Thursday, January 20, 2022

Another year older and sharing my final finishes of 2021

Oh, those old birthdays sure do come around quickly, don't they? I remember so badly wanting to be older when I was young--to do the "grown-up" things that all the big kids were allowed to do: ride my bike in the street, stay outside past dark playing with the neighborhood kids, walk to school by myself... But, now that I've reached my late 60's, I so wish time would slow down. I want more time to spend with my family, especially my grandson, more time to stitch every single chart in my stash and then some, more hours in the day to re-read favorite books and discover new ones. But, that's not how life works, is it? I turned 67 on Sunday and some days seem to pass in a blur. I begin each day with the best of intentions, but sometimes feel that I've accomplished nothing by the time my head hits the pillow at night. Does anyone else feel that way?

Well, enough of my philosophical ramblings on life and getting older! I actually do have some stitching to share with you today even though it is from 2021. I want to share the Christmas gifts that I made and sent out around the world to various stitching friends. As usual, I wish I could send many more gifts, but I'm only human and can only do so much! Anyway, I hope you will, perhaps, gain some inspiration from these finishes...

This charming Prairie Schooler piece is from Book No. 133 called "Winter Wind." It is only the top quarter of the design and one I've stitched before for myself (you can see my first finish in this post). This was stitched on 40 ct. pearl gray Newcastle with the suggested colors. This one is finished a bit differently as I actually forgot to attach the red beads (which represented the berries on each border), but, thankfully, the recipient liked it as is!

A portion of Prairie Schooler's "Winter Wind" stitched as an ornament


Next up, are two little round ornaments (have you noticed I seem to enjoy making round and oval ornaments more and more?) which went to two friends in Virginia. Again, this is a chart I've stitched before, although not "over one" like I did with these two. This is "French Country Snowflake" by JBW Designs. I used 25 ct. water sapphire Lugana and stitched them "over one" with white Anchor thread. I did omit the word "snowflake" that was charted. I think these designs are so clever with the miniature winter motifs featured inside! Can you spy the snowman, the skate, the reindeer, the sled, and the cottage? So creative!

Two JBW Designs "French Country Snowflake" ornaments


This Cricket Collection cardinal mitten is one that I haven't stitched before, but I love how it turned out. I used 40 ct. R&R salt marsh green linen with the suggested DMC colors for this finish. Beads were added for the cardinal's eyes and I turned it into a round ornament for my bird-loving friend.

The Cricket Collection cardinal mitten

The next ornament is one of my favorites as I love the Christmas greeting on it and, of course, that darling little bunny. This one can be found in the 2011 Just Cross Stitch Ornament magazine and is a design by The Sampler Girl. It is stitched "over one" on 28 ct. tea-dyed Monaco with most of the suggested colors. I did change the red to my go-to Christmas red: DMC 221. I'm happy to say the little bunny is residing, very happily, "across the pond" now!

"Good Tidings to You" by The Sampler Girl


In addition to the ornaments, I also made 5 cross-stitch cards. I enjoy receiving cross-stitched cards because, often, you can remove the stitching and make it into a new little ornament for your tree. I'm hoping that some of these cards will be turned into ornaments as well by the recipients. Cards are also a wonderful gift for international friends because the cost of shipping has really gotten out of hand, hasn't it? Believe it or not, the four cards shown below all came from the same chart! They are from "Winter's Song" by Plum Pudding Needleart--don't you love that cardinal? The card on the left is the full design stitched "over one" on 28 ct. Bay Leaf Jobelan. I actually stitched another as my August ornament last year (which you can read about here). And the three cards on the right are that same cardinal stitched "over two" on 28 ct. black Monaco.

Four stitched cards from "Winter's Song" by Plum Pudding Needleart

The final gift is simply another variation of the JBW Designs "French Country Snowflake" stitched "over one" on 28 ct. white Monaco. For the soft pink shade, I used Classic Colorworks "Sea Shelley." I don't stitch with pink very often, but I truly enjoyed it!

JBW Designs "French Country Snowflake" card


In other stitching news, I'm happy to report that a new piece has been hung after many, many years.  It took 8 long years to get this piece  on display! I began the With Thy Needle and Thread "Birds Of a Feather" sampler back in 2014, finished it in 2019 (if you want the details on the finish, just check here), and framed it last year. And finally, finally, I've hung it in my living room. Doesn't it look pretty against the backdrop of the blue walls? 

