Happy New Year!! As another year begins, I want to thank all of you special cross stitching friends who have visited my blog over the past twelve months. Your kind comments and emails have been so encouraging and down-right complimentary that I feel blessed to have "met" each one of you. You've brought me more smiles than I can count and turned what sometimes began as a "horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day," into one filled with sunshine and warmth. You are such a special group and I simply want to let you know how much your friendship has come to mean to me, how inspired I have been by your stitching, and how happy I am to have started blogging almost three years ago...
December found me stitching a few small ornaments to send to blogging friends around the world. I wish I could have done more--simply ran out of time. Perhaps this year, I'll be able to plan ahead a bit more and add a few more people to my gift list. These are the gifts that have made their way to their new homes so far...
This trio of snowmen is now making their home with Shari in Indiana. Shari has triplet grandsons so I knew this would be a perfect choice for her. "Let It Snow" can be found in the Winter 1994 issue of Cross Stitch Sampler magazine.
"Christmas Robin" flew across the miles to the other side of Pennsylvania and is now making his nest at the home of Mary. This chart, by The Victoria Sampler, can be found in the 2010 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue and it was stitched on 35 ct. natural Northern Cross linen (loved that stuff--thanks for the recommendation Theresa).

This was the second time this year, I stitched this L'R de rien freebie. My first one was done on pale pink; this one, for Cindy in New York, is stitched on 28ct. Wood Violet Jobelan, a lovely shade of lavender. I thought it would be a nice reminder of her daughter's trip to Europe this past year which included a visit to Paris.
Of course, you'll recognize my next finish as a Prairie Schooler Santa. I stitched him "over one" on 28 ct. tea dyed Monaco for my dear blogging friend, Lois, in Ireland. Lois was my fellow "Ornament a Month" stitcher this year and her 2011 collection is stunning--stop by her blog and check it out. This was the only one of my gifts which arrived in Europe in time for Christmas! There are still packages sent to friends in Spain and England which seem to be missing in action... I sure hope they make their way to their new homes eventually.
And to one of my very first blogging friends, the cardinal loving Myra in North Carolina, went this sweet ornament by Plum Pudding Needleart called "Winter's Song." I hope you're not getting tired of cardinals, Myra--you're certainly getting quite a collection!! I stitched this one "over one" on 28 ct. Bay Leaf Jobelan--a fabric I know I'll be using again. I loved the simple message on it...
I received a few goodies in the mail last week myself! I am always overwhelmed by the kindness of my fellow stitchers. All the way from The Netherlands came this sweet felt ornament created by the bubbly, very creative, Annette. I was especially touched that Annette stitched mine with blue threads knowing how much I love all shades of blue. Thank you so much, my sweet friend--your joyful blog always makes me smile!
My final package came as a giveaway win from Shirlee at The Easily Influenced Stitcher. I received not only the LHN "Two White Houses" chart, but the fabric and floss needed to stitch it. I just love my prize, Shirlee, and I'm thrilled to have found a new blogging friend as well. In our correspondence regarding where to send my prize, we discovered that Shirlee grew up not more than half an hour from where I currently live. What a small world!! Thank you so much for the delightful gift, Shirlee--it will make a perfect piece to stitch in the fall...
As you can see, my first post of the new year seems to be sticking to my overly long format. I so appreciate you staying with me this far! Where will 2012 take me in terms of stitching? Well, I'm not really one to make goals other than my "Ornament a Month" continuing. I like to just stitch whatever calls my name at the moment... And there is a long-overlooked chart in my stash which seems to be screaming to me more loudly than the others at the moment. What is it? Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and be surprised!
Wishing each of you very a most wonderful new year. May 2012 be filled with love, laughter, and, of course, more time to stitch! Bye for now...
Such gorgeous ornies you made for your friends Carol.
Happy New Year to you and your family, I wish you good health and happiness.
A beautiful and heartfelt post Carol! Love all your ornaments...and congratulations on your win. Enjoy stitching it!!
Your ornaments are so lovely, wishing you a Happy New Year!
Happy New Year.
Such lovely gifts.
Looking forward to another year of stitching and blogging.
