Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas Eve, Eve!

Well, are you ready? I am, because our Christmas will be very simple and quiet this year. With my sons all visiting their significant others' families for Christmas, it will just be me and my husband. We have been invited to lunch on Christmas Day with my middle son's girlfriend's family (who live about 40 minutes away) so that will be a nice treat. I'm making the desserts for their lunch--a pumpkin roll and a flourless chocolate cake. I've made both before so, hopefully, all will go well when I attempt to bake them tomorrow! 

I've been wanting to take some photos of my tree, but the weather has not been cooperating! We got about four or five inches of snow over the weekend and my sunroom is so blindingly white from the reflection that it has made picture taking difficult. Not that I'm complaining! I'm thrilled to have snow and finally have a white Christmas after a string of green ones. Anyway... here are some photos--at night and during the day. Hope you enjoy my tree filled with over 200 cross stitched ornaments--lots of time and patience and love has gone into making each one.

Since we are going to be alone this year, I didn't get many of my decorations out. However, I did make sure to put up my cross stitch tree! Can't have those little beauties stuck in their under-the-bed box for another whole year without seeing the light of day, can I? It's a lot of work putting up even that one tree, but I've so enjoyed sitting in the evening with the fireplace lit and just relaxing by the glow of the tree.

Just look out the windows--can  you see all the snow covering the ground and the tree branches?

I just love the ornaments from the Little House Needleworks Hometown Series and need to get back to stitching them in 2025.

I grouped my sweet stitched angels together this year.

I scattered my many Prairie Schooler Santas throughout the tree, but a good bunch of them seems to be gathering in this spot!

As you can see, my ornament stitching is quite eclectic.

I need to stitch more tiny ornaments for the very top of the tree.

The view from our sunroom into the family room where we spend most of our time. My stitching chair is right behind that wicker basket on the right.

The view from our kitchen into the sunroom.

All is calm... all is bright

So, do you have snow where you are? For those of you who don't, I thought you'd enjoy a few photos to view from the warmth of your home. I really don't mind the snow at my age because I no longer have to venture out into the icy cold and treacherous roads for work. I actually enjoy sitting inside and watching it fall. 

The snow was coming down so quickly, we could barely see the house across the street!

This is the view out to our pond from one of the upstairs windows.

One of my favorite things about snow is how well the red cardinals show up against it. Can you also spot the more muted female cardinal in the upper left branch?

I just want to take a moment to thank all of you who visit my blog and leave such nice comments. I don't always have the time to thank each of you personally, but I so appreciate your support and friendship! Next month, I'll be entering my 17th year of blogging--can you believe it? Thoughts of stopping come and go more and more often as I age, but for now, I'm still hanging in there! Not sure if I'll be back until 2025, so, if not, I wish each of you a blessed Christmas and a new year filled with good health, happy times, and lots of stitching. Thank you again for being here! Bye for now...

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Wishing each of you a peaceful Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely lovely! Thank you for sharing! I don’t comment often but your blog is a delight and very inspiring. Merry Christmas,

Vickie said...

Merry Christmas Dear Carol! Love your tree. :) I love all the angels.
We have a white Christmas here too.
Have a wonderful time with your son's girlfriend's family.

diamondc said...

Merry Christmas carol and Family: Thank-you for sharing your beautiful tree ornaments and home with us.
We do have snow but it will be melting in the next couple of days we will have temps in the 35-45 degrees which is okay with me.
We will spend part of tomorrow with Mikes family then evening and Christmas Day alone, we go to Mass on Christmas day, then have a hearty breakfast at home.


Anonymous said...

Carol, your tree and ornaments are just beautiful. It’s easy to see that it’s a labor of love! I am almost ready! I could have 2 more weeks and still find something else I’d like to bake or decorate! We’re looking forward to spending Christmas Day with our 2 grandsons who are both about 3 and a half. I know it’ll be fun for you with Mr. B! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Cherie in WI

Anonymous said...

Your tree and ornaments are spectacular! Merry Christmas 🎄

marie2L said...

Quel extraordinaire et unique sapin de Noël !
Joyeux Noël Carol avec d'agréables heures en famille
Que la paix vous accompagne

Gabi said...

Once again happy holidays to you and your husband. Your tree is amazing. Everything looks so festive!
Have a wonderful time and take care of yourself.
Hugs, Gabi

Kay said...

Such a beautiful tree full of gorgeous stitching, it’s definitely a wonderful work of art. Happy Christmas to you both.

Manuela said...

Dear Carol,
every year I love to see your Christmas tree with all your handpieced ornaments.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Big Hugs, Manuela

Marilyn said...

As always, your tree is spectacular!
We had 9" of snow the other day, snowed all day!
It is so pretty on the pine trees in the back.
We also see a lot of beautiful Cardinals in them, so very pretty.
You house is absolutely beautiful!
We are going to be home for Christmas also.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Donna Sue said...

Simply beautiful tree and bright room. I've always wanted a sunroom to sit & look out at the scenery-- whether warm or cold. No snow yet but expecting an inch shortly. That's it. Wishing you & your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

‘Nette said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! Sure hope you come back in 2025, I so look forward to your updates and stitching projects. If not I understand, it’s a lot of work to do all that you do for us fellow stitchers here on your blog. God Bless!

