Wednesday, December 11, 2019

2019 Parade Of Ornaments

It's mid-December and long-time readers of Stitching Dreams know what that means... the annual "Parade Of Ornaments" is about to begin! Can you believe this is the 10th annual parade? I certainly can't; I'm really proud of myself for keeping up this tradition of stitching and finishing one ornament a month for ten whole years...  Each one is made with special care--sometimes the finishing takes longer than the stitching! I try my best to make them unique and something my sons and their families will love pulling out and hanging on their own Christmas trees each December long after I'm gone. I hope they'll remember the love that I stitched into each one...

So, listen carefully... can you hear the cadence of the drums and the trumpeting of the horns? The parade participants are lining up and ready to step off.  If there is a theme in this year's ornaments, it seems to be "black and blue Prairie Schooler!" Oh, dear... that doesn't sound very nice, does it? Well, look at the 2019 line-up--half of the twelve are stitched on black, half are Prairie Schooler designs, and three feature blue (my favorite color!) quite prominently.

The 2019 "Parade Of Ornaments!"

The lack of natural light in the winter in our front hallway doesn't lend itself to the best quality photos--especially when taken on my (rapidly aging) phone. Let me zoom in so you can get a better look.

January ~ March 2019

April ~ June 2019

July ~ September 2019

October ~ December 2019

What's that you say? You are still having trouble seeing each one? Oh, I do understand--when you're as short as I am (only 5'1") you can never see anything at parades. Well, this should help you out--and look carefully as I would love to know which is you favorite for this year. If you would like more information about the fabrics and threads I used, just click on the name of the ornament below the photo.

"Grandma's House" by Little House Needleworks

"Santa Rides" by Prairie Schooler

1999 Prairie Schooler Santa

"Happy Christmas" by Prairie Schooler

"Frosty Flakes" by Little House Needleworks


Santa With Goose from Prairie Schooler's "Kris Kringle" booklet

"Snowy Winter" by Little House Needleworks

Prairie Schooler Angel

"A Year In Chalk: January" by Hands On Design

1989 Prairie Schooler Santa

"Jingle, Jingle" by Homespun Elegance

"Snowman Joy" by Twin Peak Primitives

Since I haven't shared my ornament for December (in the photo above), I thought you might want to know the details. Isn't this snowman precious--I just love the sweet look on his frosty face! This is called "Snowman Joy" and is available in the Etsy shop of Twin Peak Primitives as a digital download. I stitched it "over one" on 28 ct. black Monaco with DMC threads (I did change some colors so they would show up better on the black). At the very top, I hot glued a trio of rusty bells and two sprigs of flocked greenery that I cut from a larger piece. I'm so happy with him--a perfect way to end another year of ornament stitching!

Many of you have mentioned you would love to stitch an ornament a month, too. Well, why not give it a try?! On the months you are busier, just pick a simpler ornament. If you get behind, just stitch two the next month... And don't fret about your finishing... Trust me, I have come a long way in the almost 11 years I have been writing this blog. There are so many wonderful tutorials out there from Vonna, The Twisted Stitcher and Pinwheel Ponders and others. Just dive in and watch as you improve from year to year. If you'd like to see how far I've come, check out these past "parades" and see for yourself:  2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018

My mailman has been busy lately delivering little gifts and greeting cards from many of you and I'm so thankful! I'll be sharing these in a post later this month. 

GIVEAWAY WINNER... Thank you to everyone who was interested in the sweet little girl with the forest creatures that I offered last time as a giveaway. The name pulled from the hat was...
Congratulations, June--I'll get this chart out to you soon and I look forward to watching your progress as you stitch it!  Hope you enjoy it...
The Winner of this sweet chart is:  June P.!

NEW GIVEAWAY... I found this cute chart of "Six Busy Santas" by Vermillion Sticher that I thought would make a perfect pre-Christmas giveaway. You could make six ornaments of your own (each has a stitch count of 45 X 45 so they aren't huge) or just choose one or two favorites. If you would like to be included in the drawing for the chart make sure to:  1) Specifically mention that you would like to win it 2) include your email address and name if I don't already have it, and 3) Tell me what your favorite of my 2019 ornaments is. I have to say that I have a real soft spot for the Little House Needleworks "Frosty Flakes" (my May ornament) that I changed to blue tones. He really didn't appeal to me in the suggested greens and I'm so glad I  found the courage to make such a big change!  This drawing will be open until Thursday, December 19th and I'll announce the winner on my next post.

