Friday, January 22, 2016

Christmas 2015 Wrap-up

Hello, hello! How are my stitching friends doing today--and how on earth did it get to be January 22nd already? I am still playing Christmas catch-up here and feel that I'm moving very slowly this month. Could it be my advancing age--horrors!! I want to thank each one of you who sent such kind happy birthday wishes on my last post. I was very spoiled and I'll show you photos of the birthday gifts that I received in my next post. I haven't even had time to photograph everything yet and I understand that a few more presents are on their way so I'll wait for those to arrive...

In my previous post, I shared with you the ornaments that were sent and received from my U.S. friends. This time I'll share gifts sent to and received from my international friends. It's always a special treat to receive a package postmarked from a foreign country, isn't it? And it's still a bit unbelievable to me that I've "met" so many people from all around the world when, prior to 2009 and the start of my blog, I knew none of you! I think that is one of the best things about blogging--it really opens up the world and lets you glimpse bits and pieces of lives that may be lived very differently than yours, but that, at the heart of things, share that same wonderful passion for cross stitching.

I'll begin with the ornaments that I stitched and sent abroad. This Prairie Schooler from Book No. 48 "A Christmas Visit" went to my friend, Lynda (no blog), in England. I've stitched this bird-loving Santa before for myself and decided to finish him in an oval shape this time. I love how it turned out. I used 40 ct. natural Newcastle with the suggested threads and finished it off with handmade cording and a gingham ribbon on top. I'm sorry for the quality of the photo--the sun has been in short supply this winter!

Prairie Schooler Santa from Book No. 48 "A Christmas Visit"

A JBW piece called "French Country Star" was sent to my friend, Nathalie (no blog), who lives, coincidentally, in France!  I truly love these JBW designs and always enjoy picking out the little motifs that the designer includes. Can you spot the deer, the stars, the hearts, the birds, the trees, the holly leaves? Such a creative design and they look so good stitched in one color. In this case, I used DMC 115 on 40 ct. white Newcastle linen.

JBW French Country Star

My third finish flew off to England and my friend,  June, who loves anything to do with birds, butterflies, and flowers. I thought this sweet bluebird sitting on a holly branch dotted with red berries would be perfect for her. This design is from a very old (January/February 1987) Cross Stitch & Country Crafts magazine. June says the color is perfect in her living room area--I'm so happy he's found a nice new home!

Bluebird from 1987 Cross Stitch & Country Crafts magazine

Another Prairie Schooler finish, this one from Book No. 24, "Prairie Birds," was sent to my German friend, Gabi (no blog). If you've read my blog for a while, you know how cardinals have come to play an important part in my life ever since I lost my dad in October of 2014. (You can read about the significance in this post). With that in mind, I stitched this cardinal pair for my dear Gabi who lost someone so special this past year. I hope it brings her comfort and peace each time she looks at it.

Cardinals from Prairie Birds Book No. 24

And finally, to my long-time friend, Lois, in Northern Ireland, went an  ornament you have seen before. Yes, this is the third time I've stitched this one--I just love it so much! I know I'll be stitching it again for someone else. It is done on 28 ct. black Monaco (over one) with DMC threads. I adore the tininess of it and Lois did, too... The chart can be found in Book No. 51 "Christmas Past," which is still in print.

Prairie Schooler Santa from "Christmas Past" booklet

Do you have a favorite from this bunch? I'm really pleased with each of them and am so happy to know that little bits of my work are spread all over the world!

I received such wonderful gifts in exchange, too. Would you like to see?  From Lynda, in England, came this chubby Santa holding a wee bird in a cage. The cage is stitched with gold metallics which gives it a wonderful shimmer. Lynda also included two books--one on stitching, one on baking (my two favorite hobbies!), some pretty charts, fabric, and a notepad. I've so enjoyed getting to know you over the past couple of years, Lynda--thank you again for all of these goodies!

