Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012 Christmas Ornament Finishes

And they're finished--the 2012 ornaments, that is! Not much else is done here in the way of Christmas (I can hear you all gasping!)... Nope, no cards have been sent, the tree still isn't decorated, and only two gifts for my sons have been purchased--I think I may be staying up all night next week trying to get everything finished. But, at least my ornaments are done :) I so enjoyed stitching and finishing these little cuties. I love every single ornament that I've done this year--they are all very different, but each one was a joy to stitch.

So, without further are my final three ornaments for 2012... an elf, two angels, and two Santas: 

October, November, December 2012 ornaments

Would you like to see how I ended up finishing them? I sure hope so...

For October, I stitched an "oldie, but goodie" design by Homespun Elegance called "Santas and Feathertree." It can be found in the booklet "Cinnamon Stick Christmas VI which is chock-full of adorable designs. This one is stitched on 40 ct. raw natural Newcastle linen with DMC threads. I did change the colors of the red and green and also made the birds a gold color rather than the suggested blue. Finally, I added a little gold star at the top of the tree. I kept the finishing simple by adding just a green cording and a few gold jingle bells.
 "Santas and Feathertree" by Homespun Elegance

November's ornament is by The Trilogy and is called "Gifts Galore." It is part of the "Domes of Yule" series which can be stitched together or as individual ornaments. This was stitched on 32 ct. lambswool linen with an assortment of DMC and overdyed threads. They're a bit hard to see, but there are tiny gold beads accenting the tree next to the elf. Did I ever tell you I have a "thing" for elves and gnomes? Just love the little creatures to pieces! Since this is such a "fun" piece, I added a polka dot fabric into the finishing and I really love how it turned out. After all, who doesn't love polka dots?

"Gifts Galore" by The Trilogy

My final ornament of 2012 was designed by my friend, the very talented Vinniey, over at  Cottage Garden Samplings. The first time I saw this darling piece, I knew I just had to stitch it! How sweet are those little angels with the five golden rings? I just love how Vinniey combined the gold beads with the stitching on the rings to give them a dimensional look. And that gold beaded chain--genius! I stitched this ornament over one on 28 ct. black Monaco with DMC and overdyed threads, ruched some sage green satin ribbon and added some gold beads in the middle of the bow. I think this may just be my very favorite ornament finish of the year!
"Five Golden Rings" by Cottage Garden Samplings

So, on to the annual "parade of ornaments" for 2012... I traditionally display them on the garland going up my stairs and if you'd like to see past years, you can see the 2011 display by clicking here and the 2010 display by clicking here. I'll have to admit, I'm so excited when I see them all lined up at the end of each year! (You can click on the photos to enlarge them).

 Monthly Christmas ornaments: 2012

2012 monthly ornaments: January ~ March

2012 monthly ornaments: April ~ June

2012 monthly ornaments: July ~ September

2012 monthly ornaments:  October ~ December

Do you have a favorite? I'd love to hear which one you like best...I keep wondering when I'll stop stitching an ornament a month, but for now, there is no end in sight. I do hope my sons will treasure my stitched ornament collection some day (probably not, but perhaps they'll be married by then and their wives might!). Each one is created with a lot of love and effort and I hope someone will think they're special in years to come...

Update on my oldest son's jaw surgery... OK, yes, this is a skull--not exactly Christmasy, is it? I've put it here to show you what had to be cut in the extensive surgery that my son went through last week. This was major surgery--almost six hours long where the doctors had to saw his jaw in half, remove some bone, and then realign it so he would finally, for the first time in twelve years, be able to bite properly. He developed a condition known as an "open bite" in his late teens in which none of his teeth met except the very back molars and he kept putting off the surgery until now. Luckily, it was successful, and although he is still in a great deal of pain, the worst is behind him. All of the areas you see with pins in them were cut and sawed--across and under the nose and on each side of the face in the jaw bone--can you imagine!! They didn't have to do anything to his chin, thank goodness, as it was fine.

