Wednesday, December 10, 2014

2014 Parade of Ornaments!

Good morning, my friends! How is everyone doing during these final two weeks before Christmas? Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed with things or is it just me? I'm way behind in everything now except for my decorating and baking. Not one card has been written or a single gift sent. I feel like I lost a couple of weeks in there with Thanksgiving preparations and, of course, saying goodbye to my dear father. Things have been a bit up and down for me, emotionally, since Thanksgiving ended and everyone went home. I think keeping busy during that time was good for me and then when the quiet returned, I had more time to think (and cry), but I'm getting there--one step at a time, right?

This week, I did manage to finish my decorating and put up my garland of ornaments for 2014. I have to say I'm very proud of this year's finishes. They're an eclectic bunch as I really love all sorts of patterns--I think that is one thing that keeps me interested in stitching ornaments. I never get bored--there is so much to choose from!

For those of you who are new to my blog, I began posting my yearly ornament finishes on the Christmas garland going up my stairs way back in 2010, in my second year of blogging. If you would like to see previous years, just click on the year:  2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. There has been a serious lack of sunshine around this part of Pennsylvania so the photos are not the best, but I hope you'll enjoy my 2014 collection...

2014 Monthly Ornament Finishes

2014 Ornaments: The First Six Months

2014 Ornaments:  The Last Six Months

January ~ March 2014 ornament finishes

April ~ June 2014 ornament finishes

July ~ September 2014 ornament finishes

October ~ December 2014 ornament finishes

Which is your favorite? I'll give you a closer look of each of them to help you choose... (You can click on the name of the ornament to get more information on the colors and fabrics I used, etc.):

Noel Snowman freebie

Prairie Schooler "Snow Day"

Chessie & Me "Noel"

"Nutmeg Santa" (from Just Cross Stitch 1997 Ornament issue)

Little House Needleworks "Seven Pines" freebie

"Joy" freebie by Erynne Chard

"It Snowed Last Night" freebie by Erynne Chard

Prairie Schooler 2014 Santa

Prairie Schooler "Ho Ho Santa" mini card

Prairie Schooler "A Christmas Visit"

"A Winter's Night" from Nov/Dec. 2011 JCS magazine

New York Dreamer "Frosty Night"

So, which one do you like the best? I think my favorite is either December or April, but it's so hard to choose! Looking back on my year, I'd call this "the year of the handmade cording"... I really became addicted to making that stuff--it just adds such a great finishing touch to any ornament, don't you think? Will I stitch another ornament each month during 2015? Stay tuned...

THANKSGIVING MEMORIES...  So, how was your Thanksgiving? Ours was wonderful--it felt so good to gather with relatives on my husband's side and recall old stories and build new memories. Our sunroom, once again, provided the setting for our feast for the 17 of us and it was so nice to be able to sit our entire group at one table. If you look closely out the windows, you can see a sprinkling of snow; it provided such a lovely backdrop for our day.

Thanksgiving table 2014

Here is another look (the tablecloth is white--although it appears to be pale blue for some reason!)... You can catch a glimpse of the flames in the fireplace in the background. It opens up to both the sunroom and the family room and makes holiday dinnertimes so cozy.

I was so very touched to receive this beautiful centerpiece from a local group that my husband volunteers with. They sent it in memory of my dad... Of course, it had the place of honor on our Thanksgiving table.

Centerpiece received in memory of dad

My sons were put in charge of making appetizers this year and they did a great job! Here is a photo of the cheese spread (in the upper left) made by my youngest son (with just a bit of guidance from his old mom!) and the wonderful cheese plate put together by my oldest. He even made little cards describing the cheeses and where they came from. See the cheese resting under the glass dome at the far right? Well, there was a good reason for it--that was the "stinky cheese!" Ugh!! The smell was horrid... Some brave souls dared to taste it, but I was not one of them--not sure anyone actually liked it, but it was certainly a topic of conversation! My middle son and his girlfriend also made some tasty pumpkin hummus, but they hadn't arrived by the time I took this photo. It was such a help to delegate a part of the menu to the guys... Maybe next Thanksgiving, we'll switch and they can do the main meal and I'll do the appetizers? In my dreams!

