Well, hello there! And how are my stitching friends on this fine morning? Well, it's not exactly fine here in western Pennsylvania--it is grey, drizzly, and extremely humid. And the outlook for the weekend doesn't look much different. Not a very satisfactory August in terms of weather, but other than that, all is good. Busy, but good! I only have one stitching finish for you today, but it is a fairly large one (for me, that is!).
I am, for the most part, a one project at a time stitcher... Oh, I have a couple of unfinished projects patiently waiting in the background, but I know myself. If I leave a project, I have a hard time going back to it which is why I tend to stick through my current project until completion. Today's finish is from a very old Prairie Schooler Chart called "Garden Verses" (Book No. 49). Unfortunately, it is not one that has been reprinted yet so it is not easy to find. I'm sure I paid way too much for mine on eBay a few years back...
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Prairie Schooler Garden Verses (Book No. 49) |
For this lovely piece, I used DMC threads on 40 ct. burch Newcastle and I am so pleased with how well the white shows up. When I posted this on Instagram yesterday, several people commented that the colors look a bit different than those on the chart. Well, I did make some color changes! The main thing I did was to use more pink in this piece. I substituted DMC 356 for the suggested 632 and DMC 3779 for 407 in the flowers. For the highlighted words ("busy bee," "honey," "flower") I used DMC 420 instead of the suggested 632. Other than that, the colors are as charted.
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One busy big bee |
The hive seemed to take forever but I decided to just buckle down and "get it done!" And all those little bees--whew! I tried to add some little black stripes to their tiny bodies to look more like bumblebees, but they ended up looking like prisoners or something evil, so I left them as charted with just the white and gold.
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And lots of tiny little bees |
It's funny, but bee charts have been calling my name lately... This is just one example of how a stitcher's tastes can change over the years. I was never particularly interested in them before. Has that ever happened to you--a sudden interest in stitching a subject that had never appealed to you before? There are two other lovely garden themed charts in this booklet and I can picture myself stitching them in the future, too!
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I "pinked" up the flowers a bit! |
We've seen a lot of these fuzzy little guys on our zinnias this summer. If you click on the photo for a better look, you can even see the yellow pollen on him! Yay--spreading the love!
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This fellow just flew from flower to flower |
I wondered about the sentiment on this Prairie Schooler sampler and discovered that it was the first stanza of a short poem penned by English theologian, Isaac Watts back in 1715 titled "Against Idleness and Mischief." Basically, it was used to encourage children to stay busy and not be idle or they'll get into trouble! Hmmm... I think there may just be some truth to that.
When we were in Washington, DC a couple weeks ago to visit my son, we stopped in at the International Spy Museum because it was a rainy day and what else do you do on a rainy day in DC, but go to a museum? Now remember, I am surrounded by all men in my family so this is the norm for us--we do not visit stitching shops or tea parlors or any of the fun things that I read about on your blogs. But, it was interesting and, guess what?! I found a giant piece of cross stitch!! I'm not sure if this is a vintage piece, but my guess is that someone stitched it in honor of Rose O'Neal Greenhow who was a Confederate spy during the Civil War, but just look at it! The full quote is actually: "God gave me both a brain and a body, and I shall use them both." The whole thing was huge--probably four feet long by a 18 inches tall, I'm guessing. Love the giant bees that flank her name...
A piece of stitching found at the Spy Museum! |
Long-time readers of Stitching Dreams know what problems we have with the deer in our yard. Yes, they are adorable and fun to watch, but they do take the joy out of gardening. We've pretty much thrown up our hands in surrender over the past two years and, unless we can plant within the fenced in portion of our yard, things don't get planted. Anyway, my husband was able to capture this adorable video of a mama deer and her triplet fawns frolicking in our back yard. I love how mama simply stands and eats our trees while her babies cavort in the background! He took it on his iPhone through our kitchen window so it's not the clearest, but it was just too sweet not to share. If you click on the "full-size" symbol in the lower right corner, you can get a much bigger picture of it... Enjoy!
I have a busy weekend ahead with family visiting and dinner guests on Saturday so I'm off to clean the house and do some last minute grocery shopping. It seems like every weekend has been scheduled with something or other since early May and I am longing for a weekend of simply sitting and stiching. At this rate that won't happen until after our son's wedding, our Hawaii trip, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all over--in other words, until next year! Oh well, at least we're making plenty of wonderful memories this year! Enjoy your weekend, my friends, and thanks for visiting and saying "hello"--you are the best! Bye for now...
Carol I love the color changes!! I also love Prairie Schooler and it is good to see stitchers changing up some of the colors! I just ordered Summer Breeze that was OOP. Now I am a Prairie Schooler Hoarder!!:) I won't be getting rid of any of my charts as they can be pricy. It will be interesting to see which charts are going to be re released.
