January is half over and I haven't even popped in to wish you all a Happy New Year yet! I hope your 2023 is off to a great start... All is fine here and tomorrow I'll be celebrating yet another birthday. How can that be? It feels as though I just wrote about my 67th birthday and here I am 365 days later... Yes, I'm turning 68 tomorrow--just two years left until the big one! I've received some lovely birthday gifts and cards which I'll share with you in my next post. Today, I want to concentrate on the last of my stitching for 2022--the gifts I sent to friends around the world. As I've said, many times, I so wish I could send out more gifts, but I am only human. Perhaps if I could exist on two hours of sleep each night? Anyway... I hope you enjoy these and, perhaps, get some inspiration for stitching gifts of your own.
This JBW Designs star is from a chart called "French Country Ornaments." I left off the word "star" that was on the original chart and finished it as a simple round ornament. This one is stitched on 40 ct. white Newcastle linen with one strand of Sulky thread 1169 (which is similar in color to DMC 221). I made some cording using DMC 221 and added a gingham bow and gold star charm to the bottom of the ornament.
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JBW Designs "French Country Ornaments" |
The Prairie Schooler deer design is one I've stitched before--a couple of times in fact! It is from the 1998 Just Cross Stitch Ornament magazine and is called "Two by Two: Deer." It was stitched on a piece of 40 ct. mystery linen with the suggested DMC colors. Again, I made some cording and added a gingham bow (have you noticed how much I love little gingham bows?!).
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Prairie Schooler "Two by Two: Deer" |
This pair of Prairie Schooler Santas will also look familiar as they among my favorites to stitch for gifts. I've stitched this one at least six times, I think! One of these was a Christmas gift, one was a thank you gift and, I'm happy to say, both were very well received. This Santa is from the Prairie Schooler "Kris Kringle" (book no. 62) and was finished into an oval. I believe these were stitched on 40 ct. raw natural Newcastle linen--not quite sure as I forgot to write it down.
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Prairie Schooler "Kris Kringle" (book no. 62) |
Another design that I've stitched several times before is the JBW Designs "Christmas Motif Sampler II." These are such fun pieces to stitch with all the miniature motifs charted to form a Christmas tree. I stitched it "over one" on 25 ct. Victorian green Lugana using DMC 3865. I did make one change and substituted another bunny for the deer that was charted underneath the tree. I liked the symmetry of the two rabbits facing each other (of course!). The two-toned cording and satin bow finished it off quite nicely, don't you think?
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JBW Designs "Christmas Motif Sampler II" |
This sweet cardinal stitched on black is one of my favorites! He is from the Plum Pudding Needleart "Winter's Song" chart. For this one, I used 28 ct. black Monaco and the suggested DMC colors. Such a cheerful little ornament!
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Plum Pudding Needleart "Winter's Song" |
My final stitched gifts were made into cards for various friends. The three on the right you'll recognize because I stitched that design for my November 2022 ornament, too. It is by Heart In Hand and is called "Pocket Round: December 25." It's stitched on 40 ct Vintage Country Mocha Newcastle using a mixture of DMC and overdyed threads. The pink design (using DMC 3326) is a freebie from L'R de rien which you can find right here. I used 40 ct. white Newcastle to make it small enough to fit into the card opening. Finally, the card on the bottom left may look familiar because it is a smaller version of my ornament from December (which you can find more information about here). It is a sweet motif from Madame Chantilly's "Celebrate Winter" chart and is stitched on 40 ct. raw natural Newcastle linen using most of the suggested DMC colors.
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Stitched cards sent to friends around the world |
Last, but certainly not least--I stitched an ornament for my 2 1/2 year old grandson's third Christmas. I thought this Annie Beez Folk Art design was so adorable with that cute snowman trying to sell his wagon full of snowballs for 5 cents each! It is part 4 of her "Snowy 9 Patch" designs. The original had a square red zig-zag border, but I wanted a round ornament so I gave the poor one-armed snowman another arm and left off the border. This was the first time I had stitched on the 32 ct. petit point raw/white Belfast linen and, to my surprise, I rather enjoyed it! The coverage of the white printed dots was quite good using two strands of thread. I stitched Mister B's name "over one" using black DMC thread and it looks so cute. For privacy, though, I've covered up most of the name.