Thanksgiving appetizers prepared by my sons

I fell in love with this darling turkey bowl when I saw it online and just had to buy one for myself. When they went on sale for 50% off at Sturbridge Yankee Workshop, I jumped at the chance. Do you know what he is made out of? A large gourd--grown and carved right here in Pennsylvania!! Such a great place to hold nuts or other goodies...

Gobble, gobble!!

And finally, here is a shot of the nine types of cookies I made for the annual Thanksgiving cookie tray. Needless to say, most of them were devoured by the end of the evening. Luckily, I have more in the freezer just waiting for Christmas!!

Thanksgiving 2014 cookie tray

GIVEAWAY WINNER:  I was surprised that there weren't more entries to win this pretty chart, but that gave the few of you who entered a better chance... I simply drew a name and whose name came out of the bowl? Well, the lucky Dani! Dani, please email me with your mailing address and I'll get the chart off to you as soon as I can (although, given this busy, busy time of year, that may not be until January!). I do hope Dani will continue the kindness and offer the chart as a giveaway when she is done stitching it...

GIFTS RECEIVED... I've received several packages from stitching friends from around the world lately, but I am saving them to open  on a day when I need cheering up. As I mentioned previously, not a single gift has been sent from my end, so please forgive me and know that, although I had the best of intentions, this year they are definitely going to be late (at least the international ones!)... I'll really try to do better next year.

I had planned on driving up to New York to visit my mom today, but, unfortunately, the snow and winter storm warning up her way curtailed those plans! I don't mind driving in the snow, it's the ice that scares me! Hopefully, I can go tomorrow or Friday. I really want to spend some time with her before Christmas. I know it's going to be a tough Christmas for all of us since dad died so recently...

I want to thank each and every one of you for your supportive and oh-so-kind comments on my previous post. Many of you have already lost one or both parents so you know what I am going through. The holidays are such a hard time when a family has suffered a recent death. I'm getting through my days... it's just that some days I seem to be on the verge of tears most of the time. I found myself looking at the Christmas cards in Target the other day and seeing the ones for "Dad" had me fighting back tears. I know it will get better, though, and that dad would want his family to smile and go on about our lives. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week ahead. I should be back with one more post before Christmas (hmm... can you guess what might be featured in it?!).  Bye for now...


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that is a PARADE !!!
I just love your ornament garland Carol,it looks great . My favourite is the last one : "Frosty Night" but all the others are gorgeous,too.
The turkey bowl is very cute :)

have a wonderful day.

Gabi said...

What wonderful ornaments. I love the TPS's and Frosty Nights.
Your Thanksgiving table looks beautiful.
Have a wonderful day.
Greetings from Germany

Tricia said...

What a fun post! I love ALL the ornaments, but my favorites are April and June. You do such beautiful finishing!!! I'm so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with family. I'm finding that each special time with my children is even more special since Mom died. I want to create special memories for my children, just like she did for me, so I found myself getting snowman napkins the other day, just because she always bought special napkins for the holidays. : ) Being born in the depression she also saved them if they "hadn't really been used" and brought them out again later... but I don't think I'll do that part!! LOL! {Hugs} and mingled tears this Christmas, my friend. I'll be thinking of and praying for you! ~ Tricia

http://thankfullga447 said...

I am so sorry to hear about your father. Grieving isn't easy. I love your garland with your home made ornaments. I have mine on a tree but I like your idea better. Great thanksgiving table.

Barb said...

Hi Carol - I absolutely love this post - your Parade of Ornaments is always so much fun to look at - your stitching and finishing is just so beautiful!! I honestly cannot choose a favorite - each one is so special. It's also really fun to look at the previous years ornaments again.
Your Christmas tree must be so amazing - truly one-of-a-kind and so personal.

Thanks for sharing your lovely Thanksgiving celebration with us too. I loved seeing the cheese spread (stinky cheese & all:-)!) and your very own "cookie table". YUM!

Mary Ann said...

I look forward to seeing your garland of ornaments each year--every ornament is gorgeous! Tough to pick a favorite, but I think it is the March ornament--Noel.

I love your turkey bowl, and the cookie tray looks delicious!

The holidays are going to be hard for you and your family, but you are right--your dad would want you to smile and enjoy the season.(((hugs)))

Maureen said...

