Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Such a Perfect Day

Good morning, my blogging buddies--hope you're enjoying a perfect day, today! We had a string of perfect days, weather-wise, over the Memorial Day weekend. I can't remember a more lovely trio of sunny, warm, non-humid days--just wonderful. Of course no day is truly perfect, is it? There are those minor annoyances that invade everyone's days--for instance yesterday a crazy, deranged fly just kept attacking me repeatedly in my bedroom. Honestly, he would just fly and buzz at me over and over again. Definitely a weird experience! And then there are the oh-so-sore muscles that I'm dealing with today after a weekend of gardening (and here I thought I was in relatively good shape--ha!). No, no day is perfect, but there are definitely some days that are more perfect than others. And I was lucky enough to have one of those days last week.

My two local stitching friends, Lee and Linda, and I met at Lee's house on Friday for a wonderful day of stitching, chatting, and eating. I wanted to give them each a little something to tell them how I feel each day when I'm lucky enough to spend time with them so I stitched up this little freebie from the e-sub rosa blog called "Such A Perfect Day." This is worked on 28 ct. taupe cashel linen, over one, with the suggested threads (I found that the symbols on the chart didn't match the symbols in the key, but you'll be able to figure them out since Esther provides a colored chart, too).

Such a Perfect Day freebie

Isn't this a darling design? It makes a perfect gift for someone's special day, doesn't it? I mean it has all of the things that, for me anyway, make up a perfect day: a cozy home, singing birds, pretty flowers, and stitching supplies. Oh, and don't forget the picket fence! I used the fabric shown in the background to back my finishes and edged it with a blue handmade cording accented with those cute spools. Lee and Linda both seemed to like my gifts and I hope there will be many more "perfect days" in our future...

Another little finish I want to share with you was sent to my friend, Robin (no blog), as a birthday gift. She happens to share a birthday with my mom so how could I ever forget her special day? This is one I've stitched before for my May bowl of flower finishes back in 2012 (which you can see here).  I used the same overdyed colors and 40 ct. white Newcastle linen as in that finish, but I made it into a little pillow. Isn't this a cheery, little piece? It is so representative of the flowers that burst forth in bloom each May and I thought it would be a perfect way to celebrate Robin's birthday...

Bent Creek: "May Blooms"

And I have a lovely belated birthday gift to share with you from my stitching friend, Linda. She stitched a Blackbird Designs motif in my favorite colors and then sent it on to Miss Carolina Stitcher herself, Faye, to do the final finishing. Faye came up with this pretty table mat and it couldn't be more perfect for me. I've set it on my kitchen side table right below a blue and yellow framed print and it looks wonderful. Thank you so much, Linda for your wonderful birthday gift--I'm so pleased to own a Linda-stitched and a Faye-finished piece!

Birthday gift from Linda

A lovely honor... This is hard for me to write about as I don't like talking about myself, but several of you have emailed to congratulate me on the little article that appeared about me in the June 2014 issue of the British magazine, Cross Stitch Collection so I thought I'd share it with all of you. A few months ago, a lovely lady named Rachael emailed from the magazine and asked if they could feature me and my blog in a brief article.  Since it was short and in Q&A format, I agreed, but requested that they not use my surname.  If you happen to pick up this issue of the magazine, take a peek at page five--there I am...

Rachael did a great job on the half-page article and it was quite a thrill to see some of my little pillows on display in the magazine. I love that they went with a "blue" theme, too.  I sent them a dozen photos of my creations and they selected the ones done in blues! I suppose it was to coordinate with the blue sweater that I'm wearing (taken on my 59th birthday back in January with the bouquet sent by my youngest son).  This may be the only time you'll see a photo of me on my blog so take a good look--ha ha!

I'm not one who loves the spotlight so this was a bit "out of my comfort zone," but I'm hoping that other shy stitchers will be inspired to take the plunge and create their own blogs. I explained in the interview how the experience of blogging has opened up a whole new world for me. I have to say it was a bit odd seeing my face staring back at me and being called a "stitching star," but I love the part in red that mentions my "uplifting posts." I really do try to be positive on my blog; everything is certainly not perfect in my life nor in anyone else's, but there is so much sad and bad news in the world, I like to keep things light and happy on my blog when I can...

