The final day of February! I still remember my mom telling me (when I was a bit down with the "January blues") that if you can just make it through February, spring is right around the corner. And I can't wait! We've had some snippets of spring weather here and there over the past month and it felt so good for a day or two. But, by the next day, we were plunged back into the icy days of winter. I read a report last week that said March is forecast to be a cold, wintry month for much of the country. Say it's not so!!! I'm choosing to think positively and hoping March is a mild, spring-like month. How about you?
I have a sweet spring finish to share with you today. This is called "Apple Blossom Sampler" by The Drawn Thread and it is much prettier than my photos are showing. It's such a long, skinny sampler (just 2 inches wide by 9 1/4 inches long on 40 ct. fabric) that it's difficult to get a good photo of it. I stitched this lovely little piece on 40 ct. stormy night Newcastle with Dinky Dyes Silks and various other overdyed threads pulled from my stash.
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"Apple Blossom Sampler" by The Drawn Thread |
I've always loved the combination of pink and gray together--in fact I still remember the cutest gray and pink argyle sweater that I wore probably 50 years ago! So, as soon as I saw this design, I knew I had to stitch it on gray fabric.
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Who else loves the combination of pink and gray? |
The shades of pink are so soft and pretty--honestly, I loved every stitch of this one! The center portion of the two apple blossoms was supposed to be stitched in something called "square boss stitch" (which I have never heard of in my life). I tried it twice using different threads, but I think the fabric count was just too high as it came out looking sloppy and just plain bad both times. So, I simply stitched Smyrna stitches in the center and they look just fine.
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Do you see the tiny bees in the letters "N" and "Y"? |
Of course, the star of the show is the pretty robin. Have you seen your first robin yet? I was so surprised to see what must have been 15 or 20 of them on our neighbor's lawn on Monday! A very early spring in the making?
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Such a pretty robin--the first sign of Spring! |
In other spring stitching, I'm trying to work on some St. Patrick's Day smalls for my Pottery Barn cubby--hope to have enough to nearly fill up those cubes! Stay tuned... Who else has turned to spring stitching?
A most special day... Its been a busy end of the month as we just returned from Maryland where our grandson was baptized. I was so, so anxious that he would act up or cause a scene (after all, 2 1/2 year olds aren't the most predictable creatures, are they?). The night before the baptism, he absolutely refused to try on the little white suit his godparents had bought him for the occasion, complaining that it was "too scratchy." Oh, dear... not off to a great start!
On Sunday, his mom and dad went to the service that was scheduled right before the baptism leaving Mister B with us to dress and get to the church by 2:15 pm. My middle son and I got him dressed without any problems by entertaining him with videos on the phone and putting a long, soft white shirt underneath the scratchy one of the suit. I also promised him a present if he wore his suit nicely and was well-behaved at church. I made up a little story about "Mister B" putting on a white suit, going to the church and running to see mommy and daddy, sitting quietly and listening to the priest, and then receiving a present. (Of course, he thought the priest was going to give him the present and couldn't quite figure out why he never got one :) Several of the guests brought religious remembrances and others brought small toys for him so he was smiling ear-to-ear at the party afterward. Such a meaningful day and I'm so glad we were able to be there with him. The service was in Spanish, so we understood nothing more than a word here or there, but it was still very special!
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My little grandson and his father (my oldest son) waiting for the baptism ceremony to begin |
I bought him this sweet bedtime blessing plaque (from Lisa to hang in his room. It has his name engraved in the banner at the top making it a wonderful personalized gift.
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In other family news, my world-traveling youngest son and his girlfriend just returned from 10 days in Norway. What gorgeous photos they sent back! Oh--those--mountains... be still my heart! He told me I would love it there and I think he's right. Surprisingly, the weather was not that cold. It was in the low 30s--about what we were experiencing in western Pennsylvania in mid-February.
