Monday, July 23, 2012

Catching Up With Christmas On a Very Special Day

Good morning everyone! Well, it's a special day for me, which I'll get to later in my post, but first I have some stitching finishes I'd love to share with you. Many of you have been asking about my monthly Christmas ornaments. Am I still doing them, when will I show them, etc. Well, I'm happy to say I've finally caught up--I hadn't finished a Christmas ornament since March so it was a lot of work, but I love how each and every one turned out! Below is a shot of the stitching along with some of the finishing materials I gathered. Sometimes I think finding the perfect trims, fabrics, and buttons to finish a piece is as much fun as the actual stitching!

Monthly ornaments waiting to be all finished up

My ornament for April was actually started last November and then got cast aside during the frenzy of Christmas stitching. Finding this little snow guy half-finished was like running into an old friend. How can you help but smile at that crooked grin of his? The suggested DMC colors and a mystery piece of 32 ct. linen were used. I think this finish is a perfect example of how you can take a simple design ("Let It Snow" by A Stitcher's Hands) and make it more special by adding fun fabrics and trims. The wee orange nose was called for on the chart, but I added the white pompom and jazzed him up with two fabrics, white ric rak, and a candy-cane striped hanger. The chart includes three other charming snowmen, all wrapped up in their warm scarves and knit hats, which I also hope to stitch one of these days.

"Let It Snow" by A Stitcher's Hands

I honestly enjoy (gasp!) stitching on black--in fact three of my seven ornaments for 2012 are stitched on black so far! The May ornament is stitched on 32 ct. black Belfast linen with DMC threads. I love how white just pops on the black fabric and with snow and wintry themed charts, there is always a lot of white on Christmas ornaments. This cheery piece is Sue Hillis's "Candy Canes" and includes a little brass candy cane charm. The color of the red is really more of a maroon shade than is shown in the photo. I changed it from the suggested DMC reds to DMC 815 which I also used to make the red and white cording. It is backed with coordinating red and white striped fabric and topped with a little white pin. I left off the backstitching for obvious reasons. That's another good thing about stitching on black fabric--no need to backstitch!

"Candy Canes" by Sue Hillis

For my June ornament, I stitched the winsome Trilogy design called "Cheer." This is the second one of their little trees that I've done. I also stitched the Spooky Tree for my dear friend, Myra back in 2010. If any of you are familiar with the original design, you'll notice I left off the rectangular border and one of the little stars and finished it into an oval shape with a ruched ribbon and bow in slate blue. It is backed with the beige and white homespun fabric shown. Some miniature white buttons serve as snowballs just waiting for that next snowball fight between this trio of little guys. I don't know about you, but the sight of them certainly brings me "cheer!"
"Cheer" by The Trilogy

And finally, back to my all-time favorite designer, Prairie Schooler, for my July ornament! "A Visit From St. Nicholas" is from Book No. 48, "A Christmas Visit" and is the second piece I've stitched from it. The first was Sunflower Santa done back in 2010. Again, I love every single design in this booklet and I hope to complete all seven. This one is stitched on 40ct. flax Newcastle linen using the suggested DMC threads and is finished very simply with handmade cording in DMC 221. A red and white gingham bow was added to the corner to cover where the cording ends meet.

"A Visit From St. Nicholas" by Prarie Schooler

And here are all four--April through July...ready and waiting for December's Christmas tree:

April, May, June, July 2012 ornaments

I've had some lovely gifts arrive on my doorstep lately from three blogging friends around the world. First of all, Suzanne in Washington state (no blog) sent me this sweet Lizzie Kate kit as a thank you for lending her an out-of print chart. Secondly, Melody from Bookwoman Stitches blog sent me this cute "Jolly Jack" chart to thank me for lending her two out-of-print charts. She's hoping it will make the cut for my "October Bowl"--I just bet it might, Melody!! And finally, all the way from England, came these gifts from Linda. Linda doesn't have a blog, but has written to say how inspirational my finishes are and wanted to send me a little token to show her appreciation. She sent me my first (and probably only!) souvenir of the Diamond Jubilee and a wonderful bookmark with "Desiderata" on it (boy, does that take me back to my college days in the mid-'70s. I think every girl in the dorm had a poster with that lovely verse on her wall. If you would like to read the whole thing for yourself, click here ). She also included some postcards and leaflets from Sandringham. I am so touched by all of your gifts, my friends. Really, nothing is expected when I lend my charts out, but I so appreciate your friendship and generosity!

