Happy mid-May morning to you, my friends! The turn of the calendar page to May changed our weather into summer-like conditions almost overnight--I love it! Warmth and sunshine have abounded this month and with temperatures near 90, we have been having weather that is more like that of July. It did dip down into the 30s last night, but we'll be back up in the 80s by the weekend. Some people are complaining that we had no spring here in western Pennsylvania, but after that horribly long, frigid winter we endured, I couldn't be happier to feel the warmth of the sunshine again...
Most of my stitching lately has been sent away as gifts and now that the recipients have received them, I can share them with you. First of all, I sent this little pillow to my friend, Melissa, in Vancouver, Canada. I had been planning on sending her a RAK for some time now, but since she celebrated a birthday in April, this gift turned into a birthday/RAK! The chart is from With Thy Needle & Thread's "Valentine Sampler" booklet and is stitched on 40 ct. raw Newcastle using most of the suggested threads (with a few substitutions, of course!).
With Thy Needle and Thread's "Valentine Sampler" |
Now, you'll notice I made a few changes to the original chart (which you can see right here). I wanted to make this special for Melissa so I changed the swans that were charted on both sides of the flower pot to kitties--her kitties: Julius and Daisy! I was so pleased with how they came out--I know the coloring isn't quite right, but I think Melissa appreciates my efforts. Believe me, I am no artist!! I then finished it into a small pin pillow complete with handmade cording and accented with tiny spools. I thought the spools of thread were very appropriate because, in addition to being a lovely stitcher, Melissa has become quite proficient with her sewing machine lately and is creating some beautiful pieces of clothing for herself (which you can see showcased in her fairly new sewing blog). I am so happy to report that she loves it (hope the kitties do, too!).
Gift for Melissa |
My next gift went to Elizabeth B. (no blog) in Texas who celebrated a birthday earlier this week. She and I first "met" while discussing Christmas ornaments, so I thought a little something to add to her Christmas tree would be a meaningful gift. I am truly on a PS Santa binge this year and found myself stitching this Santa sitting atop a prancing reindeer from the PS Book No. 48 "A Christmas Visit." Once again, I used 40 ct. raw Newcastle and the suggested DMC threads.
Prairie Schooler: "A Christmas Visit" |
Here is a better look at it. The backing fabric is the tiny green checked material. I think that next time, I will leave less of a border showing when I finish this one, but overall, I'm pleased with the arched shape of this ornament. It wasn't the easiest finish for me, but I feel like I got it fairly even.
Gift for Elizabeth B. |
My final gift for May was sent to Robin (no blog), in Virginia, who happens to have a birthday on May 14th--a most special day. Why is that day so special, you may ask? Well, it happens to be my dear mother's birthday, too! For Robin, I made a version of a pillow I showed you earlier this year (in this post). I stitched only the top half of the "Primrose Maiden" design by The Little Stitcher that can be found in the April 2015 issue of Just Cross Stitch magazine.
The Little Stitcher's "Primrose Maiden" |
Here is a photo showing the two versions side by side. For Robin's gift I used 32 ct. linen using two strands of DMC and for my version I used 40 ct. linen with one strand of DMC and also stitched the border beneath. The colors are truer in the photo below than the one I took outside shown above. I really love both versions and I'm so happy Robin likes her birthday gift!
Gift for Robin (in the front) |
A gift for me... Sweet Jackie, from Jackie's Stitches, sent me a wonderful and much appreciated RAK earlier this month. Just look at this grand assortment of fabric scraps and squares she sent my way. Oh, my--I felt like I was in heaven! I just love receiving finishing fabrics and, as most of you know, I use little scraps quite often in my pillow creations. I was so excited to see fabrics for every season and holiday--just for me!! Thank you, thank you, Jackie--I am thrilled with your generous gift. If you aren't familiar with Jackie's blog, please visit--not only does she stitch, but she also quilts, sews, and knits. And she does everything so beautifully...