My son is on an all liquid diet for a while now which gets old very quickly. But last night, as a special treat, I made him lasagna which we ran through the blender. Sounds yukky, doesn't it, but to him, it tasted delicious after all those sweet nutritional drinks he'd been having. I asked him what food he would first choose to eat when he was given the all-clear from his doctor to begin chewing and he said "pizza!" If all goes well, he'll actually be able to bite down on a slice normally. Such a simple thing that most of us take for granted...But, for him it will be the first time in a dozen years that he'll be able to eat normally. Anyway, he's living with us for the rest of the year and we're really enjoying his company. In fact, I think I may just ask him to decorate the tree for me (or address Christmas cards, or do a bit of online shopping for his brothers' gifts!).

I want to thank you all for your comments, prayers, and emails regarding his surgery. It was very scary for all of us and he has a long way to go (the numbness often doesn't subside for six months or more!), but I so appreciate all of your caring thoughts. As I've said many times--stitching friends are the best!  I plan to be back next week with a post of my (hopefully) decorated tree and a reveal of  Christmas gifts sent by so many of you sweet friends... Until then--happy cookie baking / cookie eating / tree decorating / card writing / gift buying / gift wrapping / caroling, and hopefully, a bit of happy stitching time thrown in for good measure! Bye for now...


  1. Oh Carol! Who needs a tree when you have that spectacular garland on your staircase? The variety and finishing choices holds your attention and rightly so! Just wonderful. Ouch on the surgery, yay on the results.

  2. Oh Carol! First - your stitching finishes are beautiful. I'm not sure which is my favorite - but I think it's the April snowman. : ) Now, about your son. OUCH!! You are such a good mom to take care of him while he recovers. It has to hurt you almost as much as him - I always feel so badly when my kids are hurting!!

    Take care and Merry Christmas!!!!


  3. I'm so glad his surgery went well! I had my top jaw cut & realigned when I was in high school - jaw wired shut, etc., I can't imagine the bottom too! BTW, watered-down chocolate pudding tastes amazing!! LOL

    Your ornies look fantastic!

  4. So glad to hear that the surgery went well for your son, Carol. I can imagine it was hard during those hours he was actually undergoing the procedure! Sending prayers afford a speedy recovery and that first bite of pizza!
    As always, it is such a treat to see your finishes! I don't think I could pick a favorite! Have a wonderful
    Christmas season!!

  5. So glad to hear the very scary surgery was successful. Sounds like a long, slow recovery too. Oh but I do like your 12 monthly holiday stitches. Could you refresh my memory as to the details (designers) for Feb and March - I really like those 2 designs...and all your amazing finishes!

  6. Your ornaments are beautiful. I'm happy to hear your son's surgery was a success. May he heal quickly. What an ordeal.

  7. Your ornaments are wonderful. I just love the Cheer ornament.

    Ouch, I'm sorry your son had to endure such a painful sugery. Prayers being said that he has a speedy recovery.

  8. Glad to hear that your son's surgery is over and he is on the road to recovery!

    Your 2012 ornaments are fabulous, Carol! It is so hard to pick a favorite. Hmmmm...maybe put the gifts under the garland!

    Robin in Virginia

  9. Carol, You have just had your priorities in the right place. All the Christmas fluff can be skipped , that is trees, cards etc. If I can get to church on Christmas Eve, I'm happy. All the rest is just extra to me. Lots of fun, but extra. I have kept your son in my prayers and am so happy to hear that he is doing well.
    I have decided to give you my unofficial award, " The Queen of Finishing" your ornaments are just amazing. I will be looking back at the other years. What a beautiful decoration for your garland! Just relax and enjoy the season with your family!

  10. Wonderful ornaments! Too hard to pick a favorite. I love the garland on the railing and maybe someday I will do that. Right now Stella would eat the ornies. Glad your son is doing better.

