Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Stitching, travels, and a special visitor

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It's going to be a warm one here for the middle of February--in the mid-50s! And tomorrow will be almost 70°! My husband and I don't have any special plans for today. We are not exactly the most romantic couple, to be honest--just very practical, I'd say. For example, last week when we were doing the grocery shopping, I spied a display of Valentine's candy and said, "Let's just buy some treats for ourselves right now!" "Great--that makes it easy," he replied. Definitely takes the pressure off :) Now, we just need to remember where we hid the candy so we wouldn't eat it all up before Valentine's Day. Hmmm... that's a real problem as we get older. Anyone else with me on that little "forgetful" issue? 

I like to stitch a new little Valentine's Day pillow each year to add to my collection. There are so many delightful free designs available at this time of year and I'm very thankful for those generous (and talented!) designers out there. This year, one of the cutest designs came from Cherry Hill Stitchery and can be found on the Facebook group called "Cherry Hill Stitchers." (I am only on Facebook to follow stitching groups and designers--I do not post, comment, or have any friends there). Because I love tiny things, I chose to stitch the design "over one" on 25 ct. black Lugana using the following threads: DMC B5200, Classic Colorworks "Ribbon Red," and Gentle Arts "Green With Envy." If you look closely, you might be able to spot the little gold beads I added to the center of each flower.

Cherry Hill Stitchery freebie finish

This finished up so tiny and cute--just the way I'd pictured it. The whole pillow measures a mere 3" X 4" in size. The other major change was that I added an apostrophe; as a former librarian, I just had to! You can also see the little red gingham and flowered hearts (in the bowl in the background) that I made last year.

I've put together a list of some other Valentine's Day freebies that you might like... There are 20 links below--hopefully, you'll find something quick to stitch for your Valentine! As always, with any freebies, I recommend printing them off as they often disappear from online over time.

"Happy Valentine's Day" from Stitch Wit

"Un Ago Tra i Fiori" by Cuore e Batticuore

 "Do Everything In Love" from Silver Creek Samplers 

"Stupid Cupid" by Brooke's Books 

"True Love" by Sub Rosa 

"Love Makes Me Happy" by Crocette a Gogò

"Love You Too" (and many more) by Cathy Habermann of Hands On Design 

"Be My Valentine" by Lizzie Kate 

"Heart Throb" by The Drawn Thread

"Be My Valentine" by Sandy at Stitchin' & Life in a Small Town

A trio of 3 Valentines by The Stitcherhood

"Be Mine" by Cottage Garden Samplings 

"Love Is All We Need" by Feathers in the Nest 

"All You Need Is Love" by The Drawn Thread

"Je T'aime" by The Drawn Thread 

"Love Never Fails"  by The Primitive Hare 

"Valentine" by The Primitive Hare 

"Coeur Mon Amour" by Passione Ricamo 

"Love" by La Comtesse & le Point de Croix 

"Waiting For Love" by La Comtesse & le Point de Croix 


I mentioned that I had completed a large (for me) finish in my last post. Well, just look at this handsome guy! At almost 9 inches tall, he is definitely the largest Santa I have stitched. This is the 2019 Twin Peak Santa from my friends at Twin Peak Primitives. I fell in love with that blue robe (DMC 930) as soon as I saw him and just had to stitch him. Of course, that sweet red cardinal perched on the end of his staff called my name, too. He is stitched on 40 ct. summer khaki Newcastle with good old DMC threads. I did make some color changes to better work with my fabric.

"2019 Twin Peak Santa" finish

Love the cardinal and the pretty blue robe!

The snowflakes were what I call a "happy mistake!" The chart originally had a bag of toys on the snow next to his staff, but I started the design in the wrong place and had to leave it out. I wanted to add a little something, though, so I basted a running stitch down each side of him and filled it with pretty snowflake designs found on some of my other charts and online. I love the final effect!

I added the snowflakes on each side

This one will be framed--and I think I have a frame right in my stash that might work well. I just have to decide if I want to paint it or not. 

