Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Few Framed Finishes--Finally!

Greetings, dear friends! Here it is already December 5th--only 20 days until Christmas!  I have not even begun my shopping or my cards and am way behind on my decorating and stitching gifts. I blame it on hostessing Thanksgiving this year and then leaving for New York to visit my parents a few days later. So, needless to say, many of my stitching gifts will be more like New Year's or Valentine's Day gifts this year. I do apologize...just too much going on in my life right now! Anyway, I have some big things to show you today, but first of all I want to welcome all of my new followers--I'm just in awe that the number has passed 900!! I'm honored that so many of you find my little blog entertaining enough to follow--thank you so very much...

Can you believe I actually had three pieces framed? Oh, I know, most of you who began following me this year will find it hard to believe I've stitched anything big enough to be framed since you're used to seeing my little pillow finishes this year! But, yes, a few larger pieces have been lurking in my drawer of unfinished-finishes for far too long and I'm thrilled to have them out and adorning the walls of my home.

Many of you will remember that I stitched "Christmas At Hawk Run Hollow" back in 2010... I finished a block a month and wound up with quite a sampler, if I do say so myself. Doesn't it look Christmasy on the cherry red walls of my dining room? (I've blurred out my last name in two of the blocks if you're wondering what the smudged portions of the sampler are!)

Christmas At Hawk Run Hollow--finally framed!

I took a few closeups of the frame for you below. I love the burl wood finish and the rustic look of it... Wanted to keep it quite simple due to all that is going on in the sampler and I'm very pleased with the result. 

This next piece is one I stitched in 2011 when I received it as a RAK from my sweet friend, Brenda. Do you remember "Sunflower Bellpull" by The Drawn Thread? If you'd like to read more about it you can click here. I think this remains one of my all-time favorite stitched pieces. And just look at the frame! The framer came up with the two-toned idea and it just made the whole piece pop! I would never have thought of using two colors like that, but don't they look perfect with the colors in the sampler?

Sunflower Bellpull framed

This is displayed in my sunroom which is mostly yellow with touches of green and it looks perfect in that space. It is just one of those pieces that makes me smile each and every time I pass by it and brings a touch of summer sunshine to my house even on the coldest winter day.  Here are a few close-ups for you... (Again, I've smudged out my name for privacy reasons).

The third piece that made it to the framer was my only "big" finish for this entire year...Yes, everything else I stitched over the past twelve months has been ornament sized! So, I'm very happy to have at least one larger piece to show for 2012! You can read about "Nature's Alphabet" by Elizabeth's Designs right here and see some close-ups of it as well, if you're interested.

Nature's Alphabet framed

I loved the golden brown shade of the wood which picked up the gold border on each little square so nicely. Nature's Alphabet is hopping around from room to room right now...Just can't figure out where I like it the best. Right now it is in my front hallway, but that could change tomorrow! The burl wood is so pretty, don't you think?
I'm looking forward to getting more of my old finishes framed in 2013. I'm really not sure why I've put it off for so long!

I was lucky enough to win an amazing giveaway from the generous Marly last week.  Just look at this stunning selection of silk thread she was offering--over 60 skeins of every shade of the rainbow! I have never stitched with silks before and am so looking forward to it after hearing many of you rave about how wonderful they are... Is there anything special I need to know about stitching with silks versus cotton threads? If you haven't been to Marly's blog, Samplers and Santas, you'll have to check it out. She is a very talented designer in her own right and her pear freebies are the best! Thanks so much, Marly--your generosity is so very much appreciated!

And just look at these goodies that traveled all the way from Malaysia! My blogging friend, Vinniey sent me so many sunflower themed gifts--a cute "Welcome" hanger, some pretty sunflower fabric, and pretty golden yellow trim. Oh, and just look at all those yummy chocolates she included. (I'll have to confess, two of the boxes are already empty! The strawberry filled chocolates were particularly delicious!) Vinniey is a new and very talented designer who creates all those cute charts at Cottage Garden Samplings--please stop in and say "hello!" I'm actually stitching one of her designs right now to put on my Christmas tree! Thank you so much for the surprises, Vinniey--you really spoiled me!!

