Merry Christmas Eve eve, everyone! I'm finally feeling ready and anticipating our (quieter-than-normal) Christmas. It will be different this year without most of my family here, but we raise our children to fly so I'm glad my sons have each found a special someone to share their lives with. And that means sharing holidays with their families as well. If all goes as planned, we'll celebrate a late Christmas in early January with at least two of them--maybe all three--down in Maryland. In the meantime I have to be satisfied with photos and FaceTime with Mister B!
I often wonder whether or not to post photos of my Christmas tree because, to me, it looks the same year after year except with an additional twelve ornaments thrown on. But, I know there are some new readers here at "Stitching Dreams" and my "older" readers still seem to enjoy seeing it even after all these years. I have now moved my twelve newest ornaments from my staircase garland and hung them on the tree. I've replaced the ornaments on my staircase garland with my stitched gifts from friends around the world--both past and present. I'll be sure to share some photos of them with you in my next post. So, may I present my 2022 Christmas tree...
2022 Christmas tree (with a small two foot tree in the background in my family room!)
This year I chose to hang similar groups of ornaments together to showcase them. We have ...
The sweet and charming "Birds of a Feather angels." I so wish they would reprint this chart and feel very lucky to have borrowed it from a stitching friend on Instagram
The Little House Needleworks "Hometown Holiday" series. Hmm... which one should I stitch next year?
My Prairie Schooler Santas which account for probably one-fifth of my ornaments!
How do you decorate your tree? Do you put similar ornaments together or mix them all up? This year I put very few non-stitched ornament on the tree--I just didn't feel like unpacking everything.
I like the finished look that the gold beaded garland gives the tree
So many memories...
This year, 24 of the ornaments stitched on black are displayed in my Pottery Barn cubby so it's not quite as crowded looking.
And, of course, I took a couple of photos at night...
Aren't the reflections of the lights in the windows beautiful?
Can you spot my childhood Santa sitting underneath the tree? He must be over 60+ years by now!
We are experiencing one of the coldest Christmas weekends ever here in western Pennsylvania. It is 0° (-17.8 C) as I write this on Friday afternoon. And I know that is nothing compared to some places in the northern United States. But, we are warm and toasty inside, layered up with blankets, and enjoying the heat emanating from the oven as a few more cookies are baked for Christmas. I feel safe and cozy and am so relieved I don't have to venture outside for any last minute gifts or groceries. I've been watching the poor birds struggle against the blowing snow and high winds today and I wonder how they survive all winter? But, like most of us, they must be stronger and more resilient than they appear at first glance.
This poor house finch appears to have lost some of its tail feathers. He was huddled against the cold in the rhododendron bush outside my husband's den.
I wish each of you a very blessed Christmas... It's not always easy, is it, to feel joyful and happy when everyone around you seems to be feeling that way and things are not quite right in your world? Some of us are far from family members, some of us have recently lost loved ones, some are fighting Covid or the flu, others are dealing with even more serious health issues. And some just struggle, in general, at this time of year. My thoughts are with each of you. Take care now and I hope you know how much I appreciate you and your visit today! I'll be back with one last post before year's end. Bye for now...
Merry Christmas one and all
Your tree is just gorgeous my friend. I just put ornaments on wherever I feel like it. I do put the very treasured, special ones at the top though. Those are not stitched ones by the way. They are very old and delicate.
Very bitterly cold here. Henry hates it. So do we!
Merry, Blessed Christmas dear friend. xoxo
Un árbol maravilloso. FELIZ NAVIDAD Y BESICOS.
Your tree looks amazing! I love all of the stitched ornaments. We chopped down a smaller tree this year so not all of our ornaments made the cut. Some of them should probably be retired, but its hard to get rid of ornaments that we've had for the 42 Christmases of our marriage!
Our weather here, an hour north of Toronto, is pretty miserable. High wind so the snow is blowing horizontally! Just crossing our fingers that the hydro stays on!
Love seeing your tree each year, I have the big tree up even though there is just me to see and enjoy it at the moment with lots of birds along with the handmade decorations.
Have a very blessed Christmas
I'm sure you're feeding those poor cold and hungry birds in your garden. I have seen the exceptionally low temperatures in parts of the U.S. Keep snug and warm. Your beautiful tree is huge, but you have plenty of space for it. So Lovely.
We are getting mild, for the season, weather here in Switzerland. There is rain instead of snow... I would love it to get colder and have some snow.
Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year!
Carol, I so enjoy your blog and all of the beautiful stitching you do. Your tree is simply amazing! Thanks for sharing it. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family. Cherie in WI
I love seeing your beautiful tree and your beautiful stitched ornaments every year. We have 3 themes for our main tree that we rotate every year - Santa/children, St. Nicholas, and birds. But there are some special ornaments that have to go on the tree every year, ones I stitched (crewel) when our boys were little, ornaments they made, ornaments our grandkids have made that don't fit with the "themes" so it's sort of a mish mash. We also do several small trees which do stick to their theme - pet tree, DeGrazia tree, Newfoundland tree, miniatures tree, etc. I just love it all.