A multitude of fabrics from Jackie! |
Mother's Day memories... I wasn't sure what to expect on Mother's Day this year as I hadn't heard a word from my sons all week. Usually, they ask for gift suggestions or ask what I'd like for dinner--but, not this year! All I knew, was that I was not going to cook my own Mother's Day dinner, so my mom and I came up with a plan for me to set the kitchen table with cereal bowls, put out a lineup of cereal boxes in the center, and announce that that would be our Mother's Day dinner. Well, happily, I didn't have to carry out my little plan because my older sons arrived shortly after noon with gifts and dinner fixings in hand. I truly was surprised! My middle son brought me a lovely white Mandevilla plant, my eldest gave me a generous gift certificate to 123 Stitch (oh, yeah!!), and my youngest sent a dozen cupcakes all the way from Georgetown Cupcake--yum!
Mandevilla from my middle son |
I just love the yellow centered white flowers on this plant and am hoping the deer don't love them, too. I'm keeping the plant in a blue ceramic pot right on my patio next to my kitchen door so I pray they won't be that bold and come so close to the house. We'll see!
Geogetown Cupcakes sent by youngest son |
The cupcakes were fabulous--and famous. The bakery even has its own TV show: DC Cupcakes. Just look at the line that extended up the street and around the corner for people waiting to purchase them on the Saturday before Mother's Day! My son and his girlfriend happened to be in the vicinity of the bakery's Georgetown location and snapped this photo... Luckily, he ordered them online so there was no wait for him. My favorite was the peanut butter fudge in the front row--oh, my! Hard to limit yourself to just one a day, but I've been doing just that all week (okay, I confess--I did have two on Mother's Day!).
Waiting in line at Georgetown Cupcake! |
This is the dinner that my sons cooked for me--chicken kabobs, grilled veggies, and some baked fries (that was my contribution since I don't eat most vegetables :) They also bought an assortment of grapes, but forgot to put them out. Everything was delicious (well, the guys told me the veggies were!) and I was thoroughly spoiled by my sons. It really was one of the nicest Mother's Days I can remember, except for the fact that my youngest son wasn't with us. He and I had a nice chat that morning, though, and we had just seen him last weekend on our way home from the beach in Delaware, so that helped!
Mother's Day dinner prepared by my sons |
My oldest son and I took a walk around nearby North Park lake on Mother's Day afternoon. We usually walk the entire five-mile loop, but it was just boiling outside (nearly 90!) so we took the shortcut and only walked four miles. He snapped a couple of photos using his new phone--I was so impressed with the quality! Maybe it's time for me to break down and get myself a smart phone? It truly is a lovely park and it was very quiet for a Sunday--I suppose most everyone was off visiting their moms.
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North Park Lake |
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A perfect place for a Mother's Day walk |
Lately, our yard has been filled with some unwanted visitors. This time of year, the Canada Geese make an appearance searching for just the right place to nest. I think our small, peaceful pond presents itself as a perfect spot. Unfortunately, they are some of the messiest birds known to man and we don't want them settling down here so we chase them off as soon as they are spotted each spring. This couple wouldn't leave, in spite of my yelling, clapping, and general making-a-fool-of-myself antics... They simply flew into the water and seemed to know there was no way I could get to them unless I jumped in the water myself!
Canada Geese--handsome, but, oh-so-messy!! |
This little guy and I came face to face when I was out photographing the flowering trees. Boy, was he shocked when he headed down the tree and found himself face to face with a human carrying a camera! I don't mind the squirrels except when they steal the birds' food--they are actually quite entertaining in their attempts to get to the bird feeders. Doesn't he look surprised to see me in "his territory?"
"Hmmm--I wasn't expecting you to be here!" |
This particular squirrel and I played hide and seek for about five minutes around the tree. He would go to one side, peak out, see me, and run to the other. It was so cute! Why he didn't just run high up into the safety of the treetops, I'll never know! There was no way this old lady would be climbing up after him, that's for sure...