A most special day: July 23rd, 1977...My wedding day--which makes today our 35th wedding anniversary! I seem to find myself humming that old Carpenters tune We've Only Just Begun quite a bit lately. (For all of you in your fifties and sixties you'll love this old video--does that bring back memories or what?! I think I wore out multiple copies listening to the Carpenters' records over and over when I was in high school!).

"We've only just begun, to live...
White lace and promises,
A kiss for luck
And we're on our way...

We were so young and so full of hope. Our sons can't believe we married at age 22, but that's the way it was done back then... graduate from college, get married, work for a few years, and have kids. Today the order of things has definitely changed up a bit, hasn't it? And the time-frame has certainly slowed down. But, you know what, I wouldn't change a thing about the way we did things way back when...

Wedding Day Memories

Here is a tiny snapshot from our big day along with our wedding invitation (yes, it was the palest blue color!) featuring the quote "And this... our life, our beginning." The white lace is all that remains of my wedding dress which was damaged and discolored beyond repair from decades of storage in my parents' attic. So, I removed a few pieces to save before discarding it. (Having no daughters who might want to wear it someday, made that decision a bit easier!) And how about that 13¢ butterfly stamp--that just shows you how prices have jumped over the past 35 years--today it costs 45¢ to mail a card this size! (If it looks like there are no people in the pews behind us, that is because the minister would not allow photos during the church ceremony, so this was "staged" after the actual ceremony. There were actually nearly 250 people in attendance!).

So, how will we celebrate? Well, believe it or not, my husband is 3183.11miles away right now. He is on a week-long biking tour of Alaska! (This is not him in the photo, but I'm expecting some equally breathtaking shots to be taken by him this week.) I'm a bit sad, of course, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime trip and biking is to him what stitching is to me. I know we'll celebrate later, in fact we already have plans to head down to the mountains of North Carolina (Asheville vicinity) this fall. And this is where I could use your help--have any of you vacationed there who could give me advice; the best time to go to see the leaves changing, must-see sights, good restaurants, even the name of a great place to stay (I'd love to stay in a little cabin!)? Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Well, that wraps up another very lengthy post--I hope you've enjoyed your visit today! Welcome to my new followers; so glad you've joined the fun. As always, your comments and emails are very much appreciated--thank you, my friends. I'll close with the final lines from Max Ehrmann's "Desiderata." Although written in 1927, it is still so applicable to today's world...

"With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy".

May your week be a special one! Bye for now...


Cath said...

Happy Anniversary , love your stitches .XXX

Valma said...

Happy wedding anniversary =D
What a wonderful picture with the wedding day memories !
can't help you for your trip, but I'm impatient to see some pictures =D
your Xmas ornaments are lovely, my favourite is 'cheer' =D
you received real great gifts !
enjoy your special day 500% =D
Big hugs

Peggy Lee said...

Gorgeous finishes Carol. The fabrics, trim and buttons really are what 'makes' the ornament.

Thirty-five years! Congratulations!
I was in Asheville but it was a day trip so I'm not much of a help to you there. I know you will have a wonderful time!

Nicola said...

Happy anniversary!!! (It will be my 35th in October.)

Lovely ornaments!

Annie said...

Great work on the ornaments. You always choose the cutest ones. And I continue to envy how you can work on black!

Stitchers are so appreciative, aren't they? Lovely gifts.

And congrats on the anniversary. You two really look like kids in that wedding photo. Seems like a shame that only the small piece of lace is left of the dress, but at least it's easier to store!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! I hope you post some pics from your husband's trip.

Your ornaments are wonderful as always. The oval Cheers finish is so well done. Round shapes are tricky.

Margaret said...

Happy 35th anniversary!! Sort of sad that your DH isn't there, but it does sound like a special, once-in-a-lifetime thing for sure. Isn't it funny how things have changed in terms of marriage? We were the same way -- I graduated college on a Tuesday, and we married the Saturday after. lol! Now, I'd feel like my DD or DS were too young to marry at that age! So weird! Anyway, enjoy your special day!