I love your new finish! Tastes do change - back when I started stitching decades ago, I wasn't at all interested in the Prairie Schooler style, but now I love their designs and similar designers. Your color changes add a lot of energy and cheerfulness to this one!
A spy museum, how cool! And what an unexpected place to find cross stitch!
Oh my gosh, the video of the fawns is so cute. I chuckled when the one wiped out at the end. Woops, baby! Those spindly awkward legs!
Carol, congratulations on your finish! I really like your color changes to this piece especially with the pinked up flowers. What a neat piece to have 'spied' at the museum! Enjoy your weekend!
Glad you could Buzz on in! Your finish is so very pretty, pink and brown, and green colors go so well together. I do change in my stitching choices. Four years ago, I didn't have sampler charts in my stash and now I have plenty! Most of my earlier stitching was on small pieces also. Those fawns are so cute, jumping around. Did Mama Deer have triplets? We have to go up into the hills to see deer. We have antelope and the usual array of skunks, coyotes, javelina, and the odd raccoon!
I love the PS piece. The deer are so sweet playing.
Wonderful piece, Carol! I always enjoy reading your blog!
Beautiful finish Carol! Hopefully you can sneak in some stitchy time on those airplane trips or the beach!
Happy days,
Love your Prairie Schooler piece! And thanks for sharing the video. Those deer are SO cute!
Beautiful finish!
Well of course I find the pink additions perfect Carol. This is a sweet piece.
I do hope this weekend is a great time with family for you.
This is a beautiful piece, I haven't seen this design before today. Thank you for the inspiration. x
Your stitches are so nice. Do you use a laying tool? If not, do you have any secrets to share on how to obtain such even and nice laying stitches? I love your blog and seeing your beautiful work!
What a delightful video, Carol...Your stitchery
is beautiful.. Hope all goes well this Summer,
busy lady. Imagine, having to wait until
next year.....whew!
What a wonderful post, Carol.
Your stitching is so beautiful. I like your colour change.
Have a nice weekend with your family.
Hugs, Manuela
Oh Carol, I am totally inspired by this beautiful motif, I also like the color changes very well.
Yes, I know that too - the tastes change, but that is already, so you always have something great to work.
The little deer are cute as they jump around there, they really have fun.
We also have the house at the weekend, so I can well understand how you are at the moment.
I wish you a wonderful weekend, big Hugs,
What an absolutely adorable video Carol. I could watch them play like that for hours. Congrats on the beautiful finish. I love PS designs and have most of the charts. The only thing I don't like about them is the colors she says to use hardly ever look like the cover photo.
Carol, your video is just darling, watched it over and over ♥♥♥ Fawns are so very cute ♥♥♥
Your PS piece is also an absolute beauty ♥♥♥
Wish you have wonderful times in the forthcoming family events ♥♥♥
Warm greetings
Your color changes really enhance that piece. You have such a good eye for color. I'm never happy with my color changes, but I keep on trying!
So funny that you travel with men and can't go to stitching and tea shops. But the Spy Museum is a cool place and even cooler that you found stitching there.
Enjoy your bees and enjoy all your upcoming events!
Dear Carol, the beeches are beautiful!
I like the video. Your garden is so alive!
I wish you a beautiful weekend with your family!
I just love your stitching and the changes that you made. It really came out nice. Thanks for sharing the sweet deer family! It is so nice to see them enjoying life as all animals want to do! we can live in peaceful times with our animal friends! Happy Stitching!
Carol....Of course, I saw the "Garden Verses" piece on IG and immediately went to E-Bay to find it. I couldn't find it at first, but eventually it popped up under the name instead of the number of the book. I haven't received it yet, but looking forward. In the short time that I've been stitching (excluding 40 years ago when cross-stitching was very different and there was no social media), I've grown more and more fond of the bee stitches. When I saw yours, I just loved it. I will return to see your color changes when I get the pattern because yours is so pretty! Bees are so important in nature and I always feel sad when I see dead ones on the streets...and wonder if it was because of pesticides.
And the deer video...adorable! How special to be able to witness the freedom of wild animals in your back yard. Unless you are wealthy enough to buy space or move out into less inhabited areas of southern CA (where it is very hot), it's a bit like packed sardine living! All that said, I am grateful for CA weather.
I love the addition of the pinks in this design! Very lovely finish, Carol!
Sorry that the weather isn't better for you. Hope it clears for the weekend and you're able to get out and enjoy!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful PS piece. I know I have it in my stash.
Those little fawns are just delightful. What a beautiful blessing you were given to see those adorable triplets at play. It is so wonderful to be able to share our lives with the animals & birds that are free and yet chose to come and visit us.
