Friday, January 16, 2015

Goodbye... my fifties! Hello, sixties! Yes, today, January 16, 2015, I begin my seventh decade of life (my younger brother had that little gem to pass on to me, making age 60 sound even older!).  Although I have dreaded this day, I think the lead-up to it was worse than actually waking up this morning and realizing I'm now 60 years old. What changed my mind? Well, in a visit to my hairdresser last week, I was bemoaning the fact that I would be turning 60 on the 16th. He smiled and asked, "Aren't you happy about that?" I sighed and said that I was honestly dreading it. And he said something that really made me think: "Aren't you happy to be in good health and doing a job you love? Aren't you happy to look like you're not even 50 (I think he may have been angling for a big tip with that one!!)? Aren't you happy to just be?"  He's right! 60 is only a number and I do feel so blessed with generally good health, a job I love, a supportive and loving family, and let's not forget all of you wonderful blogging friends! Yes, I am happy to have reached 60 and still feel much younger--I truly am!

My first birthday--smiling with glee
at my new Raggedy Anne doll being
given to me by my dear Dad!

As is often the case on my birthday, I reminisce about my past and the people, places, and events that have helped shape me into who I am today. Many of you may remember this post from my last birthday recalling some of the great old images that children of the fifties and sixties most remember. I got so many comments about that post, that I thought I would add to it with some new "old" memories today.


Paper dolls... I still remember how frustrating
it was when the clothes just wouldn't stay on!

Music class in Kindergarten--
I always wanted to play the triangle!

A ballerina jewelry box lined in satin

The Ed Sullivan Show on Sunday nights--
who can forget the little mouse, Topo Gigio, ending
the show with the words, "Eddie, kiss me good night!"

Candy cigarettes--yikes, what were they thinking?

Silly putty--I loved using this stuff to 
reproduce the Sunday comic strips

Paint By Number kits--they made me feel artistic
 when, in real life, I can't even draw a stick figure!

The classic pink Wolverine refrigerator--
loved the food printed inside the door!

Camp Fire Girls--was anyone else one? 
Or were you the more well known Girl Scout?

Duck and cover drills in school--yep, we 
certainly would have been safe from a nuclear
attack as we hid under our desks!

TV dinners--we thought it was a real treat 
on the rare occasions mom let us have these!

Tang--I can still taste that imitation orange flavor.

Gum wrapper necklaces--and back then,
the gum wasn't even sugarless! No wonder
our generation has so many cavities in our teeth!

Ugh--the hideous blue gymsuits. I still 
remember the smell of those
locker rooms after gym class!

Mini-skirts--my mom thought the
 lengths of mine were scandalous :)

"The Mod Squad"--oh, I so wanted to be Peggy Lipton! 

But, I thought Marlo Thomas in "That Girl"
was adorable, too (never understood what 
she saw in Donald, however!).

Anyone else a Bobby Sherman fan? Loved 
his hair--and "Tiger Beat" magazine!

Who else had a bunch of these purple lucite
grapes in their home? My church group made
our own and then we "forced" our parents to buy
them to fund our trips to help in Appalachia!

Tanning with baby oil--crazy, but true! Little
did we know the damage the sun would do
to our skin down the road... 

Peace signs and flower power--I remember 
doodling both on my notebooks during class.

Much lower prices!!! Look--a new Buick for only $2438.88!

Did you enjoy my flashback? I'm sure some of you have no recollections of any of these, do you? You're just too young... I know I'm one of the older cross stitch bloggers, but there are a few others in your 50s and 60s (are any of you in your 70s???) who will recall some of these things, too. Compared to the 21st century, life was lived at a slower pace back when I grew up. I so worry about all the "stuff" that children are exposed to these days--and at such a young age, too. It must be very hard growing up in these uncertain times...

BIRTHDAY GIFTS RECEIVED... Well, enough of my trip down memory lane! I got some lovely birthday gifts from blogging friends which I want to share with you now... A few people have emailed me saying "Your gift is in the mail," too, so I look forward to seeing what the mailman brings me next week!

From my friend, Robin (no blog), in Virginia, I received a lovely package of goodies! She stitched a beautiful blue "Welcome Friends" pillow which I have placed on the shelf of my new corner cupboard in the kitchen. She also included a set of pretty blue and white notecards and 8 cuts of fabric which I know will come in handy for my finishing. Thank you so much, Robin--you really spoiled me!

Birthday gifts from Robin

From dear June, in England, came another package of lovely blue and white note cards and an assortment of pretty fabric, lace, ribbons, and buttons. Thank you so much, June--all of your gifts will be put to good use!
Birthday gifts from June

From my friend, Cindy, in Tennesee, came a striped, zipper pouch stuffed with treats. Cindy stitched the most intricate little flower and inserted it into a necklace for me (which you can see in the lower right corner). It is so delicate and pretty! Along with that she also stitched a birthday card and sent a LHN chart, some Lily of the Valley scented soap, a small frame, and some buttons and ric-rak for my finishing. Such a great group of gifts, Cindy--thank you so much!

Birthday gifts from Cindy

From sweet Christina, in England, came this darling birthday rosette... I certainly smiled when I opened the package because it is just such a fun and unique gift! Christina did an amazing job on it--just look at all those pretty details. I shall be sure to wear it on Sunday when my family is here to celebrate my big day, Christina--thank you so much!

Birthday rosette from Christina

From my friend, Elizabeth (no blog), in Texas came a lovely blue project pouch filled with two cute charts and some delicious chocolate.  You can never have too many project pouches, can you? Or too much chocolate! Or too many charts!! Thank you so very much, Elizabeth, for helping make my 60th birthday so special!

