Gosh... has it really been three weeks since I last posted? Where does the time go? We experienced 21 days without rain here in the southwest portion of Pennsylvania--a streak that was finally broken on Sunday with some light showers. We need more rain badly and it looks like we'll be getting some off and on for the next few days. Our lawn is starting to turn brown already and it's only mid-June! Usually, that doesn't happen until late August. Add to that a few hazy, sunless days due to the wildfire smoke drifting down from Canada and it's been an odd month so far. Very cool too--in fact I've been wearing my winter bathrobe in the mornings it's so chilly! So, how have you all been? I'm feeling much better although my energy level is still not back to normal. I really appreciate all of your get-well wishes after my last post--thank you! That was one mean virus and it seems to be hitting a lot of folks.
So, it's Flag Day here in the United States and I finished up the cutest patriotic piece just in time! This is called "Fourth of July Picnic" and is a design from Samplers Not Forgotten. I've had this chart for quite a few years and am so glad I finally made the time to stitch it.
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"Fourth of July Picnic" finish |
It is stitched on 40 ct. "Stormy Night" Newcastle using all of the suggested colors except for two: I substituted CC Bamboo for the charted Gentle Arts Picket Fence and used DMC 950 for the face and hands. I just love that sweet girl in her straw hat and the little brown puppy and saved them to stitch last. Do you do that, too--save your favorite motifs for last? I used Smyrna stitches for the stars on the flag, the dots on her dress, and her eyes--I simply like the rounded look it gives to those spots.
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Such a sweet little pup! |
And, I suppose I have to mention the one part of the chart I didn't enjoy stitching, don't I? Can you guess? Yep--it was the "July 4, 1776" all stitched 'over one' on 40 ct. linen. I was about to tear my hair out by the time I got to the "6!" But, I persevered and got it done... The white button "flowers" were shown on the finish on the chart and I think they add so much to the final look.
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Love the button "flowers!" |
This piece is a bit too large for a pillow finish so I'll be framing it. I'm thinking a rustic black frame would look nice. Or perhaps a chippy red frame? I'll have to think about it for a bit... I've now moved on to a much larger patriotic piece which I'll be lucky to finish by summer's end!
Giveaway time... In keeping with the Flag Day theme, I found this lovely chart in an old Just Cross Stitch Magazine (July/August 2009) that I thought would be perfect for this month's giveaway. It is by Brooke's Books, is called "Spirit of America Angel," and is meant to be stitched on 14 ct. perforated paper. Would anyone like to stitch this beautiful angel? If you'd like to win the chart (the three pages are removed from the magazine and I will be folding them to fit in a legal sized envelope to save on mailing costs), please follow the guidelines below. I'll announce the winner in my next blog post--good luck to all!
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I'm having a drawing for this patriotic angel chart. If you would like to enter, please follow the guidelines below: |
To be included in the drawing for this chart, please...
1) Specifically mention that you would like to win the chart in your comment
2) Be a follower of Stitching Dreams (in my blog's sidebar on the right)
sure to leave your email address in your comment if I don't already have it
4) Answer the "Getting to Know You" question below.
Getting to Know You... For this week's question, I'm wondering what your three favorite foods are? I have absolutely no problem in answering this one: bread, chocolate, and nuts. I just can't refuse any of them. I absolutely adore a nice warm slice of freshly baked bread slathered with butter any time of day! And I can't resist chocolate-covered nuts of any kind. I've developed a real addiction to those tubs of chocolate-covered almonds that are sold at Trader Joe's--I really have to watch and limit myself to a few a day (well, I try to anyway!). How about you? What three foods top your list of favorites?
I'm so excited that my little grandson will be arriving later today for a visit! Yes, he was just here two weeks ago, but his mom will be at a conference so my oldest son decided to drive up from Maryland with Mister B and spend Father's Day weekend with us. He is so, so busy and seems to be at the "giving up the nap" stage which is exhausting--for him and us! Last time he was here he had a grand, old time feeding the koi in our pond, building Lego sets with his grandpa and uncle, racing all of us to the birdhouse and back over and over again, "shopping" for food in my pantry with his little basket, and playing with the wonderful old Tonka trucks that had belonged to my boys when they were little. He truly enjoys his time at "Camp Nonna and Pompaw!"
