Friday, December 21, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

At least it will be tomorrow because we're due to get 3-5 inches of snow! Now ordinarily, that might send me fleeing to the grocery store to stock up on things like the rest of the folks in western Pennsylvania always seem to do before a forecast storm. But, since I just finished my shopping yesterday, I'm content to settle in and wait for the storm and enjoy a beautiful white Christmas!! And you know what? Somehow, everything came together and I'm ready for the big day. Today, I'll settle in and bake some cookies, do a bit of cleaning, and just wait for all of my sons to come home tomorrow... I can hardly wait until we're all here together!

The tree is up and since so many of you have asked for a photo of it, here you go...

 Christmas Tree 2012

To me, it doesn't look much different than last year's tree except there are a dozen more ornaments! Here is a close-up shot from a different angle...

And another...

And one more...

When I took the ornaments from their under-the-bed hiding place this week I began noticing how many of them fit into one of five categories! You have the snowman theme:

Snowman Themed Ornaments

Then there is the Santa themed grouping (lots of Prairie Schoolers, aren't there?):

Santa Themed Ornaments

I also found many that fit in with my love of nature--lots of animals, trees, and, forest scenes...

Nature Themed Ornaments

Then there are the house-themed little beauties. There is something so comforting about stitching a home, isn't there? And these range from birdhouses, to gingerbread houses, to warm, beckoning homes:

House Themed Ornaments

Finally, the "just-plain-cute" category--the elves, the angels, the gingerbread boys:

"Just-Plain-Cute" Ornaments

And there you have it! I hope you've enjoyed my tour of ornaments... Some of you asked if I left the ornaments that I stitched this year on my staircase garland all month. The answer is no--I move them to the tree right before Christmas so everything is grouped together. Yes, I know the tree looks a bit crowded, but I love it this way. I'm thinking about getting a smaller tree next year for my smallest stitched ornaments (and you know me--I do love small!)...we'll see!

I've received some lovely gifts from around the world which I'd love to share with you today, too. 

From my sweet friend June came this LHN "Joy" ornament all the way from England. Isn't it beautiful? I do love it, June, and the other assorted goodies you included. The cat bookmark calendar is perfect for a cat-loving reader like me, and she also sent a little house-shaped needleminder, and a wee blank book so I could write down my hopes and dreams. So adorable... Thank you so much, my friend. You really made me smile!
  Gift from June

From a new friend, Robin (no blog), I received the most beautiful Prairie Schooler Santa riding on a reindeer. She chose to stitch it for me because I had commented in a post that I hoped to stitch every design from that chart some day so she wanted to help me out. I just love it, Robin, and the blue fabrics you included are so lovely! Thank you so much--I will proudly add your creation to my tree each year and I look forward to getting to know you better in the coming year. We already share a strong bond in our love for PS designs, don't we?

Gift From Robin

From my young friend, Valerie, in France, came this wonderful ornament and lots of buttons and trims. I just love the green heart, Valerie--I believe it is the first heart-shaped cross stitch on my Christmas tree as I've not dared to attempt stitching one for myself! Your pretty ribbons and trims and buttons will all be put to good use on future projects. I've really enjoyed getting to know you better this year--your positive attitude always makes your blog a pleasure to visit. Thank you so much, my friend...

Gift from Valerie

From my sweet friend, Shirlee, who always makes me laugh with the stories on her blog, came another wonderful LHN design called "Joy and Peace." Shirlee stitched and finished it perfectly and I love the fabric and chenille trim she used. I'm guessing that she may have dyed the fabric herself--is that correct, Shirlee? Really a lovely mocha shade... I am so happy to own a "Shirlee-stitched" piece and I'll proudly add it to me tree this year, my friend. Thank you so very much!

Gift from Shirlee

All the way from Spain came a special package from dear Edit. Edit was one of my first blogging friends and we've exchanged Christmas gifts for several years now. In keeping with my pillow theme this year, she stitched for me this adorable "Joy" pillow trimmed with a cute blue polka-dot fabric. Isn't it sweet? And that fabric with those chubby red-nosed Santas really made me chuckle! Edit included some pretty bells, trims, and a cute JBW chart that I didn't own--I think those stockings may be on my must-stitch list next year. Thank you so much, my friend--your gift really made my day!