Scenes from my youngest son's trip to Norway |
Their ultimate goal in this particular trip was to see the Northern Lights. They had traveled to Iceland last year with that hope, but had been disappointed. It looked like they would be let down again, but on their very last night there, they were rewarded with a truly magical light show. I know the photo doesn't begin to come close to seeing the Aurora Borealis in person, but it's still so very special, isn't it? Have any of you seen them?
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Finally--on the very last night in Norway, the Aurora Borealis appeared! |
And... on the opposite end of the spectrum, an upcoming event that my husband has been dreading is upon us. He will be having a total replacement of his left shoulder on Friday. It is a surgery with one of the longest recovery times--approximately 6 months to a year. He'll be unable to drive for six weeks or lift anything heavier than a pound for a month, so I'll be doing pretty much everything for him. I know he'll be great at following through on the physical therapy as he is very disciplined, but it's going to be very tough on him not being able to ride his bike until mid to late summer. (If then--as the doctors don't want him to risk falling). But, he's been dealing with this painful shoulder for so many years, that we're glad this day has finally arrived. All positive thoughts, prayers, etc. would be most appreciated!
So... on to March! I hope it's a good month for each one of you. Thank you all for your visits, thoughtful comments, and emails--they keep me blogging, that's for sure! As always, if you have any questions for me, please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you. Take care now, everyone! Bye for now...
The Drawn Thread piece is so pretty.
Yes, pink & gray go together well.
Congrats to Mr. B on his Baptism.
Norway looks gorgeous.
Glad they got to see the Aurora Borealis, it must be breathtaking!
Positive thoughts on your husband's surgery & recovery.
We've had a strange winter with back & forth temps.
I have seen a lot of Canadian Geese in the sky the last 2 days.
I think they are confused with the mild temps!
Hi Carol,
and again a lovely post. Congrats to Mr. B.
Your stitching looks beautiful. I am always amazed to look at your stitching.
Wonderful clear pics of Norway. I've never been there. I am more southbound. But, imagine, this week we could see the Aurora Borealis here in Germany. Very, very seldom. And I live exactly right in the middle of Germany.
For your husband's surgery all the best. All will go fine.
Have a great week and warm greetings
The Drawn Thread sampler is so lovely and as soon as I saw it, I thought it would great on a spool. I also note that you mentioned enjoying 'ever' stitch, I'm sure you will want to amend this to 'every'. My BIL has seen the Aurora twice this week, it's been very visible in most parts of the UK just now. It's certainly something I would love to see but where we are we're surrounded by hills.
Hello Carol,
eine wunderschöne Frühlingstrickerei. So viele kleine Details. Wirst du es rahmen lassen?
Gratulation an Mr. B. zur Taufe.
Tolle Bilder von Norwegen. Mein Sohn war vor einiger Zeit mit seinem Motorrad dort.
Alles Gute für die OP deines Mannes.
Einen guten STart in den neuen Monat und a big Hugs, Manuela
Another beautiful post - pictures, stitching, and a glimpse of your personal life. I hope your husband's surgery goes well for both of you (as you'll be the nurse and helper for the healing!). Thanks for sharing.
Apple Blossom Sampler is gorgeous. I am glad you included the close up photo. It really shows it off.
I am so glad the baptism went well. I knew it would. ;)
I never even heard of a total shoulder replacement. I will be praying!!
Always delighted to see a new post, Carol! Your Apple Blossom and Robin sampler is a beauty. Lovely colors against your fabric choice! I am thrilled the baptism went off without a hitch even with the scratchy suit issue. Your son's pictures from his Norway trip are stunning. Thinking of and praying for Tim's upcoming shoulder surgery. Happy March!
I will remember to say a prayer on Friday. My brother-in-law had that done a few years ago. It is not the most favorite surgery, but he is back to swimming and riding his bike in full force so I pray it will go well. Little B---I am happy to hear he did as directed and that you were able to be there for the special occasion. That was such a cute gift too. The robin stitch is truly adorable. The colors and the tiny bees are all just perfect. What a gift stitching is to us. May spring come on time for you. AND those northern lights. I have been reading all about them. They were truly blessed.