Can you spot his little head? |
With the sudden blast of heat this month, came so many beautiful flowers and flowering trees--all in white! In our yard you can spot (clockwise from lower left): vibernum, flowering crabs, dogwood, and lily of the valley. What a welcome sight after the long winter! They are just about done blooming now, so I need to make my way to the garden center and try to busy some flowers that won't be immediately eaten by the deer. Anyone have any suggestions for tried-and-true deer-proof flowers?
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The white flowers of spring |
May 14--a very special birthday... My mom is turning 88 today and I want to wish her a wonderful day! I just love her more than words can say and am so very proud of her. Many of you have asked, from time to time, how mom is doing since dad's death... Since saying goodbye to him in late October, she's had her sad moments, of course, but it is so nice to see her enjoying her life again without worrying about how he is doing at the dementia facility. She is reading more, playing me nightly (and often beating me!) in "Words With Friends" online, and enjoying visits with my sister and brother and their families who live nearby. I so wish I lived closer, but I know she knows how very much I love and miss her... ♥♥♥
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I'm so sorry for the length of this post--I guess I had more to report than I thought I would! I want to say a special thanks to each of you who takes the time to comment. I know that blogging is fading away as more and more people turn to the quicker and easier posting on Facebook and Instagram so your comments mean ever so much to me. Welcome to my newest followers, too--I'm amazed that the number is creeping toward 1500!! Enjoy your day and this beautiful month of May. Bye for now...
haha! I loved seeing Julius and Daisy. Your gifts to your friends are so beautiful. As are your blooms in your yard. I laughed thinking of you with the geese AND playing with the squirrel.
And your sons. What wonderful, loving sons.
Happy Birthday to your dear mother! My mom's birthday was yesterday.:D
As always your stitchy finishes are delightful and I'm sure your friends will cherish them :)
Yummy food & so cute cupcakes!!
Such a delightful post, Carol. Your gifts - sent and received - are beautiful. How clever of you to turn the swans into cats. :)
Such a lovely post! Your stitching and finishing are lovely as always. So nice that you give so much away, I do that too.
Glad your Mother's Day was so nice. It's always nice to be remembered by our loved ones, especially the children.
I know what you mean about the blogging. I am trying to keep my meager blog going too and although I do use Facebook I have recently opened an Instagram account 'just in case'. I still like the blog though. It's like writing a letter to an old friend. Guess I'm showing my age there!! LOL! Laura
Lovely blog post!! Your stitching is beautiful. Your boys are nice guys!! What a feast they made for you!!
So glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day Carol ! Love all your pretty stitched pieces and your flower photos!
Carol, I so love to see all your wonderful stitching and pillow and ornament finishes. The gifts you made for your friends are darling and I am sure they were absolutely happy with them.
Your Mother's Day contained all you can wish for. But the best is always to have family around you and to enjoy each other's company.
First of all, the piece on your header is just beautiful! I never mind a long post when there is lots to say, so I enjoyed yours. The gifts you sent off were lovely - how could the recipients not adore them?
It sounds like you had a great Mothers' Day with your sons!
What beautiful stitching - and those cupcakes _ AUGH!! I want one!!
Lovely, lovely post. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful pictures.
Oh Carol you write the best blog - it is always the start of a very happy day when I see you have a new posting up on your blog. Your stitching is (as always!) just beautiful. You are so creative and so clever - I love how you are so willing to change things to make it so personal and so special - very lucky recipients!
Your Mother's Day seems like it was really lots of fun! And those cupcakes - Yum!!! I laughed right out loud when I read about your Mom's idea to put out cereal bowls and boxes of cereal on the table - so funny! What a wonderful sense of humor.
And speaking of your Mom, it's really wonderful that she is doing so well and seems happy and busy - I think we all want to wish her a very Happy Birthday!!!
xoxo - Barb R.
The little pillows are both very sweet and i loved the photo f white spring flowers.i know you will put allthose pretty fabrics on good use with your finishings. Thank You for this lovely post and visting again my little blog1
Another great post on your blog! You sure do inspire many with your beautiful finishes. Would love to do an exchange with you one of these days! I so want one of your masterpieces!
