One quarter of the year 2023 is already over?! Can you believe it? I hope April finds you all doing well... It's been quite a year for wild weather so far, hasn't it? Even here in normally calm western Pennsylvania we've experienced some of those crazy high wind storms that have swept across the United States. My heart breaks when I see the television coverage of the remains of communities hit by the tornadoes. All those memories and possessions just obliterated... I can't imagine and, to tell you the truth, would be (very) scared to live in a state where tornadoes are common. How many of you have experienced a tornado?
My stitching has been a calming force in my life with the many worries whirling around in the outside world. I know all of you stitchers can relate! As soon as I settle into my comfy blue stitching chair and pick up my latest project, I can feel the anxiety slowly seeping out of me. I can't imagine life without some sort of "escape" whether it be reading, taking a hike in nature, riding a bike, knitting, quilting, painting, photography. It's such a blessing to have those passions to turn to, isn't it?
My first finish is by one of my very favorite designers, Brenda Gervais at "With Thy Needle and Thread." It is called "Welcome Spring" and is stitched on 40 ct. flax Newcastle with overdyed and DMC threads. I actually stitched the eggs with one shade of blue and ended up ripping them out and re-stitching them with Dinky Dyes "Aquamarine" silk. I wanted the color to be a bit more like our robin's eggs (although our robin's eggs do not have brown spots!).
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"Welcome Spring" by With Thy Needle and Thread |
I can't even tell you how many times I went back and forth on how to finish this one! I definitely was suffering from a case of "analysis paralysis" here... Originally, I had planned to frame it, but after many debates within my head, I went for a sweet pillow finish. I do love my pillow finishes and they are incredibly easy to display on a shelf or in a basket or bowl.
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A sweet new pillow for my spring displays! |
The aqua and white checked fabric is used as the backing and I bordered the pillow with cording made from DMC 598--a simple finish for a detailed design. Here is a close-up of the little blue bell and thread bow that I added to the sheep's neck. I just happened to have the perfect blue bell in my stash and I made the ribbon from the same overdyed thread I used for the sheep's collar.
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Look how darling the little bow and bell are! And that satin stitched ear... ♥ |
My other finish is my March ornament for the #12in23ornamentstitchalong over on Instagram. It will look familiar to many of you as this is the third and final Prairie Schooler angel and I finished each one the same way. The "Angel of Plenty" is stitched 'over one' on 28 ct. black Monaco with the suggested threads. I did alter the lines in her face to make her look a bit less severe. Don't you love the beautiful lacy pattern in her wings? And, of course, I liked the touch of blue (grapes? blueberries?) falling from her cornucopia.
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My final Prairie Schooler angel is finished! |
Here are all three together--do you have a favorite? I like the one with the red flower--I just think those colors appeal to me the most. And her halo--oh, my! So lovely! I think the pale yellow trim and ribbon add an unexpected, but charming, touch. It's wonderful to have the trio completed and I look forward to hanging them together on my Christmas tree in December.
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Do you have a favorite of the trio? |
I've moved on to stitching a larger summer-themed piece and I'm loving it! I have very few true summer finishes in my collection--most of my summer pieces are patriotic themed. So this is a nice change and one I hope to finish before summer actually starts in June.
My mailbox was full of gifts and stitchy goodies over the past few weeks! These came from Gabi and Martina in Germany, Charlene in Arizona, and Pat in Wisconsin. I was truly touched by their generosity and each of them taking the time to send me such thoughtful gifts. ♥Thank you all so very much!♥
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Two sweet handmade cards hopped over from Germany. The stitched bunny came from Gabi and the crocheted bunny from Martina. Aren't they adorable? Thank you both so much, Gabi and Martina! |
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From my friend, Charlene, came a plethora of card blanks--I think I'm supplied for many years! And she included this cute ornament book which has many sweet ideas. Thank you so much, Charlene! |
Giveaway time... I found this lovely chart in an old magazine called "Celebrations" (from Spring 1993) that I thought would make a perfect giveaway for Easter. It is the "John 3:16 Sampler." Would anyone like to stitch it? If so, please follow the guidelines below. (I will be folding the pages and mailing them in a legal-sized envelope to save money on shipping). I'll announce the winner on my next blog post later this month.