All of your ornaments are just gorgeous! I love them. I am very fond of the piece in your blog header, is that a Prairie Schooler design? Beautiful!
LOVE all your ornaments and your header. Wondering what design that is.
And Winters Song is absolutely stunning.
Wishing you and your family all the best for 2012
Happy New Year! I love all of your ornaments especially your color choice on the PS Santa and the VS bird ornament. Beautiful!
Happy New Year! All of the ornaments looks fabulous. You've made lots of people very happy with your gifts.
Oh you Carol! Making us wait to see that long overlooked chart! ;) Such lovely stitched gifts. Happy, Blessed, Stitchy New Year to you. imvickie@yahoo.com
What beautiful ornaments that you have sent to your stitching friends. They are all lovely and the finishing looks great.
The gifts that you received are lovely too.
Wishing you all the best in 2012.
Carol, the ornaments you sent to your friends are just gorgeous! Wow! The finishing and everything is just perfect! Nice presents you received as well. It really can be a small world, can't it? It's fun when coincidences like that pop up! Hope you have a great New Year! Looking forward to seeing your stitchy projects for 2012!
What beautiful ornaments you sent, Carol! And how fun to win a kitted up pattern! I look forward to seeing which pattern you start next. :)
Amazing finished pieces you mailed away-that had to be tough:) I am sure the lucky stitchers were thrilled.
Your ornaments are gorgeous as always! How do you get your bows so perfect?
No hint at all about what you're starting next?! :)
The ornaments you made are beautiful Carol, and I know your friends are thrilled! Lovely gifts you received too. I can't wait until you reveal your mystery stitch! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Carol ... What beautiful things you stitched & they look like they are finished perfectly! I hope I can finish like you when I grow up : ) Happy New Year! Blessings, Shirlee
Wonderful ornaments you stitched for your stitching friends! I wish you a Happy New Year! :o)
Your friends will be thrilled with their gifts - they are beautiful! And your win from Shirlee - perfect!
Happy New Year - may 2012 find you stitching everyday!
Oh my goodness! What a load of wonderful presents, both sent and received. Everything is just wonderful! I'm anxious to stitch that robin ornament for my daughter, who delights in a fat robin that shows up as soon as we put out new birdseed.
Happy new year, Carol!
Happy New Year, Carol! What gorgeous ornaments you stitched and what lovely gifts you received! I love the picture in your header! Would you share the details?
Robin in Virginia
rlbrowninva @ gmail.com
What gorgeous finishes you've made for all those special people :) I think they are lovely and perfect and well just wonderful!!!
I'm going to do my onrnament a month challege too! 2012 is my year! :)
Happy New Year, Carol! I hope you have many happy hours of stitching ahead of you!
Beautiful ornaments and wonderful gifts. The JCS Victoria Sampler bird is on my to do list.
What beautiful things you have sent and lovely gifts received. Can't wait to see what is coming out of your stitching box to be stitched.
x catherine
I know they loved the beautiful ornaments hun; and love the look of your blog...
hugs, Shar
Your blog layout is lovely, and I hope we'll get to see your stitched monthly greetings! Of course all your ornaments are so thoughtful and lovely, and the gifts well deserved! Happy New Year, my friend!
All the ornaments you made are gorgeous. Hope you have a very Happy New year
Carol, your ornament gifts given to friends are lovely, and you received some pretty things, also.
I am looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful stitching in the new year!!
Happy New Year dea Carol =))
Your are to kind for us with your lovely words...
What a beautifull gifts your have made!!!
Like the trio of snowmen
Robins are one of the most beautifull birds that I get in my garden!! beautifull done
And another beautifull one with beads..
To post is so strange.. My package arrived faste in the USA then in England.. to wierd....
Cardinal are birds I don't now... but ow so beautifull, beautofull stitched fo your friend!!
Ow Carol.. your words.. made me blush so much :$ :$.... Not stitched like all your gifts.. but I also don't have the time to do that.. (to bad).. Your welcome... I'm so glas you liked it.
The other gifts you got are also so lovely.. you spoil us.. but You also are being spiled I see... Enjoy it!!
Your blogposts are always so beautifull.. love reading them...
I'm also Going to try and make a ornament a months.. but not only stitch.. do different crafts..