My final statement in the article says it all: "I think the online cross stitching blogging community is very close and caring. They really are the kindest and most generous group of people I know!" You truly are and I thank you...

So, there you have it--the end of another post. I'm working on a larger, patriotic piece right now and hope to share that with you soon. It all depends on how much stitching time I get and it does seem like I have fewer hours to stitch in these warmer months--how about you? I hope you've enjoyed your visit today--thank you all so much for your kind comments on my last post and for the very helpful suggestions on teaching my niece's triplets to cross stitch. I'll let you know how it goes!  Bye for now...


Pamela said...

Wow, congrats on the magazine article!!! You look so happy!!! thank you for sharing all your lovely stitching and finishing!!!I always look forward to reading your posts.
Looking forward to seeing you in another cross stitch magazine.

Gillie said...

Highly deserved to be featured lol in a British magazine and yes, a true blogging friend to many, my dear Carol and a friend in person to me! Lovely, lovely finishes, sorry about the aches and pains! Bet the garden looks nice, though!

Mii Stitch said...

Beautiful finishes, your friends will love your gifts! Love the one you received too...
Congratulations for being featured in the magazine!!! You fully deserve it :) All your work is fantastic! Enjoy your fame :D Hugs xxxx

Solstitches said...

What gorgeous gifts you have been making Carol. I absolutely love the perfect day pillows. They look adorable with the tiny spools you added to the cording.
Congratulations on being featured in the cross stitch magazine. You are truly an international star :)

Elizabeth Ann said...

Wow your famous now!! Wish I could read the article, never have seen that magazine before, the cover of the magazine looks like it would be a great one to read! I love all your pieces, especially those little spools. We finally have some warm weather and are enjoying it very much! Sorry we don't have many bugs here so can't help you with that problem, but I dearly loved seeing your cute picture! Have an awesome week there....

Tricia said...

Oh, how wonderful for you to be featured, Carol! I'm so pleased for you! And I need to get ahold of that magazine, I think. My son's girlfriend loves both Border Collies and horses. Wouldn't that little scene be the perfect gift?? Have a perfect day! : )

Robin in Virginia said...

What a wonderful post to find this morning, Carol! Love the little pillows you created for Lee and Linda! Thank you again for the precious May Blooms; it makes me smile. Will have to look for that magazine when I get to Charlottesville on Thursday. Enjoy your week!

Robin in Virginia

Vickie said...

Thank you Carol. Somehow I missed that freebie from Esther. I printed that out right away! I have been meaning to ask you, where did you find the sweet, little spools? I have not found them yet. The article on you is perfect! Thanks for sharing it.:)

Barb said...

Hi Carol - Oh, what an absolutely wonderful post you have shared with us! First of all, your friends Lee & Linda are truly so lucky to have been given such lovely cross stitch gifts from you - your handwork is always so beautiful! They will treasure it forever.

And a huge Congratulations to you on such a great feature in the Cross stitch magazine - how much fun is that? What a wonderful honor to you, your beautiful stitching & finishes and your very charming blog. (It's so fun to see your beautiful picture!). I'm going to see if I can find a copy of that issue, too.

All the best to you!

Krista said...

Congratulations on the magazine article! How neat it must be to see yourself and your stitching in print! The pillows you made for your friends are so very sweet and your finishing work is amazing. Have a great week!

butterfly said...

First up Carol Love your header forgot to tell you last time.
Congratulations on the magazine so happy you were in there your work is amazing .
What a lovely couple of gifts you made so beautiful , just right for your lovely day with stitching friends.
Also your friends gift to you is beautiful , wishing you a happy day hugs.

Anne said...