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I'm giving away this "John 3:16 Sampler" chart. To enter the giveaway, just follow the guidelines below... |
To be included in the drawing for this chart, please...
1) Specifically mention that you would like to win the chart in your comment
2) Be a follower in my blog's sidebar (to the right)
3) Make sure to leave your email address in your comment
4) Answer the "Getting to Know You" question below.
I'll leave you with this sweet Easter postcard which is now over 100 years old! It belonged to my husband's grandfather and was sent to him in the year 1915. It is part of a collection of vintage postcards that I happened to bring back from my husband's family house in Naples, Florida. Yes, the same house that was flooded in September by Hurricane Ian. Thankfully, I had brought these postcards home on a previous trip--I'm so glad they were spared! Anyway, I wish you a Happy Easter and a wonderful April! Thank you for visiting me today and, as always, thank you for your kind comments and friendship. Bye for now...
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Hopping in with an Easter wish--may your Easter weekend be filled with many blessings (and perhaps a chocolate bunny or two)! |
Carol, your Welcome Spring is so sweet and finished perfectly with that aqua checked fabric. You really have a great eye for color!
Your angels are magnificent on the black...I think I like the one holding the red flower best too!
Your gifts are perfect for you....aren't stitchy friends the best?
My tastes have definitely changed over the years; I am a very eclectic stitcher but shy away from 'cutesy'!
I hope you have a nice Easter and get to visit your grandson soon!
Lovely stitching, and finishing, as always :-) I do love the Welcome Spring piece, I'll have to look out for that one. When I started stitching it was all flowers, teddies and cottages. Here in the UK we couldn't get much of anything else, I used to buy loads of magazines and they were full of those sorts of designs, English cross stitch is still stuck in a different era i think, lol. Like you I've never been drawn to Mirabilia or the Nora Corbet type designs but can appreciate the work that goes into them. I do like samplers and have always been drawn to folk arty type designs, (I love my Carriage House girls). It took me a while to appreciate PS but now I love them, so yes I think my tastes have changed a little.
No big plans for Easter here either, everyone will be doing their own thing, I might steal your idea for Sunday lunch :-)
Glad your hubby is doing well, can't be easy to rest for so long.
Have a lovely Easter x
Good Morning Carol! Welcome Spring is just precious! The angels are wonderful. I stitched country in the '80's like you also. ;) Thank you for the recipe. I will give that a try. We eat many vegan recipes with our long fasts. I love mushrooms. ;) Happy Blessed Easter to you my friend!
Lovely pieces you’ve created these past few weeks, Care! Enjoy the Shepard’s pie!
Hello Carol, that is such a lovely Welcome Spring pillow and i love the colours you've used. Perfectly finished as well as the angels ornaments. ❤️love them all.
Same here, my taste had change too over the years. 20 years ago i had stitched i think mostly something Teddy bears due to luck of items available to order or buy.
Easter for me is a work weekend being my work in Hotel/restaurant..Have a Happy Easter❤️
O Carol, today's blog is just chock full of beautiful workmanship and great
ideas. Your Springtime finish is so lovely and who could top those Angel
ornaments... Just love the scripture message and muted colors of the sampler.
Hope Hubby is coming along well... A blessed Easter to you both and to all.
Welcome Spring is so sweet and, of course, your finishing techniques are so precise and lovely. The little blue bell is perfect. Spring maybe here according to the calendar, but my yard is covered in snow once again. Yes, my stitching choices have changed too. There are so many beautiful choices now. Love the 3 angel ornaments Happy Easter.
Hi Carol, and happy Spring! Although here in central Florida, it is beginning to feel like summer - 92* today. I LOVE the John 3:16 stitched verse -I'd be such a happy recipient! Fingers crossed. I worked in a needle and frame shop "a million years" ago - (aka the '80's), so remember well the country geese, colors, etc... although most of those never made it into my collection. I was always a Prairie Schooler / Cricket Collection kind of gal. And I still am - and love the angels! I agree - the one with the red blossom is beautiful. Have a wonderful Easter.
Hi Carol!
Happy Spring to you. I like all three of your angels. I think I like the post card best! I’m so glad it survived. The sentiment is so sweet.
Happy Easter,
My goodness, that little pillow is beautiful. You made a great choice. The little bell is just the right touch to seal the deal. The angels are pretty too and yes, my tastes have changed over the years and sometimes I am sure they are still evolving.
