Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Boo! (and Whoo!)

Oh, my... I think this has been the most glorious October ever! Day after day of sunshine, warmth, and blue skies. They are predicting that Halloween will be in the high 70's here--so much nicer than our usual night of trick-or-treating where the children have to wear heavy coats that cover up their costumes due to the frosty temperatures. For my long-time readers, you know Halloween is a bittersweet day for me. In fact, tomorrow marks the ten-year anniversary of my dad's death. So hard to believe that it's been a decade... Losing someone dear to you is especially hard when it occurs on a holiday, isn't it? The way I celebrate Halloween is so different now compared to the years before his death. In fact, this year, I didn't put up a single decoration and my many stitched Halloween pieces remain in the dresser drawer that houses them all year. I do get them out some years, but this year, I just wasn't feeling it...

I still enjoy stitching "cute" Halloween pieces, though, but no gory or scary stuff for me. In my mind, no one does cuter Halloween designs than Misty from Luminous Fiber Arts. I just love her whimsical cats and owls and I knew my four-year-old grandson, Mister B, would, too. So I quickly stitched and finished these cuties and gave them to him when we visited last week. Meet "Boo" the black cat and "Whoo" the wise owl. I mean, even if you aren't a Halloween lover, you have to admit that this pair is pretty adorable, right? For the finish, I covered the larger piece of sticky board with black and tan gingham, glued on the stitched piece that had been attached to the smaller piece of sticky board, added handmade cording and a jute bow, and topped it off with a layer of black and orange buttons.

My finishes of "Boo" and "Whoo" by Luminous Fiber Arts


I stitched these on 40 ct. platinum using DMC 311 and 3826, leaving off the charted border. For Boo's bow tie, I included black Smyrna stitches and for Whoo's hat, I used orange Smyrna stitches. I also used two threads to stitch their names so they would stand out more. And I left one orange stitch out of Whoo's eye so it would be more pronounced. So which one is your favorite? You all know me and my love of black cats--I choose "Boo!"

I cover the backs of finishes like these with felt (I simply use spray glue on the felt and then press it onto the back). It is quick and easy and much simpler than making a flat-fold finish. This is the first time I added the small plastic easels (like the ones pictured below) to the backs of my stitched finishes. I got them from Amazon and simply glued them on using Aleene's Tacky Glue. These aren't meant for anything heavy, but, boy, do they work great for light cross-stitched pieces. I know I'll be using them again and again. The ones I purchased (the 4.64 inch size) can be found right here.

How I finished the back of these stand-up flat finishes.

Here they are standing up with the help of the attached plastic easels--no more propping things up with vegetable cans like I've done in the past :)

Giveaway time... As I was looking through my older charts, I came across this sweet Diane Graebner chart called "Cats & Quilts" that I thought would be perfect for a fall giveaway. If you are a quilt lover or a black cat lover (like me!), you may just want to enter the giveaway.  Just let me know, specifically, in your comment below that you'd like to win this chart and tell me your favorite thing about autumn. For me, it's the way the light filters in the windows casting such a soft, gentle glow on everything. Very different than in other season. I'll leave the giveaway open until my next post in November, so keep an eye on this space for the winner's name. Good luck to all...
If you would like to enter the giveaway for this chart, please follow the guidelines above.
So, how has your October been? As I mentioned, we spent last week visiting my oldest son, daughter-in-law, and Mister B in Maryland. It was a beautiful drive down with all of the autumn colors on full display. Coming home, though, many had already passed their prime color. We had such a fun visit--if a bit exhausting. It's tough to keep up with a four-year-old and we pretty much fell into bed very early each evening. I've discovered that white noise is a huge help for me when I sleep and have been regularly using it at home since we got back from Europe. I used it over there to block out street and hotel noise and it worked so well that I began using it here, too. I know you can buy various machines and gadgets, but I simply use the "White Noise Lite" app on my iPhone which comes with many different sounds: the ocean, jungle, thunder, wind, and a variety of rain noises. Personally, I like "Rain on Lake." I just thought I'd pass this along because I know many of you struggle with sleep like I do... Something about a constant background noise like this just seems to help me "turn off" my mind at night so I can sleep! Every night is not perfect, but I'm sleeping so much better than before.

I know I promised that we'd go to France on the next stop of my travelogue, but it will have to wait until a future post. Being away for almost a week set me behind on everything so I'll share my France photos with you in November. I do have one last sweet photo for you... What is better than the joy on a child's face as he jumps into a big pile of crunchy fall leaves? Mister B decided to make a huge pile of leaves when we were at the park just up the street from his house. Soon we were all joining in and gathering leaves of golds and reds and yellows to help him make it "bigger and bigger!"

Ahhh... the joy of jumping in a big pile of crispy autumn leaves!

So, enjoy this last bit of October, my friends! I sure hope our November weather is as delightful as this month's has been. Thank you so very much for stopping in and a special thank you to those of you who take the time to leave such kind comments. I really look forward to hearing from you! Take care now--and happy stitching! Bye for now...