I love all your finishing. You always come up with such beautiful ways to finish your ornaments. I especially love the Trilogy ornament with the blue trim -- that trim just makes the piece! Wonderful presents you received as well! Have a great week!

Margaret said...

Forgot to say never been to NC, so I'm not much help on that front. Hope you two have a great time when you go in the fall!

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Carol! I really enjoyed reading your entry! So many events! Your Christmas ornaments are all charming! Congratulations with finally finishing them! Well done! Your friends presented you nice charts, so we, your followers, will be waiting for your new designs. Happy Anniversary Day! It was a delight to look at your wedding picture.

Best wishes, Tatyana

Vickie said...

Congratulations!! How wonderful.
Your ornaments look perfect. I love the way Candy Canes turned out on the black.

Hazel said...

Wow 35 years! Congrats. Your ornaments are gorgeous. x

Siobhán said...

Happy anniversary! 35 years--wow!! We're coming up on 24 years and I can't believe how the time has flown.

Love love love your Christmas ornaments! I especially like you finished your Sue Hillis ornament, but they're all gorgeous.

AnaCristina said...

congratulations for your wedding!

Ann said...

Hi Carol,
Love your new finishes (must really start with some X-mas ornaments :-)!
Congrats on your wedding anniversary ... you look so happy on your picture (and still are ;-))
Have a nice day!

Shirlee said...

Happy Anniversary! John & I were married in 76 so we are one year ahead of you : ) Gorgeous stitching & finishes! I have looked up 2 of the designs to put on my wish list : ) What a wonderful trip your husband is taking! I remember Desiderata very well. It was, & still is, a wonderful verse.

priscilla said...

Happy Anniversary ! Your husbands trip sounds amazing ! I hope since you are in charge of the garden this week that you aren't letting all green vegetables die ! :)..Love all your stitching and finishes have amazing talent ! Can't wait to see this months "bowl" !

cucki said...

happy anniversary dear..
beautiful ornaments..
love for you xxx

Laura said...

Happy Anniversary! My husband and I love to go to Asheville and have gone for our anniversary many times. In fact, we'll be going this September again. I'll send you an email with some of our favorite places to eat and stay at.

Lovely finishes by the way!

CalamityJr said...

Happy anniversary! What a great blog post - fun Christmas ornaments, wedding photo, and thoughtful gifts. Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day!

Devon said...

your stitching is beautiful as is your finishing,,and happy anniversary,,,we are also going to to the mountains in october but in georgia right next door,,we are going the middle of october to see all the colors..

butterfly said...

Happy Anniversary dear Carol.
Oh the Carpenters had every record I think I still have them somewhere.
Even my Ali would play them all the time.

Your Christmas ornaments are just wonderful , always beautiful stitched and the finishing always fantastic.
Love all your beautiful gifts have fun , hugs.

Giovanna said...

Happy anniversary! All your ornaments are lovely.

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary!

All your stitching is absolutely beautiful and the finishing is perfect!

Tricia said...

Oh, Happy Anniversary to you!! What a wonderful milestone. Be sure you do something fun yourself today, too, while hubby is out biking!!

I love your set of ornaments! What is always fun to me is to see the assortment of designers you find for each month or project. There are always a few I add to my "stitch someday" list!

Have a blessed day!!


Sweet Sue said...

Great projects Carol, you truly are embracing the Christmas in July spirit:) Warm congrats to you and hubs, beautiful wedding pic!

Anonymous said...

First, Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!

Love the ornaments you stitched and finished, Carol! It would be hard to say which one is my favorite!

You received several lovely gifts! Can't help you out with Asheville! Sorry!

Robin in Virginia

Lanie said...

Carol, congratulations on 35 years of marriage! The Carpenters ... I loved them! In fact, my mom and grandma loved them too! Will I sound like an old fuddy-duddy if I say there is no one out there today that can compare?! Hope you and your husband have a wonderful trip in the fall.

Your Christmas ornaments are all cuties and your finishing is perfect! My fav is probably the candy canes ... love the red, greeen and white against the black ... love how you finished it ... fabulous!

Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversay Carol!! What a beautiful bride! As usual everytime I see your post I drop everything to read. My daughter is away at camp and comes back this Wednesday . Thought I would get in a post but no there were other things to do which I will eventually blog about but now I am going to stop cleaning for a bit and stitch something as you always inspire. Your beautiful Christmas ornaments are just that . Hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your celebrating when your husband returns.

McKenna C. said...

Your stitching is gorgeous!! I love how you finished everything! Now I am inspired to make a whole lotta ornaments. :D

Happy Aniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary and I love your wedding photo, you made a lovely couple.

Your finishes are gorgeous!

Mary Ann said...

First, a very Happy Anniversary to you and your DH!!

And, the ornaments--oh my--BEAUTIFUL--the stitching and the finishing!! I love to stitch ornaments, I just don't enjoy the finishing of them. I keep waiting for the finishing fairy to pay me a visit. LOL

barbara said...

Alaska is a dream destination of mine, though I don't plan to bike through it. LOL. Sending you big hugs and happy thoughts on your very special day - I'm sure when you do celebrate, you'll have the most wonderful time together.

Your Christmas finishes are fabulous! I can't decide which one I like best, but those snowmen in a tree are adorable. :)

Brigitte said...

And again you have some wonderfully creative finishes. I love them all and particularly the way you finished them. But my absolute favourite is the PS ornament (as usual). I'm completely fond of their designing style.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! And you can always celebrate it when your DH will be back home. And that plan of a vacation in the fall in a mountaineous regions sounds just perfect, doesn't it?

Laurie in Iowa said...

Happy Anniversary! Love your Christmas ornaments.

Jennifer said...

The HAPPIEST of anniversaries to you and your husband, and best wishes for the next 35! Congratulations - in this world, 35 years is an achievement.

Your finishing is beautiful, as usual!

Keeper of the Crowes said...

What a gorgeous post. Your finishing is remarkable!!!I so enjoyed seeing them. Happy anniversary!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Oh Carol, I always enjoy your posts! Congratulations on your milestone! I hope to get there too someday. As for Asheville, I highly recommend a visit to the Biltmore Estate. It's breath taking! Thanks for sharing your lovelies and memories with us today.

Myra said...

Happy Anniversary! I know you miss him but I am looking forward to those pictures. I think all your finishes are fabulous! I am especially fond of those candy canes on black-simple but stunning.

Cindy's Stitching said...

happy Anniversary. Its good you give him the freedom to do his biking. The pieces your finished are great. I do like the black. I might have to try that. Enjoy your week carol.

Katherine said...

Lovely ornaments! You were such a pretty bride; congrats on 35 years. I LOVE Ashville. A must see is The Biltmore - I was there in summer, so don't know about fall color, but it must come earlier there than, say, Vermont. You can do a full day at Biltmore just in the house, another day on the grounds, another day in the winery . . . etc. etc. etc. I hear the city has quite an eclectic art scene too. If you go to Biltmore, you must eat in the restaurant (at least have lunch) located in - of all places - the stables. It is AMAZING!

Lainey said...

Congratulations to you and your DH on your 35th Anniversary Carol! I;m sure you will have a lovely celebration when he return from fabulous trip. Look forward to seeing all his photographs.
As always your Ornament finishes are gorgeous!!!
Lovely gifts from your friends too.
Have a nice week, hugs.

LoriU said...

Oh Carol! Happy Happy Anniversary!! I love the picture of your wedding dress lace and invitation. Brings back memories of our will be 31 years this August for us.

Your finishes are just beautiful. I think you get better and better at them each time! Love that little snowman!

Jenny said...

Happy 35th Anniversary! What a special day, and what wonderful pics. My husband and I celebrated our 28th last month....I love all of your finishes but that snowman just made me smile :). He is just way to cute. Thank-you for taking the time to share all your stitching with us. You really inspire me and have alot of wonderful ideas.

BrendaS said...

Carol --
All of your ornaments are just beautiful. You finish everything just so and it always makes the ornaments just "pop". It would be hard for me to pick favorites.

