Monday, September 15, 2014

Autumn creeps in...

Good morning, everyone! Can you believe September is half over? It certainly feels like autumn has arrived here in western Pennsylvania--I actually had to break down and turn on the heat yesterday as it was a frigid 40° when I woke up. Does anyone else feel ready for the cooler weather and then the inevitability of winter? Not me--after a cool, rainy summer, it just doesn't seem quite right! With fall comes more work for me as we are open once again on Sundays as well as Saturdays at the library and, this month, I somehow ended up working three of those weekend days. And you know what that translates into--less stitching time. 

As the days get shorter and the air crisps up,  my mind naturally turns to fall stitching--acorns, pumpkins, leaves, and all of those wonderfully muted colors that bring autumn to mind. I have a couple of new finishes to share today which I truly relished working on. First, is this Homespun Elegance design from an older chart called "Birds and Bees." I used the suggested DMC colors and stitched this one on 40 ct. raw natural Newcastle. And surprise, surprise--see that sunflower center? It is filled with French knots--I did it!! I have always struggled with them, but they turned out so well this time--not sure what I was doing differently. The outside petals are simply long, yellow stitches and there are more French knots in the small yellow flowers, too. I have never seen such a tiny bird looking up at the giant crow (or is it an insect of some sort?). Anyway, I had a cute bee charm (is there such thing as a cute bee?) which I attached, too, and I'm very pleased with the overall look of the finish.

After digging through my drawers of fabrics, I found the perfect ones to finish this piece off. I really love the colors in this little pillow--perfect for a fall finish, don't you think?

Homespun Elegance "Birds & Bees" finish

So, I have a nice new addition to my crow themed display on my kitchen sideboard. I took this photo in a rare moment of morning sunshine which streamed through our window yesterday.

Crows have invaded my kitchen!

Does anyone notice another new addition to my crow display? Well, just look at this cute painted wooden bowl that I found earlier this summer. Isn't it perfect?! I was so excited--and it was a mere $3.99! It is small and only holds three of my little finishes, but it adds such a nice touch to the display (which my sons hate, by the way: "Crows??? Come on, mom!"). Oh well, each to his/her own--right?

My second finish was sent to my long-time blogging friend, Myra, for her upcoming birthday. I know she loves fall, so I thought this old Prairie Schooler design would be perfect for her. The "Crow and Pumpkin" design is from the PS "Acorns" booklet No. 65 and was stitched over one on 28 ct. summer khaki cashel linen with the suggested DMC threads. I did add more winding vines along the side to turn it into more of a round shape for the final finish.

To finish it off, I used one of the metal plates that I used for the patriotic piece that I showed you in this post, except this time I used a gold one. I just love how it turned out and Myra seemed very happy with it as well! I think I may have to stitch a second one of these for myself. I wish you the happiest of birthdays, Myra, and a happy, healthy year ahead!

Here is another shot of the whole thing...

Prairie Schooler "Crow and Pumpkin" finish

I continue to pull out older stitched pieces from my "drawer of unfinished finishes" and finish them off one-at-a-time. Look what I found from 2009! This tiny "Tulip Sampler" designed by Rosewood Manor. It is very small--only 2¾ X 3½ inches and was once a freebie on the Rosewood Manor website, but isn't available any longer. (That is why I always advise printing off freebies as soon as you see them (or saving them to your computer) because designers don't keep them up on their websites forever). I backed it with the pretty blue and gold fabric shown behind it and love how well it coordinates with the colors in the design. A simple blue cording finishes it off. Yay--another older stitching is out of storage and on display!

Rosewood Manor "Tulip Sampler" finish

As you all know, I am a Prairie Schooler lover from way back--but of the older designs. If I want to totally de-stress and feel complete relaxation, all I need to do is pull out a Prairie Schooler piece and start stitching. The simple, yet comforting designs just slow me down and seem to take away my worries--for at least a little while. Well, I was lucky enough to win one of the older Prairie Schooler designs, "Garden Beasties" in a wonderful giveaway from a newer blogger, Frances, at A Symphony of Stitches. Isn't it cute--I can't wait to stitch the little beehive in the upper left corner. And sweet Frances included a lovely supply of seasonal fabrics as an extra surprise. She knows I'll be using them--they are one of my favorite things to receive even though I have acquired a wonderful stash of finishing fabrics through the years. You can never have too much fabric, can you? If you haven't discovered Frances's lovely blog yet--please stop in and say "hello!" And, Frances--thank you again for your wonderful giveaway. I'm thrilled to add to my PS collection!

