Good January morning to you all! And thank you again for all of your wonderful comments on my last post. I had so, so many questions about the title of the wintry design in my blog header, that I thought I'd answer those first. The chart is "Monthly Sampler: January" by Waxing Moon Designs which I stitched back in January 2010. If you're interested in seeing the whole design and reading about my finish, please click here. I remember it as being the perfect piece to stitch during that cold, cold January two years ago. Luckily, this January has proven to be very mild with little snow so far, but snow is forecast for tomorrow, so our luck could be changing.

FINAL 2011 ORNAMENTS: I'm happy to say that my last four ornaments of 2011 were finally delivered to their new owners. That made a total of nine ornaments I created in December for friends!! It took a while, but this Prairie Schooler kitty is now residing with my blogging friend, Edit all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. Edit, who is Hungarian, but lives in Spain, and I became friends when she won one of my giveaways a while back. She is just as much of a Prairie Schooler lover as I am so I also included an old Just Cross Stitch magazine with a PS rooster chart in her Christmas package. I'm so glad she liked my gifts!
If this ornament looks familiar, it's because this is the third time I've stitched it! I only stitch things again that I really like, so you know I must really love this one to have stitched it three times. This snowflake went to a dear co-worker at the library who recently retired. I've given her an ornament each year for the past six or seven years, but she said this one is her favorite and she plans on leaving it out all winter. This Prairie Schooler piece is from No. 23: "A Prairie Year II.
This gingerbread boy took so long to arrive in England, I feared the poor thing was drifting aimlessly somewhere in the Atlantic. But, thankfully he found his way to his new home with my lovely friend, June. Again, this is the third time I've stitched this little guy--this one is stitched over one on 28 ct. evenweave. I ruched some gauzy burgundy colored ribbon to add for the trim and hanger. This one went to June because she is so full of J-O-Y; her blog is always a treat!
This next snowman probably looks familiar, as well! You all loved him so much when I stitched him last year, that I decided my youngest son's girlfriend might like one of her very own for a little remembrance at Christmas time. She really seemed to like him and sent me the sweetest thank-you note. I finished him exactly like the one that hangs on my own tree using 28 ct. sage jobelan and DMC threads. He is stitched over one as well, and, of course, a little plaid bow completes his look!
One of the most common questions I'm asked is how I make those tiny bows that you see on so many of my ornaments... Well, if it weren't for the helpful tutorial of that amazing finisher, Barbara from "To Stitch or Not To Stitch", I wouldn't know how to make them either. She did a wonderful step-by-step tutorial back in 2010 which you can find right here. My bows differ only in that they are much smaller. I start out with only about a seven inch piece of ribbon (usually 9 mm or 3/8 inch, but sometimes I use wider ribbon as you can see in the black and white gingham). And rather than tying another piece of ribbon around the center, I just wrap the thread (that I've used to gather up the center) around and around and tie it in the back to create a nice look. Trim the ends as long or short as you like and voilĂ --you have a sweet, (almost) perfect bow! Give it a try--it only took about half an hour to make the six in my photo.
I was totally caught by surprise when I received the most amazing RAK (random act of kindness) from Annie! I mean, sometimes, you suspect something is up, but, Annie truly, truly surprised me... And what a surprise it was. I first started following Annie's blog because of the darling little tin finishes that she does. I'm so proud to now have an original "Annie-made" tin of my own. Just look at this little perfectly-stitched beauty... She chose my favorite color, blue, included my initials, and inside, tucked the cutest pair of scissors.
But, wait--that's not all! In addition to some yummy chocolates, Annie also crocheted a charming gift-card holder in the most soothing shades of blue and green. And snuggled inside was a very generous Amazon gift card to buy myself a book or two for my Kindle. I think it took me an entire day to stop shaking my head in disbelief at Annie's generosity. You really spoiled my, my friend, and I will treasure your gifts! Thank you, thank you, thank you...I'm so glad our paths crossed through this amazing cross stitch blogging community.
