The final days of each year seem to signal the end of yet another chapter in one's life history... It's always so hard to believe that another year has flown by so quickly, isn't it? We end the year on such a busy note with the preparation for Thanksgiving in late November right into the excitement and bustling days of the Christmas season. I have to admit, I'm truly looking forward to the peace and quiet that a new year brings--how about you?
Our Christmas was nice, but not quite the "whole family together" time that I had pictured. My middle son came down with some sort of stomach flu and neither he nor his girlfriend were here on Christmas morning. The hardest part of his illness for him? Having to miss out on our traditional once-a-year homemade cinnamon rolls (you can find the recipe right here)! Oh, we saved a couple for him, but it wasn't quite the same as sitting down for Christmas brunch with the whole family. We also saved his presents and the ones he had given all of us and opened them two days later when he felt well enough to come over again. Unbelievably, not a single one of the rest of us got sick!
Another odd thing about Christmas this year was the weather... it was such a warm and rainy week! We did get a bit of sunshine on Christmas Day itself, but that was it. And the temperature... it was 60° here in western Pennsylvania--the eighth warmest Christmas on record! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually missing snow right now.
As the end of this year draws near, I have a number of folks I'd like to thank--there are just so many kind and caring fellow stitchers out there! I enjoyed opening each gift and card so much and want to share what I received for Christmas this year...
From June in England: a beautifully stitched card, a sweet Tralala chart, some finishing accessories and a Christmas towel. Thank you, my friend!
From Manuela in Germany: the cutest little snowman card, a pretty-in-pink hexie mug rug, and two floss tags. Thank you, my friend!
From Cindy C. (cindycstitches on Instagram): a beautifully stitched ornament featuring Santa and his deer. Thank you, my friend!
From Stasi in Virginia: an adorable (and very appropriately named!) ornament. This is a design by Mani di Donna. Thank you, my friend!
From Vickie in Wisconsin: a charming little star ornament. Thank you, my friend!
From Claire in Canada (blackberryhill1 on Instagram): The most darling woolen strawberry adorned with a sweet angel and a Santa Claus floss holder. Thank you, my friend!
From Robin in Virginia: a beautifully stitched Silver Bells ornament. Thank you, my friend!
From Cindy in Tennessee (cindyderosa on Instagram): a lovely blue bird ornament. Thank you, my friend!
From Martina and Gabi in Germany: sweetly stitched cards which I plan on making into ornaments. Thank you, my friends!
From Nathalie in France: some pretty pastel ribbons, lip balm, and incense. Thank you, my friend!
What a lucky stitcher I am, wouldn't you agree? And thank you, too, for the lovely Christmas cards I received from many of you... Sandy P., Marilyn, Tricia, Barb R., Karen Y., Lee, and Kim H. I do love receiving a real Christmas card in my mailbox even though that tradition seems to be fading away these days. Just call me old-fashioned!
As Christmas draws closer, I move my newest dozen ornaments from the garland going up my stairs to our tree and replace them with stitched ornaments I've received from so many of you throughout the years. These will stay up until the new year.
My garland now bears many, many ornaments sent from stitching friends over the years.
Both sides are covered with so many wonderful gifts!
Here are the six lovely new ornaments I received this year.
The saga of Mister B and the elf... Do you all remember the photo of the little mechanized elf I showed you in my last post? For those of you who missed it, here is the impish fellow once again...
The little elf was met with a lot of suspicion by Mister B!
I was sure that my 3-year-old grandson would love him. Wrong! He was quite wary of him and simply stared at him with wide-eyes for quite a while. At first he refused to go near him, telling me, "he looks dangerous!" He slowly got up his nerve to draw closer and proudly told me, "I touched his hat!" And, after being told many times that the elf's saw wasn't going to hurt him (that it was actually made of wood), he finally got up his nerve to touch it. Watching the whole scenario develop over a few days time was so cute. He was very proud when he and the elf finally became "friends!"
Mister B's not quite sure if that elf is to be trusted or not!
It was such fun watching Mister B discover each one of my Christmas decorations--the Nativity Set, the little tree on my kitchen table, the Christmas lights shining around the house and in our neighborhood...
Helping to rearrange Nonna's little Christmas village
As always food (well... sweets to be exact!) was a big part of our holiday. I ended up making my grandmother's homemade caramels, slowly stirring them for nearly 2 1/2 hours. Oh, they were delicious--so smooth and buttery! My husband nicely wrapped each one in wax paper--the part of making these goodies that I really don't enjoy.
Gram B's yummy homemade caramels--a Christmas tradition
I've been asked for this recipe many times, so I thought some of you might like to try making them for yourself. Just make sure to have a good candy thermometer and lots of patience!
