are ripening in my sunroom and just waiting to be made into some delectable breads, desserts, and of course, just eaten plain. I've already made one batch of my favorite peach cobbler recipe and I know more are in my future. I posted this link before, but for any new readers, here is where to find Iva's Peach Cobbler recipe. YUM!
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Our entire sunroom smelled like fresh peaches! |
And then there are the blueberries. Our bushes have been producing a bumper crop this year. Unfortunately, the berries that weren't fully under netting were quickly devoured by the birds. We went to my son's community garden two weeks ago and picked even more! They're so easy to freeze and use all winter long. I quickly whipped up a new-to-me recipe for Blueberry Pie Bars from Sally's Baking Addiction. Will definitely be making them again (although I may use less lemon as my husband thought it was a bit much).
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Blueberry Pie Bars with freshly picked blueberries |
An unwanted visitor... Unfortunately, when I went blueberry picking at my son's community garden, I picked up a very unwelcome hitchhiker! A few days later, I felt a little bump on my left ankle and looked down thinking it was some sort of growth. When my husband looked at it closer... sure enough, it was a teeny, tiny, tick--and it was attached to my skin, sucking my blood. UGH! Ticks have become a huge problem in the northeast and upper midwest here in the U.S.--especially the blacklegged (Ixodes) deer tick--the carriers of Lyme disease. Pennsylvania has been deemed one of 16 "high incidence states" by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) here in the U.S. For those of you not familiar with Lyme, it can be truly debilitating if not treated in one of the earlier stages.
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The deer tick embedded in my ankle and after being removed. It was only the size of a poppyseed, but can carry Lyme Disease which brings terrible effects if not treated early. |
My husband (who also just found a tick on his own leg this morning!) was able to remove it fully with sharp tweezers and we sent it away to a lab for analysis. The results came back positive--the tick was carrying the bacteria that transmits Lyme disease. Even though my tick was just a nymph, I learned that nymphs and female ticks have the highest likelihood of transmitting the disease. After contacting my doctor, I was put on doxycycline for ten days as a preventative measure and it seems to be working... I've been on it for five days and have had no signs of Lyme disease so far--phew! Just a reminder to all who live in deer tick infested areas--check yourselves (and your pets) very, very carefully after being on the grass, in the garden, or hiking through forests. To read about removing ticks, click here. To read more about Lyme disease itself, click here. Sadly, this has made me a bit afraid to even venture out into our yard or garden. Not an experience I want to repeat... Do you have deer ticks in your area?
I'll leave you with something just "a little bit" cuter than that horrible tick... This sweet bunny was sitting by the sidewalk peeking out at us through the tall grass when we visited my middle son's apartment on Father's Day. Such a sweet little face!
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Peek-a-boo! |
Hope July is good to each of you! Do you have any fun plans with friends or family? A special trip or vacation, perhaps? Wishing all of my U.S. friends who are on the road or in the air for the 4th of July, safe travels! Thank you, as always, for visiting me today. I do appreciate each one of you (and your sweet comments and emails) so very much! Bye for now...
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Happy 4th of July! |
Oh Carol, I am so sorry to hear about the tick bite. I am so glad you were able to get with your doctor and begin treatment and I hope all continues to go well. Yes , we have deer ticks here too. It sounds like you are going to have a grand time with your sweet grandson. I look forward to hearing about the wonderful memories that you will make. I wish your son the best in respect to his surgery as well. Have a very lovely month, sweet friend. Hugs.
Your patriotic stitch is beautiful, and Santa is, as you say, very sweet, with his wish list - how fitting.
Yes, family time is important and it will certainly be great to look after your grandson. All the best to your son.
We do have a wool shop that also has a few embroidery items, but that is all material that I don't use, so I have to order online too. I bought sample cards for the Zweigart fabrics a while ago, at least that's how I see it in the original.
I have been spared from ticks so far, but last year I got a black fly and it developed into a bad, painful infection, so I went to hospital at the weekend and was given antibiotics. I can still feel the bite site in places today.
I hope you don't have any long-term effects, some things only become noticeable later due to Lyme disease.
Have a nice time, Martina
Hi Carol, nice post again. Your stitching is beautiful. I like the Santa, should have him in my collection. This year I stitched 12 TPS Santas so far. At Christmas Time they will be found all over the house, hahaha.