I have not personally experienced a bad tornado, but I have seen firsthand the devastation they left behind. When we had a lake house outside of Auburn, the big one that went across Alabama back when it hit the other university across the state hit there and it was just awful. Later that year, there was a tornado in Auburn and the sirens were going off. I was on the phone with my daughter through the time. She was crying. I was praying. Very scary. Fortunately it didn't touch down. I do remember hearing one across the street from us during Hurricane Frederic in 1979. The sound is indeed like a freight train coming. We all hit the hallway at the same time and you feel a great pressure as well. Not fun at all.
Brenda's new pattern is adorable. It like it very much. And that you chose this finish was very good, it's just great and looks great in your decoration.
You also did a great job with the finish of your last angel. they are all three beautiful but I think the first one with the flower would be my favorite.
Oh yes, the project bags are great, beautiful fabrics are used. I like such bags very much, you can store everything for a project beautifully in them.
Oh yes, my taste for embroidery has changed in the last 10 years, at first I really liked the European designers, now I like the American ones best, like Prairie Schooler, Blackbird Design and Brenda Gervais. But LHN and CCN have also been my favorites for a long time. And I also like designs that have an old or classic character.
We will celebrate Easter quietly, visit my father-in-law and enjoy the day with him.
I wish you a nice time, until next time,
Hugs, Martina
Love your new stitch Carol , how cute and I love his little bell.
Also love the Angel stitch , the three are beautiful and I love the lemon ribbon too.
We are also having Easter at home , the weather should be good.
Lovely cards and gifts to a lovely lady to.
I stitch alot of pretty designs, love pinks and blues and soft colours the best but I do change all the time , I love charts with little girls and bunnies so really cute designs .Also flowers , Easter and Christmas ones .
Enjoy your Easter hugs June.
This year is going by way too fast!
I loved your Easter embroideries and cornucopia, Carol.
In Seville we live Holy Week very intensely with our processions and cults, since it is the great religious festival of the city.
I would like to participate in the raffle. At first I liked to embroider flowers and initials. Currently I love samplers with alphabets...for me they are addictive!
Kisses from Seville and happy Easter!!!
Hello Carol,
your newest finish is so adorable. I love it.
Your three Angle are so beautiful. They will have a nice place at your Christmas Tree.
Oh ja, mein Geschmack von Stickdesigns hat sich in den letzten Jahren sehr gändert. Früher habe ich sehr die verspielten Muster mit Teddies, Hummel Figuren, Disney sehr geliebt, mittlerweile sticke ich sehr gern die zeitlosen Muster von Brenda Gervais, LHN, CCN oder Cottage Garden Samplings.
Wir sind über Ostern zu Hause und auch unterwegs. Die Baseball Saison von meinem Sohn startet.
Happy Easter to you and your family.
Hugs, Manuela
Your finish is so very pretty Carol.
The bell adds so much & is the perfect color.
I love your recent Angel the best, but all are so pretty on the black.
I remember the 80's designs like that.
I worked at a small needlework shop then, & yes, those were all of the popular items. I've stitched many as models for the store.
Precious Moments were the rage too!
We are going to be home for Easter.
We are making fresh Kielbasa, & I'll make some kind of salad.
Kielbasa was my MIL's tradition for Christmas & Easter.
Have a wonderful Easter!
Carol, I always enjoy a new post; it’s like chatting with a friend. So glad you have the postcard. My favorite great aunt was born in 1893, so the early 1900’s are always interesting to me - what did the women wear, what was life like, etc. In fact, I just started reading the Masie Dobbs series.
I would love to win the John 3:13 chart and would stitch it as well.
Happy Easter to you! He is risen indeed.
Hi Carol,
I would love to win the John 3:16 pattern. I am drawn to inspriational Christian cross stitch pieces. To place around and to give away. I am currently working on Erica Michaels Beatitudes and making it into a little book. Back when I first started cross stitch I loved county and samplers. I never was drawn to the cutesy patterns. I do love a quirky cat and am drawn to primitive cat pieces.
I enjoy your blog, thank you for sharing all you do.
Enjoy your Lentil Shepherd's Pie, It does sound good, I eat vegan but no oil. So that is easy to omit.