Glad you had a nice Mothers Day with your sons! What a great meal and topped off with those delicious cupcakes! Better than a rushed dinner out!
Glad your Mom is enjoying life again. I know it can be lonely even if you are in a room full of people! But, she keeps busy and that helps!
Happy spring...and let summer begin! I love summer!
Before I forget, Happy Birthday to your Mom!! Send her a hug from me. Mu mom's bday would have been on the 2nd. : ) Your stitching is so pretty. I really like the Primrose Maiden pillows, especially the one with the border. I'm going to jot down the info on the magazine! My dd just started a job at the library, and I think of you every time she goes to work. She really likes it so far! So glad you had a nice Mother's Day. I love that your sons spoiled you. Good for them!! Oh - around here we have a group called the geese police that chase away unwanted geese with border collies. You could check the listings in your area -- maybe you have something similar?? Have a wonderful day!
Hello Carol!
As usual, you leave me in awe - your wonderful stitching and photography, and of course the baking, too! What a delightful Mother's Day you had, and your boys are all just lovely! I have been thinking of you a lot lately, and will email soon. So good to hear your Mum is well - and I hope the weather your way is still as good! It's raining here in stair-rods at the moment!
Take care of yourself and have a smashing weekend,
With much love,
What a beautiful post - lovely gifts both given and received, the Mother's Day meal prepared by your sweet sons, and great news on how your mother is doing. Thanks for making me smile! (while the plumber is here working on a very expensive repair... )
All of your gift recipients are so lucky! All of your pieces are just wonderful!
It's so fun to read your post - lots of activity in your life. Your stitching gifts are lovely!
You are definitely the darling of the Blogging Community Carol, and there is no secret as to the why and how...your exuberant spirit and kindness show through each and every word you write. Of course your stitching and photos are stunning as always and you are a pillar of goodness in all things. A very happy birthday to your dear mother, my husband shares her birthday! I love him with my whole heart and soul, so I figure sharing a birthday as they do, I understand how much you love your own Mama. I love Georgetown Cupcake and Katie and I visited that exact location and sat right in the front window three years ago on our big girls National History day adventure! ha :)
Have a fabulous day!
Happy Birthday to your lovely mom! I hope she has a very nice day today!
Thank you again for the beautiful gift. Julius and Daisy are quite smitten with it too! ;-) Their images in stitches!
Love all your stitching. I have that PS Santa booklet too and will no doubt stitch at least one design from there.
What a lovely Mother's Day you've had! Those boys know how to treat their mom right!
Your gift to Melissa is just perfect! And I like the abbreviated Maiden too. How can they have cupcakes available for that many people at one time? Glad you had a great Mother's Day and wish your mom a Happy Birthday for us.
Lavenders are deer proof as are salvias and agastaches which hummingbirds love!
Beautiful stitching like always , so beautifully put together with matching colours what a gift you have dear friend.
I know your friends will love them.
So happy you had a lovely mother's day .
And how lovely to hear about your mother wish her Happy Birthday from the UK and big hugs to all.
A lovely post to read with my afternoon cup of tea.
What a special Mothers Day Carol,and a Happy Birthday to your mom.
Carol, a lot of wonderful gift!
Did you have a nice Mother's Day with her sons!
We will not celebrate the Mother's Day :-)
We have 8 March - International Women's Day.
A lovely post as always Carol. I think it's quite sad that many bloggers are talking about stopping to move completely to Instagram etc. I think blogging offers something that they don't.
Many Happy Returns to your mum, I hope she has a wonderful birthday.
DO get a smartphone - I relented in November last year and I wish I had done it sooner:-)
Thanks for the pictures of "home", lol and yes you need a smart phone, dear Miss C, very useful for a lot of things and also to take pictures when you are out and about. Love your finishing, as always......time we met up again....