A very special family recipe
Of course, Christmas cookies were also on hand and below are some of our favorites.
I sure went through a lot of butter in my baking this year!
We spent an afternoon decorating gingerbread cookies a few days after Christmas. What fun to watch my grandson with some of his "creative" decorating style (read that: dumping a lot of sprinkles on to each and every cookie!). And, of course, those were his favorite ones to eat, too!
The more sprinkles, the better!
I could go on and on posting photos of our Christmas, but I'll leave you with this last one. |
Christmas morning with Mister B!
So, that's a wrap on 2023... it was a quiet year for us. I have to say I'm relieved after the ups and downs of the previous few years. We do hope to travel more in the coming year... We realize we aren't getting any younger and know that, one of these days, traveling will be out of the question. Do you have any plans for your coming year? Whatever they may be, I hope your new year is filled with much love and laughter, good health, and happy days. Try to enjoy the simple things in life... often they bring the most joy, don't you agree? Thank you, one and all for taking the time to read my little blog, leave a friendly word or two, and inspire me with all of your stitching. I'll see you next year! Bye for now...
Wishing you all the best life has to offer in the New Year!
Good evening, dear Carol. Mr. B is a handsome little fellow and very smart. It is hard to believe he is already 3. I got tickled when you told the story of the elf. My grandsons are the same about my dolls; they say they look creepy. Lol. You received so many wonderful cards and gifts and it is such a treasure to have so many friends. You are loved !!!. I wish you and your family a new year filled with love, happiness and many Blessings. Hugs.
That little boy is precious. His response to the elf sounds like my Palmer. He would have certainly been wary. I went through a lot of butter too. I got off to a slow start with my baking but made up for it closer to Christmas. The caramel looks amazing.
Hi Carol, what an adventure for Mr. B. He is a precious little boy. I remember my kids on Christmas. Memories, they are grown up and go their own ways.
Christmas time was very wet here in Germany. May be the snow comes when you do not expect. Plans for travelling? Perhaps, perhaps going to the US together with my daughter for a few days. But wait and see.
Wish you a happy new year and look forward for new stitchery from you.
Hugs, Gabi
Oh my what a beautiful post , Lovely cards and gifts from the blogging family .
Your decorations are beautiful,
Love all the cookies .
Your little boy is just so handsome, looks like he had a ball.
You had some lovely gifts and cards from friends.
Lot's of my friends had family missing at get togethers , with colds and bugs.
Our weather in the UK not so good , upcountry a tornado we are now on a warning.
Have a lovely time at the New Year, we always stay up to welcome the New Year in, and watch a show untill the early hours .
Lots Of hugs June,
What a lovely post full of lovely Christmas things. Your gifts sre super and the ornaments look great added to your banister. Thank you for the recipe, I'll have a go uding vegan butter as our daughter is dairy free and loves fudge. Wishing you a very Happy New Year 🎊
I'M sorry your son got sick.
Yes, this year has gone really fast!
I miss snow too.
What great gifts & cards you received.
Your banister is so pretty with all friends ornaments.
What a pretty collection.
I'm glad Mr. B became friends with the Elf. :)
He has really grown, & is a handsome boy.
Those caramels look delicious! Thanks for the recipe.
Wishing you & your family a healthy, happy New Year!
Hallo Carol,
das klingt nach einem sehr schöne Weihnachtsfest. Danke dass du uns so viel davon erzählt hast.
A Happy New Year to you and your family.
Hugs, Manuela
How fun to see the elf through the eyes of Mr. B! I'm with him on the sprinkles! It looked like you had a wonderful Christmas, Carol. You received many lovely goodies from the stitching community. At the moment, I have one retreat on the calendar plus a wedding trip for the coming year. Wishing you a blessed and delightful New Year!
Sorry your one son got sick, but glad he made it back in a couple days. Lots of lovely gifts you received....the stitching community is a generous one! Those caramels look so yummy but I would never have the patience to stir for 2 hours!!!!
I got a cute set of cuddle duds yesterday and am now waiting for the snow!!! LOL
Here's wishing you and your family a happy, healthy New Year!
I always love to read your posts. Mr. B is such a cutie! It's fun to watch him grow. Your baking, decorating, stitching, finishing is always perfection. Thank you for sharing!
I just love your blog, Carol. I look forward to it each month. Your ornaments, stitching, cooking, decorating, and everything are fantabulous! When you showed the elf last month, I kind of wondered how Mr. B would react to it. Growing up, we had a Santa about the same size as your elf that was always by the tree. My sister asked if she could have it after our mom passed away and now has it by her tree. I think it's kinda creepy, too. LOL!! Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with family Carol. What a pity your son couldn’t be there too. I bet your grandson loves visiting your home at Christmas. There must be so much for him to look at and do. Your house will feel empty when you put away all your beautiful decorations, but I know you have ornaments for every occasion and it will be Easter before we know it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You’re an inspiration to stitchers everywhere.