It's going to be a busy weekend as my youngest son and his girlfriend arrive on Friday and my daughter-in-law flies in from her conference that evening so we'll have a full house. Thank goodness, my middle son and his girlfriend live locally so they aren't sleeping here. But, there is so much food to prepare and cooking is not my favorite thing! I've already made lasagna with ground beef, lasagna roll-ups (with spinach) for our two vegetarians, macaroni, ham, and cheese casserole, and pulled chicken barbecue! Phew! I hope to make a couple of desserts today or tomorrow and then let everyone else help with sides and clean-up duty. I know I'll be exhausted come Sunday night, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And my husband is thrilled that all three of our sons will be here for Father's Day. Do you have a busy Father's Day weekend planned?
I'll leave you with this pretty photo from our yard...
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Such a beautiful peony with the barest hint of burgundy in the center |
Well, I'm off to the dentist now--time to get a new crown in an upper molar. Not my favorite thing in the world. I hope he can get the fit just right so I don't have future problems... Thank you so much for stopping by today! I love reading your comments and emails and truly appreciate you taking the time to say "hello." Wishing each of you a relaxing day filled with lots of stitching time. Bye for now...
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Wishing all of my U.S. friends a happy Flag Day! This photo was taken from my front porch in 2021 and is one of my favorites. |
Carol, that patriotic piece couldn't get any cuter...at least until you frame it! Those Tonka trucks look to be in pristine condition and so much fun. I can understand why Mr. B loves playing with them.
My three favorite foods would be Cincinnati chili ( I joke with my hubby that if I'm ever on death row, this is the last meal I'd choose), MD steamed crabs and my homemade Easter eggs.
Have a great time with your family...you can collapse on Monday! :)
Such a cute patriotic piece! I feel your pain at stitching over one! I'm currently working on a bookmark that is stiched over one. I've had it a while, but decided I must finish it before my eye sight gets any worse!
Your will indeed have a wonderful Father's Day weekend! Maybe come Monday you can just sit and stitch and recover!
So glad to hear you're feeling better.
Happy Flag Day!
Happy Flag Day to you! What a wonderful patriotic finish, Carol! So very lovely and I like the button flowers! Your peony is beautiful. I loved the picture of Mr. B and the Tonka trucks. Hmm, three favorite foods. Today, I would say chocolate, macaroni and cheese and English muffin bread. No plans here for Father's Day weekend. Enjoy your visit with Mr. B and the rest of your kids.
A lot of stitchers recommend doing tent stitch/one leg for over 1. I always do full cross. I am stitching something that has over 1 words on 36 count. It's such a big difference than using 40! Your over 1 looks great and I understand the joy in having it DONE!
Have a great week with family visits!
A very busy weekend is anticipated but very happy for your home, Carol !!!.
I have loved the embroidery of the flag and I admire how you Americans love yours: it is something that many countries should learn.
A hug
Fourth of July Picnic is just adorable!
Ha! My three favorite foods are similar to yours! Bread, chocolate and cheese. :)
I remember our son's Tonka's. They both had a huge dinosaur phase though.
First of all enjoy the family time. I agree there is nothing better in the world. My grand boys love their trucks too. The peony is beautiful. That is one flower I can't grow. I don't see them here, so I am guessing they don't like the hot hot weather here. It has been cooler than a normal June here, but warm for sure.
I love that patriotic piece. It is just adorable. You always choose the very best patterns.
3 favorite foods...hmmm. Pasta would be #1, salty foods win over sweet with me, so bring on chips for #2 and then maybe watermelon or peaches.
Πολύ όμορφο το κέντημα με τη σημαία και τα κουμπιά για λουλούδια τέλεια.
Ο καιρός και στην Ελλάδα ακόμη άσχημος, με βροχές, ίσως πρώτη φορά για Ιούνιο μήνα.
Εγώ περνάω μία όμορφη εβδομάδα γιατί γέννησε η κόρη μου ένα κοριτσάκι και για λίγο την βοηθάω. Αγαπημένα μου φαγητά...τα ζυμαρικά, ο μουσακάς (ελληνικό φαγητό με μελιτζάνες) και ψητό κρέας. Εύχομαι να περάσετε όμορφα με τα παιδιά σας. Πολλά χαιρετίσματα από Ελλάδα !!!!
Our weather here in Wisconsin is exactly the same Dried grass and all. Enjoy your family this weekend.