Happy belated birthday to your mum x
First let me say you always make the sweetest gifts - I know they are treasured by your friends. But most important I'm extremely jealous that you still have your mother, even if it's at a distance. My mother loved to play cards on the computer and she loved crosswords so she would have loved Words With Friends. :) blessings, marlene
You are truly an inspiration. I hope you never stop your blog and always look forward to your next one. I love your stitching and finishing. I love to stitch but don't know how you find the time to do all that you do..... Chris
Hi Carol,
In the Little Maiden pillow that you did was the floss colors in the magazine or did you choose your own. I love the colors and would like to do the same if possible.
Happy Stitching, Chris
First, Happy Birthday wishes to your Mom! I hope she has a wonderful day from beginning to end!
Your stitched pieces are incredible and thank you again for the lovely one you sent my way.
I am glad your Mother's Day celebration turned out so pleasant and you didn't have to resort to cold cereal. What a gorgeous day you had.
Robin in Virginia
I love the way you always "change things up a little" when you make your small projects. They are so unique and always one of a kind this way. Love that you "left off" part of the one you did before...both are lovely. It amazes me that you have time to do so many gifts and you even work part-time! Beautiful post and stitching as always!
Catching up on blogposts... And as uasal, your photos and words are awe inspiring..... I love the blue and yellow stitch that you duplicated..... It's so YOU!!! keep up the great work.... Summer is around the corner~~
Beautiful stitching and finishes on your gifts. Love the arched finish .. curves can be a bear.
A totally fabulous Mother's Day. Nice to see your family appreciates you. We have a G'town Cupcakes about 6 blocks from me here and it's always crowded too. Of course it's super-tiny so it looks crowded when the line is about 3 people long! I'm a big fan.
Sending your Mom late birthday wishes. You two are so wonderfully close!
First, a very happy birthday to your mom. I'm so glad to hear she is doing well. Your family really stepped up to the plate for Mother's Day! Good for them. Lastly, great gifts all the way around!
Beautiful gifts! I love the way you finished the small pincushion with the little spools ;)
What a fantastic post Carol. Your stitching and finishing is absolutely stunning as always. I so enjoy reading your posts.
Hello and first:
Happy birthday to your Mom!
Again a lovely post. Your stitching and finishing is, as always, wonderful.
Hope the weather will be warm when I go to CO in August!
Greetings from Germany
Your finishes and gifts are lovely!!:) your sons did a great job to make the Mother's Day special for you . The cake looks yummy !! Lovely blooms in your garden :)
Happy Birthday to your mom!!
Sounds like you had an amazing Mother's Day, deservedly so! I love your finishes, especially the one for Melissa and the Primrose Maiden - beautiful blue and yellow finishing combinations!
Great gifts given and received.
Your Mother's day dinner looks so good.
Your sons are very thoughtful.
The plant is beautiful, and the cupcakes look scrumptious!
Glad you had a nice day.
happy belated B-day to your Mother too.
What a lovely post...I had so much fun reading this. Beautiful gifts you have made for your friends.
Happy birthday to you mom!
Carol , happy birthday to your dear mother , I'm glad you can enjoy your time and do better finding that the loss of your father. Embroidered precious , precious photos. It okay to feel pampered and loved by the children . Ohhh that long line to buy candy
I noticed the cats right away! Perfect little touch.
The cupcakes are also the perfect touch.
Happy Mother's Day.
Beautiful stitching and finishing as always.. What a lovely Mother´s Day celebration and gifts - very thoughtful sons.
Beautiful stitching and finishing, everything fits so nicely together.
Glad that you had a wonderful Mother's Day. It is always nice to spend time together with family.
A wonderful catching up post! Love all the pretties you've created!
Beautiful finishes!! Oh my goodness!! Those cupcakes look amazing!!
Happy birthday to your Mom!
Your boys are wonderful and what an amazing array of Mother's Day gifts. I have had similar cupcakes in NYC but would love to try Georgetown cupcakes! You obviously had a fantastic day.
Your gift giving is impressive. You truly take time to make the perfect gift. I know Melissa must have loved her little pillow, and appreciated having her two cats added.