Happy Blessed Easter
Carol, your spring piece is darling. And your angel ornament (and trio) so pretty! What lovely goodies you have received! My tastes have changed; I don't like an overabundance of backstitching like what was seen in the late 70s and 80s or the fractional stitches. I like that there are many designers/designs and materials to choose from. Glad to hear Tim is doing well with his shoulder recovery.
Mais oui nous voici déjà au mois d'avril.. Le temps passe très vite, trop vite.
Nous préparons Pâques et des chocolats pour nos petites-filles, Lara et Ella qui viendront passer la journée de dimanche avec nous, ainsi que leurs parents et notre plus jeune fils Valentin.
Nous n'avons pas vécu de phénomène de tornade dans notre département. Cela arrive parfois en France mais c'est relativement rare.
Les passions permettent en effet de s'évader, pas un jour sans lecture ou broderie ou balade, cela fait tellement de bien.
Que de douceur dans le modèle de Brenda Gervais. Il est si beau ce coussinet, c'est bien la finition parfaite qu'i lui fallait, vos coussinets sont toujours magnifiques.
Les anges de Prairie Schooler sont adorables. Impossible pour moi de dire celui que je préfère.
C'est toujours un bonheur de recevoir des présents fait avec le cœur.
Comme beaucoup je pense, mes goûts en matière de broderie ont changé au fil des années... Il y a 27 ans j'étais un peu comme vous dans les ours, des fleurs pas toujours très jolies d'ailleurs... Puis j'ai commencé des samplers, des ouvrages plus grands et j'ai découvert les créateurs américains et autres..
Belles fêtes de Pâques.
Amitiés de France.
Happy Blessed Easter Carol and Family: Your Angels are amazing, your finishing is always perfect, the yellow ribbon is a perfect finishing touch, I like them all equally.
Welcome Spring is such a sweet design, the bell is a wonderful addition, you should be doing finishing YouTube videos.
Wonderful gifts from your blog buddies, I have that ornament book love it to bits.
The first item I ever stitched was a design from a magazine way back in the middle seventies, it was a cloud with a baby on it small about four by four in size.
We will have baby back ribs for Easter dinner baked potato's and a salad.
I hope you husbands shoulder heals quickly.
Carol,I believe you will have wonderfull Easter.
Do you will met your grandson?
Love Eva from Czech Republic
Hi Carol, I’d like to first say that I’m glad your husband’s shoulder is healing nicely. There is a little bit of unknown when you undertake surgery - how will the healing go, what restrictions will there be, will it be successful, etc - so hearing your good report is good news indeed. One thing I remember about cross stitching in the 80’s is only having Aida fabric. Oh, and as I recall, everything was outlined in black. I much prefer the options we have now, tho I’d be hard pressed to select a particular style or designer as a favorite. I just returned yesterday to the Midwest from Naples and I can report that it was bright and sunny and hot when I left. Not so much here in Michigan. But good news in that the daffodils - which the deer leave alone - are just about ready to open. Happy Easter to you and your family.
I would love to win the “John 3:16 Sampler.” Carol, for years I think I followed you as an admirer. I have tons of books and patterns and materials from the 80’s and 90’s. Yes, I had the geese and cute teddy bears…. Still have some of those patterns but not what I am drawn to these days. Since Covid happened, I am an avid stitcher! I seriously need to thin out my books from things that no longer hold my interest. Now, I love stitching Christmas ornaments - try to do one a month I have like 4 or 5 I have done this year but need to finish. Also, I like doing a bigger project - currently my big project is “ One Nation” by ByGone Stitches. It is a fun project, but big! I am doing the 12 days of Christmas The Prairie Schooler Santas.
Happy Stitching and thanks for your inspiration!
Happy Easter 🐇 and He is Risen!
Hello Carol,
how well I can understand you, my sewing has been a calming force in my life given the many worries swirling around in the outside world, too.
Thank you for this wonderful post, the new Brenda Gervais embroidery is beautiful, the eggs especially. I'm glad that you and your husband are doing well.
I wish you a happy Easter, Jutta
I love the WTNT design and the blue cording is absolutely perfect. Those ears!! I started strictly samplers from Scarlet Letter decades ago, still my #1 love. Very few cute designs, but smalls have been creeping in the last few years.