Hi Carol - what a fun posting you’ve shared with us today! Mister B is just too adorable. I know we always hear about the “terrible twos” but it seems that that must be just what is part of being two. The picture you posted of Mister B and his dad is just wonderful! Thank you for sharing that, too!
And thank you, too, for sharing the pictures your son took in Norway - so beautiful! Wouldn’t be such an amazing experience to see those beautiful lights in person? Your son is very fortunate to have that opportunity and thanks to him for sharing them with us.
Your stitched “Apple Blossom Sampler” is beautiful. Are you going to frame it? The Drawn Thread designs are so special, aren’t they?
Most importantly is that I’m sure we will have your husband in our thoughts and prayers as he has his shoulder surgery. please let us know how he is doing and I’m sure we all wish him the very best. (You will be in our thoughts as you helptakecareof him.❤️)
Oops! Forgot to sign my name - who else is Anonymous? Sorry!
Barb R. 🌸❣️
First prayers we send to your Hubby for his OP.
Love your new stitch Apple Blossom Sampler .
So happy that little Mister B was a good boy and that you both got to go there.
We are almost into Spring now and things will get better .
Have a lovely week hugs June.
Carol dear ~ Your Husband and I will be sharing common experience on Friday.. He
is already tucked into my devotional prayer and all will be well...speedy healing
and complete recovery. Just love today's entry of photos and finished projects.
Spring is definitely blooming, our Bradford Pear is covered in blossoms. Keep
thinking Spring and it will happen....
Beautiful embroidery, Carol!
I'm glad you baptized your grandson who was so handsome dressed in white.
The gift you ordered is ideal and will be a memory for a lifetime.
A hug
Love your finish Carol. So different and even though quite small, really attractive design.
Best wishes to your husband, hope his recovery goes quicker than expected. Mark's friend had to keep that arm in a loose sling as his healing progressed to remind him to NOT use that arm!!
The Apple Blossom Sampler is truly magical. Here robins are very rare, unfortunately they hardly come into our garden anymore. But we also have very few trees and bushes around our garden. maybe it's because.
A beautiful picture of your son and grandson, there is something mysterious about them when you see them looking into the church.
I pray for your husband's surgery, but then he also has a good goal in front of him, finally being able to do everything again after his recovery, which he now has to do without a bit, I always mean, it's not gone, just postponed.
Enjoy March with the coming spring,
Your new embroidery is absolutely magical, Carol, I particularly like the robin, have fun embroidering this pretty pattern.
Oh your grandson was baptized, thanks for reporting it, it must have been a very exciting day.
I wish you all the best and good luck for your husband!!!!!!
Spring is on the way, hugs, Jutta
Hello Carol, First of all, I love your March header! Cheery and green. Pink and gray make a great color combination - soft and heathery. Some Michigan robins are silly as they stay the winter. Awesome Mr. B has been baptized. It would be a thrill to see the Northern Lights. Phew! Timing was close for your son and girlfriend. Best wishes on husband’s surgery. Lucky him as he has an excellent caregiver.
I so enjoy your stitching and blog posts - blessings on Mr B and you all ! I wanted to comment on your husband’s upcoming shoulder surgery. My husband had both his shoulders replaced in the last two years and after his yearly checkup yesterday, the surgeon said go play golf! He had a fairly easy time of recovery and therapy and is so glad he had this done. We rented a chair that helped him get up - actually not needed, and a machine that put cold air on his shoulder. It seemed to help, but he didn’t use it too long. He was taking 1600 mg of Ibuprofen before the surgery for pain. He is very glad he had them both fixed.
I hope your husband has the same experience.
I was very nervous before each one and he stayed overnight in the hospital each time - with all the Covid restrictions! Take a deep breath and exhale! I will keep you both in my prayers 🙏.
Congratulations on your grandson's baptism! Such a joyful and important day for him and all your family. I have never seen the Northern Lights, but it must be one of the most wonderful experiences. Your Apple Blossom sampler is very charming, I can't wait to see it framed. We don't have robins around here, but spring must be around the corner since migrating birds already left for home up North.