If you would like to be included in the drawing for this chart, please 1) specifically say so, 2) include your email address and name and 3) let me know what your favorite of my ornaments was for this year.

So, that's a wrap for this post! You know what's next, right? My Christmas tree--if I ever get it decorated, that is. Thanksgiving set me way behind and I'm going to New York for the next five days to visit with mom so I won't be getting it decorated until next week. Sad... I told my husband that next year it's going up before Thanksgiving so I can really enjoy all those little cuties that I've stitched over the years. Thanks for visiting me today--and a big welcome to my new followers. A gentle reminder to please leave your email address if you ask a question of me in your comments. I have no way to respond to you if you don't... Enjoy these last two weeks before Christmas, my friends! Bye for now...


Marilyn said...

It's hard to pick just one, they are all so beautiful.
I think I like May, that Angel looks so vibrant on the black fabric.
Can't wait to see your tree! I look forward to it each year!

Stasi said...

I always loved a parade as a child, but this parade takes the prize!!! What a fabulous display and I can only imagine how wonderful your tree is in person. Safe travels to NY and enjoy your time with your Mom. Thanks for sharing your talents and ideas!

Sandy said...

I love the parade. IT is one of my favorites of the year. I sewously find it hard not to pick one of those PS Santas as a favorite, but I think I might choose December's Snowman Joy. That is an adorable snowman. I absolutely think you should put that tree up early so you can enjoy all that goodness and I would leave the current year on the banister garland to be enjoyed each year. I hope your trip to New York is a good one.

besomom said...

February's Santa Rides is my favorite! I love the subtle colors and the way Santa pops against them, and your finishing choices perfectly enhance the design. The December snowman is a close second. He is charming! I have to add they are all beautiful, Carol. Have a Merry Christmas, and safe travels.

Mary said...

Om my word Carol, You have outdone yourself this year with your finishing!!! Each and every one is totally outstanding!!!! I am hard pressed to pick a favorite!!! I'm sure your children will treasure all your handiwork and I hope these ornaments will be passed down from generation to generation in the family and one day a relative will think about the woman that stitched all of these beauties.

YOur staircase is stunning decked out and you have gotten further than I have!!! I still have fall décor up so don't feel bad!!

Have a safe trip to NY and I hope you find your Mother doing well and in good spirits. I'll be looking forward to seeing your tree!!! Mary

Kate said...

These are all so beautiful, Carol! I really like the ones stitched on black and the Santa framed with the twigs is such a unique finish.

Kay said...

I always look forward to this post. It all looks so lovely in your home. My favourite ornaments are the April and May ones. x

BrendaS said...

Your ornaments are absolutely perfect. Hard to choose just one but I think I would have to pick January April and September. Would love to be included in the drawong.

Margaret said...

I must say it's easier on my old eyes to see the details of your ornaments on your blog than on instagram. lol! I'm still in love with the angel though. :D All are lovely. I have to say there's something about using a black background fabric. Very appealing! Sorry you are getting your tree up late this year. I think the late Thanksgiving has messed us all up this year. We just got our little tree up this past weekend. Plans for us all going out to cut down a tree together got destroyed by that snowstorm Thanksgiving weekend -- DS had to travel back home early. Sigh. Anyway, safe travels! Hope your mom is doing well.

Little Penpen said...

I came over from Instagram! So beautiful! Now I’m going to look at the previous years’ parades!

Vickie said...

Love this post every year Carol. I enjoy going through everyone else's pick. ;) I chose the angel as my favorite! They are all so gorgeous my friend!

Katie said...

Another lovely parade of beauties this year. I love the February one. The truck with Santa is too cool. But they all are just gorgeous. Congrats June and Good luck to all who enter your new giveaway. Please don't include me. Have a great time. Enjoy getting your tree up. We can't wait to see it either.

Robin in Virginia said...

Another wonderful Parade of Ornaments, Carol! So hard to pick a favorite because I love them all, but I really do like the PS Santa you stitched in October and the Snowman in December. Perhaps because of the cardinals or they just screamed at me the loudest. Have a safe trip to and from visiting your Mom! Thinking of you!

