Saturday, January 28, 2023

My first two ornaments and a bit of snow...

Good Saturday morning to you all! Can you believe the last weekend in January has already arrived? What a strange month we've had here in what is normally one of the coldest, snowiest months in western Pennsylvania. It's been quite mild with very little snow, unlike much of the country that has experienced major snowstorms and frigid temperatures. But, it's still been cold enough here that I spend most of my time indoors stitching and reading (well, throw in laundry, and cleaning, and cooking, too!). I've managed to stitch and finish my first two ornaments of the year. Would you like to see them?

For January, I stitched "Rudolph & Friends" by With Thy Needle and Thread. As soon as I saw this sweet chart, I knew I had to stitch it! I mean... just look at that cute reindeer with the bright red cardinal perched on his back. I love the way he's gazing up at the snowman. So sweet! I used 40 ct. Woodland Brown Newcastle with an assortment of DMC and overdyed threads. I did change out the green as the suggested color was just not working on this darker fabric. So I went with DMC 3362 and I'm very pleased with it. To finish it, I added some handmade cording using the same off-white shade I stitched the snowman and snowflakes in: Weeks Dye Works "Grits." I added a simple plaid ribbon for the hanger. A little tip from me--when there is a lot going on in a design (such as this one)--keep the finishing simple! It doesn't need a lot of "extras" piled on top. It just takes away from the overall look in my opinion.

"Rudolph & Friends" finish

And since the coming month is going to be a busy one for me with several trips planned, I went ahead and stitched an ornament for February as well. The new booklet by Prairie Schooler called "A Merry Mini Surprise" (Book No. 215) is filled with so many cute Santas and this skating Santa was my favorite of the eight. Mine looks a bit different, though, as I chose to finish it as a circular ornament. I left off the charted rectangular border and added snowflakes to "round" it out. Once again, I used 40 ct. Woodland Brown Newcastle--can you tell I love that fabric for snowy scenes? I changed the two main colors to the more traditional Prairie Schooler shades of DMC 221 and 3362. In this case, since it was a simpler design, I did add a few more "doo-dads" to my finish! I topped it with a larger gingham bow, some dried boxwood leaves (stolen from one of my boxwood wreaths!), some burgundy berries and a silver jingle bell. A quick and easy finish for the short, but busy, month ahead.

Skating Santa from Prairie Schooler's "A Merry Mini Surprise"

So, here are the first two ornaments for 2023--only 10 more to go!

My first two ornament finishes for 2023

I have another larger winter finish to share with you, but I need to get it ironed and photographed. Can't wait to share it in my next post! I'm working on a couple of smalls for Valentine's Day, too. Every year I say I'm not going to stitch any more, but then the cute love-themed freebies begin to appear and I can't resist. So, hopefully, those will be ready for my next post near Valentine's Day.

Well, another birthday has come and gone... I ended up having not one, but two birthday parties with my family! The first was a surprise celebration when we were down in Washington DC for our belated Christmas on January 8th. And the second was at my middle son's apartment on the 15th (the day before my actual birthday). Below are some photos of my 68th birthday celebrations--I think everyone knows I love chocolate based on those yummy cakes I received! From top left going clockwise, are: celebrating with my grandson in Washington DC, birthday cards from friends and family, celebrating with my "grandcat," Spike, at my middle son's apartment, and a huge decadent triple chocolate cake from my husband.

Another birthday celebrated in fine style!

I received so many lovely gifts from my family, but one of my favorites was from my middle son and his girlfriend who found this wonderful large crock. After doing some research, it appears to be a vintage Robinson Ransbottom Pottery three-gallon crock. In the early 1900's, this company was the largest producer of stoneware jars in America. My son found it at Goodwill for a mere $6.00!

My first crock! Could this be the beginning of a new collection?

Now, unbeknownst to my son, I had just purchased a small three foot Christmas tree on sale. I wanted a tiny tree for the corner of my kitchen or dining room. I loved the tree when it arrived, but I needed a bucket or something to put it in... Enter the stoneware crock I was gifted for my birthday! Perfect fit! Isn't it funny how things just come together like that sometimes? 

My new little tree has found a home!

I also received some very generous and thoughtful birthday gifts and cards from stitching friends! Thank you all so very much--I am very blessed for sure!

June P. sent me a lovely birthday package including a PS chart, some fabric, an angel bookmark, and some pretty ribbon. Thank you so much, my friend!