He has such a gentle face, doesn't he? And I love the subtle shading in his beard.

What are you stitching this week? Have any of you begun spring stitching like I have? I'm so enjoying the pretty pastel colors and hope to have a new finish to share with you at the end of the month.

Giveaway winner... Wow! What a great response I had to last month's "Getting To Know You" question. I loved reading about your favorite quotes and have written down several of them (I keep a running list on my phone in Notepad so I can read them over whenever I need a lift). If you get a chance, go back to my previous post and read through the comments--lots of inspiration there! Thank you all for joining in! There were quite a few entries for the "Wintertime" chart by New York Dreamer and the name picked from the hat (well, really the bowl!) is...

Heritage Hall


Heritage Hall--you are the winner of this chart! Please email me with your mailing address and I'll get this out to you this week.


I was the lucky recipient of a lovely package of gifts from Kay! I had loaned Kay a couple of charts and she surprised me with a delightful thank you package. Kay made me three little project notebooks with matching floss drops. I love the sweet fabrics she chose and her work is absolutely meticulous!

Such wonderful thank you gifts from Kay!


Kay, obviously a multi-talented crafter, also made a very cute calendar for me with scrapbooking papers. Each month can be placed in the acrylic magnet which she included. Just look at all these twelve creative designs she came up with. The calendar now resides on my refrigerator and I hope to find more of those tiny monthly calendars to print up each month to use in future years. Thank you so very much, Kay--I love each and every gift.

An adorable new calendar page for each month! Thank you again, Kay--this is so special!

February travels...Well, the first of our February trips has come and gone and it was a bittersweet return to our family's flooded home in Naples, Florida. If you remember, Hurricane Ian flooded my husband's family home with four feet of water on September 28th. He and I emptied the house of its soggy, molding contents in mid-October (you can read about it in this post) and this month we concentrated on cleaning out the garage. It was much easier as we didn't have to deal with that revolting, smelly water this time around. We made very good progress and even had time for a couple of walks to check out the beach. 

As we walked to the beach, this statue captured my eye. It's called "Inner Dialogue" by Jim Rennert. The description online says it's "a metaphor to remind us of the subconscious conversations we are constantly having with ourselves." Love it!

Sadly, the beautiful Naples beach is still a bit of a mess. The beach access points were either closed or in a shambles from the hurricane. The foliage still looks beaten and gray. And the sand, once so white and pristine, seemed dirty and uneven.

This group of birds didn't seem to care that a hurricane had drastically changed the beach, though! Aren't they adorable?

It felt so good to feel the warmth of the sunshine and walk along the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico!

A trio of pretty white ibises scoured the waves looking for their next meal.

I thought there were more pretty shells  on the beach than in past years. Not sure if it was from the hurricane stirring up the waters and sand or what. When I got home, I photographed the ones I picked up on a piece of black Jobelan.

The shells that I picked up and photographed on the black fabric reminded me of a smaller version of this shell table. It was created by my husband's grandmother and passed down through the family. Unfortunately, it, too, was destroyed by Hurricane Ian in September.

Sadly, someone had broken into the Florida house and something very special to our family was stolen. Do you see this window-like opening into the bathroom? Well, that once contained a colorful stained glass window which was made by my mother-in-law and some rotten person came in and stole it. I mean, honestly... talk about adding insult to injury! We had planned on removing it on our next visit--we simply ran out of time in October. I just shake my head with disgust when things like this happen. They left other things that could have been stolen--light fixtures, faucets, etc. But, they stole the one thing that remained that had a personal significance to our family...

The empty space left by a thief who stole the beautiful stained glass window right out of the wall!
Thankfully, I had taken a photo of the stained glass when we were renting the house on Airbnb. My mother-in-law surely spent many, many hours creating this lovely window with the little fish swimming among the sea grasses. When I think of how the house used to look before the hurricane, I just have to block it out of my mind... it simply hurts too much. As I said many times before, it was a true blessing that neither my father-in-law or mother-in-law were alive to see what happened to their Florida home.

