Good morning, my friends--and it truly is a good morning. The past month has been one giant "bump in the road" and I'm honestly so thrilled to be back with you today with a smile on my face. Things could have turned out so very differently...
Four weeks ago tonight, my dear husband fell down the entire flight of stairs in our home (13 uncarpeted solid oak stairs) and broke his neck. Yes, I can hear many of you gasping as you read this... He broke the C7 vertebra--at the very bottom of the neck, the one that sticks out the most. As I lay in bed that night, I heard him fall (I was having a hard time falling asleep) and the sounds of his body thudding down the stairs will haunt me forever. He didn't cry out or yell which leads us to believe that he was either sleepwalking (although he had never done so in the past) or only partially awake. We spent the rest of that night in the local hospital's Emergency Room (where I prayed harder than I have ever prayed in my life!). He was then transported to the trauma center of a larger hospital in the city where he spent the day and another night and was then released with instructions that he must not drive and must wear a hard neck brace--24 hours a day, even in the shower and in bed.
My husband certainly had an angel on his shoulder that night as he came away with limited injuries. There was no paralysis as his spinal cord was not compromised! Unbelievable, isn't it? A true miracle in my opinion... I can't begin to tell you the horror stories that we've heard from others about the outcomes of friends or relatives who had similar falls. He suffered cuts and bruises all up and down his left side (face, shoulder, elbow, knee), but it is his right arm that seems to have come away with the longer lasting effects. In the beginning, he suffered horribly painful stinging sensations going up and down the arm through the median nerve. Thankfully, they seem to have ended, but the numbness and tingling sensations in two fingers on his right hand remain. The doctor says that could be permanent or could eventually clear up--there is no way to tell. But, if that is the only residual effect after suffering a fall like that, I consider him to be incredibly blessed!
My oldest son moved right in with us for the month and was a true godsend... I really could not have managed without his help--both the physical aid and the emotional support he gave were priceless. He drove my husband into work a couple of days, made a few delicious suppers along with some tasty mint-chocolate chunk gelato, helped with any lifting or chores my husband couldn't do, and just lifted our spirits with his presence. Since he can work remotely from anywhere in the world, my son's job wasn't affected, either. I was able to continue to go to work knowing my husband had my son nearby, too, and my fellow librarians were a huge source of comfort and support.
An accident like this takes you through every emotion imaginable--fear, anger, sorrow, hope, and just plain gratefulness that it wasn't worse. Every time I walk the stairs in our home, I'm reminded of how just a few seconds could have possibly changed our life together--forever. And I've learned to hold on tighter--not only to the stair railing, but to my dear family members, as well...
My husband returned to work this week (he is allowed to change out of the hard neck brace into a soft collar for his drive to work) and it appears that he won't need surgery. The heat of wearing the neck brace (which he will have to endure most of the summer) is driving him crazy with this hot, humid weather, but he realizes that is just a small inconvenience in the scheme of things. The vertebrae in his neck are not quite aligned, but the spinal surgeon isn't sure if that is a result of the accident or if he was born that way. The long-term outlook is positive and I'm finally able to breathe again...
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Baby raccoons exploring our pond |
Unfortunately, that wasn't the only scary thing that happened around here last month! When all three sons were visiting the last weekend in May (helping out with gardening and other chores my husband couldn't do) we spotted a pair of baby raccoons playing out by our pond. Oh, they were just adorable and on that Saturday night, the guys were out taking photos of them while my husband and I watched from our kitchen table indoors. (My oldest son took these wonderful raccoon photos and gave me permission to share them with you). My animal loving (and ever-trusting!) middle son, reached out to pet one of the little creatures and it bit him! Just a teeny nip, but we couldn't take a chance that the raccoon carried rabies so off they all went to the hospital's Emergency Room for the first in a series of rabies shots.
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Don't be deceived by these sweet faces--they bite! |
It's a good thing he took the safe route of getting the shots as that same baby raccoon appeared in our yard, strolled right up to the patio in broad daylight, and acted a bit "off" just three days later. He was stumbling as he walked and we weren't sure if that was because he had rabies or if he was just young. Anyway, the police came and took him away and we never did see the other baby again... The fact that the mother was never seen at all makes us believe that there was a very good chance that they were all infected with the rabies! I doubt my sons will ever try to pet a wild animal again after that experience...