Vickie N. sent a sweet snowman chart! Thank you so much, my friend!

Jen P. sent a lovely blue themed package including floss, a charm pack of fabric, a pretty snowflake tin, candy, and a sweet thread holder with a cardinal charm! Thank you so much, my friend!

Charlene sent an amazing package loaded with black and navy fabrics, a sweet Paddington Bear chart, and a rainbow of DMC floss. Thank you so much, my friend!

Gabi sent a sweet stitched pair of snowmen all the way from Germany! Thank you so much, my friend!

And a belated Christmas gift arrived from Nathalie in France: two sweet ornaments and a pouch for my stitching accessories. Thank you so much, my friend!

For me, everything comes at once, doesn't it? Christmas and my birthday fall just three weeks apart! I often wish my birthday was in the summer to spread out the gifts a bit, but... I'm just thankful to still be here celebrating another year of life. 

Giveaway time... I know, at this point in the winter, many of us are growing weary of the cold, but this cute chart might just cheer you up! I was given this chart called "Winter Time" from New York Dreamer by Janet in Texas to pass along in one of my giveaways (Thank you as always, Janet!). Aren't those cardinals adorable? And, of course, I love the blue and white theme. I own this chart myself and really do plan on stitching it some day (along with at least two million other charts :) Is there anyone who would like to win it? If so, just follow the guidelines below. I'll pick a name from the hat and announce the winner in my next post.

If you would be interested in winning this chart in the giveaway, please follow the guidelines below...

To be included in the drawing for the chart, please...

1) Specifically mention that you would like to win the chart in your comment 

2) Be a follower in my blog's sidebar (to the right)

3) Make sure to leave your email address in your comment

4) Answer the "Getting to Know You" question below. 


Getting to Know You! Hmmm... what question should I ask today? How about a favorite quote? Do you collect quotes or thoughts that you like and might help guide you through life? I have a running list that I add to from time to time and one of my favorites was one I just recently added. "Success is measured by how you make those around you feel." Think about it... Don't you want to go through life giving others a kind word and making them feel good about themselves? Just a simple compliment such as "I love your earrings!" or "What a great haircut!" can make someone's day--and those words don't cost you a penny. Try to be kind to others... it really isn't that difficult. We truly need more kindness in this world of ours!  Now it's your turn... What is one of your favorite quotes or guiding principles in life?

I'll leave you with a couple of wintry photos from this past week. I think this was the only snow we had all month! It was just an inch or two, but it sure was pretty!  Most of it melted by the following day--I sure hope that's not the end of our snow for the year.

Our lone January snowfall! Looking out the upstairs window at our back yard and pond.


Our home looking so cozy in the snowy late January landscape!

So, what are your plans for the coming month? I'll be heading someplace warm for a few days in early February which should make for a pleasant change! Of course, I'll be taking my stitching--isn't that one of the best things about our little hobby? It's so very portable. When I travel, I take only small projects, so I'll be sorting through my charts today trying to find a quick and easy chart. Or charts--I always pack way, way too many. You'd think I'm going to be gone for a year rather than just five days--ha ha! I'm sure you understand. 

Thank you all so very much for the wonderful comments on my last post--it was great to hear from so many new folks as well as my long-time commenters. A gentle reminder--if you ask me a question in your comments, please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you. That's it for today! Stay warm--and happy stitching, my friends! Bye for now...


Elizabeth said...

Belated Happy Birthday-my favorite quote is A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it-it just blooms.

Tina B.F. said...

Moderation in all father always said this and now I say it to my now grown boys. Would love to win that chart! Hope you have good weather wherever you are headed.Thanks for sharing your beautiful stitching

Karen said...

Lovely finishes, Happy Birthday Month, and YES to collecting crocks. That was quite a serendipitous gift. I would love to receive the Winter Time chart❤️ karenjo2917 at gmail dot com and I'm a follower. Favorite quote...hmmmm? So many from Scripture, so many from books. Having just watched LOTR again during an illness, I am reminded of Gandalf responding to Frodo, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

Jackie's Stitches said...

happy belated birthday! Spike looks like he's used to being photographed all the time and Mr. B is behind adorable!

I just love your two finished ornaments! I hope you have a great February traveling!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post!! Happy Birthday! One quote I tend to look to when things get tough is “ when you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. Do whatever you need to keep moving forward “ I’d love that chart ♥️

Laurie V said...