How fun your family will ALL be there for Father's Day. It is a lot of work, but sounds like you are well-prepared and you will have so much fun! We will get together with two families (son, daughter) that live close by, Hope your rain materializes...we are actually above normal in rain in northern NE and the Sandhills are so lush and green. There will be plenty of grazing for the cattle and lots of meadow hay to put up so my son is thrilled. Love you little patriotic stitch...I have one more I want to do then I will start fall stitching after the 4th. I don't have enough for fall and want to get a head start. Enjoy your weekend.
It's the same with us, no rain, lots of sun, but a cool wind.
You did a great job on your patriotic piece, it looks amazing and the button idea is perfect.
Oh the question is hard to answer as I like many things but if I have to choose it's the little cherry tomatoes, bread and cheese with grapes.
How nice that Mister B is very happy to come to you and enjoy the time with grandma and grandpa, this time is so valuable and yet it goes by so quickly.
Yes, I know that too, the work before such festivals is always a lot, but afterwards you are happy that it was a successful festival.
We already had Father's Day, but we don't celebrate it that big.
I wish you a nice time with your grandson.
Hugs, Martina
Oh Carol, I know you are over the moon to have your grandson visiting as well as all of your sons. I know you and your hubby will have a wonderful weekend. Mr. B has grown like a weed since the last photo that I have seen. It sounds like he is keeping you entertained. He's a doll. Your nicest stitch is so beautiful and perfect that you finished by Flag Day. Hugs.
Hello Carol,
deine neueste Stickerei sieht fantastsich aus. Glaube ich dir gern, dass über 1 auf 40ct. sehr schwer zu sticken war. Ein dunkler Rahmen hört sich sehr gut an.
Bei uns ist es seit 3 Wochen ebenfalls trocken und kein Regen. Unser Rasen ist mittlerweile braun und trocken. Regen ist leider nicht angesagt.
Meine drei Lieblingsspeisen sind: Schokolade, Spargel in den Monaten Mai und Juni und Ananas.
Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß mit eueren Kindern und eurem Enkelkind.
Big Hugs, Manuela
We finally got some rain after a month of dryness, yes, the lawns are brown here also.
I hope you are better, I had a weird virus in November that sent me to Urgent Care, they are awful!.
Fourth of July Picnic is so cute, love the buttons!
I'm glad your family will be together for Father's Day.
Mr. B is too cute with those trucks, aren't you glad you saved them? :)
My 3 favorite foods are Salsa, Popcorn, & my Mom's Banana Bread.
Very pretty Peony!
Have a fun weekend with your family!
So glad you are feeling better! You will have a great time with your family this weekend. I love it when both of my boys are home. One lives in NC so that does not happen very often. My Father-in-law and brother-in-law will be here for Father's Day. They live in Illinois (our home state) and then they are off with my husband for a fishing trip a few hours from us for 4 days. My oldest will be over for Father's Day also. I would love to win the angel pattern. I am stitching lots of patriotic right now. My favorite foods are chocolate, caramels and pizza. I can understand the bread though. I love to make homemade bread, especially in the Winter. my email is comer109@copmcast.net.
Happy Stitching!
Oops! My email is comer109@comcast.net
Beautiful blog
Please read my post
Your patriotic picnic piece is SOOOOO cute!!! And I would LOVE TO WIN THE BROOKS BOOKS Angel. She is so beautiful!
I LOVE tuna fish, pizza, and spaghetti!!! Those are my all-time favorites! tjgrdina3@aol.com
Greetings Carol: I hope you get more rain it is dry here also and the fires above Minnesota are making air quality horrible and you can smell the smoke.
I hope you are back to 100% energy level soon.
The Patriotic finish is adorable, I always save faces and animals till last, I love the button and that is a boatload of Smyrna stitches but makes the flag look amazing.
I would love to be included in the giveaway of the Patriotic design.
My home fried chicken is my first favorite, then chocolate and lemon loaf from Starbucks.
Your grandson is positively adorable and what a treat to play with the toys your boys grew up with, it sounds like you have already been busy cooking for this weekend, we will stay at home both Dads have passed away and we have no children except our dogs and cat, my husband is their dad.
Oh my your Peony is stunning.
Good luck at the dentist, I hate going to the dentist.
My 3 favorite foods are Blue Bell ice cream, breads and Nona Jane’s lemon bread sold by the slice at a local lunch place, My Girls. I order a slice to eat there with lunch and bring home a slice to enjoy in the morning with coffee. It is so good! I love the piece that e headed this post…..it is charming. I look forward to your every post.
I hope your dental visit turned out well. Your stitching is always beautiful and I enjoy seeing what you've been up to! Your menu plans for your house-full of company sound delicious. As for Father's Day plans, we haven't got plans. Just a quiet day at home will be perfect.