Gift from Edit

From another long-time blogging friend, Cindy, came yet another wonderful Prairie Schooler Santa. I love the little Swarovski crystals she added to the piece for the snow! And her feather-like trim is so perfect. I need to find some of that for myself. He is just beautiful, Cindy, and this little pillow will be a wonderful accent to my Christmas decorating. The fabrics she included are so pretty and just look at that little bird--adorable! Thank you, my friend--for your friendship and for your beautiful gifts.

Gift from Cindy

And last, but certainly not least, came this adorable ornament from my earliest blogging friend, Myra. If you've never seen this design before, it's because Myra designed it herself! Isn't it charming? Everyone who follows Myra's blog knows that she loves cardinals so, of course, her design included a cheery red bird! The fabric she chose to accent the ornament with is perfect and I love the green chenille trim and little gold star charm. Maybe we have a new budding designer in our midst, what do you think? Thank you so very much, Myra--you always know how to make me smile :)

Gift from Myra
I was so touched to receive these beautiful gifts from my friends... That is one of the best things about blogging isn't it? The connections we make with fellow stitchers from around the world are so strong and everyone is so supportive. And without a blog, we never would have connected with these friends who share our passion for stitching. Thank you, thank you, my friends!!

I also want to thank everyone who has emailed to ask about my son's recovery from his jaw surgery. He is still unable to eat solid food due to a lack of feeling in his mouth/jaw area, but we're hoping he can have some mashed potatoes on Christmas day--a real treat for him after all of the liquids he's been downing. I truly appreciate your thoughts and prayers--as does he. He has a long way to go with his recovery, but, hopefully, the surgery will have been worth it and he'll end up with a nice, normal bite in a few months.

And that's about it from here. I want to wish each of you who celebrates a most delightful Christmas with friends and family nearby. I hope your day includes at least one stitching request granted from your wish list! Thank you for your comments, emails, and most of all, your friendship. I do appreciate each of you!! Bye for now...



  1. I've been anxiously waiting for "the tree" post.... Absolutely stunning!!! And, you have been showered with goodies !!!! You are a true friend to so many..... Merry Christmas, my friend..... Faye

  2. All the ornaments are so very beautiful, your tree is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

  3. All the ornaments are looking so cuteeeeee
    Love your tree so much..
    Hugs cucki x

  4. Oh my God!!! Your christmas tree is so wonderful!!

  5. What a wonderful tree - I can't believe how many stitched ornaments you have, and they're all absolutely gorgeous. Merry Christmas!

  6. What a lovely tree, Carol...thank you so much for sharing it with us! And all your beautiful!!

    So glad to hear that all went well with your son's surgery and that he is healing nicely too...hope he continues to improve and things go by quickly for him.

    I hope you have a blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

  7. What a lovely tree, so full of stitched goodies!

  8. Wow, now that is a tree! I love all of your stitched ornaments :)

    Lovely gifts too!

    Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  9. Just love that tree Carol! Such great gifts for a great lady. Merry, Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am praying for your son still.♥

  10. That is one mighty beautiful tannenbaum full of awesomeness!!!

  11. Your tree is gorgeous. All the ornaments a feast for the eyes. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

  12. Carol -- What an absolutely gorgeous tree with all your beautifully made ornaments. One day I want to have a tree just like that (LOL) -- I better get stitching:)))

    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family Carol!

    HUGS to you.

  13. I think you'll need to start a 2nd tree next year! Gorgeous display. Fun looking at all those themed collections. Love that Valerie Pfeiffer chick and that giant Santa's helper in the final cute collection.

    Lovely stitchy gifts too. Lots of goodness for a good person.

    Hope your son can have that mashed potato treat for the holidays. Sounds like it will be fun for all to have the family together.

    Happy Holidays!

  14. Merry Christmas Carol! Your tree is stunning ! Glad to hear your son is coming along .

  15. Amazing Christmas Tree! I in delight! Merry Christmas!

    Hugs :-)))

  16. Like Faye, I've been waiting for your tree post too! It does not disappoint! It's just breathtaking Carol! Your collection of ornamaents is by far one of the loveliest that I've seen!
    In your Nature themed ornaments there is one that I've not seen before. It's the one with the deer, cardinals and the trees. Is is a Blue Ribbon design?
    You are so blessed to have received so many fabulous gifts from your blogging friends. Each one is so very special!
    I hope that you and your family have a very blessed Merry Christmas. Here's hoping that your son can enjoy some potatoes!

  17. Good God! What a wonderful tree! :o))


  18. Wow, Carol, I'm speechless.Your tree is gorgeous! So many nice ornaments!

  19. I so enjoyed this post! Your tree is stunning. Some day I will have to sit down and stitch some for myself. They are beautiful.
    Such lovely gifts from your blogging friends. They mean so much as they represent great friendships made through blogging.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family. I'm so glad to hear your son is doing well.