I've received a few other presents from England, France, Spain, and here in the U.S. which I'm saving to open a bit closer to Christmas. You've all been so very kind to think of me at this time of year--I really look forward to opening your packages!

Well, are you wondering about the skunk that I mentioned in my last post? Do you think we caught him? First let me share these photos of our Thanksgiving... I did my usual pie and cookie baking, arranged a few vases of flowers, set the long, long table in the sunroom, served the dinner, and was thoroughly exhausted by the end of the evening. Spending all those hours standing on hardwood floors really did a number on our feet. My husband and I were never so happy to get off our aching feet and go to bed as we were that night... Anyway, it was a very successful and stress-free day since I ended up buying my gravy at Whole Foods! Thanks for all of your tips on gravy making, though--I do plan on learning how to make good gravy at some point!

Images of Thanksgiving 2012

So, back to the skunk. Well, the answer is.... YES!! We caught him! It wasn't until a week after Thanksgiving that Mr. Skunk decided to make his appearance again, but this time he walked right into our trap. I was up visiting my parents at the time and so missed the opportunity to get a picture of him. Unfortunately, when the "critter control" expert came to pick him up, he let loose and sprayed his skunky stench! My husband said it was so bad that night that he could hardly sleep... Guess that is one experience I'm glad to have missed. I sure hope Mr. Skunk didn't have a Mrs. Skunk or any little skunklets running around... We're keeping the traps out just in case...

In closing, I do have a favor to ask of you, my stitching friends... Tomorrow, my oldest son is having a six-hour surgery on his jaw and will then return home to recuperate with us for the rest of the year. Any prayers, good thoughts, positive vibes--whatever--would be most appreciated. I guess a mother never stops worrying about her "kids" no matter how old they are, does she? Thanks so much for your wonderful and supportive comments--they mean the world to me and I feel truly lucky to belong to this very special and caring stitching/blogging community!  Bye for now...


  1. Your framed pieces are gorgeous, Carol! I think my favorite is the "Nature's Alphabet". It's so pretty! How nice to have lots of happy mail at this time of year. Chocolates and silk... mmmmm!! :)

    Glad you missed the skunk incident! And I do hope the skunklets will stay away. I pray your son recovers quickly from his surgery. Sometimes its hard to be a mom, isn't it!!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your son, sounds serious - I will pray for the surgery to go well and quick healing. CHS Christmas sampler looks gorgeous as does the Sunflower sampler and Flower sampler - I do love wood frames. I have not yet had the opportunity to try those YLI silks, they look lovely - I think you will find silks stitch up much like cotton, though I find they feel lighter and stronger, they do sometimes catch on my nails, but then my nails are a mess : }

  3. Such beautiful stitching! Lovely finishes! Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way for your son. I've been through several oral surgeries with my youngest son and I know it is no picnic. And a Mom is a Mom forever!

  4. I will join in the prayers for your son too! Love your Christmas piece, I would love to stitch one too. Will be thinking of your family for the next few weeks...

  5. Your framed pieces are gorgeous. I'll be thinking of your son and sending positive thoughts.

  6. Lovely, lovely framed pieces, Carol! Hard to pick a favorite! Glad to hear Mr. Skunk was caught, but sorry to hear that left a parting gift.

    Keeping your son and your family in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Hope the surgery is a success!

    Robin in Virginia

  7. Wonderful frames! I'll bet you're happy to have them in view now. What a beautiful sunroom and lovely table. You've been really busy with family and I'm sure will be a great comfort and help to your son during his healing. Glad Pepe Le Pew is in a new place! Take care of yourself.

  8. All of the framed pieces are wonderful. I just love Christmas at Hawk Run. The Thanksgiving goodies looked very yummy. My thoughts and prayers are with your son. Hope for a speedy recovery.

  9. Carol, your 3 finishes are gorgeous--stitching and framing!

    I will keep your son, you, and your family in my thoughts and prayers. ((hugs))

  10. All three pieces look stunning framed.

    That was good you caught your skunk. There aren't any skunks in NZ, so I can only imagine how bad the smell must be.