Giveaway win from Frances

You all remember our great garden disaster earlier this year--when that roving gang of neighborhood groundhogs invaded and ate everything in sight? We've had little to no produce this year because of it--not even one single zucchini! I actually had to go purchase a zucchini to make this new recipe that I found online--I haven't purchased a zucchini in my entire life, I don't think! But, oh, what a great recipe this is--Zucchini Brownies. I made them when two of my sons came for Sunday dinner and they were a big hit. It seems like a very odd recipe--the batter seems very dry when you spread it in the pan because there are no eggs. I thought there was no way these would turn out because the batter seemed so dry! But, apparently, the zucchini provides the moisture and these were just delightfully gooey and moist when we tried them. (And the chocolate frosting doesn't hurt either!)...

Zucchini Brownies--moist and delicious!

I hate to admit how many of these brownies I ate (just had to "even them up" in the pan, you know--do you do that?)... And this is the last thing I should be doing since my exercise time is still greatly diminished due to my heel pain from plantar fasciitis. My foot was doing pretty well until I went to the 8th annual Steel City Big Pour (on September 6th) which is a huge beer tasting event held in a large warehouse; yes a warehouse, with hard, cold concrete floors... Floors on which I stood for three hours and, afterward, could barely limp to my car. Will my foot ever get better? I know many of you have told me it can take up to a year and I'm only going on 4 months now, so I need to be patient. But, it's really getting hard--I love to exercise and to walk on my treadmill and am really missing it so much! 

You may ask what I was doing at a beer-tasting event when I don't even like the taste (or smell!) of beer? Well, my dear husband convinced me to be the "designated driver" for him, my brother-in-law, nephew, and one of my oldest son's friends. We met my older sons there and a few of my husband's bike-riding buddies and had a great time. But, what did I drink? Why some tasty homemade root beer, of course! And the food samples were incredible--many local restaurants and stores went out of their way to show us their best dishes and they didn't disappoint. If not for my heel pain, it would have been a great time all around!

In spite of most of our vegetables being eaten by the groundhog and the lack of sunshine and warmth this summer, we do have a few gourds and squash and some lovely flowers (along with a beautiful winged visitor or two) in our garden this fall. It is definitely nice to look out and still see some spots of color in the landscape because, soon enough, it will be covered with frost and then that inevitable blanket of snow. I've heard the winter forecast is calling for lots of snow and cold temperatures here in the northern states... Are you ready???? Sigh... Here we go again! 

 Autumn garden ~ 2014

And that wraps up another long post from me! I thank those of you who have stuck with me this far--and I truly appreciate all of your lovely comments and emails. I'm so thankful of your friendships and the support you have given "Stitching Dreams" through the years. You make me want to keep stitching and finishing and I'm always happy to hear from those of you who say my stitching posts have provided you with inspiration.  Enjoy your week, my friends! Bye for now...


Annie said...

Your HE piece is adorable and congrats on the French Knots. I always struggle with those. Nice addition to your stitchy crow collection and such a cute wooden crow box! Love your PS and Rosewood Manor finishes too. I think I have that Rosewood Manor freebie somewhere. You've awakened my interest in it.

I love any baked goods with zucchini in them. Makes things moist!

Hope that foot perks up soon. These things can go on.

The Queen Bee said...

Sorry your heel is still a problem. Luckily that doesn't spoil stitching! Such nice fall pieces. I like the primitive look of your display. Now that the pool is closed and the back yard looks like fall I guess I need to unpack my fall decorations.


Kristin said...