  11. I'm glad his surgery went fine and that he's able to convalesce with you to nurse him back to health.
    Your finishes look grand on your staircase. Congratulations on all the finishes. Perhaps my favorite is that red and white one from September.
    Merry Christmas dear friend and enjoy your Holidays. Jane

  12. Your finishing and stitching is simply gorgeous. Love all your ornaments.
    Glad to hear your son's surgery went fine and hope he will recover as fast as possible. Pain in the bones are no fun :(

  13. Your ornament finishes are lovely Carol. I did the ornament-a-month thing this year and plan to continue on for a long time as I have a large stash waiting on me!

    What an extensive surgery that was, I have never heard of that condition before. Thankfully he has made it through the worst I hope and so glad he can be with you at home to care for him. Some days it seems you will never feel better but each day gets you a step closer to full recovery. My best wishes for him and all of you this holiday season! I look forward to another great year of stitching. :)

  14. Wonderful designs and your finishes of them are beautiful! Love how you hung them in the greenery on the ballister. Merry Christmas! :)

  15. I cannot imagine the surgery your son went through.....he's a tough young man to deal with such pain and misery, but has his mom to cater to him! Your ornamental are favorite "five golden rings".....your finishings are wonderful!

  16. Hi Carol,
    I'm glad for you and your son that the surgery is over and done with and that he can start healing. As you said we all take for granted being able to chew normally ...
    As for your ornaments ... wow! You've made so many of them this year and it's an inspiration to me seing all those different kinds of finishing.
    This year I've stitched my first five but I hope to have a staircase like yours in the next couple of years! ;-)
    Have a nice weekend.

  17. So pleased your son's surgery went well. Hope he continues to get better. Your ornaments are gorgeous. I think I like August and April's ornaments the best but they are all stunning. Look forward to seeing your decorated tree.

  18. Wonderful Ornaments.The garland is beautiful! Good to hear that your son's surgery is done and he can healing.
    Wait for the picture of your tree!

  19. gosh .. eye candy and lots of it ... love how you have displayed yours ... may have to borrow that idea as my staircase is similar
    and choose a favourite !!!! eeek sorry they are all sooo lovely ..
    glad to hear DS is on the mend after his surgery and I hope he enjoys his pizza when he can eat it too :)
    have a wonderful Christmas and you will get everything done :) love mouse xxxxx

  20. gorgeous christmas decor carol..hope and pray that your son is getting better after the surgery and hope he can join everyone of you for the christmas dinner..

  21. gorgeous christmas decor carol..hope and pray that your son is getting better after the surgery and hope he can join everyone of you for the christmas dinner..

  22. Your ornaments are beautiful.
    I'm happy to hear your son's surgery was a success..
    love and hugs x

  23. All the ornaments are gorgeous, I particularly like June and December.
    Glad your son's surgery went well, hope he continues to recover quickly

  24. I am so pleased that the surgery went well for your son, I wish him a speedy recovery. It cannot have been easy for you, we worry so much for our children and want to take the pain for them.

    Your ornaments are beautiful and the garland on your stairs is a gorgeous way to display them.

  25. Such beautiful ornaments and I love the garland display going up the staircase! I think I like the February ornament the best - that reindeer is a handsome fellow and I love a 'long pillow' finish!

    So glad to hear that your son's surgery was a success and all the best for his recovery - he'll be fine with you taking care of him :)

    Enjoy all your other Christmas 'tasks' and have a wonderful festive season!

  26. Oh my gosh, Carol, my mouth was hanging open over the ornament pictures (you know I swoon every time I see that garland of yours!!) and then, the jaw surgery... Jiminy Crickets!! I am so glad that everything went well but am just horrified at what all had to be done. Poor guy! I hope he heals quickly and that the pain is manageable. All of your ornaments are fantastic, and really, I can't choose a favorite! I started to type that I loved the angel design and then I thought, no, the Homespun Elegance design, and yeah--they're all amazing!