How exciting it will be for you and your little grandson. I am sure you will have a lot of fun together. Good luck to your son for his surgery.
Yes, we have deer ticks here too, my kids are vaccinated cause both have dogs and go thru forest and field.
No needle shop around, must order it online too.
Well that's for today, wish you a wonderful time and all the best.
Hugs, Gabi
Carol your stitching is really beautiful love them all , even the Santa love him .
OH no sorry about the tick , good job you were so quick to get rid of them . I had read about them some months ago.
No we don't have any shops that you could call good sewing shops here , you can get the basics but I shop mostly on line.
I had allot of sewing items passed on to me in the last few years,so that keeps me going , lots of materials and hubby brought me all the threads up from a closing down shop two years ago. If I want the odd thing I buy online.
Have a lovely month with your family ,enjoy every moment .
Hugs June.
I love your Americana Sampler, it's so neat. Sadly I have to order everything I need on line, as there are no shops that I know of anywhere near here. I buy from about 3 shops in England and also buy from Etsy and Ebay. I used to order from the US, but the postage costs are now ridiculous. Your tick sounds horrible, good job you noticed it and that you are getting treatment.
So glad you caught the tick and that you got the med. It does work well! I remember when I was younger that we never had to work about summer bugs.
Again, your stitching and finishing are perfection.
It sounds like you will be very busy!
Oh, your finish is so very pretty, the frame is perfect.
I went to order the pattern, & it's already sold out!
I would love to win it!
I wish she still designed, I love her patterns.
Great ornament finish too.
I order mostly from 123, but I do get fabric at Lynn's in Madison, WI, they have a great selection, & I like to see it in person.
They are not close, but worth the trip.
Oooo, that cobbler sounds delicious!
Thanks for sharing the recipe.
OMG! Sorry about the Tick, they are bad this year.
Hope the meds do the trick.
We will be going to my BIL's fro the 4th.
Happy 4th to you!
Carol, your June ornament is darling. I think we could all use more time to stitch (or knit or crochet or craft). Your patriotic finish is a beauty and I love the frame you used. Your peaches look amazing. They are just starting to make their appearance at the farmers' market. As for shops, online (Inspired Needle, 123 Stitch, Etsy) and in person at Liberty Hill Needleworks in Williamsburg and Southern Stitchers Co in Brookneal. The in-person shops are 2 1/2 hours to 2 hours 45 minutes so I don't get there often. Sorry to hear you were bitten by a tick, but glad you were able to avoid Lyme disease by taking precautions. Thinking of you!
I am so sorry about the tick bite. I think like you, I would be afraid too. I am so glad you were put on the medicine quickly. We don't have trouble with ticks really here. When we had our cabin in central Alabama on Lake Martin, I saw them there. I hated to let the dogs out up there and would go on a frantic search for them. I think that was a factor in my being ready to let that cabin go and get the place inside town in Auburn.
As always, your stitches are adorable. Patriotic stitching lures me in. I have quite a few things...not as much as you, but always on the lookout for more. There is a new store in Pensacola (an hour away), but it is on the farthest side of Pensacola. I won't take the time to go over unless I have business over there. I don't know what I would do without 123 Stitch. It was wonderful to browse in person though. Might not be a good idea for me to have one too close. Ha!
You enjoy that boy and family. I am about to head out at lunch for Cape San Alas for a vacation with my family. I am looking so forward to it.
Always enjoy seeing your stitching. Would love to have that patriotic pattern to stitch. I am also in the Pittsburgh area and wish there was a close cross stitch store. Have recently picked up some fabric and patterns at stitch days hosted by a local group of stitchers. Thank goodness we can at least get DMC floss at Michaels and Joannes..why don't they carry any linen???
Hi Carol…. Love all your stitching! I am at present stitching Prairie Schooler Santa ornaments. Who does not love those little guys! Most of my patterns and fabric are bought online from 123 stitch and Etsy as there are no shops around here any longer.
Ticks are very prevalent here in MA. My son contracted Lyme disease from one and ended up in the ER. Thank goodness that didn’t happen to you.
I love your patriotic piece! Fall , Winter, and Patriotic are my favorites to stitch.