So, do you have any special plans for the weekend? Since my ♫♫♫ birthday ♫♫♫ is coming up on the 16th, my sons thoughtfully asked what I wanted. I told them what I really wanted was to be invited to their apartment for dinner for a birthday dinner. They couldn't believe I would want to come to their "junky apartment" (their words!). But, I haven't been there in almost 3 years, so I can't wait! In a way, it will almost be like "going home again" since most of their furniture is the stuff we bought when we were first married. I can't wait to see what they plan to feed me; they're teasing me saying they'll be making a dish with lots of vegetables. For you long time readers, you know I don't eat green vegetables (remember this post from back in 2010), so I really hope they're just having a bit of fun with old mom.
Well, the next time I post, I'll be a year older. Funny how these birthdays keep coming around faster each year, isn't it? I'll leave you with the image of this beautiful bouquet of roses my three sons surprised me with on Christmas... Enjoy your weekends everyone and thank you again for your thoughtful comments and emails--I'm blessed to have each one of you in my life. Bye for now...
Carol,how i like your works! They are so cute and accurate:-)
Couldn't you share the chart of January design , please? Do any other monthly designs of this kind exist?
HI Carol,
What a wonderful post. The ornaments are beautiful and thank you for the bow information.
I love the January finish too.
What a wonderful RAK. So generous and sweet.
Last of all Happy Birthday! I hope that your day is special.
What a great post! Lots of beautiful ornaments, and lots of useful info too! So your two oldest sons share an apartment? That's pretty neat! Sounds like it has been a while since you've been there. Maybe they'll throw in a joke dish or two of green veggies?? lol! Happy birthday!!
Lovely ornaments you made, and what a gorgeous bouquet from your sons. Have a great Birthday!
Dear Carol,
you did make - and receive as well - wonderful presents! I really love all your ornaments.
Your january picture I know soooo well! This picture has caused me a wave of enthusiasm when I saw it the first time last year and now - I have five of them at home: one stitched, the others waiting for their time to come (f.e. "January")
You see - your blog is an inspiration for me, since I found it ....
Have a nice pre-birthday-weekend!
I love all of your ornaments, and the way you finished them. What a cute giftie you received - beautiful tin. Maybe your sons are different than my children, but my kids would have panicked about getting it clean - LOL!!
I love all of your ornaments, and the way you finished them. What a cute giftie you received - beautiful tin. Maybe your sons are different than my children, but my kids would have panicked about getting it clean - LOL!!
Super gifts you have received Carol. Thank you for the link to the bow tutorial, it's one thing i always wondered when i see your stunning finishes.
Enjoy your birthday celebrations.
Beautiful January picture! It is so awesome! And your ornaments are just wonderful!
Love the January Waxing moon design ! All the ornaments are wonderful !! Hope you have a happy birthday !
Your ornaments are all lovely - so beautifully stitched and finished! I also love that Waxing moon design!
Have a very Happy Birthday!
Hi Carol, Whenever I see you have posted I drop everything and read. It is like receiving a new magazine in the mail and you can't wait to read it . I love to see all your new stitching and gifts etc. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and can't wait to hear how the dinner at your son's apt goes. All the best , Jennifer
Love the January Sampler. Nice stitching projects.
Another wonderful post! I SO look forward to your updates!
Love the ruching on the gingerbread boy and am SO glad he is not floating in the ocean somewhere! The bows are great...I am going to practice making those!
Thanks again for a wonderful blog!
Happy Birthday! May the next year be full of light and love!
Carol, your finishing is so beautiful! What a sweet gift from Annie. Such a pretty tin! And those flowers from your sons are gorgeous. I hope your birthday is wonderful and that your year is full of grace and peace!!
Firstly..I wish you a very Happy Birthday for the sixteenth Carol,a fellow Capricorn :) and I am sure your boys will do you proud.
