Ornaments, that is! Yes, this year, I reached a milestone as I passed the 200 mark (203 to be exact) with my stitched ornaments. There are actually only 181 on this tree, though, because 22 of them are displayed in my Pottery Barn cubby. My tree is up and the presents are patiently resting underneath just waiting to be opened on Christmas morning. In keeping with tradition, we'll let my grandson open one present on Christmas Eve and I bet I know exactly which one he'll choose--the largest one! Do you have any traditions when it comes to your tree or gift opening? We try to open our gifts one by one, but with nine people this Christmas morning, that may take a bit too long. We'll see what happens! I'm so looking forward to this entire weekend and the following week--family time with all nine of us present is so rare these days. I'm going to treasure each moment... (well, maybe not all of the cooking :)
My cross-stitch Christmas tree: 2023
Here are a few close-ups for you from top to bottom...
Love the trio of Prairie Schooler angels
And here is the view from my sunroom into the family room where I have another tiny tree on my bookshelf.
The little tree on the bookshelf on the right is just two feet high and has a mixture of gingerbread ornaments and snowflakes.
Did you happen to notice the tiny elf peeking out at you in the first photo on the left? He is making an appearance after many years of being boxed up in the attic because my grandson will be here this year and I know he'll love him! This elf was a constant Christmas companion when my sons were growing up. When he is turned on, his arm moves back and forth as if he were sawing wood. (It actually looks like he's about to cut his own arm off, but... ) I can't wait to see my grandson's reaction when he first sees him.
I'm sure 3-year-old "Mister B" will be enchanted by this 21-inch elf!
Love the view at night, too--my sunroom is filled with windows, skylights, and doors and the reflection of the tree lights is almost magical.
"Blue Christmas"... I mentioned earlier that 22 of my ornaments are not on my tree, but are displayed in my Pottery Barn cubby this year. I chose to pull many of the blue-themed ornaments and display them in the cubby in my family room. If you look closely, you'll see that most of them are snowmen or Santas, but there are a few houses and a pretty bird, as well. You probably know by this time that my favorite color is blue so this display certainly makes me smile each time I walk by!
My "Blue Christmas" cubby
Here are some close-ups. I'm sorry, I don't have time right now to identify each ornament in this post, but if you have a question about a particular one, just email me (make sure to include your email address, too!), and I'll get back to you with an answer.
What do you think? Do you have a favorite? I think mine is the crescent-shaped Prairie Schooler Santa in the lower left space. And you know what one of the best things is about this display? I can simply replace the Santas with other snow-themed finishes and leave it up all winter!
♥ And in the very center, as always, is the silhouette of my dear mother ♥
This is actually one of my favorite days of the year! Why, you may ask? Well, it's simply because, after today, the days will start getting longer again. I relish the extra light in the evenings, even though it may not be noticeable for a while yet. I still remember, very vividly, a moment with my second son who was born in early December 1985. Like any young mother, I was exhausted and a bit depressed. One January evening, while I sat in his bedroom singing to him as we rocked back and forth in the creaky wooden rocking chair, I happened to glance out the window. My eyes widened and my tired face brightened as I realized it was still light out--even at almost 6 PM! Somehow, that fact soothed me and I knew brighter days were coming. From that moment on, I always associated the Winter Solstice with the start of lighter, brighter days...
In four days another Christmas will dawn. I hope it's a very special one for each of you. I'll have my entire family with me this year so I'm sure it will be for me. But, I know some of you are far from your families or dealing with serious illnesses or worries. I'm sure it's hard to be "merry" under those circumstances. So, my wish for you is a peaceful Christmas, my friends. Take care now and I'll see you soon. Bye for now...