Carol, lovely finishes as always. I am amazed by all the different ways that you finish things. Your brownies look delicious. Several years ago my family had a backyard garden and my mom put 4 zucchini plants in. After that harvest we had zucchini in everything from chocolate chip cookies to bread and even pancakes, casseroles and spaghetti just about anything that you can think of. I think that even one of us had zucchini in a birthday cake. I loved it!

Kate said...

Beautiful finishes, Carol.
Your weather and the winter forecast sounds much like ours ... very disappointing but we soldier on. :)

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

WOW! You have been super busy and productive and all your finishes are beautiful. Fall with all its beautiful colors is make all the more special with your skilled stitching and finishing.

Fall is slowly coming to the South--am ready for cooler temps and some color

Berit said...

Carol, your first paragraph sums up my "fall anticipation" perfectly. I've heard snatches of doom-full prognostications similar to the "Cold Winter" forecast you share in closing. For a handful of reasons I won't enumerate, I REALLY HOPE IT ISN'T TRUE! I feel a little fear or panic building up about it, so I'll be putting some energy into releasing that. :)

Very nice finish on your classic HE! It really makes it! I LOVED seeing your gift for Myra. I also think of her as a very special friend, so it makes me very happy to hear her mentioned and see the just-perfect-for-her gift you made. I thought, "Oh, it's SO Myra!!!" :D

Your garden gourds are too cute! We went to an apple orchard yesterday and hiked trails in a nearby state park. You couldn't pick apples, but you could pick your own pumpkins!!! I saw my first "pumpkin patch" in person in my life. It was overwhelming. Some of our party love puns, so I told them it was "Gourd-geous". The apple cider, which we could watch them press, was too tasty to mull. Cool, sweet, fresh--is that a hint of the leaf flavor? I want to go back!

Mii Stitch said...

I do love reading your lovely posts :) Beautiful stitching and finishes, as always... and yummy food too!

Vickie said...

Look at you mastering those french knots! ;)
So glad you finished off that Rosewood Manor piece. It is wonderful.
Wow! NO zucchini! Now that shows how much those critters ate.
I am sorry to hear your foot still plagues you with pain.

Michelle said...

Oh my now that's my kind of stitching - I love everything. I too am welcoming Autumn here in the UK xx

priscilla said...

Love all your crows Carol ! That bowl is perfect :) So sorry about your foot! I had never seen the Prairie Schooler chart you won ..Can't wait to see your stitching from it ! Pretty flowers.. not looking forward to not seeing my flowers either ! Have a great week ..hopefully filled with lots of Prairie Schooler stitching :)

Danielle A said...

I went to the Big Pour too! Which session did you go to? My husband & I usually go to the first one, it's a little more relaxed than the second one. :) I was also the DD, because I like you don't really enjoy beer. One of my co-workers makes beer and was there with the TRASH brewers which was nice to chat with while we were there too. And so much good food!

Also, I like the crow bowl! It's a great little display!

Barb said...

Your stitching and your finishes are just exquisite! I am always so impressed with your beautiful work. You always seem to find the perfect fabric to highlight your pieces and your cording is done so well. You truly do inspire all of us, I think.

That wooden bowl with the crow on it is perfect! Don't you just love it when you come across a find like that (and at such a great price!)? Love your crows (no matter what your sons say :-)!!

Take care of that foot - I do hope it gets better soon.

Thanks for sharing with us - we love your blog!

Hilda said...

Dear Carol,
such an amazing Autumn-post!
I love your finishes (of course). When I see them, I really want to start stitching for Autumn immediately. Only one of your stitchings I already did too: The "Pumpkin & Crow" of TPS. It is waiting in my "unfinished finishes"-drawer.
Yours is so beautiful. Stitched over one! And on this golden plate it really turns out wonderfully!

Although summer was really very very short this year, I surprisingly do not mind that the days are already shorter and Autumn is around. That allows me staying inside and do some stitching and sewing instead of going on building my new garden.

Dear Carol, I really hope your heel pain will get much better soon.
Have a nice September week (with many sunny and warmer days)

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the post. Themed displays of stitched items almost always look good. You've done a particularly good job with your crow display. Thanks for keeping the blog interesting.