Happy birthday month! Love looking at your ornaments and wintry pictures. I would love to win the Winter Time chart.

Stasi said...

The ornaments are both adorable, Carol! We've had the conversation before about 'less is more' and I still agree. Love that crock; it is perfect for the tree! I've given up on any snow here this year--it was in the low 60's today!!!

Heritage Hall said...

Blessed Birthday. Your finished ornaments are so lovely. Would love to take
a stab at that interesting Wintertime One of
my favorites, "Love isn't love till you give it away."

Sandy said...

Both ornaments are just adorable. I think I am going to enjoy doing the ornament stitch along this year. Something to look forward to. Oh goodness, I do love quotes, but not sure if I have a favorite. I always like any that remind me to have a positive attitude. I have to have reminders. Hope you enjoy your trip to Florida despite the work that may be involved.

marly said...

What special birthday celebrations you enjoyed! And such lovely gifts.

Oh that crock is absolutely perfect for your tree. Not easy to find around here anymore, especially in good condition.

Enjoy your travels and be safe!

Tina said...

Happy Birthday! I love seeing your ADORABLE Grandson and PRECIOUS Kitty in your photos! 🐾💗🐾
You have given me a great idea to make use of a crock I have sitting in my pantry. I'm going to look for the perfect Christmas tree to set in it. Yours looks so Beautiful set in the crock.

Happy Birthday again!

MartinaM said...

Rudolph and Friends is so magical, I love it. And Santa is great too, funny how he hurries with his Christmas tree in his hand.
All the best for your birthday afterwards, I'm glad you had a nice party.
Oh yes, I would very much like to win the winter motif and hop into your lottery pot, it's beautiful.
Friendliness to fellow human beings is something very important, because I also want people to be friendly to me. For me, having and showing respect is just as important.
My grandmother always said: Don't do to others what you don't want done to you.
I wish you a nice time on your travels, come back healthy.
Hugs Martina

Gabi said...

Another lovely post. Your new stitching is amazing!!! I love it. Will go to find the charts.
Try my luck and hop into your lottery pot.
Like the crock. Maybe I must go to flea markets. I like old toys. At the moment I look for an old tin kitchen,a small one but it reminds me on my childhood. May be I will be lucky to find one.
Have a great time on your travels, come back healthy.
Hugs over the ocean

butterfly said...

If you can dream it, you can do it .
... Walt Disney .

I love positive sayings, we have many books on positive thinking , and read them over and over again.
Wow love the beautiful ornaments so cute and your already up and running . I need to stitch some this year for the little ones . Great pot from your Son.
Your tree looks wonderful inside it.
Lovely Birthday photos and gifts .
Enjoy your holiday and take time to relax .

Isabel para ALROMASAR said...

Two beautiful Christmas decorations, Carol!!
I am glad that you have spent a few days of such pleasant celebrations and that you have received so much love in the form of gifts.
Enjoy your trip!!

Manuela said...

Hello Carol,
zwei wunderschöne Finishes. Der Schneemann mit Rudolf ist so süß, es gibt viele kleine Details in dieser kleinen Stickerei zu sehen.
Santa auf Schlittschuhen sieht goldig aus.
Gern hüfe ich in den Lostopf. Ich finde es wichtig nett und freundlich miteinander umzugehen. Darum ist der Spruch für mich:
Was du nicht willst, das man dir tu, das füg auch keinem anderen zu.

Genieße deinen Urlaub und ganz liebe Grüße, Hugs Manuela

Marilyn said...

Oh Carol, that Snowman has my heart with the little deer & cardinal.
Skating Santa is too cute.
Love your finishes, not overdone, just right!
Looks like you had a fantastic birthday.
That crock was meant to be for that little tree.
Great gifts you received.
We haven't had much snow this winter either, but now it got very cold & is snowing a more measurable amount. I peeked out the window, & it's the pretty, sparkly kind. :)
I hope your little getaway is fun.

diamondc said...

Hello Carol: Happy Belated birthday, mine was the 26th, I am a bit older at 72, I love it.
Beautiful ornament as always, the finishing is perfect.
I agree about finishing, sometimes too much of added trinkets is a bit much.
Lovely gifts, I too wish that my birthday was in the summer.
I have some crocks and love them; the tree looks perfect.
I collect all the little notes my husband's leaves for me, he always says something sweet like: Pretty Lady's sewing room.
My Grandfather said to try and meet someone new each week even if you never see them again.
We have several feet of snow on the ground.