  20. Carol, it was an absolute pleasure to read your blog today and have a peek at all those gorgeous designs. Your tree is magnificent! Thank you for sharing all of this.
    Merry Christmas!

  21. Carol your tree is absolutely gorgeous with all the stitched ornaments! Breathtaking in my opinion! I wish we were getting some snow for the holidays. Enjoy your magical day. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  22. Carol, realmente maravilloso, espectacular, divino.
    Muchísimos besos y FELIZ NAVIDAD.

  23. Stunning.... Ok now I need to get busy for next year....

  24. Your tree is abosoutely fabulous!! Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family!!!

  25. Beautiful - absolutely beautiful. Your tree is just so very wonderful with all those carefully stitched and finished ornaments. I love them all. I think my favorite has to be that chubby, fluffy little bird wearing the Santa hat. He just makes me smile.
    Glad to hear that your son is coming along well and soon will be eating more solid food.
    I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being such a wonderful blogging friends. I so enjoy our chatty emails back and forth. You have been a bright light in my life this past year.
    Merry, Merry Christmas my friend to you and your family.

  26. Your tree looks wonderful my Friend!!

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    ¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´¸¸.•´¯`•-> El Duende
    / |

    Feliz Navidad - Happy Christmas !!!


  27. Merry Christmas Carol!!!! I hope you have a very blessed day!

    I love your tree and all of your ornaments! I really love the house group!! Especially the one stitched on black that looks like a Gingerbread house.

    Have a lovely day of baking and waiting for the snow!

    Love, Heather

  28. Oh I love your tree! Look at all that stitchy goodness!

    And for your son ~ it's hard to believe it, but the surgery & pain is totally worth it! And if the mashed potatoes work then I'm sure he can top it off with a nice big slice of pumpkin pie! Or at least the filling ;o)

  29. Carol, your tree is truly wonderful! So many lovely ornaments!

    Your gifts from your friends are just beautiful.

    I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and best wishes for a great 2013!

  30. Your tree is absolutely gorgeous and inspiring! Thank you for sharing the pics!

  31. What a gift of art Carol, your tree has to be the best tree in the world just love it.
    And snow ! , right that's it I am on my way I will bring some cookies.Ha
    We are going to have rain.
    Lovely gift's to a wonderful person, thank you Carol if it was not for you I would never have been blogging.
    And I have made some wonderful friends in the last 18 months.
    You always inspire me so much, bless you my friend.
    Have fun, enjoy your Christmas with all your family .
    Warm wishes.

  32. Hi Carol, your tree is absolutely wonderful. The ornaments are really beautiful.
    Have a very merry Christmas.
    Warm greetings from Germany, Gabi

  33. Wow, what a fantastic tree. S beautiful stitching. Wonderful.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  34. Your ornaments are fantastic, Carol.....How I wish I could grab a cup of coffee and just quietly
    stand and look at each and every one on your magnificent tree. Merry Christmas!

  35. Thanks for sharing your beautiful ornaments with us. They are all so beautiful. I thought our tree was full of ornaments...but I have a ways to go to match yours! lol.

    I am happy to hear your son is doing better.

    You received some lovely ornaments from stitching friends, also! Congrats.

    Merry Christmas!

  36. What a gorgeous tree carol. You got some gorgeous ornies through. Have a great white Christmas and keep warm. Xx

  37. Simply beautiful ~ I can't describe your tree in any other way! I love how you placed them in categories and gave us some up close shots.
    So happy for you that all of your boys will be home. Keeping my fingers crossed that mashed potatoes will be eaten for Christmas dinner!!
    Have a wonderful Christmas my friend!

  38. One word--Wow! Your tree is gorgeous and so is all the ornaments you've stitched. Nice gifts you've received too! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours:)

  39. Oh my goodness, Carol, what a stunning tree!! Definitely something for me to aspire to--I love it. Gorgeous ornaments, and I love your gifts from friends. Best wishes to you and your family for a very blessed Christmas!

  40. What an amazing tree Carol! It is so very pretty, and what pride you must take in knowing that you stitched and hand-crafted the finish of each and every ornament. Well done!