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Annie Beez Folk Art "Snowy 9 Patch" (block 4) |
And here is a photo of the little elf himself "fixing" the tree at our belated Christmas celebration last Sunday in Maryland. He rearranged the ornaments many, many times as you can imagine! I just can't get over how tall he has grown--very "long and lean" as they say. What a change from the little baby shown in this photo on his very first Christmas back in 2020!
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Santa's little helper--Mister B! |
Thank goodness I snapped a photo of him in his Santa suit early on as that hat didn't last long! Here he is again with Nonna and Pompaw before opening presents. We had such a fun morning watching him open his gifts! He was so excited over each and every little thing (well, except for the clothes--ha ha!). My youngest son and his girlfriend were also able to join us as they live just 40 minutes away from my grandson and his family in the heart of Washington, DC. We all enjoyed a tasty brunch of blueberry pancakes, French toast casserole, scrambled eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, and orange juice before opening gifts. I'm already looking forward to next Christmas when everyone will be here!
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Belated Christmas in Maryland |
I meant to share the following photos with you in my last post, but it slipped my mind. After I take the "Parade of Ornaments" pictures each year, I move my dozen new ornaments to my Christmas tree. But, I certainly don't want to leave the stairway garland bare so I've begun filling it with ornaments I have been given over the years. Some are from long ago friends who no longer blog, some are from current stitchers and Instagram friends. Chances are, if you've ever sent me an ornament--it is on this garland. I love seeing these beautiful reminders of stitching friendships that started from the time I began blogging in 2009. Thank you one and all--these mean so much to me!
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Ornaments from stitching friends around the world! |
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Giveaway winner... Thank you for joining in on the fun and answering the last "Getting to Know You" question! I enjoyed reading about your goals and resolutions for this new year. So far, I'm not doing very well on my goal of getting out of bed earlier--it's just too cold! I want to snuggle under the covers and read the morning away! I hope you are all achieving your own goals a bit better... I had several entries for the Waxing Moon winter chart and the winner is...
Kathy H. from New Hampshire
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Kathy H.--you are the winner of the "Winter Things" chart. Please email me with your address and I'll get the chart off to you this week! |
If you are a Christmas ornament stitcher, you may wish to join me in my #12in23ornament stitch along over on Instagram. The goal is to stitch and finish one ornament each month in order to have a dozen new ornaments for your tree (or to give as gifts) by year's end. It's so much fun to see the cute finishes from stitchers around the world each month and it's a wonderful way to "meet" new stitching friends. No need to sign up--just add the hashtag #12in23ornamentstitchalong to your ornament posts on Instagram. This is our third year creating ornaments for the stitch along and we'd love to have you join us!
A new year--a new ornament stitch along begins! |
My views on January have definitely changed over the past few years... I used to hate the month and dread the way its gray days and cold nights seemed to drag on forever. But now I relish the peace and quiet of the month after the hustle-bustle of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I enjoy the soft blues and whites in my more limited decorations and I truly enjoy the extra time I have to stitch, read, and just putter around the house. Who else loves to putter (or potter as they say in England!)? There is nothing better than a day with no outside commitments where you can just stay inside and do whatever makes you smile! So, January--forgive me... for so long I viewed you as my least favorite month. Now you've jumped near the top of the list!
And that wraps up the first post of the new year! Did you know that January 24th will mark the 14th anniversary of my blog? The world of blogging has seen many changes since I began "Stitching Dreams" in 2009, hasn't it? Reading blogs has definitely become less popular, but I still view it as my primary connection to cross stitchers. The relationships formed are stronger and much less superficial than those made on other social media platforms. So, thank you--each one of you, who has left a comment or sent an email my way because of "Stitching Dreams." You've touched my life in such wonderful ways. Here's to another year of successful blogging and stitching--I hope you'll join me! Bye for now...
Oh I enjoyed seeing your lovely creations Carol! And receiving one! :)
I said, "Wow!" When I saw Mr. B! He is tall! :)
What a treat to see the ornaments you have been gifted on the garland.
I agree with your new 'feelings' about January. I have always found the start of the new year invigorating and love that it is usually a 'quiet' month without much going on. And it's made even better if we get a little snow!