Have fun with that cute little grandson of yours. Happy 4th of July!
Janice Boucher
Hi Carol, I was so excited when I saw you have a give away for the Beautiful Plum Pudding Design, please add my name to the list. Like you I live in a desert and purchase a lot from 123 stitch. Lately I have gotten charts from Lindy's she also has great service. Locally I am limited to Hobby Lobby & JoAnn. I want to thank you for mentioning the ticks, please add the tick that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, we are starting to see these in our part of the county (people travel every where with their dogs these days). Yes this is a tic that is found on our furry friends. I have been working two days a week and this is part of my job to track this critters. Lyme disease is difficult to treat and to diagnose and treatment takes a very long time. Have a Very Happy 4th of July
Georgia Wireman
I had no idea ticks could be sent away for testing to see if they carry Lyme! Very good info!
Sounds like your July is going to be very busy! I hope your son's surgery goes very well.
Love your finishes! You are such a beautiful stitcher and finisher! And like you, I prefer to stitch with just one thread!
Thanks, Carol, for keeping up with your posts! I would like to be entered in the drawing! I order items online, especially from Etsy, as I like to support small/smaller business owners. I also follow and order from Strawberry Sampler in PA and Acorns & Threads in OR -- I like to support independent retailers who are STILL in business and provide such good customer service. I also look out for random fabrics at thrift stores, estate sales and other non-traditional sources (not great for special fabrics, but good basics can be found and I sometimes dye them with tea or do something else fun!). Threads in a pinch from Michael's or Jo Ann... I encourage supporting independent retailers when possible!
Carol: Happy Blessed Fourth to you and your family.
I Love the Americana Sampler such a pretty design and a perfect frame, it compliments the design perfectly.
Your Santa is so sweet, I like thew color changes, some designers do not use the thread colors I would use, i am with you about the beard, I too would have use the DMC threads, I have used the fuzzy stuff it is a hassle.
My favorite Needlework Shop closed in May, now I have to buy all my items online, I would prefer a brick and mortar store.
Oh my I am so happy you found the tick, how terrible, so far no ticks on me or family.
I have been offline and did not know your son had surgery, I hope he is healing quickly and back to normal.
Have a boatload with your grandson, sounds fun, I bet you have many things lined up to do.
I am a fruit and veggie nut, I buy all summer long and make and freeze for the winter. Blueberry Pie bars looks yummy.
Such a sweet bunny, God has given us so many creatures to enjoy.
Hi Carol!
Ticks are also quite a nuisance here in Northeast Ohio. My husband is a hunter and we go camping so we buy permethrin to spray on our clothes. You can spray tents with it too. You can find it in the Sporting goods section at Wal Mart. It's made by Sawyer and you'll find it in a yellow container.
I'm LUCKY to be 30 minutes away from With Needle in Hand in Boardman, OH. Julie, the owner, is such a sweetie.
Your stitching and finishing is always beautiful! I always look forward to your posts.
Hope you continue to feel ok after your tick bite!
Love your patriotic stitch, I have the pattern and you have inspired me to start stitching. Prayers that y'all are ok.
There’s no cross stitch store in my area anymore so I do rely a lot on 123Stitch. But…when I travel, I like to see if there’s a cross stitch store in the area. When you’re in DC, there are a couple stores around Baltimore and also one in Arlington, VA in case you have any free time!
Your patriotic birding is beautiful, Carol!!
Your month of July will surely be magnificent with so many family activities planned.
Keep taking care of yourself...ticks can be dangerous. Fortunately you caught it in time.
Hi Carol! I would love to win the Americana Sampler. I enjoy making patriotic things for my home and am currently working on 2 patriotic cross-stitch projects as well as a wool appliqué project. I loved the way you framed your Americana Sampler.
We used to have several wonderful cross-stitch stores in our area, but they have all closed over the years. I, too, mostly order from 123Stitch. We do have a quilt thrift store (all the items are donated) that sells a variety of quilting supplies, knitting, and cross-stitch items. Everything is very cheap. I, occasionally like to stop in and see what they have. I stopped in last week and picked up 4 DMC threads, 3 quilt stencils, and 2 unopened packages of 22 count fabric for $1.25. Not bad! It's fun to go "hunting" in their shop.