This stained glass window created by my mother-in-law was stolen from the flooded home in Florida some time over the past few months.
A poppet and some puppets... We arrived home from Florida last weekend and guess who arrived just three days later?! My grandson,"Mister B," and his mom and dad came for a four day visit! He just lights up our lives when he visits--life sure would be boring without him around! Here he is at a local "indoor playground" interacting with a puppet. He just had the biggest smile on his face!

A friendly wizard puppet...

Unfortunately, all puppets are not created equal and his experience at a Japanese puppet performance at the local children's museum the following day was the complete opposite. I think the performance was meant for older kids as he was terrified... He questioned if "the boy" was going to "get him," asked to "go home to Pompaw's and Nonna's house," and said he "wanted to hide." Poor little boy... I wasn't there, but my son and daughter-in-law obviously didn't stay for the entire performance. When he got home he told me all about the "boy who looked like a skeleton!"

... and a scary looking puppet--at least for a two-year-old!

So, it's been a busy February for us so far. My grandson is being baptized later this month so we'll be traveling for that as well. It should be interesting to see how he reacts to the priest and the holy water. Hmmm... I'll keep you posted! 

I want to remind everyone who has a question for me to please include your email address--or better yet, email me directly (my email address is in the my profile in the sidebar under "A Bit About Me").  I hope that, however you celebrate Valentine's Day, you enjoy yourselves. Eat some chocolate, watch a "feel-good" movie, treat yourself to a little something special--you deserve it! Take care my friends! Bye for now...


Gabi said...

Hi Carol,
wonderful post, wonderful stitching, wonderful pics.
Sad to read about the stolen window. It was in the house, so somebody should have known. So sorry for you. For sake you still have the photo.
I remember Naples as a save town, so I am very astonished that there is now no respect for people as in big cities.
I can imagine Mr.B's fear. The dolls look scary.
Have a happy day and warm greetings.

Robin in Virginia said...

Your Santa is a handsome fella and looks quite dapper in his blue coat, Carol. It sounds like you have been keeping busy. I am sorry that someone stole the stained glass piece from the Naples house. Mr. B is a cutie. Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day.

Barbara said...

DMC #930 blue has been a favorite with me forever and I always enjoyed using it when I was still cross stitching. The Santa is very well-done. The clever addition of the snowflakes is wonderful.

My heart sunk to read about the loss of the stained glass window. It was truly beautiful and surely a work of love. We live in a fallen world.

But with that said, your posts are a delight to read. And by the way, thanks for adding the apostrophe to Valentine's Day. That bothers me, too, when people don't get it right.

We have plans to lunch at a favorite restaurant today and have already exchanged the sweetest of cards. It's our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. We are so happy.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm so sorry to read about the window at your in-laws home. People just are mean sometimes and I just don't understand why.

Thank you so much for all the Valentine Freebie links! That had to have taken quite a bit of time.

Mr. B is so verbal!!! Skeleton is a big word for someone his age. I bet they read to him a lot! :)

Maggie said...

So sorry the window got stolen, how people can live with themselves I don't know. Love your new Valentine finish, we don't really celebrate Valentines, it's been years since we sent cards or bought anything.
That Santa is GORGEOUS! and yes he has the sweetest face, Love him❤️

It's warmed up a bit here too, I've spent an hour in the garden this afternoon tidying up.

Cathy H. said...

A wonderful post to read on Valentine's Day! Your newest Valentine piece is so pretty. Thank you so much for going to the trouble to list Valentine freebies! That certainly took some time!

I love your Santa. Blue Santas are my favorite! Yes, he does have a gentle face! You were so creative with your mistake. I love the added snowflakes!

I'm so sorry about the window!! It must have been heartbreaking to find it missing! But, when you returned home, Mr B. came and cheered you up!