Your gifts are all so wonderful and I definitely cherish mine. The display of your received gifts is a tribute to how many people appreciate the time and effort you put into your blog.
Here's to a productive, enjoyable 2023!!!
PS Mr B is getting so big and cuter every photo!!!
Oh Carol, I loved reading your changed sentiment about January. It definitely is a good time to putter around along with starting off the year in the manner you choose. Each one of your stitched gifts is darling and I love the one you sent my way. I also enjoyed seeing your garland filled with beautiful stitched ornaments you have been given through the years. I can't get over how grown up Mr. B is looking. Wishing you a productive and blessed 2023.
Your posts on instagram blow me away with the beauty, the quality of stitching, and the arrangement of your vignettes. I just discovered your blog and admire you for the time it takes to pen them and the information that you give to inspire others to create. I started a blog some years back on “Transformation Through Crisis” but did not know how to promote it to be successful. So, I gave up on it, which saddens me, as I sought to help others.
You definitely are a fabulous inspiration for creativity! I look forward to your posts and blogs! Sincerely, Lynn Egigian
It is wonderful that you have finally been able to enjoy these family days with your children and grandson, who is beautiful by the way, Carol!
Your embroideries always look perfect.
May 2023 fill you with joy and have a very happy birthday tomorrow, dear!!!
Hugs from Spain
Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow! My son's birthday is the day after yours and he'll be turning 50 and I can't believe it, where has the time gone. I agree with you on "puttering". On days that I putter, I seem to get so much done. I love your blog and you are so creative with your finishing, I've been cross stitching for almost 40 years. I love to do the cross stitching but can't seem to finish anything into an ornament. Becky
Regarding the JBW “French Country Ornament, I know from a similar pattern I stitched some years ago, this is a real challenge to get it all lined up correct. You make everything look so effortless.
I see that you have been blogging about 2 weeks longer than me!!
Although I no longer cross stitch, I definitely enjoy seeing all you have produced and thank you for sharing your projects with us with every post.
Your grandson is one handsome fellow!
Happy New Year!
P.S. Happy Birthday!
I have thought about your birthday this month, but I have had a bit more hectic month than usual. I too always disliked January. It seemed long and cool. It was also the month when you just got down to business in school and there wasn't much to break up the fun. Since retiring, I have learned to appreciate that it is time for me to slow down and putter in the house which is a favorite thing. You are absolutely my favorite stitcher finisher in all the blog land and social media and I agree the blog is a much better connection. I like hearing more about the process and the days of people. Little B is adorable and grandchildren are the best part of aging. The January stitches are just lovely. You almost make me like snow and snowmen:)
Happy Birthday!
I love your blog! I’m a reader also and to me, blogs are short stories to read when you don’t have a lot of time. I too, feel the same about January. It’s the calm after the storm of the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mr. B is a cutie! Keep on blogging!
So impressed that you have been blogging since 2009! I only “discovered” you last year but have loved seeing your beautiful work.
Happy Birthday! my friend. I loved every bit of your blog post today. Mr B is all business:) As always I enjoy looking at all of your finished ornaments and your so many creative ideas. You brought joy to my day. I love how you displayed all of your gifted ornaments. What wonderful memories you have. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your ideas and finishes, you have helped and encouraged me so much over the years. Have a blessed Birthday and 2023.
Liebe Carol
Schon lange lese ich hier auf Ihrem Blog. Es geht im Stickerei, um Alltagsgeschichten, um Menschlichkeit und um Inspiration. Es ist immer eine Freude hier zu lesen und Ideen abzuholen um sie vielleicht auf eine andere Art zu verwirklichen. Durch sie habe ich die amerikanischen Stickarbeiten entdeckt und die ersten Prairie Schooler Santas zu Weihnachten 2022 gestickt. Sicher werden es noch einige mehr geben.
Freude zu bereiten ist Ihnen sehr wichtig. Sie werkeln vieles für andere und das mit viel Liebe. Das spürt man aus ihren Arbeiten. Machen sie einfach so weiter.
Ich wünsche ihnen alles Liebe zu Ihrem morgigen Geburtstag. Bleiben sie gesund.
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Tus bordados son maravillosos y amo los blogs. BESICOS.