Have a great week. and I cvan't wait to see what is screaming to be stitched
Those are beautiful ornaments you made for your friends. I'm sure each will be loved and cherished. That LHN pattern you received is lovely. I'll need to be on the lookout for it. ;)
Happy New Years!
What a wonderful array of ornaments you stitched!! And congratulations on the very lovely giveaway - I can see that progressing under your very talented hands. :)
Best wishes in this wonderful new year!
What great stitching! Happy New Year my friend. I hope the new year brings all the best to you!
los regalos que has enviado son muy bonitos. Me gusta ver lo disciplinada que eres, ya estás pensando que bordar, la meta del ornamento al mes y todo lo demás. Espero a ver con que nos sorprendes
Me gusta tu nuevo aspecto del blog.
Feliz 2012.
Beautiful ornaments you made, Carol! I am sure all the ladies were very happy.
And you got some lovely gifts too. Oh, and I love your picture on the top! How do we call that again? Very pretty winter scene...your stitching is amazing. Perfect!
Have a great day and a wonderful new year!
amazing ornaments! I love "Let it Snow":)
Beautiful ornaments. I don't know how you found time to stitch those and show all the other stitching on your blog all this time too! You are amazing!
We're expecting a burst of cold here so if you are too, be sure to bundle up and stay warm!
Happy New Year. Love the ornaments you stitched for your friends. Congrats on your win. Look forward to seeing your stitching in 2012. I am hoping to stitch an ornament a month too but we will see my finishing leaves a lot to be desired.
My first thought was "did she post this via her iPad?" Inquiring minds want to know how much fun (and time) you are spending with it!!!
Carol, all your stitching are fabulous, just sigh-worthy fabulous!
Happy New Year!
Loved all the ornaments you stitched and your finishing is beautiful! Happy "stitchy" New Year!
oh,,no!!!!!!!!! Your new blog header picture reminds me!!!! That is yet another one I want to stitch!!!! Love yours!
And.....you reminded me....I still have not put the thank you pictures on my blog for my very special ornament pillow....
I am not putting it away today....it is staying out longer to enjoy!!!
Another beautiful post Carol.
What beautiful Ornaments you always make them so nice, and your finish is always wonderful.
Love your giveaway from Shirlee.
Happy Stitching sweet friend.
What lovely finishes...I'm so jealous of the fact you get them looking so pefect! Looking forward to seeing your work in 2012 - Happy New year!
Gorgeous header! and I love the look of the blog!
What wonderful stitches you passed on at Christmas.
Wishing you the Happiest of New Year's and look forward to your beautiful stitches this year.
What a windfall post and what a thoughtful thi g to do for your far away friends!!! Beautiful Ornamnets with obviously a lot of thought going I to them!!!
Happy New Year and may your needles fly!!!
Carol --
Happy New Year to you:) Great gifts both given and received. Your stitching is absolutely stunning!
Can't wait to see what project is "talking loudly" to you!
Have a good week.
happy new year dear..
i love all your ornaments..
beautiful gift from lovely friends...
hugs cucki xx
Such wonderful gifts sent and received! Shari was trying to set up a stitchy day in Jan....I live about 2 hours away, but it looks like all the other ladies have plans. So we'll try again another month. Love your posts and seeing all the wonderful finishes you come up with! Happy New Year!
ohhhh wow love those ornaments you did for your friends simply gorgeous ... and what a lot of goodies you got too :) wishing you a wonderful , healthy , happy and very stitchy new year :) love mouse xxxx
Thoughtful and perfect gifts
Happy 2012
Love your gifts sent and received. Here's to a great 2012. I hope the new year brings you all the best!
I just 'discovered' your beautiful blog a few days ago and to say I am in AWE is an absolute understatement!!!
I am truly enjoying reading and admiring your blog and your incredible, beautiful cross stitch. Your cross stitching and your finish work is an art form all into itself. I can't wait to poke around all of the archived postings. And...your Christmas tree is stunning - oh how I wish I could see it in person - thank you for the little on-line tour.
Thank you so much for sharing your time, talent and creativity with the rest of us - I think all of your readers are honored by your incredible generosity.