  41. Oh my Carol - your tree is absolutely stunning - stunning photosgraphs thank you so much for sharing them x

  42. Wow!! your tree looks fantastic!!! I Love it and ever so slightly jealous of i ;-) and such a lot of gorgeous goodies - lucky lady. Merry Christmas too you and best wishes for 2013 xxx

  43. Your tree is gorgeous, Carol! Enjoy your goodies! It was a pleasure to add to your PS collection!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Robin in Virginia

  44. Your tree is so amazing!!!!! Wow! I don't think it looks crowded, I think it's perfect1 I love seeing the groupings of ornaments too -- how fun that they fall into categories like that! Love the gifts from friends as well. I hope your son is able to have his treat of mashed potatoes on Christmas. Sounds like a long recovery -- I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. Good wishes for his recovery -- hope he gets the feeling back in his mouth area soon.

  45. Carol, your tree is stunning! Thank you for all the ornament close ups. You've also gotten some lovely gifted ornaments this year. Wishing you and your family a happy and safe holiday!

  46. Wow Carol ~ that is one HUGE ornament tree! Gorgeous! Love the way they are all finished differently.

    No wonder so many gifted you w/stitchy pieces~ you always inspire so many!! You deserve it!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family and keeping your son in our prayers!


  47. Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous!!! What wonderful eye candy, both your lovely tree and the wonderful gifts you received from friends.
    Merry Christmas dear friend.

  48. You've been the recipient of wonderful gifts! Each one with its little goodies is so special. Glad to hear your son is still on the road to recovery and I'll bet those mashed potatoes will be the best he's ever had. Magnificent tree! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  49. Wow, your Christmas Tree is gorgeous! I love all your ornaments!

    Wonderful gifts received!

    Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful 2013!

  50. Your tree looks stunning Carol with all the gorgeous ornaments. I had a giggle when I saw the elf holding the Christmas lights. He's sweet. I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family and friends too.

  51. Your tree is beautiful , Carol !
    So much work in all those ornaments ! But they look fabulous on your tree !
    Merry Christmas to your family !

  52. LOVE your tree!!!!!! I love that it is filled with stitched ornaments!!!!! Merry Christmas to you, too~~

  53. A bit of snow will truly make it seem like Christmas. Carol, your tree is absolutely gorgeous. I love seeing all your ornaments and the lovelies made by your stitching friends. I am glad you like my little ornie - I know I smile every time I see one of yours on my tree and hope that mine does the same for you. Merry Christmas!

  54. Your Tree is Divinely decorated with Gorgeous ornaments. I too had been waiting for this tree post. Beautiful, beautiful gifts you received from around the world.
    Have a blessed Christmas - love Annette

  55. You have the most beautiful tree I have seen. Congratulations.

    I am so pleased that your son is recovering.

    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

  56. Your tree and ornaments are absolutely stunning and gorgeous. Lovely gifts received. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  57. so......did you get the snow that was predicted? It was a bust here...we got a light dusting is all!
    Your tree with all of your ornaments is breathtaking....thanks for sharing! I see Mr. Winston in the mix :>)
    Enjoy your time with your family....I know how much it means to a mom!!
    Merry Christmas my friend!

  58. I am catching up on my blogs. yours really bought a smile to my face. The tree and decorations look great. I am glad your son is doing better. I cant imagine the pain he was in. I am glad you like the ornament and gifts i sent. I know you it will be a busy weekend for you. Merry Christmas.

  59. Your beautiful tree will be an inspiration to many stitchers, just as one from the past was to me! I always think, how will she fit in one more? But you do, and beautifully!
    It makes me smile to see the lovely gifts you receive from your on-line friends. You are such a dear friend to so many, and I’m so happy to be among them.
    Wishing your family a healthy and peaceful Christmas, and a fantastic New Year!

  60. The ornament tree is awesome! You are top notch in the stitching and finishing catagory! Each of them is beautiful. Hope your son will get to enjoy the mashed potatoes..and will soon be able to enjoy all his favorite foods. Happy holidays to you and your family.

    Judy heartland stitcher

  61. Hello Carol,

    the tree is so beautiful.
    The Ornaments are wonderful.
    Merry Christmas, Manuela.

  62. Oh my gosh !!! Your tree is stunning and each ornament is cuter than the other. Thanks for sharing all the pictures with us. If I ever want to have a tree like that, I have a lot of stitching to do !!!! :-)

  63. Wow!!!!! What a wonderful tree!

  64. Thanks for showing all of those beautiful ornament pictures! The gifts are lovely!
    Merry Christmas to you!

  65. Wow Carol. Your tree is stunning. What absolutely gorgeous ornaments and gifts you received. They are all beautiful.
    Your house ornament collection - I love the third one from left on top row - houses and sleigh at bottom - can you tell me the name and designer.