Robin in Virginia said...

It is always a great way to start the day by seeing a new post from you, Carol. Love your fall finish and your crow display! And the piece you created for Myra is fabulous. Your Rosewood Manor finish is lovely and you are so right about either printing or saving a complimentary design.

Enjoy your week!

Robin in Virginia

Margaret said...

Such lovely stitching and finishing as always! I love Prairie Schooler too. Such a lovely giveaway you won! Sorry your plantar fascitis is still hurting so much. Such a bummer! Love your garden. Looks like despite the groundhog, it gave you pretty color and loveliness!

Anonymous said...

Hello Carol

Gorgeous finishes, glad you mastered the FK! I love doing them (:
The crow bowl is perfect!
Delicious bakes too.
Hope your pain gets better soon.
Happy stitching (:

The Inspired Stitcher said...

I love your new finishes. I need to get in my "to finish" box and see what's lurking in there too. I'm not looking forward to the cold weather either. I'm still waiting for summer to get here. LOL! Have a good week.

Mary Ann said...

Another wonderful post, Carol, with such lovely finishes!! I really love your crow display!

We have had a little taste of Autumn here, too, but we will still have some hot weather down here before the season changes for good.

I hope the plantar fasciitis is better soon, so that you can be pain free.

Melissa said...

Beautiful, beautiful stitching! Love the crow display and you made a wonderful gift for Myra!

It's nice to see the flowers and the gourds in your garden. At least something survived!

Have a good week, Carol!

Ranae said...

Beautiful inspiring blog, as always
I love your crow collection, I have some too, hobby lobby has some neat ones I have bought over the years
Beautiful finishes, I bet Myra is over the moon
Happy fall!!

Melody said...

Hi Carol. Another great post! I love your crow display and newest addition. Also the older freebie you finished up is very pretty as well!

Congrats on winning the PS chart. I have that one and have stitched four pieces from that chart. For me, my finish was pretty inspired, I cut 4 of them in circles and blanket stitched them onto a green checked homespun towel. So, I sometimes use it as a table topper.

I'm sorry you are still suffering from the heel pain. Not fun at all.

Let's hope we have a nice long Fall, I'm not ready for Winter yet either!

Lynda Harrison said...

Hello Carol!

So sorry to hear your foot is still troublesome - I really do hope it improves soon.
Your stitching is perfectly beautiful - and always such a treat to see - very inspiring too!
Again, I am sorry not to have replied to you yet - it's been so busy here with the garden - beans and tomatoes at the moment, and before that, lots of jam making!
I love your photo's too!
Will write soon - take care of yourself,
With love,

Shelly said...

I'm glad you have long posts Carol! I love 'em. Two years ago I lost my entire zucchini crop to squash bugs. They even went after my sunflowers. Horrible little things. Tulip Sampler is so pretty. You're right about printing out freebies. Other than the foot problem, the beer tasting event sounded fun. When you're hurting, it's hard to enjoy yourself. Hope your heel heals faster! Your flowers are gorgeous.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Good looking out and finding the bowl for the crow display! The Rosewood Manor Tulip piece is so colorful - adorable! Congrats on the win - sent me searching :-). The Big Pour sounds like a good time for everyone - they had to have something for the non-drinkers. I've heard that we will have a winter just as bad if not worse than last year. Good thing I like the fall/winter seasons.

cucki said...

Beautiful finishes my dear..they all so cute..
I hope your foot get well soon too ..sending you big hugs xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful inspiring blog, as always
I love your crow collection

marly said...

I love the latest crow and that black print fabric and Myra's gift finish is perfect. Yes we were cheated out of summer and I am as unhappy as you are about the current chill. Thanks for the brownie link. I make a chocolate bundt cake with zucchini that we love but I will definitely try the brownies. Stay warm!!

LoriU said...

Love the crows and pumpkins!! I am a true lover of Fall though! LOL

Sorry your foot is still not good. Be sure and ice it regularly, that seems to help. And good supportive shoes...NO flip flops!!