Then the following day, my oldest son came downstairs and asked what was on his back. Yikes!!! It was a tick--the head of the tick had already burrowed into my son's back and the arms and legs were sticking out. So, so creepy... Lyme Disease has been on the increase in our area and can have truly debilitating, long-lasting effects and with the number of deer we have in our area, there was a good chance that this was a deer tick that carried the disease. So, once again, off to the urgent care clinic went my sons to have the tick removed and receive the recommended dosage of antibiotics. Thankfully, my youngest son escaped with no mishaps and safely took the bus back home to Washington, D.C. that evening!
They say "bad things happen in threes." Are we done now? I sure hope so...
One thing that kept me going throughout those first few weeks after my husband's fall was checking on the progress of this cardinal's nest that I spotted right outside our family room window. Three beautifully speckled eggs with the mama cardinal sitting so patiently on them day in and day out.
And then I got to watch the babies hatch--one by one. They were so funny looking in the beginning with those big, bulgy eyes and pale featherless skin... I would mimic the mother bird's chirp and they would actually open their little mouths in anticipation of being fed. So adorable!
Feed us! Feed us!! |
Sadly, the "circle of life" took charge and a hungry cat discovered the nest... Well, you know how that story ended. And yes, I cried... I've cried a lot this month.
I haven't looked at blogs or stitched much since my husband's fall; I've just been too unsettled and too busy. I will be taking a quick trip to New York to visit my mother this weekend and to attend my niece's bridal shower (my son will stay with my husband to make sure he doesn't push himself!), but I hope to start visiting all of your blogs/replying to emails next week when I get back home.
Throughout this ordeal I've witnessed firsthand the fragility of life and I recently came across this quote which certainly made me think about how I want to live my life... how about you? Leave no regrets...
Life is fragile--leave no regrets... |
I hope to be back soon with some actual stitching to share with you. I've really missed each of you over the past month... Until then, my friends, treasure life! Bye for now...
Hi Carol,my God what a time you went through. Very adventurous.It could have been much worser.His guardian angel paid attention the right time. My best wishes to your husband that he will be well again very soon.
The pictures are very lovely.
Warm greetings from Germany, Gabi
Oh Carol, God was truly watching over your husband! And thankfully the rabies shots were initiated with your one son, & the hospital was able to get the tick out of the other! I pray that all turns out well & that life from now on will be uneventful for all of you!
I sure hope the long nightmare is over and your husband continues to improve. Glad to hear your sons are doing well also. And the cat?.. really topped off a bad period. It's time for some fun in your life!
Ohhh my god, I think your husband has been very lucky, this fall has been terrible, luckily everything is solved with a good prognosis. The animals are very nice but better not touch them bite. That will not be the third, stay in two, that's enough.
Best wishes for recovery for all.
Yes, life is short, sometimes long and complicated. I want to live it day by day enjoying it all that you can.
A hug.
Oh Carol! Hugs! What a scary time you have been through! I am so thankful that your husband is doing so well and that you have such support! Praying for you all!
Leave no regrets...such good advice. Praying for all of you.
I truly do hope all your troubles are over!! What a crazy scary month!! I pray your husband continues to heal quickly.
Downward & upward! Life can only get better now Carol :)
Take care of yourself & stand clear from staircase, wild animals & anything outdoory :D In fact, stay indoor & stitch, nothing can go wrong with that!! xx
I'm so sorry to hear about all you and your family have been through! I hope that's all behind you now and only wonderful things await you:)
OH my, oh my, I was really gasping when I read about your husband's fall down the stairs. I am so glad to read that nothing worse has happened and that he is healing nicely. It might still take a while but he will be healthy again. And so good that your sons are fine as well after their encounters with a tick and a racoon. So I can exhale now, can I? :))
So sad that the nest of the little cardinals is empty now. We have experienced this twice, not with cats but with magpies. But this year our little redstarts have built their nest at the same spot under the roof again. Sadly one little nestling fell out of the nest and I found it dead one morning but the others are still in there and are chirping and being fed by the parent birds.
I did gasp! when i got to the part about the 13 stairs.. He certainly had something, someone looking out for him. I'm glad to hear he's on the mend. Things can only get better from here on out!