Happy Valentine's to you!

Donna said...

Hi Carol! I like the blue Santa too. The snowflakes are a sweet touch. Try to think that the beautiful stained glass window is giving someone happiness. It’s a hard loss. Here’s a saying that I saw the other day on the back of a window truck, of all things.
“The harder I fall, the higher I bounce! “. Not sure what it has to do with windows but I like the positivity!

stitchinrose said...

That is so sad about the window. But what a lovely way to cheer up with the visit from your family. Thank you for the links for the freebies. That was very kind of you to do that. I love the blue santa, might have to look him up. God bless.

Heritage Hall said...

Hi Carol ~ I am gobsmacked to win that lovely chart but your notice to me was
a no reply. Please let me know where I can send my address. Also thanks to your inspiration, I am going to order and do the beautiful Santa and think I will incorporate your snowflakes in the design, thinking they better enhance the scene. Whomever pilfered that beautiful window so beautifully done by your
Mom will one day realize the full impact of the sorrow he or she caused ...
God has a way of balancing the scale. In the meantime, the picture circulated
with the provenance to various dealers might catch the eye of someone who has
seen it, even in a private home. The promise of a reward might help. Just a
thought. Your little Mr.B is a heart throbber. Many thanks for your kindness
and generosity. Happy Valentine's Day and happier days ahead.

Bluebird said...

I love your sweet valentine pillow and also your beautiful Santa. Thank you so much for providing the links to all those great free patterns, that's very kind of you. I'm so sorry to hear about the theft of that gorgeous stained glass window, that is heartbreaking. I'm glad you had a great visit with your grandson. Happy Valentine's Day!

MartinaM said...

A pretty new Valentine's kiss for your collection.
Oh yes, the Santa in his blue robe looks great.
So many beautiful and different shells, it's a lovely collection.
Oh dear, the burglary is very annoying. And after the terrible experience, your grandson's visit is a real treasure, it immediately gives you better ideas.
Enjoy the rest of February
Hugs, Martina

Irene said...

Oh Carol, hanno rubato la vetrata e un pezzo del vostro cuore, mi dispiace tanto!! Speriamo almeno che l'abbiano apprezzata e valorizzata in qualche bellissima casa e faccia compagnia a una famiglia bella come la vostra!
Adoro il tuo Babbo Natale. Io sto ricamando fiori e rose :)

Marilyn said...

Love your Valentine header.
Thanks for all of the links!
Your Cherry Hill & Santa are both so pretty, love the blue Santa.
What great gifts you received from Kay, enjoy them.
You found some pretty shells.
So very sorry your family's treasure was stolen, how awful.
Our Neighbors winter in North Fort Meyer, they had very little damage to their home, they were very lucky, some homes there were condemned.
Mr. B has really grown!
Too bad he was scared by the puppet, it IS scary looking!

Manuela said...

Hello Carol,
a lovely post from you.
Your Valentine finish is beautiful. I like it.
Thanks for all the links to the valentine freebies.
Your big Santa finish is great. I love him. I'm looking forward to the frame you will choose.
My stitching project this week is a bouquet with roses for my mom to her birthday.
A cute photo from Mr. B.
So sad, that someone stolen this beautiful window.
Have a nice time for the rest of the month.
Big Hugs, Manuela

Alhana said...

Hi, Carol!
I'm so sorry to hear about the stolen window, my heart is broken. Thankfully you were comforted by your grandson soon after —I was scared by clowns at his age, no wonder he didn't like those puppets!
Your Cherry Hill and Santa finishes are very beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing those free designs! Could you believe I never stitched any Valentine's? Time to change that. :-)

Mary said...

Thank you for all the freebie links; it's time consuming to do that, but it's certainly appreciated.

So disgusting about your stained glass being stolen. Frankly, and I almost hate to say this, I hope it broke when the thief got it home.

Your stitching is always beautiful and inspiring. My husband is taking a road trip today, and I hope to get some stitching and finishing accomplished!