Such a beautiful post! It's hard to pick a favorite but the Feb.Snowday brought back memories of old-fashioned snow fun and the freedom of a snow day. Be gentle with yourself as you go through these days ahead.
May I ask the name of the pattern in your header? My sister loves Cardinals and it would be a fun one to stitch up for her.Take care.

Christina said...

Your parade is beautiful again this year. I would have to say my favorites are Seven Pines and Joy.

You are not the only one behind. I am still writing cards and haven't even started baking. Some ornaments are stitched and not finished, others still WIPs. *sigh*

Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Your guys did a wonderful job with the appetizers. Love the slab of wood, cheese tray.

CUTE turkey bowl. I recently started receiving their catalog, lots of drool spots in it. LOL

Safe travels to your mom's when the weather allows. Still keeping you and your family in my prayers. I hope the pain will ease for you soon.

Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Melody said...

Oh Carol, Your ornaments are as beautiful as always! I always look forward to your Christmas posts. It looks like you had a beautiful Thanksgiving. It's so nice when the kids are old enough to help out. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Annie said...

I'm continually amazed at the quality and quantity of your finishes. They really make a beautiful display.

And you are really the Martha Stewart when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner setting! Just a gorgeous table (cheese notwithstanding).

Cookies.. love 'em and you do those so well too!

Vickie said...

February! That is my favorite. :)
What a cool gourd turkey you bought! How neat that your sons provided the appetizers.
A big HUG for you Carol.

Unknown said...

My favorite...golly they are all wonderful. How could I pick just one!

Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving.

The quiet days are the hardest but they also offer an opportunity to celebrate dad's life without reservation.

I'm praying for His peace to surround you now and always.

Merry Christmas!


Cathy H. said...

I'm new to your blog. I found it a few weekss ago when looking for Christmas ornament ideas. I stitch ornaments for my five grandsons and one for both sets of parents each year. The last few years, the only stitching I've been doing is the Christmas ornaments. Finding your block and looking at your beautiful stitching has inspired me to do more stitching this year. I love your projects and your finishing techniques add so much to the piece. We seem to have very similar tastes. You have me envious for a staircase so I can have a garland like yours! Gorgeous! My favorite would be May. I love Little House Needleworks and love how you finished this one! Happy Stitching and Merry Christmas!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

You know, your photo set-ups are just as gorgeous as your stitched items :) I need to be a better photographer, I've thought it before, I know it now after slobbering all over my keyboard looking at your 12 gorgeous ornaments. My favorite is the New York Dreamer one from December and of COURSE the Prairie Schooler Caroling Santa from August. And who wouldn't want to stitch either of them when you see your photo of them? Heck I want to stitch ALL of them from seeing your photos of them! And a few of them I've already stitched!
Your Thanksgiving table, food and everything about it, just invites one to step into the picture and be a part of such a lovely house, home and family. You have a great, cozy home and I know that means you have a warm, generous heart ;)
I've had three family members close to me pass during the two weeks leading up to Christmas: My paternal Grandfather, my Maternal Grandmother and my Aunt.... and they all passed (one each year) for three consecutive years. The best thing that helped me through the grief was when an elder priest hugged me and looked in my eyes as I was standing and crying at my Grandmother's graveside: She will be spending Christmas in heaven! She came home for the holidays! He said it with such joy, that it made me stop and think. Here I was feeling sorry for myself, when I should be sad of course but tinge it with a little joy for the life she led here and the life she now has in her reward. Anyway...coming home for Christmas, your Daddy did too!

besomom said...

Your finishes are so beautiful. They really set your stitching apart.

I never commented on your post about your dad, but I wanted to tell you that it was a touching tribute and moved me to tears. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

Your ornaments are just precious! I am new to your blog and so happy that I found it, your stitching is beautiful! I have not cross stitched for several years and recently started again and am really enjoying it. Your tray of cookies looks so yummy...making my mouth water!

Terri said...

All of your ornaments are gorgeous, but my favorite is the one in your header! I would love to know the source for this one!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Oh what a lovely home you have. It's so nice that you all could be together.

I send you ((hugs)) sweet friend....I understand those feelings of seeing the Christmas cards and realizing all over again your great loss. The holidays are truly the hardest to get through when a loved one has passed away. I will keep you in my prayers (and your Mom, too).