A lovely post Carol! How nice to meet up with your two friends and enjoy a lovely day of chatting and catching up. The pillows you made for them are darling! The May blooms is definitely one freebie I need to stitch. Such a cheery design. Congrats on the article Carol! I was asked too by Rachael to submit photos for the magazine and it took me awhile to figure out how to send big files to her...finally got Dropbox which was helpful. I'll have to get the magazine you're in! Love the photo of you and your little selection of blue stitching! Can't wait to read the article! Hugs to you and have a wonderful week! Anne

cucki said...

My dear friend,

I love all your beautiful finishes, your friends will love your gifts! Love the one you received too...
Congratulations for being featured in the magazine...you deserve it :) All your work is fantastic and I always love it..hugs x

Heather said...

Good morning Carol! It's so nice to be able to put a face to your lovely self! :-)

I LOVE the gifts that you mad for your friends, they are all lovely!

It was a lovely weekend here too!
I hope you have a lovely week!

Natasha said...

Congratulations on your article and how nice to put a face to the great stitcher herself :D

Those little pillows you stitched for your friends truly are perfect, thank you for the link. I will have to keep that bookmarked for future stitching.

I hope you have the most terrific Tuesday!

KimM said...

Congratulations on your article! And what marvelous

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Your Perfect Day finishes are so sweet, I'm sure your stitching buddies felt the hugs they delivered. Hope you know you've always been our blog stitching star, but congratulations on being recognized far and wide. You certainly deserve it. Here's to your next Perfect Day!!

Melissa said...

Congratulations, Carol, you little bright Star! Wow, what an honour but so well deserved!

I know what you mean about being sore after gardening. I always start easy in the early part of the season and then I do no more than 2 hours at a time!

Love your latest finishes! I hope you have more perfect days coming your way.

Maggee said...

Congrats on being featured in that magazine! How cool! As always, your stitching and finishing are beautiful. Such wonderful gifts! Hope your garden blooms and grows to your hearts' content! Hugs!

BrendaS said...

Carol --
So glad that you enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend. It was a pretty perfect weekend here too.

LOVE LOVE the little pillows you made for Linda and Lee. The sentiment says it all.

I'm clapping very loudly for you that you were featured in the British magazine -- you definitely deserve it!!!! I'm going to go find that magazine so that I can have my very own copy.

Have a great week my friend!

LoriU said...

what great finishes! Love the little blue spools!

I am so excited to see a photo of you!! Now I have a face to the name!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow! So cool that you've been featured by one of the mags!!! Woot! Of course your work is so gorgeous it needs to be featured!!!

Mary Ann said...

Congratulations on you and your blog being featured in the magazine! Your blog is one of my favorites to read.

I love the little Perfect Day pillows you made for your friends, and the May Blooms gift for Robin is adorable!

I hope you have a lovely Tuesday and a fantastic week!

pj said...

Carol, oh you did it again! I just love your finishes! You can come stitch with me anytime. YOUR WORK IS 'star' quality! Congrats on the magazine article....what an honor! I love your picture and showing your pretty smile.

Blue and yellow are favs of mine too.

Always such a joy to read your blog. Thanks for sharing a part of you!

Pam in Iowa

Ali said...

Congratulations on the magazine article I really enjoy reading your blog so it's well deserved and what lovely finishes too.

Barb said...

Congrats on being featured in the magazine. Love your two pieces, they are so cute.
Great job on them .

Beth said...

Carol,First off congrats on the magazine article. It could not have happened to a nicer or more deserving blogger. And how fun do see your smiling face! Two fun finishes. Very inspired to add the 2 spools of blue thread - I love it!

Eszter/SubRosa said...

Dear Carol,congratulations for being featured in the magazine♥ Your blog ,your works are wonderful! Love these new finishes - colours, fabrics are so perfect. Have a great day! Hugs: Eszter/SubRosa

Sharon said...

I'm so happy that now more of the XS world can share in all the beauty that you create! I can tell that you're a beautiful person who loves gifting your talents to others. Your finishes are just lovely and happy! Indeed, such a perfect day! :)

Penny said...

Congratulations on the article! And very well deserved, too! Lucky ladies to receive such sweet gifts. :) What a pretty gift you received - I love blue and yellow together.

