Finally... the month I've anticipated for a long, long time is here! Can you guess my big news? I bet some of you have figured it out already, haven't you? Well, for those of you who haven't, take a closer look at the photo below...
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My new--and somewhat unusual (for me) -- projects! |
Hmmm... not my usual stitching, is it? Do you see the hexie flowers and the little zoo animal stitching, how about the sweet elephant shirt. Surely the smiley-faced booties give it away... YES, I'm going to become a grandmother! After years of hoping and praying, my little grandbaby is due this month! At 65 (and a half!), I am surely one of the older first-time grandmothers around and I often wondered if it would ever happen for me. I think that may make this upcoming grandchild even more special... My husband and I couldn't be more thrilled!
It's been a very emotionally difficult pregnancy for my sweet daughter-in-law in California. If you recall, she suddenly lost her dear mother in March when she was nearly five months pregnant. Can you imagine how hard that has been for her? Her mom was only 71 and I just tear up each time I think of my daughter-in-law not having her mother around for the birth and to witness this new grandchild growing up. I will do the best I can, but I know it's not going to be the same as having her own mother with her on this journey. Throw in the frightening experience of being pregnant while the Covid-19 epidemic is raging around you and she has been through so much over these past 8 1/2 months... But, her bravery and compassion for others will lead to one strong little child in the end, I'm sure.
Can you imagine going through pregnancy without all the "normal things?" Having your husband there at doctor's visits? Sharing your excitement with other pregnant friends over lunch? Enjoying the well-wishes from family at a baby shower? Not being able to attend child birthing classes? It's been tough... We did manage to have an online Zoom baby shower for them at the end of May, though, and it was wonderful how many people were able to attend. We mailed out some decorations which my oldest son and daughter-in-law put up in their dining room, they ordered a small cake and cookies, and then had a total of six Zoom showers--yes, six! They divided them up into families, local friends, hometown friends, college friends, etc. so that there weren't too many people at each one. And, with everyone in lockdown due to the virus--almost everyone was able to attend virtually! Even my 93 year old mom was in attendance--something that would never have happened if there had been a real-live shower. See... there are silver linings to almost everything! We played a few games, watched them open presents, and just sat there smiling at our friends and family--it was wonderful that, even during these circumstances, everyone was able to pull together to celebrate a precious new life coming into the world.
The baby shower cake and cookies ordered by my son and daughter-in-law. Aren't they adorable? |
So, is it obvious what they are having? YES--IT'S A BOY!! Surprise, surprise--well, not really. You see in my husband's family, it is just boy after boy after boy. We have three boys, my husband was one of four boys, his dad was one of two boys... In fact, in the direct lineage over the past five generations on my husband's side of the family, there have been 19 boys and only two girls! Amazing... People have said, "Oh, I bet you wanted a little granddaughter." Not at all--I am so used to little boys and I truly think they are easier to raise (from what I've heard!). Honestly, all I'm praying for is a healthy, happy little grandson.
It's a boy! |
As you can imagine, I've been very busy creating hexie flowers for an "I Spy" quilt for my future grandson. Probably not a gift he will receive until he is at least one or two years old, though, at the rate I'm going. I've never made a quilt of any kind and am just kind of fumbling my way through it. Lots and lots of hand sewing involved in each one of those hexie flowers. And then I have to sew all of the flowers and spacer hexies together--whew! I've had it laid out on my kitchen table since I began sewing it in late March so we've had to eat at the bar countertop all this time! It will definitely be remembered as a Covid-19 creation and I even found a little piece of fabric with a not-so scary "Germ" creature to fold into a hexie shape and sew onto the back of the quilt with a note about life during the pandemic and the baby's birth.
A portion of the I-Spy Quilt laid out on my kitchen table... Lots of hand-stitching to go! |
The little cross stitch piece I've been working on for the baby is called "Zoo Lineup" by The Trilogy. I've left the middle section empty to stitch the baby's name and birthdate. Might add the weight and length alongside the giraffe's neck, too. We'll see! My daughter-in-law and son chose a jungle animal / sloth theme for the nursery so, who knows, a stitched sloth may make an appearance at some point in the future!