Your blog posts are always a delight - both the photos and the writing are wonderful and I always look forward to reading them. Thank you for sharing your talents with us all. And Happy Birthday!
Happy Blessed New Year Carol: This past month has been a frenzy with many of us, I am glad it is over but miss my Christmas decorations.
I like all the ornaments and the gingham adds such a lovely touch to any ornament.
Youi have a gift for finishing.
I like your blue winter display so very bright and refreshing.
Mr. B is adorable as Santa, nice photo of the three of you.
I would join you in the SAL, but I only do Blogger no other social media.
Congratulations to the winner.
I am up at 04:00 am walking the dogs it's my time so quiet and peaceful.
Have a wonderful week
Thank you for sharing your lovely work and your delightful little Mr. B! And, you also have the best new (to me) places to find patterns. Happy and Healthy Birthday and 2023!
What a sweet photo of you two with the grand B. So sweet in the santa suit. I love the loaded garland! You should get a dried vine or silk leaf garland and showcase your seasonal finishes all year. Stay well!
Hi Carol, happy new year and happy birthday!
What lovely pics of you and Mr. B. Why do they grow so fast?
Your garland looks beautiful and it gives me the idea to make one in my house.
Your stitching and finishing is so inspiring. Look forward to your posts this year.
Have a happy day and stay well.
Happy Birthday my lovely friend .
Looks like you had a lovely time with your little man, he looks so sweet in his little Santa outfit.
So many beautiful ornaments , stitched with love .
Have a lovely NEW YEAR of stitching , hugs June.
Your ornament finishing is always perfect!
Mr.B is getting so big, his ornament is too cute.
Love all of the ornaments on your banister, what great memories from around the world.
Love that bowl of blue finishes, so pretty.
Congrats on 14 years of blogging.
Happy Birthday Carol!
So many beautiful things! And a handsome grandson as a bonus!
I actually saw your bowl of blue and white bowl fillers on Facebook. Do you have any additional info about patterns or how you might have changed the colors?
Good Morning, Carol - Happy Birthday! 🎁🎂!
I hope you have a very happy day and celebrate! 🎊🎉 and a wonderful, special year ahead!
💕🌸. Barb R.
Happy Birthday dear Carol. I wish you a lovely Day today and for your new year lots and lots of health for you, lots of laughter, peaceful stitching time and that your small and big wishes for your new year come true. Sending a big Hug across the Pond and thinking of you today. Amara
Happy Birthday Carol! Wishing you a most wonderful day and remember, you’re only as old as you feel!! I always told my children that “I refuse to be old”, so consequently I’m still 26 in my heart. I also wanted to let you know how much I look forward to receiving and reading your Stitching Dreams blog. It always gives me an extra boost to do more stitching. Thank you for sharing all of your projects and the gifts you receive from others….more inspiration!! So again, have a Wonderful Birthday! (P.S. We are having a Birthday celebration here today too! My husband is 75!)
Reading this a day late. As I’ve been paging through your old posts I realized today was your birthday! Hav3 a great one!
How beautiful your Christmas gifts are! My favorite is the sweet perched on top of the white house. I don't know you get all this stitching done! I barely got my 12 ornaments stitched this year. I think I'm taking a break from stitching ornaments and changing my goal to finishing 12 pieces that I have stitched in the past. I'll have to call mine #12in23finishing.
I've gotten to old to want stairs in my home, but I envy yours at Christmas. It is gorgeous, first with your ornaments and then with gift ornaments! I could gaze at it for hours!
I know you had a wonderful Christmas with Mr. B and your whole famile! He is just the cutest thing in his Santa suit!!
Your grandmother's dough bowl takes my breath away! It is so beautiful and the quilt below it is amazing!
I'm looking so forward to another year of reading your blog!
Where can you purchase the patterns that are in your dough bowl?
Where can you purchase the patterns for the dough bowl centerpiece? ndstrother@ outlook.com
A lovely post full of super stitching. I love all your ornaments on the bannister. Happy stitching in 2023
I always just love every word of your posts. No different to this one. So much beautiful stitching. So much beautiful decorations. Love your vine and all the beauties. Love your family. So adorable. So glad knowing you will have them all next year as well. How fun. It will go fast and be here before we know it too. Enjoy each day of the rest of January. I am too. Relax and Enjoy.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a wonderful day doing just what you want to do x
Loved seeing all the ornaments you stitched and also all the lovely gift ones too. And, I must start stitching snowmen because I want a dough bowl full of Winter themed pillows too, lol.