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. What a wonderful milestone, too bad he can't be there but you are right that his biking trip is a once in a lifetime trip. I hope you will share some pictures with us.

Have a great week my friend. It's always so nice to stop by your blog and visit with you:))

Julie said...

Happy Anniversary.

Love your finishes.

Nancy M said...

My favorite is Let is Snow! Love the colors of the material you used. Happy Anniversary too! I was exactly like you! I graduated from college, one week later, got married and 2 days later turned 21! Now it seems so young, but I guess we both made good decisions! I have to go look, but I'm pretty sure my invitation looks identical to yours. I know it was light blue, but it may have the same saying! I've only been to Asheville once. Of course you will tour the Vanderbilt house! Other than that, no idea...but have fun. Hope you have heard from the DH to tell you what an awesome trip he is having!

Shelly said...

Love your finishes! I get ideas from seeing how you finish your ornaments. My favorite would have to be Candy Canes.

Happy Anniversary! A perfect example of give and take in a marriage: letting the hubby take that once in a lifetime trip. Can't wait to see the pics!

Have a wonderful week!

Nancy said...

It is always fun to visit your blog and see what you have been stitching. Carol, your ornaments are so pretty! Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

Melissa said...

Happy Anniversary, Carol! I'm sure you will have a lovely celebration later in the mountains of North Carolina. I'm sure you'll get lLoots of good travel tips. I've never been in that part of the world so it'd be lovely to see your travel photos later.

Love your stitching. Always amazed at the different finishes that you have! Maybe that's what I should focus on next - finishing smalls!

Have a good week!

Marsha said...

Happy Anniversary! We celebrated 36 years May 1st so I know what an accomplishment this is, congrats to you both.
The ornaments are so wonderful. I love all the backing fabrics and the special little touches you have added. What a nice collection you will have for the year.
My DH goes on a bike trip to Maine Aug. 2nd and I will be left behind too but that and running are his addictions.
You must go see the Biltmore estate and spend the whole day. There's a winery there to enjoy along with the mansion. There is also a large old old hotel you must visit for the view and the lobby. Anyone that lives there will know the name of it. Downtown has many good restaurants. There is an Italian restaurant in a small strip mall that has thousands of tiny white lights. It is excellent. Sorry I don't remember their names. There was not a XS store the last time I was there but there is a yarn store. The farmers market is awesome to visit too! You will love it. I will would love to live there.

Roberta said...

Love all your ornaments that you caught up on (I am woefully behind on my plan)

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Ashville in the fall will be lovely, will think about some things to do - but if you haven't been to the Biltmore - that is a lovely thing to do, the grounds are lovely and the house is spectacular.

Gabriele said...

Happy anniversary to you both!!! I love the X-mas-ornaments. Beautiful!
It's always a great pleasure to visit your blog.
Hugs from Germany, Gabi

Beth said...

Love all your wonderful ornaments. Such creative and individual finishes for each of them. You have a real eye for design and styling. Congrats on your anniversary!

Elizabeth Ann said...

First of all I LOVE your new blog header! Christmas ornaments are amazing as usual. You think I could whip out a couple of them this summer and stay out of the pool. Your wedding photo is so sweet, can you imagine a minister not allowing a photographer in the sanctuary during the service nowadays? That is very special indeed! He was very serious about performing a wedding! I hope your husband is having the time of his life and you are enjoying non-cooking days at your house - have fun!

Christina said...

Happy Coral (i looked it up!) anniversary Carol! Yes indeed, how things have changed. My parents married at 21 then I arrived when my mum was 26. Growing up I always felt I had an 'old' mum so vowed to have children before 26...I failed miserably, Iris came along when I was 32!! Maybe I should have just gotten Iris to call me Grandma? Lol!
Your Christmas ornies are beautiful. As much as I love Prairie Schooler I've got to say my favourite is the frosty guy with the crooked grin! I love how you finished him.
It was lovely to see your wedding photograph. It is my/our 5th anniversary in a couple of weeks. Perhaps I'll post a photo of our special day. Thanks for sharing. :0)

Annette said...

Wow you have made so many pieces also beside your monthly other pieces =))
Do you ever sleep??
Those are really beautifull.
You tree will look so great again!!