Kyle said...

What a wonderful and delicious birthday celebration. Happy Birthday. Your ornaments are fabulous and the finishing is perfect. Yes, some things are meant to be, your fantastic crock and delightful tree. You'll definitely be needing more ornaments.

Robin in Virginia said...

You have started off your ornament year with a bang with both your January and February ornaments, Carol. Both are darling! Love the deer in the first one and the PS Santa in the second one (love him round). It looked like you had two fabulous birthday celebrations. Your snow pictures are so pretty. Enjoy the remaining days of January.

ndavis said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Carol. I am also a January baby, mine was last weekend. Love your first two ornaments of 2023.

I would love the Winter Time chart. It seems I've been stitching a lot of winter themes and I have no intention to stop. Although I love Spring & Summer, I'm not yet in the mood to stitch those seasons.

One of my favorite quotes my father would say - "Make the best of today, it won't come around again."
Nan (also in PA)

Barbara from Kansas said...

Hi Carol! I would love to win the chart. It reminds me of the cardinals outside my kitchen window sitting on the spruce tree. A favorite quote of mine from "The Wizard of OZ" is " If ever I go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look further than my own backyard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with." I know you love your home and the beauty that surrounds it as much as I love my home. Your ornaments are beautiful. I am finishing up my second one as well.

Anonymous said...

Happy Sunday, Carol! What a happy surprise to find your new posting today and so many fun things to see and read about. I must say that your grandson, Mister B, is just too adorable!! Thank you for sharing his pictures with all of us - such a precious child.
It sounds like you had a couple of very happy birthday celebrations - as it should be! The pottery crock you received is wonderful and how perfect it works and looks with the small Christmas tree you have- it was meant to be. Your other birthday gifts are quite special, too.
The first two ornaments you stitched for 2023 are just wonderful and you’re a little ahead for the year already. I do hope you have a fun, happy travel plans coming up and get to enjoy your getaway. Enjoy!

💕 Barb R. 🌸

Vickie said...

Those are super sweet ornaments Carol! Off to a great start.:)
It has turned frigid here now and we just got dumped on with snow.

Cathy H. said...

Such cute ornaments to begin 2023. I love the redbird with the candy cane in Rudolph & Friends. And, of course I love anything Prairie Schooler!

Thank you for the great tip in finishing. Your finishing is always perfect and compliments your stitching!

Happy belated birthday to you! Your new crock is wonderful! What a brilliant idea to put your small tree in it!

I would love to put my name in the drawing for Wintertime!

Through the last three tough years, my go-to quote is "Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. by Mother Teresa

Happy February to you!

Unknown said...

Happy Be-lated Birthday, love your finishes. I would love the chart your showed. Love reading your blog. Thank you for all you do for us.

Donna G. said...

The two ornaments are lovely! Your finishing work on them looks flawless.
What a cute chart. Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite quote? I have many but here is one of them…..
“When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.” Erasmus
Email is cardsbydruth at gmail.

Alhana said...

Happy belated birthday, Carol! What lovely gifts you received and what joyful company you had on both parties. Your finishes are very beautiful, a true delight to the eyes (I know I always say the same, can't help it!) The way you choose each fabric, ribbon and notions for each one talks about the care you put in all of them.

My favourite quote is "do or do not, there is no try". I don't like being wishy-washy. ;-)

January has almost ended, but the cold weather doesn't want to go away. Enjoy your travels and be safe!

Sheila T said...

Good morning, What a wonderful blessing, to have your grandchild with you, can life get any better?!?!?! I love your work, and have a question. On the pic at the top of the blog is a cross stitch pattern, with deer, trees, and the word Winter. Can you tell me who the designer is, where I might find it, please? Thanks so much! Sheila T

Patty said...

I am a newbie to your blog and so enjoy reading it. Your stitching is beautiful!
I love your ornaments and the idea of doing one a month… cute and great finishing!
A favorite quote which I used frequently with my boys when they were still home…”You can’t hoot with the owls and then
expect to crow with the roosters!
Happy Birthday and Happy Stitching!!

Glenda said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Carol! Thank you for sharing your stitching life with us. I really like this take on an old quote: "The grass is always greener when you water it" Please enter me in the drawing.

