Well, I won another giveaway... As many of you have suggested, I really should start playing the lottery! Believe it or not, I have never won anything in my life except these cross stitch prizes. (Well, if you check my list of "interesting" things in the blog award below, you'll see that I did win something else, but it wasn't luck related). Anyway, Barbara's beautiful prize arrived yesterday after spending 8 days in transit in the U.S. mail system. I was beginning to worry about it and I'm so happy it finally arrived safely. Barbara stitched this little "wabbit" from Sheepish Designs on the prettiest shade of peachy-pink linen using overdyed threads and trimmed it off with handmade cording and silky bows. I hope she doesn't mind if I use her photo--it is much better than the ones I tried to take in the early morning light. I love him, Barbara, and he will have a place of honor in my Easter display each spring. Thank you so much for your special gift...
I am finally getting around to thanking all of you wonderful friends who honored me with the Beautiful Blogger Award! Thank you to Cindy, Theresa, Vinniey, Meari, Gillie, and Nicole. I enjoy all of your blogs so much, too, and I really appreciate the fact that out of all the beautiful blogs in the world, you chose to honor mine. That means so much to me.

1. Accept the award
2. Thank the person who gave you the award
3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award
4. Put the award on your blog
5. Write 10 things about yourself others may not know about you
6. Pass the award on to 10 others
Some of the awards said to write 7 things about myself, others said 10. Let's see how many I can come up with:
1. I was the unusual person who knew what I wanted to be very early in life. Growing up with a cozy library right around the corner from my house instilled a love of reading in me at a young age. I decided to become a librarian when I was about 12.
2. When I was 11, I decided a good summer project might be to read the biographies in the teen section from A to Z! Unfortunately, I only got through the letter "C" because the summer ended and I was too busy during the school year. So I know a lot about Abigail Adams, Clara Barton, and Grover Cleveland, but little about people whose names start with D to Z.
3. In my senior year of high school I was voted "Most All-American." Not because I was super patriotic or anything...It was just because I was that girl who was involved in everything--played alto clarinet in the band, sang in the chorus, was Homecoming Queen, involved in Drama Club, member of National Honor Society, etc. I was just a nice, well-rounded girl!
4. I was quite a "tomboy" when I was younger due to the fact that most of the kids in my neighborhood were boys. I played baseball, climbed trees, was outside with the gang every summer evening until night fell. I wouldn't carry a purse for the longest time and my dear mother had to convince me to wear a veil for my wedding! I guess it is a good thing that I had all boys, isn't it?!
5. I am very shy in groups. One on one, I can talk to just about anyone, but put me in a group and I clam up. I was always the one who sat in the back of the class, never raised my hand, and just trembled through presentations. If I was asked to give a group presentation at work, I would probably have to quit...
6. I refuse to pump my own gas. My sons all make fun of me for it, but it is just something I don't want to do! I'll take out the trash, mow the lawn, etc., but I will not put gas in my car.
7. My home won a Better Homes and Gardens remodeling contest in the late '90s. We remodeled our entire home--living in it throughout the 9 months that it took. Looking back on it, it was a great "family building" task--but, oh, it was tough. My kitchen sink was in the laundry room, refrigerator in the dining room, and stove was down in the basement! Not easy to get meals for three hungry little boys... So, winning the contest and seeing it in the magazine was really a testament to our hard work.
8. I am as blind as a bat without my glasses or contacts. I should have worn glasses from about age 9, but I cheated and memorized the eye chart so I didn't get them until a few years later!
9. I began cross stitching back in the early '80s, but quit for about 10 years when my kids weren't napping anymore (that was my stitching time). Started again in 2003 and was shocked and delighted at all of the "new to me" overdyed threads, abundance of fabrics, and amazingly detailed charts. Cross stitch had moved on and I still feel like I'm playing "catch up!"
10. Meeting all of you through my blog has been a joy. I truly value the friendships I've made and the fun I've had over the past year. You are all so inspirational and I look forward to visiting you each week to say hello.
I also received another lovely award from Vinniey , Michelle, and Cath. I am so pleased that the three of you enjoy my blog and thought it worthy of the Sunshine Award. Thank you all so very much!

The rules for this award are very simple and are as follows:
1) Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2) Pass the award to 12 bloggers.
3) Link the nominees within your post.
4) Let them know they received this award by
commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person from
whom you received the award.
Well, for both blog awards I am taking the easy way out--I just have so many more than 10 or 12 stitching blogs that brighten my day whenever I visit them, so if I have commented on your blog lately--you are my sunshine and you all deserve these awards.