Birthday gifts from Elizabeth

And more thanks... Although not a birthday gift, I do have someone else to thank today and that is my friend, Liz, in Idaho, who recently had a giveaway for some of her cute wool ornament patterns. Just look what I won--isn't it sweet. I so need to get out of my comfort zone and make that cute snowman and reindeer wool pillow one of these days. I wish I had Liz here by my side to give me some lessons! Thank you Liz--and if you're not familiar with her blog, please do pop over and check out her latest creations... You won't be disappointed!

Giveaway win from Liz

GIVEAWAY WINNER...  I have to tell you, I was extremely surprised at just how many of you were interested in the "Christmas Portraits" book that I offered on my last post. I just threw all of the names into a hat (well, really a paper bag!) and the one that came out first was "Pam in Virginia" (no blog). Congratulations, Pam! Please email me with your mailing address and I'll get the book out to you so you can begin stitching one of those great Santas!

Winner of the Christmas Portraits book:


Although I had planned on showing you more ornaments this time, you will have to wait for my next post--this 60-year-old stitcher is just plain tuckered out!! I'll leave you with a series of photos of the deer that visited me on Wednesday... They came up to the house to eat the birdseed that had fallen from the bird feeder. First one, then two, then three, and so on until five had appeared! Don't they show up well on this snowy January landscape?

A young buck looks longingly at the bird feeder.

Then he settles for the birdseed on the snow

"Do you think I can jump and knock the feeder down?"

One last look...

Finally, the quintet ambles off into the woods
 after eating their mid-afternoon snack.

Thank you all for your many kind comments on my previous post. Unfortunately, so many of you are "no-reply" bloggers, I can't thank you personally in an email. Just know that I do read and appreciate each and every comment so very much... And, if you've asked me a question and I haven't answered it, please ask it again, but, this time--leave your email address in your comment so I can answer you. So, it's on to another year and a new decade! What will the sixties hold for me? I can't wait to find out! Bye for now...


Raffaella said...

Happy birthday from Italy

Natasha said...

Happy Birthday Carol! Wishing you a year of happiness and joy! What beautiful gifts you recieved from all of your friends.
I grew up with most of these things in my life too.

I use to love using my silly putty to imprint the Sunday Comics... And baby oil and those gym outfits worst idea ever.

I got my worst sunburn of my life when I decided to use baby oil to "tan" My mothers addvice to me after was "if god wanted you to be a different shade he would have made you that way" She had melanoma when I was very little, so she was always on me about using sunscreen.

Have a fantastic and wonderful day today

Mary Ann said...

Happy Birthday, Carol!! Such lovely gifts that you received from blogging friends! And, I do remember all of those things you posted(I am only about a year and a half behind you). : )

Mini Addictions said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! Yes, age is just a number. We all have a lot to be grateful for & birthdays are a great time to reflect on that. I think blogging helps us reflect too and I certainly enjoy visiting yours each week. Enjoy all of your beautiful gifts and your special day today!
Warm Hugs,
Lisa :D

Joy said...

Happy Birthday...Happy Day!
What a wonderful post. I do, in fact, remember your list. I hated that gym uniform!!

It is just a number and how wonderful to "just be"...go out and enjoy the day!

Barb said...

Happy Birthday, Carol!! What a wonderful, joyful, delightful day to celebrate a truly amazing woman! I know we all wish you a very special day and a happy year ahead.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane - it was fun to be reminded of some of those crazy things from our childhood.

Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday and much love to you!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I loved your walk down memory lane and remembered all of it along with a few extras. Your birthday goodies are really sweet too.

Have a lovely day!

Ana in California

Vickie said...

Happy, Happy Birthday dear Carol!
Firstly, that picture is a real treasure of you and your Daddy. I feel your joy. I had her too. ;)
Yes! Those darn paper tabs did not work that great on the paper dolls clothes.
I had that ballerina jewellery box too. Guess what color my satin was? ;)
My kids have looked at pictures of me "smoking" my candy cigarettes in horror!
God bless you Carol. He already has!

Tricia said...

OK, I'm not 50 yet, but I have older sisters that have reached that milestone, too, and I remember many of those things... TANG (loved that stuff!), Silly Putty (I still get that for my kids Christmas stockings!), Paper Dolls, music class in kindergarten... so many memories!

Hope your next years are fabulous. Happy Birthday!!

Kate said...

What a blast from the past, Carol, downright nostalgic! :) Your hairdresser offers sage advice. Lovely gifts that you received. Thanks for the link.
Happy Birthday!

Jonette said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoyed your flashback. I will be 60 in October. Hope you have a wonderful day of celebration!

BARBARA said...

Happy Birthday, Carol and may you have many more happy, healthy and blessed birthdays.........

Robin in Virginia said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Carol! Hope your day is filled with wonderful new memories! Thank you for the stroll down memory lane; I remember a good many of those items you shared.

Enjoy your day and weekend!

Robin in Virginia

wenhkc said...

Happy birthday, Carol, to a fellow just-turned-60! (My turning point was in December.) I wish you many many years of stitching happiness. I loved the trip down memory many iconic (?!) items you have pictured there...I remember them all, especially when our Silly Putty was taken and thrown away when my parents found out my little brother was allergic to the stuff! No more "copying" the funny pages. :(

Mary said...

Happy Birthday, dear Carol. I'm sending best wishes, love and hugs for a great day and a wonderful year ahead.

Thanks for the memories...I remember them all so well, too.
We must have chewed a lot of gum to get our chains sooo long. I also remember sitting on the porch in the summer with my friends singing Bobby Sherman's song, "Julie."

Your gifts are lovely and I'm sure many more will be coming especially from "the east."