Sherri said...

As always, I love your finishes. I'm sure your stitching friends will cherish their pillows. I'll have to try and find a copy if the magazine as I'd love to read the article. Congratulations to you!

Myra said...

Congratulations on the magazine article. How cool is that? I was so happy to see the little birdie on the egg in the article. :o)

Your blog is always a delight to read. I love the gifts you made, you always seem to choose the perfect design and finish for the occasion.

BARBARA said...

You look just as I pictured you all these many blogs! What a thrill to have an article pertaining to all your wonderful stitching projects. Congratulations, Carol :)

Barb said...

So happy for you Carol! That is so neat! Glad you and Lee and Linda were able to get together. Needless to say I am a tad jealous! I'm a bit sore from gardening too. And you are so right...the last few days were glorious!

Gabi said...

Congratulations for being featured in the magazine. Now I have an imagination of you my friend.
As always, I love to read your posts and see your finishes.
Warm greetings from Germany

marly said...

Congratulations Miss Carol! Well deserved. You inspire and delight so many with your stitchery and wonderful finishing. But we also enjoy your writing, even when it includes deranged flies!!

Kaisievic said...

Hi Carol, what a wonderful post - I enjoyed reading it immensely. First off, congrats on the magazine article, it is always a thrill to see yourself in print. There is such magic in the printed word (maybe that is why we all blog?). Thanks also for the freebie link - that one is definitely on my list to stitch, those little spool charms are so cute! Lovely gift from Linda and Faye did a great job of the finishing. Looking forward to seeing your patriotic piece.
hugs, Kaye

Mylene said...

What lovely finishes! Thanks for sharing the freebie link, love the design.
Congratulations for being featured on the magazine!

Cindy's Stitching said...

What pretty gifts for your stitching friends. There is nothing like sitting with women and stitching and talking. WOW, I had no idea you made it into the magazine. I will have to get a copy and bring it to my stitching group. What a great article. So happy for you. I am so proud of you. If you could could see my smile. Your pieces are so beautiful.

Mini Addictions said...

Hi Carol,
I really love the Perfect Day finish. I may use this as another square to donate to my stitching charity for a walker bag or something like that. It is perfect for anytime of year. Congratulations on your well deserved feature in the magazine. I love your blog and your stitching and what a great way for others to enjoy it who do not do the "blog thing." :-) Great photo of you too. I'm so happy for you. Enjoy the beautiful weather and thank you for all the lovely comments you leave when you visit my blog.
A big hug,
Lisa :-)

Margaret said...

So so cool about the magazine article! Wow! Love the pic of you too! Lovely stitching as always. I am always amazed at how much you stitch and finish. Lovely gift too!

Ellen said...

Gorgeous gifts, love those little spools!

Congrats on that magazine article! I did see you ha ha!

Always love your posts and your finishing are my inspirations!


Wanda said...

Oh, I knew you were a star and this is concrete proof! Congratulations Carol! What a lovely honour and so deserved. I am so thrilled for you. I don't know if you realize what an absolute inspiration you and your beautiful blog are to so many. You so generously share your beautiful stitched pieces and finishes with us. It was such a thrill to 'meet' you!:)
'Such a perfect day' is beautiful and a lovely way to memorialize a special day spent stitching with friends. 'May Blooms' is lovely and just makes you smile. What a lovely thrill to have something made by Faye (and in your colours!)
Congratulations again! I am so happy that you shared this lovely honour with us!
Have a great week and happy stitching, hugs, Wanda

Annie said...

Great stitching an finishing as usual. You made that perfect day piece into perfect gifts. Love ths spools.. nice creative touch.

And now you are real rock star! We always knew that. So cool to be featured in the magazine. Did you buy 100 copies?

Barb said...

Hi Carol, I can't think of a more deserving stitcher to do an article about! I am going to our Barnes and Noble to try and find that magazine or else I'll try to get it on line! Congratulations! Of course, as usual great finishes!!

LindataxPA said...