We have many ticks in our area and the "seed" ticks have been horrible this year. Our one-year old Golden Retriever ended up with a tick-borne disease a couple of months ago and was on Doxycycline for a month. I was very upset , because we give her her tick medicine every month.
I hope you and your family have a very Happy Independence Day! Barbara
Hi Carol, I’m sorry to hear about your tick misadventure. Here in northern Ohio we have a beautiful MetroPark system. While on a walk with my son’s family and his dog we picked up a tick. Fortunately, we discovered it quite quickly. Right now, I can’t appreciate a rabbit, no matter how cute, as we came home from a birthday celebration for another son and found 2 rabbits attacking my beautiful Mother’s Day plant. The distressing part is that they weren’t eating it, just destroying it and leaving the broken branches on the ground. We have very destructive deer and rabbits!
Yes, I’m very lucky to have a wonderful cross stitch shop within a half hour drive. It’s small but packs A LOT in that space. It’s called Clare’s Stitchin’ Post, in Vermilion Ohio. I know she does mail orders. I would love to win the Americana Sampler! My email is
Have a ball with your grandson, they grow up so fast, and relish each moment. Happy July!
Darn ticks! I'm glad you went to the doc right away! Hope your hubby will be okay too. Your patriotic finish is very lovely 😍 Baking in this heat here is shelved for the next 2 months! Stay safe this month will all the coming and going; I predict Mr B will be on his best behavior and it'll be fine🤞🏼🤞🏼
Oh Carol, you poor thing & how scary! Hopefully & thankfully you should be OK.
I love your Americana Sampler & would love to stitch it. Your changes & finishes are always spot on. What a nice addition to your patriotic display.
I am lucky enough to have a LNS relatively close that also is a quilt & yarn shop. It is Always In Stitches in Noblesville, IN. They have stitch groups & a flosstube channel. I also love to shop at 123stitch, whatever shops are in my travels along with Needlework Galleria in St. Charles, MO.
Enjoy your summer & happy stitching!
Hello Carol,
your newest finish is wonderful. The frame is perfect. Your little Santa with the spools are very cute. It is a nice list, I wish them all, too.
Ich habe einen Kreuzstichladen vor Ort, aber der ist sehr teuer und führt keine Stickvorlagen von den amerikanischen Designern. So bestelle ich meine Sachen im Internet. Einiges sogar bei 123 Stitch.
In Deutschland gibt es auch einige Zecken-Hochrisiko Gebiete. Meine Tochter wohnt in einer solchen Gegend und hat sich gegen die Borreliose impfen lassen.
Eine schöne Zeit mit deinem Enkel und deinen Kindern.
Big Hugs, Manuela
I am semi lucky. My LNS is The Silver Needle in Tulsa. I’m still an hour away though. I get to go to my very first retreat next week. I’m excited. We will celebrate the 4th on Saturday with my friends and family here for a cookout and fireworks. I’m glad you were proactive with that nasty tick! I have been busy. I just finished two small patriotic pillows and Summer Sweets Pinkeep. I’m currently stitching Scatter Freedom by Shepherds Bush. Enjoy your trips to DC.
Hi Carol,
Happy July 4th and thank you for your blog/emails. They really add a spark of happiness each time and I enjoy your writing style.
I would love to be entered into the give-away for the Plumb Pudding NeedleArt chart - Americana Sampler. I'm
I order mostly from 123 Stitch or Etsy since I can't get out easily. I've subscribed to a number of flosstube members on Youtube and in seeing their finishes get a little better idea of which colors I like best, changes they have done, and I get finishing ideas there too. So, between them and blogs, there are so many choices and of course, so little time. Keeps me busy.
I especially love your Santa and the little spools are so cute. What a great idea.
On a personal note, I hope you and your family are all feeling better and are on the mend. Ticks can be really difficult to deal with and do carry such awful diseases. Thank you for the joy you add to everyones day when you post and know that kind thoughts are sent to you.
While I have never had a tick on my body, one of our guests acquired one on a fishing trip with us in the Colorado mountains, years ago. All turned out well, but it was an unsettling experience.
I'm so glad you appear to be doing well in the aftermath of your tick and will pray you recover completely with absolutely no problems in the future.