Your ornaments are so lovely...I love them all....but you know me...the snowmen, all kind of tug at my heart a little more. :)

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

cucki said...

Wow they all so beautiful xx

Danielle A said...

Your garland looks lovely!! I really like December's! I love your finishing and I hope someday mine will look as nice as yours do! I can empathize with your lack of sunlight, we're getting hit with that here in Pittsburgh too.

Sherri said...

Your parade of ornaments is gorgeous! I love all of your ornaments, so it is hard to pick A favorite. I especially like Feb., April and July. You inspired me to stitch more ornaments this year to do my own stair rail garland. Mission accomplished and I love my railing. So, thank you for inspiring me. I spied a couple of your ornaments that I will put on my to do list for 2015. Honestly, I could stitch them all, but I'm overwhelmed just thinking about that! Your Thanksgiving table is so inviting and the appetizers look delicious. I hope you will find comfort in your memories of your father. It is hard trying to celebrate each holiday after their passing, but time does heal. When those quiet times set in, a change of scenery is helpful. Merry Christmas to you and your family and I cant WAIT to see your Christmas tree!

Sheryl said...

Oh Carol, what a lovely post. beautiful garland of ornaments, each delightful and what an amazing Thanksgiving display, love the bowl of nuts and the biscuits yum. makes me realise that I had better get moving and at least get the Christmas tree decorated.

Caitlin D said...

Love everything about this post. The ornament for May is my favorite. In part because of the finish. It looks wonderful.
Your Thanksgiving table is amazing. I only wish mine was that organized. ;-)

butterfly said...

What a wonderful wonderland of goodies, WOW great post , I love February, June , and December ornaments .
Beautiful table setting , so pretty .

It is hard to enjoy your hoildays when you have lost a love one.
It's good to have a tear now and again , but your love one wants you to have fun too.
Big Hugs to a sweet friend.

Can you tell me what the header design is called.
Sending you warm winter wishes.

Lynda Harrison said...

Hello Carol,
I have spent such a pleasurable time reading your post, and seeing your beautiful stitching, and that wonderful Thanksgiving table - your guests must have really loved that, and I'm glad you had such a lovely day!
I love all your ornaments, and it is hard to choose a favourite - but if I had to choose, it would be the November or Decmber ones, I think!
Your cookies look marvellous - I have to start my baking this week - I can hardly believe Christmas is so close now!
Have a lovely rest-of-the-week - and be careful on those roads!!
Take care of yourself - and everything does get better eventually.
With love and best wishes,

Cindy's Stitching said...

Hard to pick just one. They are all treasures. July is my favorite, blue is my favorite color. The thanksgiving decor so pretty. Cookies, I always stare ar them. Looks so yummy. What a great turkey find, how nice it was 50 % OFF. Good for you. Merry Christmas Carol.

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Hi Carol, I too lost my dad a couple of years ago, I never got to say good-bye to him but I have a picture of him with my oldest daughter and her friend Kim taped to the wall beside my computer and I always tell him how much I love him and I think he hears me. He is smiling in this picture and I think his smile gets bigger each time I look at him. you will soon feel alittle better but always remember you can still keep him close to you in your heart like I do. We are lucky to have them for as long as we do. Hugs from Canada Hope your Christmas is a merry one. Lynda Ruth

priscilla said...

Wow Carol ! Your ornaments are beautiful and finished so perfectly ! I love ALL of them !! Your Thanksgiving cookies looked wonderful ! Hope you are doing better ..I know its very hard. At least you still have your Mom with you ..Hope you get to go visit her.

Ele said...

My dear Carol,

what a wonderful parade of ornaments you show us today!

I am deeply impressed by the quantity and quality of these beautiful ornaments you stitched and finished so perfectly in the past years.
One is more beautiful than the other, so I do not even want me decide
which I like best, perhaps the patterns of TPS? I love all yours!

So I wish you a Merry Christmas time with hours to relax and enjoy or to stitch


Melissa said...

Well, you know I love everything you stitch, so it's no surprise I love all those ornaments. If you ever want to raise money for a charity, have an open house after you've decorated. Seriously I think a lot of stitchers would come!

Your dining room is beautiful and I'm sure it was a wonderful evening. I am awed by your 9 types of cookies. I have 4 kinds baked in 2 days and I was thinking of stopping at 6. What a wimp I am compared to you!