Tricia said...

So many things to comment on! Wonderful stitching... yummy looking brownies - must have DD make some... and I'm SO sorry about your foot. Sometimes the seeming "neverendingness" of the healing process can be wearing. :( {Hugs!}

Jackie's Stitches said...

I don't think I've ever made a single decent french knot. I'm hoping what happened to you will happen to me one day and they'll just work!

Love your finishes in this post. I couldn't pick a favorite if you paid me. The crows are precious and the wooden bowl is adorable. What do boys know anyways? The gift to Myra is just lovely - you know I love that finish. The tulips are just adorable too. Like I said, I couldn't pick a favorite. Couldn't happen.

Try out a brand of shoes called Orthaheel. They've really helped me this past year. I have a pair of the slippers too and they give me the most relief when it's been a painful day. Not the most fashion forward but I didn't really care!

Sherri said...

As always, your stitching and finishing are superb! I am no fan of a cold, bitter winter. IF that is to be the case, there should be a lot of stitching inspiration on the blogs. Hopefully, your foot will be better by then.

Mini Addictions said...

Hi Carol,
You have created some beautiful festive pieces. I must admit that I like crows as well. They are very intelligent. Thank you for the referral to Frances' blog. I will pop over there and check it out. Thank you for the recipe too..I will try them and not tell my husband about the zucchini. He hates vegetables so I have to sneak them in his food. ;-)
Have a great week,

Krista said...

Wow! Love, love, love all your crows! :) Perfect for Fall! Thanks for the zucchini brownies recipe, will have to try them since I love zucchini. Enjoy the week, Carol!

Judy said...

Hi Carol. Lovely post..put a little sunshine in this very gloomy, rainy day! Your stitching and finishing is exquisite. Crows, really? Yes, they are perfect for the season..doesn't mean we actually "like" living crows. The display is perfect and the little bowl just completes it. Another little tin finish which is too cute!

The brownies look yummy. Will there be less calories with zucchini?

I cannot believe how quickly the little bit of summer we had has turned to even cooler temps. I so am not ready for winter, so hope we have a long fall.

I'm sorry your heel is still causing you pain. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Until next time...happy early fall!

Judy Heartland stitcher

Nancy M said...

Your creative finishes are very inspiring. Those little plates make great finishes and had I seen them, I would never had thought that. I really don't want to talk about winter, I've had the furnace on twice already. And I hate the predictions I've seen. I did make soup for dinner to tonight and fall is in the air for sure. We didn't have a garden this year and it seems like a good decision, since our state seems to be plagued with some tomato blight. I haven't bought any for salsa or canning though either. With our remodel job I have more tables for setting out some smalls, and I love seeing yours so cutely displayed but I never quite seem to get there!

Barb said...

Good for you doing all those French knots! All your finishes are as wonderful as ever. Boys just don't get some things. When I told my son that his sister often comments on my blog he rolled his eyes big time and said,"Why doesn't she just call you!!??" I love your crow grouping and the bowl. We have many of them out here. I love all the different calls they make!

Pam in IL said...

Your stitching is just so lovely! You have such a skill for finding the perfect fabrics for finishing too. I feel cheated out of summer and am in no way ready for winter. We had to turn our furnace on as it was only 37 the other morning. I've heard several different, conflicting winter forecasts. I vote for extended mild temps and then an early spring.

Kaisievic said...

Carol, I love a long post, having a tendency to write them myself! I loved seeing your finishes and your PS win and those brownies look absolutely delicious. Hang I there with the PF, it will correct itself, eventually! Hugs, Kaye

butterfly said...

Another wonderful post my friend .
Amazing crow display .
I always love every thing you stitch , you always inspire me.
Hope you are resting your heel .
Mine is not too bad at the moment.
Have a wonderful week .

BARBARA said...

Carol, I look forward to all your posts and seeing the beautiful sewing and finishing. I had the same foot problem but if you continue to stretch that tendon, it will slowly does take time :(

Anne said...