As for your stitching, that is always "eye candy" for me. You do such lovely work.
Oh Carol, I hate to hear about your tick bite. Supposedly we have Lyme Disease carrying ticks in Texas but, I have never seen one. And, I haven't been in any heavily wooded or weedy areas to pick up one. We had lots of deer ticks in Wisconsin, as I was growing up. I don't think Lyme Disease was prevalent then though. I had no idea you could get the ticks tested. I love the cute patriotic stich from Trinka. I'll be with her at the retreat I'm going to the end of July. Think I'll order that cutie! I ordered and have received the Santa stitch for your SAL. Best wishes for your son's surgery and hoping you have grand time with Mr B! My granddaughter is with us at the lake. We'll be viewing the lake's fireworks from our boat, on the water. It's such a fun way to watch them. Happy 4th to you!
Hi Carol, I hope you are enjoying a fun 4th of July! Sorry about your tick bite. Hopefully, the meds caught it in time and you’re doing okay. Your patriotic stitch is so cute and the frame is perfect for it. I look for the old, chippy frames in the thrift stores, too, but they are getting harder to find. I’m glad I stashed what I did when I saw them! And, Santa has the list of all stitchers everywhere! Taking care of your grandson will be so fun, but a little exhausting. I recently had each of my grandsons, (3 yrs. old and not at the same time, thankfully) for a few days. We had fun but I was tired when each went home. They grow up so fast! I am lucky to have a local cross stitch shop about 45 min. Away, in Green Bay, WI. I can’t always get the fabric that the model was stitched with, but something close. Otherwise, 123stitch is my go-to, too. Enjoy the weekend. Take care....Cherie in WI
Your Christmas ornament is just lovely, how perfect for a stitcher. Wishing you a wonderful month with family. X
Happy belated 4th of July to you and your family. It has been a very busy week for us in this area of South Central PA. Yesterday was our middle daughter's anniversary, (who gets married on the 4th of July?) We also hosted our annual 4th of July crab feast with 10 family members. My second youngest daughter and 2 of her children are visiting from Georgia. The 2 grandchildren will be spending the summer with us - probably until October. The daughter will be returning to Georgia tomorrow. Things have been really bad for her recently. She lost her job in March and doesn't start a new one until this coming Monday. She and her children are virtually homeless, hence the reason 2 of the grands are staying with us.
Hope everything works out well for you and your husband with the tick bites. I had one on my back about 4 weeks ago. That one didn't have a chance to bury his little head in my skin.
Love your stitching, as always. I would really like the chance to win the Patriotic Sampler...such a cute pattern. I have an LNS in Lancaster (Stitches Unlimited) which is about 30 miles away. Other than that, I order from Anabella's in NC, Fat Quarter Shop in TX or 123 Stitch.
Enjoy your time with your little grandson. They do grow up so fast.
Nan (
Oh Carol I’m so sorry to hear about you and your husband getting a tick bite! I always wonder when I go out into my garden what may be there! I hope you are both doing well ♥️ beautiful stitching as always!
Carol, your two finishes are wonderful, as usual. You really have a good eye for finishing!
Glad you found that tick in time. I was getting a Mother's Day gift massage a few years ago and the masseuse discovered a tick bite on the back of my tick but the bull's eye had formed. I went straight to the doctor and was put on Antibiotics. I didn't know you could send the tick away for analysis, but have had no issues.
My closest shop is about 75 minutes wish I was closer! But, except for charts, I shop for fabric and fibers mostly from stash! LOL
Enjoy your time with Mr. B....I'm sure you will!
Eh oui déjà la deuxième moitié de l'année, le temps tourne trop vite...
Tout se passera bien avec votre petit-fils, je comprends votre appréhension car j'ai connu la même chose avec ma première petite-fille. Avec la seconde nous avons maintenant l'habitude.
Nous revenons aujourd'hui d'une semaine de vacances dans le sud-ouest de la France, qui est passée à vitesse de l'éclair. Notre petite-fille Lara était avec nous et a apprécié toutes les visites et promenades que nous avons fait.