  27. A favourite!! You've got to be kidding right, thats impossible!

    Merry Christmas dear friend.

  28. Your staircase looks fantastic, Carol ! My favourite ornament is 'Five golden rings', too.

    I hope your son will recover quickly.

    Merry Christmas, Carol!


  29. Hi Carol, your ornaments are beautiful! I love the staircase. this is adorable congratulations

    bonjour de Paris

  30. Who could possibly have a favorite - They are all perfectly beautiful !!!
    Merry Christmas ;)

  31. So glad to hear the the sugery went well. I hope that everyday finds him feeling better and getting the the pizza place soon.
    Your last 3 ornaments are wonderful. The finishing is so gorgeous. The ribbon on the angels is to die for.
    I think that my favorite this year is the candy canes, followed by anything with a snowman.
    I hope that you have a wonderful week filled with all those holiday traditions that make it the holiday!

  32. Your ornaments are all gorgeous, congratulations

    Glad to hear your sons surgery went well, I hope he has a speedy recovery.

  33. First of all I'm glad that the surgery went well with your son. It was a very delicate operation, how important it gradually return everything to normal and he is perfectly.
    I prayed for him these days, and I'm glad that everything turned out well.
    Regarding your work, you already know that I love, that of the angels is beautiful, very nice,
    your ladder is masterfully dressed and very pretty with your work.

    I liked it!

    kisses and good wishes of improvement and high spirits,

    warm hugs


  34. Super cute new ornaments. I love Vinniey's piece on the black Monaco.

    Your staircase is just fantastic. Needs to be featured in BHG or something!

    It's so good to hear that your son is on the mend. What an ordeal! And I believe he must have the best home health care in the world!

  35. Love your stair garland , Carol ! It is gorgeous ! My favorite ornament is September,and Jan. Feb. March :) they are all spectacular !
    Hope your son gets to eat soon ! He is so lucky to have a Mom like you to take care of him :)
    Not too much shopping done here , need to do it ALL next week ! Can't wait to see your tree ! Hope you get a chance to relax !Merry Christmas to your family !

  36. I think 5 Golden Rings is my favorite too. My eye just keeps going back to it. Your staircase is beautiful. I'm quite sure your boys will treasure your ornaments.

    Wow - your son sure has been through it. I hope he heals quickly and well and can eat pizza soon!

  37. Ouch! Your son's surgery sounds painful but the good thing is that it's behind him now. I'm just loving all those ornies displayed on the stair garland - absolutely goregously divine!!!!!! If I had to choose one favourite I'd pick the candy canes from May - it's stunning - but I love them all. You've made some fabulous keepsakes this year.

  38. Me again .... I forgot to say that I really like how you finished your five golden rings - it is beautiful!

  39. Oh Carol, what beautiful ornaments, I think my favorite is the fat snowman and crow, but a close second is the candy canes too. You've done a beautiful job.

    I'm glad you are enjoying your time with your son and his surgury went well. I know you are glad it's over with !

    Best wishes and Merry Christmas.

  40. Hi Carol! I am glad the surgery is over and successful. I am praying for him.♥
    My favorites are September and 5 Golden Rings. You do spectacular work.

  41. Wow, that was some surgery! Ugh. No wonder you were all stressed and worried about it! I'm so glad it was successful and now the recovery is going smoothly. My son had surgery on his neck once, and yes, even there, it took a while for the numbness to go away. So many tiny nerves in the face area. Best of everything for your son's recovery. I bet he's looking forward to eating normally for the first time in 12 years!

    Love all your ornaments! Wow! You're been stitching a xmas ornie a month for 3 years? So amazing! I think my favorite is the february one, just because I love traditional deer motifs, and that's a good one! But they're all wonderful! The two elves from the last three come close too!