Wishing you a peaceful Christmas
Carol, thank you for sharing your beautiful tree with us. Each one is a work of art! And, the cubby is so pretty, too! I actually ordered that cubby after I’d seen yours and still don’t have it hung up. I’m not sure what I’m waiting for!! Have a wonderful holiday week with the whole family. I know how hard it is to get everyone together and it is precious time spent, despite the cooking!! We have 2 grandsons that are both two, 3 months apart, so are looking forward to the fun! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Cherie in WI Alcherp@lakefield.net
What a wonderful tree. It is a real pleasure to look at. I am sure your little grandson will get big eyes and will be very excited. The blue ornies in the cubby are beautiful and it is a good idea to arrange them.
Wish you a wonderful time and Merry Christmas,
Hai una casa meravigliosa e il tuo albero! Adoro il Natale in blu e tutti i tuoi ornamenti. Che sia un felice e sereno Natale per tutta la tua bellissima famiglia
Carol, your tree is incredible. What memories you have tied up in your tree! I would never get my stitching done in the evening because I would be simply staring at the ornaments and twinkling lights. Your cubby looks so pretty decked out in blue and white. I know that you will enjoy the time with your family over the coming days. Thinking of you and wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
Oh Carol, as always, the tree is absolutely gorgeous!
I love the star topper & the simple pearls to enhance your ornaments.
It's too hard to pick a favorite, they are all so beautiful.
Love the blue theme, my favorite color is also blue!
I'm so happy that your whole family will be home for the Holiday.
Yes, Mr. B will be intrigued by the Elf!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!
Hi Carol. What a beautiful post. It's early morning and I am struggling with Christmas this year. Your post cheered me up a bit as I too have a sunroom with lots of windows and could put a tree in it. Maybe next year.
I was wondering about a couple of things. How long has it taken you to complete 203 cross stitch ornaments? How many years have you been doing this? Also I was wondering about your blue prairie schoolhouse santas, Did you change the colorway yourself or did the pattern come with directions in blue? I'm not in a rush for a reply. whenever you get time. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and all the best for 2024.
Your tree is beautiful! What a great accomplishment.
Dear Carol,
Thank you for sharing this wonderful post. I wish you and your dear ones a warm and peaceful christmastime and blessings for 2024.
With love from the Netherlands, Alexandra
Thank you for sharing your beautiful decorations every year. I always am inspired and in awe. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Oh Carol - your tree is beautiful! And your home - I would love to sit in your sunroom and do some stitching.
I think my favorite ornament in your cubby is number 20. It’s a hard choice, though.
Enjoy your Christmas, and I wish you and your family happiness and peace in the New Year.
Thank you for sharing.
Love that great, big, gorgeous tree of yours Carol. Christmas just does not feel Christmassy for me this year. You know why. Time will tell. Thank you for your prayers. I do feel peace.
At least we will all be together on Christmas Eve. Jacob and Kristen are coming home! HOORAY! I wish they were coming to Mom's on Christmas Day, but we can't have it all. They will be spending that day with her family now. Things change.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful tree, it really is a work of art and heart. Happy Christmas.🎄
How beautiful your tree looks decorated with all these cross stitch details.
I wish you a Merry Christmas surrounded by the love of your family.
They will surely be unforgettable days.
Kisses from Spain
It is always a treat to see your cubby display and the glorious tree in your sunroom. I think I have two favorites from your cubby. The JOY with the snowman inside the O and the ornament below it, a house amid trees sitting on a navy trim. If you could tell me what the patterns for those two ornaments are, I would appreciate it very much. I know you’ll have a busy and happy Christmas with all your family. Enjoy each moment….and it is a lot of cooking!!!!! Good Luck, Carol!
What a beautiful tree you have. All the ornaments decked out make it really special. The cubby is stunning as usual.
Have a super holiday with the whole family around you.
Absolutely lovely ornaments and your Christmas tree is so beautiful! I love the wee snowman in cubby 14 - such a happy little fellow. :-)
I also wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog and appreciate the work that goes into doing it.
Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas!