As I was looking at your PS Santa (I too have stitched that) I was thinking, "I like the way Carol left a larger border…I should do that next time" :D
Robin's pillow is very sweet ~ as always your finishing is fantastic.
North Park Lake is gorgeous. What a great place for a long walk.
What a lovely post!
As always, your stitching and finishing are both wonderful!
Looks like you had a perfect Mother's Day!
I love your beautiful photos!
What a lovely post Carol. Your stitching is beautiful and you are so clever with the finishing. I am glad you were spoilt by your sons on Mothers Day, the dinner they produced looks great. I also loved seeing some of the countryside around where you live and pleased that the weather has at last improved for you. Jan xx
I too was spoiled by my kiddos for Mothers Day it's such a blessing. Great photos. Thanks for still posting for all us tried and true bloggers still out here. It's so much more personal.
Looks like you had a most wonderful weekend. Your projects are really cute.
Wonderful stitched gifts, Carol! I especially liked your version of Prinrose Maiden. I'm going to stitch it too soon as I have all the other Maidens.
All the best, Tatiana
Hi Carol - I was so excited to find your blog! I have just re-entered the world of cross stitching and had forgotten how much fun (and addictive) it is. Your creations are just lovely - truly inspirational. I will be referring to your photos often for ideas on finishing. Please keep blogging - you are a gem!
Hi Carol. What a lovely post as always. You stitched some beautiful gifts for your friends. The Valentine chart has been in my stash for some time, but I have not stitched it yet. The kitties you added were so cute. I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day with your thoughtful boys. Your blooming plants are so pretty. I'm glad your Mom is doing well. That's great she plays words with friends with you.
Take care... Melody
Such a lovely post Carol! I love the gifts both given and received. Your piece for Melissa is perfect with the two cats added. Happy birthday to your mum, I hope she had a wonderful day! Although we are in Spring and the flowers are doing their best to bloom we are still having lower than usual temps. HOpefully it will warm up a little bit soon.
Hi Carol, so lovely to hear you have been enjoying some beautiful sunshine.
Your Mothers day sounds lovely! What sweet boys you have. I wanted to put my hand through the computer and reach out for one of those delicious cupcakes!!
Beautiful gifts for your stitchy friends. I am sure they will be cherished.
Hi Carol, so lovely to hear you have been enjoying some beautiful sunshine.
Your Mothers day sounds lovely! What sweet boys you have. I wanted to put my hand through the computer and reach out for one of those delicious cupcakes!!
Beautiful gifts for your stitchy friends. I am sure they will be cherished.
The gifts you made and received are lovely. Nice to read that you had an enjoyable Mother's Day.
Another beautiful post Carol. It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Your plant is so pretty and those cupcakes- WOW!
Beautiful finishes as always. You always pick the the perfect finishing trims and fabrics. Looking at your photos just reminded me I have some spools somewhere that my youngest DD got me from where she works! I had forgotten all about them.
Happy Belated Birthday to your Mum!
I love all of your finishes :) I always enjoy reading your blog posts.
I can't share much advice for deer proof flowers, but where we camp, there are alot of deer and they don't seem to bother the daisies and coneflowers. I love seeing all the pics of your finishes/gifts. I wish I could come up with such lovely finishings as you do! Sounds like you had an awesome Mother's Day. My girls came for a visit. I just got a Mandevilla plant too. I had one last summer and the hummingbirds loved it. I'm going to try taking it in this fall and see if I can keep it alive for next summer. Happy Birthday to your mom!!!
Pretty gifts Carol. All are just perfect and will be loved i am sure. DC cupcakes line is crazy. the food you had looks amazing. I have been busy packing I will be moving saturday. I will have to catch you up. I have been busy.
Those cupcakes must be amazing for such a long line! I'm not sure I'd stay in line that long for a cupcake. Online seems the way to go!
I love the kitties you added to Valentine Sampler. They look exactly like cats! If Christmas Visit was a difficult finish for you, it sure doesn't show.