Thank you for the link to the info about our email addresses. I have been on my dashboard and ticked my box. Lastly,your last ornaments of 2011 are gorgeous and I am another blogger who loves your blog header.
Lesley :)
You made such beautiful ornaments Carol! And, thank you for the link to the bow tutorial. I already saw and read about your gift on Annie's blog - it is very beautiful, isn't it?
I hope you have a wonderful birthday! How nice that your sons will be cooking dinner for you. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Carol
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.
Thanks again for the info about your January sampler, Carol! Your batch of ornaments are fabulous especially the snowflake one! Know the recipients are thrilled!
Extending early birthday wishes to you! Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with many little x's!
Robin in Virginia
Happy Birthday Carol! Thank you for the info on the bows. I have been admiring them for months. Now I can have my very own. Such loving sons. Beautiful roses.
Happy Birthday Carol!! What lovely gifts you have received as well.
Loving your ornie finishes and the January sampler...gorgeous.
Great posting...and thanks so much for that bow making tutorial link...I struggle with those!
Love it all...thanks for the bow case I forget...Happy Birthday!
another wonderful blog post have such a beautiful way with wonder you get so many wonderful comments..
I am going to have to check out the tutorial on the bow making....they are so precious!
Happy Birthday in advance...have FUN with your boys....what a special time that will be!!!!
Carol --
Happy Birthday! All your ornaments are just lovely and so beautifully stitched.
I hope you have a great weekend for your birthday and that your family treats you well in the stitchy department:))
Your ornaments are always such a treat to look at, they are just beautiful! The recepients are very lucky :)
An amazing RAK from Annie too! Enjoy the spoils and Happy Birthday!
Exquisite finishing - Arden agrees, as he's on the computer with me today. ;)
Carol, what wonderful ornaments! Thanks for the link for the bow tutorial, too! The gift from Annie is adorable--she does the neatest stuff! Let us know if you pick out a book or two worth recommending!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! All of the ornaments are wonderful. The gift is lovely too.
hello dear, i love the january stitching so is so sweet..
all of your ornaments are so lovely too..beautiful stitching..
happy birthday cucki xx
Your ornaments are always so lovely.
I do love the bows - Thanks for mentioning where you got the tutorial &
What a great RAK - You must feel so blessed ;)
Very sweet ornaments, Carol! You are so talented, stitching over one... Oh, Boy!
And your gift is beautiful. You deserve it all.
Hope you have a great birthday with your sons and no green vegetables.
Oh! I love your roses too!
Ana Paula.
The January sampler is beautiful and so are all your ornaments. Your friend sent you a wonderful gift.
Hope you have a lovely birthday
Lovely way to wrap up by sharing your final 2011 ornies. They're beautiful, as always! Thanks for the link to the bows, too. Happy to see you getting some nice things in return - you should get even more! Big hugs to you!
Wow, what a post packed full of eye candy and good information. Thanks.
I love your header...noticed it the other day. Thanks for letting us know what it is; I hope it is still available.
Thanks, too, for your info on the no reply...that was me without realizing it!
Take care.
Wow, what a post packed full of eye candy and good information. Thanks.
I love your header...noticed it the other day. Thanks for letting us know what it is; I hope it is still available.
Thanks, too, for your info on the no reply...that was me without realizing it!
Take care.
Wow, what a post packed full of eye candy and good information. Thanks.
I love your header...noticed it the other day. Thanks for letting us know what it is; I hope it is still available.
Thanks, too, for your info on the no reply...that was me without realizing it!
Take care.
My gosh, you just posted and already 35 comments! YOWZA!!!
Well you know how I admire and love you and your ornaments. I cannot tell you how each and every one of these beauties make faint with rapture! I love them all! :)
and I certainly remember your finishing the Waxing Moon design in 2010. I loved it then and love it now. Your bows are indeed perfection and that is how I make mine too. Yours are quite dainty and perfect though, where sometimes mine have a brutish, mannish look.:)
You make me want to jump up and start stitching STAT! Have a super, wonderful birthday!