There are so many adjectives to describe your tree but let's just say it is phenomenal!!!! It must be so fun to relive the memories associated with the ornaments. And you know I love your cubby!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family...enjoy every minute!
Your tree is simply gorgeous! Wow! 203 ornaments! That is amazing! I love your pearl garland. Every year when I see your tree I say I'm going to add some to my tree, but then I forget! Maybe I can find some on sale after Christmas.
My favorite ornament in your Blue Christmas Cubbie is #8 Silent Night. I just love little houses!! I also love the snowmen arranged on top of your cubbie. So cute!
Mr. B is going to love your little elf! Actually he's going to love everything about Christmas at your house!
We're celebrating our Christmas tomorrow and all 11 of my family will be here. There'll be lots of noise, fun, and food!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas with your entire family. Happy stitching in the New Year!
Carol, I love seeing your tree every year…just beautiful! It’s hard to pick a favorite. I guess that would be like asking a child to pick his favorite candy from the candy store! I’m sure your grandson’s face will be priceless when he sees Mr. Elf. Pass down the joy. Merry Christmas to you and your family and thank you for sharing your beautiful Christmas tree.
So many beautiful ornaments on your beautiful tree. I love the Elf and your grandson should really love him. Merry Christmas
Fantastic display Carol, Oh how I would love to be at your house for Christmas .
I didn't have time this year to decorate allot I put a few bits out.
I love the blue cubby with all those beautiful stitches I love everyone of them.
Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year, Big Hugs June.
Merry Christmas from Ohio. Your photos are so, so beautiful. I don’t usually make comments but had to say thank you for the time and effort you put into your cross stitch and your blog. When I stumbled upon your blog a few years ago, I had no idea how next level counted cross stitch could be. I had made a few things years ago but didn’t pursue it. When I saw your work it made me want to go looking for my old supplies, so thank you again. I love the Winter Solstice too. When I taught, I’d have the students look out the window on the first day back from Christmas break and notice how dark and gloomy it looked. At the end of January I’d have them look out again and see how much daylight we had gained. It always sparked a lively discussion.
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday.
What a beautiful heirloom of work you have created. Have a
Merry Christmas.
Good morning, Carol. I loved looking at all your ornaments. I am a quilter but have lately also been getting back into cross stitch. I love numbers 2, 6, 20 and 23. Could you please give me information on these. Thank you and may your family have a wonderful Christmas.
Carol, comme tous les ans votre sapin de Noël est majestueux, magnifique. Tout comme toute la décoration de votre maison. C'est toujours un régal que de voir tout ça au travers de vos photos.
Je n'ai pas de préférence pour les ornements dans votre casier. Je les aime tous...
Comme vous, j'aime le solstice d'hiver, car en effet les jours sont plus longs. J'aime la lumière ! Et comme vous le dites cela veut dire que nous allons vers les beaux jours même si ce n'est pas tout de suite.
Nous fêterons Noël en famille également et c'est une grande joie.
Prenez soin de vous, et que ces fêtes de fin d'année soient magiques.
Amitiés de France,
Traditionally, the Christmas tree is only put up on Christmas Eve, the lights are only turned on in the afternoon when we drink coffee together, after which the presents are given.
I enjoy looking at the pictures of your tree and researching which of the ornaments I already know.
I also think your Blue Christmas is very beautiful, I like it and it all fits together so well.
I wish you many wonderful hours with your loved ones, enjoy your time.
Merry Christmas my friend
Hugs Martina
Both your tree and cubby ornament display are gorgeous!
Merry Christmas from Spain, dear Carol.
Hello Carol,
dein Weihnachtsbaum ist wie immer wunderschön. Auch dein Display ist sehr schön anzusehen. Da Blau auch eine meiner Lieblingsfarben ist, gefällt es mir sehr gut.
Unser Weihnachtsbaum wird immer am 23.12. aufgebaut und geschmückt. Die Kerzen werden erst am 24.12. zur Bescherrung angemacht.