Hi Carol, Gosh, that was a month! Glad to hear all the outcomes are positive. have a safe trip to visit you Mother.
Judy Heartland stitcher
Oh my. I hope things will settle now- I might have locked myself in the bedroom!
Oh my. I hope things will settle now- I might have locked myself in the bedroom!
Oh dear Carol, what a month indeed!
I am so pleased that your hubby is doing fine, that sure would have been a scary experience. Definately an angel watching over him that day.
How wonderful angels were watching over your husband! How awful about the raccoons and tick! So pleased everything has calmed down and you can get back to your blog and beautiful stitching. Your blog is so beautiful! Love and hugs xxxx
Dear Carol - you are so right when you could hear our collective "gasp" for your husband! I can't even imagine how terrifying this has to have been for you and your family. There definitely was a guardian angel watching over him that it wasn't far worse - we will have to offer prayers of gratitude for that and for his continued improvement.
You have definitely had far too much 'excitement' in your life with your husband and your sons - I am certainly wishing you a calm, peaceful and restful summer - you more than deserve it.
Can you feel the "collective hug" we are all sending to you?
Un abbraccio forte forte forte, vedrai che ora le cose andranno meglio
Oh, Carol - what an emotional month for you! I'm so glad everything turned out OK - take care of yourself - I know you're taking care of your family. One day at a time….your bloggy friends are here for you and sending you loads of love and best wishes to all.
So glad that things worked out ok in the end but what a scary month you have all had to go through I hope you and your family can enjoy a peaceful summer. Ali x
Carol, you have made it through a truly harrowing time. I'm so thankful your husband was not more seriously injured in his fall. And I'm grateful neither of your sons suffered more from their encounters with the wildlife in your area. My goodness! I hope the rest of the summer is calm for your family. I'll be praying for your husband as he endures the neck brace through the heat and humidity.
Carol --
What a terrible few weeks you've had. I'm so glad your husband is healing and that his outcome looks so positive. How very very scarey.
So glad things worked out well with your two sons as well. I think you have definitely had your share of things coming in "terrible threes"
Enjoy your visit with your Mom! I'm sure that will be just what you need to feel recharged again.
HUGS to you my friend.
Oh my Carol! I'm so glad that everything is working out ok, what a trying time! So very scary, thank goodness your husband is on the mend :) xo
Oh dear friend, you certainly have been through some trials this past month. I hope they are all behind you and I'm so happy to hear the outcomes have been positive. I hope your trip is safe and uneventful. Sending positive thoughts to you all with hugs!
I would be screaming" enough already!". Glad everyone is well....remember the rule, nocturnal animals seen during the day are trouble, usually sick. Stay clear!
I am still praying for Tim.♥
A beautiful post, Carol. You've summed it all beautifully. I hope you have a great visit with your mom and treat yourselves to some silly fun! Take care!
Hello Carol,
It was good to see you post again after your nightmarish past weeks. As you know, you have all been in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm so thankful that things seem to be improving, albeit slowly. You are right - we all should leave no regrets as life is very short. And, God willingly, the worst is cover now, and your dear husband will continue to improve.
Take care of all of you.
With love and many hugs,
Oh Carol I am SO sorry all this has happened to you and your family!! Glad that it looks like you're coming out the other side now! Take care!!
There were definetly The guardian Angel in work when Your DH fell on the stairs. It really is amiracle thet he saved with only minor injures. The lifeis really a Gift from the god almighty..and what Joy is to know that Jesus promised to bewith us every day. "Immanuel-The God is With Us"
Oh Carol, you and your family have certainly been through a terrible time. So thankful that things turned out well for all. I think that the events remind us all to be cherish each day and the ones we love.
Here's hoping for "sunnier" days ahead with no "events".
Oh, Carol, I'm so sorry for all your family has been through, but thankful for the outcomes of these trials. I'll be praying for strength and some happier days ahead for you.
I am so glad to hear that your hubby is not too seriously hurt after falling down the stairs. I can only imagine how terrifying that was. I know of others that have not been as Aunt fell down her stairs and shattered both of her legs under the knee, she had to have pins and multiple surgeries and one of her friends fell down the stairs and unfortunately passed away from the way she hit her head. I wish him a speedy recovery.