    Merry Christmas

  66. Carol your tree is stunning! Just gorgeous.

    Beautiful gifts.

    Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  67. Never seen before a more beautiful Christmas Tree...
    Enchanted... perfect, precious...
    And the stairs... OMG Love them so much!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!!! and a wonderful Winter Thyme!
    The Primitive Hare

  68. so much snow... I want it too.. we are having rain rain rain rain and more rain..
    Not fun.. I don't like rain... but I LOVE snow...
    Al teh family together.. haw great must that be.. hihihi

    Finally the tree pic... =))))))
    Your tree looks so wonderfull-beautifull-awesome.. I so love it.. really beautifull...

    hihi.. the Snowmen and Santa theme... how great it that.. and so beautifull made
    ow and there are still more theme's....
    So many beautifull and diffent pieces.. and all so beautifull

    I love that the tree looks so crowded. you tree can have that very very good..
    It's just perfect!!

    And more pieces are still coming in the mail.. how great!!!
    So many beautifull things..
    You need to but 2 big trees next year..

    So glad your son is felling better day by day...
    He will love his smashed potatoes with Christmas..

    Have so much fun!!!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family

  69. Hello, Carol! Your tree is just beautiful. What an amazing stitcher you are!

    I have been out of touch with the blogging world. I am now glad to hear your son is doing much better - poor kid!

    I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family!

  70. My goodness - that tree is a genuine treasure!!!

  71. Oh wow! absolutely beautiful Carol!
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your family & all the very best for the New Year!

  72. This is AMAZING !! absolutely beautiful.
    Wishing you and your familie a wonderful Chistmas and a lovely 2013.
    with love Marianne

  73. Oh ! Carol !
    Your Christmas tree is wonderful !!!
    You have a beautiful collection of ornaments !
    I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family !

  74. Oh Carol, I don't even know what to say - it's so beautiful and precious. Thank you so much for sharing. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! :)

  75. Merry Christmas Carol! Your ornaments are just lovely and what special gifts you received. Blogging the most fabulous thing ever!

  76. The ornaments and your tree are, quite simply, breathtaking!

  77. Your tree is stunning!

    I appreciate you sharing your life with me through this blog over the past year, Carol.

    I hope 2013 is a happy one for you and your family!

  78. Hi Carol,
    Your tree is simply stunning. I don't know how you get all the finishing ideas.
    Thank you for your friendship throughout the year and hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

  79. If I wasn't in the Christmas spirit before, I am now. I see what everyone is talking about with your tree now. Beautiful and so are all the 'group' ornaments.
    Merry Christmas!

  80. Wow! I am speechless! Your tree is amazing and has so many stitched ornies! Gorgeous! And so many wonderful gifts from friends. Merry Christmas to you and yours. I have an email in the works to catch up. :)

  81. These pics are amazing Carol.... what a collection of treasures you have created.... and the ornaments you have received from dear friends are beautiful too. I hope you don't mind, but I have bookmarked this page, so I can refer back to it for finishing inspiration when I need it! I hope you and all the men in your life(I mean of the husband and son variety of course!) have a fantastic Christmas together.....

  82. Merry Christmas!
    I wish you good health, new ideas, inspiration and festivity!
    May the joy of living more in your hearts!

  83. I do believe your post last year with the ornaments for your tree is what hooked me on the blog world. Your tree should win the prize! I'd love to be unwrapping presents around your tree with a cup of coffee in hand! Merry Christmas.

  84. Glorious photos of your tree. Lots of wonderful stitcheries to behold. Beautiful!

  85. ho my ! what a wonderful Xmas tree
    the most wonderful I've ever seen =)
    so great, so Xmas, so beautiful...
    I'm happy you love my little gift
    Seeing on the picture it confirms me the idea I had...not a real heart shape :-/
    but truly made of love for you =D
    I'm so happy too our roads crossed =)
    Have a wonderful Xmas my sweet Carol
    big big hugs

  86. Oh so beautiful Carol. I love the tree crowded too. Well, I won't call it crowded…I'll call it full.
    Your gifts are beautiful too.
    Have a Merry Christmas dear.


  87. Gorgeous pictures!! I'm always amazed by your Christmas tree and beautiful ornaments :D
    Hope you're having a wonderful time with your sons and family!! Make the best milk shake ever for your son!!!! heheheh Hope he's recovering well =) Merry Christmas my sweet friend!!!