Framed "Birds Of a Feather" sampler by With Thy Needle and Thread

Here's a close-up of the frame... I sent this one to Total Framing in Virginia and the whole process was very easy (although I did have to wait nearly four months for it to come back to me). One of my goals for 2022 is to get more things framed and on my walls! We'll see how I do...


Other than stitching an ornament each month, I never have specific goals of what I want to stitch. But, this year, for some reason, Christmas stitching is calling to me. I don't mean ornaments, but larger Christmas pieces that I can frame. There are so many truly lovely Christmas designs out there and I honestly think I'm happiest when stitching anything Christmas related. So, I've ordered a few larger Christmas charts that (I hope) to share with you as I stitch them. This may be the year of "all Christmas, all year!" Just a warning :)

A birthday to remember... I was so surprised when my three sons told me they wanted to give me a family getaway weekend at Deep Creek Lake in Maryland for my birthday present this year. I mean, it wasn't even a milestone birthday! But, I think they just wanted to celebrate the fact that everyone is back on the East Coast and liven up the otherwise dull month of January (have I mentioned how much I dislike having a January birthday? Yes, I have--many, many times :)  Anyway, we arrived at our lovely rented lake home on Friday evening and prepared to settle in for what would be a nice cozy three-day weekend. We played games, went to a nature center, ate way too much food, snacked our way through the day, and were thoroughly entertained by "Mister B" who is just delighted at all the new words he can say. Below is my favorite photo of the weekend as my husband holds our little grandson looking out over Deep Creek Lake.

Little did we know that Mother Nature would interfere... The snow forecasts kept getting worse and worse so we pushed my birthday celebration up a day and ended up having to drive home on my actual birthday. We just couldn't risk traveling in the snow and ice with my grandson in the mix. My husband and I (and my middle son and his girlfriend) were heading north ahead of the storm so we made it home with no incident. My youngest and oldest son (and his family) were heading east, however, and it was an entirely different story for them. The youngest, who left later than the oldest, encountered roads so treacherous that he saw a big truck jack-knifed across the road right in front of him! Thank goodness, he hadn't left five minutes earlier... Things were so bad, he finally drove to his brother's house to relax and calm down for the evening before getting back on the road again. I'm sure some of you have never driven on icy, snow-covered roads, but it is exhausting and nerve-racking!

Thankfully, we all made it home safely and this will surely be a birthday weekend that we'll talk about for years to come.  I really am beyond touched that my sons gave me such a wonderful gift, even if our time together was cut short! I love those guys so very much!

My sons gave me a wonderful birthday weekend! Believe it or not, it was freezing outside--and very windy with temperatures  in the low 'teens. I don't know how my sons dared go out without jackets  while I'm all bundled up!


Much to my surprise, my birthday wasn't over! This week, I received three lovely gifts from stitching friends June, April, and Vickie--thank you all so much. I really am thrilled that you would remember me! And a big thank you to those of you who sent cards and emailed birthday messages...

Gifts from June in Great Britain: a lovely notebook, a much-needed new pen, cute keychain, and a fun tag about chocolate. Thank you so much, June!

Gifts from April in Virginia: a beautifully stitched and finished ornament for my tree, yummy cinnamon pecans (if my husband behaves, I'll share some with him!), and a cute "Sew Happy" notepad. Thank you so much, April!

Gift from Vickie in Wisconsin: a darling black cat wool needlebook. She knew my old kitty was an all-black cat so she modeled her creation after Shadow. I told her I can also use it as a finger puppet to entertain my grandson when we FaceTime! Thank you so much, Vickie!


We did end up with about 8 inches of snow from the weekend storm, but it was much worse down in Maryland where we had rented the lake house. It really was lovely to wake up to on Monday morning, though--our first real snow this year! The cardinals look so pretty against the snowy background, don't they?

Such a beautiful couple!

And that's it for this post! I'm working on my ornament for January (it's stitched, but not finished) so I just may be back before the end of the month to share that with you. If not--I'll see everyone in early February. Just a gentle reminder to make sure to include your email address if you want me to try to answer your questions. I have no way of responding if you don't! I hope you enjoy this last ten days of the month--it sure seems like 2022 is already speeding by, doesn't it? Thank you for all of your wonderful comments and emails--I so appreciate each and every one. Bye for now...


  1. what a lovely birthday gift from your sons this year. So thoughtful! So glad that everyone got home safely again in difficult weather conditions. A lovely photo of you with your three sons.

    Beautiful stitchwork throughout, as always!

    Our grandchildren growing up show us the passing of time in our own lives! My grandson will be 19 in April! I can't believe it!