Take care :) Thinking of you :)
I'm so sorry about all your trails you have been going through! I have been off the computer, sort of a summer vacation for me and wasn't paying attention to your blog. I am so happy everyone is on the mend and doing well! Have a safe trip to your mom's this week!
Lets hope it's all good from now on Carol , I think you and your family have had your fair share of bad luck.
Lovely verse and how true it is , I would love everyone to stop and think about how wonderful life is , and you know all to well how quick it can be taken from us.
Enjoy your weekend my sweet friend.
That is quite a collection. You poor thingshave been through so much. Glad to hear that your husbands fall wasn't more serious and hopefully he will continue to improve every day. I hope all your family stays well and that this month doesn't contain so many diffficulties.
My goodness Carol! What an eventful month. I can only imagine just how scary it must have been hearing your husband fall...and then the uneasy able worry over the seriousness of the injury. Thank goodness the long term prognosis is so good. And thank goodness for family support
Oh my Carol. I am so sorry to read about all of the accidents but so very happy to read that everyone is on the mend. Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way.
I do not know what to say Carol,that is adequate,after your husbands,yours and your sons' traumatic month,other than I am truly thankful you have written a post full of hope and give thanks that you have all come through these distressing events.May your husband's recovery continue and you be able to regain peace of mind and enjoy your stitching again.Loving family is so precious and the quote so true.
Dear Carol, I'm sorry that you have so much suffering: - ((((
You're right, everything bad comes in threes.
It is necessary to hope and believe will be a happy end.
Do you have a great sons, come and help you!
I wish you much strength and love!
I am so very sorry to learn of the mishaps that have befallen your family. Thanks be to God that everything turned out without any serious long-term effects.
Our family, too, has been through a very difficult six weeks. On April 29th, our youngest son suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm. He spent four weeks at University Hospital in Cleveland (a teaching hospital that is connected with Case Western Reserve University). He went through three surgeries and was in extremely critical condition for 3-1/2 weeks. He suffered brain damage, was paralyzed on his right side, had two surgeries to remove portions of his skull, had blood clots in both his arms and legs, was on a ventilator, feeding, tube, etc. My heart was breaking every day as we spent time with him at the hospital. We don't know if he knew us or not. Once he opened his eyes, he would only look but did not respond to commands, questions, etc. In the early morning hours of Thursday, May 28th we received a call from my daughter-in-law that the hospital had called and said he suffered another brain bleed. Our family was present with him when he passed away at 10:05 a.m. He was fifty years old. May 29th he and his wife would have celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary. He is survived by his wife Lynn, daughter Holly, (a senior at Baldwin-Wallace University, and his son, John, age 11 who will be entering the sixth grade.
I could go on and on about him and how we stood in the welcoming line at the funeral home for 5-1/2 hours greeting hundreds and hundreds of people. There were over 200 people present at the cemetery and they had to set up eight extra tables at the catered luncheon at the school where my daughter-in-law is a teacher. The luncheon was paid for by the parish.
Please keep me in your prayers as I am having a very difficult time dealing with Rob's death. He was such a wonderful son, always there to help us in anything we needed. I know he now rests in the loving arms of Jesus.
God bless you, your husband and your three sons.
Carole (
Carol what a month you had - I am glad to read that things are getting better around your place. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your mom and be able to kick back your heels and relax. Take care of yourself and your family.
Elizabeth B
Oh Carol what a difficult time you have all had. Glad that things seem to be getting better now. Thinking of you and sending big hugs from the UK. Melanie xx
Oh, my goodness. I was feeling sorry for myself for some small thing today, and reading your post jerked me out of THAT right away. I am so so glad that things have turned out for the best. Best wishes to your husband and you, and thank goodness for your son's help. And the prompt action re: the raccoon (who is too impossibly cute NOT to pet). I was sad about the chicks too, but what are you going to do....
What a rough month! I am so happy that hubby is healing and getting along fine. Nice that your sons have helped out too! Good bonding time! Please take some time for you now that things have settled down a little. We have had a rough summer so far too...our house was broken into with lots of structural damage. It takes patience to deal with all the red tape, contractors, suppliers, etc. grrrrrrrrrr
We are strong women so we step up to the challenge! Glad an angel was with your husband!
Yes, we need to enjoy every moment of life! Hugs and prayers
So sorry to hear -- and you are absolutely correct -- I did gasp at the news.
