It's a cool, dreary, rainy afternoon here in western Pennsylvania... The perfect kind of day for stitching, but before I settle down in my stitching chair, I thought I'd drop in and say "hello!" Our weather has gone from sunny, summer-like weather just five days ago to today's more typical late October/early November gloom. But, I have an upcoming visit with my grandson to look forward to, so that helps keep me going through all the sad news and events that the world is dealing with on a daily basis. It's been an extremely difficult and sad month, that's for sure...
But, how about a cute Halloween finish to bring a smile? This sweet design by Luminous Fiber Arts is called "All Hallows' Eve" and is stitched on 40 ct. raw natural Newcastle linen. I did make a few color changes--mainly to the moon. I wanted more of a golden moon so I used DMC 729 and 680. I also added a few leaves in the same 729 color (at the bottom of the design) to the charted orange ones.
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My finish of "All Hallows' Eve" by Luminous Fiber Arts |
I filled in the eyes of the bird and cat using DMC 729 and added gray (WDW Porpoise) and a bit of white to fill in the moon's eye. You can see the eyes better in the photo below.
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Isn't that mischievous black cat the cutest thing? |
That stack of grinning pumpkins just makes me smile! I am definitely in the "cute Halloween" camp--anything scary or gory is not my idea of fun. How about you? I know some of you don't stitch Halloween themed pieces at all and I've definitely slowed down since my dad passed away on Halloween in 2014, but I still like to stitch at least one design each October.
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These adorable cat scissors were a gift from a long-ago blogging friend. |
I framed the piece in a simple black frame found at Goodwill for only $2.00. Well, it didn't start out as black or as the right size for this design! My dear husband cut it down to fit perfectly and I painted it a matte black and there you have it. This will be a gift for my three-year-old grandson who loves both kitties and pumpkins and is so excited to be going trick-or-treating in just two days.
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I love it when I can find a thrift shop frame to use in my finishing. Thank you so much to my husband for resizing it for me! |
Here is a closer look at the frame. Notice our stunning Japanese maple with its leaves turning the most beautiful crimson color in the background outside the window.
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I'm almost caught up with the finishing on my ornaments for September, October, and November so I'll share those with you next time. I need to get busy and finish up some Christmas gifts and, perhaps, start a Christmas sampler next month. I feel like I'll have some extra time this year since we're not hosting Thanksgiving. I'll miss seeing our sons, but it's their year to spend Thanksgiving with their significant others' families.
I only had a few entries for the monthly kitty chart... I was surprised there were so few, but I know people just aren't reading blogs as much as they used to. My readership statistics are way down and it does make me question why I keep writing my blog. Of course, I love having a record of my work, but I can also do that in a private blog and not put myself out there for the world to see. I actually got a horrible comment on an older post last week that was just filled with the word "DIE" repeated in capital letters over and over. I mean, what's the point of that? Honestly, it hurts and things like that definitely have me questioning the future of Stitching Dreams...
Anyway, the winner of the kitty monthly chart is...
KATIE in Indiana!
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Katie--you are the winner of this cute chart! Please contact me with your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail this week. Hope you enjoy stitching these kitties! |
With a frost forecast in our area last week, I made sure to run out to the garden and cut some of the last remaining blooms. Just look at these gorgeous hydrangeas and pretty lavender colored dahlias. Not exactly the colors of fall, but I sure have enjoyed the brightness and cheer they brought into my home last week.
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My favorite flowers! |
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These pale lavender zinnias are so delightful! I photographed them looking down on my white kitchen counter and love the effect. |
My middle son found another old crock at Goodwill and surprised me with it when he visited a couple weeks ago. He gave me the large one on the left last year, the front middle one with the cow is from my mom, and his latest find is on the right. I love how they look grouped together holding some of my houseplants.
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My trio of crocks--all gifts! |
And here is one last photo to showcase the beauty of fall (which has now almost disappeared with the rain and wind we've had today!). I went out to retrieve the mail from our mailbox on Thursday and as I looked back toward the house, this was the sight... Isn't it a pretty scene with the fluffy fronds of the perennial grasses and the bright orange leaves adorning our maple tree?