Vos broderies patriotiques et votre ornement de Noël sont très beaux, comme toujours. Je confirme que, comme beaucoup, j'aimerais que les journées soient plus longues pour pouvoir broder, lire, jouer de la musique beaucoup plus !
Plus de boutiques de point de croix par chez nous, c'est désertique également. Je commande mes toiles, fils et modèles via internet. Différents sites tels que Brode41, Casa Cenina, Le comptoir des fées, Une mercerie à la campagne, et d'autres... Je n'ai pas de sites particuliers, je guette les bonnes affaires comme beaucoup d'entre nous.
Quelle horreur les tiques. Malheureusement elles m'adorent. Je fais toujours une inspection lors des retours de promenades dans le jardin, la forêt et même les parcs. Si j'en ai une je la retire et généralement j'ai ensuite une analyse de sang afin de s'assurer que je n'ai pas la maladie de Lyme. Mes chats sont traités contre les tiques et les puces mais je les inspecte eux aussi et fait le nécessaire si une de ces sales bêtes est là. Il y a beaucoup de tiques dans notre région aussi l'assurance maladie diffuse tous les ans des mises en garde et prodigue des conseils.
En effet, les lapins sont bien plus mignons et celui qui vous observait est adorable. Nous en voyons de temps à autre dans le jardin mais ils ne s'attardent pas car les chats veillent !
Les pêches dans notre jardin ne sont pas encore mûres, ce sera plus pour le mois d'août. Les myrtilles, c'est un fruit que j'adore également. En fait j'aime tous les fruits, celui que j'apprécie le moins est la poire.
J'espère que vous avez passé un très bon 4 juillet.
Amitiés de France.
Hi Carol,
I’ll try to comment instead of email because I’d like to be in the draw for the patriotic chart.. watch tyat tick bite as we saw a lot of disease from ticks when I worked in the clinic in town. Thank heaven you got it all out.
How nice that you can take care of your grandson while your son and his wife are gone or having a procedure. It’s how you get closest to a child if you can be the only caregiver around. How I loved doing that. My 13 and 16 year old still come every Friday for a sit down home cooked meal. I’m shocked they still want to come. They don’t get a lot of home cooked meals at their hous as both parents work
The summer is flying past so fast. The older I get the faster it goes. I’m enjoying making my bucket hats. Have another pattern coming that’s really cute. I’m anxious for it to get here. I thought it was very pricey but waited for a 25% off price before I ordered it. It was pricey even than. $25 for a 3 piece pattern and only in one size. All sizes was $40.
Blessings to you and yours. Enjoy your time with your grandson. I’m hoping another baby is on the horizon for you.
Pat Schwartz.
Hi Carole. Hope all goes well with the son's surgery. You're lucky to have good doctors! I have had three of the tiny ticks embedded and was told to "wait and see". No testing no sending no antibiotics.
Like you, Etsy and 123 Stitch are my go-to. Years ago we had four fantastic linen and sampler shops.
Last year the Peach Truck peaches had no juice, taste, very disappointing. Froze quite a bit and they turned dark brown very quickly.
Be safe on the roads and enjoy your visits.
Oh no - ticks! My brother in NY and his family have had the same issue as you. Happy you are well! We do not have as many where we live but we are careful looking for them after we hike in the woods.
Love your stitchings! I am retiring soon and look forward to having more time to stitch. Love the Americana Sampler chart! I would love to stitch this one up! I am a follower. I do not have a shop close to me unfortunately , but when I visit my sister four hrs north of us, I do some damage at her local shop! Otherwise I get much of what I need from 123 stitch.
Have a lovely week! Happy stitching! butler83ataoldotcom
Hi Carol - love your two new finished pieces, they are both great! Glad to hear you’ll have some quality time with your grandson this month and hope he has so much fun with you that he doesn’t even notice his mom and dad are gone. Also hope the doxy helps prevent Lyme disease - we were just in Massachusetts and I told the kids to check themselves after our morning hike. We were lucky - no one came along for the ride! I am lucky to have an LNS and also have two more within a few hours. I try to buy most of my supplies there to keep the local businesses going! Hope your month goes well and you find some time for stitching between your trips!
I love your new Patriotic stitch! That frame looks good with this piece. Very cute Santa! I think that is every stitcher's Christmas List! The finishing looks perfect.