Best wishes on your husband's upcoming surgery and recovery!
Happy March to you! May your luck hold and the weather warm! (warm for you, but I'll keep the cold)
Your new sampler is gorgeous. I'm very tempted to order it! But, at some point there has to be a point of not ordering and stitching what is already in my collection. Right?
The picture of your son and Mr. B is wonderful! I'm glad he followed your guidance and did well on the special day. Your gift to him is precious.
The northern lights are so fascinating! I've never see them in person, but the last few days I've seen pictures on TV. They seem to be really putting on a show right now.
I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers during the surgery and in his recovery. My husband needs both of this shoulders done, but he'll put it off until it's totally necessary.
Happy stitching this month! I'm sure it will get you through the rough days ahead!
Magnifique ! J'aime beaucoup ce modèle avec un ABC... qui participe à la frise.
Oh ! Comme je comprends votre besoin de Printemps, oui patience, il approche.
Votre petit fils a été exemplaire, félicitations !
Plein de courage pour le retour à la santé de votre mari.
Au plaisir de retrouver vos créations sur votre blog que je suis depuis quelques temps
I have always loved pink and gray together too! This is such a beautiful stitch, Carol! So happy Mr B held up his end of the bargain! Norway is on my bucket list as my paternal grandparents emigrated from Norway. My hope is to also be able to see the Aurora Borealis from Norway. In our Wisconsin summers we occasionally were blessed with seeing the lights but I’m sure they will be spectacular from. Norway! Happy March!
"Apple Blossom Sampler" is simply beautiful. May i asked since you stitched it on 40 count, do you used 1 thread over two? I had only stitched on mostly 28ct and 32 ct.
Congratulations on your grandson's Baptism.
Lots of Snowdrops and crocusses appearing here and there around here so Spring is on it"s way though these last days is so cold due to the cold winds.
Hope the surgery goes well for your husband.
Oui février est passé et je suis sûre que le mois de mars même s'il est froid nous apportera de quoi nous réjouir avec le printemps qui se profile.
Le modèle de The Drawn Thread est magnifique, pleine de douceur, de poésie. Le rose et le gris sont des couleurs que j'aime car elles s'accordent très bien entre elles, même si ma couleur préférée est le bleu. Je n'ai pas vraiment commencé à broder le printemps, je continue la série des oiseaux de Cottage Garden, j'en suis au tableau n°10. Les oiseaux, les fleurs, les petites maisons, c'est un plaisir de broder cette série que vous m'avez fait découvrir...
J'ai fait le choix de ne pas baptiser mes enfants, préférant qu'ils choisissent eux mêmes à l'âge adulte. Lara a été baptisé civilement, elle avait à peine 1 an et petite Ella le sera le 13 mai le jour de ses 1 an, toujours civilement. Ses parents ont choisi de faire ainsi. Si elles souhaitent un baptême religieux elles le feront si elles le souhaite. Je suis croyante mais non pratiquante.
Quel bonheur ces aurores boréales... En France les personnes résidant au nord-ouest en Normandie, en ont vues il y a quelques jours. Je me suis régalée en les regardant à la télévision, c'était magnifique. Ce soir dans le jardin j'ai admiré Jupiter et Vénus parfaitement alignée. C'est un autre spectacle.
Amitiés de France.
Hi Carol: I have added your husband and you the care taker to our Prayer list.
How adorable is it that your grandson was able to be Baptized, it is one of Gods Sacraments to us all.
Apple Blossem is a beautiful design, I did see the bee in G N and Y.
The photos of the northern lites is beautiful so are the other photos.
Some people think 30s is cold not me here in Minnesota it is called a tropical heat wave, giggles.
Hi Carol, my days have been busy so I am a litte late to the party:) I loved reading your post today and I am going to tell my age today. In 1957 when I was 7 years old, I saw a brand new 1957 Chevy it was painted pink and was love at first sight:) I have never forgotten that car or the colors, your post really brought a smile to my day! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and life.