Thank you to all who shared my happiness in my DMC win last week--it is so nice to know my stitching friends are almost as excited as I was. Still trying to figure out how to organize it--any and all suggestions are welcome...
Beautiufl prize and don't feel bad about winning. I keep having winning streaks too and feel bad. Well done on your awards. x
oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!! What a gorgeous prize you won!!! Congrats!!
Also, congrats on the awards..you deserve them! Your blog is wonderful!!!! It is one I look forward to seeing updates on!
What a nice prize! So cute! Congrats on the awards -- I loved reading about you!
Congrats on the awards. I enjoyed reading a little more about you and love the Better Homes and Gardens story!!
Your win from Barbara is lovely! I think the US mail has really been dropping the ball lately. I totally did not get an exchange from someone. They were kind enough to send another which I did not expect them to. Then things that have been sent priority have taken way longer to get to their destination that it should have. My BIL mailed a bill that was supposed to be delivered here in town and it took 15 days to get there!! They "claim" that their workers are overworked. Sheesh! I didn't mean to make my post a rant. I just know what you mean about the mail!
Don't organise the threads , just keep playing with them lol.
What a lovely prize! Congrats on that and your awards - you deserve them!
Loved reading your facts and am amazed that we have so many things in common besides the three boys!
What a lovely gift (sending items USPS always worries me)-Congratulations.
And congrats on the wonderful awards - thanks for sharing a little about yourself with all of us. I enjoyed getting to know you better.
You're welcome, Carol! You deserve these two awards. Enjoyed reading about you especially your story about Better Homes and Gardens and wow.. you're so active during school year. Congrats on the prize! You're such a lucky girl. :)
Such a lovely prize you received from Barbara.
Enjoyed reading the facts you have shared about you, thanks for sharing.
What a great prize, congrats!
The thing I love most about seeing these awards is learning a little bit more about everyone :) And we have something in common... I don't pump gas either! Some call me a princess, but I just thank the heavens for DH & full service gas stations!! Have a great day!
A grogeous Easter heart, what a special gift.
Congrats on the awards
Okay Carol...fess up! You DO have a four leaf clover stuffed somewhere ;o) LOL!
What a beautiful ornament! So well finished.
Congrats on your awards. You truly deserve them :o)
Congratulations on your awards and also on your win! That piece is beautiful!!! Loved reading everything about you too! I've been through a couple of those remodeling projects - always a trial, but so worth it when they're done.
I, too, played the alto clarinet as a youth! I am painfully shy in groups. I shut down completely. And I HATE to pump gas. I think I've probably pumped gas 3 or 4 times in the past 3 years!
What a beautiful prize Carol!
Congrats on your awards, loved reading all about you.
Yesss, yesss, yesss!!! You won again!!! How great is that? Again, I am very happy for you that you won another wonderful price!!!
It is not true ?????? You won again, Carol ???????
Ohhh ! I am so happy for you !!!!
This easter heart is lovely and I love it too much !!
And us, we won a new article on your blog !!!! I like very much reading to you !!!!!
Have a great day !
Hugs !
Congratulations on your win Carol. It is a lovely pillow. I really enjoyed reading a bit about you. I was a big tomboy when I was younger for the same reason - no girls in the neighborhood. I was happy to have 2 boys instead of girls too.
The bunny is so cute that you won. Loved reading about you. I have won more then a few giveaways also, but have never won anything else in my life. I guess our odds are better here. Stitching gifts are the best anyway. My DMC I put in number order in Art bin containers, they are square, not to thick and are easy to store.
What a gorgeous giveaway to receive! Lucky you!
I loved your things-about-list! :D
Congrats on another win; it's really sweet! I organize my floss in those plastic utility trays you can get for hardware. I put 4 different DMC colors in each drawer and each drawer is labeled. I painted the case white with spray paint and it works very well for me. you can see pics on my blog, or in my photo album on my blog.
I love your bunny prize - it is gorgeous, lucky you!
My mother refuses to pump her own petrol too. We thought she was the only one in the world, lol. Now we know she's not alone! :-)
Enjoy the rest of your week (not long until the weekend!).
Lucky girl!! :D
Great prizes and awards - congrats!
Oh wow what a beautiful prize you received!
Congratulations on the awards!
Awesome facts about you :)
Congrats on the awards and the stitchy prizes you've won!
I started stitching in 1979 when I received material and threads for christmas. I ahve stitched ever since but like you stopped for the last 8 years while growing my 2 little munchkins (boys) who are now 6 & 8 and let me have more me time than before
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