LOL I live in the barren desert in more ways than one! There is one stitching shop that people said carries very little cross stitching supplies so honestly I haven't been there. I usually shop online (Stoney Creek is my favorite!) or Joann's. Recently I heard that the stitching shop is starting to get more cross stitching stitching goods, so I may have to stop in one day soon.
Yummy I love fresh fruit too! But I am so sorry the ticks decided to travel home with the two of you guys and infect you. I hope that disease keeps its distance.
Take care driving back and forth to DC but enjoy your time there.
Unfortunately my sister got Lyme disease from a tick many years ago and it continues to have consequences, the doctors didn't immediately understand what it was, I'm terrified when I go into the woods.
I used to get embroidery materials online but now I try to keep the nearby shops or market stalls alive, it costs me more but I also have a lot of supplies at home. Now the heat has arrived here too and my holidays are very far away :(
Your stitched ornament is very cute - yes, my Christmas wish list looks like that, as well! Hopefully, Santa will get an extra big order of stitching time for all of us this year.
Like you, I have to order almost all my stitching supplies online - I can't even get DMC in stores here, as all they stock is Anchor thread, and sometimes some very basic kits (Vervaco, mostly)! We don't have any dedicated cross stitch stores around here, best we can do are general craft or yarn stores that have some supplies on the side. Last year I went to a stitching retreat and was able to pick out some hand dyed yarns and fabrics in person, that was a real treat - but really is a rate occurence!
Yikes on your run in with the tick - I just hate these! I'm not sure what kind of tick we have around here, but we are also considered a high risk area. Although I think the primary tick-borne disease here is encephalitis, for which there is a vaccine at least.
I've never heard about sending the ticks in to be chacked for lyme disease, that's a very good idea - gotta check if there are labs for that here, as well! I'm always checking myself for ticks if I spend any time outside.
Fingers crossed your preventative antibiotics did the trick!
Hi Carol,
I am glad you found that tick right away! I hope you and hubby recover fully. My daughter has stage 3 Lyme, she got it when she was 12, she is now 24. The repercussions are still coming unfortunately.
You might want to get tested again after your treatment. Just FYI.
Love your stitching, as always, :)
Rebecca C./ starrynightstitcher
I thought I responded but don't see my "comment" I'll try again. would LOVE to receive that patriotic chart - it's great. Love how you changed a couple colors of floss. The bunting is what really caught my eye. We also have a tick problem here in Michigan. My son had one on his ankle (last week) and a friend has found several - one in her ear caught by her doctor when she was having her ears checked! Where do I shop for supplies? well, now that a lot of stitching stores are closed I have been using my stash - and my floss I get from Hobby Lobby, Joann's and Michael's. Barb from Wolverine Lake Mich.
The Americana Sampler is gorgeous, and I love how you've framed it as well. The June ornament is very cute too. It sounds like July is a very busy month, hope all is going well. It's fun you'll get to visit with your grandson. I hope your son's surgery goes well, and he has a quick recovery. Ticks are really gross, and Lyme disease is so serious, I'm very glad you were able to find the tick, and then quickly get medication. I hope that you and your husband continue to feel well. Safe travels!
Oh Carol, Your experience with the tic sound horrendous but thankfully the antibiotics have done their job and kept you safe.
In the UK we have little choice but to buy on line unless you live close to one of the few B & M shops. My go to's are Peakside Needleworks, Patchwork Rabbit, The Nimble Thimble and Create Nostalgia but if there's anything I can't find I go to 123 stitch. I also love Evertote in Canada but then again, who doesn't, Lol!
How fab is your latest Christmas Ornament--------that list is just presious!
Happy Stitching!
Sue x
I love your stitched ornament. I hope that you and your husband continue to feel well. Saluti dall' Italia.
Dear Carol,
Thank you very much for this wonderful blog post, it has everything your heart desires:
beautiful embroidery work, Christmas, a raffle, fruit and cakes and sweet little rabbits ... thank you for the beautiful photos.
But I don't like the tick, hopefully it stays that way and you won't get Lyme disease, all the best and good luck, Jutta
I am very sad to hear so many Lyme news of latest bites, it seems there are more who carry this disease! Wishing your husband full recovery, dear! your blog and your post is fantastic!
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