Hello everyone... Hope each of you is enjoying a good week so far! I'm just counting each of these frigid wintry days as one day closer to spring. It can't come soon enough for me... This sage green Prairie Schooler Santa is my latest finish--my monthly ornament is actually done early for a change! He can be found in Prairie Schooler's "Santa Moon" book and is stitched "over one" on black Monaco using the suggested DMC threads. Would you believe the most difficult part of this was putting together his little bundle of sticks? I used some tiny pieces of branches that had blown down during a recent windy day, glued them together, tied them with raffia, and sewed them onto the finished piece.
Isn't his large, ruddy nose funny-looking? Hope he is just cold and hasn't been imbibing in too much "Christmas cheer!" I wanted a rustic looking finish for this one, so I used the idea suggested by Vonna for the new LHN "Cardinal Winter" ornament--a twig frame. My husband helped me carve the grooves into the twigs so they would fit together more snugly. (As he says, it's our first collaborative cross stitch ornament!) I then glued the twigs together, tied raffia around the corners and used it as the hanger. What do you think?
My mailbox was overflowing with goodies last week... First of all came this glorious rainbow of hand-dyed threads that I had won in a very generous giveaway from Between Crosses With Nina last month. The talented and generous Nina let me choose 25 skeins of her hand-dyed threads as my prize. I waited and waited and waited--so worried that her package had been lost in the mail, but, one month later, it finally arrived. Oh, were they ever worth the wait--they are amazing!
Of course, I wanted to try them out right away, so I stitched up this Lizzie Kate "Be My Valentine" piece over the weekend. This was the second time I've stitched this--I sent the first to my dear parents as a finished card last February. Aren't the colors pure loveliness? For this piece, stitched on 32 ct. dirty linen, I used Nina's "Old Jeans," "Moss," "Eggplant," and "Raspberry" threads along with DMC 3865 for the border. I'm just thrilled with the color variations and how easy it was to work with her threads. Thank you so, so much, Nina--your gift brought some much needed color and cheer into my gray winter days!
I was truly touched to receive a wonderful package from dear Brenda, also. I had admired this Drawn Thread "Sunflower Bellpull" chart on Brenda's lovely blog (if you haven't been over to visit, please do--I promise you you'll be thrilled with her stitching and darling punch needle finishes!) and she offered to send it to me since she was done with it. Well, imagine my surprise when I opened the mailing envelope and found not only the chart, but the linen, the beads, and all of the threads as well! Brenda, your generosity touches my heart...I can't wait to start stitching this (sunflowers are one of my favorite things as most of you know) and you can be sure I will pass on the chart when I am finished. Thank you so very much!
Last, but by no means least, sweet Valerie sent me a belated birthday gift. She was worried that I might have the charts already, but they were all new to me and each and every one is something I would have picked myself. And look at the tiny packet of BBD fabrics--don't you love them?! I'm sure you'll be seeing some of them incorporated into my ornaments in the future. Most of you are probably familiar with Valerie's blog, but if you're not, why not stop in. Although I am just a "bit" older (okay, I'm old enough to be her mother!) we have become email pals and I love reading about her life in San Francisco and the ups and downs of life as a single young woman. So, thank you Valerie, for your wonderful gifts and for your friendship--both are so special...

Since the title of my post is "Saying Thanks," I want to tell you about a very heart-warming "thank you" that I received myself not long ago... As you know, I'm a librarian and am thanked countless times by people whom I've helped. One evening, a while back, I was walking back to the reference desk with an elderly patron and I noticed a young woman waiting there presumably to ask a question. When I finished up with the older woman, she said: "Thank you, you've been so very helpful." And the younger woman piped in: "She always is." I looked at her quizzically and after saying goodbye to the elderly patron, I walked over to her...

"You may not remember me," she began, "but, I was here a while back and you handed me the books that helped me diagnose my son's condition." Shivers ran up my spine and it all came back to me; a rather distraught, scared young mother, with a stack of medical books surrounding her, looking for anything and everything that could possibly help save her young son's life. None of the numerous doctors she had taken him to had been able to diagnose him and she was bound and determined to find out what was wrong with him. I had pulled every pediatric, neurological, and brain-related medical book that I could find and piled them on the table in front of her as she frantically searched for an answer.