Anonymous said...

Those are adorable and what a super simple way to finish them.

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Mr. B is such a cutie; I'm glad he lives close enough that you can see him often. I, too, have made a collection of stitched pieces that I hope to pass to my grandchildren one day. I hope they will cherish these things.

Two of my daughters were in Amsterdam and Paris last year. I've told them to check out your blog so they can relive some of their memories through you.

Marilyn said...

Boo & Whoo are soooo cute!
I can't pick a favorite.
That's a great pic of Mr. B, he's growing so much.
We've also had a fabulous October here in WI.
Take care.

Irene said...

my favorite is Whoo! It's very hot here and we've had two whole months of rain, now the weather seems better. I didn't do any embroidery for Halloween but I decorated the house because the kids like it

Gabi said...

Oooh how cute, Boo and Whoo. And Mr. B. what fun he has.
October was wonderful here in Germany, Now the leaves are falling, but it is still warm.
I also love stitching Halloween pieces but had a big problem for to get the right fabric for my stitching. A friend helped me.
Hope you will have a happy Halloween tomorrow.
Hugs, Gabi

Robin in Virginia said...

Boo and Whoo are so adorable, Carol. I love how you finished them and I bet Mr. B was pleased to receive them. Hard to believe that October is almost over. We had a beautiful month here in my neck of the woods; sounds like yours. I love everything about autumn, especially the crispness in the air and the blue of the sky. Such a cute picture of Mr. B in the leaves.

Anonymous said...

Mr. B is so adorable in that pile of leaves!

Jutta said...

My dear Carol,
Thank you very much for your great blog post, my favorite is also Boo! ;-)
Great, your finishing is perfect, I should try it too.
And the photo of Mr. B turned out so wonderfully, the boy's smile is amazing!
Happy Halloween, Jutta

Purple Pixie Dust said...

I love the joy on your grandson's face. Pure heaven. I love both Boo and Whoo. Please enter me in your giveaway. I love Fall the most because of all the beautiful fall leaves. Happy Halloween. Lynda Ruth

Christina DErrico said...

Oh Carol you are truly an enabler 😀 I absolutely love your finishes- Mr B is so adorable in the pile of leaves! 🍂 take care my friend ♥️

marie2L said...

J'aime beaucoup les 2 petites créations car je déteste les décorations de squelette et autres sanglantes.
Je me régale des teintes or, moutardes, pourpres de toutes les feuilles de dame nature, c'est un tableau chaque jour différent.
Oh oui ! Quelle joie Mister B
Merci pour vos magnifiques partages

Sandra said...

Your two new finishes are adorable, you always inspire me. Love the idea of the stands that glue to the back of stitching, I'll definitely be looking for some of those. Enjoy November.

butterfly said...

Always love to see you post and what you have been up to.
Lovely stitching again , and wonderful finishing .
I have a box full of finishing to do , I may get time in the NEW YEAR.
Time is so short for me in the day times at the moment .
Always so much going on.
Mr B is such a lovely boy .
Have a good week , I still find time to stitch when I sit at night , which is my favorite time .
Have a fun week , hugs June.

Patti L. said...

I just love everything fall. It’s my favorite time of year. Love your stitching, but my favorite things in fall are the colors! So earthy. Bring on all the pumpkins and black cats you can. I always have a pumpkin decoration out all year round and m6 black cat Ryan is 15 and a very pampered Halloween kitty. Thank you for the chance to win your give-a-way chart! I am also a long time quilter and wool appliqué-er!

Stasi said...

Boo and Whoo are adorable and your finishing spot on!!! I will have to check out those easels.....what a great idea! Mr B is so cute and growing so. What will he be for Halloween?

Lee said...

Such a great post! Love Boo and Whoo - partial to owls though! :) Looking forward to your pictures in Nov from France. Oct is my favorite month, followed by Nov. I love sun shining on the changing leaves and the cooler weather! Adore cats and quilts! My girlfriend would love it too! If I win I will stitch it up for her - I loving doing small stitch pieces for folks.
Enjoy the weekend! Mr. B is adorable playing in the leaves is always so much fun!

Jennifer said...

Love these finishes! The stands are such a great idea - thank you for sharing. I love the beautiful fall leaves and pumpkin bread!!

Sandy said...

Those patterns are just the cutest vintage looking Halloween or shall I say my style Halloween. The easels are perfect for them too. I love the picture of Little B in the leaves. The leaves will eventually turn here too, but it is still a little ways off. By the time they do, everyone is ready to think of winter scenes, but I am always happy to see them. It is almost hot this week here up in the day. Last week was a much more pleasant warm. The kids will definitely be hot in their costumes this evening.
Looking forward to your France pictures, but I get it. I almost never can plan on anything anymore. I get things done when I get them done:_

Donna said...