Suzanne H said...

I love looking at your fine stitching and finishing. I think my favorite is your February ornament Santa Rides. I love the unique finish and my husband is in automotive industry so this would be a wonderful stitch for him. I would love a chance to win the chart. My email address is

Enjoy your visit with your mother and have a very happy holiday!

Diana said...

Love your ornaments! My favorite is April.

butterfly said...

I love this time of the year when we see your lovely stitching .
Love them all , but January and July are my Favorites .

Oh Carol is it me that won the lovely giveaway if it is THANK YOU .
I love this sweet chart it's my love little girl ones .
I would so look forward to stitching it.
Have a lovely trip give your Mom a hug from me and wish her a wonderful and magic Christmas

Tina said...

The PS Angel is my favorite. However, My favorite finishing is the PS santa on the train. they are perfect! Tina

Barb said...

Hi Carol - oh what fun to see all of your stitched 2019 Christmas ornaments! I tried to select a “favorite” but honestly, I love them all!! They all are so beautiful and each one has something so very special about it. When I think about you stitching an ornament a month for ten years - well, I can do the math - 120 hand stitched ornaments on your tree!! (Not to mention all the other beautiful stitching you do! Incredible!). I’m so looking forward to seeing your posting of your Christmas tree this year. It is always so beautiful.

Have a happy and safe trip to see your Mom and enjoy your visit. I’m sure she will be so happy to see you, too.

All the best to you and your family -

Barb R.

Barbara said...

Carol, I love your finishes as much as the actual cross stitching. Your work is sooo inspiring. I've been following you for a year now, so this is my second Christmas to see your ornaments made throughout the year. You are truly amazing!

Enjoy your trip to New York and have a blessed Christmas!

Donna Sue said...

Love the January winter house and what creative finishing for the Feb. Santa! Great work for the year!

annemarie said...

I would love to win this chart. My favorite ornament is the January Grandma's house. Happy holidays to you and yours!

Natureluvr57 said...

Lovely ornament parade. I love snowmen in blue/white so I really love your color change. I hand embroidered Crabapple Hill's "Over the river and through the woods" quilt which was originally done in brown/black but changed it to different shades of white and love it so much more. I think that's the most appealing thing about handmade crafts-you can change the colors or personalize them to your liking. Merry Christmas

Leslie O said...

Your display of ornaments is beautiful and while it is hard to choose one favorite, I think it would be the Prairie Schooler Angel. I would love to win the six Santas giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol, they are all so lovely. I have to choose the 1989 Prairie Schooler Santa. I stitched that Santa in 1989! I am currently stitching Stockingful by All Through the Night by Bonnie Sullivan. You certainly have a talent for finishing these ornaments. Have a wonderful holiday with your family.

Janet Beyea said...

I just love your March Prairie Schooler Santa with all those gingerbread men. I have the pattern and am anxious to get stitching on it soon. I would love to have a chance on your chart you are giving.

Donna said...

Such beautiful ornaments! Your finishing is wonderful. I think my favorite is Grandma’s House. Have a great holiday.

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

They are all beautiful Carol. I like April the best - I always like things on dark backgrounds, but I realise they are harder to stitch. I haven't got any decorations out yet. Maybe this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing your trees. Merry Christmas.

Sandra said...

They're all beautiful and it's such a lovely tradition. I have a soft spot for January: Grandma's House! You are creating precious heirlooms!

marly said...

Sorry! When I think I have chosen my favorite, I review and change to another. As every year, so enjoy seeing your choices and especially the finishing that makes them all unique. That is not easy!

Please don't include me. Hope all goes well with the tree decorating.

Claire said...

Thank you for the beautiful parade, Carol! I can't pick a favourite this year. Looking carefully at each one, I find that there is a special element in each that I love - the accents on the finishing, the design or the colours. I know the feeling of not having the Christmas tree up long enough. We are getting ours later this week. I hope you have a lovely visit with your mom and that she is feeling as well as can be. I know she will be excited to see you. Safe travels and thank you for this joyous post.

MartinaM said...