We had a wonderful day stitching and sharing. Carol's work is delicate and the perfect colors together. You rascal, you didn't tell us about the magazine! If it wasn't for Carol's blog, I never would have met her or Lee or Barb (from Wooster) or Pam (NY).......so I am truly blessed.

Belinda said...

Beautiful stitching and finishing Carol. I always look forward to seeing your finished ornaments.
What a lovely big spread in the magazine on your article. I will have to keep my eye out for it as Australia is always behind. How wonderful, and congratulations!

Von said...

Carol, you are a stitching blogger star!! The article is very well done and what a great opportunity to encourage other stitchers to share their projects and their lives. :)
I especially enjoyed your blue and yellow color schemes today as it's one of my favorites.

Linda said...

Congratulations Carol. Your stitching and finishing are gorgeous as always.


Christine said...

Congratulations on the magazine feature.
Lovely stitching and finishing as always. I love the blue and yellow combination in the Bent Creek piece

Shari said...

love the gifts you made for others.....just one of the reasons your blog is so great!
Congrats on the magazine article....that says a lot about your blog & YOU!!!!!!!!

Julie said...

How lovely to see a pic of you Carol, a lovely magazine article and well deserved, there is always something lovely to read and see when visiting your blog.

The little pillows for your stitching friends are adorable.
{hugs} xx

Mary said...

Summer satitching with friends is so much fun! Congratultions on your new fame.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

First,congratulations on your article in the cross Stitch Collection magazine Carol. It is lovely to 'see' you:)
Your stitching is beautiful,I love the way you finished the two gifts for your friends,but my favourite is the one you stitched for Robin,it is so pretty.
The gift for you,from Linda, is lovely too.

The Queen Bee said...

Oh my gosh! How exciting. Can we find that magazine in these parts? Congratulations. You inspire us.

What a fun Friday. I'm sorry that I don't live closer.

I'm with you on the gardening front. With a graduation coming up, I'm driven.


msmartello said...

Hi Carol,
Such a perfect day is adoreable! Love your finish! Congrats on your article. Everyone needs to toot their own horn once in awhile. Thanks for sharing.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

What a fun post! I love the finishes. They are so cute. How about you being mentioned in a magazine?! Very cool! Congrats and I couldn't agree with you more when it comes to the blogging community.

Tiffany said...

Wow! Congratulations on your magazine spread! I love your blog and am going to try my hand at stitching and finishing a "small" this summer. Thanks for the inspiration!

passionfruitprincess said...

Congratulations, Carol! I need to get the magazine! So wonderful, you deserve it, being so talented, sweet and kind the way you are! And I see the bird ornament! Your posts are always beautiful, not only filled with lovely cross stitch but also with the beautiful pictures and stories of animals from your yard.
I love your latest finishes, and the cute way you finished the gifts for your friends.

Ana Paula

Hilda said...

My dear Carol,
I really envy you for having stitching friends around to meet and stitch together. And I envy them for to have you around bringing along so wonderful presents. I saw this freebie several times (and found it pretty) - but know, when I see it finished by you, I find it just amazing.
Things like that, made you to our stitching star, my dear friend. Your modesty honors you of course, but the headline is nothing but the truth. Congratulation on this article! I will keep this magazine in honor and have already showed the article to friends and family ;-)


Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Congrats on the magazine article. That is just awesome. Your stitching is truly beautiful, as are all your finishes, too. You really are a Stitch Star to all of us! You are one of the kindest stitchers I know and always so generous, too.

I can't wait to see your new project.

Happy Stitching. :)

Michelle said...

Oh Carol what stunning gifts you have been making. I adore the perfect day pillows. They wonderful and I love the cotton spools you added.
Congratulations my friend on being featured in the cross stitch magazine - lovely photo of you xx

Melody said...

Carol, what lovely gifts you made for your friends! What lucky girls. Also, how exciting to be in the magazine. Good for you, your blog is one of my favorites, and always makes me smile.

Judy said...