Carol, I love your ornaments. They all turned out so very nice! What a special RAK too. It's so fun when you get unexpectedly spoiled by a dear friend.
Hello my sweet friend, Happy Birthday for the 16th hope you have a wonderful day with your boys.
Love your header so pretty I have a few of these charts, they look much better seeing them stitch up.I have fell in love with them.
Lovely gifts Carol Stitched and received.
All your work is fantastic, and your blog is just beautiful. Its like reading a new Magazine and we all know what that is like. Bless you my friend.
That gingerbread man is adorable!
Just love all of your makings. Thankyou so much for the link that shows me how to make those cute little bows.
Happy Birthday too, enjoy your meal out.
hugs - Miche'le
it is always a pleasure visit your lovely nice to see your beautiful ornament finishes...the tin by Annie is too pretty...
Gorgeous ornaments!!! Happy birthday to you!
I haven't posted a comment in awhile but I absolutely never miss reading your blog entries. Your stitching and finishing is so lovely. The photographs show your work off as it should be shown. I just love your writing style and organization of your blog. You're a perfect "10" in my book. Thank you for sharing your many talents!
Happy Birthday, Carol! I know you will have a special celebration with your family(and your boys are cooking--what could be better?)!!
Lovely gifts you have received and the ornaments you sent as gifts are gorgeous!!
What a lot of gorgeous goodies love the oh joy and your January...well no I love them all - have a lovely birthday xxx
The ornaments are beautiful, my favourite is the one you sent to June. Thank you for the bow information, I need all the help I can get with finishing.
I love the January finish too, might have to google it. What a wonderful RAK. Beautiful bouquet of roses. Lastly, Happy Birthday! I hope that you have a great day.
Beautiful ornaments you got there!!!!! Your finishes are just perfect~
Happy birthday~
I took your advice and changed my profile, hope it all works now !
your ornaments are so lovely, and thank you for the link tot the bow tutorial, I plan to try to make them soon !
just 2 more questions ;
how do / did you attatch the white cord around the Prairie Schooler ornament ?
and the same goed for the ribbon around the gingerbread ornament.
I´ve been loooking around for new ways to finish my ornaments, thats why.
hope you have avery nice Birthday, and a tasty Brithday dinner !
Your posts are always such a treat! Your ornies are so cute. I love that Oh Joy too and am glad YS's GF liked it!
Cute gift too...the tin is gorgeous! And thanks for the bow tutorial. I've been meaning to ask. The bows are so cute!
Have a happy birthday Carol!
So my RAK was actually a birthday gift, just a bit early! Who knew!
Your ornaments are so beautiful! I can't believe how many you turned out this year. And thank for that bow tutorial. My bows are often not even fit for shoelaces! (Don't tell my brother since he is the one who taught me to tie my shoes).
Have a wonderful birthday with your sons!
I must make that JOY ornie! I kitted it for someone else and every time I see it I want it! You gave out some wonderful gifts and got some awesome RAK's too. I've done a couple tins and they aren't real hard....but TIME consuming!!!You should enjoy your dinner, what a great gift, especially if you are anything like me, you buy what you need when you need it! LOL
Lovely finishing. Thanks for the bow explanation.
Happy birthday for the 16th - it's also my DS's bday.
Happy Birthday Carol, hope you enjoy your dinner with your sons.
Love your ornie finishes as always.
I adore the little tin you received, what a lovely gift.
cooo a lovely post from start to finish ... love the adorable ornaments and how you do the bows (thanks barbara too ) and Happy birthday for the 16th and hope you enjoy your greens heheheeh .... take care and happy stitching :) love mouse xxxxx
Carol, all of your ornaments are just gorgeous. I am so proud to have a couple of them to hang on my tree. :o) Thank you for the bow information - yours are always so pretty.
That is a wonderful gift from Annie and her stitching and finishing is just gorgeous.