    Wishing your son all the best for his surgery and a speedy recovery.

  11. Hi Carol, You have had quite a year! I will certainly keep your son in my prayers. You are right, a Mom never quite stops worrying. Your framed pieces are just beautiful!!!! I agree, they have the perfect frames. Take care!

  12. Le mie preghiere per tuo figlio saranno con voi, stai tranquilla che andrà tutto bene.
    Complimenti per i tuoi lavori.

  13. I am thinking of your son and he is in my prayers..
    Beautiful framed finishes ..I love them all so much xx

  14. Beautiful photos thank you for sharing them - will be thinking of your Son xx

  15. Your framed stitching is beautiful!
    All the best for your son, a surgery without problems and a quick recovery. Mothers never stop worrying, that is right. Take care!

  16. Carol, mis mejores deseos para que tu hijo salga estupendamente de esa operación y que se recupere lo antes posible.
    Decirte que tus bordados son una maravilla y que se ven preciosos, me gustan mucho los marcos.
    Me alegro de la captura de la mofeta.
    Unas galletas muy apetitosas y una bonita y extensa mesa para celebrar con la familia.
    Un gran abrazo.

    Carol, my best wishes for your son out of that operation beautifully and he recovers soon.
    Tell your embroideries are wonderful and they look beautiful, I really like the frames.
    Glad capture the skunk.
    A very tasty cookies and a beautiful long table to celebrate with family.
    A big hug.

  17. Hello Carol! your work is really beautiful! I like everything, but I have a soft spot for the first.
    Congratulations. I love your blog and everything you do.
    A big kiss from Paris. the magic of Christmas operates all over the blogs, and it is magic, fabulous. Goodbye and see you soon.

  18. Your framed pieces are so fantastic.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  19. What a wonderful post, loved all the framed picture's .
    So much beautiful stitching.
    So happy we don't get those Skunk's here.
    Your table and food looks so beautiful, what a lovely room.
    My prayer's are with your son, and I know you are going to look after him so well, sending blessings.

  20. Your framed samplers are absolutely beautiful Carol.
    I love your CAHRH which is stunning.
    I recently pulled out my UFO HOHRH and am enjoying working on it once more.
    Congrats on the lovely silk thread win and what a lovely girt form Vinniey.
    Yuk to the skunk!

  21. Your framed pieces are gorgeous! I especially love the sunflowers sampler. Sending positive thoughts n prayers to your son for a successful surgery n speedy recovery.


  22. Hi Carol,

    I loooove your framed pieces, they are all absolutely stunning, a real inspiration for me to start a large piece. I particularly love Hawk Run Hollow.

    Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  23. Beautiful work there Carol, thank you for sharing.

  24. Hi Carol,
    I'm always in awe with the pieces (small and big) you make and this time is no exception!
    Love the framing!
    Kind greetings,

  25. first & foremost......praying for your son today....may the doctor's have skill & wisdom as they operate & may your family have that gentle peace as you wait.
    your stitching looks fabulous, as always! I love the burl wood dad does a lot with that.
    glad mr skunk is taken care of!

  26. Prayers for your son. So sorry to hear he needs surgery. Love your Christmas HRH sampler wow. The colors are so rich and beautiful. Your other samplers are amazing to. Lovely frames. I've seen some of the patterns but to see yours stitched & hanging? Outstanding. Thanks for sharing. Your not the only one racing to get decorating:)
    love Annette

  27. Congrats on your amazing framed pieces! That's pretty much how I'd like my HRH finishes framed, whenever I get to frame them :-) Best wishes for your son's surgery, and I hope he will recover quickly - hugs!

  28. My thoughts and prayers are with your son! I hope the surgery goes well and that the recovery is faster--and less painful--than expected!

    Your framed finishes are fantastic!! You must be so thrilled with them. I just love them all, the CaHRH is stunning! The alphabet looks great, and I just love the DT! I had my long abandoned WIP of that in my hands the other day, contemplating using the linen for something else, but now I just might have to finish it at some point after all. Great choice for the moulding!