You should always share that tree. I never tire of looking at it. I love Christmas trees. They are just so full of memories. I tried a themed tree for just a while with my memories added and there is nothing in my opinion like a tree with just the ornaments that tell your story. I was so in the spirit, but I have had a few sorrowful days myself. I think we all do and I have just had to shut out the world as it seems insane more than ever. It is far too cold even here in Florida. I don’t think my body is accustomed to that kind of cold. I have on so many layers!!! Merry Christmas, Carol and share that tree over and over.
Merry Christmas to you.
Your tree looks so splendid. Every year I am waiting for the pictures. This year I put a lot of my stitched ornies on my tree.
Weather is very mild here in Germany. Nearly spring. Stay cosy and rememner: Oh the weather outside is frightful....etc.
Have a happy time.
As always your tree is looking magnificent, I wish I could be there and see it in person. Thank for the close ups of your ornaments. We have 2 trees, one for the regular glass ornaments and a smaller one for my stitched ornaments. They are just scattered about in no particular order as I just take them out of the box and hand them to my husband to hang, but I usually move some around later and this year I added 4 more which just got fully finished yesterday. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, even though it will be a quiet one for you, enjoy the peace and relax, maybe plan your 2023 ornaments.
Beautiful and Fantastic , and I want to come to you for Christmas .
Every one enjoys your tree Carol, you must always share it with us and the world.
It really lifts the sprit .
Thank you for all you do my friend .
Families grow up and we find they can't always be with us .
But we know the love is there , Happy Christmas to all. Hugs June.
★Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★Christmas★ 。* 。
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happy stitching
As always, you tree is gorgeous.
Looks like a page from Better Homes & Gardems!
I love how you grouped the ornaments.
What a great collection.
Love the night time pictures, so very pretty.
We are in a cold snap also.
Yesterday it was -11 here in WI, with a wind chill of -47, and very, very windy.
We did not go out, no need to.
Stayed inside with warm blankets & Yankee candles!
That poor little bird, I hope that doesn't affect his flying.
I was watching the crows trying to fly, the wind was taking them, sideways!
Yes, the birds are struggling, I put extra food & treats out for them.
I'm sorry you can't be with your family, but your 2nd Christmas in January will be fun.
Take care, & Merry Christmas to you & your hubby Carol.
Your tree is beautiful. Keep up the good work. I mix some cross stitch projects with regular Christmas ornaments on my tree. Here on the Jersey shore it's 7° this morning and I don't see any birds here. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and hoping next year is a healthy and happy one.
Hi, Carole! I used to write to you a few years ago but somehow I don't know what happened. I always have so much to do & never get any of it done. Anyway, I remembered that we both live in western Pa. & are around the same age. Some this means you're probably shivering like I am right now. But maybe not, because I see you live in a beautiful house, but I live in a very old house in need of alot of repairs which is why it's so cold in here today. Brrrrr! We have a small family.....I am remarried, & my grown daughter still lives with us. We are pretty much disabled, so she helps alot. Which city do you live in? I live in the suburbs of Pittsburgh. We will just hang out at home today, waiting for the mercury to rise I guess. Well, Carol, I wish you all of the best blessings of Christmas & for the New Year as well.
Merry Christmas Carol!
I never tire of looking at your tree and ornaments! Something new s seen every time! It is 6 degrees here n GA this morning. Brrrrr way too cold! So everybody sta warm and have a very blessed Christmas!
Susan 🎄
Merry Christmas Carol.
Your tree is absolutely beautiful and it makes me smile every time I see it. I think it's fun the way you grouped your ornaments this year, so many beauties! We have a large tree in the family room that really is full of so many memories of our 40+ years of marriage and family. My husband takes credit for the two ornaments he hung this year. Ha, Ha! We have a tree in our dining room that is full of ornaments mainly from friends and family, a smaller table tree in our living room that has ornaments from travels and our 7 years of living in the Middle East, and tucked in a corner is my stitching tree, which is tall and skinny. It always makes me happy to see it, as do all the others, but it can be a little overwhelming when the boxes come out in early December.
Stay warm and cozy, enjoy this time and I look forward to seeing and reading what you post on this blog and also instagram. You have been such a stitching inspiration to me and I marvel at your beautiful work!
Kathy Horohoe from New Hampshire
It's wonderful to see your fully decorated Christmas tree, Carol!!!
I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas with the love of your children and grandson, even though this year they are not physically close to you and with the memory of those who were by your side one day and today are closer to God.
Merry Christmas!
Carol, your tree is gorgeous and yes, you should continue to share it each year. I always spot something new to me. I only decorated the wrought iron tree this year, but I tend to put on a mix. The only ornament that is a definite is the last one my Gram made for me when I got married. Wishing you and Tim a blessed Christmas.