Dear Carol,
I'm glad you're feeling better, hopefully the appointment with the dentist was okay.
Your new embroidery is magical, the many small details are wonderful!
I'm glad that you'll have a lot of visitors, unfortunately we haven't had any rain either, everything is dry and the lawn is already completely brown.
The photo of your grandson, wow, how big he's gotten.
Thanks for this great blog post, hugs, Jutta
Le temps passe trop vite c'est vrai. Pas de pluie dans notre région de France non plus, elle devrait arriver la semaine prochaine, cela fera du bien à la terre.
J'adore votre tableau patriotique, les petits boutons rehausse sa beauté.
Mes 3 aliments préférés sont les fruits, le chocolat noir et le pain. Mais il y en a d'autres dont je ne pourrais me passer, et d'autres que je ne mange plus que très rarement comme la viande rouge que j'ai de plus en plus de mal à avaler en vieillissant...
Mes deux garçons ont beaucoup joués avec des voitures et des camions.
Ce week-end de fête des pères aussi en France, sera chargé. Nous serons tous réunis chez notre grand Baptiste pour fêter l'anniversaire de notre petit cœur Lara qui aura 11 ans. Nous sommes très heureux, voilà 1 mois que nous le les avions pas vu.
Le dentiste ce sera demain pour moi, une couronne à poser sur une molaire inférieure à droite ! :-)
Amitiés de France,
Hi Carol, I am always pleased to get notice of a new post from you! Sounds like it will be a busy weekend, but you are so smart to get so much cooking done ahead of time! My three favorite foods are berries (especially blueberries, I'm in heaven right now!), pickles/olives, and my husband's stuffed peppers. It's always a treat to eat those.. the recipe is so simple, but it just isn't the same to eat those ingredients individually! Please add my name to the contest... this angel would look great with my 4th-of-July stitching and I've wanted to try one of Brooke's designs! Thanks, J. J.
zachssister@hotmail.com - forgot that!
Hi Carol, I enjoyed reading your blog post! Your grandson is adorable and it sounds like visiting your home is a highlight for him! That’s great that you kept those Tonka trucks! I saved my son’s Playmobil sets and Brio trains and he had twin boys!
As far as my three favorite foods, that is easy (but not healthy)! I love See’s chocolate and eat their peppermint patties each night. After that it would be coffee ice cream and a fresh warm bagel with butter. I would enjoy a Diet Coke with it!
I’m glad you are getting some much needed rain. We had a really wet winter for Arizona and our June has been pretty mild (in the 90’s). Enjoy your family this weekend! Laurie
Hi Carol,
Enjoyed your post and your stitching is so pretty.
I am putting my name in for that Angel cross stitch chart. I’ve never seen one like that and stitching on perforated paper! I have started to cross stitch the Americana charts and that one would be so pretty. So for my three favorite foods - homemade white bread, sweet potatoes and vegetables.
Regards, Sandra
Love your patriotic finish and a red frame around it sounds pretty. Glad you are feeling better. What a wonderful gift to have all your sons for Father's day. My 3 favorite foods are shrimp, fresh blueberries and peach pie! I would absolutely love to do the Brooke's piece as I have done many others of hers. Email is gmalberg@msn.com. Always appreciate your blog and willingness to share your stories. Grace
Hi my lovely friend, another wonderful post .
Love your stitching, your flowers are beautiful to.
All the best at the dentist , I hate going .
I love anything sweet, chips and fruit.
Have a lovely weekend with your family hugs June.
Barb from Wolverine Lake MI: I love all things Patriotic. Would love to win the little chart :) My 3 favorite things to eat? ice cream (but never chocolate), Italian foods (pasta!) and TEA....such a big tea lover. I'm drinking some right now :) email is rhubarb73@comcast.net I just finished a Durene Jones free chart that I worked into a bday card for my penpal in Cape Cod. it says But First...Coffee. Working right now on a Brenda Gervais project: Winter Rose Manor.
Hello Carol, first off..Thanks so much for stopping and leaving me a comment(i am so sorry i couldn't send an email back through the comments) i do really appreciate your visit.
Your patriotic piece is beautiful and sure perfect put into a frame.
Hope your visit to the dentist went well.
sounds like you will have a busy family weekend, Have fun!