    Again, best wishes & prayers for your son!

  29. Sending prayers and keeping your son in my thoughts.
    So glad that Mr. Stinky has been relocated from under your porch.
    Your Thanksgiving prep looks amazing, look at those cookies!!
    Now for the imortant part... ypur pieces look amazing framed. It is the best feeling when you can hang them.
    Congratulations on the almost 900 followers. You are such a wonderful member of the blogging community!

  30. Gorgeous framed pieces Carol! Will be in prayer for your son.

  31. your finishes are beautiful! will be thinking about your son. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! denise

  32. I'm quite certain that I need to come to Thanksgiving at your house one year - everything looks so so beautiful!

    Gorgeous finished framed projects. Your photography shows them off very well.

    Thinking of you and your son this morning. I hope he heals quickly and well.

  33. Love those framed projects, Carol, they are beautiful! It was good luck that you were away when the skunk was picked up. ;) Lovely gifts that you've won and received.
    Hoping all goes well for your son.

  34. Oh Carol, your framed finishes are just gorgeous! I have so many myself just sittting in the closet waiting for a frame and you have inspired me to just do it.
    Your gifts, both won and received are fabulous, and I can't wait to see what comes out of them :)
    Your Thanksgiving pics are amazing, and your table is beautiful, not to mention all those cookies!
    So glad the skunk has been skunked out and sent away...ugh btdt.
    I will be praying for your son, please keep us posted as time permits.

  35. Your pieces are lovely.

    I'm glad to read that I am not alone in being behind on everything for Christmas. I haven't even decided what cookies to bake.

    I know how you feel to want to be off of your feet at the end of the day. I am on my feet all day at work.

    I'm a day late, but will keep your son in my prayers that he has a fast recovery.

    Happy Holidays.

  36. Sending prayers and good thoughts for your son and you are right, as mothers we will always be there and concerned for our children.

    Love the 3 framed stitched pieces, the Christmas Hawks Hollow is quite an accomplishment.

    Merry Christmas

  37. Sending good thoughts and prayers to your oldest son. Hope the surgery goes well and speedy recovery. {{{Hugs}}}

    Glad to hear the skunk was caught. Hope Mr. Skunk's other relatives will stay away from your home and neighborhood.

    Again, best wishes for your oldest son for a successful surgery.

  38. Thinking all good thoughts for your son!!!!

    Your framing is absolutely wonderful. I hope to get some things framed in 2013 ... if/when we move. ;)

    Skunks, ugh! We had a raccoon make an appearance due to the chickens, and a persistent fox vixen, but no one who leaves behind a stink. Glad he's gone!!

  39. Oh Carol, the framed pieces turned out lovely. Your framer did a great job! You picked some wonderful frames.

    I had to smile at the skunk story. I just saw a program on skunks last night on PBS. Imagine that!

    I will send positive thoughts for your son today. I have faith that things will go well for him. Besides I know you will give him the best care too!

    Hugs, my friend!

  40. I have prayed for your son and his surgeon!
    I am so glad you missed the skunk action.
    Such beautiful, large pieces framed. Lovely.

  41. Carol -- Your framing is just beautiful. I think every one you chose is just perfect. My favorite is CaHRH! I just love that design and you shuold be very proud to have completed it -- it's a lot of stitching:))

    Your Thanksgiving table looks so very elegant. I'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves and so glad it went well.

    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for your son. You never stop worrying about your children -- I tell my girls that all the time when they roll their eyes when I tell them to "be careful".

    Have a good weekend my friend.

  42. I'm so jealous. You actually finished and framed (beautifully, I might add) all my favorite pieces!!! My prayers go out to you and your son for a successful surgery and recovery.

  43. Oh Carol, the framing is PERFECT for your beautiful stitched pieces. I love them all....especially the sunflower bellpull. It is tough to pick a favorite. You have a seasonal collection started!

    I have always admired CaHRH. It might just find its way into my stitching basket this coming year!