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Home sweet home! |
It's hard to believe there are only two months left in 2023, isn't it? How I wish time would slow down. The older I get, the quicker the days pass and I often seem to have wasted the day away. Does anyone else do that? I honestly felt that I was much more productive when I worked! I really need to examine my usage of time--maybe 2024 will be the year to remedy that. Thank you so much for your visit today--I truly hope November is a kinder month for all. Bye for now...
Your home is beautiful -- such a good representation of the lovely houses in your part of the country. Traditional, lots of flora and fauna. I lived in Northern Virginia 1984 - 1988.
I enjoy the many shades of orange floss used in Autumn pumpkins and such. Your stitching is always PERFECT!
You have a gorgeous house in a beautiful setting Carol❤️
Great Halloween finish and the frame is just perfect for it, I never seem to get lucky in our charity shops, (what you call good will shops) for frames, all there seems to be are plastic ones.
Turned cooler here too although we have had a couple of bright days over the weekend which I took advantage of to clear leaves.
I understand you questioning the reasons to keep blogging, I feel the same, It's lovely when someone stops by and leaves a comment on a post, feels like it was worth the effort of writing a post and uploading photos. I do hope you don't give up blogging though, I know we have never met, and probably never will but I feel as if I know you a little though our blogs and love of stitching. Perhaps one of these days blogging will be something people come back to :-)
Hope you have a great November x
Lovely Halloween Finish! It did make me smile. Beautiful pictures - Fall is the best, is it not? I missing your post with the Kitty chart giveaway - congrats to the winner. I am a newer reader to your blog! Happy Fall!
I seem to be having trouble leaving a comment but I'll try it again! Please don't stop blogging, Carol! Try to turn on the comment moderator. That's what I do and I have it set for 7 or 8 days after I've posted. You'll be very busy publishing the many comments you receive but at least you can weed out the spam and bad stuff. It's gotten chilly here and I finally had to turn on the heater this morning. Your Halloween piece is very cute! Three years of age is a great time to trick or treat! Mr B will have fun but I always thought parents and gparents had more fun watching the kids have fun! Take care Carol!
I so enjoy your blog..please don't stop! You present your stitching so beautifully and I like reading books much more than instagram.
I so enjoy your blog..please don't stop! You present your stitching so beautifully and I like reading blogs much more than instagram.
The picture of your home is beautiful. The maple is showing off right now. I love all of your plants and I know those hydrangeas are a bright spot of color on a cloudy day. I just can't get them to grow in my yard. They grow down here, but for some reason I don't have a spot where they are happy. They are one of my favorite flowers. My great grandparents' home had lots of blue ones way back in the day.
That stitch is so cute. The black cat is perfect in it.
I hope you don't give up the blog because it is so much more personal that just old Instagram, but I know how you feel. I wonder all the time if I have time to keep it up myself. I would miss you terribly though!
I very much enjoy reading your blog posts. Your house (& stitching) is lovely. Hydragnea are also one of my favourites. It's Spring here and after a wet and cool start we're finally having some warmer and sunny days. The hygrangea are finally full of leaf. (I do worry each year that I've overdone the pruning). I haven't come across lavender Dahlia before. Unfortunately in this part of the world we can be a bit limited in plant varities and stitchy supplies :-(.
Thanks again for your delighful blog. Ignore the poisonous few out there and remember you have a fan base.
Lovely Halloween finish ! Saluti dall' Italia.
Hello, oh what a beautiful home. Happiness is living there.
Your Halloween stitching is lovely and the frame suits perfect. I am sure your little grandson will have a lot of fun when he tricks and treats. Wish him all the best and a bucket full of sweets.
Dear Carol, please do't stop blogging. It is always a great pleasure for me to read your post and admire your wonderful stitching.
Those who write bad comments are jealous and unhappy. Erase these comments. You have a lot of fans who are behind you.
Fall has arrived and the warm sunny days are over. November is not my month.
Wish you all the best and send warm greetings.
Big hugs,
I like your cute Halloween design, I prefer it that way to being so scary. The frame fits perfectly, how good that your husband was able to adjust it.
Oh that's annoying, I delete all spam comments straight away and report them too, something like that is outrageous and insulting. You write such a beautiful blog and I would miss you very much.