Hi Carol,
I’m so sorry that your younger son was sick for Christmas, the cinnamon rolls sound delicious!
Your grandson Mr B is so precious ♥️ your gifts are so lovely and your ornaments just amazing!
Your blog is something I really look forward to reading!!!! I’m continually amazed at the number and variety of ornaments you’ve stitched over the years and the beautiful way you display them. You inspire so many of us, and not just with your stitching, but with baking and decorating. It’s a blessing to share these things with you. Wishing you a healthy, happy 2024 and the time to relax and stitch.
What a beautiful Christmas you had! Mr. B is the most handsome young man! I love the last picture of the three of you! He truly loves his grandparents!
Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
Happy New Year to you and yours, Carol. Mr b has gotten so big and even more adorable and handsome.
Happy New Year Carol and Family: It was quiet for us.
You have such beautiful decorating ideas, love all of the decorating you did.
Lovely gifts from your friends.
Your Grandson is adorable, so happy he made friends with the
Thank-you for the candy recipe.
Adorable photo of Grandmother and Grandfather with Mister B.
I hope 2024 brings you good health happiness and lots of stitching.
Happy new year Carol!
Happy 2024, Carol!
Le père Noël a été très généreux.
Quel bonheur tous ces présents reçus de vos amies.
Bon réveillon et pour la nouvelle année qui se profile je vous souhaite le meilleur pour vous et vos proches.
Amitiés de France.
Le père Noël a été très généreux.
Quel bonheur tous ces présents reçus de vos amies.
Bon réveillon et pour la nouvelle année qui se profile je vous souhaite le meilleur pour vous et vos proches.
Amitiés de France.
Wonderful gifts from stitchy friends! I often feel lost between Christmas and New Year's and forget which day it is! Haha! I love the days after the holidays, no more running around and like you said-preparing. Mr B is such a cutie pie! Mr B and the Elf! That'll be a story brought up every Christmas! Hope your middle son has recovered, that's not a good time to be sick.
Happy New Year!!
Carol, I so enjoy your posts. Your stitching is so lovely and inspiring. What great gifts you received and some from afar…many, obviously, love you and your blog! I love the way you have displayed both your’s and other’s stitching. Best Wishes to you and your family for a wonderful New Year, full of good health, happiness and lots of stitching!
Oh my, you received some lovely gifts and cards. You are clearly loved. All of your decorations together are just amazing, I am sure that the photos of them in your home don’t do them justice. Wishing you a year of joy, good health, and happiness.x
Thank you, Carol, for all the time, enthusiasm, and energy you put into each and every one of your posts! I enjoy your news and am always inspired by your beautiful stitching. Your photographs of your wonderful stitching displays and vignettes are “eye candy” for sure! I love your pattern choices and am in awe of your finishing skills that truly enhance your stitched pieces. I have been a faithful follower of your blog posts for quite some time, but am remiss about sending you messages of thanks and encouragement. However, I am out here in cyberspace and grateful to you and all the others who are so generous about sharing their stitching talents with this community of followers. Many blessings to you and your family in 2024 from Mary in SE Michigan!
Hi Carole, It sounds like you had a nice Christmas even though you son got sick. At least it wasn’t covid and he could join you a couple days late. Happy New Year to you and your family. Cherie in WI
Carol, thank you for the caramel recipe. I truly didn't have the time to spend to make them but will treasure your recipe and hope make some in the new year. We can always eat candy around here!
Your grandson is so cute. Don't grandkids just make Christmas special. I'm glad he is living close enough that you can see him often.
I hope you have a 2024 full of God's richest blessings. You are such a sweet person, and I appreciate all you share.
I love Robin’s Christmas card. My favorite Christmas cards are those with beautiful winter scenes. I am going to try your cinnamon roll recipe. Do you make it all on Christmas morning? If not, what is your plan of attack? I so enjoy every email visit with you Carol. And I thank you again and again for taking the time to write your blogs and send photos with them for your readers to share. I know it is time consuming, but it is much enjoyed by me!!!!! I always look forward to the calm of January. It is a long month and often here in central Texas it is our coldest. Today though it is clear and sunny and 40 degrees. We had a front come through yesterday evening to give us a low last night of 35. I have my black eyed peas out to cook today and I bought cabbage yesterday to have along with them and our new venison sausage provided by our older son. It will be a wonderful New Year’s dinner. Later we’ll watch and cheer for our Texas Longhorns in one of the playoff games. It’s been an exciting football year for us Texas fans. Have a blessed 2024 Carol. Good health and much happiness!