    You certainly put your heart into a lovely Thanksgiving. The goodies look yummy, too.
    I'm sure a good time was had by all.

    I will be praying for Dan today that all goes well for a successful surgery and complete healing.
    I will ask "my pals" in Syracuse to do the same.

    I'm sending a comforting prayer along for you today
    Our babies will always be our babies in our hearts.

    HUGS and PRAYERS to you, dear friend

  44. Your framed pictures are so beautiful Carol! Sure you enjoy looking at them every now and then as you pass beside them.

    And your Thanksgiving table... oh, it had to be a lot of work but everything looks so beautiful.

    Congratulations to your win and I hope you will open those Christmas presents soon ;)


  45. Your framed pieces are gorgeous Carol!

    I've never used silks either.Your giveaway gift is fantastic!So many colours....



  46. Good googley moogley, Carol. Your framed pieces are gorgeous - every molding you chose is perfect to its piece! Isn't it fun to walk about and see your art hanging? Glad your Thanksgiving turned out to be stress free. I know you're happy DS is coming home to recover so you'll know how he's getting along. My thoughts are with you both. Keep us posted.

  47. What a lovely post, Carol! Love all the stitching and the skunk story...and, your sons medical issue is going to the top of my prayer list.

  48. Your framed pieces are absolutely stunning Carol. Glad you caught the skunk. My thoughts and prayers are with your son.


  49. Again...wonderful stitching! Congratulation for the winning!
    Hope your son is fine and he recovers soon.
    Sebnd my best wishes to you and your family.

  50. Hi Carol,
    I will continue to pray for your son!
    Love all of your framed pieces - beautiful frames!! Wow, have you been doing lots of stitching!! You put the rest of us to shame! :))
    So glad you missed the skunk episode! LOL ugh!!!

    Try not to worry too much~I know it's hard not to as a mother!

    Sending hugs your way,

  51. Forgot to say that I can see why everyone wants to come to your house for T'day!! You have the most beautiful sunroom!! Gorgeous!! and the food looked wonderful too!

    Take care!

  52. Carol, your finishes are stunning! Love them very much! Tatyana

  53. Carol, your framed stitching is beautiful. "Christmas at Hawk Run" is stunning against your red wall...perfect!

    God bless your son, his surgeon, and medical staff during his surgery and recuperation.

  54. Hi Carol,
    Great to see your beautifull post.
    I hope all is well with all the busy things you are having!!

    You Xmas At Hawk looks great framed, the frame is perfect for it!
    the first I thought was... was that 2010?? I thought last year.. hihi.. blogyear like to go faster I think..
    The frame comes out so perfect on you cherry wall.. beautifull.

    Your sunflower piece really pops out with that two color frame.. it looks awesome!
    You choose perfect.
    Your sunroom must look so wonderfull!!

    also your alpahabet looks great in that frame.
    3 beautifull large pieces.. what will you stitch next year for large piece??

    Did you choose all the frames by yourself, or did they helped at the store??
    You can be very proud on you stitching pieces..
    This way you will treasure them always ... and what's more fun then you you have more frames, to change the frames from time too time!!!

    Ow my.. what a wonderfull give-away you won.. what are you going to make with all those lovely threads!!!

    Ow my and Vinniey send you some much beautifull and yummy things!!
    I can't wait to see what your stitching from her!
    I so love her designs..
    very beautifull!!
    I have stitched a freebie from her.. when Kira gets her new bed I will finish it off in a pillow for on her bed!!

    hihihi.. you bought the gravy.., you rock =)))
    Good job with that.. you will learn some day!!
    You Thanksgivings pic's looks so great.
    And OW MY what a big house do you have..
    On TV I always look with such big eyes as I see the houses from teh inside so darn big.. WE are with to many people in NL so many small houses, only rich people have big houses.
    Your thanksgiving looks so great, and those cookies so yummy, you bakes them all your sell,
    They really looks great.. and that apple-pie, the breads awesome!!!

    Glad mr skunk has been removed.. Hope no new ones come back!!