Here in Germany, many people gave up their blogs when the new data protection regulations came into force, and with social media like Instagram, many people also closed their blogs and then post there. This is a pity.
How pretty the three pots look together. I also have the plant in the right pot and it has blossom after blossom, there must have been around 20 of them, and it keeps getting new ones.
A very beautiful property that now shines in great colors.
Happy Halloween,
Love your pumpkin stitch so cute .
Your home is so beautiful , love the garden.
Don't give up because of one person, who cares what they think, they need to look inside themselves .
You should be able to report them .
Don't let people spoil our fun.
The world is a sad place right now, we need more love in the world.
Hugs June.
I love reading your blog, seeing your beautiful stitching and the lovely photos you post. But I read it through a feed and so I don’t usually comment and I have no idea if I show up in your stats. So please don’t feel that your efforts are not appreciated, because they very much are. As for random idiots posting nonsense…..well there is never any shortage of stupid in the world…..sigh.
Take care
I look forward to each of your blog posts and I'd miss them very much if you were to stop. Your stitching and finishing work are gorgeous as is your home. Thank you for sharing and posting your thoughts, your photos and your creativity. You inspire me. Naomi
What a lovely Halloween stitch! I do so love this time of year when things are starting to get cosy :-)
I understand what you mean about people not reading blogs any more. I’ve not written in mine for a couple of years, things just got very busy, but I dug it out the other night when I couldn’t sleep and I’m hoping to get back to it again.
What a cute finish! It looks great in the black frame.
I like Halloween stitching, but not the dark, creepy things.
Your flowers are gorgeous, enjoy them.
You can dry the hydrangeas & put them in a vase also.
I love all of your crocks, especially the with the Cow.
Your house is so pretty.
Oh, that's a horrible comment, why would anyone say that!
Your posts are nothing buy pretty.
I DO hope you continue blogging. I love to read blogs, especially yours, & I love seeing your Christmas tree with all of the gorgeous ornaments.
Yes, the months are flying by, especially October!
Take care.
Greetings Carol: Your Halloween design is lovely how sweet your husband sized the frame, that is a lovely idea, I am a thrift store hunter, i like looking at the frames for my stitching.
Time is flying by, I too wish it would slow down.
I do stitch fall just not Halloween, but this design is a hoot, the bush in your yard is stunning, love the color.
I think readership is down for many, I think many people are very busy.
The flowers are beautiful, you have such a sweet son to find the crocks for you.
Your yard is lovely.
Have a great week
Good morning Carol,
I visited your blog for the first time this morning as I was starting to enjoy my hot chocolate on the first late fall weather day we have had. It is delightful, informative, cosy, and informational. What's not to love?
Years ago when I was younger and had good eyesight I did some stitching, but time sort of took care of the fine stuff. Recently, 9about a week ago) I had the greatest urge to try it once morn, so I am attempting a small Christmas train on a 16 ct evenweave . It is tough going, but I love to see it grow, even if it is only a dozen or so stitches a day. Do you have a magnifier of some sort to do this very fine work you have shown today?
If I can offer a bit of advice from a friend,(me) ignore the negatives, grow with the positives, and let the rest float away. You have a wonderful gift, that you enjoy and so do others.
I signed up to follow your blog posts today. Hope you have a great day
I so enjoy all your cross stitching and your blog!
Hello. Please don't let one crackpot stop you from sending us these beautiful, beautiful pictures. Your work is exquisite and I'm sure it must give you a great deal of satisfaction. Hang in there and keep it coming.
Hi, /Carol! I'm a Carole too. Please don't stop blogging, cause I've tried several times to write you, but I'm so very old school & computer illiterate. But maybe this will be the first time I get through. I also live in western PA. I live in the Pittsburgh suburbs. Where are you close to? I'm going to stop now in case this is another time my message doesn't go through. Take care, Carole My email is
Great Halloween piece, so cute. Your husband did a great job cutting the frame down
Your home is lovely.your blog is lovely, I enjoy reading it and seeing your beautiful stitching.
Hope your November is good to you as well.
Have a great day.
Thank You.