Christmas gifts from Lynda in England

From Nathalie, in France, I received another stitched Santa--I believe the design is by Heart in Hand. Along with the cute ornament, Nathalie included some wonderful Christmas decorations, ribbons, and tags. They will all come in very handy in my preparations for next Christmas! Thank you so much, Nathalie--you are a lovely friend to remember me with these special goodies!

Christmas gifts from Nathalie in France

From June, in England came a darling ornament that she chose because I have three sons. This little boy carrying a package and a holly branch home (possibly to his mother?) is just so sweet. June always finds unique charts and finishes them so nicely. She included a white penguin (to remind me of the penguins in Argentina), a white felt dove ornament, and a tin snowflake-covered box filled with ribbons and fabrics. I love everything, June--thank you so much for spoiling me!

Christmas gifts from June in England

From Gabi, in Germany, came one of my favorite designs, the Little House Needleworks "Season's Greetings" cardinal. I thought it was interesting that we both chose to stitch cardinals for each other. I just love this, Gabi, and am so touched that you were so thoughtful to stitch something for me with the rough year that you've had. Thank you, thank you my lovely friend--I will treasure your cardinal ornament!

Christmas gift from Gabi in Germany

From Lois, in Northern Ireland, came this beautiful Homespun Elegance ornament. I had always admired this design and wanted to stitch it, but the heart-shape intimidated me! Lois did a wonderful job on hers and said it really wasn't that hard. I know I need to give it a try... Maybe this year? She also included a cute chart, some needles and a needle minder, and a tasty tin of dark chocolates (which, I'm proud to say, I am eating very slowly, savoring each one). Thank you for each and every gift, my dear Lois--you always make me smile!

Christmas gifts from Lois in Northern Ireland

And a surprise ornament, from my sweet friend, Hilda, in Austria. She had the best idea of attaching her stitching to a piece of felt and then adding it to her Christmas card. Not only did I get a beautiful ornament, but she saved a great deal on postage--it was simply the cost of mailing a letter internationally. I may be stealing this idea in the future, Hilda, as the cost of international postage has become prohibitive if you send a lot of packages. I can remember sending small packages to Europe for a few dollars each and now the cost is five times that! Thank you, my dear friend!

Christmas gift from Hilda in Austria

A lovely giveaway was also won from Sheryl, in Spain. This was a surprise giveaway--Sheryl decided to randomly reward someone who had commented on one of her posts and I was the lucky winner. The gift was four Christmasy mug mats with a cheery, red crocheted border. I just love them, Sheryl, and assure you they will be put to good use next Christmas. I really need to teach myself to crochet as this type of border would add a nice touch to my little pillow ornaments, don't you think? Thank you again, Sheryl!

Giveaway win from Sheryl in Spain

I wanted to showcase the ornaments I received from my stitching friends this year, so rather than put them on my tree, I arranged them on my mantle above my fireplace. (Reminder to self--you need a Christmas picture for above your mantle next year!!). If you look at the far right, you can just make out part of my blue stitching chair where I try to spend as much time as I can! These are the ornaments I received at Christmas time plus the ornaments received earlier in 2015 from Sylvia in New Mexico, U.S., Shirley in South Africa, and Andrea in England. You can click on their names to see close-ups of their lovely ornaments and read about them...

Oh, dear, that is a bit far away, isn't it?  Here are two close-ups for you.  From left to right are the ornaments from Lois (Northern Ireland), Nathalie (France), Hilda (Austria), Robin (Virginia, U.S.), Sylvia (U.S.), Robin (Virginia, U.S.), and June (England).

And from left to right in this photo are ornaments from Cindy (Tennessee, U.S), Shirley (South Africa), Lynda (England), Andrea (England), and Gabi (Germany).

A veritable United Nations of stitched ornaments, wouldn't you say? I wonder what would happen if stitchers ruled the world? I'll bet things would be a lot more peaceful, don't you think? 

Finally,  I wanted to share with you two photos of my favorite Christmas gifts from my three sons. My two older sons bought me these two sweet felt mice called "Santa Mouse" and "Charlie Caroler" and I can't bear to put them away--they are the only Christmas decorations still out! I just love the attention to detail in these little guys! I also love the fact that they are made right here in Pennsylvania at Century Farm Crafts.