    I'm sending you so many many positieve vibes, you can't imagine.. hope your sun will be ok ..
    Please let us know.!!
    I wish you all the luck in the world.
    And how great he will recuperate at your house!!

    have a great 20 days before Xmas, Take your time with every thing.
    Can't wait to see what you made for your bowl this months..
    have fun.
    And good luck with your son!


  55. Love all your finished and framed pieces.

    Hope all goes well with your son.

  56. Your framed pieces look amazing!
    And your Thanksgiving pictures are lovely! Pretty pies! Hope your son is well, and can recuperate fast.
    We got a new computer after so much problems with the old one, but now, I still learning the new things with windows 8!
    Have a wonderful day!

    Ana Paula

  57. My favorite block is the bottom left with the cardinals - so pretty! It looks wonderful framed and can now be admired as it deserves to be. Thinking about you and your son - hope all goes well.

  58. Beautiful, beautiful finishes!!! And best of luck to your son for a safe, successful surgery and a speedy recovery!

  59. First off, many good thoughts and prayers for your son's surgery. Of course you will worry -- that's what mothers are for, no matter how old our children are. I hope all goes well and he recuperates quickly -- nice that you get to have him at home during that time!

    Love all your framed pieces! The frames are gorgeous, as are the pieces themselves of course. :D I love burl wood frames, so of course that is my favorite frame. lol!

    And yay on the skunk, although not yay on the spraying. lol! I sure hope Mr. Skunk was a loner!!!

  60. We are always mommas Carol.... I hope all goes smoothly....

    As so all this fantastic framing... WOW!!!! I can't pick a favorite!!! They are just beautiful!!!

    I'm behind on decorating too.... We'll get there!!! Take care and Merry Christmas!!!

  61. Great finishes! It's so fun to see the way a frame can really make a piece. My favorite is Hawk Run. It's just so impressive done up as one big piece, and I love its colors. Great job!

  62. The framed pieces are beautiful! I have the chart for Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow..perhaps a block a month is the way to go.

    Hope your son's surgery went well and he has a speedy recovery. Will he be able to enjoy any of this great holiday's treats? A mother is a mother and we will always view our children as just that..children. How is it that they actually grow out of that?

    Lovely post, always something to look forward to.

    Happy holidays.

    Judy heartland stitcher

  63. Carol, your framed pieces are stunning! I love Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow. It really makes me think about home. I pray that your son's surgery went well and that his recovery at home with you will go well. Thanks as always for sharing. Your Thanksgiving table was beautiful. Your talents shine through whether it is cross stitching, taking pictures, writing your blog, setting your table, arranging flowers, displaying your baking...on and on I could go...I am so thankful for people like you Carol who take the time to share and constantly inspire me. Hope you are able to stitch even a little during this busy but joyous month. take care, Wanda

  64. Very lovely pieces you've stitched and framed!! I especially love your nature alphabet. All the best to your son.. Hope he heals well, and of course, even if an older son doesn't admit it, they know Mom can always help them feel better!! :)

  65. Gorgeous, Carol!
    Love all your framed pieces and stiching!

    Also your thanksgiving looks so great, and the cookies so yummy ;)),

    Many many good thoughts and prayers for your son's surgery. Good Luck!!!



  66. Dear Carol,

    above all: I hope that the surgery on your son's jaw has been successful and the time now is not toooo bad! I do pray for you both!

    Your framed stitching are soooo marvellous! I love the "Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow" I just can not stop looking at it and its wonderful pictures and sayings. There are soooo many cute details to find!

    And the Sunflower Bellpull - it looks as if it has been designed for you ;-)

    Thank you for sharing the pictures of your Thanksgiving dinner-party. It looks all so wonderful!

    All the best for you, my dear friend - enjoy having your son with you although the circumstances are not that enjoyable!

    Hug you!

  67. ho my !
    maybe you don't come very often as you said , but each time you come we have delights for the eyes !
    your 3 frames are wonderful
    each stitching is superb and the frames are so beautiful !
    very well done...
    I sincerely hope everything went well for your son
    Good luck Mummy nurse
    big big hugs

  68. Your framed pieces look stunning. I am pleased you missed the visit of the skunk. I hope your son is recuperating well.