Those boys do love to tease you don't they? The roses they gave you have to make up for some of it I guess. LOL
Carol - great ornaments and bows. Thanks for the link on how to make them.
You stitched some absolutely adorable ornaments, and thank you so much for providing he different links to the tutorials.
Carol, another wonderful post! What beautiful ornamnts you have stitched up for the special friends in your life! Thanks for sharing the cute bow tutorial!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you will enjoy your day and your green dinner :) LOL. I love my greens so that wouldn't be a problem for me!
Thanks for the link about the bow making, now I know too :)
Love all of your ornament finishes but the PS Cat is my favorite.
Nice tip for the bow making, thanks. Your ornaments are nicely done as typical and Beautiful finishes! Jane
Carol, Carol. What beauties you have everywhere. I love the Waxing Moon design piece. It would be a perfect addition to my stash:-) Would you agree? :-)
The ornaments you sent are indeed beautiful, who would not want one of those little treasures and I am sure the recipients loved them as well and in return a good natured RAK from Annie and all the extras. The little tin is beautiful.
Thank you for pointing us to Batabra on how to make better bows as I absolutely love bows.
Oh and the beautiful bouquet of roses from your children... a nice ending to it all...
...and less I forget. A big shout out of a "Happy Birthday" to you. May you be blessed with many more.
Bless you Carol.
My eyes continue to glimmer here.
Wishing you a very happy birthday!
That's a lovely January sampler and the ornaments are perfect! What a treat it must have been for the recipients to find them in the mail. :) Wonderful gift from Annie. Enjoy your visit and birthday dinner! :)
Happy Birthday!! Gorgeous ornaments and I've bookmarked how to do the bows. I've got to get better at finishing ornies this year. I was ashamed of last years, I know they were my first, but dang, they were bad!
Oh Carol ~ all of your finishes are wonderful! There were definitely some extra smiles out there this season!
Annie's gift is wonderful - love the blues!
And such pretty flowers ~ you'll have to let us know how the boys do with dinner!
Happy Birthday!!!
Sigh! I just absolutely love your finishings, Carol. Every single one is so, so perfect. Thanks for the link to the bow tutorial. I'll have to give it a try someday.
Hi Carol, the ornaments are gorgeous!
Happy Birthday.
Hugs, Gabi
What lovely ornaments and thanks for providing a link for the ribbon tutorial. I'm off to check that out shortly as getting a ribbon to look nice is something I struggle with!!!! What a lovely gift you received. Happy birthday for the 16th - enjoy that dinner!
I hope you will have a wonderful birthday Carol at your sons', hopefully without too much vegetables ;)
Your ornaments are all so beautiful, my personal favourite is the cat, of course ;)
And the January piece is so lovely. I can imagine you enjoyed stitching it and also displaying it in your home. I should also stitch something for the winter months, as I have a lot of Christmas pictures framed, but nothing for January and February.
Have a great weekend,
Every year my tree is filled with more cross stitch ornaments. You do have such lovely ones. I have to improve in finishing them. They seem a bit "untidy" when I finish them, but after looking at some oh yours I do have a New Year's resolution - Better Finishings in my ornaments. Love what I've seen so far and with your premission will add your blog to the one's I like to visit.
Regards from Portugal
Happy Birthday! Can't wait to hear about the dinner.
Such lovely ornaments. Perfect gifts for stitching friends. I still have the pattern for 'Oh Joy' out with intentions of making it this year.
Thank you for the bow link. I'm marking it and will read it later.
What a great post! First off....Happy Birthday! I love you ornaments they are fantastic! Your gift from Annie was amazing too.
I going to check to see if I'm a no-reply blogger....I don't think I am!?!!
Good morning! I think you should start a blogging magazine! I love fixing my bagel and reading your post for the day. I even go back and read a few old ones! Your pieces are really lovely. Do you remember that old Cosby show where they go to their daughters house for dinner and fall into the couch? They had cooked the veal for 4 hours or something like that! You will have fun just being with the boys.