I so enjoy seeing your stitching and reading your posts! Happy Flag day is now past but I do need to do a patriotic stitching before the happy 4th of July! I would love to be included in the drawing for the cute patriotic angel! Beautiful peony and I have two colors of pinks and that same white w/ a touch of burgundy in the middle! Love them! The three foods I love are Berries ( any berries and right now Strawberries in season!) Veggie Soup and lemon bars! I hope the dentist visit went well! Happy Summer!!
Oh my you are preparing a feast! So nice that everyone will be there for the weekend. Favorite food is a tough one. Thin spaghetti with our homemade sauce, but after that, way too difficult! I made chocolate bread years ago, not sure if it would satisfy two of your favorite at once! I think savoring the full flavor without combining is best. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy a rest on Monday!
Time does seem to be speeding up. I’m glad you are fully recovered and up to meal preparations for your family. It’s difficult to pick just three favorite foods, but for today I’ll say: fresh-picked local sweet corn, Michigan strawberries, and eggs benedict. I don’t have these items often so when I do, it’s appreciated. The 4th of July picnic finish is charming. Just today, I’ve started a simpler 4th of July cross stitch project.
Fourth of July Picnic is too cute! I love the buttons for flowers. My 3 favorite foods would be ice cream, pizza, and oranges. I had to throw something 'healthy' in there, lol. Mr B is the cutest boy, and he is that! That's so nice you kept the toys hoping for grandchildren. Take care, Carol!
Hello Carol. I always enjoy your posts, the updates and photos on your life and what you've been stitching recently.
My favorite foods are my mother's garlic cheese casserole recipe, Mexican food in general and chocolate chess pie
I would love to be in the drawing for the patriotic angel pattern. My email is kckunkel1970@gmail.com
Thank you!
THe Fourth of July Picnic looks great and the girl is darling. That is the way to cook for a big crowd. We used to do it that way but now we have no family here with us so we don't have to cook large meals anymore (thankfully)! I hope you enjoyed young Mr. B for the weekend. Hope the dentist was nice to you! Have a great week.
ps... my one most favorite food is potato chips. I know, I know they are not good for you so I don't buy them often but when I do...
What a cute patriotic piece! I hate over one stitching too, but on 40 count!, you are so brave, lol.
I hope you had a lovely weekend and time with your grandson, I love that you kept your sons toys for him to play with, that is so special.
I had some sort of virus a while ago and it does take time to get over, glad you are feeling better now.
We've had quite a dry spell too, our area missed most of the rain earlier but today we have rain all day, it's steady rain too so hopefully it will sink well into the ground, it definity needs it.
Hi Carol, I'm glad you finally got some rain after such a dry spell! Our June so far has been very hot, but we had some rain the last two nights, which saved my plants so I'm grateful. Wouldn't mind some cooler nights though!
I'm sorry I just have to ask...what exactly is 'Flag Day'? I thought 4th of July was your patriotic holiday, but I haven't heard of that one yet! Your stitching, at any rate, is very cute, love the girl and her puppy.
Three favourite foods...Let's see, I'll go with pasta, chocolate and strawberries! I can eat pasta (with varying sauces) every day if I have to. Just love it.
Hope you had a great weekend with your family...it's so nice they still come to visit regularly, and you get to spend a lot of time with your grandson!
Che brava a cucire a un filo su una tela 40 count! io impazzirei :))
I miei tre cibi preferiti? Al primo posto il cioccolato fondente, al secondo posto le lasagne, al terzo gli gnocchi di patate :)
Please enter me into the drawing. Anything patriotic my son would like.
I love pasta, macaroni and cheese, and chocolate haha. All bad things to want to lose weight with haha. Never fails right?
Lovely finish on your patriotic piece. We are under a drought here in Wabash, Indiana. Just crazy. Dad's pond is shrinking and it's sad to watch. Hope you had a wonderful Father's Day celebration.
Hi Carol - love your newest finish - such a cute design and I really like the border on it. Look forward to seeing how you decide to frame it. And kudos to you for doing over 1 stitching on 40 count! And I love that picture of your grandson playing with your son’s trucks - my mom has a box of old toys that all the kids just love - her only rule is that you have to pick up at the end of playtime and I am happy to say she really hasn’t had any issues with it over the years. Now, favorite foods…that’s a hard one - potatoes would have to be at the top of my list - I love them every way they come, but a baked potato on a cold winter day is the best! I think cheese would have to be on my list too, but not sure about the last one - maybe gummy bears, my guilty pleasure! Hope you had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend!
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