Christmas gifts from my two older sons

My youngest son brought me, all the way from South America, this adorable trio of penguins. He took a side trip to Chile while studying in Argentina and as soon as he spotted these blue and white cuties, he knew he had to get them for me. They are made from lapis lazuli stone, mined from the Andes Mountains area and mounted on what looks like a base of unpolished marble. They are now on display on my kitchen counter and they make me smile each time I spot them because they remind me of our wonderful Argentinian adventure to see the penguins. 

Christmas gift from Chile from my youngest son

A number of you have asked about seeing photos of our Argentinian sojourn and, I can assure you, they will be coming. I just need some time to sort through them--I'm about half done, right now! I hope to have them ready to share with you in late February...

Okay, I'm sure you are tired if you've read this far, so I'll wrap this up! But, before I go, I just want to wish each of you in the path of this major snowstorm that is hitting the eastern U.S., the best of luck. I hope you don't lose your power and stay warm and safe. We are only getting an inch or two as we are on the outer border of the storm here in the Pittsburgh area.  Special thoughts go out to my youngest son who is back in the Washington, D.C. area (which is supposed to be especially hard hit)--and probably wishing he was back in sunny, warm Argentina!  Bye for now...


Unknown said...

Carol, you are so talented at making ornaments, I love them all. I am so pleased that you received some lovely ones in return. How gorgeous are the presents you received from your sons - those penguins are so utterly cute and adorable, I couldn't bear to put them away either. Hope everyone stays safe when the predicted blizzards hit the East Coast. xx

Kate said...

Carol, such beautiful gifts sent and received!! I love the mice and penguins that your sons gave you. Thanks for sharing all your goodies with us.

Daniela Bencúrová said...

Carol, I congratulate you on gifts from around the world!
You're right, through blogging we recognize each other and we get girlfriends!

Lynda Harrison said...

Hello Carol - so good to hear from you! You always manage to cheer up my dreary winter days with your latest post, and the photos you show are lovely. All your gifts both sent and received look lovely - that PS Santa you sent to me sits on the mantle, still - he is far to lovely to hide away just yet!
I hope you 'enjoy' all the snow that is heading your way - but do stay safe and warm - just think of all the stitching you could do while snowed in.......!!
Take care, my friend,

Silvana said...

tanti e tutti bellissimi sicuramente sei felice ma anche tu ai fatto felice tante amiche

Vickie said...

Such special, wonderful ornaments you made your friends. And what thoughtful, precious gifts your received. Your sons gave sweet gifts.

Sherri said...

I just love your post and today is the perfect day for it! Not sure which of your ornaments would be a favorite because I like them! I am such a fan of PS, but I certainly like your JBW designs as well. Your ornaments you received from abroad were adorable and I love how you displayed them on your mantle. Last year I "utilized" your idea for the stair railing and was on a mission to stitch more ornaments to fill it. It was my favorite decoration that year and received a lot of compliments. It will now be a tradition here. Also, I love your little mice; they are so sweet as are the penguins. All treasures. So we are in the area to be hit with the blizzard as we're told which makes for the perfect day to cross stitch. I'll be sitting by the fire with tea in hand as I have several projects for Easter lined up. I'm working on little Easter pillows to fill my dough bowl. Um, another idea I "utilized" from you! Ha! Thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

I really like the Season's Greetings Cardinal. Just found your blog a few weeks ago since I've gotten back into cross stitch(been knitting and charity seeing) What is LHN? I'd like to try to buy the chart. My mom always said that Cardinals were a love note from God. She passed 3 weeks ago and as soon as I saw this design, knew I wanted to do be. I love the bluebird, too! Is it available? So many of my books were lost when the basement flooded! Love your finishing techniques. A joyous and Blessed New Year to all.

Linda said...

Congrats on all of the gorgeous ornaments Carol. Awesome stitching and finishing as always. You have received some lovely gifts.