I truly hope that the residual effects for your husband are minimal and for your son(s) as well
What a month. Definitely hope that these three things have you covered for a long long while
What an ordeal. Thank heavens everyone is doing well and your husband is strong and healthy so he could pull through.
Welcome to lovely NY. Hope you get to enjoy some of the pleasant cool weather we're' enjoying.
Oh my Carol what a time you have had. Sending you gentle hugs xxx
Thank the Lord he is okay Carol. Oh how scary that was for you. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. You have had quite a month.
Goodness me Carol, what a time you've had of it. I'm so glad things all worked out okay for everyone - it's so scary when things go wrong so quickly.
Poor baby birds, nature is so cruel. I hope the coming weeks see things continue to improve for your husband. Take care.
You have been so missed here in Bloggsville! It seems that you've had lots of angles watching over you all this past month. My father broke his neck last year in a car wreck and he, too, had to wear the neck brace which irritated him as well. It really was a life saver though. Please know that thoughts and prayers are coming your way. I love the quote on a life with no regrets. It's so true. Blessings to you all.
Holy cow. My girlfriend did the same thing on a flight of stairs but broke her C1. They couldn't believe how lucky she was to be alive and not have any complications. Thank God your husband will heal also. I started holding on to the railing after that too! Sounds like the babies have distemper. We have had to put down several babies because of this horrible suffering disease and it spreads easily. You certainly have had a full plate. I'm so glad things weren't worse. Take care of yourself!!!
Wow. God was definitely watching. Still scary though.
My Mom fell on Monday while trying to carry her computer tower into a repair shop and the corner gouged her arm. The computer guy drove her to urgent care and she got five stitches. It makes me feel bad for living 1000 miles away but on the same token we are pretty close to Ken's parents who are slightly older than Mom and his dad is having health issues. I pray a lot.
Oh Carol!!!!! OMG! I'm so so glad it wasn't worse for your husband than it was. And your sons! That's three things, so you are done with the bad things now. Nevertheless, please be careful, all of you. I'll be thinking of you all and hoping your husband has a full recovery from his injuries. And your sons too! Lots of hugs.
My heart was in my mouth as I started to read your post. What an emotional month you have had. Thank heaven that the outcomes of these three accidents/incidents have been positive and your family are out of danger. Such a fine line between danger and safety. I hope your husband continues to improve and you have time to relax. My very best wishes.
How scary! So glad that your husband is on the mend and your sons too!
Take care!
What a scary month, but so glad to hear that all are well, thanks in no part to the good medical care we have in the US. My mom always says things happen in threes, so I do think you're done! Hope that life begins to return to normal (even if it is a new, slightly different normal) very soon.
I have been concerned about you and wondering where you were! Now I know! I truly believe that you did witness a miracle. I will keep you all in my prayers and hope all will be well soon. You do have wonderful children! That's a great blessing for sure.
My happiness at seeing a new post from you quickly turned to grave concern when I started reading it - how thankful I am that all of your men are okay! What an awful nightmare you have been through, Carol, and what a relief it must be now to look at your husband as he recovers and know that he will be all right. I do hope the residual effects of his fall aren't permanent but I know you are counting your blessings no matter what. You certainly have raised fine sons, some of whom have learned the hard way that they are not invincible. I'm so very sorry about your birds - nature can be as cruel as it is kind. I love your quote and will take it to heart. May your husband continue to heal, and may you be able to breathe easier now and always.
Hi Carol, Sorry to hear about the accidents your family has gone through the past few days. It's a relief that everything is turning to normal again. Take care of your loved ones and yourself too. We put ourselves so much into physical and emotional turbulence that even after everything goes fine we sometimes find ourselves fighting with post trauma depression. Keep yourself active and divert slowly into the things you like. You have seen more life than me, you know better how to deal with it. Yes, but there are life lessons all through our life and the more we learn the more we find how close and dependant we are on each other:)
Take care,
Oh Carol, what a terrible month you have experienced. I am so glad that your husband's injuries were no worse and that hopefully there will be no lasting damage. Things like this certainly put your life in perspective don't they. Let's hope all your nightmares are now over and that you, your husband and sons can get over this traumatic time. Take care Carol. xx
My goodness you've been through so much in the last month! I'm glad that everything worked out OK and I hope your husband continues to recover well
So happy to hear that your family survived such a terrible month. I hope the rest of the year turns out to be quiet for you.