Very fitting that you are drawn to bee projects during the summer! Plus bees are so popular now and there are a lot of cute charts using them. Happy Weekend!
I love the changes you've made to the chart. I too have been drawn to PS lately and am just about finished with Autumn Breeze.
Tell your hubby thanks for the video the fawns are wonderful. We just had a fawn in our back yard today. We've also given up gardening until we can get a fence up because of the deer and groundhogs.
Hope you can get in some stithing time between your trips, I enjoy seeing your ornaments.
Safe Travels!
Carol, LOVE the sampler!!! I shall begin a search for book No. 49! Love the extra pink, too. I also need periods of time at home with nothing scheduled. I love favorite friends and family to visit but then I need stitchy recovery time 😊 May you find some very soon!
Such a gorgeous new finish, Carol! This piece would be also pretty large for me ;-) I love TPS - and I am so happy that there are still new Santas. And also that they reprint so many older charts (I am still buying and collecting charts although I am not stitching much at the moment, haha).
The poem reminds me on many quotes that I got to hear in my childhood. This always made me feel "bad", when I sat around doing nothing - and I think it is still like that even now that I am an adult. Maybe all that sayings told to me in my childhood made that person that is always doing something ;-)
I hope your weekend will be nice and memorable - and not TOO stressful.
And I still hope, that you will get a sunny and amazing late Summer!
What a lovely summer stitch.
I do love PS designs .
You sound like you are so busy like me Carol .
It's nice but I find this year is moving on far to fast for me.
I am so looking forward to a free relaxing weekend too.
I do like your colour change , I think it gives a lovely addition to a lovely design.
Have a lovely weekend.
Garden Verse is so pretty, love the changes.
That's a long piece of stitchery!
Oh my, those deer are having so much fun!
Hope you find a little stitching time soon.
That is a lovely finish, Carol.
It's nice to be busy but yes there are times when you can crave a little bit of piece and quiet to just potter about. It will be next year before you know where you are.
Absolutely loved the video, Carol!
Garden Verse is so lovely! Thanks for sharing the video. We also have a love/hate relationship with our local deer families, but that video definitely made me smile!
Such a nice finish Carol! Your stitching is perfect, and the color changes seem to fit right in... I never would have known they were a deviation from the original! Your husband caught such a cute moment with those deer... I have never seen deer frolicking before!! Awesome! Enjoy the time with family and friends! Hugs!
Love your latest stitchery! And I adore the one in your header photo. Could you tell me the designer please? Sorry about your garden, but watching those fawns playing is just too cute.
Your stitchery is beautiful. I really like that unique flower too.
Congratulations on your gorgeous finish,Carol.
What a lovely video,and in your back garden too.
It is SO humid. Luckily, I think it's supposed to cool down this week. I am impressed that the white shows so well on the fabric you chose! I always have trouble with that. Beautiful finish!
"How doth the little crocodile..."
Many of my first experiences with poetry were either via Lewis Carroll or The Muppets!
Anyway, your Bee Sampler is lovely, I seem to have acquired a few bee themed pieces since stitching Gathering Honey earlier this year.
We also have deer in our garden, little Muntjacs from the marshes.
Bees seem to be very popular with a lot of stitchers recently, a very pretty finish you've created Carol.
Love the video of the deer, I know they are a nuisance to you but they are so elegant looking.
Enjoy your family time.
I love the bees! What a beautiful finish, Carol!
I think the color changes are lovely, a beautiful finish. Good photo shot of the bees. Awww...it's such an enjoyable video to watch the deer, so adorable. Sorry about your garden thou.
Love the new finished stitched piece. I've always had a fondness for bees in my stitching! Also, love the deer! I know they can be frustrating, but aren't they just precious!
bees / bee skeps have long been a favorite motif of mine - I must have over a dozen framed pieces. I have Garden Versus chart and should stitch that - it is so very pretty. I do find that I am attracted to new motifs over time - last year I 'discovered' August as a stitching theme and those stitches are currently featured on my blog header.
Awwww, what a beautiful new finish you have, Carol. I haven't seen a Prairie Schooler chart that I wouldn't love to stitch but the Garden Verses book is one of my favourites. Giving your piece more pink didn't take away anything of its charm, in the contrary :)
Bee charts have become very popular lately and I have to admit that I love them as well. I often watch these little guys when they are buzzing around in our garden visiting shrubs and flowers.
A nice piece of stitching that you discovered in the museum. Sounds very interesting to visit a Spy Museum. But you are right, craft stores and tea parlors aren't bad either, lol.