Glad to hear the shoulder is doing very well. I agree that being around the grand would be difficult!
The 1985 category 5 was right down the hill from us, destroyed my office building, many lives lost, including husband's lifelong best friend, best man, college roommate. The eerie calm and quiet while seeing the destruction right after, was indescribable.
Happy Easter to you and family.
So lovely, Carol, to see your latest spring related stitching. I do like the little blue bell on the sheep!
Like you, I find peace and equilibrium when I'm working on my crochet. Handiwork gives us a sense of achievement. I also like crochet because it makes lovely and useful gifts. It's difficult for me to imagine my life without it now. Yes, it is indeed a blessing to have our passions to turn to. We are so fortunate to have them!
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter!
Carol, your comments about how helpful it is to have a relaxing hobby are so very true. While my hobby has morphed from needlework to sketching and doodling with colored pencils, the point is well taken that we need something to help us relax in the face of so much adversity in today's culture.
Have a wonderful Easter. ALL of your stitching is a delight to see!
Happy Easter, Carol! Very pretty finishes, and it's hard to pick from the PS Angels. Maybe the one on the right as red always catches my eye. My stitching has evolved for sure. Yes, I remember the geese, girls with sunbonnets, etc! I stitched strictly on aida in the 90s before finding linen at online stores and at Ben Franklin, I miss that store. In the early to middle 2000s, samplers weren't my thing but now I have 3 or 4 sampler WIPs. I still and will always like LizzieKates along with prim designs. Good to hear the hubby is doing great with his shoulder! Happy April!
Hello, I love your newest Brenda Gervais project. She is also one of my favorite designers.
I have always loved samplers, but they weren't as popular when I started stitching. I was working on a huge one, but I made a mistake and put it down to never pick up again. When I moved all of my patterns, fabric, floss and needles were lost. Now 20 years later I have picked up the hobby again and still love samplers. I am starting much smaller projects now and will overlook small mistakes or am able to pick out the stitches and make it right.
I would love to win this lovely sampler. What a beautiful verse that so many need to hear now.
Thank you.
I have had tornados in my area but thankfully I have not come in direct contact with one. Yes, I truly think that stitching has saved me, my nerves and anxiety many times in the past. It helps calm people while giving them something to do with their hands in times of worry.
Welcome Spring looks great and I love how the floss matched up perfectly with the robin's eggs and backing.The "Angel of Plenty" looks stunning. The three Angels look great together. Very nice gifts, you are a lucky lady to be surrounded by so many friends both near and far.
What a beautiful postcard, glad you were able to bring it home when you did.
Hope your Easter was nice.
Tornadoes sure are scary - I'm very glad to be living in an area that had been, so far, relatively safe of natural disaster. And just like you, I find a lot of comfort and solace in my hobbies!
Your stitching is lovely, I adore the soft blue on the sheep and robin's eggs. I think the one with the red flower is my favourite of the angels as well!
Have my tastes stitched over time...let me think. When I first started, selection around here was really limited. Mostly flowers and some 'nursery' designs, like Popcorn the bear, and I stitched a fair few of those before I grew tired of them. Then, when I discovered all the wonderfully epic patterns on the internet, dragons and fairies and things, I committed fully to those! But lately, I'm also been drawn back to the simpler, more traditional designs that I thought I was over. So, basically, I like to stitch a little bit of every thing!
We had a rather quiet Easter too - no visiting Felix' family this year as they celebrated on Easter Monday, so we couldn't have been home in time for work on Tuesday. But we had a nice brunch with grandma on Easter Sunday!
I love all your beautiful stitching and gorgeous finishes!! My tastes haven't really changed. I do notice I'm not doing my usual beachy type stuff now since mom is no longer with us. I don't have the display like she did. So I will do more seasonal things for myself and us now. I need to do more patriotic for us for the summer months.
Lovely work as usual. Your Robin eggs look great in that blue. I love all three of your angels, Christmas stitching on black looks so striking.
My tastes haven’t really changed that much. I fell in love with Teresa Wentzler, Just Nan and Mirabilia back in the 1990s and still love them! Since I started blogging 12 years ago I have discovered even more US designers and most recently I have shopped from Etsy a lot. The Ukrainian designers have an aesthetic that I really like.
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