Hazel said...

Beautiful ornaments both given and received. x

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Carol you sweet self just shines through each and everything you do, so people shower you with love all year long and especially at Christmas. You are going to have to start stitching in January for all your friends :) I adore the sweet mice and those darling penguins!

Karen said...

So many different ornaments. Each one is beautiful and special.

Melody said...

Hi Carol. You write the best posts! I always smile when I see a new one from you. Your blog background is so pretty too!! I love the cat and books print over your fireplace! I've seen it before, and have always liked it. If I had to choose a favorite ornament of those you stitched, it would be the Prairie Schooler santa on black fabric. So lovely. Plus, I know stitching on black is a challenge. Your boys have given you sweet gifts as well. The mice and penguins are both dear.

Robin in Virginia said...

Super post, Carol! What lovely ornaments you sent overseas and what lovely ornaments/gifts you received! I really like the penguin trio from your youngest son and the mouse duo from the older two. Have a wonderful weekend; stay warm. Hope your son in DC has gotten his provisions and is hunkered down.

Barb said...

So many wonderful ornament gifts, both given and received! What sweet thoughtful gifts from you sons. I still have my Woolpet elf out too. Some gifts are just to special to put away.

Cathy B said...

I always enjoy visiting your blog; your finishes are lovely! And so many wonderful stitching gifts from friends around the globe!

Beth said...

Wonderful gifts sent and received.

Teri said...

Please keep the Christmas coming! All of the ornaments are so beautiful and inspiring. I'm especially fond of those with the cardinals. Such a wonderful post. Thank you!

Christina said...

Beautiful gifts sent and received. Your mantle is so pretty all festive. Your sons bought you the cutest gifts.

Cathy H. said...

As always your ornaments are beautiful. If I had to pick a favorite it would be the French County Star. I've always loved old sampler symbols. You had a wonderful idea putting the ornaments on your mantle. Love them with the garland and lights!

Cindy's Stitching said...

Carol, such pretty pieces both sent and received. your post always makes me smile. What a great way to display them on your mantel. the gifts your sons bought are so nice. it's amazing we are at the end of January. it's a blurr. Stay warm.

Ellen said...

Just gorgeous! Always love your stitching and finishing! So many beautiful and thoughtful gifts from your friends and sons! I just love the penguins ha ha!


Annie said...

You really sent out a beautiful collection of ornament gifts. Love the variety. And you received some wonderful things as well. Those penguins are particularly cool. Never seen any thing quite like those.

Hunkering down in fear of the impending blizzard. Washingtonians are not made for this?m

Cindy said...

Hi Carol,
So many pretty gifts sent and received! I love to see how you and others do the finishing. They are done so perfectly. I also enjoyed seeing the gifts your boys gave you. So cute!
Take care and keep warm! Cindy

marly said...

You created such lovely gifts. 28 count over one on black? That still amazes me. Lots of great items shown, enjoyed them all.

cucki said...

Hi Carol
You made very pretty ornament and they so cute
You received very sweet gifts too.
Big hugs and smiles x

Lois said...

Carol, you know how much I loved the ornament you stitched for me, iso beautifully stitched and finished. As always your choice of gifts to stitch for your friends is so perfect! You received some lovely gifts too! The boys gave you some lovely gifts - I especially love the penquins. The snow expected has been making the news here. Glad to hear that you should be on the periphery of it.

Marilyn said...

What great ornaments.
My favorite is the little Bluebird, so cute.
What pretty international ornaments you received.
The mice are too darn cute, and the Penguins are beautiful, what a thoughtful gift.

Manuela said...

You have made wonderful ornaments for your friends and you received beautiful ornaments.
My favourtie is the little blue bird.
The christmas gifts from your sons are very cute.
Have a nice weekend, Manuela

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post from you again , so wonderfully long and varied. I love it when you talk ..
Have received so many terrific gifts you and also given away . I like them all very much. Yes , our world would be a peaceful place if all a bit so we would like embroiderers .
I send you greetings and the like to wish you the very best
Your Sandra from Germany

Christine said...