Our daughter has been in the hospital for 4 days so my heart has been a little heavy, she went home yesterday, thank the good Lord!
Have a wonderful birthday! They do know you love gift certificates?????
Happy Birthday dear friend!!
You were an ornament stitching machine this year!!!! WOW! Having one of your lovely finishes, I know how well done they are and I know those lucky recipients are thrilled with their gifts ;o)
Thank you SO much for the link to the bow making! I always wondered how you made those beautiful (not to mention) perfect bows. Secret revealed ;o)
I saw that on Annie's Blog yesterday and new immediately how thrilled you would be ;o) She did an outstanding job on that tin!
Argh! I thought I had your birthday in my birthday tool but alas no :o( Now it is though so I will be prepared for next year!!!!
I hope my DS is as thoughtful as your three put together. LOL!
Oh, what a lovely surprise! I tell you, if Prairie Schooler doesn't hurry up and come out with a January design that will match up with all my others, I may have to switch over to that Waxing Moon one. Beautiful!
Gorgeous finishes! When I started dating my husband, my MIL gave me a different handcrafted angel ornament every year (she's not crafty, but she does love craft shows!) It makes me smile every year when I put them on our tree that she took the time to find and give such a sweet gift, and I am sure the ornament your son's girlfriend received will make her smile too.
Excellent tip on the bows - they're so pretty. I'm going to have to borrow that technique.
And happy early Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful, vegetable free day (I'm not big on veggies either)
Your ornaments are always so pretty!!! :D
Beautiful and lovely gifts!!!
Your little bows are so perfect :) Good idea to use the thread! :D
And thank you for sharing the link too!! :D
hahhaha I bet your sons were really surprised with that :p It's going to be fun for sure! :D Enjoy!!!!
I'll be back in two days to leave you my b-day wishes ;)
Hugs to you!!! :D
Your ornaments are so lovely! And thanks a lot for the bows tutorial link!
OH my....I had a giggle. I LOVE your idea of Birthday wish. The boys have to clean up!!!!! (I always love to make my kids clean
The Spinach/Broccoli soup will be delicious I'm sure off. (Insert angelic smile here)
LOVE your ornaments...all of them. The cat especially is a darling.
Thanks for the tip with the bows, I'll have to read that up. I seriously fail with bows half the time.
Your tin is gorgeous.
What else can I say....Happy Early Birthday, hopefully filled with lots of stash and joy (or was it the other way around?) and enjoy the veggies in the hopefully sparkly clean apartment
Your ornaments are so beautiful Carol.
I love your Waxing Moon piece. I think it's one of the prettiest Winter pieces I've seen.
I'll have to keep that link to Barbara's blog and the bow tutorial. I'm useless at them!
Love your wish for your birthday! I hope you have a wonderful birthday {{{{hugs}}}}
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great one. :)
The ornaments are all darling. I never ever get tired of seeing the OH JOY Snowman one so feel free to stitch it a million more times. lol
I can't believe you did NINE finished ornaments in December. WOW. That's about 8 more than I finished in all of 2011. Hahaha!~
Dear Carol! I am just catching up on blog reading...imagine my surprise when I read the title of your post because that's exactly what I wanted my title to be for my next post! Weird huh?
Anyway, love all the wonderful stitching things you made, and the RAK was amazing.
Looking forward to hearing about your birthday dinner put on by your boys! No green vegetables? It should be fun to see what they dream up!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Thanks you so much for the bow tutorial Carol! I've always admired those little bows and now I can have a go at them myself.
Your ornaments are always so lovely. I strive to have mine look as nice as yours!
I love your gift from Annie. Those shades of blue are awesome!! I'll bet you were thrilled.
Can't wait to hear how that birthday dinner turns out. I'll bet the boys make it very special indeed!
Happy Birthday Carol!