Sending you hugs and warm thoughts!

Kate said...

Carol, all of your ornaments are beautiful and I love how you display them.

Carin said...

My gosh, .. I just love your ornaments !!!

Katrina said...

Hello Carol, all of your ornaments are truly gorgeous, I couldn't pick a favourite as I just love them all.

My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your beloved Dad. May care and love of those around you provide comfort and peace you get you through the days ahead. Hugs xx

AnaCristina said...

I love so much you decoration for Christmas! I love american houses! I love all ornaments!

KimM said...

What a delightful post - I love ALL your ornaments. Your Thanksgiving table was so elegant and beautifully done. I understand your feelings about the holidays…my mother passed away a little over a year ago. It seems empty without her.

Linda said...

Gorgeous ornaments and finishes as always Carol. Your display is beautiful.
Those cookies sure look yummy.


The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Wonderful stitching Carol,I have enjoyed every photo.My favourite is Snow Time,children having so much fun:-)
Your Thanksgiving table is beautiful and the centre piece made in your dad's memory is gorgeous.

Michelle said...

Oh Carol what a lovely post - I so enjoyed reading through it. I adore A Winters Night - so pretty. Your Thanksgiving Table is beautiful and your Dad I am sure would have been there beside you. When I lost my Mum a poem helped me though - its called 'All is Well' by Henry Scott Holland. Please look it up I hope it brings words of comfort for you too - much love to you xx

Nancy said...

All of your 2014 ornaments are very pretty, but if I had to choose favorites it would be February and April. Love your idea of putting the current year ornaments on the garland!

Robin in Virginia said...

Oh wow! I was just thinking about your Christmas garland and giggled as I began reading your post. It is hard to choose a favorite, but if I have to it would be February and December. What a wonderful table and room to host your Thanksgiving in, Carol!

Robin in Virginia

Shannon Meyer said...

What a fun post:) All your ornies are beautifully stitched and finished!! My favorites are December and February. Could you tell me what designer did the ornie that is in your header picture? I really love that one as well.

Barb said...

I think my favorite is April. with all your lovely work it was very hard to choose!! I have lost both parents. I lost my Dad in April of one year. It was very hard getting through Father's Day that year. All I can say is that as time passes, I think of them more and more with the happiness and joy I had with them both. The hurt gives way to that I think. I will hope the same for you. It just takes time for that to happen.

Mouse said...

scuse me a moment while i wipe the lady like drool from my keyboard .... there that's better .... just love love love your garland of yumminess ... wow oh wow to the sun room ... absolutely fabulous ...
don't panic re Christmas ... every one will understand ... I think also as we get older there never seems to be enough time to get stuff done yet we still have a great time with little ...
I am way behind as well and we haven't even got our tree or any decorations up yet ...and I still have to get stuff posted out and cards wrote .... ho hum ....
take care and I can't choose which one I love best as they are all sooooooo gorgeous :) love mouse xxxxx

Margaret said...

I'd say my favorites are March or April or October. Can't make me narrow it down more. lol! Your Thanksgiving table looks wonderful! I want that cookie tray -- yum! Hope you manage to make it up to your mom's place. The weather this week hasn't been fun. Ugh!

Ellen said...

Wonderful ornaments! My favorite is the April's Nutmeg Santa! Love your Thanksgiving Dinner Table and the cookies sure looked yummy ha ha!

Looking forward to more ornaments in 2015!


Meari said...

You have such a beautiful home! I always look forward to your recap of the ornaments you stitch during the year. So pretty!

Chrissie B said...

Merry Christmas Carol,
Love your blog, love your stitching, love your garland and I love all your ornaments.
Thanks for the inspiration for next Christmas.....
May you and your family have many blessings this Christmas!!

marly said...

Another fabulous year of stitching displayed in your beautiful home. I think we need to see more of it! What a glorious room for dinner! Thank you for inspiring us for another year.

Christine said...

I love seeing your ornaments on the garland every year! You do such a great job on all of them! Frosty Dreamer is adorable!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Sending you a hug my friend! It's perfectly ok to be feeling your feelings. No need to soldier on.

As always your recap post of the year is one of my favorites. I'm envious of your beautiful staircase and sun room! You set a beautiful table too!