As everyone says, we love your blog! Thank you so much for all of your efforts in this truly wonderful, joyous, happy site that you share with us - truly a treasure!! Thanks, too, for sharing the beautiful gifts from your fellow stitchers - really the special gift of giving.
Thanks, too, for sharing the recipe for the cinnamon rolls, your grandmother’s recipe for homemade caramels and the photo of the cookies you made. I’m pretty sure that all your readers have figured out that we are all coming to your house next year to celebrate the holidays at your house! YUM!
And then we all get to play with Mr. B, the cute Santa Elf and enjoy your truly very special Christmas tree and all those beautiful, handmade ornaments,
Thank you so much for sharing this truly amazing and special site and especially a very Happy New Yeartoyou and your family!
Barb R.��
It was also rather mild here and has been very rainy for days, yesterday it was nice, today it is very wet and very windy again.
So many wonderful cards and gifts, I'm really happy for you.
What a wonderful time with Mister B, I'm glad you had a lot of fun, this time is special and won't come back, so you have to soak up every second.
A beautiful picture with you three.
Yes, I have some plans, but they are not set in stone, because sometimes things turn out differently.
I wish you a great 2024.
Big hugs, Martina
Oh goodness! Glad B and the elf eventually became friends! Just needed a little time to make sure the elf was friendly! Sad about A & A missing Christmas, but I’m sure he appreciated the rolls. Seeing Gram B’s caramels brings me so much joy— though I know the stirring is not fun! Wonderful pick of you and T w/Mr. B. Lots of great memories made. 😊
I can’t believe Mr.B is 3 already Christmas just isn’t Xmas without little ones I’ve followed you for years keep blogging please
Another wonderful Carol post. Lovely indeed. What a wonderful Christmas you shared. We had a lovely one too. Yes travel while you can. We are so thankful for each travel memory we made with my mom while we could. Have a very wonderful 2024!
This was a lovely post about your holidays and finishing up the year. I so enjoy reading your blog and truly appreciate all the time and effort you put into it- thank you! I'm glad your Christmas was nice, although I'm sorry your son was sick ( so lucky the rest of you were ok!). It must've been so fun with your grandson- he's a beautiful little boy, too. January can sometimes feel like a letdown after the fun and excitement of the holidays, but you're right that it's good to look forward to a more quiet and relaxed start to the new year. I hope you and your family have a peaceful,healthy and happy 2024!
I'm glad you had a good Christmas, even if it wasn't quite perfectly as you imagined it being. Everything seems more special when you can see it happen through the eyes of a child, isn it?
Thanks for sharing your recipe, but I won't be trying it - I can't get all of the ingredients here so it just wouldn't be the real thing!
Personally, I got lots of plans for the new year, many of them crafty, and I am starting things off slowly settling into them - hope everything works out for you!
Reading about your Christmas is wonderful Carol. It's most definitely a time for children and it must be so wonderful to have your family around you.
My Christmas is very different, just me, but I'm not complaining. My only remaining brother spends Christmas with his son so I don't see him, and I never married or had kids, so am quite used to being on my own. It doesn't stop me from enjoying all the build up to the big day though and all the cooking ......and eating!
Happy New Year.
Sue xx
Looks like a beautiful Christmas celebration Carol. Sorry your son was sick but it sounds like it wasn't to terribly bad! Mr. B. looks so dapper all dressed up for the holidays. What a clever youngman to be wary of things that just don't look right to him but I am glad you convinced him the elf and his saw were safe. Very nice photo you guys took.
Glad you had such a fabulous time with the family.
Dear Carol,
oh, such wonderful photos, I can't get enough of them.
But as always my favorite is Mister B, the elf really looks a bit scary ;-)
What a shame that not all family members can celebrate Christmas together, maybe again next time.
Thank you for your interesting blog posts in 2023, I look forward to a new, creative new year in 2024, hugs, Jutta
What lovely gifts and highlights from your Christmas Carol - I had to laugh about Mister B's reaction to the elf. My mom bought a stuffed Hallmark decoration one year - you push the button and the stuffed animals "danced." My daughter was about 2 and she loved to watch it dance and hear the music but she was scared to death to go close enough to press the button. It was so funny, as I imagine it was watching him with the elf. Hope you get in some good travels this year - I have a big birthday coming up (it ends in a 0!) and am hoping to visit some friends I haven't seen in a long time as a way to reconnect as I celebrate the beginning of the next decade. Hope it's a great year for you!
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