Apple Blossom Sampler looks gorgeous!
I hope surgery today went well! Thinking of you both as I know it's definitely a team effort especially in the early days.
Thinking of you and your husband. I hope all is going well forTim and for you. You’re both in my thoughts, heart and prayers.
Barb R. 🌸❣️
Dear Carol,I very liked to read all your news.I think too-Norway is wonderfull country.
Have a nice weekend ☺ Eva H.
Mom did always say that whrn February was coming to a close! Unfortunately, our first week of March we’ve definitely had the most wintry weather. Love this piece with the lovely Robin and bees! Beauteous! Great memories from Mr. B’s big day. Love the pics from Norway!
Your Drawn Thread piece is so of my favorite deisgners! Glad Mister B's baptism went smoothly. Hope hubby's surgery goes well and recuperation time is at the speedier estimate.
That Drawn Thread sampler is lovely, those colours are beautiful. The bedroom I shared with my sister was pink and grey for a while. She chose pink and green which I hated but after a while I got it changed to grey which was better. When I got my own house my bedroom was blue and gold which I still love!
Well done to Mr B on surviving the baptism LoL. I guess this why we christen them as babies usually but COVID put a stop to that. When we got married my son was only 4 and didn’t want to dress up either. We found a cute striped shirt with a linen waistcoat and trousers, they had pirates on the label for some reason so we said “this is what pirates wear when they go to weddings”!
Hope the surgery goes well and the invalid behaves himself for you.
I always look forward to your new post with what you are doing and stitching. I had not seen the Apple Blossom piece before but just ordered it. I can't really afford to be using silks but converted it all to DMC and will pray for the best. Good luck to your hubby on his surgery but don't overdue it now that you'll be a full time caretaker. Before pics of Norway and blessing to your grandson on his baptism.
Very good advice about January and February from a smart woman! I do hope that the report is wrong. We have finally reached the 70s again today and that makes me happy! I think your new piece is nice! I am glad Mr. B made it to the church in a good mood and behaved though if he misbehaved I wouldn't have worried to much. Norway looks gorgeous and the Northern Lights look amazing!! Your son and his girl were very lucky to see them. Oh no; I think I missed Tim's surgery; I am so sorry! Sending prayers of fast healing for him. If he follows through with his PT he may be up and around and able to ride his bike a little sooner. Good luck to him.
The Apple Blossom Sampler is beautiful. I love the thread colors you used, and it's so pretty on the gray fabric. Congratulations to your grandson and his parents on his baptism, it sounds like it was a very special day. Those are gorgeous photos of Norway, that must've been an incredible trip. I was lucky to see the Aurora Borealis years ago in South Dakota, and have never forgotten it. I hope your husband's surgery went well, and he has a smooth recuperation. Take care.
Come sta tuo marito? Vedrai che sarà diligente e con la fisioterapia si rimetterà presto! Adoro l'accostamento di grigio e rosa lo trovo elegante
Here I sit reading your end of February post, in in the meantime, march is more than halfway gone as well! Yikes!
We are finally starting to see some nicer weather here, I hope you are as well. Also hope that your husband is recovering nicely from his surgery, fingers crossed everything went well!
Your stitching is so lovely, I agree that pink and gray go very nicely together.
Glad to hear you had a great time at the baptism! What a special occasion.
What a great post Carol! I am a month behind but the weather is still crazy in Indy - cold for two days and then a warm day. Spring is showing signs, but not quite ready to stay yet! Love the new stitched piece, the pictures from Norway (on my bucket list!) and the cute picture of your son and grandson together. What a full month! Hope your husband’s surgery goes (or went) well and he doesn’t have too much pain. I hear shoulders are the hardest, hope he had patience and a great PT!
Just catching up a bit. We had the northern lights here in Michigan this year. It was actually in the lower peninsula but closer than Norway! Glad your husbands surgery went well and hope he got a good review at his first checkup. Love your stitching as always. 56ct? I did use 40 ct for my Halloween at hawk run hallow. Love tiny stitches though.
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