So many beautiful ornaments, and I love the way you displayed them on your mantelpiece.
The little stone penguins are adorable

Mary Ann said...

Such lovely ornaments sent and received, and such a wonderful idea to display them on your mantelpiece!! And, your Christmas gifts from your sons are adorable!

priscilla said...

Love all your ornament finishes and gifts Carol! Of course anything PS is my favorite !Your little mice and penguins are too cute!

Mii Stitch said...

Beautiful creations made & received. It is definitely Winter Wonderland on your blog :)

Jennifer said...

What lovely gifts sent and received, and such thoughtful and cute gifts from your boys! I really do like those cardinals (both sent and received) because of the extra meaning they have. Hope you can stitch and enjoy watching the snow that you will have this weekend and hope your son fares well in DC!

Margaret said...

Oh my gosh! Your son is back just in time for this huge storm! Hope he stays safe and warm and doesn't lose his power! Lucky you to be on the edge of the storm. We are too, but we are still supposed to get good amounts of snow and wind. I'd rather not. lol! Anyway, love seeing all your ornaments that you sent plus all you received too. It's hard to pick a favorite -- they're all so wonderful! And I love the gifts from your sons. The penguins in particular will be a special reminder for you of your trip.

Melissa said...

Oh such lovely Christmas gifts given and received! I must say, as a mom, I adore the gifts your son gave you! They are perfect and I would've loved them if they were a gift from my son too. Those you will treasure I am sure!

Mary said...

Hi Carol, such a lovely holiday you've had all around! A;; the stitching gorgeousness is enough to make me run for my Prairie Schooler charts this very minute. Hope you are staying warm this weekend!

Preeti said...

Hi Carol, you made lovely gifts for your friends and received the same love from them too:) Those gifts from your sons are so cute !!

Mylene said...

A great post! and wow! all those beautiful ornaments and gifts, both sent and received. Lovely gifts from your sons too.
Keep safe and warm

Barb said...

Hi Carol ~ Wow! What wonderful stitched pieces you made for all of your international friends and what beautiful gifts you received. Thanks for sharing all of these with us - they are all amazing works of love and friendship.

I love how you displayed them all on your mantle - what a great way to enjoy them. I don't think I could pick a favorite from any of them, they are all just too special.

And the gifts from your sons! Obviously, they mean so much to you and are just perfect. You are a lucky mom.

xo - Barb R.

#HeatherMakes said...

I am drooling over all your beautiful stitched ornies! Yes if only stitchers rules the world ... I too am wondering how it got to be the middle of January so fast!!

Lumiruusu said...

All the ornaments are very beautifull but favorite must be the little blue bird you stitched from some elder magazine-Thank You for visting my blog and leVING SO SWEET COMMENT :)

Friendship Crossing said...

Hi Carol,
Happy snow day to you! :) We have over 9 in. here in eastern Ky. w/a few more on the way.
Wow! What sweet and wonderful ornaments both given and received. I can tell a lot of thought goes into the ones you send out for each recipient. Beautifully finished as always! I finally made one for our son/DIL for Christmas and had to have my hubby's help w/the finishing! LOL I will try to show it soon, ha.
LOVE the penguins/,mice! Don't blame you for keeping them out to look at. Your sons are so sweet and thoughtful, I'm sure they take after their mama!

Stay warm my friend,

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Carol,I love your posts because they are full of lovely stitching by you and your friends.
I love the JBW design and the Bluebird and all the Cardinals..well everything really:)
I also love your Penguins,they are very sweet.

Andrea said...

All of the ornaments both sent and received are wonderful. The Christmas gifts from your sons are adorable. Love the scarves! They must take a lot of time thinking what would be the perfect present for their Mum.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

What beautiful gifts you gave and received.

butterfly said...