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All it needs is the baby's name and birth date! |
I'll share my progress on the quilt and the little birth sampler as time passes.
For now... I hope you will all keep my oldest son and daughter-in-law in your thoughts and prayers. I will be taking a blogging break for the month of July as I'm going to be helping them out with the new baby. See you all in August--can't wait to be awed by what springs from your creative hands and minds this summer. I'll miss each of you! Thank you again for your wonderful comments and well-wishes for my mom--we both appreciate them ever so much. Bye for now...
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♥♥♥ HAPPY 4th of JULY!!! ♥♥♥ |
Congrats on being a Grandma soon!
Congrats also to the happy couple.
I love the blue & gray set up,so glad they has virtual showers.
The I Spy quilt is so darn cute, as is the Birth Sampler.
Have a great 4th!
Congratulations to you and your family Carol, I hope everything goes smoothly and your DiL has a safe delivery.
You are not quite as old as my Mother was when I made her a Grandmother she was 66 and my MiL was over 70. Mind you I didn't have my first till I was 39!
All the baby things are very cute
Congratulations to your Son and Daughter-in-Law!
What a blessing!
Your quilt is amazing, as all your work is.
Congratulations to you and I will keep your son and daughter-in-law
in my thoughts and prayers.
What fabulous news you shared in your post today, Carol! Thinking of your son and daughter in law and praying for a smooth delivery. I love the theme they have chosen for the baby's nursery. The Zoo Line up piece is adorable. Paulette of Plum Street Samplers has a sloth design if you are looking for one. Enjoy your time with your family and see you when you return!
Congratulations and enjoy your first Grandbaby!!
WOW...such exciting news, Carol! I am so happy for your family and thrilled for you...I know you've been wishing for awhile. Hoping all goes well and will keep you all in my thoughts. The quilt is sounds as if you are hand stitching go girl!!! The sampler is adorable...I used parts of it for my first grandson's birth sampler...I will e-mail you a photo. Have fun helping with the baby and we'll be looking for lots of photos when you return to blog land.
Congratulations to all! How exciting! No doubt you will have a beautiful visit and be of tremendous help and support. It will be difficult to leave! Safe trip and best wishes for mom and baby.
Congratulations Carol! This is wonderful news :)
have a safe trip and enjoy your family time
Congratulations to all! I pray everything goes well. I love making hexies and your quilt is darling! I also love your jungle birth sampler. Actually, I love everything you do. Enjoy your July and being a grandmother!
Carol, a silver lining indeed! I am so happy for you and yes, you take a blogging break in July and go get lots and lots of kisses. They will need you. I often sent them to bed and got up with Tucker to feed him. Best thing ever is a breast pump...just saying:) The things you have made are amazing. You take up a hard project for a first one; I guess a challenge is good for you.
So happy for you Carol!!! Joy beyond compare.
How wonderful that you can help them out! Will be keeping all of you in my prayers. I hope you can let us all know the baby has arrived. Enjoy every minute!
Congratulations! You will be such a wonderful grandmother! The quilt and stitched piece are adorable! I know you're enjoying creating beautiful things for this lucky little boy!
Your baby quilt is fantastic. Your daughter in law will love it. Sorry she lost her mom. I wish the best for the baby and your daughter in law and husband. May you all be safe and healthy. big big hugs Lynda Ruth
Congratulations! Wonderful and exciting news! A delightful blessing in the midst of some troubling times is the best thing that could happen to any family. Enjoy your time with your son, daughter in law and brand new grandson!
I am so excited for your son and daughter in law, but more so for YOU! I am glad your creative gfiting finally has a dear, near outlet! The showers look and sound like they were wonderful. Your quilt is going to be amazing! Safe travels and much happiness to you and your family, Carol!