Hi Carol,
Such a beautiful finish, I like you color changes too.Most of the time I'm also a OAAT stitcher, helps me finish things otherwise they would become UFOs.
What a great find in the museum! I'm always on a look out for needlework when visiting museums, its so interesting.
Hi Carol, long time no see! I've just updated my blog after a very long break and I'm so looking forward to rejoining the stitching community. I've really enjoyed catching up with your posts, your mum's 90th birthday looked fab!
Beautiful finish, as always, hope you're having a lovely summer :)
This is a gorgeous finish, dear Carol and I love your colour changes. I am with Jo, as soon as I started reading the words I thought of Lewis Carroll! My tastes in stitching change all of the time - hence my constantly growing pile of WIPs and UFOs and sometimes when I pick one up for Friday Frolics that is very old, I look at it in wonder and think "Why on earth did I choose to stitch this?" The fawns look so cute, gambolling away on your lawn. And, I am so happy that you are making lots of happy memories this year - treasure them.
Beautiful finish Carol! Hopefully you can sneak in some stitchy time on those airplane trips or the beach!
I love your Prairie Schooler finish! I never knew the origin of that poem -- now I do! How cool about the huge cross stitch at the spy museum!
It's a gorgeous finish, Carol! Love the colour changes.
Your zinnias are so beautiful!
I love the video!!
I LOVE your finish Carol. Your colour changes are beautiful.
Oh my gosh, those fawns are adorable! My brother had deer in his yard too and they really do wreak havoc! Love your finished piece - I am like you and usually stitch one thing at a time - at the most, may have two projects going. I do find that I have to psych myself up to start a big piece though! Hope your dinner party was fun and you found a little time to sit and stitch over the weekend or through this week!
I love Garden Verse, Carol. It is such a pretty stitch. I have been drawn to bee stitches too. I love your color changes..it makes for such a soft and pretty look. Great work as usual. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever
fantastici i cervi, si divertono! Adoro il tuo ricamo, il colore del lino è perfetto
Your PS finish is gorgeous! Love the color changes you made. I liked the poem you included. I've not read that one before.
How interesting you found stitching in a spy museum. Just goes to show you, you never know!
Gorgeous piece! I like what you found in the museum as well.
Beautiful finish, Carol:) I have seen my taste in colors and creativity change since I joined the blogland. You have problem with deers and I had with pegions so we got a nylon mesh installed in the balcony. The downside is that even the little birds can't come in now.
Carol: What a beautiful piece, I love bee's, it is hard to find P.S. designs and of course with them retiring its going to be harder and more expensive to get patterns.I am like you I only have one stitching project going at once or else I get antsy and wish I had not started more then one design.
I love having company but family lives in the Twin Cities and they think we live in China and its too far away to visit.
We feed the deer but have no problem with them in my gardens, I go to the salon and get bags of human hair the DNA keeps them away from the gardens even the bird feeders.
Thank your husband he caught a beautiful piece of nature at work.
I have changed my tastes over the years myself.
The Bee piece is so pretty. I like the color changes. You must be excited to for your sons wedding. Time has really gone so fast this year. It is hard to believe it is almost September. The deer made me laugh. Happy stitching.
What an interesting post Carol :-) Your Busy bee sampler is really lovely. It pops with those brighter colour changes and the white against the burch linen. Garden Samplers is one of my favourite chart books, made famous of course, by that iconic birdhouse which appeared on that Neighbourhood sampler that inspired us all into action making our own so many years ago. I'm so happy I always liked PS and have quite a few of their early charts as well as the more recent ones.
Funny you should mention changes in taste as I have recently become very fond of butterflies, not so much in stitching but using them in paper crafting, whereas I really didn't really like them at all.
Thanks for sharing that lovely video of the fawn family. It's something we would never see here in England. Also enjoyed reading about your trip to the Spy Museum. What an interesting place that sounds and the last place you would ever imagine finding a cross stitched piece :-)
Hope you have a nice weekend with your friends and do manage to get some well earned rest and stitching time too.
It's a wonderful finish Carol! That's a great post! So nice to hear all on these news.
Hi Carol. I love your bee finish--it's beautiful! The video of the fawns was a hoot.
What a delightful piece Carol. I'm rather partial to bees. We have many bumble bees visiting our garden & they are truly diligent workers.
So pretty Carol.. I had to go search for this on Ebay when I saw yours! Sounds like you will be so busy the rest of the year...But all amazing things!
A lovely stitched piece by P.S. Carol and amazing cross stitch banner at the Spy museum (which must have been really interesting) Love the video- what fun to have such visitors but I understand that you can´t plant much.
Wow, your sampler is absolutely gorgeous, I can see how the hive must have taken sooooo long! Worth it though, the whole piece is beautiful :)
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