Darlene N
I love reading your blog but mostly read in my email so probably don't show up in your blog stats.
I didn't enter to win the kitties because I actually have this as a magazine pattern in my collection. I have only stitched the December kitty but they are adorable.
Always love seeing your cross stitch, finishes and hearing about your life!
The Halloween piece for Mr. B is adorable. I would be in Camp Cute if I stitched Halloween. The picture you shared of your house is a beauty, Carol. What a lovely view you have! The horrible comment could have been left by a Bot, but that doesn't excuse the nastiness. I am glad you continue to blog. Time passes by so quickly these days. Some days, I just want to hit the pause button. Have a good week!
Anch'io vado al mercato dell'usato e trovo spesso cose carine per la casa, è bello acquistare oggetti che hanno una storia e fonderla con la nostra. Adoro il tuo ricamo di Halloween, e la tua casa è bellissima con i colori dell'autunno
I want your house Carol, it's so beautiful!
The small number of hits I get on my blog come mostly from Pinterest I think and I only have three people who regularly comment on there, so like you I wonder why I bother. I just find it good for tracking what I've done and when I did it, so I'll keep on blogging, even if no one reads it!
I love your Halloween stitching, there's no doubt that Misty comes up with some really cute designs and that frame was made for it. What a lucky find!
Happy Stitching. Sue x
I do read, but I'm one who doesn't comment on blogs often. I'm trying to do better.
It's fine to question whether to keep on or not, but don't let the jerk win and run you off blogging. Yes, you could take the blog private but it would be the same amount of work with zero chance of interacting with readers.
As to the few entries, hard to say on that. It could be wanting to let others who might actually stitch it win (my most common reason), not to your readers' taste, already have it, overwhelmed with the number of charts they already have, got busy and didn't get back to sign up in time, don't want to do the "follow" thing, etc. There are probably other reasons, but those are ones I have had for not signing up for give-aways. And there have been others posting about having problems leaving comments on other people's blogs lately.
Nice finish for the All Hallows' Eve"! Just in time for the day.
Always love your stitching and your photos! Please don't give up your blog. Yours by far is the BEST & your stitching is glorious. Don't let the RUDE people get you down. The rest of us all love you.
Because of you I've gotten my mojo back for stitching.....
Why my post came up as anonymous is beyond me! My name is Christine and I'm in Florida
I do hope you keep blogging. I love seeing your cross stitch projects and especially your finishes! I have a lunch box full of projects that I need to fully finish. I have FFOd exactly one.
I am enjoying your pictures of autumn. We don't really have autumn where I live but today we dropped to 50 so I am just enjoying that!
I'll try to post more comments so you will know how much I appreciate your blog.
I just love that little Halloween piece! Your home looks so beautiful in the Fall. Very picturesque indeed! You are so lucky that your husband is handy and can cut down thrift frames for you! I spend a fortune having my pieces either fully finished or framed! Please continue to share your wonderful blog with us. I look forward to reading them ❤️
Carol, do not let that rude commenter dissuade you from blogging. I look forward to each of your blog entries. I don’t know why anyone would be hateful to a stranger online. It’s easy to say, but you should just brush off such anger and maybe say a prayer for such an unhappy soul. I so enjoy seeing what you stitch and how you finish it. I love crossstitch, even when I have to take out a whole leaf that I spent a day stitching, only to see that I’d put it in the wrong place!!!!! Gr-r-r-r-r. I must be more careful in reading the pattern. I hope that visit with your grandson is all you hope for. I look forward to your next visit!!!!
Nancy O. here; I’m not an experienced commenter—hence the “Anonymous” designation—but I agree that it was most likely a dark-web Bot, maliciously designed to sow bad feeling and divisiveness among Americans in any and every way possible. So terribly unfortunate that the refuge of our stitching and shared fellow-feeling for creating beauty with our needles should not be safe from such hatefulness! (For pity’s sake—I ask you..🙄🙄🙄)
Let’s not be taken in or disheartened, but keep on expressing ourselves with needle and thread and sharing our love of creativity. And please know, Carole, that your loyal following is lifting you—and each other—up in happy and admiring thoughts, even if we’re often quiet about it!!🥰🦋😋
Your beautiful picture of your home and fall colored maple reminds me of autumn in my home state of Wisconsin. I miss the color changes of the fall most of all. Texas just fades from one season to the next. This year it seems we went straight from summer 90° days to a chill 38° this morning. I too marble at my wasted time. I’ll intend to look at Instagram, to catch up with my favorite stitchers, only to realize 2 hours have passed! So, I’m off to get finishing supplies for my 3 finished ornaments.