Hi Carol,
Thank you for such an informative post. I really appreciate you taking the time to show how you finished your two cute Halloween pieces. I especially appreciate the photos to explain. Please do so more for novices like me.
My favorite part of Fall is the sound and smell of fallen leaves as you walk through them. Happy Fall !

Isabel para ALROMASAR said...

They are wonderful, Carol!
I really like these graphics even though I am not a Halloween person.

Shelly said...

Whoo and Boo are both cute but I like Boo better just because he's a cat! Nothing like having a youngster around to get us into the shenanigans, haha. During the summer I have the fan running so that's my white noise but during the winter, no. I have insomnia so I use Benadryl to sleep and it helps. Glad to see you stopped by my blog for the party😊Happy stitching!

Julie Thomas said...

Carol, your stitching is always so beautiful and I love your finishing. Those easel backs are such a good idea. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your annual Christmas ornament blog even though I’ve seen each months. Happy November!

Mylene said...

Boo & Woo are adorable and both are perfectly finished. Love them both! Such a lovely foto of your grandson with all those pile of Autumn leaves.
Happy November!

Janice Tobe said...

Carol, your stitching and how you finish them is truly inspiring. I would like to win the pattern "Cats and Quilts". My favorite thing to do right now is kicking thru leaves in my neighborhood as I walk. There are so many colors, burgundy, gold, green, yellow, orange, and brown, so beautiful.

Carol in Texas said...

Carol, it is always a treat to read one of your blog entries, not only because we get to see your latest stitching finishes, but you also have valuable ideas and tips to share. I have never thought of an add-on easel! How clever! And I will try the white noise tip…..I have trouble waking and being unable to go back to sleep. Maybe the noise will help. We have had a very warm October here in central Texas and too dry…..we are in need of moisture. But I have not minded being warm….not hot! It is so easy to dress for the day and so nice to open some windows and let in fresh air for a change. I look forward to the time change tomorrow night…..I wish the government would settle on one time and leave it there!!!!! I look forward to your next visit.

Faith... said...

Who could pick between Boo and Whoo? Certainly not me! I think they are both adorable and I believe Mr. B will treasure the ornaments when they go on his tree while explaining to his kiddos that their great grandma made all these ornaments!

Thanks so much for explaining how you do the ornaments and about the easels! I never ever thought of such an idea and I do hope I remember it. I think I will put some easels in my cart as a reminder! I hope you start to feel as though you have caught up on your sleep. I know how disruptive it can be on your day to day life. The white noise sounds like a good solution. Personally I sleep with the TV on. I don't watch it and even have my back to it at times but it helps me. If it goes off for some reason I am instantly awake and roaming the house. It really is kind of tough getting older!

I love the pile of leaves and he looks so happy in them! The delights of a child always make me smile.

Barb said...

Oh, Boo and Whoo are just too cute! So perfect for Halloween. The easels are really a wonderful idea for displaying smaller, lighter weight designs - a great solution from vegetable cans! (Haven’t we all struggled at times tried to find something to help display a stitched piece?).
Mister B is so wonderful! Love this picture of him playing and jumping in the leaves - just too cute! Thanks for sharing this great photo of him.
xoxo Barb R.🌸

diamondc said...

Hi Carol: This year is flying by, October was a tough month for us but hopefully things will get better.
the Boo and Whoo are adorable and beautiful finishing, I love that the lite weight easel backs work, that is a great idea.
I do not decorate for Halloween but do decorate for fall.
Mr. B is so adorable, how lovely you were able to spend time with family.
It has been much warmer here in Minnesota then usual.


Anonymous said... to your blog and I love the bird finish at the top of your page. Do you happen to know the name of the pattern? So we'll done!

SueH said...

It sounds a very difficult time of year for you Carol and I understand how you feel and not finding the energy to decorate, but I’m sure your dad would want you to carry on and display your beautiful work……may be next year! Boo and Whoo definitely need to be on show because they are fabulious.
Your grandson‘s photo is just precious, I can almost hear his laughter.
Happy Stitching! Sue x

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Aaah Mr. B looks like he is enjoying the fall season. How darling. My grandsons did the same over the weekend. Aaw to be a child again. Boo and Whoo is adorable and thank you so much for telling how you finished them. Love the easel finish. Hugs.

Leonore Winterer said...

Like you, I like stitching the cute Halloween ornaments, but don't decorate for it very often. But my reason is much less dramatic, we just don't really celebrate Halloween here, so I often forget it's coming up! Boo and Woo are very sweet though, especially the cat. Great idea about those little glue-on easles too, I'll need to see if I can get some of those!
My favourite thing about autum...picking up shiny, smooth chestnuts and putting them in my pocket where I can touch them all day! That and the smell on a cool, foggy morning when summer has passed but winter not yet come.
Looking forward to hearing about your adventures in France! You probably already posted, but I am very much behind on my blog reading.