Carol, Covid is not going to put a damper on your happiness when you hold this sweet bundle of Joy!! I am so happy for you. I feel so badly for your DIL, that is so very sad that she lost her Mother at such a young age and what should be the happiest time of her life. I will keep the young family in my thoughts and prayers.
Your quilt is such a wonderful gift, it's looking beautiful already! She is so fortunate to have a loving, generous MIL. The cake and shower decor is so sweet and your stitch picks up the theme perfectly. I'm glad you got to zoom for the shower and it's wonderful for the technology during these times.
Love your patriotic display!!!
My smile is SO BIG for you Carol!! I am just so happy this is finally happening for you all! And you will be there! :) So many baby showers, how wonderful! I am SO impressed with the quilt you are creating Carol! wOw! What a gorgeous piece of LOVE from you to your grandson!! That baby sampler is going to be just perfect Carol. :)
Oh Carol, congratulations to all of you! I wish I could tell you how awesome being a grandparent is, but you will know it yourself the moment you lay eyes on this precious little boy. I'm eager to "see" you in August and hear all about him.
Joyful news indeed! Appreciate your welcomed grandbaby anticipation as we were In a similar situation. We, also, waited a good while before we announced the upcoming birth. It is a pleasant surprise to see you piecing a quilt! It looks perfect. Love the nursery zoo themed piece. I think the online showers have become extra special if such a thing is possible. It is a tearful situation about DIL’s mother. She’ll be there in spirit. Perhaps you could do a quickie post when baby arrives as we are all excited for you. Safe travels to California.
Congratulations on your coming grandson. Love the birth sampler.
Congratulations! Definitely a year to remember! Have fun and lots of snuggles with your new grandson.
Wonderful and exciting news Carol, Congrats to you and your DIL you all must be so happy with this very welcome happy news after the past worrying months. The quilt project is going to be gorgeous and we shall all enjoy your progress. Enjoy your blogging break.
The best news in the world!!! Many congratulations to you all. I love the hexies, I am very much a hexie stitcher myself and this is going to be adorable. x
Such an exciting time for you! You've been making so many beautiful things already and your daughter-in-law will be thrilled to have you there as a mother figure. Have a wonderful time in California awaiting that gorgeous baby boy!
Your quilt is beautiful and so is your stitching waiting for the name and birthdate!
Congratulations. Grands are so great. You enjoy every minute with him and your son and daughter-in-law. I'll be praying for everything to go well:). Your quilt is gorgeous!! What a treasure.
Oh my gosh, I'm sooo happy for you !! Congratulations.
Indeed it is not easy to be pregnant in the covid period. My daughter-in-law was it too and gave birth May 30 of my second granddaughter.
I hope everything goes smoothly and wish you all the best.
Yeahhhh .... being a grandmother is so wonderful.
Carol, this is indeed the most special of news! I am so happy for you and all the family. The quilt you are making is soooo cheery! The color palette will spark that little grandson's mind and help to make him smart! (or so they say about babies and bright colors)
Yes, you all are in my prayers right now. I look forward to hearing all about it when you get back to blogging!
Forgot to say ... I LOVE the I Spy quilt and the cross stitch piece.
Aw what happy news to read about. Yes I bet that was so difficult for her but at the same time fantastic to have you in her life. You are a great person!
Congratulations on your first grandchild! I was almost 63 when I was a first time grandma and I now have three beautiful granddaughters! Your quilt is absolutely amazing and the colors are beautiful. Best wishes, and I will keep all of you in my prayers.
Thank you for sharing the wonderful news about baby-to-be - I think we are all so excited and happy for your family! Truly a blessing. The quilt you are making is so beautiful and so adorable. It will be so much fun to see it all finished. It looks like quite a bit of hand work involved.
I really hope you have a safe and wonderful trip to California - you will be in all our thoughts and prayers.