And you got some great gifts!!

Happy wedding anniversary
35 years!! wow that;s long...hihi
I feel so young right now.. hihi
A beautifull picture!! love the lace
Beautifull memories!! treausure them!!
ow and you allong.. no...
WE are with you sweetie!! hihi
Thinking of you!!

have a great week and happy stitching!!

passionfruitprincess said...

Happy Anniversary! Lovely wedding keepsakes you have.
I saw your April ornament on Pinterest and said to myself:I don't know this one :)
It is lovely! A perfect finish. I like the others too, but he is my favorite. I need to post something, Lots of sewing around here:)
Ana Paula

Daffycat said...

This is the most awesome post ever, Carol!

Your Christmas ornaments are wonderful. Makes me want to start some NOW! I especially like the black one and I'm thinking I MUST make some in black - yours is so pretty!

Happy, happy anniversary! Congratulations on an incredible 35 years. Too bad you are apart for the special day. Rick & I celebrate 27 on Wednesday and we both work opposite shifts so we won't see each other either - poo!

Friendship Crossing said...

Congrats on your 35th Carol!! I love seeing all your stitchy finishes ~my favorite is the 'candy cane' ~looks so pretty on black!!

What a wonderful opportunity for your hubby, but how dare he be gone on your anniversary! LOL

Have a great day regardless. :))


Solstitches said...

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary Carol.
You've treated us to lots of eye candy with your latest collection of ornaments.
I love the oval one with the little button tree but the candy cane one is very cute :)


Alissa said...

Happy Anniversary, Carol!

Your finished goodies are perfect as always. You make me so jealous!

Ellen said...

Happy Anniversary!

Your Christmas ornaments are gorgeous! I am way behind in my monthly ornaments, June and July ones are not done yet, ha ha!


Barb said...

Hi Carol, First, thank you for that great thought!! Second, congratulations on your anniversary!!!!! We will be celebrating 33 soon. However, we got a late start. Lastly, You are an amazing finisher!!!!!

Loraine said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm sorry you are spending it alone, but hopefully you will do something fun when your hubby returns.
Love the picture of your invite. So pretty.
As always, I'm in awe of your finishing skills. Your tree is going to be stunning! Can't wait to see it in December.

marly said...

Happy anniversary! Sorry I can't help you with the Carolina trip. As usual, amazing and creative finishes. Never thought about using black ~ it really makes a fabulous ornament. The red and white is perfect.

Jackie said...


"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" my dearest and TFS a snap shot (I believe that is what we called pictures back then too, LOL) of your wedding photo. Very pretty.

I know this is easier said than done, but don't be too saddened by DHs absence Carol, I am sure you both will have a wonderful time together upon his return.

Your ornies are the greatest as I really enjoy seeing them and lovely gifts your have there.

I cannot help on your Asheville stay as I only passed through there many, many years ago.

TFS with us:)



boysmum2 said...

Happy anniversary to you both. My wedding dress is put away but like you I have no daughters to pass it to but I am not ready to part with it yet. Although why I am keeping it I do not know! Love the stitching's, so cute I do love the snowman with the pompom and also the candy cane, so bright and colourful. Happy stitching

Debbie said...

Hi Carol! Wonderful finishes! I love to learn from creative finishers so hopefully mine will keep getting better!

And...DH and I have also been married for 35 years!! Our anniversary was May 27. YES I remember the one could match those harmonies. And here is the kicker....we had the exact same wedding invitations!! So funny. And, BTW, you must have great taste!! lol

Debbie in Kansas

Annette-California said...

Happy Anniversary! I love all your finishes of your ornaments. Fantastic Job!

Shari said...

how did I miss that you updated yesterday??? OH well! Happy Belated Anniversary Carol! Too bad hubby is so far can celebrate when he gets back, right????
Everything looks fantastic.....I don't know how you do it!!!!!!!!!!

Chris said...

Happy Anniversary Carol!! You were a beautiful bride!
Your current group of ornament finishes are so lovely. You do such an amazing finishing. I think my favorite is the candy canes. what was I thinking...I love them all.
I hope that your husband's trip is amazing. I know that you will go to the Biltmore. If you are going at Christmas time the luminaries and evening passes are great.
Have a great week.