Oh, I'm sure your children will enjoy every single ornament, because there is a lot of their mom in it.
You made such beautiful ornaments again. Each one is a dream in itself.
My favorite from your parade is Santa 1999, Frosty Flakes, Santa 1989 and Jingle Jingle. I love you.
Oh, I'm happy to hop into your potty, I love old, nostalgic Santas.
Have a wonderful time with your mother.

Gabi said...

'tis the most wonderful time of the year to see the parade. Lovely as always.
I am sure your children will love every single ornament and remember.
Can't say which is my favorite one. They all are so beautiful. I think,
Grandma's House I like most. But all the Santas too.
Wish you a happy time with your Mom.

Irene said...

Bellissimi i tuoi ornamenti, hai una casa stupenda!

maxi said...

Hello Carol,
Thank you for showing us your grilande with the ornaments. I love your finishing ornaments!

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Happy stitching and have a quiet 3rd advent

Manuela said...

Hello Carol.
what a great post. I love all your new ornaments from this year. My favourite is Mr. Frosty Flake and the December snowman. He is very cute.
Nice Giveaway, please count me in.
I wish you a nice trip to your mother.
Can't wait to see your Christmas tree.
Big Hugs, Manuela

moosecraft said...

These ornaments are all very lovely...but, since I'm a sucker for snowmen and birds...I'm going to have to say December is my favorite! :-) Congrats to June on the chart win! Woodland scenes are another weakness of!

ndavis said...

I always look forward to your Christmas display of ornaments and I am never disappointed. Your finishes, even in 2010, have inspired me to get creative with my own. Yes, I would like to win your give-a-way this month. The Six Busy Santas would keep me busy in 2020. My favorite of your 2019 parade is July's "Snowy Winter by Little House Needleworks. Such a cute design, and i love your finish.

Cathy H. said...

Beautiful, beautiful! I've been waiting for this post to see all your ornaments together! Once again you did an outstanding job of stitching and finishing! My favorite is the last one "Snowman Joy!" So sweet. I'll be checking out the Etsy shop you listed! I have stitched "Frosty Flakes." It's one of my own favorites! When my tree has to go up late, it just stays up through part of January! If it wouldn't get dusty, I'd leave it up all year! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Sweet Sue said...

hi carol, congrats on a wonderful year of stitching. wishing you happy holidays and a great 2020:)

tülin said...

How a nice :)

Anonymous said...

Carol, I always enjoy when you post your year of ornaments hanging on your banister. Every year, I go back to look at all of the past years too. The dough bowl of ornaments is another favorite of mine. Thank you, thank you for all of the sharing that you do with your blog. I'm always inspired.

Pat said...

I love your ornament parade each year. It's pretty hard to pick the one I like best because the are all so wonderful. I guess I would have to say April Happy Christmas and December Snowman Joy.

Have a good visit with your Mom and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.

Christine said...

They look stunning! I especially like the way you've finished the February ornament with the twig frame

Christel said...

Oh Carol, comment choisir un ornement préféré !!! Pour moi c'est impossible ils sont tous superbes et vos finitions les mettent superbement bien en valeur. Non vraiment je ne peux choisir, je les aime tous....
Je participe volontiers à votre jeu, les pères Noël sont tous tellement beaux.. Mais comme j'ai déjà eu la chance de gagner, si vous préférez ne mettez pas mon nom dans votre chapeau.
Pour une fois je ne suis pas trop en retard pour faire notre sapin. Il est en place et je me réjouis de voir le sourire de ma petite-fille Lara qui viendra dimanche pour le voir. Nous ne sommes pas certains qu'elle croit encore au père Noël mais nous allons jouer le jeu quand même.
Bon voyage à New-York.
Amitiés de France,

Shelly said...

They're all so wonderful Carol but it's going to be April's Happy Christmas by PS. I really like Christmas designs on black or dark fabric. I am looking forward to your tree! Have a super weekend!

Joyce said...

Hello Carol, How can you pick a favorite out of all those beauties,but I do like the Santa parade, can't wait to see your tree decorated. I would like to be entered for the chart. Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with your Mom. I'm available at Thanks Joyce

Karen said...

So many beautiful ornaments, Carol. Thank you for sharing them. My favorite is April.

Carlie said...

They are all lovely! I love Santa with the goose, but my favorite is snowy winter, I just love the you finished it. I would also like to be entered in the giveaway. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas!

Jutta said...