"Because of your help, my son will be operated on at The Cleveland Clinic on Friday and I just wanted to thank you," she whispered, and then began to cry. I came out from behind the desk, hugged her and cried myself. How scared she must have been. You see it was a brain operation on a two-year old. This mother had diagnosed a very rare condition using the books in our mid-sized public library! I told her that I had received many, many thank-yous during the 20+ years I've worked as a Reference Librarian, but hers was like the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae.
I saw this young mother soon after the operation and was almost scared to ask about the outcome. Thankfully, her son had come through it with flying colors and, with rehab, would live a normal life. A miracle... I recently saw her in the library again with a "Nursing School Entrance Exam" book tucked under her arm. Yes, she's decided to go to back to school to become a nurse--I know she'll be an excellent one...
I told you this story not because I did anything special--I was simply doing my job. But, the fact that this young woman took the time to come back and thank me for my help--now that is special. Try saying "thank you" to others for even simple things--it might just make someone's day. (And you just might feel better, too!)

I'm so appreciative of the friends I've made over my two years of blogging--I hope you all know how special I think you are. The fact that you take the time to leave a comment or send an email means so much to me. Special thanks to my international friends who take the time to translate my posts and leave a comment. I am really touched at the amount of effort that it must take you to do so... Have a wonderful weekend everyone--only 39 days to Spring--yippee!!
Fabulous job on that Santa! How nice to have a cooperative DH to help. And on top of it all, stitched on black! Amazing.
Lovely gifts. You used those threads wisely on that cute Valentine.
Your 'thank you' story is unbelievably touching. We should never underestimate the power of a librarian!
Hi Carol:
I was excited about the story you told us. That mother grateful for having found a solution to your child's medical problems. It is gratifying that people recognize you for doing your job. You must be very proud.
I like your embroidery and be happy with gifts.
I visit the blogs that you recommend.
Many kisses.
Ugh! Blogger threw a wobbly just as I was posting - apologies if this appears twice.
What a wonderful story, Carol! You're right, a simple thank you can make such a difference. How lovely that you were able to help this mother and her son - she obviously picked just the right person to ask :)
Love your PS finish, the twig frame is fantastic! Great L*K Valentine finish too, it looks very pretty in Nina's lovely threads.
You've really cleaned up in the stash department lately! Congrats! And I love the ornament!
That story was really touching! I'm so glad you were able to help her!
Oh my gosh, I am sitting here crying at your tale about the lady that you helped. How nice--I don't think people realize just how much a little kindness and help can mean to a person.
Beautiful finishes!! I love what you did with the santa ornament--great job!
That is such a beautiful story, I have tears in my eyes after reading it. I am happy to hear the surgery outcome was a success.
I absolutly LOVE the way you finished your PS design. What a clever clever frame :) I Have my first ornament for the month of January finsihed but I guess its REALLY not a true finish it I make it into an ornament ahhhh.
Yes, Valerie is an awesome girl :) I live close enough to her that we get to hang out on the rare occasion when I have a weekend off :)
What an amazing post, Carol. From gorgeous finishes, (I have that Valentine's chart on the way from my Super Bowl Sale buys. Can't wait to see it!), to happy mail, to a wonderful, wonderful story. I'm so thankful that mother was able to diagnose her son... and I'm so thankful that the doctors listened!!!
I got teary eyed about your story. The poor mom to go through that but thankfully your help helped her and her son and inspired her into a new career! It's very touching!
And you are not old enough to be my mom! I'm glad you enjoyed your goodies!
Love your PS Santa and Be Mine finishes! Great gifties too!
First I was thinking of all the wonderful things to say about your cute and creative Santa finish, then about how very lucky you must be to win all those fabulous give-a-ways but now I'm speachless. You deserve every one of them for being such a giving soul.
You are both blessed and a blessing.
Carol, the Santa finish is just delightful! So clever of you to add the little "log bundle" and the frame looks just perfect!
Great gifts and new stash!
The "thank you" story brought tears and so glad there was a happy outcome.
What a wonderful story. I'm so glad it worked out so well for them. It can't have been a coincidence that you two happened upon one another at just the right moment like that, it's almost as if it was meant to be.