Vickie said...

That Santa is so wonderful.
My heart hurts that someone would actually steal that gorgeous window right out of your in-laws home. :(
Thank you for the lovely freebie links!
I cannot wait to hear about the baptism. :)

Anonymous said...

Just a note to say thank you for all the links, Carol... and I LOVE how you handled the snowflakes in your Santa... in fact, I am scribbling down some notes about the snowflake with the little hearts that you added near the staff. I can imagine using that myself. (Thanks too for your St. Pat's-shamrock-girl post. I remembered that as I am turning to March and will be stitching it. Your past posts are very helpful! Thank you.) I'm so sorry about the window... cannot imagine... I can only hope karma will come into play. And Heritage's idea of posting or sharing with antique dealers or salvage people is good. It seems like a lot of work, I know, but it only takes one person to have seen it to help in your search. Also if there is a St. Pete locals Facebook group or some such, a "stolen/missing" post there might help too.

Stasi said...

Carol, I am so sorry about your MIL's window being stolen. I hope karma bites the thief in the A**!!!!
Your Santa and Valentine's pieces are so sweet...can't wait to see Santa framed!
Thanks for all the freebie links..your time pulling that together is much appreciated. I don't have many Valentine pieces.
Have a great trip for the Baptism---That little guy isn't so little anymore! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hello Carol and happy Valentine's day to you! Lovely post. Thank you for the freebie links. I have added to my long list of to-dos! Sad that your stain glass was stolen. People who do these things have no conscience. They will have karma knocking on their door someday! Your little grandson is a cutie and I don't blame him for being scared of puppet. It is not happy looking. Thanks again for a great post!

Isabel para ALROMASAR said...

How beautiful are your embroideries, Carol!
Thank you very much for sharing these free schemes for Valentine's Day.
I'm so sorry the beautiful stained glass window that meant so much to you was stolen.

Christel said...

Pour la Saint Valentin nous nous offrons des petits cadeaux, fleurs, friandises et nous fêtons surtout la fête de notre plus jeune fils puisqu'il se prénomme Valentin qui est né le même jour que vous d'ailleurs. Vos petits coussins sont tous ravissants. Je ne brode rien de particulier pour cette fête.
Il est absolument splendide ce père Noël avec son manteau bleu.
Vous avez reçu de très beaux cadeaux de votre amie. C'est plein de douceur, de poésie, d'amitié.
Je comprends votre tristesse quant au vol du vitrail. Il était magnifique et sa valeur sentimentale n'avait pas d'égal. Il y a des personnes malveillantes partout....
MisterB a deux ans mais je crois que j'aurais eu peur comme lui. Autant le sorcier m'aurait sourire autant l'autre a l'air méchant. Comment ne pas être terrifié devant pour un petit !
Je vous souhaite une belle fête lors du baptême.
Amitiés de France.

Kyle said...

Thank you for taking the time to link all those wonderful Valentine freebies. I saw quite a few I liked and probably should start a collection too! I bet you couldn't believe it when you got to your house in Naples and saw what some heartless person did. I'm sorry for the loss of a family treasure. But then, having your family come to visit and share time and new memories together is the real treasure.

butterfly said...

Beautiful stitching and finishing Carol.
I was shocked that some one could take the beautiful glass out with out breaking it .how mean of them , it must have broken your hearts.
Your little one is growing every time you share a photo.
Love your Valentine display .
Have a lovely week hugs June.

Kim said...

Carol, that really stinks that some monster stole the stain glass. People are so cruel, hopefully they will get theirs sooner than later. Your grandson is growing like a weed. Glad you got to spend some quality time with him. Happy Creating! Kim

marly said...

I'm so sorry your family has been robbed of such a special memento. But not surprised. There is no shame in theft today, seems thieves feel they are entitled.

That puppet is scary for any age!!