Happy 60th my friend

Karen2683 said...

Happy Birthday, Dearest Carol! Even though we've never met, I so enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing!


Carolyn said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Carol! I can totally relate to your feelings about turning 60. I had my 60th birthday Monday on the 12th, and I have to admit that I have had mixed feelings about it. That number has just really gotten to me for some reason. I love the way your hair dresser explained it, though, and it does make things a bit "better". LOL I so enjoyed your trip down memory lane. I can remember each and every one of the pictures, and it was such fun to remember things that I had totally forgotten about.

Have a wonderful birthday celebration with your family. We are celebrating mine tonight, and I'm so looking forward to it. Have a great weekend!

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Many happy returns Carol. I'm just over a year away from the same big day and have mixed feelings about it too. After my husband was unwell eleven years ago he adopted the attitude that each birthday is a gift and that he's just glad to be here - he always reminds me of this when I moan about my age. It doesn't stop me from moaning about getting older:-) I enjoyed the step back in time and remembered some of them - I think the ones I don't remember are perhaps unique to the States.

Sherri said...

Happy Birthday Carol! Wise words from your hair dresser. :-) I hope you have a day full of fun activities. I love your trip down memory lane. We did grow up in simpler times and I so love to reminisce on those days. We could play outside all day and just had to be home before dark. Thinking back is like comfort food. Enjoy your day!

Terri said...

Happy Birthday!!! Loved the trip down memory lane! I remember most of all of that, too! It brought back some great memories.

Wonderful gifts you received! You are a very lucky lady!

Brigitte said...

Hurray to your hairdresser, he is such a wise man. What he says has been my slogan for many years now. I am some years older than you are but am enjoying life as much as I can, each and every day. But my own personal view is not why I came here, it's your birthday. So

Happy, happy birthday to you, Carol!
I was again enjoying your pictures of how you grew up and what made your early years. I have similar memories, not of my childhood but of my teenage years.

These gifts from your friends are so nice and thoughtful. And enjoy the birthday celebration with your family this weekend.

Kathy L. said...

What a wonderful trip down Memory Lane Carol. It was fun to hear all your thoughts. I think those same things (especially the candy cigs).
Happy Birthday!!!

Cindy's Stitching said...

A big post for your birthday Carol. Yes memory lane. Silly putty awesome. Great gifts, I am glad you enjoyed everything I sent.

Anna said...

My 50's were fantastic and now that I have enter my 60's I am anticipating more of the same. Join the party!!! I loved your walk down memory lane and you birthday surprises were wonderful. Make the celebration last a least!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday my lovely friend - what a lovely post thank you for sharing all your photos with us xx

Maggee said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I am about to turn 61 in February, but I sure don't feel it! It IS a state of mind! But I have been feeling that way ever since I started to have grandkids! It is so funny to see all the things we had when growing up. Hated the gym clothes! Did 'earthquake drills' not nuclear. My canary was named Davy Jones! Just saw 'Link' from Mod Squad on a Judging Amy repeat yesterday! I was a Girl Scout, as were my girls. LOVED playing with paper dolls... ahhh such memories. Tis good to remember them! Hugs!

Lynda Harrison said...

Happy Birthday Carol! What a wonderful trip down memory lane!
I hope that you have had a wonderful day!
With lots of hugs, happy thoughts and love,

twinpeakprimitives said...

Have a wonderful happy, healthy birthday and many more to come. Happy Birthday Carol ♥

Thank you for this amazing post and congratulations for the winner of the giveaway :)

Greetings from far!

Hazel said...

Happy Birthday Carol. I enjoyed your trip down memory lane and you got some lovely gifts from lovely stitching friends. xx

valerie said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I hope that you have a wonderful day and weekend! You are not OLD tho! Of the things you listed, I remember ballarina boxes (I had one), paper dolls (had those too), candy cigarettes (had more cavities before 8 than should be allowed), paint by numbers, duck and cover in school, tv dinners (were a treat!) and Tang (after school daycare beverage). That's quite a lot from your list. :)

sew.darn.quilt said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! What a wonderful way of looking at a new year ")
Thank you for the memories, sure wish food prices were like that now!!

Hilda said...

Happy Birthday, my dear friend!
I absolutely agree with your hairdresser! You do not look one day older (but much prettier) than me - and I am going to be 50 this year.

I love your flashback. I do not know everything of it, but I think that is because I live in Austria. But we also had candy cigarettes AND chewing gum cigarettes. I loved them.

Have a wonderful day today and a wonderful next decade. I so much hope we are still blogging friends when I will get 60!.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday! And, thanks for sharing the retro images. I think I did or had all of those things.

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Carol,hope you have a wonderful day.
I remember last years post and cannot believe it was a year ago today how time flys.
I always wanted to play the Tambourine but was always stuck with the Triangle which I didn't think was has much fun.

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Dear Carol, happy birthday to you! May it be bright and full of surprises!
Hugs, Tatiana

butterfly said...

Happy Birthday dear friend , welcome to the 60s club.
It's fun !
We can put it down to our age when we do things wrong ha.
Love your look back in time .
Some wonderful gifts from your blogging friends .
Have a wonderful day big hugs & xxx.

hazel c UK said...

Happy Birthday Carol and you have received some lovely gifts.

I remember most of the items you showed for I shall be 77 this year, I have fairly good health and still get out and about.

The Yes your age is just a number, last year I went to New York with my DD and 21 GD also I traveled in Europe for 10 days with 6 under 15s and 5 adults and had great fun. I am just so lucky to be alive.

Enjoy the day and take challenges as they come.

Hugs, Hazel c uk

ljones said...