Hi Carol, Congratulations to you on the magazine article...you definitely deserve it! Your blog is so well written and filled with beautiful stitching and finishing. It inspires all of us. The Perfect Day pillows are no less than perfect also. I will look forward to your patriotic piece. Hard to believe May is coming to a close..so happy June! Until next time..

Judy Heartland stitcher

Pam in IL said...

Lovely stitching and wow, what a wonderful gift from Linda! Congrats on the magazine article. I don't have access to that magazine so thanks for sharing your pic!

Elia said...

Wow Carol,
congrats on the magazine article!!
It's wonderful !!!!
Your stitching is truly beautiful, as are all your finishes, too,
I love them ;))

have a nice week, here is raining...
hugs from Spain,


Angela said...

Lovely finishes! Congrats on the being included in the magazine :)

Rachel S-H said...

You are a celebrity! Congratulations!

Andrea said...

Woo-hoo you've made it BIG in a UK cross stitch magazine. Yesterday .. USA, Today .. UK and Tomorrow .. THE WORLD!!! How wonderful.
Beautiful gifts both sent and received.

Lynda Harrison said...

Hello Carol!
How lovely to see you in print! Many congratulations on this well deserved honour.
Isn't it a lovely time of year - we have had some smashing weather here in the UK too, although it has been chilly and wet for the last few days!
Such pretty little pillows stitched for your friends - I'm sure they were delighted with them"
Have a lovely week.
Love and best wishes,

valerie said...

Great gifts to and fro Carol! And congratulations on your magazine write up. How fantastic!I think that you deserve it! Hope all is well....life is still too busy for me to stitch and blog but I live vicariously through everyone's blogs for now. :)

Christina said...

Carol - you're famous! ;0) I really enjoyed reading the article.

I love your stitching for Lee and Linda. How sweet are those bobbins? They finish the ornie off beautifully.

Jennifer said...

What a treat to be featured in a magazine! And that's an absolutely lovely photo of you - you have a beautiful smile.

I've been fortunate enough to stitch with Lee in person, and correspond with Linda. It must have been quite an enjoyable, "perfect" day with them! Your gifts are stunning, and I am sure they will be treasured.

You must be how Robin found me. She's a wonderful, wonderful person and I've been very much enjoying getting to know her.

dixiesamplar said...

Such an awesome post...love all the lovely stitching :-) and a huge CONGRATS on the article about you and your wonderful blog...now everyone knows what we already knew...you, my friend, are an amazing stitcher, finisher, and one classy Lady :-)

Lisa V said...

Huge Congratulations to you on such a great feature in the Cross stitch magazine - so well deserved. Your beautiful stitching & finishes are an inspiration to so many. It was also lovely to see a photo of you.
Have a lovely weekend dear friend.

Giovi's Creations said...

Nice finishes and congrats for the article. You deserve it Carol, you're a great blogger...and You look great there! :)


ps. I'm back!

Bekca said...

Congratulations on the article Carol! I'll have to see if I can get my hands on a copy. It's lovely to read that you've been enjoying yourself recently, I bet your stitching meet-up was a blast :)
Best wishes.

Shirlee said...

Lovely stitching gifts my friend, & wow! I can say "I knew you before you got famous" ... lol! Congratulations! I don't believe I've ever seen your photo before? You are beautiful! Both inside & out, of course : )

Nicola said...

Lovely stitching as always Carol, but I especially love the Bent Creek piece. Congratulations on the magazine article! Your blog is always such a lovely, cheerful one to read. Lovely photo of you too, it's great to put a face to the name.

Carol R said...

Congratulations on the magazine article. Beautiful gifts! Please can you tell me where I can get some of those tiny wood spools. I have two exchanges to finish and these would be perfect!

Annette said...

I can imangine that you friends most me thrilled with such a lovely gift from you!!
It looks so perfect!1
Your really did a aweosme job on them

I already thought I had seen that one before!!
It's a cutie the May Blooms.. your friend will be so happy with it!!

You got a awesome gift.. Better late then never.. hihi.. very beautifull!!!