I think my favorite ornament is Feb. I have very few PS charts and this one catches my eye!

Shelly said...

Aww, Carol, give yourself time to grieve. Holidays are tough when there's been a loss; be sure to look out for you.

Easy pick: the New York Dreamer design! You are a cording son of a gun! I still have yet to make cord! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Diana said...

Love your ornaments! My favorite is the one for May. Hope you do it again next year.
Merry Christmas!

Scrap said...

Hi Carol ! oops I'm dreaming in front of my screen! it's beautiful! thy ornaments are adorable and my favorite is the one in December. thank you for the translation on your blog ! it's very rare on blogs in English.
I'm late too! but the gifts are almost finished ... big kisses and goodbye

Christine said...

Your ornament garland is stunning. I think my favourite is March

Preeti said...

Your ornaments are very lovely and your dinner table is so big and very well decorated:)
I can understand your feelings and that the feeling of 'missing ' is more during celebrations. In our culture we aren't supposed to celebrate festivals for 1year but we can worship God as it should be on the festivals....I mean we aren't allowed to throw parties. A little get together with close friends and families are fine. Sometimes we need people to talk our heart out but sometimes we feel we need a quiet and peaceful time to ourselves. Everybody recovers through in different ways. Other than with my daughter, I never returned smile to any one for almost 1.5 years...I was so frustrated with the shock of losing my Dad first ever loss.

Mii Stitch said...

Carol all your ornaments are beautiful, as usual! It's impossible to choose which would be my favourite... maybe October because of the shape. It's a nice change :)
I understand how you feel, I lost my baby sister and although I'm forever thinking of her, Christmas to me is special. It's for children & family and sadly she went too early and missed so many of them ♥
Keep busy, I'm sure things will settle down & you will have a wonderful Christmas... if I can judge from your perfect Thanksgiving setting :) Hugs xoxox

Julie said...

A wonderful collection adorning your garland for this year Carol, so beautiful For me, the PS sleding one is so precious, it shouts family time and is so full of fun.

Your thanksgiving food looks tasty. I'd be leaving the stinky cheese too, although DH is a big fan of it and I think there will be some in my home over the festive holiday (perhaps I can get him to store it in his shed!)

My thoughts are with you, next week sees 9 years since I lost my own dad. It does get easier honestly, but I do still have times when I'm desperate for {hug] from him. You'll get there, give yourself time to heal, its very early days.

much love and {{big squishy cuddle}} xxxx

Mini Addictions said...

Hi Carol,
What a wonderful parade of ornaments! I love snowmen so I would say those are my favorites. It must brighten your home so much. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. I am sure your dad is smiling down and wishing he could give you a hug. Give yourself time as it does heal all wounds. Speaking as a person who has lost loved never goes away, but it does get better.
Warm Hugs,

Veronica said...

I believe I love May's ornament the best. The design paired with your choice of fabrics and finishing is just lovely.

I'm really sorry to hear about your father. My deepest condolences. It's hard to imagine losing a parent. {{{{{Hugs}}}}}

I haven't kept up much with blogs this year. I've been trying to keep up. Hopefully I'll do better next year.


P.S. Your cookies look soooooo delicious!

The Queen Bee said...

Oh wow! I don't even know where to begin. Your garland is just beautiful. My favorites are January, February, May, and December. They are all wonderful, though.

How nice that you can finally have everyone around one table. And, what a great idea having the boys plan the appetizers. Brilliant.

I'm sorry your loss is weighing so heavily on you. I have few words of wisdom so just know there are people who are thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon.


Elizabeth Ann said...

I love them all especially December's! The cookies look very good too. Can hardly wait to see the whole tree!

Anonymous said...

can you come decorate my house too?? You take beautiful pictures!!!

Michele said...

I just adore your monthly lovelies! Every year I can't wait to see what you've been stitching and love how you've finished them all!

Friendship Crossing said...

I always enjoy a 'review' of what all you stitched during the yr. Carol!! What a fun walk down memory lane and for the life of me, I had forgotten several of them, lol.
I think my favorite is the very last one ~ 'Frosty Night' altho' the cookie tray could be my favorite as well!! tee hee
Love the pic of your dining room ~ it's beautiful!!
Yes, I'm sure Christmas will be a bit different for you this yr. but you have so many wonderful memories of your precious Dad that hopefully it'll make it not seem so sad.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Yr's too!!