I just realized my comment says anonymous. One more thing to check out. I wanted to also tell you to continue with your blog. I love reading it and would sorely miss seeing all your ornaments on your beautiful tree each year. Rita Heindel
I love your blog and reading about your family and seeing all of your projects❤️ I hope that you can continue, you inspire me to find time to stitch, which is difficult since I take care of my elderly mother and aunt. Like you said the days seem to vanish in a second and I feel like I get nothing accomplished 😞 I’m still trying to figure out how to enter your give always, maybe I’ll be able to one day!
Take care and have a wonderful day!
You have a wonderful house in a dream environment, Carol!!
I love your Halloween embroidery and how well it is framed. Your grandson will love it!
Have a happy week
Bonsoir Carole ,,,
Bravo pour cette jolie broderie ,,, La finition est top ,,, j'aime ,,,
Encore bravo ,,,
Vous avez une très belle maison ,,,
La mure brode
Another person who loves your blog and hopes you continue!
Such a beautiful house! I so love all the outdoors you have around you. I live in a city so around me is lots of houses, streets, and automobiles. I love reading your blog and seeing the stitching you've done. Keeping up the great and wonderful work in both your stitching and blogging.
Depuis la semaine passée le temps est frais, il y a du vent et de la pluie... L'automne est donc bien là. Les feuilles des arbres commencent à prendre leurs couleurs automnales, il faudra bientôt les ramasser dans le jardin. Ces journées tristes, je ne les aime pas, comme vous.. En plus vu les actualités dans le monde cela rajoute encore plus de gris...
Ce tableau All Hallows' Eve est magnifique et la finition parfaite. J'ai comme vous beaucoup de cadre en stock que je recoupe aux bonnes dimensions et où j'applique la peinture qui conviendra le mieux. Bravo pour cette réalisation, Mr B sera ravie. J'aime les chats noirs, nous en avons 2 à la maison, ils sont adorables.
Votre maison est ravissante, c'est un style que j'apprécie énormément. En France, nous nos maisons sont tout a fait différentes. Bien sûr j'aime la mienne, mais si j'avais le choix j'en voudrais bien une comme la vôtre, avec beaucoup de terrain autour. J'aime avoir de l'espace...
Bravo pour la gagnante Katie, qui va se régaler en brodant ces chats.
Je comprends votre opinion sur le fait de poursuivre votre blog ou pas. Nous passons du temps à faire les articles et mettre les photos. Un blog vit au travers des visites et surtout des commentaires laissés. Voilà pourquoi je n'ai toujours pas réussi à me motiver pour reprendre le chemin vers le mien, à "l'abandon" depuis 1 an 1/2. J'ai soumis les commentaires au-delà de 7 jours après la parution d'un article à l'approbation. Ainsi cela permet de filtrer les méchancetés et les spams. Je ne comprends pourquoi écrire des choses mauvaises, si le contenu ne plaît pas on passe son chemin et puis c'est tout.... Je ne comprendrais jamais ce genre de comportement. Toujours est-il que j'espère de tout cœur que vous continuerez à publier.
Joyeux Halloween.
Amitiés de France,
Hi Carol. I'm old school and hope you will continue your blog. Love your cross stitch, pictures and the written words. Sharing your life means so much to your readers.
Central Arkansas is just now getting colder weather so today I gave my stove a workout... zucchini bread, party mix and chili in the crockpot for tomorrow.
Take care.
Same here : I love your blog! Please don’t stop. Greetings from Belgium.
Hi Carol - just as everyone one else has said in these Comments, we all love your blog so much and all the amazing and beautiful things you share with us. You truly are a very talented and creative stitcher and so generous to share so much with everyone. I believe all of us consider ourselves to be very lucky that we know you and get to be inspired by your generosity. I’m sure that we all hope you will continue writing this very special blog.