Love your finishes! Let's just hope your Santa has been spending a lot of time out of doors to have such a rosy nose like that. ;^)
That's an amazing story. How wonderful that you could help someone with some so critical at such a terrifying time in her life. (I do wish it had been her DOCTOR in there trying to make an accurate diagnosis, but I guess that would be too much to ask for.) You are a super-librarian, as I've said before. :D
Your stitching is great. Love the green Santa on black - very striking. And I'm so glad that you and Valerie have become friends. I also enjoy reading her blog. :)
Carol~ What a truly heartwarming and beautiful post! It brought tears to my eyes, and I still have chills typing this. How truly wonderful a thank you can be...I am so grateful that this young mother took time out of her very busy schedule to come and personally thank you for your help! Remarkable and so wonderful, I can see why it is was the cherry on top of your sundae. Hold the memory close, I know you will, though!
Lovely stitching and congrats on the win from Nina!!
so happy you were there for that young mom....we are all at any given place, any given time for a reason & wow...what a reason for you! Sends chills to think about it......
your santa looks great...I am wanting to do a twig frame too, just haven't had time to go out & get them....hum...wonder why????
All of your gifts are great!~congrats!
Carol --
LOVE your Santa finish. I can't believe you did it over 1 on black! You go girl:)))
Love the gifts you received from Valerie and Nina. What a great week you had.
Your story of the young mother and her child brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful for her to have had you there to help her. It's so easy to say "thank you" and make someone's day. Thanks for the reminder.
Have a great week and weekend.
Sorry about your Steelers. I so wanted them to beat the Packers!
HUGS to you.
What a beautiful post Carol! I love your Santa, the twig finish is perfect. As for your tale of the young mum and her son, I was in tears reading it. What a happy ending all round and isn't saying thanks just the best thing you can ever do. So *thanks* for sharing today!
Love the Santa finsh and the frame is absolutelty amazing.
You are one lucky lady to receive all them goodies. Love the color choices for the LK
What a touching story, it's nice to come back and let you know that.
Take care!!
Great twiggy finish Carol, and very nice post, seems you were in the right place for that young mother, it is the best we can hope for, to help one another. Plz tell DH he does fine work:)
I love your stitching, but WOW, what a wonderful story about that young mom! They should make a movie out of that for the Hallmark channel!!
Carol I'm a library tech miself and it really is nice to be thanked for all the stuff we do. So many people forget to say thank-you. I've really treasured the rare time a patron has come back to let me know how much I really did help them. That's when you know you've made a difference.
Anyhow your sittching is just lovely and I love that rustic twig frame well done!
Your PS Santa is just great, such an unusual way of framing it too.
All your gifts are lovely particularly the sunflowers bellpull. I love sunflowers, they are such a cheerful flower.
What a lovely heartwarming story. It was really lovely of that mother to take the trouble to thank you. I'm pleased that it had such a happy ending.
I love your Santa ornament Carol! The bundle of twigs, and the twig frame, are so clever! You really did a beautiful job! Nice little Valentine stitch too, and such wonderful things you received in the mail.
Such a touching story. I am so happy for this mother that her little one will be fine. You have really touched her life as I have a feeling you touch the life of anyone that is fortunate enough to cross paths with you!
Awesome finishing on the PS Santa- I love it! You also recei ed some wonderful things in the mail! Yippee! What a wonderful story. You helped save that chimes life a.d I know his mom will pay that forward and likely save a life or two herself. How great that she is going to. Ursing school. Thank you for sharing that story.
Awesome finishing on the PS Santa- I love it! You also recei ed some wonderful things in the mail! Yippee! What a wonderful story. You helped save that chimes life a.d I know his mom will pay that forward and likely save a life or two herself. How great that she is going to. Ursing school. Thank you for sharing that story.
A great post, Carol. Good to hear all went well with the surgery for the child.
Love your new finish and your finishing idea with it.
Such wonderful goodies you had received, enjoy!
Okay, this post made my day, no maybe my week!! Thank you for sucn a great story. And I sure do agree with you about the power of a simple thank you and even a smile seems to make people feel so much better.
Your stitching is wonderful and I really like the way you finished the PS Santa - it is perfect for his outfit! And yes, I am sure he is just cold - LOL
You are just such a sweetheart and I was so touched reading your post today :) Thank you are 2 simple words that mean so much!
I love your Santa finish!! It's just gorgeous -your finishing is amazing!
Your story today has really touched my heart! Well done, Carol!