My dear Carol, what a time your family have been having. {{{GREAT BIG HUGS}}}
I too have had a lesson in the fragility of life recently, one of my fellow tai chi class members lost her grandson at the weekend in a motorbike accident, we was only 33 and married for less that 9 months. You just never know what is around the corner for us all.
Love and blessings to you xxx
Oh my, what a rough patch you've been through! I'll keep you all in my prayers.
Oh, Carol.. What a post. You have certainly had a full month. I agree you are so blessed that things turned out the way they have. It could have been so different. I am so thankful you have both come out the other side of this month with a positive outcome. How wonderful that your son was able to be home with you to help out!! That makes a big difference. I am also glad your two sons survived their mishaps with nature ok. Raccoons look cute, but they can be very fierce, especially when they feel threatened. Take care my friend, and take care of your sweet hubby.
Wow Carol!! I don't even know what to say except Thank God!! We'll chat when you get back from your visit with your mother. Be safe!
Oh my goodness Carol!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I'm so glad that your husband is doing remarkably well. I certainly hope that your bad days are behind you!
Take care,
Hugs my friend Carol, your Husband is a fortunate man indeed!!!!
You certainly deserve a million good things to happen to you and your family now!
Yes, I also gasped! My oh my! Glad to hear that everyone is recovering nicely! It certainly has been a time of tribulation for lots of us lately! Thanks be to God, for the mercies He gives us! Hugs!
Wow you certainly have had your hands.......I am so glad that your husband is doing ok and that your sons are there to help! My Dad used to say what do folks do without family and fortunately I am blessed too to have a wonderful, supportive family. Barbara
Oh, Carol! I am sorry to hear all the troubles your family had. That's very scary. But we always have something to be thankful for.
Thankful that your husband walked way from such a fall with minor injuries...and that your boys are ok after a raccoon bite and a tick. I had to Google what a tick is. I wish your husband gets complete healing soon. Yes, braces are horrible in hot weather...Brenda deals with this since she was a baby. Hope he will not need his very shortly. I have to say... those baby raccoons are adorable! Naughty little things! I love the blue eggs too.
I am glad you guys got the help and support you needed. What great sons you have. After all these trials, you are stronger now. You witnessed a real miracle, and that's a wonderful thing. Have a wonderful trip, and take care. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Ana Paula.
Hi Carol...I have been watching your blog hoping for a new post and was wondering why you weren't there?!!! God bless all of you with peace and quick healing. What delightful sons you have...but that is no surprise since they have such a wonderful MOM. So happy for you and your husband that miracles were showered upon you! What a frightening and scary event to experience. Looking forward to more stitching photos.
Oh my gosh Carol, reading about your husband's fall was terrifying. I'm so glad he is okay and that he is on the road to recovery. Can't believe one of your sons tried to pet a raccoon. They are cute but can be deadly! Glad he's ok too! your other son is lucky as well not getting Lime disease. Sheesh what a month for you! Our month has been crazy too with the birth of my son and getting used to very little sleep. Hugs to you my dear friend!
Woah, I really did gasp out loud when I read of your husbands accident. What a tough month for your family. I hope life is returning to normal now and that everyone is doing OK.
Enjoy your weekend away, it sounds like you really deserve the break!
Carol, I'm glad that your husband is recovering nicely. Xx
Oh my gosh Carol: Wow you truly are being tested, I am so happy to hear your Husband is doing better and the prospect of surgery is not going to happen.
Rabies shots are not fun, I had one when I was small, only one they found the cat that bit me and it did not have rabies.
Tick season is in full force yuck, I hope your Son went to the dr. right away.
Lovely pictures of the baby birds, love that swallow tail card and saying.
to you and your family.
OMG! Carol, what an ordeal you've been through. I am glad everything is on the bright side now. So so glad that your husband is on his way to recovery without the surgery and the support from your son. It must have been very scary for you.
The raccoons are so adorable indeed but what a pity, glad your son is okay and that tick sounds dreadful. Gosh! Sorry about the cardinals I was hoping to see the little birds grown at the end of your post. I hope your bad days are over and wish you all the good things coming your way from now on. Have a good trip and take care.