I hope your Halloween visit with Mr. B is just so much fun and that maybe you will be able to share a picture or two of him “trick -or-treating”. Isn’t that fun what it’s all about?
All the very best to you and your family!
Barb R. 🎃 ❤️
I so look forward to your blog and enjoy reading about your family and all the beautiful stitching you share. .
You inspire me with your beautiful completed pieces and enjoy being your stitching friend. PLEASE continue to blog and share your love of cross stitch. You do so much good!!!!!
Please don't stop your blogging. I really enjoy it very much seeing the other side of the world and your stitching of course. It draws me into a stitching community that is not really available in Australia Regards Robyn
Hi Carol, I’ve been “lurking” in the background for years, before you retired! I may have commented a time or two. But, I look forward to your blog posts and your beautiful stitching. We stitch many of the same pieces....Brenda Gervais, Prairie Schooler, etc. and I love to see how you finish them. Always perfection! I have a son and daughter about the same age as your boys. I have 2 grandsons, both 2, as both of my kids had boys a few months apart. It’s been so much fun! I hope you don’t let a rude, mean person get you down as it’s obvious you have lots of readers out here that look forward to each post. I agree about time flying. I don’t know where the year has gone, especially the last 2 months. I feel like I’m on a train and would like to jump off some days, just to slow things down. I look forward to your next post. Cherie in WI
Hi Carol, I always read you blog like many others but rarely comment.
I know it can seem onerous and not worth the effort and time but you give your readers "eye candy" and inspiration. Your followers would hate to see you give it up, so please don't.
Although Halloween is not a big deal here, we do have treats for the callers. Yes, I have stitched Halloween decorations for the last 10 years and now have a nice display on my treadle sewing machine.
It is getting warmer here in Australia and the fire season has started early. Luckily for us, the Blue Mountains have not been troubled yet.
Hi Carol, I truly enjoy and appreciate your blog. I’m not a blogger and I only follow you and one other fellow stitcher. I feel compelled to comment because hope that my input, along with all the other followers who enjoy your posts, encourages you to keep on posting. I have been inspired to search for some of your stitched designs to stitch myself. By the way, I’m from Ohio, so we share the same weather. We are so fortunate to experience the changing seasons. This time of year is so beautiful, but I’m sort of partial because October is my birthday month. Have a wonderful visit with your grandson, I will be seeing my grandson on Halloween, too. Please remember that you are appreciated! Sincerely, Gail L.
Such a fun design. Please do continue with your blog, I always look forward to reading it, especially seeing your Christmas stitching. I have to say that perhaps not everyone is seeing the posts. I follow with Bloglovin’ and some days I don’t get an email from them with a roundup of posts published that day, sometimes it only sends me a selection of posts. I discovered this particular post on the sidebar of another blog, it also showed me a post by another blogger who I follow which hadn’t come up in the email too. Even if I go to my homepage on Bloglovin’ not everything is listed. X
Carol I very much look forward to your blog each month and enjoy seeing what you have been working on. You are an inspiration to all. It would sadden me greatly if you were to discontinue with your blog. Your home and garden are beautiful and the colours of autumn make my heart happy.
Hi Carol, I do enjoy your blog very much and always read it. I always intend to answer your question or make a comment, but if I don't do it immediately, yes, something else jumps in the way and before I know it, you have another lovely post. I do have to get better at it.
I love the piece you stitched for your grandson, and what a special memory from you that he can cherish always. I think I said on your instagram post, that I am not a creep crawly kind of Halloween person at all. I like the cute halloween characters and the chocolate too! In about 90 minutes it will be trick or treating in my town ,and last year I only had 19 children, so it will be interesting to see who comes.
Like you we had a few gorgeous and mild days, and even with a muted foliage display this year, it was all so pretty. I did the same thing last week, took a picture of my house looking back from the mailbox to send to my children to remind them of home and all the beautiful fall's we had over the years.
I hope you are well, have a good November, and enjoy some cozy stitching time too.