I've never minded January or Winter, I just feel as though I have more time during those months, and yes I love pottering around at home, but it would be nice if this rain would stop for a few days!
Sweet photos of Mr B, he is he is growing up so fast, where does the time go!
Enjoy the rest of your birthday week x
First of all I would like to wish you a belated birthday, big hugs and all the best to you.
So many beautiful ornaments, and they look familiar to me, as I received a cardinal from you last year and made a little pillow out of it. And I already have an idea for this year's little Santa. I also think the motif for your grandson is so cute.
I love your winter decorations, the blue and white colors make it look so foresty. I like that a lot and I want to see if I can't manage these variants as well.
I wish you nice January days,
kind regards, martina
Hello Carol,
erst einmal Alles Gute nachträglich zu deinem Geburtstag. Ich hoffe du hattest einen schönen Tag.
Deine Ornamente sind wunderschön. So ein tolles Kartenmotiv habe ich von dir bekommen, aus dem ich wie schon aus den vorherigen wieder ein Ornament bzw. ein kleines Kissen nähen werde.
Deine Schale mit den hellblauen und weißen Kissen gefällt mir sehr gut und passt wunderbar in den Winter.
Ein schönes Bild von Mister B.
Genieße die restlichen Tage vom Januar.
Hugs, Manuela
Happy New Year Carol, and if I read your post correctly, today is your birthday, so a very Happy and special day to you!
I so enjoy reading your blog, and appreciate the time you put into it. Your photos are wonderful, and seeing your beautiful stitching is a gift to us all! I marvel at how you see to stitch on 40ct, and wish my eyes were better. This morning I was struggling with 32 ct, and am hoping when I have my cataracts done this spring that things will improve a little...fingers crossed. Your stitching and finishing is so neat and precise, and I always love your color choices, you are definitely an inspiration to me, and I am sure to many, many others.
The month of January is much more enjoyable now that I am retired from teaching. It must have been all the snowsuits and boots that did me in over the years!! :). Seriously, I too enjoy the slower pace and love being in my home and as you say, "puttering" around and taking my time to clean, sift, sort, and reorganize, as well as just relax and enjoy the days. It hasn't been all that cold, so getting outside for fresh air has been enjoyable too.
So glad you enjoyed family time and a late Christmas with your grandson and family. Amazing how fast they grow, he is a cute little guy and I loved the Santa suit. Of course he has rearranged the tree a million times, who could resist all those cute treasures hanging on the tree! Such a fun, sweet time.
I believe I won your sweet winter pattern, so look for an email from me as well. :)
Take good care, enjoy your birthday and I look forward to the 12in23stitchalong!
Kathy H.
Thank you for inspiring me to get up and get going. Your work is amazing and I really enjoy all your finishes. You really give me so many ideas. I do have a question about the collection of snowmen and pictures on the top of your blog. I have found a couple, but I'm stumped on the rest. Could you please share? Thank you so much for all your hard work.
Belle et heureuse année 2023.
Joyeux anniversaire avec 1 journée de retard.
Quelle belle production de cadeaux. Vos amies sont ravies sans aucun doute.
MisterB est adorable. Tous les petits enfants adorent enlever et remettre les décorations sur le sapin.
Votre Noël tardif vous a apporté de la joie cela se sent au travers des photos.
Janvier ne remonte pas dans mon estime, en plus il fait très froid et il a neigé aujourd'hui... Vivement que le printemps revienne...
Votre décoration en bleu et blanc est superbe. C'est très doux, j'adore !
Les blogs sont désertés depuis le succès des différents réseaux sociaux. Le mien je n'ai que peu de motivation pour continuer pourtant j'ai de quoi faire plusieurs articles...
Amitiés de France,
Prenez soin de vous.
You've been really busy making gifts, and they all turned out wonderful! I especially love the snowman with the little birds.
Wow, Mr Be has grown so much, but it's still so very much the same child from two years ago! He's got a very recognizable face. I'm glad you got to celebrate 'Christmas' with him and his family.