Dear Carol,
My favorite of your beautiful ornaments is February, also because the branches form a perfect frame. Please count me in, that's a nice giveaway.
All your ornaments are wonderful, it looks great in your home.
Happy Advent, Jutta

Andrea said...

Love your parades. I couldn't choose. Love the ones on black fabric, love the PS Santas, the Jingle,Jingle one.....there can't be many left after that.
Have a good weekend.

Sherri said...

I always look forward your parade of ornaments post each year! It's always hard to pick a favorite, but I'd say April and July this year. Ten years is great and your tree is is just amazing because of it! I took your inspiration a few years ago, but leave them on my garland for the season and keep adding to it each year....pretty full this year. Yay! As always, thanks for sharing.

diamondc said...

Carol: Your ornaments are beautiful, what a wonderful way to display them.
It is always so much fun to see what other people are stitching for Christmas.
Please do not include me in the giveaway I have way to many designs to stitch.
The new design you stitched is adorable, beautiful finishing.

Merry Christmas

Susan Lankford said...

Hi Carol...always love your Christmas Parade of the previous year! It is beautiful and motivating! I love cardinals and gingerbread, so would really like to stitch those PS Santas...they are my favorites!

Hugs, Susan

Barb said...

It is quite a challenge to pick a favorite but if I have to mine would be April, I love those PS charts with red houses at Christmas!

Faith... said...

Another beautiful Parade of Ornaments and thank you for showing them individually as I can NEVER see over the crowd! I stand at a whopping height of 4ft 6 so I am sure you understand why. Stitching an ornament a month is a sure way to have beautiful things to decorate your home with during the holidays! I think my favorite is May.

Christine said...

GORGEOUS as always! Having some of these patterns in my own stash, it's a great motivation to see how someone else has finished them. Love all the PS Santas as well as Jingle Jingle and Happy Christmas. And the twig frame is perfect for the wagon one. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful holiday season!

Marge B. said...

Dear Carol - I would love to win the Vermillion Santas chart. She was a favorite of mine. MERRY cHRISTMAS

Cindy's cross stitch said...

Each on is just adorable. Over 10 years and one a month is really an accomplishment. Happy Christmas is my favorite. Prairie Schooler is timeless. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Alhana said...

Carol, your ornament parade gives me such joy every year! Since I discovered your blog I am planning to make my own set of Christmas ornaments to decorate my sideboard. Can't wait to see your tree up. You are so generous, I would love to enter your giveaway if you don't mind shipping overseas. My favourite ornaments are August and November, and no—I can't decide between them because one has a lovely angel embroidered in yellow over black and the contrast is really beautiful, whereas the other one has jingle bells and that's too cute. I hope I haven't broken the giveaway rules though. ;-)
Have a lovely week!

Leonore Winterer said...

Another great year of ornaments - I can't believe you've been doing this for ten years now! Maybe I really will try it next year...usually, I stitch maybe one Christmas ornament a year, and that is for an exchange so I don't even get to keep it!
I think my favourite of yours is the 1999 Prairie Schooler Santa, but they are all great really.

Jennifer said...

I just love this annual post! My favorite this year is split. February wins for the best finishing and September for my favorite stitching - I just love those Hands on Design patterns! What a great year of stitching you’ve had with not just your ornaments, but several other big pieces! Hope that your visit with your mom went well and wish you and your family a very happy Christmas! Thanks for sharing your lovely stitching!

April said...

Carol, It is always a delight to see your parade of ornaments. It's one of those traditions that you just look forward to. What beauties they all are! From the beautiful stitching to the gorgeous finishes. All are lovely, and your family will certainly treasure
each and every one. It is tough to choose just one. I think my two favorites are April and December, but who am I kidding--I like them all! :) I hope you had a great time seeing your Mom, and hope she is well. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

Deb said...

Hi Carol! Beautiful ornaments and finishes. Could you please tell me what is the name of the stitched ornament on your sidebar. I just love that little snowman! Also, the designer. Thanks so very much!
quilterinthewoods (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I really enjoyed your Parade, so many lovely Ornaments. I do like those stitched on black too.
I managed 12 Christmas Smalls this year, not all were made into Ornaments but I will show those that were in a post very soon.

Bethan said...

What a wonderful way to display all your pieces - just beautiful. I think my favourite has to be the Snowman one x