Another unique finish, love that gingham with the black. Thank you so much for all the links! Will surely be checking them all out soon.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your Happy Valentine's stitch is beautiful Carol and the Santa is quite handsome. I am so sorry to hear about your dear MIL's stained glass window being stolen; how heartbreaking. Mr. B. is as cute as a button so glad you were able to spend time with the little guy

Jutta said...

A beautiful blog post, dear Carol, thank you very much.
Your pillow collection for Valentine's Day is grandiose.
And Mr. B has grown up, as always my little favorite.
Have a very nice weekend, hugs, Jutta

Sandy said...

This Santa checks all my Santa loving boxes with that blue coat and the cardinals. I will have to remember this pattern. I loved that statue. I have lots of conversations with myself. I have always chalked that up to be an only child. Little B is growing so fast and that happy feeling when they run in. It truly doesn’t get any better. The stained glass being stolen is just the absolute worst in people. I can’t even begin to understand that.

Nanci said...

I am so sorry to hear about the stolen stained glass window. People these days just have no compassion, it's all about money. I wonder if you could post the photo on a local site or contact the police and possibly get it back. I thank you for your last post with the free Valentine's day chart by Cherry Hill Stitchery. I stitched it up into a little pillow and then just stitched the free Happy Easter chart as well and loved them both. I am in eastern PA and our weather has been so warm and odd. I keep thinking we are going to be in for a cold cold March but perhaps we'll just skip winter this year. Be well and happy stitching.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Love the Cherry Hill Valentine piece,. Thanks for the links too, I will have to update my Freebie page with them!
Sorry to hear about the gorgeous stained glass window, what a terrible thing to happen. I expect a lot of looting has happened with the empty houses. It’s interesting about the shells, nature is sorting itself out slowly.
Glad that you had fun with Mr B, that puppet does look pretty scary!

Faith... said...

I am with you on the forgetfulness! I seem to be wondering all the time now 'where did I put that?' Love your Valentine piece. The black fabric really makes it pop. The Twin Peak Santa looks great with that blue robe. Such beautiful stitching too. What a nice calendar your friend sent you. I hope you are able to find some replacement calendars for the upcoming years. Oh Carol, I am so sorry to hear about the theft! The Stained Glass is beautiful. When you go back you might want to check in some pawn shops (or call them from your home) to see if it was pawned. Oh my what a scary character that is. I might have been scared of him too!! I am glass that he got to see some friendly ones the day before.

diamondc said...

Carol: Your new pillow is beautiful, you have a knack for the perfect finishing.
I am so sorry you had the window stolen, keep an eye on ebay and etsy, some people steal and sell.
Fun photos of the puppets and your grand-son, he is adorable.
I also collect seashells, they are so pretty, just think of the travels they have had in the sea.
Very nice calendar pages, so creative.
Congratulations to the winner of the Winter Time chart.
Twin Peaks Santa is beautiful, his face is so charming.
Thank-you for all the links to the free charts for Valentines Day.


Leonore Winterer said...

I'm a little late to wish you a happy Valentine's Day, but I still hope you had one! Your new ornament is very lovely. Thanks for all the freebie links too, I did save a couple of them!
Your big blue Santa is great too. I think blue suits him, maybe even better than the traditional red!
I hope you had a good time on your trip, even if it must have been bitter sweet. I'm so sorry that stained glass was stolen! I really don't get some people, I'm sure its value is much more sentimental than monetary, and it can't have been that easy to remove! Some people, honestly.
Glad to hear your grandson was visiting again. I agree with him, that wizard puppet is much nicer than the Japanese one.
Hope you are having a great March so far!

Shelly said...

That is just awful that someone stole the stain glass picture! Terrible! Mr B was a breath of fresh air! Your finishes are wonderful. Thanks for the list of Valentine's freebies, I saved one. As you know, I'm trying to stitch more. Love the Cherry Hill pattern, it's adorable!

Take care, Carol!

Anonymous said...

Such lovely stitching as always Carol! So sorry about the robbery from your house, that’s just awful!