  69. Oh Carol! I'm sooo glad you got your beautiful big projects framed up so you can admire them!! I think they all look gorgeous in their new frames. I like how Nature's ALphabet travels around, trying to find a new home. Sounds like one of the pictures we had that couldn't decide where to live!!! Lovely gifties from your friends! So glad the skunk has been caught although that smell is so horrific. I hope it's gone now!!



  70. Beautiful handiwork as usual Carol. Thinking of your son and your family today . I hope everything went well with his surgery and he is lucky to receive all your TLC . All the best for the Christmas season and I look forward to your 2013 posts or sooner an update on your son.

  71. First, though I am reading this a few days late, I send healing thoughts to your son, and hope he is recovering well.

    Your framed pieces are just so stunning, and the frames are perfect. What an eye for design you have! And your framer sounds like a treasure. Even though I love your pillows and ornaments, it's such fun to see your larger works. Your wall colors are so pretty, too!

  72. I hope your son is home with you and starting his recovery.
    Such beautiful framed pieces Carol, your framer did a superb job.
    I think I would have been glad to be miles away when Mr Skunk was taken from the trap. I hope your visit with your parents went well and that dad is doing ok.
    Your thanksgiving table looks amazing!
    Have a wonderful festive season with your family.

  73. Beautiful framed pieces ,Carol! Lovethe Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow. I am sure you were exhausted on Thanksgiving ! I was and I didn't have nearly that many people ! Hope everything went well with your sons surgery ! Hope you have a wonderful weekend !

  74. Your framed finishes are all gorgeous but let me tell you Christmas at HRH is AMAZING! You must be really proud of that piece, I know I would be. I am glad the skunk was averted and that you weren't around to enjoy the aroma. LOL Continuing to keep your parents and your son in my thoughts and prayers.

  75. Your Chross stitch works are fantastic...all so elegant and fine !

  76. Oh Carol, I have been thinking of you and your son and I certainly hope that all went well. I'm sending healing prayers your way for his recovery. No, a mother never does stop worrying but someone has to do it!
    Your framed finishes are stunning! CaHRH looks fabulous on your dining room wall. Great choice on the frame too.
    Your Thanksgiving table looked so beautiful!! I can't believe how many different cookies you baked. I'm so glad things went well for you. Also glad to hear that Mr. Skunk has been relocated. At various times we have had one hiding out in the neighbourhood. I went to put out the garbage one evening and found one in the garage. I backed away very quietly but quickly!!

  77. Christmas has crept up on me Carol, one minute I'm complaining about receiving cards too early in the middle of November, and the next minute it's the middle of December and I've not done any cards and have only just started Christmas shopping.

    Your framed stitching looks beautiful! Are you going to continue doing your monthly bowls?

    I do hope all went well with your son's surgery and that he is recovering well.

    Sooooo glad you caught the skunk. I remember smelling them years ago when we visited my aunt and uncle in Ohio for a holiday.

    Hope you hace a lovely Christmas and a great New Year!!

  78. Oh, Carol, I do hope that your son's surgery went well ~ he'll be in my thoughts and prayers for an easy recovery.
    Congratulations on your beautiful finishes ~ all of the frames set your pieces off perfectly!
    Love all of the goodies too!!
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season!

  79. Hi Carol,
    I am catching up reading blogs, and so it is past the date of your son's surgery. I hope all went well, and I will pray for him as he recovers. It's always nice to be taken care of by Mom no matter how old you are.

    Your framed finishes are fabulous! I love bringing a framed piece home and deciding where to hang it. Your Christmas at HRH has me heading to my WIP bin tonight to dig mine back out and work on it some more. It is so beautiful!

    Glad the skunk is gone and that Thanksgiving went well. Enjoy your weekend.