Big warm hugs! Brrr! It turned cold here in Ky. finally.

Pam in IL said...

What is the design in your header? Beautiful ornament garland! I couldn't possibly choose a favorite. Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful. I lost my dad 4 years ago and I have hard days too. I have to remind myself to take one day at a time. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Heather said...

Hi Carol! I always look forward to seeing your parade of ornaments! They are all so lovely! I think January is my favorite one. :-)

It sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving! Your home is lovely!

I have been thinking about you and praying for you!


Belinda said...

Merry Christmas Carol. What a beautiful selection of your yearly stitched ornaments. I don't think I could choose a favourite either but I do love the snowman you stitched this month. I missed your post last month unfortunately so I didn't see.

Your thanksgiving table is just stunning, I wish that I was sitting there at the table too looking at at the beautiful snow around the fire, just gorgeous. It is so sweet your sons pitched in to help and ooh those biscuits look so delicious. I could have reached in through the screen and grabbed one for myself.

I am sending big hugs your way. Your Father would want nothing more than for you to be happy at Christmas. I hope the snow clears so that you can see your Mother soon. xx

Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog and see all the beautiful things you have stitched. Please continue. I thank you for sharing with everyone.

Barbara in OKC

Thoeria said...

Carol, your orbits are lovely....such exquisite finishing!
Love your turkey bowl and yummy looking cookies too!

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Very impressive parade!

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Your Christmas ornaments are just fabulous! It is hard to choose a favorite, but I like July and November. Your Thanksgiving feast looks scrumptious. Happy holidays!

Andrea said...

Love the parade ... and I can guess what is coming next!

Can I have 4 favourites ... June, August, October and December although that is not to say I don't like the rest of the year.
Your Thanksgiving celebrations look wonderful, stunning in fact.

It's still early days yet. I hope it gets a little easier for you.

Karen said...

Beautiful ornaments as always! I like going back and looking at the parades of previous years.

My favorite is January. That little snowman is so cute. Followed closely by June.

Melanie said...

It just doesn't feel like December until I get to oooooh and ahhhhhhh your parade of ornaments!! Gosh, I just love this post. Thank you so much for doing it every year. :)
My favorites (cuz you can't pick ONE) have to be the three with the wee over one snowmen. I love Santa but a wee snowman will steal my heart every time. :)
Have a happy, happy Christmas if we don't pass each other by again this year. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to get every little done. It's been such a difficult fall and you deserve to take it easy. *hugs*

Wanda said...

Dear Carol,
I have been thinking about you so much. This is such a difficult time for you. I am glad you were surrounded by family during Thanksgiving. It is so hard to lose a parent. Time will truly help but right now it's so fresh (hugs).
I feel particularly blessed that you shared your monthly ornaments with us this year given everything that has happened. They are beautiful as always. I was trying to decide on a favourite and it's so hard but when you did your February PS ornament it reminded me of my oldest brother being outside playing with and looking after us four younger kids.
December is such a busy month. My three quilting/cross stitch friends came for a pre-Christmas get together on Friday night and then we have another Christmas here next weekend. Christmas Day we will go to mom's and on Boxing Day to my in-laws. This is a change from previous years as they always come to our place but my FIL has not been well since summer and is too frail to travel.

Your gourd turkey is just too cute!

Take good care Carol,
hugs, Wanda

Kay said...

My favourites are March, April, and December as it was too difficult to just choose done of them. Your home must surely be beautiful. Happy Christmas. x

Angela said...

Normally I can pick out one or two favorites but this year I love all of the ornaments! I always look forward to your parade of ornaments post :)

Chrissie B said...

As I have said before I LOVE your blog, your stitching & finishing! One of the happiest days was a couple years ago when I was searching the internet and found Vonna, The Twisted Stitcher, and through her blog I found you!! My love of cross stitch returned and has never left. You both are such an inspiration for our wonderful craft. Merry Christmas to you Carol and may God continue to bless you with good health & love throughout the coming year...Chris

Beth said...

I always find inspiration looking at your lovely stitching Carol. There are several ornaments I'd like to stitch - ah for more time!

msmartello said...