Margaret at Heritage Yarns said...

Happy birthday, Carol! I love your 2 ornaments and hope to learn how to finish a few this year. When I make a mistake stitching and have to rip my husband can hear me say,"Once a job is first begun, never leave it 'til it's done. Be it big or be it small, do it well or not at all." I would like to be entered into the drawing for the Wintertime chart. It has been the coldest winter since 1989 here in MS. My email address is
Thanks and happy stitching,
Margaret Pittman

Katie said...

Belated Happy Birthday. You sure made out well and how perfect that the gift matched your tree so wonderful. I love your 2 ornaments. Perfect as always. I love your idea on the finishing of them and not being too busy and the examples are perfect. They both are finished wonderful. We ended up with 5.8 inches of beautiful snow last week. I sure hope it's not over either. I love snow. Please don't enter me into the drawing. I've stitched that beautiful chart. I hope someone enjoys it as much as I did. I collect saying and make my computer screensaver out of them. A lot of exercise motivation and grief support. I'm always looking for a great quote.

marie said...

I'd love to win that chart. I don't have many winter theme charts so this would be a wonderful addition.
The Santa ornament is my favorite. Am going to order that booklet, as I adore PS charts.
I love the quote from a quilter on line--"Be Still".
The crock is perfect for your tree. That tree has such a beautiful shape, can I ask where you bought it?
Happy Belated Birthday. Looks like it was a fun time.
Even here in Alabama we usually get one snow a year, so far none, but it did get extremely cold, down to 1 degrees. I think some of my flowers/shrubs didn't survive that cold temperture.
Keep Stitching, Marie

Solstitches said...

Happy belated birthday Carol. The crock and your dainty little tree are the perfect pairing.
What would a crock have been used for in days gone by? Flour maybe?
Your two ornament finishes are gorgeous. As always, the trims you chose are just so lovely.
Such nice pictures of you and your little grandson .
Have a great trip. Part of the fun of taking a trip is choosing a project to take along.
Margaret x

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Belated happy birthday!! And here is to many more! I would love to be in your drawing~ red cardinals are my favorite birds. Favorite quote is a little harder but I do love 'this too shall pass' and use it often to remind myself to slow down when I feel overwhelmed. crazy(dot)boutquilts(at) yahoo(dot)com
Your pix are all so pretty and I love the crock!

Margaret said...

Hi Carol, Three “sayings“ come to mind as being amoung my favorites. The first one I saw on a poster in a middle school classroom when I was teaching English. It said “If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you will continue to get what you’ve always gotten.“ Another favorite quote is, “Nothing gets done until it gets started.“ And the final quote is from my father, “A place for everything, and everything in its place.“ Oh, and one more very favorite saying, “Have fun!“ From Piggy in “ Watch Me Throw the Ball“ by Mo Willems.
I would love to win that beautiful pattern. I have just recently gotten back into doing cross stitching, and am enjoying it very much. I love to read your blog posts and I enjoy your photographs so much. Thanks for taking the time to post.
Margaret mammich at comcast dot net

Mylene said...

Belated Happy Birthday Carol. Such beautiful gifts and precious picture with your grandson and your grandcat.
Both your ornaments finishes are so cute. Love them!
Happy month of February and enjoy your vacation.

Anonymous said...

Love these ornaments— and seeing all the cards and gifts from stiching friends. So sweet! Lots of favorite quotes. These days, as I crutch along and sometimes want to stop bc it’s so tiring, I repeat my lifelong mantra, which isn’t particular poetic but keeps me motivated, “no one does it for you.” 😊

Anonymous said...

Not sure why this posted as “Anonymous.” Pretty sure you know it’s me though, Care! ♥️ Julie

Jutta said...

Belated Happy Birthday, Carol, you have received really great gifts from your family and friends.
The two new ornaments are wonderful, your garden looks enchanted in the snow .... have a nice trip and best wishes to you, Jutta

Faith... said...

I love both of those ornaments!! I especially love the Rudolph and Friends one.

Happy belated Birthday Carol! Your small tree looks like it can in that crock! What a perfect pair. You received some beautiful gifts from your family and friends.

I can't think of a quote off hand (oh the pressure - LOL)...

Your home is gorgeous is that snowy setting.

Better to take to many charts than not enough because you never know what you may want to stitch at any particular time! Have safe travels during your travels!