There aren't enough adjectives to describe your tree, Carol! I enjoy seeing it every year so please keep it up.
I know you will enjoy your quiet, at home Christmas...then the follow up in January with Mr. B and family.
Merry Christmas to you!!!
Your tree is beautiful and so many wonderful hours over the years spent stitching those ornaments. From your previous post I was able to look up some of the stitcheries and purchase a couple of them which I received yesterday in the mail. Stay warm and safe and a Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Liebe Carol
Einen mit so viel Liebe geschmückten Baum darf ich auf deinem Blog bewundern. Was ist er doch fantastisch. Aller Schmuck ist selber gestickt und genäht worden. Gerne würde ich deinen Baum in natura ansehen. Vielen lieben Dank dass du dieses Prachtstück mit uns teilst. Du hast mich dazu verleitet einige Santas von Prairie Schooler zu bestellen. Sie sind einfach zauberhaft.
Ja, die Kälte hat Amerika voll im Griff. Wir dürfen dafür bei 12 Grad schwitzen :-)
Nun wünsche ich dir ein lichtvolles Weihnachten mit vielen besinnlichen Momenten. Alles Liebe für dich und bleibe gesund.
A beautiful tree, stay safe and warm. Merry Christmas 🎄
Carol, thank you for sharing your tree and ornaments. I really enjoy reading your blog and I always look for your highlighted ornaments of the week. You have inspired me to broaden my outlook on different pattern designers and try something different from what I have been doing. I have been stitching since 1980 and I appreciate your suggestions. Have a Merry Christmas!
Such an awesome tree. An inspiration for stitchers.
Yep. It's cold! And as always I'm worried about the homeless and outside animals. I'm home now and enjoying the quiet after a noisy and wild dinner! Oh my I can't handle that like I used to. Be safe and enjoy your Christmas!
Hello Carol,
für mich ist dein geschmückter Baum schon zur richtigen Tradition geworden und ich liebe es deinen Baum jedes Jahr auf neue zu sehen.
Merry Christmas and a Big Hugs, Manuela
Merry Christmas Carol: Catherine & Michael
Blondie the Cat
Mikey & Krissy
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Carol.
Your Christmas tree is just beautiful and truly a joy to look at and enjoy all of those handmade ornaments! Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. Truly a treasure!
May you and your family have a peaceful, blessed and wonderful Christmas. 🎄
Barb R. ❤️
I never tire of seeing your tree, it's so beautiful, I think all of us stitches aspire to one day have a tree filled with beautiful stitched ornaments.
We have been seeing on the new about the weather in the US. Wow -17 now that's cold, and we thought we had it cold with -8 a few weeks ago!
Even though it was different iI hope that you had a lovely Christmas day. Take care in that freezing weather xx
I don't put a Christmas tree since my apartment is so tiny, so seeing yours is such a delight for the eyes! Weather here is unusually warm for this time of the year, it feels like spring with sunny 20C at noon. I hope you enjoyed your quiet Christmas day, Carol.
Warm regards from Spain.
Beautiful, as always...your Christmas tree...lovely ornaments...and heartfelt words. Thank you for your wonderful posts! Happy, healthy 2023 to you and your family, Carol!
Carol, your tree is so beautiful. I love seeing it each year. It is filled with such beauty and I am sure many fond memories for you. Wishing you the most blessed new year. Hugs.
Dear Carol,
I finally have time to visit your blog because I've been looking forward to your Christmas tree for days.
As always, it is beautiful, magical, with brightness and also with artificial light, you are a true artist, your tree is a splendor!!!!!
Best wishes and a happy new year, Jutta
I am glad that you share your tree again each year. It’s so beautiful. I love the way you have grouped the ornaments together too. I have all my stitched ornaments on a garland inspired by you a few years back. But I don’t have as many as you do!
I like the idea of the strings of beads, maybe I should source some of those.
It is always such a treat to see your stitching! Your tree is GORGEOUS!!!!!
I look forward to continuing to read your delightful blog in the new year.
Beautiful tree for a beautiful post. I hope you had a lovely quiet Christmas and can meet up with everyone very soon.
Dear Carol,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Your tree looks lovely as ever, very majestic in it's full decorated glory, and with the reflections surrounding it! Ours is much smaller, so I don't have as much room to move ornaments around, but I try to keep things evenly spread out. There is a pair of birds I always keep together, though!
In contrast to you, we had one of the warmest Christmases ever, which felt very strange.
I am a new reader/fan and am blown away by seeing your spectacular tree! It's beyond gorgeous!
I am just finding a little time for blog reading and so glad to see your tree - it is beautiful as usual! I like the collections of ornaments - especially all those PS Santas! We have a very random tree with decorations all over. I was surprised this year how many stitched pieces I had to put on the tree, it was so fun!
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