I first want to wish you a Happy Birthday! I love your blog and all of the stitching that you do. Your ornaments are so inspiring! Lorea

Ali said...

Happy Biryhday! looks like you have had a good one so far. Ali x

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! Didn't I say the same thing as your hairdresser? ha! It's all true though!

Lovely gifts from your friends. I was cringing a bit with the nostalgia! Yes I remember a lot of those, especially TV dinners! Do you remember something called Jello 1-2-3? I loved that stuff but they suddenly stopped making it, probably was full of bad stuff to make those layers!

Hope you have a lovely birthday weekend!

The Queen Bee said...

Oh yes! I remember most of those things! Some with more fondness than others!

Happy birthday.

Have a wonderful day.


Sheryl said...

Lovely interesting post. Happy Birthday Carol, hope you have a wonderful day.

Linda said...

Happy Birthday Carol. So many beautiful birthday gifts. I was born in 1949. Thanks again for the walk down memory lane. I so remember everything except the fridge and tanning with baby oil. I can so remember walking and looking for gum wrappers to make the necklaces. My gym suit was blue shorts and white blouses. The shorts had 3 snaps on the side to close them. I was, of course, a little chunky and the snaps were always popping open. Luckily my shorts never fell off. And, TV dinners were a whole lot better tasting back then. I think they are pretty yucky today.

Thanks again for the memories.

Annie said...

Happy Birthday! Decade changes are always bittersweet. You're older, but you made it! And from the few photos I've seen of you, you do look very young. (It's all about the looks, right?).

I remember most of those retro things, but not the glass grapes! We missed those in our part of the world. Quite the cute pinafore though for your first birthday. I think I have a photo of me in a pinafore when I was few years older than that.

Enjoy your pretty stitchy gifts!

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

Happy Birthday! I really enjoyed your flashback. Although I'm still 49, I remember quite a few of those things from my childhood. I put it down to the fact that New Zealand probably was 10 years behind USA at that time. Here's what I remember; paper dolls, candy cigarettes, silly putty, paint by numbers, tang drink. I had a pink ballerina music box and I belonged to Girls' Brigade which is a British equivalent to Girl Guides. I hope you had a lovely day, and continue to enjoy your gifts for weeks to come.

BrendaS said...

Happy Birthday Carol!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and celebrate with family and friends!

I've enjoyed several of your last posts but haven't been able to comment because of computer problems. I also enjoyed seeing your beautiful tree and all your handmade ornaments.

Take care my friend!!

lynda said...

Happy birthday, Carol! Thanks so much for the trip down memory lane! I am a few years older than you, but those pictures brought back many memories and put a smile on my face!Hope you have a great birthday!

Lois said...

Happy birthday Carol! Some lovely gifts received for your special day. While some things in your trip down memory lane were not familiar to me, many were. That milestone birthday is just around the corner for me and I often wonder where the years have gone too. Wishing you a special day, and weekend!

Barbi said...

Happy birthday!!!! Your hairdresser is right! 60 is just a's the rest that matters. :) I wish I still had those grapes that used to be in the middle of our diningroom table! But I do still have my ballerina jewelry box! And my paperdolls! Wasn't it awful when those tabs came off? Devastating! LOL

Phyllis said...

Happy Birthday! I passed that milestone 7 years ago and it's really not that bad being in the 60's. I remember every single thing in those pics...such fun to see them. It's nice to have such nice friends to remember your birthday with such lovely gifts. Loved the deer pics too. Hope you have a wonderful day!

EvalinaMaria said...

Happy Birthday!!! May all your dreams come true and all your wishes be granted.

Katya said...

Happy birthday, Carol! Have a wonderful day celebrating.. and thank you for the trip down the memory lane!

Joanie said...

Happy birthday!!! I agree, you are as young as you feel! I am staring down 60 and was feeling a little overwhelmed about it but your hairdresser was right! Great lesson!

I wish you the happiest of days and thank you for the trip down memory lane, (especially the ballerina jewelry box...made me smile cause I had one and loved to listen to it).



CathieJ said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I am five years younger than you and I still have my Bobby Sherman records. I am glad there is another fan still out there. I loved looking at all those photos.

LoriU said...

Happy Happy Birthday Carol!!

Oh my YES I was a huge Bobby Sherman fan!! Loved him in the TV show "Seattle"! I even had the Bobby Sherman Lunchbox!!

Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend.

krayolakris said...

Happy Birthday wishes & many happy returns! What a great post. I'm 3 yrs head of's not so bad! Thanks for the trip down memory lane! I had the same Raggedy Ann, frilly dress, little table etc in the 50s too! Celebrate!!

Lynn B said...

Hi Carol,

Happy Birthday, you don't look anywhere near 60!
Hope you have a good one and get lots of lovely goodies. Loving the gifts you have received, they are ever so pretty.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns. I loved your walk down memory lane and I was interested to see that though I grew up in Newfoundland, Canada so many of the items were familiar, right down to my grandmother having those grapes in a large glass bowl on her coffee table! I loved them. Amazing. Happy stitching, Jocelyn

Pam in IL said...

Happiest of birthday wishes to you! I like your hairdresser's attitude. I have memories of a couple of the items you show and we were allowed to buy some of them when we went to the "dime" store. You received some great gifts!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Happy Birthday Carol - great trip down memory lane (although I'm 10 years behind you)

Lovely gifts too x

Elizabeth Ann said...

Happy Birthday! Love ME and Toby...

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! I am 14 years behind you, but I remember most of the things you posted photos of. About aging, I agree with your hairdresser. A year is a year to all of us. Enjoy them as they come. And, finally, thanks for the photos of the deer. I just love those gentle creatures.