  80. As always, beautiful stitching Carol.
    I'm sending warm enfolding thoughts for your son's recovery.

  81. Sweetie, my best wishes for your son! I hope he's recovering well, sending positive thoughts on your way!!
    I've been sick, I have a cold than won't go away and it's making me to fall behind on my christmas tasks too =/ trying to recover this weekend but.. Not seeing any change for better yet =/
    Your framed works looking amazing :D really, really pretty!! Congrats my friend :D

  82. Hi Carol,
    Great stitching! Your samplers look wonderful. Praying your son has a speedy recovery.

  83. Your framing looks amazing! Best wishes and prayers for your son's recovery!

  84. Carol, all of your framed pieces are gorgeous! Congrats on getting them framed and up on the wall! I'm working on that very slowly myself!

    What wonderful gifts you've received.

    That tray of cookies looks so mouth watering!

  85. Your framed finishes look wonderful. Perfect frame choices.

    I hope your son is on his way to a speedy recovery.

  86. Hi Carol,
    Your framed finishes are just as beautiful as your smaller work. What a fab idea to add the pop of yellow to the sunflowers project. I have only just read this post so I hope everything went well for your son.
    Thank you for your kind words on my blog - I still miss Archie so much but bloggers thoughtful comments are a comfort to me.
    We don't have skunks here in England but my sister who used to live in Canada ran over one in her car once - she could not get rid of the smell for weeks! I bet you are glad to be rid of that problem, LOL.
    kind regards,
    love, Shirley

  87. My Mom says the same thing... No matter how old we get, she never stops worrying about us. I hope your DS is recovering well after his surgery.

    Your framed pieces look divine! As do those goodies from Thanksgiving.

    Lucky girl... nice mail packages you received!!

    My ex once trapped a skunk and got sprayed... then proceeded to walk through the house to find me and tell me!! Ugh... the whole house stunk. Yes, I would be glad if I were you to not have been there when they found the poor guy.

    Happy Holidays!

  88. Hope and pray that everything is fine with your son now...

    so nice to visit your blog with so much of positive energy

  89. Your framing turned out perfectly! I'm amazed at CaHWH - what a great Christmas piece!

    I hope your son recovers quickly from his surgery!

  90. It's been far too long since I managed to drop my your blog Carol. I love your framed pieces, I have several pieces at the framer at the moment but I don't think she's going to have them done for Christmas. I hope everything has gone well for your son's surgery and that his recovery is not too painful. It is good that he can come home and spend a bit of time there. The pics from your Thanksgiving are wonderful! I'm glad the day was successful and stress-free.

  91. they all look so nice framed carol. I adore the hawk run, i was wondering when that would be framed. The cookies look good as always. I hope your son is doing well. I am sure under your loving care he will do just fine.

  92. I'm so terribly behind on blog reading but I'm glad that I am slowly making my way through the backlog so I don't miss anything - especially a feast for the eyes like this post. :)
    The framing is gorgeous and it's always awesome to get to hang a few bigger pieces on the walls too.
    SUCH an amazing giveaway and gifties. What fun to open the mail and see stuff like that.
    Obviously I'm late but I hope your son is doing well. :)

  93. Such gorgeous framed pieces! A great win - those silks look absolutely stunning! Hope your son is doing well :)

  94. Dearest Carol,
    Your framed pieces are just awesome. They are.
    Congrats on winning away all the beautiful silk floss and the gifts you received.
    Wow, a lot of cookies and I love those in the lower right corner. LOL. TFS the images of your Thanksgiving…very pretty and I especially love the flooring where the long table is.
    I am glad you were able to rid the skunk and OMGoodness, yes…you never forget a skunks stench, there is nothing like it.
    …and in closing, I hope your son had a successful surgery and wishing him a speedy recovery.
    Take care Carol.


  95. Gorgeous stitching, and the frames are just perfect! Great job!!

  96. It's just not done until they are framed or finished, are they?? I took my one Mystic to get framed a little over a week ago and I mailed my other piece to Jill Rensel! So excited to see them back home soon. Yours look fantastic and I'm sure make some great additions to your lovely home. I really would like to take a road trip sometime and visit!

  97. All of your finishes that you had framed, turned out beautifully! Happy Holidays!


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Hope you have a wonderful day!