That is wonderful news! You will be a four generation family too. The birth Sampler is lovely and I like the idea of adding the details on the baby to the giraffe's neck.
My nephew's wife is pregnant with twins and has a toddler already so she has also found this pregnancy very difficult. She had to have her Mum break lockdown and come and help her.
Looking forward to seeing photos of the grandbaby!
Hi Carol, I'm just so thrilled to hear the news you are going to be a Grandma. I wish your son and daughter in law all the very best for the arrival of their baby boy! So happy for your family. One of my young cousins is due in the next week & we are all so excited! Best wishes x
Carol, CONGRATULATIONS! How exciting! I think the Zoom baby shower idea is fantastic, and I agree that it's important to see the silver lining in what Zoom can do to bring us together. The members of my faith have been able to have daily Zoom meetings to study and visit each other, and people from all over the US and Canada have been able to attend. That's something we never could have done without Zoom, and that we would not have done unless we were forced to.
This grandbaby is going to be a special child. He will have been born during a pandemic. I read stories of women who had children during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, and what a scary, uncertain time it was for them. They, and their children and grandchildren, are certainly miracles, aren't they?
Sending loving thoughts to you and your son and daughter-in-law. Hooray!
By the way... that quilt.... WOW! So pretty.
I'm so excited for you and your family! I will keep you all in my heart and in my prayers. My daughter has experienced many restrictions due to covid with my new grandson also. It's so hard for new parents, especially first time parents, to not have all the experiences that others had just a short time ago. It's so wonderful that you will get to help out with the baby. I pray for safe travels for you and that this virus doesn't affect your travels.
Congratulations Grandma! Or are you going to be a Mimi or a Gigi, etc? Like you, I wonder if I'll be the oldest grandmother ever. I'm 58 and not a chance in the world it is happening anytime soon. I'm a boy mom too and know exactly how you feel about boys! :). SO happy for you and your family! xoxo
Oh, congratulations on your good news. It’s so wonderful to have something to celebrate and be happy about in this very difficult time. I can imagine you are totally thrilled with a baby boy - I have 4 grandsons and wouldn’t want it any other way. What a joy grandchildren are! My best wishes to your entire family.
What wonderful news! We will be keeping your family in our thoughts this month that everything goes well. You will have so much fun being a grandma and how special you will be helping out. Your quilt is beautiful as well as the birth announcement. Congratulations!!!
Congrats Carol and to your family. I will keep your DIL in my prayers.
You are right about the silver lining, more people are able to attend online events compared to attending events in person.
The quilt is so beautiful. Can't believe its your first attempt.
The sampler is lovely too.
Take care and can't wait to hear from you in August.
Oh, how I am happy for the grandmother is certainly something great, I also wish one day to become a grandmother and hope to stay healthy long enough to experience grandchildren, because I am already 55 and my oldest only 21. But I pray for that.
Your daughter-in-law is really brave, and I keep my fingers crossed for her that she can still cope well this last time.
And you have created the right gift, this baby blanket already looks beautiful. A special gift. And the little zoo animals are cute too. I'm so happy with you.
Have a good time, all the best for your daughter-in-law and your son and enjoy the time with your little grandson.
Big Hugs, Martina
It's great news my dear friend ,I am so excited for you .
I know how much you have wanted a little GB and now your wish has come true.
Enjoy every moment big hugs for all.
love the baby quilt and baby sampler , I can see lots of lovely baby stitching in the future .
I will pray for you all and that it's an easy birth .
Hugs and XXXs
Hello Carol,
they are great and exciting news for you and your family. Congratulation.
The little birth Sampler is very cute.
The hexagonquilt will be very beautiful.
Have a nice time with your son, your daughter in law and your grandchild.
Big Hugs, Manuela
Oh what lovely news, congratulations to you Carol! It looks like you have been very busy getting ready for the new arrival, and I'm sure your son and Daughter-in-law really appreciate you being there for them!
Enjoy every second!
Congratulations to future grandma and all the best for the next time until the baby is there!