OMG your famous.
Can I have your signature ♥
How awesome, they emailed you.. but I need to see your the perfect blogger for it!!
I always love to come to your blog, and found out what beautifull pieces you have to share this time, and what lovely pic's there are of your lovely country.
The pic looks great from what I can see..
I;m going to read the whole piece now..
And that's true what you say.. The blogger community is awesome!!!
The are such sweet friends
have a great week.
Enjoy your famous life now.

BTW what did you family said about it??

Karoline said...

Congratulations on featuring in the magazine and your pillows are gorgeous

Chris said...

Hey Carol!
We have had a perfect weekend here in NC this weekend. I hope that you have had one too.
What lovely stitched gifts for your friends!! That sub-rosa design is perfect.
What a lovely article about your blog. Congratulations!

Giovanna said...

Very pretty finishes, and congrats on being featured in the mag - how thrilling!

Brigitte said...

Oh wow, Carol, an article about you in a British cross stitch magazine - how awesome is this! Congratulations on this honour. And so nice to see a picture of you, too. You and your blog deserve it to be portrayed because it's always such a pleasure to come to your blog and to read and see what you are up to.

You must have had a very nice get-together with your stitching friends. And these little pillows you made for them are really perfect for such a day of stitching and chatting and just being together. The little pillow you made for Robin is perfect, too. Such a lovely birthday gift, just as lovely as the one you received from Linda.

Enjoy your day!

Melanie said...

Man, you find the BEST freebie patterns. Or maybe you just finish them in your own darling way that makes them so special? (I'm thinking it's the latter. :))

Congrats on your magazine piece! That truly is something special. I can't imagine what your menfolk thought of that. Bet they had no idea their mum was an internet star. ;)

Kay said...

Congrats on being featured like you were! Nice to put a face to the lady I talk to online! Your stitching and finishing is beautiful as always! Congrats again!

priscilla said...

Love those cute finishes with the thread spools, Carol ! So excited for you, you look fabulous in the photo ! Congratulations !! Can't wait to see your patriotic piece !

littleRamstudio said...

How lovely to be featured in a magazine, not surprised your work is lovely.
And great to hear from another black cat lover.
Heather >^..^<

Faye said...

Hi Carol... I am so behind on my blogpost reading... Been a little busy :) ,but wanted you to know the kitchen table mat was made with love.... You have a very talented friend in Linda B, and she gave me full creative reign in designing that finish... She didn't tell me it was for YOU however!!! So, it was meant to be that I picked that finish with those blues and yellows!!

I am oh so proud of you being highlighted in the recent publication!! A well deserved salute!!! Your ideas are amazing and please keep it up!!! You are an inspiration to so many...... Smiles, Faye

Macey's Creative Corner said...

you have some real beautiful work.

Check out and follow my blog. I post every day things, projects im working, i'll upload a pattern a day, family recipes, home-made cards, etc.

Mavi. said...

Ohhh ... Carlol, congratulations on the recognition of your beautiful embroidery magazine. I'm glad you are, it is easier to imagine now everything, knowing your features. It is closer and closer.
Your pillows are embroidered and delicate as ever and I love the freebie.
Get a gentle hug.

Lois said...

Oh Carol, what a lovely article in the magazine! Well done! What lovely finishes too! My stitching mojo seems to have disappeared at the moment but I'm hoping it comes back soon!!!!

Sheryl said...

Hi Carol, what lovely work and interesting posts. Congratulations on your feature in the magazine. I'm your newest follower.

Lynn B said...

Hi Carol,

Congratulations on appearing in the cross stitch magazine, they have printed some lovely photos of you and your work, well done Carol!
The blue theme is absolutely gorgeous!

Lillie said...

Wow ! Congrats Carol! Wonderful write up in the article.

Beautiful stitching as always.

Meari said...

Congratultions on being featured in the magazine! What a honor!!

Marie said...

Wow, how exciting ~ congratulations! I will look for the magazine here in the states and buy it! Such a pretty pic of you and your amazing work!

Thank you for the link to the freebie.