Thank YOU Carol for sharing that story! It was so touching, it made me cry. I'm so glad there was a happy ending.
As always I can't say enough about your finishing! I wish you could give me lessons!!!
Great stash too, I've been admiring Nina's threads for a while now.
That is such a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing that. It's times likes those that makes us feel that our "little job" may mean something ...to someone. Nice work!
And I think that's why you're been rewarded with all these 'winnings'. Lovely, lovely things. Best of all, that PS Santa is absolutely gorgeous! You would stitch over one on dark linen, wouldn't you!!! The frame is wonderful - love everything about it!
What a heart-warming story Carol! And to think that she is now going to go back to school! Perhaps you will see her again and can keep us all updated!
Your santa is adorable - love the finish! I did notice his nose and thought perhaps he was just cold!
Those threads look yummy and they look lovely on your Valentine piece! And those others goodies - wow! You'll be making some beautiful things!
Very touching story! A simple thank you can make your day.
Your Santa is adorable! Love your LK valentine with Nina's threads, gorgeous! Admire your gifts too!
Such a heartwarming story, how lovely of her to drop by and thank you like that, you must feel very proud. Well done!
I love your PS santa finish, you and hubby make a great finishing team.
How wonderful to be thanked in truly a special way. I agree....our blogging friends are a wonderful group of people.
I love your Sage Santa!
What a truly wonderful story Carol - and it is a wonderful reminder to never underestimate the power of the written word and those in the world that guard and care for them. My hat is off to you! And that young boy is in my prayers....
Kindness, such a small thing to practice and so often over looked nowadays. I'm happy that you were there to help and I'm glad that she came back to tell you thanks...its a priceless story.
LOVE your PS Santa and his twig frame delightful!
I love your L*K Valentine Finish...awww heck Carol, I just love everything you do top to bottom, you are very talented :)
Carol, you truly are a special person and I feel blessed to have you and your blogging in my life. That is so sweet that you helped that young mother and even more sweet that she returned to thank you.
Your finishes are just gorgeous as always and you are so deserving of those prizes and gifts. Enjoy!
I thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and leaving comments and for being such a great friend. :o)
What a wonderful story and how rewarding it must have been knowing you helped that mom diagnose her son's condition. Wow! Such a special thing. I love your various finishes -- the twig frame collaboration between your DH and yourself was a huge success IMO! I also love that Santa and how you made his bundle. The valentine came out nicely with Nina's fibers too. Love the wins as well.
What a sweet story! You are correct in that you never know how a thank you can make such a difference.
Love your ornament finish too....cute frame.
What a wonderful story Carol! How touching. So glad the little guy is doing well . Your blog is a beautiful book that you are writing with these wonderful stories and pictures of your lovely handiwork. So very inspiring.
Congratulations on your lovely gifts and your stitching finishes, but mostly thank you for sharing that story. It takes but a moment to speak a kind word or even just a smile, but it can make such a difference to another person. The old saying "what goes around, comes around" is very true.
Carol, your story about the young mother was wonderful. In these frustrating times it is so nice to hear something good.
Love your finishes! And you are also one lucky lady to receive such nice gifts. You deserve the best!
Love all the stitching and finishes! And what a sweet story.
Carol, what a wonderful story about the young mother and her son. I hope the son will recover and have a happy life and also that you several more "thank you" like this.
Your PS ornament is so so great! I love the bundle of sticks in his hand (what a great idea!) and also the frame around. How great that it was a project together with your husband! :)
You received wonderful presents, and your little Valentines stitching is so cute.
Hope spring arrives soon to you! (And to us)
What a fantastic finish! Love the twig frame!
Lovely gifts you received and your L*K finish using the threads is gorgeous.
What a lovely story:)
How beautiful is the word "thanks" when it leaves the heart. Very nice reflection let us between the lines.
I have been beautiful, with those snags, I congratulate you and your husband too.
Happy day
That is an absolutely amazing story, brought a tear to my eye. You never know how you may touch someone's day.
I love the twig frame!
Your Santa looks great and you and DH did a great job on the frame! All your goodies received are wonderful - Nina's threads are so beautiful. Thank you also for sharing that great story!
Amazing story! Reading this really touched my heart, I can imagine how it touched yours =)
That's Santa is beautiful! I love the detail with the bundle of sticks :D Looks great!!