Wow Carol , I want to go back to Christmas time , what beautiful gifts given and received .
You made some wonderful gifts , my little bird loves his new home and is still sitting on his twiggy canes .
Love your fire place looks so warm and inviting .
What lovely gifts from your boys too , you are so blessed.

Hope you stay safe in all this snow, maybe more stitching time for you this week hugs.

Sheryl said...

What beautiful stitching and pretty finishes, both given and received, just love all your photos and gorgeous fireplace display. Pleased you liked the Christmas mug mats.

Michelle said...

Beautiful stitching and lovely photos I can hardly believe January is almost over xx

Brigitte said...

Why not extend Christmas a little bit when you have such wonderful ornaments and other gifts to show, Carol. Impossible to choose a favourite among the ornaments that you stitched and sent to your international friends. Each of them was chosen and made in the most thoughtful way. And the same can be said about the gifts that you received from your friends.
Enjoy the gorgeous gifts that you received from your sons. I think I wouldn't pack these Christmas Mice away either. Maybe when summer comes but certainly not earlier, lol.

Justine said...

It's impossible to choose a favourite from that lovely post full of ornaments! Thanks for sharing the story again about your cardinal. I believe there is a similar tradition about robins in the UK. How lovely that you received comfort just when you needed it.

Maggee said...

Wow! I was going to comment on my favorites, but... they are all so pretty! You were a busy bee in 2015, stitching such beautiful gifts for beautiful friends! I also really like the crocheted edges on those mug mats, and will be trying to learn how to do that! It gives them a very elegant look!! Your new little mice remind me of my oldest daughter, as her nickname was always Mouse! And what can I say about those penguins?? They are so so gorgeous!! Made of Lapis Lazuli... oh my!! I have a stone or two, but that is magnificent--what a great reminder of your trip! Thanks so much for sharing... You have a LOT to catch up on... I really look forward to the trip pictures!! Hugs!

angelasweby said...

What a really entertaining post, Carol. You have made some lovely friends. The world of cross stitching really is a magical one. I love all your ornaments but my favourite, hard to choose, is the first PS Santa. It's one I mean to stitch for myself. I also love the cardinal you so thoughtfully stitched for Gaby. I've known her for many years.
You've received some wonderful ornaments and gifts. I love the way you displayed them on your mantelpiece.
Your gifts from your boys are adorable. The mice are so cute. I love the Penguins especially. What a really special gift. A lot of thought went into both their choices.
Hope 2016 is a good year all round and I'm looking forward to seeing much more of your snitching and exquisite finishing.

Ana said...

I love your chistmas ornaments, such a huge collection!!

Christina said...

Aww, I love 'A Christmas Visit'. So wee and I love the gingham ribbon, it finishes him off perfectly. My sister and I treated my parents to a 5 day trip to NY for my mum's birthday on Jan 21st. Unfortunately, they had to fly home 48 hrs early because of the storm! 😁 They thoroughly enjoyed the 3 days they were there though!
I really like the Santa ornament that Nathalie sent you. I must look the chart up.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I always love your posts! Beautiful ornaments. I hope you're warm and cozy and have electricity! It's cool even for Florida. Yesterday was gloomy, windy, and the air was just wet. At least today the wind has died down and the sun is shining.

Pam in IL said...

Wonderful! You sent and received such lovely gifts! Your sons also gave you such special gifts as well. I can see why you love those special gifts.

Irene said...

sono bellissimi sia i tuoi ornamenti che quelli che hai ricevuto e hai una casa meraigliosa, con un camino bellissimo!

Julie said...

Such talented stitchers that have sent gifts to you and yours back to them are as fabulous as always.
Your sons have chosen such delightful presents for their beloved mum.

Kaisievic said...

Wonderfully chatty, long post, Carol. I so enjoyed seeing all of the stitching given (my favourite is the French heart, I think) and received. Lovely to see all of them on display on your mantelpiece and such thoughtful gifts from your sons. Sounds like you had a very Merry Christmas, indeed.

LoriU said...

OMG those little mice are ADORABLE!!! I just love them!!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Loved visiting with you today. Seeing all those wonderful ornaments was so fun. Happy belated birthday! I missed that somehow. I hope your special day was good.