Good luck for the quilt!
happy stitching
Such a wonderful post! I am going to be a first time Grandmother in December and I am 68 years old! My youngest daughter is expecting a little girl and we are thrilled! I am feeling all the anticipation and also the concerns with her being pregnant in these times. She has been home for the entire first trimester as the school she teaches at has been closed since mid March, but she will probably be returning to the classroom this fall. I do worry for her safety, but I know she will take an abundance of precautions. Have a wonderful month of July and I look forward to following your blog!
Oh, what wonderful news! (You're right, I WAS a suspicious... LOL) Your grandson is indeed lucky to be born into such a loving and generous family. And your stitching and quilt are perfect! I accidentally started making quilts for my nieces and it feels like they start asking for "one of Aunt Ehwin's bankies" as soon as they can talk! I usually wait until they are old enough to have a favorite color, and then try to make something that might grow with them for a bit. That is only because 1) I sew VERY slowly, and 2) I didn't make the first one for my oldest niece until she was about 6.
As for being an "old" grandma, my mother wasn't a grandmother until she was 61 (she had me - her oldest - at 27, and I didn't have a child until I was almost 34). I don't think age matters a bit when it comes to grandparenting!
Congratulations again. Will be following for happy updates!!
Quel bonheur Carol d'être grand-mère. Je l'ai été il y a 8 ans j'avais 47 ans. Ma petite Princesse Lara.
Votre courtepointe nécessite beaucoup de couture, mais c'est si joli les fleurs avec les hexagones. J'ai des chutes de tissus plein un tiroir et je pense que je les utiliserai pour faire une courtepointe comme celle-ci.
La petite broderie est très jolie.
Je vous souhaite ainsi qu'à toute votre famille du bonheur avec ce petit garçon qui va naître.
Amitiés de France,
Congratulations Carol to you and your family, what happy news! I'm so glad you will be with your son and daughter in law to help with your new grandson. Enjoy the time with them and be safe.
Best wishes to you,
Yayyyyyyyy, I'm so Happy for you! I know how much you have wanted this, you are going to LOVE being a Nanna, It's the BEST thing!
So very very sad that your DIL cannot have her own mother with her at this very special time in her life but I'm sure she will appreciate all the help and love you will give her.
I just love that quilt,It's going to be perfect for your new grandson. EEP is something I haven't tried but would love to have a go at some day.
I don't know about boys being easier than girls, I would say the other way round seeing my grandson's in action, lol but it matters not a jot as long as they are healthy and happy.
So So happy for you xx
CONGRATULATIONS to your family. What wonderful news. Baby quilt and Baby sampler are beautiful.
I am sure you will be a wonderful granny!!!!
Good luck to you all.
Congrats Carol to being grandmother. I was 60 when I became a grand mom. I too just accepted it would never happen and then! I have two in four years. Best wishes to you and your family. I believe little boys are such little lovers and I hope you enjoy yours as I havee as I enjoyed mine. I love the idea of the I-Spy Hexie quilt. I might have to thing on that one for a while. That is sure a lot of handstitching but what an heirloom for you to create for your grandson. He will have hours of fun “spying” each thing and one day maybe share it with his son
Have a safe and happy 4th ofJuly.
Aaaah, how wonderful you'll be a grandmother soon!!!!!!!
I'm happy with you, the preparations have all become so sweet, I can see your anticipation! All the best for you and your family, thank you also for visiting my blog,
Best regards, Jutta
Congratulations, Carol! Such wonderful news after these difficult months! I'm sure your daughter-in-law will love your handmade gifts. Wishing you and your family all the best. :-)
Congratulations and Welcome to the Grandma Club! I am so happy for your family. I will pray that all goes well under all these crazy circumstances surrounding 2020. Love the stitching you are doing for the baby and that quilt is going to be the cutest. I am sure you will manage to get it all put together! I think you are going to be floating on cloud nine when you are helping take care of the baby. Have safe travels Carol and we will be waiting for pictures!