    Good luck with all the Christmas buying and tree decorating and card writing etc!

  42. Ornaments are so so pretty, love the snowman the best and I love your header too. I just need a few more hours to stitch more! I'm so happy to hear your son is doing better, skelton is so scary with all those pins..... thank goodness all we had was a broken arm and foot to deal with! Merry Christmas!

  43. Hi Carol, my favorite ornaments (though I love them all) is March, September and December.

    So glad that you son is doing so well.

    Merry Christmas.

  44. Your ornaments are beautiful! What a wonderful way to display them!

    Praying for your son's recovery.

  45. Wow, call me inspired!!!! I got all my ornament issues out so next year I can decorate my stairs too :-). Absolutely gorgeous.

  46. I'm so glad your son's surgery went well - it sounds very scary, and you must be very relieved indeed. Best wishes for a speedy and smooth recovery.

    Your ornament display is absolutely gorgeous, well done.

  47. Love all those beautiful ornaments! I sill love the February one the best.

    That's quite an ordeal your son has been through including the past 12 years! I'm glad he's on the other side of it all now. It only gets better from here!

    Hugs to you all and I hope you have a great holiday together.

  48. I've very happy to read good news about your son
    I thought of him a lot 'cos I know by experience that face, tooth and jaws are very very painful =(
    it's really good to know that worst is behind now
    still a bit on patience and everything will be soon OK
    your stairs are WONDERFUL decorated this way
    what a very good idea !! each ornament is special and it's really difficult to have a favourite one !
    Tree, gifts and card scan wait a bit...most important is to take care of you and family
    big hugs

  49. Oh Boy Carol... I really like the Candy Canes but I also like the red Sleigh and the Five Golden rings... That's it, I can't decide which I like best. All of your 2012 ornaments are beautiful and I love your finishing!

  50. Oh my the ornaments are all wonderful! I think if I HAD to pick a favorite it would be the all red September one! But I love all the snowmen too! Too hard to choose.

    Glad your son is doing better. Hope he can enjoy the holidays!

    Take care

  51. Carol -- I'm so glad your son is doing better and is on the road to recovery!

    As always, your ornaments are simply "STUNNING"! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful stitching and how you hung them in your garland. Just beautiful!

    Good luck getting all the shopping, baking and cards done:))

  52. I love the October ornament. I'm going to have to track down that chart so I can make it too.

  53. Carol, I'm genuinelly impressed with your Christmas garland! It's fantastic!

  54. Everything is so utterly gorgeous, Carol! I love the ornaments from February and September best. Your garland is utterly breathtaking. For a split second, I imagined doing it our house - and then flashed an image of the cats all tied up in it, or the kids making costumes out of it, or ... LOL!

    Best wishes to your son on a speedy recovery and some delicious pizza!! ;)

  55. Wow Carol, I've been looking forward to this post of your ornaments all year, and I knew it would be spectacular. Your finishing and stitching is as always, totally amazing!! I hope your son is continuing to mend well, and I bet that pizza will be the best thing ever when the time comes! Have fun in your Christmas preparations, it will all fall into place before the big day......
    Nicky x

  56. I just love them but my favourite is the June decoration.I think I might try to do one a month next year too then I won't be in such a rush in December.

  57. Every single one of your ornaments is my favorite! Not only is the stitching gorgeous, the finishing is breath-taking on every one! Congrats on a year of beautiful ornaments!

    Yikes, I'll certainly keep your son in my prayers (and you, I'm sure this is tough for a mother). That surgery sounds terrible! I'm glad it went well. :)

  58. Thanks so much for the update on your son and I still pray that the pain goes away soon!!!

    Love all of your delightful finishes, but the candy cane on black really 'pops' off the fabric and the snowman from March are my two favorites! Wasn't that one a freebie? can't remember back that far~LOL

    Big hugs to you and your son!!