OMG, I do hope that black cloud over you has gone away.
I'm sorry to hear about all of your troubles lately, and glad that your husband's injury wasn't any worse.
Things can happen so quickly.
I'm glad you also had help throughout this ordeal.
Take care of yourself during this time too.
Good heavens Carol, What a dreadful ordeal you have all been through. Just can´t imagine the panic and fear you must have felt, your husband´s accident could have been so much worse causing permanent damage. So pleased that things are looking up again and you can breathe easy.
Dear Carol,
Your heart must be full with grateful thanks for all the blessings of the past month. We all share in your joy.
Hi Carol! Best wishes to your husband! I hope he will be well again soon. The pictures are all very beautiful!
Warm greetings from Russia, Tatiana
"Fairly and Sincerely"; I like that. Whew what a month! It's great to hear about blessings during and how well you're all coming through, though. :)
I'll be thinking of you; hope you'll enjoy good weather and pleasant, summery days. (Not too much heat for a neck brace!)
What a month you've had! I do hope things stay good from here on out. Wow...
Yes, never pet baby raccoons! My Dad caught some babies when I was a kiddo. He kept them in a rabbit hutch for a while. He warned us they were mean not to stick our fingers in there to pet them.
Safe travels to NY.
I'm glad none of these incidents were worse! You and your family are definitely being watched over. Take care of yourself, too!
Hugs and prayers!
Life is a series of challenges sprinkled with blessings and joys...turn and face the sun like a sunflower because it is your time for blessings 😀
Oh my gosh, what an eventful month you have had. I'm glad everyone is recovering. Hope the rest of your summer is boring and uneventful.
Oh my gosh, what an eventful month you have had. I'm glad everyone is recovering. Hope the rest of your summer is boring and uneventful.
So, so sorry to hear that your husband fell but so, so thankful that his outcome is good. My husband was not that fortunate. He was t-boned by a 19 yr old going 45 mph in a 25 mph residential area. By all rights my husband should be dead but God saw differently. 10 years of suffering and 5 surgeries later he is well. He's had 2 cervical fusions done. One in the front and one in the back. He has 8 bolts and screws, 2 rods and a titanium plate holding his neck together. He wore cervical collars for a total of 16 weeks and a bone growth stimulator for an entire year. He had 3 separate surgeries to rebuild his left wrist and 5 years of short term memory loss. But...GOD IS GOOD! He is a better man for his suffering and he survived and now is able to hold 2 precious grand daughters on his shoulders. He is right handed and aside from a little stiffness his left wrist feels pretty normal. He finally recovered from memory loss and best of all found a new meaning to his life! God is perfect in all his ways.
We will pray for total healing for your husband and peace for the entire family!
Hi Carol,
Gosh your family have had a tough time of it, I am so glad your husband is going to be ok, it must have been awful for you all.
The tick story is really creepy, yuck! Lol....
Lynn B
Carol I'm so sorry about all that has happened! What a miracle that your husband didn't end up with life threatening injuries - and your sons, too! Maybe the run of accidents is over. I pray so! blessings, marlene
Oh, Carol. I am so thankful that your husband is still with you. It is such an overwhelming experience to see what might have happened that could have been so much worse. What a blessing your son has been. You really appreciate the fine men that they have become when you watch their response in a situation like this. May you be able to rest in God's love and care as you return to "normal". You'll be in my prayers! {{Hugs}} Tricia
I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's fall & son's bite from the wee raccoon. Thankfully, your husband has had a great outcome, & all is well for your son.
Ow my god Carol, what a blogpost, what a month....
I'm so sorry for you, you have to live that all. It's so hard.
So glad you husband had a 'good' fall, and he is getting back on track.
So sweet off your son, he stay's with you.
It's so hard and heavy for you to do it all alone.
You have such a sweet family, treasure them.
And then the tick and racoon story!
Carol, I hope the summer brings better day's for you.
There where many angels on you shoulder, these past month.
And a big angel in you, that you got out without problems.
Hope it's going really better with you all, enjoy the family time. the time at your mother's the bridal.
Try to have fun, enjoy the little things.
I live this saying.
Enjoy the little things in life. For one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
It's also hanging in my garden, and it really is like that!