I, too, love your January header (I wish I had seen your other headers, but I'll look forward to your future headers)
Any chance you might share the details of this one?
Again, thank you so very much and I don't think your posts are too long - they are so much fun to read and see what you are up to.
Happy 2012 to you and your family. May it be joyful, peaceful, happy (and include lots of happy cross stitching!)
ok Carol....I pulled the chart & it has the floss already......so...do tell...what fabric did you use? (the january sampler at the top) I BET I have something that will work!!
Wonderful new header, love it!
Love all your ornies too, they are gorgeous!
I also have no great plan for 2012 except to stitch an ornament a month. Let see what catches my eyes, ha, ha!
Happy stitching in 2012!
I love your posts Carol! And your ornie finishes are lovely as usual! I have to ask...what chart is your header pic? it's beautiful!
Oh Carol, all your ornaments are just beautiful. I know all the recipients are just thrilled as I am with mine. You couldn't have chosen a more perfect design for me and I will never tire of the lovely cardinal in any form.
Lovely gifts your received as well and so deserving. I am so glad to have "found" you and am looking to many more years of fun and friendship.
Oh Carol, a beautiful post as always! Your ornaments are stunning and I'm sure will bring joy for years to come!
I'm trying the ornament a month this year as well - along with June. We are hoping to keep each other on track!
What lovely pieces Carol. Thank you so much for the piece you sent me. It does mean a lot. My daughter will be home tomorrow. I can't wait. I haven't seen her since September. Have a blessed and healthy new year. I really like the gifts you sent for my birthday. I have a couple of pieces to finsh and will start on the pattern you sent me. Happy stitching in 2012.
Love your header. Your ornaments are beautiful. Happy New Year
I love my ornament so much Carol, even though all the rest of my Christmas decorations are now packed away I just had to keep this one out for a little while longer. Thank you again, my friend.
You've had some lovely packages arriving at your door!
Happy New Year my friend, may 2012 be one of health, happiness and lots of stitching!
Wow! I loved all your ornaments but I think my two favorites were the snowmen and the PS Santa. Outstanding! I hope you have a great stitching year in 2012!
Congratulations on your winning!
The ornaments you stitched are just beautiful, especially that blue Santa! Have you ever thought about doing a finishing tutorial? I would love to learn how to finish ornaments like you do!!
Love the new header pic, wonderful.
Fabulous collection of ornaments you have made Carol, I am in awe of your perfect finishing skills.
Happy New Year to you.
I just discovered your blog through Vonna's. You do such beautiful stitching and finishing! I'm looking forward to seeing more!
All of your ornaments are beautiful but I admit to having a sweet spot in my heart for the cardinal. I just love those birds so. :)
Happy New Year girlie!!!
Happy New Year Carol! I have no idea how you managed to stitch all those gorgeous gifts and stitching for yourself too! They are all lovely! And lovely gifts received. I can't wait to see what your new start is! I hope it's a fantastic 2012 for you!
That is an absolutely gorgoues header Carol! Who is the designer on this one? I know I've seen it before.
You stitched gifts for your special friends are just wonderful and I'll bet they were all thrilled when they received them! I love how you chose each one with a special reason in mind.
I'm so glad to have stumbled across your blog and met you. I enjoy my time chatting with you and seeing your wonderful creations.
Happy New Year my friend!
What a gorgeous new look to your blog Carol. The header is beautiful and looks great with the plaid fabric background.
I absolutely love all of the gorgeous ornaments you have stitched. You're making me want to stitch for Christmas all over again!
Wonderful gifts received from your stitching friends and what lovely words to start your post off.
It is always such a pleasure to visit here.
Your ornament finishes, as always, are lovely. It is a joy to visit this blog and see such pretties! Happy New Year!
Happy 2012!!!!! :D
All beautiful finishes!! :D
I love the little Robin :) and the bow on the corner!! so cute =) That's definitely one of the prettiest ornaments I have ever seen!!!
Another lovely!! How do you make those perfect bows?? :D eheheheh
Lovely gifts :) Congratulations on winning the giveaway :D
Hugs&Smiles to you =)
Oh Carol, so beautiful ornaments again! I am sure they made everyone happy! :) And the lovely gifts you have received :)
Hope the missing packages find their way too, at least one did already :) :)
I wish you a wonderful year with lots of stitching time!