Happy Belated Birthday to your precious Mom!
Such a lovely post full to the brim with beautiful things. Great pics your son captured with his phone of your walk.
Lovely gifts you sent out to friends, the change to kittys was very inventive, well done.
Belated birthday wishes to your mom.
Have a wonderful time now the temps have improved Carol. I hope you have more playtime in the garden with Mr Squirrel, he obviously liked his new friend.
The pillows you made are so lovely--I am sure the recipients loved them! So glad your sons stepped up on Mother's Day. Why don't you eat vegetables? I don't eat all, but I like some! Hugs!
anche qui in Italia fa caldo, sembra luglio, tutti vanno al mare! Che belli i tuoi regali! Mi piace molto come li finisci.
Hi Carol,
Looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I am so glad. I wanted to reach through the screen and grab a cupcake. They look delicious! Your gifts look great and your finish of the ornament is perfect. Don't worry! Happy Belated Birthday to your Mom!
Things are always so lovely here .. Beautiful work & I enjoyed the garden photos ;)
Things are always so lovely here .. Beautiful work & I enjoyed the garden photos ;)
Hello, Your text is Always perfect, love Reading it! Here is Brazil Mother´s Day is also a special day, in fact, I love May, it´s my favorite month.
Lovely gifts you got and gave away!
I love the pictures of your white flowers, just lovely! And the mother's day food looks great. Wonderful sons you have! I glad you had such a nice mother's day!
Ana Paula.
Lovely gifts you got and gave away!
I love the pictures of your white flowers, just lovely! And the mother's day food looks great. Wonderful sons you have! I glad you had such a nice mother's day!
Ana Paula.
Your gifts are lovely! Enjoyed reading your beautiful post, cupcakes are extremely yummy looking!
What a wonderful post. Such lovely gifts you have given. Enjoyed looking at the cupcakes!! I think a cup of tea and a biscuit might go down quite nicely at this moment. Have a great week.
Wonderful gifts Carol! These cupcakes looks yummy :)
Love all of your new finishes Carol!
How sweet of your sons to make you a wonderful meal ~ looks delish!
My MIL's b'day is May 14th too!
Haven't had time to post much, but hope to get back on here more often after our son's wedding.
Happy Memorial Day to you!
Gorgeous finishes, everyone's gifts are lovely.
Sounds like you had a great Mothers Day and I love the picture of the squirrel
Hi my dear friend!
I am so sorry to be that late with my comment on your post, but I am behind with almost everthing at this time!
I love reading your wonderful post. The stitchings are so cute! Each of them!
And I love the photographs of your garden and the animals there.
I am happy to read that you had such a wonderful Mother's Day and have been treated so well by your sons.
Have a wonderful rest of May!
Perfect finishes dear!!!
So many beautiful pictures! Love your finishes!! Looks like you were spoiled for Mother's Day!
Hi Carol! What a beautiful post! I read it weeks ago and didn't have time to post and then it slipped my mind. Your stitching and finishing is simply stunning!
I agree with you that Canada geese are so messy. I go by a pond on my way to/from work each day and it is not uncommon to have to wait for them to cross the road. There are many new babies these days as well and they are so darned cute!
I often wonder how your mom is doing and am happy to hear she is getting out and about. Playing Words with Friends is a lovely way to have a daily connection - isn't technology grand?
We were sitting outside after dinner and had a raccoon come in the backyard. She looked so bedraggled I gave her some cat food (quite a distance from us) - hope that wasn't a mistake...
I hope you have had a great end of May and beginning of June and that your eyes are doing better.
This time of year brings its own business but it is so nice to have the long days of daylight.
Take good care.
Hugs, Wanda
Hello, Carol,
I would like to let you know that I've changed my blog to another host.
Now it´s ceubordado.wordpress.com
If possible, visit my site.
Such beautiful gifts and fabulous photos!
What lovely stitching and finishing! What lovely gifts from your boys!
Hope you are doing ok...been a long time since you posted...
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