Pamela said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! Thank you for the walk down memory lane with you!!! I was 58 last month and I remember everything you showed in your post.
Just remember it's only a number and you are as young as you feel! You know 60 is the new 40!
Have a wonderful birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, dearest Care! I remember quite a few of these things from your childhood--the mini-skirts, the Peggy Lipton fascination, the little kitchen--what great memories! I hope you had a wonderful day! Love you!! Julie

Anonymous said...

You received some lovely gifts, Carol, but that walk down memory lane was a gift in itself! I don't remember all of it, but a lot of it brought forth such a wonderful rush of memories. :) Best wishes to you in this exciting new decade of life!!

Terri said...

Happy Birthday!! Wow, all your "Remember me" photos really brought me back and ALL of them were part of my childhood, except the gym uniform. Mine was green and white striped knit with a zipper down the back, very lovely :) Thanks for the memories. I truly enjoy viewing your beautiful stitching and finishing. You are an inspiration!

Myra said...

Happy Birthday! The postman should have a delivery from me tomorrow. Many lovely gifts for a lovely and much loved lady 😃

marly said...

Happy Birthday Carol! Wishing you a wonderful year. I almost bought Silly Putty last year and last week, jacks!

priscilla said...

Happy Birthday Carol ! Loved reading your post today !

Lisa V said...

Happy Birthday dear Carol, hope you have a lovely time with family on the weekend.

Shelly said...

I nearly hyperventilated when I saw your post titled Goodbye because I thought you were giving up your blog! Noooo! Well, Happy Birthday to you. I remember a lot of stuff on the Walk Down Memory Lane. I really got a big kick out of seeing the Swansons TV dinner. My mother would serve those up on Friday nights. Such great memories! Now I'm gonna cry.

Wonderful gifts you received also! Enjoy your birthday!

Barb said...

Now a very Happy Birthday to you!!!!! I did enjoy the flash back. Turning 60 was a trauma for me too. Now you asked a question, were any bloggers old enough to be in their 70's. I won't answer that question!! Anway I hope this day was wonderful for you!

Just Joan said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! I discovered your blog just recently after I decided to resume cross-stitching again after many years.

I'm 61 and thoroughly enjoyed the trip down memory lane--and yes, I remember all of those things with great fondness. My eldest sister and I had a Wolverine refrigerator and stove. I still have part of a tin tea set with Mickey Mouse characters that used to reside in my grandmother's house.

Ginny said...

Happy birthday! I'm 54, so I remember a lot of the things you shared. How things have changed, yes?

denise said...

I remember all of those. I felt the same as you about turning 60. My birthday was12-18. Happy Birthday!!!!

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday Carol!

Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing your old memories, some of the things are not familiar to me ha ha!


Pam in Virginia said...

Dearest Carol - I've already sent you a private email, but I wanted everyone who reads your blog to know that I was the lucky lady who won your giveaway book of Santas! I am just thrilled and appreciative of your generosity. I can't wait to study each and every page, and I know I'll have a difficult time deciding which to stitch first. It's a wonderful problem isn't it?

Just as you're entering your 60s, I'll be leaving mine in July. 70 here I come!!!! None of us knows what lies ahead, but I'm so grateful for what and whom I've had in my life, I'm excited about the future!

I also want to thank you for sharing the words and photos describing what Christmas gifts your sons exchanged. I watched the video link you provided for the kinetic sand, and was fascinated by it. I ordered the same little tin and it arrived this week - in plenty of time for my grandson's 9th birthday next month. Won't he have fun!

Wishing you many joys for your 60th birthday and all that lies ahead in 2015.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy Birthday Carol! And many more!

Great trip down memory lane - I remember most of them! Funny, I was just thinking about the craziness of candy cigarettes a few weeks ago.

jhm said...


I remember most of those things - maybe some were more regional vs national. I certainly remember the awful blue gym suits - certainly not made for anyone who developed quickly. Yuck!
We do survive the dreaded number and hopefully go on to many more.


Southpaw Stitcher said...

Happy birthday, Carol. The gifts you got were fabulous. I do remember all those vintage items that you mentioned. But when the mini-skirt first came out, I was working at my first job! I'm almost seven years older than you, much closer to 70 than 60. Turning 60 didn't bother me, but 65 was another matter. Who wants to be old enough to get Medicare? But there are a lot of perks to getting older: retirement, for one--I love it. Then there are the discounts: Senior Day at stores like JoAnn's and Kohl's and discounts at restaurants, on our urban transit system, real estate taxes and even our garbage pick-up! But you may have to wait another five years for some of them to kick in, Kid! Happy Sixty!

Kate said...

Happy Birthday!! Love your perspective on age. The picture of you and your dad is absolutely precious.

Lumiruusu said...

Happy birthday to You Carol!
My best greetings to you from Snowy Finland :)

Mouse said...

Happpyyyy birthday ... had to giggle at the reminiscing as I remember the frustration of those dolls clothes too especially when a tab broke .... love the photo of you when you were wee.. and lovely gifts you got too ....
have a fab birthday meal and don't forget a photo with the badge on we want to see you wear it ...:) love mouse xxxxx

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Happy Birthday Carol.You have started your 60's blogging the wayyou finished your 50's blogging with a lovely post.
Looking forward to many more.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

A belated Happy Birthday Carol. I enjoyed your trip down memory lane. Some of your items we didn't have in Ireland but I remember the dolls clothes with tabs.

Magiczny Świat Krzyżyków said...

Wszystkiego najlepszego! Piękne wspomnienia. Pamiętam gdy byłam dzieckiem miałam taką papierową lalkę z ubrankami.