  59. I am so glad to hear that your son made it through his Major Jaw Surgery....I've been there and done that myself.

    I had Major Jaw Surgery back in 1992. It took 6 hours for the surgery. I too was on a liquid diet for 3 months. I lost alot of fact too much weight. I now have 3 Screws in my Jaw Bone and Wires throughout my whole Jaw area. I had what was called Over Bite. They had to break my Jaw Bone, moved my Upper Jaw up higher and back further. They took my lower Jaw and moved that forward, they took my Chin and moved it to the right. I had two fantastic Oral surgeons that did my Jaw Surgery and I don't regret it one bit. I drank lots of Milkshakes and Ensures and some soups.

    I will keep your son in my prayers and thoughts because I know what he is going through. Tell him not to give up cause he won't regret this at all.

    God Bless you

  60. That surgery looks painful. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

  61. What a fantastic stitching year you've had Carol.
    I love your 2012 ornament collection.
    You decorated staircase looks amazing.
    So glad to hear your son is doing well after his surgery. No wonder he put it off for so long. What a scary thing.
    Wishing him all the best and I hope he enjoys that first pizza :)

  62. Your staircase is beautiful enough to be a substitute for the tree! I know you can't do that, but I sure could!!

    Happy to hear that your DS is on the mend. I imagine he loves being back in the nest as much as you.

    Happy Holidays... May the merry bells keep ringing...

  63. I hope your ones recovery is speedy Carol and he is soon feeling much better. Its no wonder you are behind with Christmas preparations with this going on.

    Such a beautiful collection of ornaments this year, how could i possibly chose just one.

  64. Great ornies Carol! I love them all but my favorite is February's! They look so pretty hung up on the garland down your staircase. Glad to hear that your son's jaw surgery went well but it sounds terrible. I hope he enjoys the pizza once he gets the all clear from the doc. Happy Holidays Carol! *hugs*

  65. Wonderful ornaments, my favorite is the December ornie with the five golden rings.

    So glad to know that your son's surgery was successful. Wish him a speedy recovery!

    Happy Holidays!


  66. Firstly I want to extend my most heartfelt wishes for your DS getting better QUICK! That sounds like a horrible ordeal to go through, but to have a normal mouth and bite, needed. Will keep him in my prayers for healing and full recovery!

    Now on to your lovely to choose one? They are ALL gorgeous! I have followed you from your humble beginnings and all I can say is I adore this post each year and you inspire me so very much. Thank you for sharing with us your talent, your friendship and the beauty of your stitching! I love it all :)

  67. They are all just gorgeous Carol. If I had to choose I think May would be my favorite. I just love those colors on the dark background. Continued prayers for Dan's speedy recovery.

  68. Carol,your 2012 ornament collection is just fabulous! Such beautiful finishing. I love how you have them attached to the garland coming down the stairs. I am glad to hear your son is doing better and continued good wishes to him for good healing.

  69. Your ornaments are just amazing Carol , so much love and care you put into each one . Your love of stitching really shows out.
    I love the Angel one , Angels have a special part in my life and heart.

    My love to your son and hope he will be better very soon and he can bite into his yummy pizza once again. hugs.

  70. All your ornaments are beautiful Carol. My favourite would be the 5 golden rings though..
    I hope your son feels better soon!

  71. All your ornaments are beautiful Carol. My favourite would be the 5 golden rings though..
    I hope your son feels better soon!

  72. I'm so pleased your son's surgery was a success Carol. How lovely that you get to spoil him over the festive period - he certainly deserves it.
    I look forward to your Christmas post all year and you didn't disappoint! My favourite is definitely the HE Santas & Feathertree, I just love how you've finished it. As for my favourite overall? Well, no contest, it's April's Snowman. That little guy is so cute!
    I'm very disorganised this year, I only wrote my cards a couple of nights ago...took me bloomin ages. I usually spread it over a few nights but because of my tardiness I had to do them in one evening. Bah humbug!