Congratulations for winning that giveaway!! You must be thrilled with so many beautiful threads :)
Have a lovely day dear!! :D
Two small words 'thank you' and yet they mean so much and more people should take time to say them. How wonderful that that young mother was able to find, with your help, the information that she needed and that her young son is now on the road to recovery. And how lovely that she is now pursuing a career in nursing.
Carol, I love your PS ornament and how you've finished it. You are so well ahead this month! I've only managed to get my supplies gathered together to stitch mine! It shouldn't take me too long though once I pick the needle and thread up.
Such lovely goodies have been arriving at your door lately. Enjoy them all my dear! I love the colours in your L*K finish. Such a sweet design and the threads are lovely.
What a beautifull Santa. ans I so love how finished it up with the branches.. I need to remember that.
So ou spoiled girl... You got a lot of lovely goodies... Love the thread you used for that lovely cute pattern!!!
ow what a awesome story...I can understand how you must be feeling about that... so great..
You are such a lovely blog-friend...
Big kiss from the Netherland..
Love the santa and the finishing. How nice you and your husband put this one together, love the sticks. The threads are so pretty. The story about the young mother who came back to thank you had me crying at the computer. You see, my son chris has a brain tumor when he was in the 1st grade, praise the lord it was not cancer. He is now a bright young man in college. I did not have to search what it was, we have the best hospitals where I live in NY. The young mother had to search on her own and you helped save a life. What a heart warming story and something you will never forget.
Oh Carol, such a beautiful story... What an amazing difference you made in the life of this woman and her son. I am so happy that his surgery went well and he'll be able to have a normal life. Think about it... that is huge !!!
I absolutely love your santa and the way you finished it !!! You (and your husband) did such a great job with the frame !!
Your Lizzie with Nina's floss looks great too !! I love the bright colors...
Great gifts you got also !!
Carol, your story of the young mom thanking you brought tears to my eyes I too have been helped with a medical diagnosis by a small library. I didn't share with the reference librarian why I was asking to locate particular information. I had 3 first trimester miscarriages when I was younger and I wanted to know why. Costly genetic tests didn't reveal anything. With help, I was able to find a very small magazine article that was specific to what was happening to me. I took it in to one doctor who said he would not follow the recommended treatment. I went to another doctor who said he would. I truly feel that it was only because of the information I found with help from a librarian that I was able to have a pregnancy that resulted in a baby. I have always been a frequent patron of the library and am passionate about funding for the library. Hopefully many will realize how important our libraries are to our communities and advocate for them.
I am so thankful you were there to help that young mother that day. I have a feeling that you will hold a very special place in the hearts of this family!
Hi Carol!
What a lovely finish! I love the Lizzie Kate one too...looks darling framed. All your gifts are so beautiful! Especially the threads.
And you story... I'm still crying.
When Brenda was 6 months old her pediatrician made me look at a medical book. I am thankful for her knowledge that made us aware of what was coming. My heart goes to this mother...brain tumors are so scary...many people with Brenda's condition develop tumors...brain, anywhere...we pray every day this will never happen to our sweetie.
And the librarians...they are very sweet people. We are raising Brenda going to the library. She loves it. People there remember when I was pregnant...and after that, the baby girl, the toddler with several casts and after the casts, the leg braces. We do the Summer reading program every year now.
Thank you for your kindness both blogging and working.
And thank you for sharing this wonderful story.
Ana Paula
Your Santa looks great, Carol. I love the frame and twig bundle...what a unique finish!
Be Mine is also lovely. I'm sure your parents love their keepsake.
How lucky you are to receive such beautiful treats. I hope you enjoy them all.
I'm a firm believer of being in the right place at the right time...your story is so touching. What a blessing you were to this woman and her son. She will always remember you, as you will her.
Each day in some small way, I'm sure your thoughtfulness and kindness touch someone's life.
THANK YOU for your kindness to me and for being such a dear friend.
You and your DH have done a wonderful job on your PS Santa ornie!
I love all the gifts you've received lately. That floss looks gorgeous!! The valentine you stitched with it is so sweet!
Thanks for sharing your story Carol. A simple thanks can mean so much and how wonderful that you were able to make a difference in this woman's life. I'm sure she'll always remember you.