Carol, I hope you have a very happy birthday!!! May the next year of your life be filled with many blessings!
I love your ornaments and you have inspired me to try and stitch an ornament a month this year! ;o)
Love, Heather
Your posts are always chock full of interesting things to look at and read. I'm glad your son's girlfriend appreciates your stitching. Must have made her feel good to receive a gift from you, as would your other recipients. The ruched ribbon trim looks wonderful.
What a lovely RAK from Annie - thanks for the link to her blog. It is new to me and I really enjoyed looking at her work. And I'm so glad you linked to your vegetable story, which I had missed - I laughed out loud over my morning coffee.
Enjoy your birthday celebration at your sons' apartment. Your gift request was a good reminder of the old saying "the best things in life aren't things."
HI Carol,
Your latest ornaments are wonderful! I am proud to say that I am a lucky recipient of a few beautiful keepsakes stitched by you.
Annie's gift is are truly deserving of the same.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday with a few "stitchy things" among your surprises. Judging from your beautiful roses, your boys will make it an extra special day for you :)
Good January morning to you too, Carol! It sounds like your sons were definitely planning to spoil you with a very special home cooked birthday meal! What more could a Mother want?
Each and every one of your ornaments are just beautiful, and thankyou for your detailed instructions about how to make those adorable little bows! It is always a treat to read your posts:)
Blessings to you for a very special birthday!
Lovely post Carol! I've also posted about the linking an email to your profile before because I ended up sending loads of replies to No-reply comment, then, in the process, I received horrific spam from no reply :(
Anywho, I adore that January chart! The blues make me happy! Yay for January babies!! You share the same birthday as my Uncle (mine just past). I will need to find that chart and try stitching it!!Gorgeous ornies too Carol. I am always in awe of your finishes. How neat and tidy they look!! Thanks for the link on how to make bows! I think I may make one for my mom's ornie!! Ps, Do you stitch your cord on?
Hugs!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Oops, forgot to mention that I adore Annie's tin and her little crocheted gift card holder! I commented on her blog about the tin!!
More adorable ornaments! Thanks for the link for the bow tutorial. I've saved that for future use.
Happy Early Birthday! We're close in birthdays... Mine is the 24th!
Hallo Carol
a wonderful post!
I love your works!! So cute!!
have a wonderful Birthday, I send you hugs and kisses,
besos from Spain,
and congratulations!
eljardindemiduende ^^
Happy New Year, Carol - I love all your finishes!
Since you mentioned about the "no reply" commenter in blogger, I *love, love, love* the new feature in blogger where I can reply to comments directly in the comment section - it's wonderful. I'm going to be really good about responding to comments now that blogger has made it so easy!
Happy Birthday sweetie!!! :D
I hope you're having a great day with your boys :) Was dinner good? :p hehehehe
Hugs&Smiles to you :D
Dear Carol,
Your finishes are amazing as always! You do such gorgeous stitching and finishing :)
Thanks for sharing with us!
((hugs my friend))
As always your finishes are so beautiful!! Happy belated birthday. I hope it was good one.
Dear Carol,
I'm so sorry for the late comment.. I didn't saw your post in my blogroll... but found them..
It's very annoying that we daon't can reply.. I also hve a few..
You are to great.. made so many beautifull pieces for friends..You are so lucky ... they must feel blessed.
Wonderfull job on them!!
You bows look fantastic... so winderfull done.. Thanks for the link, I will try it one time.. I don't looks difficult
WOW that sweet Annie, what did she spoil you.. So wonderfull.
I also got a little gift from her, I got the same card as you.. and I love it so much.. so beautifull and sweet..
I agree so thankfull to cross our patchs.
Ow it was your B-day!!!
Happy B-day to you happy B-day to you =))))
I hope you got a wonderfull day... and your sons made a lovely dinner without green
have a great time
beautiful blog !!!!! bisous de France
Beautiful ornaments, you really stitch so well.
beautiful stunning ornaments :)
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