Happy New Year, Carol!
All those ornaments and gifts are wonderful!
Thank you for stopping by my blog, I wouldn't have found yours otherwise. I love your stitching and am looking forward to following your posts.
I noticed that I am your 600th follower. Gosh that is a lot.
Nicola xxx
You stitched some lovely ornaments. I really like the blue Santa. What pattern is the header on your blog? I think it is great.
Your stitched ornaments are simply beautiful! Lovely gifts too.
So far as I'm concerned, your posts can't be long enough. :)
I meant to comment yesterday, but your blog had the same effect as always. It makes me want to stitch my fingers off - so off I went never to return to comment. :D
All these ornaments are a pleasure to look at, particularly the ones with the birds. And they are all so beautifully finished. What a wonderful surprise for your friends. And as always when I visit your blog I had a new idea for my own stitching. I think I'll start a collection of little bird ornaments as I'm really fond of birds.
Wishing you a very happy new year, to, full of stitching and inspiration.
Happy new year Carol. I hope 2012 is a good one for you and your family.
I can't wait to see what you stitch this year. I love all the ornaments in this post. They are gorgeous and perfectly finished.
Carol, everything is so beautifully done and I am sure your recipients were grateful for them. As you know, I love the PS designs and I have the same PS ornie in my rotation of stitches this year.
Thanks for sharing all your beautiful work. My eyes glimmer whenever I come to visit.
TFS and I look forward to seeing the other beauties you will share.
Many stitches for 2012.
Warm hugs,
Your header reminds me of the wonderful giveaway of yours I won last year - that chart has been calling to me for awhile and I hope to stitch it this year. All your ornaments are lovely (love the blue Santa). I am particularly enamoured of the one by Plum Pudding Needleart - I just learned about this designer from someone else's blog and really like their work.
I wish you a very Happy New Year. Please keep making your NOT overly long posts - the longer the better in my book. You are a true inspiration and I'm happy to "know" you.
You have stitched such lovely ornaments for your friends, whom I am sure will be thrilled to receive them. Your finishing of each one is beautiful.
Blessings for you in the New Year. May the threads of our stitches connect us all together once again in 2012!
Happy New Year, Carol - all the ornaments are lovely!
I wanna be just like you when I grow up ;o) Your finishing is just too perfect Carol! What lovely ornaments to send out and that over one to Myra...just SWEET!
Those are some lovely gifts you received yourself and you deserve them. I love your Blog, from the first time I read it (was that two years ago now????) and your positive attitude always makes me smile :o) So THANK YOU for being the wonderful person that you are :o)
What a lovely post! All of the ornaments are beautiful! Congrats on your win. Happy New Year to you and yours.
My goodness... What beautiful ornaments! And you received some wonderful stitchy packages as well.
Happy New Year, Carol! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Oh my, those ornaments are absolutely perfect, in stitches and finishing. Love love the finishing. I couldn't see a few photos earlier but now they are all showing and the PS santa melted my heart! That's the leaflet I will work on next. And thanks for the links to some wonderful blogs!
Dear Carol!
You stitched so wonderful and lovely pieces for presents!!! And when I saw the "Christmas Robin" I had to smile!
Whenever I browsed my JCS-Magzines looking for ornament designs and saw this little robin I thought to me: I am surprised that carol never stitched this little piece - it looks so perfect for her - et voilà - here it is ;-)
All the best to you and your beloved for 2012
Hugs and kisses
Beautiful ornaments Carol. I look forward to seeing your stitching in 2012.
How did I miss this post??!?!? Love your ornies Carol!! I especially love the little robin (I made this for my nana and framed it) but I like yours much better! That cord is so perfect!! That L'R de rien freebie is so lovely too. And I love the crispness of the white! Lovely presents for you!!
Finally have the chance to catch up with your blog, Carol. I love the "January Blues" piece! It's so beautiful. I can never get over how talented you are--as a stitcher and a writer. Thank you so much for sharing talents. Funny to read about your handwriting--I forgot that you always print. Great to see the birthday pics--I think I would have eaten all those cupcakes.
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