So many hugggs I wish for you
So sorry for all you have been through Carol ! I was worried when you didn't have a new post but thought maybe you were on a vacation. Such a nightmare you have been through! I hope your husband is doing well, and also your boys!
Oh my goodness Carol - you and your family have really been through it. I'm SO thankful that all is well in the overall scheme of things when they could have very easily not been. Sending you and your family hugs!
Carol, I read this with my breath held! More ups and downs than a roller coaster! I am so very, very relieved that everyone seems to be doing well after such scary encounters with "not doing well". My thoughts are with you all!!
Carol, what scary times you have been through! So glad that all will be okay. May the rest of your summer be blissfully uneventful! Many hugs and prayers for you all!
Carol, what a dreadful time you have had. I'm glad to read that your husband's injuries were so limited and that the rest of your family are now keeping well.
Carol, your husband is truly blessed. A horrible fall but he a great outcome. Your poor sons. Hopefully the summer will calm down and you will enjoy the rest of it. Raccoons are so dangerous and can really tear a person up. Good thing is was just a bite. Really great pictures. Enjoy your visit with your mom.
So sorry for everything your family has gone through. My god, what an awful run of luck. Falling down the wood stairs is a nightmare come true to me - I'm always in fear I'll do that, or something like it, when I'm home alone and with no cellphone nearby. I'm so glad you were there at least to get him help quicker and that his injuries weren't worse than they are. The summer can only get better from this point, right? Lots of good thoughts for your whole family!! *hugs*
Sounds like some scary times for you and your family. Hopefully the bad times are behind you and you can enjoy your summer. Thanks for sharing the quote ~ I've learned just how true that sentiment is.
So sorry Carol to hear of the awful happenings in you household, but so pleased everyone is on the mend.I am adding to the long list of blogging friends that are thinking of you Take great care ofYou and yours, bless you.
Glad to see your post! Very happy to read that things are settling down. Have a safe trip to see your Mom. Thinking of you!
Robin in Virginia
I truly believe that prayers are heard and answered! I'm happy that your hubby is doing better now. My dad was able to cut an old t-shirt and layer that between is skin and the neck brace which helped him be more comfortable in the warmer months. Maybe that is something your hubby can try. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi my dear!
I am still shocked about all that things that you have to go through the last month, but I am very happy to read that there is a smile on your face again.
I hope thinks are getting better and better even now and you had a good time with your mom!
I am thinking of you every day and sending you good thoughts!
What an awful time you, your husband and your sons have been through.. Every blessing to you and your family that all will be well now.
I have a broken arm but now think it was nothing compared to what your husband has been through.
My goodness Carol - what a time you have had.
So happy to hear that you are smiling again. Hope the future brings many good things your way.
At your suggestion I read "One Plus One". Loved it.
Big hug, Carol. ♥
Oh Carol.... I'm crying a river of tears.... As you can see, I am behind on blog reading.... And I'm saddened to see all the mishaps going on in your family.... My o my, I'd say your husband may be the luckiest guy on the planet.....! I hope soon things will calm down or you and your family..... Here's hoping your next post will be filled with happy words and your beautiful cross stitching❤️❤️.. (( hugs)) Faye
Oh Carol, I am sure God was holding your husband in the palm of his hand! what a terrible ordeal for both of you. Your photos here are lovely and I really enjoyed your quote that you shared. A precious post and you will all be in my prayers. Blessings, Anne
I do hope that's the end of these bumps on the road for you for the next while. So glad your DH is on the mend and picking up his life again. As you said, when you think of what might have been, I know what what a scary, horrible time it was and so relieved that you have started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Take care Carol, I've been MIA both with keeping up to date with blogs, and stitching too. I'm hoping to get back on track soon.
Oh my God, Carol, what a terrible time for you all . Glad your DH is on the mend and he wasn't hurt as badly as he could have been. Thinking of you all and sending hugs across the pond.
Praying for good health for all your family. It sure sounds like you've all been through enough to last for a very long time.
Beautiful pictures on your blog post this time too.
Hi Carol, oh, my goodness, my jaw literally dropped when I read about your three disasters! I am so glad that your menfolk have all been looked after so well by your local emergency room. An angel is certainly looking after your family. I hope that you are taking care of yourself, my dear. Lovely photos, but those naughty raccoons!
Been behind on hope all's getting better. Sending good thoughts.
((big hugs))
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