The Queen Bee said...

Congratulations! 22 does seem young, doesn't it?

Lovely finishes, too.


Sally said...

Happy Wedding Anniversary!

All of your ornament finishes are gorgeous. I am always in awe of how beautifully you finish them.

Sally said...


I'm new to your blog.
Your ornament finishes are lovely!

Happy anniversary! You both look lovely in your wedding photo.

Catherine said...

Happy Anniversary!! Asheville is a beautiful place. We usually stay on the TN side of the mountains in the Smokies, but have done day trips to the beautiful Biltmore Estate. If you go there, do try and eat at the restaurant that is located in the stables. It's been a few years, but it was so yummy! Oh, and the ice cream there is pretty good too!
All of your finishes, as always, are amazing!! You always seem to have just the perfect trims, fabrics and little touches!

Melanie said...

Happy Anniversary to the both of you!!!!!! I'm sure you'll get to celebrate it just right when the DH is back home. (My first thought when I read that - how the heck do you travel by plane with a bike? I had this picture in my head of a bike bopping down the luggage carousel, amongst the suitcases, and wondering how you would stop someone else from grabbing it. Can you tell I haven't traveled by air much? lol)

Super great ornaments!!!!! Finished impeccably, as always. That kind of finishing takes a lot of time and attention to detail and you do SUCH a great job at it.

Ranae said...

Happy Anniversary!!!
The ornaments are fantastic as usual.
I bet he is having fun is Alaska, besides missing you
Take care!!!

Penny said...

Happy anniversary, Carol!!
A week long biking tour of Alaska sounds fabulous, as does your planned trip to the mountains! You do such a lovely job on all of your stitching! I do love that little snowman with his crooked grin and little pompom! :)

Judy said...

Such beautiful ornaments Carol! Your stitching and finishing is amazing. It is always a joy to read your posts.

Happy 35th anniversary..and wishes for many, many more!! How fun to see your wedding keepsakes. And gotta love The Carpenters.

Alaska is definately on my list of places to go...probably not on a bike..ha! I have not been to Ashmore either. I alwas look it up on line when choosing a place to go..but haven't made it there yet. I would want to go in the fall also.

Until next time...enjoy!

Judy heartland stitcher

Kathy Ellen said...

Happy Anniversary, Carol, and many more to come with your wonderful husband.

Your Christmas ornaments are all just beautiful and your finishings are just so perfect for each one. I think that my favorite one is 'Cheer' by Trilogy. Your needlework is always so inspiring. I wish that I could accomplish as much stitching and beautiful finishing as you do!


Melody said...

Carol, Happy Anniversary to you both!

Your ornaments and finishing are beautiful as always. Thanks for sharing with us.

Your Fall trip sounds wonderful. I am so looking forward to Fall and cooler weather!

Lillie said...

Happy Anniversary and many many more wonderful and happy memories together.

YOur ornaments are lovely and finished beautifully.

Bonnie said...

Happy Anniversary. Just love to stop in on your blog. You do such beautiful work.
Keep Stitching

Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary to you. What beautiful pieces - lovely post enjoyed reading it xx

Dani - tkdchick said...

Carol, happy, happy wedding anniversary. I think its a good sign of a very healthy relationship that you're okay with your husband being away on this once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm sure he'll make it up to you in style!

What wonderful ornament finishes and gifts wow!

Mavi. said...

Feliz aniversario Carol, es todo un orgullo mantener la llama de la felicidad durante tanto tiempo.
Preciosos tus bordados, me enamora el árbol.
Espero que tu marido disfrute de su aventura en la bici y que a su regreso podáis disfrutar de vuestro viaje de enamorados.
Muchos besos.

valerie said...

Yay! Happy Anniversary to you and your DH! So great to see snippets of your wedding invite, 13c stamp (!!), photo of the big day and bits of lace from your dress. two were so young but look at all you've accomplished over the years...three boys, a house, jobs, hobbies and happiness. You should be so proud! Hope you two have fun on your NC trip.

You've been a busy bee finishing your ornies. They all look fantastic! The snowman is just the cutest thing. You can't help smiling back at it.