Christine said...

Happy Birthday! I don't remember most of those things, not because I'm so very youthful (really not), but because we just didn't have most of them in England. I do remember spending many a happy hour with cut out paper dolls though.
How lovely to see the photos of deer in your garden

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Yes, 60 is just a number. The only thing I regret about turning 60 myself later this year is that I'm running out of years to spend with my wonderful husband. That's the only time I wish I could turn back the hands of time.

Loved this post and all the 'remember when' pictures. Candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigars - yes, what were they thinking!

kcenya1950 said...

best wishes on the milestone. yes, 60 seems hard, but this year i turn 65 and am quite excited about it. i have received my medicare card and chosen my medicare advantage plan. health care will now be easier and affordable and that's worth getting a wee bit older for!
my mother always said "you are only as old as you feel" which at the time i thought was bunk, but i sure get it now1

Sue said...

Happy Birthday! I enjoyed your look back at things you remembered. I turned 60 4 months so your memories were my memories too!

Margaret said...

Happy belated birthday! I like what your hairdresser said. So true! Loved the look back! I can remember the majority of those things. I had a huge crush on Bobby Sherman! Loved the Mod Squad! Loved That Girl! I only remember references to Topo Gigio -- didn't remember it was on Ed Sullivan. I was a bit too young, I guess. But I had one of those ballerina jewelry boxes -- loved it! And silly putty, and paper dolls, paint by numbers, duck and cover, Swanson dinners -- yum!!! Oh and Tang! I wouldn't drink normal orange juice. lol! I'm younger than you by 6 1/2 years but I do remember. I wanted to play the triangle too!

Lovely gifts and prizes too!

Annette said...

I was so busy yesterday with Kira's kids birthday party, I totally forgot to came here

Happy Happy 60Th birthday..
The hairdresser is right, You look so much younger.. The rest.. I still hate my number, I try not to say it that often.. it's the half off you ;)))

I so love the little you in teh big dress on teh picure..
And all the old pictures..
I now te paint by number, I did it too. And the kids love it too.. I have a few package of that here..

Don't let your mother look at the girl walking around now.. the skirts are even shorter.. hihihi

I wish you a wonderfull day.
Have fun with friends and family. Enjoy all your beautifull giftss


Unknown said...

Wow!!! Que nota más bonita la de este día, en especial porque se nota que eres de esas mujeres enérgicas, que goza la vida, y no se queda con un halo del "si tan solo".
Felicidades mil. Mi madre tiene 60 y disfruta la vida, tanto como tú.

Frances said...

Happy, Happy Birthday! You know, 60 is the new 40!!!
I'm not too far behind you...and I'm not worried! Just glad to be here! However, I did--just this week--touch up those pesky greyish roots, get some great lotion for those pesky dark spots, and make an appointment at the pesky diet place!!!
Could all of this pesky stuff mean I'm aging?!?!?
I also remember all of those "memory lane" things you posted!!!
Oh well, it's all fun and I know you are having a blast!!!
On another note, the deer photos are so lovely and sweet!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I absolutely loved your post and the walk down memory lane. It was the Raggedy Ann doll that tugged at my heart strings! I received one when I was a baby too and I just recently found pictures of me with her....while getting our Christmas decorations out this year I came across an old box and a quick peek into it found red and white striped stockings....upon further investigation I discovered my dear friend Raggedy Ann, who is now cleaned up and resting on a quilt in our bedroom :). I hope you enjoyed your day....and you are right age is just a number and health and a happy life are true blessings indeed!

Barb said...

Hi there Carol, well you have now joined the elite club of 60s and your hairdresser was right just a number and so much to be thankful for. My son was 47 yesterday ,goodness me how can that have happened, I am now approaching the next one!!!! Loved the trip down memory lane think I may have to imitate you next month. Hope you had a wonderful day you have certainly been spoilt by many and may I wish all my good wishes to theirs.

Friendship Crossing said...

Happy belated b'day Carol!! You have so many wonderful blogger friends all over the world and received many precious gifts!

LOVED the flashback from the past! I remember quite a few of those, as I'm a few yrs. younger. Such fun!

Have a wonderful wkend!

Mavi. said...

Happy Birthday Carol, 60 is a magic number, get a win and feel much younger. Age is on the outside but inside everyone feels his way. I'm still in the 50s, but it is becoming less to reach you.
Your great gifts and your journey through time has made me sonrerir.
Many kisses.

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday, Carol!! I do hope you have fabulous birthday weekend! I remember some of those things too ~ and like you, I am a little scared for the young ones of today. They are exposed to so much! Wonderful birthday goodies ~ but I think my favorite thing on this post has to be that picture of you and your dad ~ simple precious! Hugs...

Ranae said...

Happy birthday! Carol
OMGosh I remember the smell in the gym locker room too, those jumpsiuts and many more of them
And some I've forgotten all about
Have a great birthday month

Von said...

I was born in 57 so I remember all those things. In addition to your list, I'd add white go-go boots. I wanted a pair so badly but my parents refused to indulge me. :)

Happy birthday, dear Carol!

Chrissie B said...

Happy Birthday Carol, I know how you were feeling as your 60th was approaching. Mine is in November and I am feeling a little nervous about it. I don't feel 60 but yet I think NOOOOOO it can't be. I just got out of high school. I guess because I'm still great friends with my high school friends, guys and gals, it still makes me feel young.
I hope your day was blessed with lots of love and laughter. I enjoy your blogs SO MUCH and you give us all such inspiration for our love of cross stitch. May you be blessed in your next 60 youthful years!! Chris

Karen said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Loved your flashback. I remember so many of those. Growing up I was always excited when my parents went out for dinner because that meant my sister and I got those tv dinners. We thought they were great.

shirley flavell said...