Love your PS "Santa Moon", appropriately photographed amidst the snow covered branches. What a lovely gift of Nina's hand-dyed threads, and you used them so beautifully in your "Be Mine Valentine" piece. Love the Drawn Thread "Sunflower" design...how sweet of Brenda to send it to you with all of the threads and beads too!
Oh Carol, I love this little PS Santa in his twig frame. That's really an awesome idea. Amd the picture you took of him hanging from that branch between snow-covered leaves is just beautiful.
Enjoy all your gifties and goodies. Particularly the DT Snowflower sampler. I also have it in my stash and once stitched parts of it on a little scissor case. It was pure fun.
And before I forget it: Happy belated Birthday from me as well.
Oh what a heartfelt story, that is a truly kind thing to do, to return and thank you for all your help.
I love the twig frame on the PS Santa, what a brilliant idea. Great prizes too, I agree that those threads look well worth the wait - gorgeous! Take care and happy stitching.
Count me as another one in tears at the computer. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and you gave this mother the power to save her child. And now she will "pay it forward" in her nursing career. How wonderful to have a happy ending and to receive such a meaningful thank you.
Your PS Santa is so cleverly finished - I just love his bundle of logs and the frame. The threads look scrumptious and you certainly put them to good use, Have fun stitching the bellpull!
As you know, I recently had reason to thank you, and do so again for this wonderful post.
Lovely santa finish...I love the way you finished it with rustic look
Santa looks so good! I am so happy to find your blog, you have stitched so many beautiful projects.
What a beautiful story! It just points out how small acts of kindness and helpfulness can have lasting effects on those that we touch everyday without our even thinking twice about it. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Love your Santa finishing! It is perfect! And Be Mine is lovely!
your stitches very beautiful !
marylin France
Lovely finishes!
Santa in his twiggy frame is just perfect, well done DH on the colaboration project.
Super gifts in your mailbox recently.
Your 'thank you' story has brought a lump to my throat, well done to the mom for persevering with her quest to find answers. I hope she does well in her studies and fulfills her dreams and her son has a full and active life in his future.
Hello Carol. I just came up on your blog through Riona and thought I was already following you, well I am a follower again. I am just writing because I won on Riona's blog as well, and I haven't heard anything from her. Have you?
NEW BLOG: 22 Threads
thank you your commentaire for my blog
small kiss for you
marylin France
What an awesome story about the young mother, Carol. :)
You are one lucky lady... look at all that stitchy goodness! Your Santa ornament looks great in the twig frame, and the little twigs he's holding is adorable. Love-love-love the Valentine piece. I've been wanting to get that one.
Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day!
Ahhhhhhh Carol. The power of "Thank You". I never tire of saying it and I hope I am saying it often enough.
"Thank you" for sharing this post. What a tremendous story.
"Thank you Carol."
Hugs and tears.
p.s. nice gifties too.
What a lovely story. Love your posts and love your work. Thank you for sharing so much on your blog.
The story of the young mother and her son has touched my heart. I'm so glad that the surgery went well. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
Your Santa looks so cute, Carol. I love the finishing you've made, it's so special and creative. Nina's hand-dyed threads look yummy, I love all the colors and I bought some from her last year ago. Your LK finished with Nina's thread look so whimsical, pretty! :) Beautiful gifts from Brenda and Valerie, lucky you! Have a wonderful weekend, Carol.
small kisses for you my friend
marylin France
Lovely post :)
Congrats on the threads & the beautiful work displayed !!
I LOVE your blog and find your postings very interesting. For this fact, I am "Paying it Forward" by awarding you a Stylish Blogger Award.
Please visit my blog and pick your award up and then you too can Pay It Forward :0}
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OMG! Your little Santa is just SO adorable!!!! What a great way to finish him and I love his little bundle of logs :o) Very sweet of your DH to help you.
Oh, you got some of Nina's threads! So yummy looking... To see something stitched up with them makes me want to get some even more! You enabler you! ;o)
Seriously girl, can you even breathe with all that stash on top of you? LOL! What lovely things that showed up in your mailbox. Can we trade? LOL!
W-o-w. What a surprise that would be. My goodness, I can't even imagine how that poor woman felt, desperate enough to find an answer herself. I'm not surprised that you helped Carol. I think it was meant to be that you were there when she came in. You are an angel :o)
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