Leonore Winterer said...

Happy belated birthday, Carol! It's great to hear you've been thoroughly celebrated and gotten so many lovely presents from your family and stitchy friends. Knowing you, you'll put these charts to good use - maybe one will even accompany you on one of your upcoming trips?
Looks like you're off to a good start, stitching wise - your first two ornaments are very cute, especially the snowman with his animal friends! Looking forward to seeing that bigger finish, as well.
Favourite quotes, hm...most of mine are clever, sciency ones. Like 'If you can't explain it in simple terms, you don't understand it will enough'. There is another one though, which doesn't translate all that well into English - 'Was, wenn doch?' It's from a song by one of my favourite artists and it's the answer to the question 'What if it doesn't work out?' Well, what if it does? Not much of a quote, I know, but I think it's a powerful thought either way!

Eva H. said...

Dear Carol,I very like to read your news.I think your are in sunny place now.We don´t have a snow here in our town,but around is snow.We have only strong frost.
I very very like photo of your house in snow.
Have nice days Eva in Czech

Nanci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nanci said...

Happy Belated Birthday. I would be thrilled to win the chart, but perhap the giveaway has already ended. I just stumbled on your blog this morning as I was searching for a cute easter small to stitch and make into a pillow. I am also in PA but just a throw away from Philly so on the far east of the state and I turn 68 this year and love stitching so you are a perfect match for me to follow and I will spend the next few days catching up on all your posts and lovely stitch finishes. I love that you are doing an ornament a month and would love to start doing this. My favorite quote is from Hemmingway " Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today"

February 8, 2023 at 10:57 AM Delete

Gayle said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Love your stitching.

I actually have this pattern in my cart at 123Stitch but haven't pulled the trigger yet. My favorite quote is "There is always, always, always something to be thankful for"

Rebecca C. said...

Hi Carol,
Well it looks like I missed your birthday and birth month but Happy belated Birthday! Looks like you celebrated with the best people ;). You continue to amaze me with your stitching and finishing, it is always beautiful. Here in central PA we are cold and damp, and we’ve hardly had any snow. Although I already have that chart, I wanted to share one of many quotes that I love that I am sure you have heard, ‘I cannot live without books..” - Thomas Jefferson. This is certainly true for me as an avid reader an although there are digital books now, I still buy good ole paper books. 😊 One of my husband and I favorite things to do is go to second hand book stores wherever we go on vacation and look for books. Anywho, thanks for sharing your stitching as always! Love the tree and the crock! I have my grandmothers giant crock, I may have to do the same as you! lol

Bluebird said...

Another lovely post! Your two monthly ornaments are so pretty. Your birthday celebrations sound wonderful. I loved your new crock, too- I'm sure they would be very fun to collect! And how neat that it works perfectly with your new tree. There are so many great quotes, but I don't know if I have a favorite. I do like " In a world where you can be anything, be kind." I have started keeping a notebook to write down all the wonderful quotes I come across.

Shelly said...

The crock is to die for, and it's perfect for your tree. Happy Belated Birthday Carol! You don't look a day over 39! I recently celebrated my 39th x 2! A quote I like is 'Be yourself....everyone else is already taken!' Happy to say that as a middle ager, I'm finally happy and comfortable with myself. Have fun in that warm place!

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday to you Carol - looks like two fun celebrations and two yummy chocolate cakes! Hope this year brings health and happiness to you. I am reading this on a day where the temp is predicted to break records (high) and I am also missing the cold and snow of winter. Your two ornaments are great - and I agree with you on the simple finish for the more complex charts. I really struggle to add much more than a bow or cording but am going to try some new things this year with the FFO challenge! I don’t have a favorite quote, but one of the guiding principle I live by is “everything happens for a reason.” It has helped me get through several disappointments in my life so I don’t swirl. Hope you had/have safe travels and come home to some snow!

Kgirl said...

Sounds like the perfect birthday to me! Love your finishes and your new crock! I would love to win that chart. I have a few of hers, but I have not seen that one. So sweet!

Tgrdina said...

Happy Belated Birthday! My favorite quote is one my mother always said: This too shall pass. As I have gotten older, I find it to be truer than ever. The winter pattern is beautiful, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win it and stitch it. I enjoy your posts so much, but especially those close to Christmas. So festive!!! Thank you. Merry Christmas!