Happy birthday Carol. It really bothered me when I turned 60 but middle of last year I turned 70. Where on earth did 10 years go? It only hit me when I turned 70 when a surprise birthday cake was bought to me at a dinner party with the number "70" candle aglow.I couldn't believe that I was now THAT age.I feel pretty good and a busy person. I was asked to show ID when I asked for senior citizen ticket for the movies the other night. That tickled my fancy. Love all your lovely gifts. Shirley N.Z.

#HeatherMakes said...

Happy Birthday to you!! Loved all the photos and your birthday gifts looks wonderful xxxx

Mylene said...

Belated Happy Happy Birthday Carol!
Wish you all the best!!
Lovely lovely gifts received from friends!!

María Dolores Jiménez Acevedo said...

Happy birdthay Carol, beautifull all you say. Un beso grande

Angela said...

Happy Belated Birthday :) I loved your trip down memory lane but the only thing I remembered was the paper dolls, I used to love them! Lovely gifts from your friends :)

Danielle A said...

Happy birthday!!! And I might be young but I had a great stash of paper dolls! And candy cigarettes were still a thing, and paint by numbers! :) have. Great new year! :)

Belinda said...

Happy Happy 60th Birthday Carol!!!! I hope you had the most wonderful day. You don't look a day over 40. I love that photo of you as a little girl with your Dad, just beautiful. Look at the smile on your face, so excited about your doll.
I love seeing your photos from your era, I remember you did it last year too. Always lots of fun to look at. I remember those fags, quite funny when you think about it now. I used to eat them as a child. And I had a jewellery box just like that one in the photo.
You received so many beautiful gifts for your birthday. You deserved each and every one. I wish you all the best and lots of laughter and happiness for the coming year and many more to come.

Beth said...

Happy birthday Carol. We share many memories including a live of That Girl! and Bobby Sherman!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog, seeing your stitching,and all of the scenic photos. I also enjoyed your memories- I remember most of them, too.

Kay said...

happy birthday. I have a big birthday myself this month and am still worrying about it, it sounds so old. It will happen anyway, no matter how I feel about it. x

Daffycat said...

Happy, happy birthday, Carol!

I had that exact ballerina jewelry box...but I haven't reached my 50's yet!

Marilyn said...

Happy 60th!!
I remember ALL of those things.
Except I was a Girl Scout.
Thanks for sharing the pics and memories.
P.S. They still make Tang. :)

Melody said...

Happy Birthday Carol! What a fun trip down memory lane. I will be turning 60 in just a few years, so I remember all the things you posted about. Candy cigarettes..Bobby Sherman... oh, I was a Camp Fire Girl also! Do you remember sewing colored wooden beads on your vest? Your hairdresser was right. Focus on the positive things about being where we are now, and don't bemoan the number. Thanks for sharing.

Julie said...

Belated birthday wishes to you Carol, I heard someone the other day saying 60 is the new 40...that makes you a spring chicken!
Great memory lane pics, some I have never heard of being in the UK.
Your deer look so magnificent.
Love and (hugs) xxx
I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family today.

Unknown said...

Happy 60th Carol. I turned 60 in October and felt exactly the same as you. However in reality I had the most wonderful birthday and was thoroughly spoilt and life has been pretty good since. I started semi-retirement after Christmas and now only work two days a week instead of five very long days and am really enjoying a less stressful existence. I have just started a blog, something I have been wanting to do for a long time. I loved seeing your memories, I used to love playing with cut-out dolls but as I live in the UK some of the things you mentioned I had never heard of. Enjoy your 61st year.

Blu said...

Happy birthday Carol!

Sometimes when I think about getting older (almost 30. don't laugh!) I worry about it and then I see posts from older stitchers like yourself and see how life is still pretty much the same no matter one's age and it cheers me up no end.

And I will admit that I recognize very few of the references you've made. Only duck-and-cover and paint-by-numbers, and the latter only because my LNS carries them lol

Nancy M said...

Happy belated birthday! Being that I am only 5 years behind you, I can remember all those items. I don't remember the blue gym outfit though! You received some great birthday gifts from your ever growing online friends. How nice! Enjoy your 7th decade!

Preeti said...

Belated Happy Birthday to you !!:) I will be 39 next month. Though I cannot relate with those pictures and there wasn't Internet in my childhood , but I enjoyed reading your post.
Lovely gifts from your friends :)

Mii Stitch said...

Belated Happy Birthday Carol!!
You have been spoilt rotten by your dear friends & fully deserve it :) Loved the trip down memory lane! I'm not the same generation as you and from a different country but do remember a few of those too. xoxoxo

Thearica said...

Happy birthday! Oh my! That blue gymsuit brought back vivd memories! And the silly putty, paperdolls... too sweet! I need to google for the instructions on making those gum wrapper necklaces... my sisters and I made our fair share back in the day but I cannot remember how it is done now. Thank you for a trip down memory lane. :)

I just found your blog and have added you to my side bar. I would love for you to visit me too.

Syd said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing those images from the past.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Carol! So nice to see your pictures and knowing a little bit about your childhood.

Judy said...

Hi Carol...and Happy 60th birthday. I hit that mark 2 yeas ago and yes, it is only a number. What a fun post. I love all of the "oldie" stuff and ofcourse the closing deer are beautiful. Hopefully you will be blogging in your 70's (only a number too!). With so many comments and probably as many emails, this will occupy your time and you won't think about age! Until next time..enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Judy Heartland stitcher

Margaret said...

Happy Birthday Carol.