  73. Carol, Your ornaments turned out beautiful! I love how you have them arranged on the stairway.

    Glad to hear your son's surgery is behind him. I hope the healing time goes by quickly for him.

    Take care.

  74. Carol, I love your ornaments displayed every year, well your stitching in general really. :) The 3 latest are no exception and I can't pick a favourite ... all of them!

    I hope your son continues to improve. I bet it will feel strange for him to bite again with his jaw effectively in a different position.

    Sending Christmas wishes to you and your family.

  75. Oh Carol. Your ornaments are absolutely stunning. What happen to your ornaments from your ornament a week challenge a few years ago. Your tree must be full. I am so jealous, your finishing is stunning.

    My daughter had the same sorta jaw surgery when she was about 10. She had her mouth wired shut for 8 weeks. Canned ravoli's in a blender make for quite a tasty base. She had pizze, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fried potatoes, etc. Whatever I could put in the blender. To be honest, most of it wasn't to bad with the ravoli base. Let me know if you try it.


  76. Do you KNOW how much I look forward to your last post of the year? Because OMG ORNAMENTS, PRECIOUSSSSS ORNAMENTS!!! I love it. (The long legged crow gets me every single time. *ADORE*)

    One of these days I will get to decorate my staircase like that. ONE DAY. I had to 'settle' for a bunch of wee knitted socks in red/green/white hanging from mine. (Along with some garland.) Cute but it would be so MUCH cuter with oodles of stitched ornaments.

    That surgery sounds dreadful. Scary and painful and AWFUL. :( What an ordeal. Healing and pizza-eating thoughts for him!!

  77. All of your ornaments are beautiful...too hard to pick a favorite! The display along the stairs is perect to hang them.

    Ouch for the surgery. Hope he has a quick recovery and can enjoy the holidays.

    Judy heartland stitcher

  78. Congrats on wrapping up another year of wonderful ornies Carol, has been a sweet treat to follow along:) Good wishes for your son, he is lucky to have you during recovery, I can certainly understand how blender lasagna would be delish! Happy Holidays to you and family, all the best in 2013!!!!!

  79. I just love your ornament finishes this year. They are all so lovely and I love how you hang them on the banister of your stairs. That is a very clever idea. My favorites are the snowmen ones. I have a thing for snowmen.

    I'm right there with you with the procrastinating on decorating. I'll be getting my tree today if you can believe it! We just haven't had any time the last few weekends to get it.

    I hope your son recovers well. That surgery sounded really scary when you explained it, but I'm glad he made it through okay.

    Enjoy your Sunday :)

  80. Even though you share your ornaments throughout the year...I forget what wonderful finishes you have put together for the final reveal! You are going to need several more trees if you continue your 12 ornaments every year! And then for you to have a bowl full of goodies each month, you just impress beyond belief! I work in an Orthodontist office, so I get the patients ready for Orthonagthic surgery frequently. I know exactly what the open bite is and how it can effect your life. So glad that he is done with that and on the road to recovery. I know our patients hop back pretty quickly (if they have rigid fixation and not wired shut)so I will assume he will be eating pretty regularly for Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your family. Are you traveling to NY?

  81. All of your ornaments this year are wonderful, Carol! I think my favorite is the Candy Canes one ~ I adore the black fabric.

    Best wishes for your son's speedy recovery! The condition he had sounds horrid and the fix ~ just as bad but once it's healed I'm sure he will be very glad he went through with it.

    Have a very merry Christmas!

  82. You've done it again Carol! Looove your ornies and especially that red check backing you used for the Santas and the feathertree. I've still been hunting for that kind of fabric with no luck!! Your five golden rings is very elegant and finishing perfectly. One of these days I will try ruched ribbon and your tutorial for those pretty bows!! My husband really likes your garland of ornaments as do I!! I know your son's jaw will take a long time to heal, but it will be better eventually. Hopefully all your Christmas stuff will get magically done!!