I, too, am enjoying the quieter month of January (although I am done with winter and the cold already!). I think there's something to be found in every month if we just look at the positive more.
Wonderful ornaments again and such a beautiful garland filled with gifts. Lovely photos of Mr B, Christmas is so special when you see it through the eyes of a little one. Those were my favourite Christmases when my son was Mr B’s age and a few years older.
I’m so glad that you continue to blog as others drop by the wayside.
Love your blue and white palette for January, I’m building up a small Winter collection to display in January too.
Hope you had a wonderful Birthday!
A lovely post full of beautiful ornaments to celebrate a very special day. Happy birthday, Carol!
Good morning, What a wonderful blessing, to have your grandchild with you, can life get any better?!?!?! I love your work, and have a question. On the pic at the top of the blog is a cross stitch pattern, with deer, trees, and the word Winter. Can you tell me who the designer is, where I might find it, please? Thanks so much! Sheila T
Oh where do I begin Carol? I think maybe I should wish you happy belated birthday. I hope you had a lovely day.
Your Christmas garland is as lovely as ever and your little grandson looks so cute as he rearranges the ornaments.
Love all the beautiful cards an£ ornaments you stitched and finished so beautifully.
Best of all I love the January dough bowl display on that gorgeous quilt.
Loved catching up with you again. Thanks for all the inspiration.
Margaret x
Nachträglich herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, liebe Carol, ein wunderschöner Beitrag für den Januar, Mister B ist wieder einmal mein Favorit, was für ein hübscher Junge.
Heute haben wir schon den 20. Januar, ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Jutta
Beautiful blog
Love your blog! I follow you on Instagram but finally came to see your beautiful blog. Thank you for sharing your beautiful stitching. Happy Stitching!
OH NO I missed your birthday! I an sorry; I hope it was a great day, All the cards are beautiful as your stitching is always impeccable! Mr. B was such a cute small baby back on his first Christmas. His is growing yup fast! It does seem as though the grands grow faster than our own kids grew! This was probably a great Christmas for him as he is old enough to understand the whole Christmas and present thing.
Thanks for sharing all your ornaments with us! I pry that 2023 will be a wonderful year for you and your family!
I loved seeing all of the stitched gifts you created- they are so beautiful. I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas celebration with your grandson. He's a beautiful little boy! The garland on your stair railing is a great idea, and it's lovely to see how many stitching friends you have made over the years. I so enjoy your blog, you are a very good writer, and it is always inspiring to see your lovely stitching. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your lovely blog, thank you! Hope you've had a wonderful start to the new year!
A belated Happy Birthday, Carol. I hope your day was a beautiful and joyous one. Mr. B is growing like a weed and is quite handsome especially in his Santa suit. What a lovely parade of ornaments that you sent and you received. Your stitching and finishing is always so elegant. I do hope to one day to do as beautiful work as you do. You certainly keep me inspired. Have a wonderful week, my friend. Hugs.
Oh! It's so sweet! I fell in love with this work!
Welcome to my blog : http://fullmoontheedgeofthesoul.blogspot.com/
Bonsoir Carole ,,,
Bravo pour votre joli blog et vos superbes réalisations ,,,
Douce et belle soirée,,, biz biz ,,,
la mure brode
Such a lovely post. Your grandson looked so cute in his Santa outfit. I’m hoping to stitch Christmas ornaments all year too. Happy New Year.
Sorry didn’t intend to post that anonymously.
Happy Belated Birthday! The crock is a treasure especially from your son🏺 Your ornaments are perfect as always❤️ and I would love to be a winner of your latest giveaway. Quote I read today “Positive people have negative thoughts, they just don’t let those thoughts grow and destroy them.” Tootie1052@icloud.com
What lovely gifts you stitched and have received Carol - thank you for sharing them all! Great pictures with your grandson, love his little Santa suit. I do enjoy January for the same reasons you listed but also because I really love winter - a snowy January day when I don’t have to go anywhere is among the best for me. I’d rather be curled up in a quilt or on a ski hill than at the beach any day! I will be doing my best to finish some ornaments this year - I have plenty that are waiting for me and I’ve decided this is the year to get some of them done!
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