KimM said...

Loved your Christmas Wrap Up. Your finishes always amaze me...and inspire me to improve myself. Lovely gifts. Take care

Dani - tkdchick said...

Oh my Carol! I love your United Nations of stitchers just sitting on your mantle! How beautiful.

You and your friends spoiled each other wonderfully this past holiday season.

I've just ordered a bunch of PS charts that will be great for future ornaments. They are so lovely and not overly labour intensive to stitch.

Ana Love Craft said...

Helllo Carol! Such beautiful gifts sent and received. Maybe my favorite is the red star with reindeers. I love Christmas cross stitches. Lovely Christmas mice too.
Have a fabulous week!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft

diamondc said...

Carol: What wonderful ornaments you made so sweet, the finishing is beautiful, the ornaments you received are so sweet.
Love the Penguins so cute, and the Mice oh my, (are they Annalee dolls)
it is so much fun to exchange with people from other countries.


Lillie said...

Such beautiful stitching and finishing of the ornaments you made Carol.
You always amazed me with your creativity with the finishes. Drooling on all the gifts that came your way. The penguins are so adorable.
Enjoy all your goodies.

We are having very hot and humid days for weeks now.

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Those penguins are so cute, I love ornaments and each one has a sentiment behind it. I've been having fun catching up with all of your recent posts and I'm so impressed with all of your finishes.

Hilda said...

Hi Carol, my dear friend!
I loved reading your post, when you published it. And I loved it again today, when I had more time to read it again with much more time.
Your finsihings are again so wonderful. The TPS Santa in its oval shape looks amazing and the JBW star - amazing. I have stitched this one too (twice) and used the same thread as you did ...
The bird ornament for June is so perfect and the giving and taking of Cardinals between you and Gabi is such a touching detail ...
And of course I am happy that you liked my idea of the two in one Christmas card.

I love how you decorated your fireplace mantle with all the ornaments from all over the world. It is a perfect spot for one of the things what blogging is for. Thank you my dear friend!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Jenn M said...

Oh my, such lovely gifts all around! I am really impressed with the gifts your boys gave you - it's so lovely they know you so well.
I did an exchange to Italy last year and the postage was almost $20 for the few things I sent: a magazine; needle book and some other small treats. Even the postal worker couldn't believe it! I am afraid that's the last overseas swap I will do. Too bad as they are so much fun
Have a wonderful weekend,

Rachel S-H said...

You have the loveliest ornaments! And I love the little penguins!

Penny said...

For me it is impossible to pick a favorite ornament ~ they are all so beautifully done! And you definitely received some lovely gifts too! Your mantle is lovely. Santa Mouse and Charlie Caroler are adorable! I think I would leave them out all year. :) A very beautiful reminder of your trip to Argentina! And I'm afraid that I just skimmed your last paragraph. I'm still a little shell - shocked from all of the snow I shoveled. Hope your son made out okay!

Giovi's Creations said...

Happy new year, Carol!
What a gorgeous ornaments and gifts!

valerie said...

Wonderful gifts sent and received, Carol! I don't know how you do it. So many wonderful finishes. My favorite is the PS Cardinals. Love the soft hues. The gifts your boys gave you are so sweet. The felt mice and the pretty penguins are sure to be new treasures in your house. Hope you are staying warm in PA. :)

Meari said...

Such lovely gifts from everyone. It *is* exciting to get packages from all over the world. :)

passionfruitprincess said...

Beautiful ornaments, Carol! And all the gifts too. I love hoe you displayed the gift ornaments on your mantle. Looks lovely!

Ana Paula.

Angela said...

You've created and rec'd loads of wonderful ornaments!

Weronika said...

Beautiful ornaments and gifts Carol.

Danielle A said...

I love the Bluebird ornament you stitched! I need to take finishing lessons from you! I make the pillow kind pretty much exclusivity! :D Here's hoping that you'll get some more sun this winter!!!