Lovely gifts too. *hugs*

Veronica said...

Happy Anniversary, Carol. Love the photo of your wedding day memories. Your wedding invitation looks so delicate and elegant as are the lace. Sorry to hear that that's all that remains of your wedding dress.

Beautiful stitching. You enjoy stitching on black? Gasp! You must tell me your secret. Do you do anything different in order to see the holes better? Gotta admit, black really makes colours pop.

Wonderful job with the finishing as usual. My favourite is Let It Snow :D


Kathy H said...

Happy anniversary. I love your stitched pieces. I always enjoy seeing them. You inspire me to be more creative.

Lois said...

Belated anniversary wishes Carol! I know that you and your DH will have a wonderful celebration of your anniversary even if it isn't quite on the day. Hope he has a wonderful time on his trip. Loved seeing the wedding picture, such a nice one.

As for your Christmas ornaments, well, as always, I love them!!! Well done for getting back on track with them, wish I could say the same for me!!! As ever, you have such a good eye for putting things together and turning them into something so special.

What a nice package of goodies from Linda!

Debora said...

Ho visto lavori meravigliosi sul tuo blog! Complimenti!

Anne said...

Happy Anniversary Carol!! You and your hubby are adorable in that photo! I love the cheap butterfly stamp!'s been awhile since stamps were that cheap! I hope when your hubby comes back you share some of his breathtaking photos with us! Enjoy your trip to North Carolina! I'm sure you two will have a splendid time together.

I adore your ornies, especially that snowman! And that red pin striped fabric! I'm a sucker for stripes, dots and checks!! Seeing your finishes is making me want to finish some of my stitching...hmm...


Patty C. said...

I hope you had a wonderful anniversary !!! I am so behind on my blogging ....
Your ornaments are just too cute !

Susan said...

You also may want to take time to go to Biltmore. Beautiful home and grounds. However, make reservations to stay ASAP. "Leaf lookers" as we call them here book early and hotels fill rapidly. Not sure what scale you're looking for but we stayed at a Comfort Inn there last summer when visiting Biltmore. It was decent. I'm not into spending a ton of money on hotels that I only sleep in. They just need to be clean, neat and in a safe area.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Once again you have tantalized my senses and dazzled me with your superb finishing skills, Your choice of linen color to stitch to your fabris to finish...perfection!

A very Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, sweet lady! May you enjoy many more happy, healthy years together!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Well, you DID catch up with the finishing as well! Beautiful!
Happy Anniversary
I know your belated trip to NC will be well worth the delay. It's so hard to predict when the leaves will be the best... since we've had such a hot summer, it may be a little lacking this year. Typically, mid October...

Martine said...

Happy weeding anniversary, my dear friend !!!!
Your Christmas ornaments are so lovely... and finished beautiful !!! I love them !
Have a great week-end, Carol !
Big Hugs !

Anonymous said...


Just found your lovely blog.
Happy anniversary, you both look so lovely in your wedding photo.
Your finished ornaments are beautiful!

Julie said...

Happy anniversary wishes to you and DH, just having a blog reading catch up so a little late in posting this week.
Let it Snow is wonderful, his crooked smile did make me smile too. Your finishes are so beautiful Carol, I am always pleased to come here to visit and admire your latest creations.

Natasha said...

I hope you have a wonderful anniversary celebration when your Hubby returns!

Happy Anniversary!

♥ Nia said...

Wow!! All beautiful finish as always :D Yeap, picking fabric and ribbons to finish is such a fun time :)
All your finishes look perfect but I have to say that the first one is my favorite hehehehe so cute and colorful! Love it!! :D But candy cande also looks amazing with those colors on a black background.. hummm.. why is it always so hard to pick a favorite in all your posts??? :p LOL

Happy anniversary sweetie!!! I wish you and your DH many many years of happiness together :D The best for your both!!

Lynn said...

Belated Happy Anniversary wishes to both you and your husband!! I hope you shared a wonderful day. I loved seeing all your memorabilia.
Your Christmas ornaments are sweet eye candy Carol! I love them all.

Kay said...

Your stitching is beautiful!!! Happy anniversary to you and your husband, I hope your day was a beautiful one.