I loved your post. Such wonderful memories. Things I hadn't thought about for a while that brought a smile to my face.

Lovely birthday gifts.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Happy Birthday again, dear friend!

I enjoyed your blast from the past. Funny thing, I remember a lot of those things from my own childhood too. How fun!

Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Carol!

I was born in the late 60's and I remember some of those items you were recalling. What fun things you have shared.

I remember paper dolls and the clothes not fitting either.

I remember music class.

Can't forget about the music boxes with the spinning ballerina. I always wanted one of those.

I do recall candy cigarettes. They made bubble gum ones with a wrapper and you would blow on it and the white sugar would puff out of it.

Silly putty who doesn't know what that is. We put them on the comics also.

Paint by number. I don't think we ever finished one.

I was a Camp Fire Girl. I still have my hat, scarf and vest with beads and patches. I still have a few beads left over. I have a pin also. I didn't think anyone remembered the Camp Fire Girls!

My husband and I always talk about those Swanson TV dinners with the tin foil covering. I always loved the taste of the corn. The corn doesn't taste the same as it did then.

My brother was a huge Tang drinker until the dentist told him it was bad for your enamel on your teeth.

I remember Bobby Sherman and I have a cardboard record from a cereal box when I was a little girl.

Tiger beat was the magazine all girls wanted to read. Remember putting up pages and posters?

Thank you so much for all those fond memories!

What sweet gifts from your friends. Congratulations to Pam on winning your giveaway!

Wishing you many happy birthdays. Have a wonderful week!

Jackie said...

Happy belated birthday kindred spirit:))).
I do recall those paper dolls, candy cigarettes, T.V. dinner, hideous gym suits (mine was white), and after school T.V. show, Mod Squad. Simpler times:)).

Gotta crying.
Hugs friend,

Lizzystitch said...

Carol, your blog, your stitching, your photos, and the trip down memory lane are wonderful! Your blog is much more interesting than some others. Happy and Blessed Birthday to you from a fellow stitcher / sewer / quilter in Chester County, PA. Keep up the good work, keep warm! Elizabeth Hansen

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!! Have a great week!!! :)

I ABSOLUTELY had a ballerina box......and I ADORED it. I would feel so sad for her being alone in there in the dark. lol

Unknown said...

What a lovely group of photos you shared! I had the same dresses, and loved Peggy Lipton and Marlo Thomas. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and I hope you have a blessed 2015.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Happy 60th Carol!!!!! I look forward to many more years of your wonderful stitching!!!

What special friends you have to spoil you rotten!

Andrea said...

I'm so very late in wishing you a Happy Birthday Carol. I hope you had a fantastic day.
Being from the UK I am not familiar with some of the memorable items but some I do although I haven't reached 50 as yet!
Some wonderful gifts and stitching goodies from fellow crafters.
Love your visitors. :)

Kaisievic said...

Hi Carol, Happy Birthday to you, 60 - wow! How wonderful is that? Thank you for the trip down memory lane - so many of those things were found here in Australia, too during the 50s and 60s. A wonderful swag of presents, well deserved, I feel and congrats to Pam for winning your giveaway.
hugs, Kaye

diamondc said...

Happy Birthday: Love your gifts, 30 was harder on me then 60 I am now 64 and loving it.

Happy Birthday


diamondc said...

Happy Birthday: Love your gifts, 30 was harder on me then 60 I am now 64 and loving it.

Happy Birthday


Karoline said...

Happy birthday Carol! You got some wonderful gifts

passionfruitprincess said...

Hope your birthday was wonderful!
Cool flashback pictures! Being from Brazil, I had not exactly the same things, but some were similar. So fun! Lovely gifts you got, I love the necklace! And the deers... adorable! Other day we were watching Bambi...that's the closest we can get to deers here where we live, unless we go to the zoo :)
Happy 60th to you, and may more happy years to come!
Ana Paula.

rosek1870 said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I so enjoyed your growing up pictures. I am only 2 years behind you and remember them all! In fact last year for my birthday I got the complete boxed set of all the seasons of the Mod Squad!! Michael Cole as cute as ever!! They had it on Amazon and it is worth every penny! Have a wonderful 60th year!!

Sally said...

Happy Birthday Carol! What a wonderful post! I can remember when my DH was coming up to 50 he was dreading it and I kept telling him just be thankful that you are here!

I remember some of those things or similar ones but being in the UK things are different. Of course it was all so much simpler and I would much prefer it that way.

You received some beautiful gifts.

Anne said...

Happy Birthday again Carol!! It is so fun to look at all those events and cultural references from the year you were born. I actually found my old baby book my mom started but never finished, and she wrote some things that happened in the year I was born. Pretty neat to read about! Lovely gifts from your friends! You are a lovely lady who touches so many with your thoughtfulness and kindness. God grant you many more we say in Russian! Hugs!

Kay said...

Happy birthday! I love the trip down memory lane and going back in time through the decades with you! Hope you had an amazing day!

Meari said...

I was born in the late 60's but I remember a lot of those things you showed in the trip down memory lane. I really enjoyed it. :)

What wonderful gifts you received for your birthday! Every day is a blessing, isn't it?

♥ Nia said...

I never think of you as someone older than me, I can't even believe you are 60, you are lying to us =)
I'm serious, you have a very young spirit!

Ohhhh back to the past :D hehehehe Come on, I'm 35 and I loved my Topo Gigio!!!! :D
Everything else I can't say I remember :p but Topo Gigio was in my childhood as well, I had a big one, took him everywhere with me =) hehehehe
Love your one year old photo :D
I wish I had more photos from when I was little.. doing better for my boy now, already have a full album from his first year :) heheheh