Kathy from New Hampshire :)
Carol, I love reading your blog and writing style and hope you keep it going. I know we have had this discussion before about ending our blogs, but it is a great way to keep track of our projects. I know how much time it takes to gather photos, plan your thoughts, put it all together and post, reply to comments etc.. Whatever your decision, I will support you and hope we'd keep in touch.
Your piece for your grandson is adorable!
Please don't quit blogging. I so enjoy your stitching and especially the way you finish them. I am also a big fan of Prairie Schooler designs. It snowed here this morning. Seems too early for that. Keep stitching and don't stop letting us know what you are doing.
Marge B.
Good morning, Carol. Your newest Halloween finish is absolutely adorable. Those smiling jacks certainly are precious. I hope you know that you are loved and appreciated by so many. You are a great inspiration. I think I have told you before but it was because of you and your lovely blog that I got back into cross stitching. Sending you hugs and blessings.
Hi Carol. I really hope you continue to blog, I do not participate in social media and check often for your new posts. Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful stitching and of course the finishing.
Hello Carol,
your newest Halloween finish is so beautiful. I like the happy pumpkins. I don't like the scary faces. I think you grandson will love it.
I like reading you blogpost. You inspire me everytime with your finishes.
A great autumn photo from your house and garden.
Hope you had a wonderful Halloween night.
Enjoy the day, Manuela
Always beautiful pictures !! Autumn is my favorite stitching period. So thank you so much for sharing of your passion. It is real pleasure so read you.
Isa from France
Hello Carol!
Thought I needed to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog…so Please don’t stop!! I so look forward to seeing it appear in my mail. It’s refreshing to read and boosts my day. Sometimes it even encourages me to get to working on my cross stitch projects so I can display them like you do! Your finishes are always so beautiful. You know, some people just don’t know how to be nice. I had that happen to me on facebook. It hurt and upset me for days. I knew that I had to put it aside cuz really it’s their problem, not anything to do with you!! So keep smiling that beautiful smile of yours and keep being the sweet person you are! I know that I’m not speaking for myself when I say that I’m looking forward to your next post and everything you have to share with all the rest of your followers. Have a Beautiful day friend!❤️
Your home looks lovely Carol, like a scene on a calendar! I do hope you decide to continue your blog as I would miss it so much. I love seeing your stitching and also the parts of your family life you share with us!
Best Wishes x
I checked and my stats are way down also. Who knows if the googlers at google have changed analytics or something. Sorry about the nasty. We were just talking today about the number of videos showing ballistic and violent reactions believing they are persecuted or harassed. Quite a few receive nasty comments on videos and IG and FB and blogs. Please don't take it personally.
Hello, dear Carol,
your Halloween stitchery is so funny and pretty, if the cat jumps on the pumpkin they might all fall to the ground with a loud crash. ;-)
I really enjoy reading your blog, your creativity inspires me.
Congratulations to the winner of the pretty cat pattern, I don't want me to win because then you have to pay the expensive postage to Germany.
I wish you a nice weekend, thank you for your last comment, see you soon, Jutta
What a lovely finish, I love the grinning pumpkins! I am definitely in the "cute" camp too. :-)
Please keep posting and ignore (and delete!) the nasty comments. I always look forward to reading about your stitching and seeing your seasonal decor, even if leaving comments on Blogger is difficult lately.
Wishing you a great November!
I just love the pumpkins in your newest finish! They are so adorable looking and I often wonder why they are associated with the scariness of Halloween.
Your home is gorgeous Carol. I would love to just sit on your porch with a nice cup of coffee or cocoa and the silence of the morning or maybe a book. It is evident how much pride you take in your home. I bet it is really beautiful when all the fall colors come out and frame the house.
The crocks look great together, like they belong together.
It seems as though bloggers are dwindling away everyday but I do hope that the ugly message won't make you quit blogging. People are mean and do things like that for no good reason. Please just ignore it.
Congrats Katie on the win!!
What a great finish, I love the cute pumpkins! I am also firmly in team 'cute Halloween' - a little spooky is okay, but I rarely do scary, and never gory.
I hope you are not too disheartened by the lack of participation in your gife aways - personally, I always try to answer the questions, but only enter the draw when it's something I can see myself stitching. If I just think it's nice but am not sure I'd actually get around to it, I try to leave if for others who really love it!