    Hugs to you my friend.

  83. So glad to read your son's surgery was a success, I wish him a speedy recovery.

    Your Christmas ornaments are fabulous. Have a wonderful and blessed Merry Christmas.

  84. I love and adore all of your finishes through the year. So talented you are! I hope your son feels well very soon. Happy Holidays!

  85. absolument merveilleux ! j'adore vos broderies elles sont magnifiques !
    bisous bisous

  86. I wasn't on the computer very much during the last few weeks so I have only read today that you son had to have surgery. How wonderful to see that everything went well and that he is on the way of recovery. Surgery on and around the face is always painful during the healing process but I am sure that your son is glad that he finally took the step. And he will be even more glad when he will be able to eat and chew as it should be. Give him my best wishes for the healing.

    I so love the way you display all your Christmas ornaments. It looks wonderful. And the new additions are so beautiful. Which one I like best is a hard decision because I always love the way how you finish your ornaments and little pillows. But my favourite would be Santas and Feathertree, I think. Ot maybe one of the others? As I said - hard to decide.

  87. Hi Carol,

    I love all you ornaments. I can't pick a favorite b/c they are all so wonderful. I hope your son will be able to have something other than a drink on Christmas day. maybe you can blend up some christmas cookies or something.LOL! I hope you and your family havea wonderful Christmas.

  88. Your ornaments are always my favorites. Can you come over and make my staircase look like that????? :)

  89. Merry Christmas Carol! September's ornament is my favourite for sure! Your annual display is fantastic!!!!!

  90. Wow, 6months of a numb jaw? I do hope he heals up quickly. I can relate to the liquid diet getting old. I was on a liquid diet for 18 days after I had my tonsils out. I tried to eat whole mac n cheese too soon... mistake, lol.

    Your ornaments are beautiful. I can't pick just one as a favorite!

  91. Hi sweetie!!! :) I was behind on my blog reading! Now that I'm all better I can finally catch up! Well.. I still have a long journey on my email box heheeheh loads of emails to reply :p But I will get there, one thing at the time ;) eheheh

    Congrats on your finishes!!! :)
    Two Santas? How do you explain that to kids? ;) LOL
    It's amazing to see all your ornaments together :D And all so pretty =)))
    It's hard to say only one.. I'll say 3! hehehe March, April and May! :D

    autch... that doesn't sound very nice =( I can imagine how painful recovery is for you son, poor guy!! I hope it won't take long.. will he be ok until the end of the year? Or does it take even longer?
    Hope he will be able to enjoy his pizza very soon :) Best wishes for him!!

    Hugs to you my sweet friend!!

  92. magic atmosphere
    Merry Christmas

  93. What beautiful treasures! Love the candy cane on black fabric. Really makes is 'pop'.

  94. So beautiful stitching. Your work is so fantastic.
    Liebe Grüße Grit from Germany

  95. I just found your blog. Love ALL your ornaments and the way you display them. I can't thank you enough for this idea. I'm going to see if I can do something like this next year. I also love how you have finished your ornaments - that's always a challenge for me. Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

  96. Oh my goodness but that was a HUGE surgery that your son had to endure!! I have never heard of anyone having to go through this for these reasons.
    I will continue to pray for healing for him. The poor guy, I'll bet that lasagne was like heaven!

    Your stitching is amazing! I always look forward to seeing the ornaments hung from your bannister. My favourite one is the February ornament from Tante Zolder. I'm partial to deer and this is one I definitely must stitch.

  97. Oh Carol,
    I hope your son is doing better! What an awful surgery he had to have!
    I have two favorite ornaments, January and May. They just look so good on black! I really like the 5 Golden Rings, too. It's really different.
    Donna in WV

  98. Love the garland on your staircase with all of the lovely ornies - it has certainly given me ideas!

    So glad that your son's surgery went well.

    hugs, Kaye


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