  89. Hi Carol - oh I love your beautiful tree and all your lovely exchange ornaments. Bravo for a year well done! I thank you for all the inspiration you give to us all the year round. Many wishes going out to your son for a full recovery soon. I look forward to antoher year of stitching dreams and joy from you in 2013! Happy new year!

  90. I've never seen such a beautiful collection of smalls ... I love especially those with little houses and those with snowmen!In fact...I love all of them!
    have a great day!

    silvie from France

  91. lovely tree, lovely ornaments ! makes me want to call in sick from work, and saty inside for like a week and do noting but stitch !

    and it brought the xmas chicadee chart back to mind.
    still have it, stil did not stitch it, but I have it next to my pc now, and I still love it !
    thanks again !

  92. Beautiful tree, Carol! Amazing.
    Hope you had a great Christmas with your family, and your son is feeling better. I can't wait to see what you are going to stitch next year :)
    Have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year!

    Love, Ana Paula

  93. Wow ! what a gorgeous tree with all those lovely ornaments.

    Hope your son is recovering well from the surgery and I hope he enjoyed Christmas this season.

  94. Carol! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope you got to enjoy the day and those cookies!! Looove your Christmas tree and all your ornaments. So beautiful. Lovely gifts you received from your friends! They will have a special place on your tree!!



  95. Your tree is such a beauty with all its stitched ornaments. So special. I particularly love the PS ornaments and my personal favourite tree would be a Prairie Schooler tree. Maybe I should have such a tree, one day.
    Enjoy your pretty gifts from your friends.
    I hope you were having a great Christmas holiday. And I hope that your son could eat some soft food. I wish him a continued good recovery.

  96. Your tree is gorgeous, you have a great collection of ornaments

    You got some lovely gifts.

    I hope you had a lovely Christmas

  97. Carol what a spectacular and special tree you have! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!!!

    Happy New Year I look forward to your themes for the upcoming year!


  98. Thud!

    That is the most beautiful collection of ornaments, what a wonderful tree.
    Just love seeing all you delightful stitching & those of your stitching friends.
    I send warm New Year Greetings to you & yours.

  99. Your Christmas tree with all of your incredible stitched ornaments absolutely takes my breath away, Carol. For such a special friend as you, how blessed you are to receive so many wonderful gifts from friends who treasure your gift of friendship.

    Blessings in Stitches & Friendship With You, for a very happy & Blessed New Year.

  100. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmastime Carol. You have received lots if lovely gifts from your stitching friends. Your tree certainly looks amazing bedecked with all those beauties.
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year and continued well wishes for your sons recovery. Xxx

  101. TRES BONNE ANNEE 2013 !


  102. I love your tree!! Did you make the pearl garland yourself?

  103. Your tree is amazing! I love it. I love all of your ornament collections. Each piece is adorable.

    You really did get some amazing gifts this year. Stitchers really are very generous.

    I hope your son continues to have a good recovery from his surgery.


  104. OH MY GOSH! I love your tree with all the handmade ornaments! It is gorgeous!!!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  105. Your Christmas tree looks FANTASTIC! All the ornament are so beautiful!

    Happy New Year to you and all your family!


  106. You have a wonderful collection of ornaments to show off. What do your friends say when they see it? I hope they know of your passion and know that most of them are made by you! You also got some lovely gifts from blogging friends!

  107. Your ornaments are all so very beautiful Carol.
    Your love have been spread all over the world and it is evident by all the goodies you receive.


  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Witaj! Masz bardzo piękne drzewa i tak wiele fajnych zabawek haftowane na to! Proszę pozwolić mi opublikować zdjęcie swojego choince w moim blogu i zrobić link do swojego bloga.
    Regards, Oksana.

  110. It is my new aim in life to have a Christmas tree decorated just like yours Carol. It's stunning! All the time and effort you put into making your delightful ornaments really shines through, it looks amazing!
    Best wishes.

  111. I love your Cross stitched Christmas ornaments! Just a question...on the photo of snowman ornaments there is one (top row, middle) of a snowman wearing a hat with a row of hearts down the side. Can you tell me who is the designer, or where I can get the pattern? Thanks.

  112. I love your Cross stitched Christmas ornaments! Just a question...on the photo of snowman ornaments there is one (top row, middle) of a snowman wearing a hat with a row of hearts down the side. Can you tell me who is the designer, or where I can get the pattern? Thanks.


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!