I agree about the year going by so fast...I always try to make the most of my days, but have to keep remindung myself to cut some of the less productive parts short sometimes. Endless doomscrolling on instagram is a regular culprit!
Just wanted to drop you a note to say how much I’m enjoying your blog. I just recently found it after googling 10 best cross stitch blogs. I’m sad the world has a few bad apples in it like the person who left you the DIE comment but please know there are many of us out here who really enjoy reading your posts and seeing your cross stitch work. You’ve inspired me so far and I know I will continue coming back to this blog and digging into the archives for more inspiration. I live in Missoula, Montana and haven’t found any stitchy buddies yet so having blogs like yours gives me just the sense of community and sharing I need. Thanks for all you give of yourself. Have a great week! - Julie
Ditto to all the above comments. You inspire me and have been so kind as to help me find a pattern. Your work is so beautiful and so beautifully finished. Thank you for sharing with us all.
What a cute Halloween stitch and such a special present for your grandson. That black cat almost comes to life off the linen. Your flowers and fall colors are lovely, I so enjoy the beauty of the leaves this time of year - just a few trees holding on to theirs here after the cold snap last week. Thanks for continuing to share with us, I always like the additional content I read on your blog (even if it takes me a while to get to the post) and so sorry for that awful comment. There are some mean people behind their screens for sure. Hope you have a great week Carol. I am off on this Monday and am going to enjoy the morning finishing up several projects that are close to finished.
Oh Carol my heart just hurts to hear that someone sent such a horrible message to you. I just look forward to every blog post from you. Not just because I won this giveaway either haha. Seriously I would miss you. I'm not the only one either. It takes me a long time of scrolling to get to where I can comment. You have so many people who just love your blog. Please Please don't stop.
I just love your Halloween finish. Glad hubby was able to fix the frame because now it's perfect. I just got an invite to my Grandmother's for Thanksgiving and I'm very happy. I would never invite myself over of course. So I'm glad she started it haha. Now to look forward to eating ourselves miserable.
When you find the cure for time please let me know. I'm only 44 and lately have been feeling really old and like Wow where has my life gone. I live everyday like it could be my last though so I will continue to do just that.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. Just another lovely post that I enjoy reading. Hope November brings you happiness and reassurance to continue blogging.
Hello Carol, Crossing my fingers I can post this, as lately I’ve had problems posting on blogger like other stitchers.
Please don’t let this crumb steal your joy of blogging. We All appreciate you so much!!
Love the pumpkin stitch, and I’m definitely in the cute camp with Halloween. Mr. B will have a beautiful keepsake from his Nonna.
Your home looks lovely with the fall colors, and your flowers are so pretty!
Oh Carol don’t stop blogging -I so look forward to your beautiful stitches, your yearly ornament parade and seeing your beautiful finishes
Hello Carol, surtout n’arrêtez pas votre blog. Je vous suis depuis des années et je prends toujours beaucoup de plaisir à vous lire. J’apprécie énormément vos ouvrages et j’ai l’impression de vous connaître en parcourant vos spots. Votre maison est superbe. J’aime beaucoup ce style d’architecture. Je suis une fan d’Halloween. Cette réalisation est joliment mise en valeur. Amitiés de France. Claudine (
Your post exudes brilliance! Insightful, well-articulated, and a true gem. Thanks for sharing your valuable perspective.
Another great post from you. You have some great Goodwill finds. I especially love the sentiment of the crocks and thoughtfulness of you son spotting them for you. I have always enjoyed seeing your blog posts and I too have wondered if I should continue to post. I also think of my blog as my diary, a place to look back and reminisce like we used to look at photos albums with our parents. I love your happy little Halloween finish. As far as the nasty comment - which is definitely nasty and uncalled for - I mean why say anything. I don’t know what motivates some people to be so mean spirited. You do you and please continue with your beautiful, insightful, well spoken posts. Robin in NJ
Please don't stop blogging! I don't get around to reading them very often, as you can see, but I thoroughly enjoy them when I do. It seems like I'm having a cup of coffee with you and admiring your beautiful stitching. Ignore the naysayers.
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