Ich wünsche dir eine wunderschöne Zeit im Kreise deiner Familie. Genieße es.
Merry Christmas, Manuela
Merry Christmas, Carol!
Hi Carol - your Christmas tree is just too beautiful!!! It truly is the most special, precious and wonderful treasure!
Best wishes to you and your family as you share this very joyous season together - may you all have a very happy Christmas!
I can only imagine how much fun you will have with Mister B!
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Barb R.
That is a lot of Christmas memories wrapped up in those stitches. I am just like you about the Solstice. I start looking for one more minute of light each day. Enjoy your family.
Happy Christmas to you as family surrounds you. Your stitching, your decorating style, and your well-phrased blog posts continue to bless me every time you publish a new post.
Merry Christmas Carol! Enjoy the week with family.
My favorite Christmas tree! It's hard to pick a favorite from your cubby as they're all gorgeous. Merry Christmas!!
So much happiness and beauty in this post. I just love that cubby shelf. Definitely #lifegoals right there. Beautiful!! I hope your Christmas was wonderful. Can't wait to hear all about it.
I just love your tree! I, too, have one similar with many, many ornaments I’ve stitched over the years. I love to put it up every year and take all my “old friends” out of their packing. Do you enjoy seeing all your treasures every year? I remember the ones I love, the finishes, the stitching, why I stitched it - everything! I also enjoy seeing your cubby every time you decorate it. You are definitely talented. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Your Christmas tree is simply beautiful! I look forward to seeing your stunning tree each year. That's amazing that you have stitched over 200 ornaments for your tree. It must be so fun and satisfying to have them all displayed, and also to remember the time when you were working on them. Thank you again for all the time and effort you put into your blog. I hope you have had a fun and relaxing holiday with your family!
Merry Christmas Carol and Family: So sorry for the late comment.
Your decorating is stunning, your tree is amazing, I love seeing how other Bloggers decorate, you take the big award.
Thank-you for sharing with us.
Wonderful Christmas tree as every year Carol and such pretty blue stitching in the cubby. This year is a very special one for you and I hope these days are full of joy for you all. Best festive wishes.
What a beautiful display Carol! You should be incredibly proud of your accomplishment os over 200 ornaments. I hope you had a beautiful day with your family and that is was a magical day for Mr. B!
We open our "Christmas Eve" box each year which is full of Christmas jammies and socks. Then sometimes we go looking at Christmas lights with a cup of hot chocolate. This year only Tia and Jacob did the Christmas lights and I stayed home with my son.
I hope your family has a wonderful and safe time ringing in the New Year!
What an awesome accomplishment to pass 200 ornaments, congratulations Carol! I may have to count when I take mine off the tree, but I am guessing I am more in the neighborhood of 40 or maybe 50. I’ve decided I am going to stitch them again this year - hopefully monthly - and focus this year’s on gifts for the people in my life, trying to find something I know they’d like or that would make them smile. Can’t wait to see how it goes, thank you for the inspiration to stitch ornaments and hope you had a super fun Christmas!
I am late but hope you had a very, very Merry Christmas with all your loved ones, Carol! We had a quiet Christmas Eve (the main celebration day in Germany) with just Felix, my grandma, and me. We always try to open gifts taking turns, taking out time and savouring each one, especially now hat I'm 'grown up' and grandpa isn't there anymore - don't want the opening to be over in ten minutes!
Your display or ornaments just gets more stunning each and every year. Your house looks like some magical place this time of year and the blue Christmas in the cubbie is such a great addition! I think my favourite is #16.
As I viewed your fabulous, hand-stitched tree, my eyes went right to the little ornament that's a rectangular snowman with the sampler-style alphabet. Do you know what the pattern is? Maybe yours or a designer who's work I could still find? I absolutely adore it! Hope your new year is off to a great start :)
Your tree... its so beuatiful! The wish of every xstitcher...
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