Lots to ooh and aah over Carol! You have been a busy bee with stitching. I adore the crow holding that you :D Your Autumn display is beautiful and that bowl is just perfect! Totally up my ally! I can't believe you found it and for so cheap too!! What's wrong with crows? They are the coolest birds ever. The Rosewood Manor freebie is so pretty. I make sure I save those freebies because I've noticed they disappear. I had to chuckle about the beer tasting event and how your hubby elected you to be the driver :D At least you got to taste some root beer. Lovely garden photos. Autumn is around the corner for us but we got really hot temperatures this week due to some high pressure ridge...I would rather it be cooler than 30 degrees hot! Hugs to you!

Andrea said...

Another wonderful post to saviour. I think yours is the only blog that I read all of the other lovely comments as they are just as interesting as your posts. Love the Autumn pieces and your display. A great addition to the household décor. The Rosewood Manor freebie is so pretty. I have learnt too, but now I can't remember where I have saved them if I don't have time to print them!
Have a good week, hope that foot starts to improve.

msmartello said...

Hi Carol,
I love your crow display. Crows are cuter when they are stitched. I also love the gift you made for Myra. Where did you say you got those ornaments? They are fabulous. I am not ready for a cold winter again. Last year was bad enough. I'd go crazy if I didn't have my stitching to keep me sane. Hope your foot feels better.
Take Care

Anonymous said...

Your stitching and finishing is stunning, you are totally a professional!! I only wish I was that good!!
Wow lots of comments!!

stitchersanon said...

Our Autumn seems to get here a little later in Ireland..thankfully because I am just not ready for winter yet. However, your post has reminded me how beautiful the colours seem in this I will start watching the leaves to see if they are ready to change yet!

Robin said...

There is so much I dont know where to start! Your finishes are fab. Sorry your foot still hurts but yes it may take up to a year. I have two friends with the same thing. Your present to Myra is awesome. Your additions to your kitchen crow display are great. And boys have cooties anyway so who cares if you like crows!

Cindy's Stitching said...

The display looks great. How nice you found a bowl that fits just perfect. I am never ready for the cold. I can imagine how you feel. Bahhhh to winter. I am always the designated diver, I really dont drink either Carol. How nice you did that for all the boys. I hope you foot starts to hear. Hugs to you.

Jennifer said...

Hi Carol - I just found your blog through feedly and love seeing all your finishes! I am working on doing some of my own finishing for the first time and really enjoying it and I am a quilter too, so have plenty of fabric to choose from! Look forward to seeing more of what you make and finish!

Linda said...

Gorgeous stitching and finishing as always Carol.


Julie M said...

Lovely finishes! The garden pics are beautiful, sorry about the zucchini.

Beth said...

Carol - Far better to have crows in your kitchen than in your garden! Though I guess the groundhogs took care of your garden for you this year! I always admire your stitching and finishing. I have PS "Garden Beasties" and stitched the beehive this spring. You'll enjoy it!

Elizabeth Ann said...

Love your tin plate finishing! Sooo cute. I don't see any Christmas ornaments though.............. Brownies and flowers won't cover up the missing pictures....
Its hot here again, 90 and the evenings are perfect for walking, hope your foot gets better soon!

Christine said...

Your new finishes are adorable and I love your little slice of "crow land" in the corner! Great job!

Wanda said...

I am always so thrilled to see a post from you Carol! I am so sorry your foot continues to be painful. It will get better but the process is definitely slow.
What a beautiful finish for HE Birds and Bees! I love your crow display and your lovely new bowl! The PS Crow and Pumpkin is so cute and the Tulip Sampler is adorable! I love to see how you finish your pieces. I have to confess I have had my friend finish most of mine but I am determined to be braver and finish some of my own.
The Zucchini brownies look and sound delicious - I think I will have to give them a try!
Happy stitching and hugs to you.

Lillie said...

Lovely stitching and beautiful finishing. Brownies look delicious.

Sorry to read about your foot. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Kay said...

Beautiful finishes as always! It has been cooler here in Ohio as well. The last week our heater has been on at bedtime because of how cold it is. Have a good weekend ahead and happy stitching!

Irene said...