Isabel para ALROMASAR said...

Dear Carol
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year for you and your family.
I love your Christmas's Tree!
Hugs from Spain

Robin in Virginia said...

Your cross stitch tree looks gorgeous. And I spy my favorite deer of yours in the picture from the kitchen to the sun room. I love your snow pictures, Carol. Nope on the snow! It definitely won't be a white Christmas here. Merry Christmas to you and Tim!

Anonymous said...

Rita Heindel

Anonymous said...

No snow in Texas, but we do have a heavy downpouring of rain. With lots of flash flood warnings! I’m lucky to live in the same city as my daughters in-laws so we see her family every year. The in-laws celebrate Christmas Eve we get them Christmas Day. Unfortunately I have picked up a nasty bug and have been sick since last Thursday. Sleeping most of the last 4 days. Thankfully I wrapped gifts as I got them so I only have 2 that have come recently to wrap. Hoping today is the turning point and I feel well enough to eat some good food tomorrow. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!

marly said...

I showed husband the photos of your ornaments and he was amazed at how many finishes! The white lawn is turning to green, and I'm hoping it stays. Have a great Christmas.

Donna said...

Merry Christmas Carol!

Carol in Texas said...

You snowy photos are beautiful, Carol! Here in central Texas we are having rain on Christmas Eve……much needed rain. We drove to our older son and daughter-in-law’s home this morning…about a 2 1/2 hour drive. We avoided the rain by leaving home early. Lisa has built a lovely fire and we are sitting happily in front of it listening to the thunder! I wish you a Merry Christmas and I look forward to learning what you will stitch in 2025.

Barbara said...

Those sweet stitched angels are just as cute as can be! And of course, your home is every bit as beautiful as a magazine layout.

No snow here, but that’s why I live in Florida. Loved snow while I had it and now that chapter of my life is done.

I hope you continue to blog. I understand the thoughts of quitting. Many of us who blog question why we do it, so you are not alone. Do as you need to do for peace. But know that you have contributed to our need for clean, uplighting, encouraging beauty and reading material!!

Gail L. said...

Carol, both your tree and the snow “views” are wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year!

chanzu said...

bonjour madame ,c'est la premiere fois que je vous écris .j'adore votre blog et toutes les broderies que vous réalisez .j'admire beaucoup la façon dont vous les mettez en valeur (pour moi c'est mon gros défaut ,je suis nulle en couture ) . merci de nous offrir vos décorations à admirer ....

Anonymous said...

As always, your tree w/cross-stitch ornaments looks exquisite! I can never get over how beautiful each piece looks. Seventeen years of blogging! Wow! I love reading about the decisions you make with each project. You have the ability to envision how your changes will enhance the work. I find this amazing.

Sandy said...

The tree is always truly stunning, I bet it is fun to pull out each stitch and hang it up. Your sunroom is such a pretty room and I am sure it would be my favorite room. Your decorations never disappoint my eyes.

Christel said...

Votre sapin de Noël est une merveille pour nos yeux.
Que votre Noël soit doux, paisible et plein de joie.
Pas de neige dans le centre de la France, merci pour le partage de vos photos enneigées.
Amitiés de France.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your tree looks amazing, Carol. I love how you grouped the angels together. So many memories wrapped in your beautiful stitches. I wish you a Happy New Year. Hugs.

Kirsten Juenke said...

I’ve only just found your blog - thank you so much for the inspiration! I just love your tree!!

Bluebird said...

Your Christmas tree as usual is absolutely gorgeous! I love seeing the photos of your beautiful ornaments, as well as the lovely views of your home and yard. I am always glad to see your posts, they are always so happy and positive, and I get so much inspiration from your exquisite stitching. I hope you had a lovely Christmas, and best wishes for a healthy happy New Year!

Maggie said...

Hi Carol, I'm just getting round to reading all the blogs i missed! Your tree is fabulous, as always and look at all the snow you got! So jealous, Christmas here was damp and foggy, although we are predicted snowfall in the next few day, it will probably only be a sprinkling and gone before it has chance to settle.
Wishing you a happy new year and looking forward to seeing all your beautiful stitching in 2025 xx

Leonore Winterer said...

I hope you had a wonderful, if quiet, Christmas! Your tree is gorgeous as always. I'm wondering, as your tree is almost exclusively cross stitch at this point, have you every thought about stitching a tree topper as well?

We had some snow this winter, but it never lasted long and none close to Christmas. Glad you got a white Christmas though!

Faith... said...

What a wonderful tree Carol! Especially with the gorgeous ornaments. Everything you touch is beautiful. This is the best and only way for me to see the snow! What a beautiful home you have also.

I also consider leaving blogland every now and again but I come back and post the following week time and time again.

I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and a Happy New Year and I wish both you and your husband a great 2025.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy belated Christmas Carol! Your tree and the snow are both just stunning! You know we didn't have snow here but we have had a lot of gray days. I appreciate the sun so much in winter - not so much in summer when it is so hot and humid. xoxo