Good luck and congratulations on the new grandbaby. Enjoy every moment and make lots of memories!
Oh Carol, I am so excited for you and your family. It will be so much fun watching what your creative hands make over the next few months and years. I look forward to your next posts. You and yours remain on my heart and in your prayers.
So happy for you and your family Carol! What joy this baby will bring - I will keep you all in my thoughts and hope the birth and early days go well for your daughter-in-law and son. Can’t wait to see the news come across when he arrives 💙
It's the best news ever, Carol! So excited for you! My dad was 82 when his first and only grandchild was born. It's never too late to welcome a sweet little one into the family is it? Your quilt will be fabulous and I can't wait to hear all about him. Hope the delivery is quick and that everyone will be safe and healthy. They are lucky to have you there with them. Enjoy your time together.
Oh Carol, what a wonderful secret you've kept! I am so happy and excited for you. There aren't that much positive news to celebrate this year, so the ones there are deserve celebrating even more! I can imagine it must have been hard for your son and especially DiL, but hopefully they still get to enjoy the happiness in these troubles times. Wnderful crafting on your part, and I hope you'll have a wonderful month too!
Congratulations to you and your family! I hope your grandson arrives safe and well and it is not too stressful a time for everyone. The I Spy quilt looks amazing so far - such a lucky baby x
Congratulations and welcome to the grandmas club. It’s my favorite club of all time. I stitched that same sampler many years ago for a dear friends first grandchild. Your quilt is looking spectacular. I am a cross stitcher and quilter and have made a few very small doll sized hexi quilts. I think yours is turning out fantastic.
Congratulations. I look forward to reading your next blog posts as a grandmother.
Congratulations on becoming a Grandma! I love I Spy quilts. A keepsake for sure. Best wishes to your son and daughter-in-law. I can't imagine going through a pregnancy without your mom and with all the changes due to COVID. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
I hope all is going well with your new grandson and all! Congratulations!! Your DIL is so lucky to have you for a MIL. My mother died when I was in college, so I faced new mother hood with no help from anyone. My MIL and FIL came to visit, but they didn't help with the baby at all. So like I said, your DIL is very lucky to have you! It's tough going through those first months of parenthood without someone there to help out besides your husband. I love all the preparations and the quilt and stitching you have made for your grandson. All the best to all of you. I hope everyone is doing well! Stay safe!
The best news i've read in ages. Hugest of congratulations Carol, a very exciting time this month for you all. Lovely preparations in the best way that was possible during the current situation.
Your daughter in law will be so thankful to have you there with her and you will do the most perfect job for her and your son during this next chapter of their life. Enjoy the new arrival.
I'll be thinking of you xx
Just had to tell you I was pushing 69 really hard when I had my first and only grandchildren - a set of twins. By that time my husband was a great grandpa.
Hello Carol,
Wow such exciting news! Congratulations to you and your husband, and of course to the parents to be! My heart breaks for your dear Daughter in law that her Mom will not be there. I am so glad she has you to help guide her in that way. I pray all is well for Mom and baby. You all will be terrific Grandparents!
I love the I-Spy quilt you are making. You are doing such a beautiful job on it! I always knew with your color sense, if you made a quilt it would be gorgeous..I was right!! :)
I just finished a hexie flower quilt--they are quite addictive aren't they?! Love the precious birth sampler too.
Your family will be in my prayers as you welcome this beautiful little boy into the world!
Blessings to you all,
So happy for your family! Your hexie quilt is looking quite nice. Can't wait for your future posts!
Congratulations to you and your family! I was afraid that I might not have any grand babies, but I have been blessed with two beautiful little girls...5 1/2 and 3 1/2! What a joy they are! They, too, live in CA, so I don’t get to see them often enough. Your cross stitch looks so it was fun to work on! Also, the quilt is awesome! Love the colors that you chose. Thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery!
Great news! Congratulations!!
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