I tuoi lavori sono bellissimi complimenti


wonderful post stitching is adorable super.. great works.. very lovely great colors.. your gallery is just very nice .graphics are very nice . your website it just super. best of luck . do come visit me some time. that goes to everybody who see this. WE.HOBBIESANDCRAFTS.NET. and please sign my guestbook at the bottom of my webpage to let me know you came to see me do send your very good friends ( thank you ) it good to meet new friends. love a beautiful thing.

valerie said...

Carol, I never knew you were such a crow fanatic! We have a few in my neighborhood and they are so noisy! Love your fall display and that gift for Myra is very creative. Hope you stay warm during this change in temperature. It's still quite nice here but you can tell that the days are getting shorter. I owe you an email. It's been a hard couple of months but there is still more good than bad. I'll try to catch you up this weekend since I actually have some downtime. *hugs*

Karoline said...

Gorgeous finishes, congratulations. I love your Autumn display

Christina said...

Love your sons' reaction to your crow display - lol. I think, with being the only lady in the house, you must get a lot of gentle I right?! Although I feel sure you give some back too! ;0)
The brownies look sooooo delicious. And surely with zucchini in the ingredients, they count towards our daily requirement of 5 fruit/veg?! :0)

Coccinelle Creative said...

One word: GREAT !! Your blogs, your photos and creaioni !! soon, congratulations and good start to the week !!

Melanie said...

My heat kicked in last week one night! No shame in it when your thermostat is set to 60 degrees like mine is. I mean, COME ON. I draw the line at a household temperature below that.

Lovely new finishes! I always appreciate a bee theme (we just harvested honey the other day, matter of fact) and these plate finishes are so durn cute I don't even know what to say about them.

I'm sorry to hear about your foot. That is frustrating. Grrrr. I don't even like the smell of beer so that festival definitely isn't for me. Definitely sounds like fun for others though. :)

Natasha said...

Such a wonderful Autum post. I love your crow collection even though in real life I don't care for them when ever I see them I think of the movie THE BIRDS :)

I love the finish you did for Myra, looks great.

Elia said...

Wowww Beautiful finishes, my Friend !!
Your present to Myra is awesome ^^
and all this post is son wonderful, like all you made ;)

happy Fall, here is raining ...
hugs and happy stitching!


Sally said...

You have some great finishes there Carol. Love your crow display.
Love your gift for Myra and your win from Frances is wonderful.

Enjoy Autumn. We're supposed to get a heatwave next month! I'm hoping not!

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Gorgeous finishes, Carol! I love all your autumn designs!

Preeti said...

Hi Carol,
Nice to visit your blog and your stitched pieces look lovely:) I liked your kitchen counter, it's nicely decorated. My kitchen counter is usually filled up with to do tasks which sometimes take days to clear.
I have been suffering from plantar fasciitis for the past 4 years. It doesn't go off totally. Did you try this sock @ ? It helped me a lot reducing the pain. Much easier than using splints. I used them for a month every night and sometimes afternoon when I sat for a long time stitching or reading. You can also try on one leg at a time. I felt the difference in few days else it was very difficult for me to put my leg on the floor every morning.

Preeti said...

Hi Carol,
Nice to visit your blog and your stitched pieces look lovely:) I liked your kitchen counter, it's nicely decorated. My kitchen counter is usually filled up with to do tasks which sometimes take days to clear.
I have been suffering from plantar fasciitis for the past 4 years. It doesn't go off totally. Did you try this sock @ ? It helped me a lot reducing the pain. Much easier than using splints. I used them for a month every night and sometimes afternoon when I sat for a long time stitching or reading. You can also try on one leg at a time. I felt the difference in few days else it was very difficult for me to put my leg on the floor every morning.

Brigitte said...

Hmmm, I'm always ready for cool weather but I'm never ready for winter. I would love to live somewhere without snow but no such luck, lol.

So great to see all the eye candy in this post. Wonderful stitching, Carol. I am also stitching a HE piece at the moment which asks for French knots too, but I decided not to do them all, just some of them. Your French knots really look great. Mine won't, lol.