Hi Carol,
Love your ornaments! I do have to say that I think December is my favorite. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Your table looked beautiful. Your cookies look delicious and kudos to your boys for helping out and doing the apps. Some of the men in my family would never do that. LOL!
Merry Christmas!!!

passionfruitprincess said...

Very pretty, Carol! I had to take a look again at last year's post. The garland with the ornaments looks stunning, each ornament is a small treasure!
And your Thanksgiving table was beautiful, I love the centerpiece!

Again, have a Merry Christmas!

Love, Ana Paula.

Lois said...

Such lovely ornaments that you've stitched through the year Carol. I don't know that I can pick a favourite although I do love this month's. Such a sweet snowman! I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, your table looks wonderful!
My friend, I know what a difficult time this is for you and you know I'm thinking of you.

Hazel said...

Love them all but really love December!! I love that chart and can't believe I missed the giveaway for it 😞. Oh well, well done to Dani for winning. Xx

Sally said...

All of your ornaments are truly stunning Carol. So many pretties to look at.

Thinking of you at this difficult time. I was the same seeing Christmas cards with Dad on. Broke my heart every time I went into a card shop last year. It's a little easier this year but it does still hurt. Take care and hugs to you xx

Congratulations to Dani!

Yi said...

I am so loving the Christmas feeling!
A really good job, Carol!

Lynn B said...

Hi Carol,

Such a wonderful post, the ornaments, the table decorations, everything is simply wonderful! You inspire me to make Christmas ornaments everytime I visit! Lol....

Irene said...

May è il mio preferito!! Wow, che parade, spero anch'io di farne così tanti l'anno prossimo!

valerie said...

Oh my goodness! So much wonderful stuff in one post! Love the ornies reveal. I think my favorite is the 2014 PS Santa...I like that he is singing! Your table for Thanksgiving is gorgeous as is the flower arrangement honoring your dad. It's great that the boys made the appetizers and all your homemade cookies look scrumptious. It's amazing that the year has flown by and that the end is near. I try to make it slow down but it just wont! I hope that you are holding up ok. I can imagine how hard it must be. Take the time you need and don't worry about deadlines. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas,, T and the boys. *hugs*

Kaisievic said...

Carol, such gorgeous Christmas ornaments and they looks so good on the garland along the banister. Too hard to choose a favourite, I think. Your Thanksgiving table and baking looks fabulous. Well done to your boys. Yes, this time of year is hard when you have lost a loved one but time does ease the pain. I cannot believe that it one year and nearly one month since my dear mother passed away. Take care, my dear friend and Merry Christmas to you and your family. Kaye xoxoxo

P.S. You have been such a prolific stitcher this year. Well done!

Nancy M said...

Another great year of your parade of ornaments! The very first one, the January snowman is my favorite! I actually finished 3 this year! Your Thanksgiving table looks so warm and inviting. What a pretty centerpiece you had. The holidays will be different for all of us this year. We will get through it, but hopefully there are better days ahead.merry Christmas .

Krista said...

Hi Carol, I am finally catching up on the blogworld. I don't know where the days and weeks go sometimes! I appreciate you visiting my blog too. I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your father. Your post about your father was so touching. I lost my Dad almost four years ago. It is so very hard, but I hope the wonderful memories you have will bring you smiles and comfort to your heart. I love all of your holiday decorations. You do such amazing finishes. I hope next year to try some 'real' finishing LOL. Each one is so special but I think the Joy with the bluebird is so sweet. Bluebirds hold a special meaning to me. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Kay said...

All your finishes are beautiful!!!!! Love the garland displaying all your beautiful finishes!! Your Thanksgiving day looked beautiful, from the table settings to all the yummy treats! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Karoline said...

Your ornaments are all gorgeous and it sounds like you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving

Anne said...

Love love love your parade of ornaments Carol! Your house is beautiful and full of Christmas! Hard to pick a favourite finish though...they are all exquisitely finished!! Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and the boys put on a good spread! Look at those cookies! I'm sure they've been tucked into by now. Off to look at your new post! Hugs!

Sweet Sue said...

Happy New Year Sweet Friend! Am pretty sure I'm in ♥ with your new corner cabinets, beautiful ~ lucky girl:)