  2. What a wonderful birthday present, Carol!
    I am glad that you enjoyed your family in such a beautiful place.
    It is true that time passes faster as we get older, that's why we have to live intensely from day to day and enjoy everything we like.
    Your embroidery looks wonderful and the gifts you have received from friends are great.
    Hugs from Spain

  3. Oh Carol I love the picture of your three sons and yourself .
    I always wanted a son , but no only girls , but I do have 2 lovely GSs .
    What a lovely trip for you all after Christmas , apart from the weather .
    Yes how quick time passes , it seems only yesterday you were 60 .
    I think I will stop counting mine ha.
    What beautiful Ornaments and cards you made , I loved mine it was on my coffee table all month thank you.
    All your photos are lovely , and some lovely gifts .
    Enjoy your weekend and the New Year.

  4. All the best for you afterwards, especially good health.
    What beautiful and magical ornaments, even if they are from last year, I am happy to see them. My favorite is the little rabbit with the wreath.
    A great setting for Birds of a Feather.
    A beautiful picture, and what a weekend of adventure. Luckily everyone got home safely.
    Thanks for the beautiful picture with the cardinals, a dream to watch.
    Enjoy your days, Martina

  5. What a wonderful birthday! I too have a January birthday and really don’t like it, it’s much more limiting for what you can do. Your stitching is wonderful, as always. I think that I spend about 50% of my time stitching Christmas designs, and a large part of my stash are Christmas charts. It just makes me happy. I look forward to seeing you have a Christmas stitching year.x

  6. Carol, hai una famiglia meravigliosa e non devi pensare al tempo che passa, ma a lei, perchè è la tua ragione di vita e il tuo senso del mondo. Non importa se non riesci a fare tutto quello che vorresti, quando andrai in paradiso nessuno ti chiederà il conto di ciò che non hai fatto, ma di tutto l'amore che hai dato e lasciato nei tuoi bellissimi figli. Auguri in ritardo! Hai ancora tanto tempo davanti a te ♥

  7. Belated Happy Birthday Carol, glad you enjoyed your treat. I love your framed Birds of a Feather Sampler, I am always inspired by what you have stitched. Love the little JBW ornaments too and just thought how lovely it would be to make a set of those for the tree with different coloured linens & threads. My ornaments this year are all going to be Prairie Schooler and I have just finished stitching the first one, which was a bit of a pain, stitched over one on 28 count.

  8. Happy Birthday!
    What a wonderful gift your sons gave you.
    Your ornaments are always so perfectly finished & beautiful.
    Birds of a Feather is beautiful on that wall.
    That's a very cute picture of your husband with Mister B, a treasure for sure.
    I'm glad you all made it home safely.
    We haven't had too much snow yet in WI, just about 4" 3 weeks ago.
    Love that Cardinal picture!
    Yes, the month is speeding by!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Hello Carol,
    Happy belated Birthday. I wish you all the best, especilly healthy.
    Your stitching gifts for friends are all so beautiful. I was very happy with your card and I have made a little ornament.
    Your frame stitching looks so good at the blue wall.
    Enjoy the last 10 days from Janauary.
    Hugs, Manuela

  10. What lovely pieces! Love the little cardinal in the one piece! Great pics from your birthday celebration. Glad you had the time together—even if it was cut short!

  11. What a wonderful, thoughtful gift your sons gave you for your birthday! So glad you all chose to cut it short and were able to arrive home safely. My favorite of your stitched gifts was the Prairie Schooler scene! What is it about Prairie Schooler that just steals my heart? I'm stitching on Christmas ornaments right now, but I'm thinking of stitching some spring items. I love how stitchers are displaying little vignettes like the one in your header. I should be able to get four or five done between now and spring. Stay cozy and warm while you stitch!

  12. Happy Birthday. What a lovely gift from your boys. Glad you all got home safely. You do such a beautiful job finishing your projects. They're little gems.

  13. Your gifts, both sent and received are lovely! Sorry your weekend at Deep Creek was cut short...better to be safe than sorry. But, if you had known, what a great place to be "snowed" in!
    Hope you have a quiet weekend full of stitching!

  14. While your weekend at Deep Creek was cut short, it looked and sounded like you had a wonderful time. Each of the gifted ornaments are beauties, Carol. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas stitches throughout this year! Enjoy your weekend!

  15. I just found your blog and it's delightful. But 40 count? OMG! How can you see that? I'm fibbing up on 32 count.

  16. What a wonderful birthday gift from your sons ..... being all together at Deep Creek for the weekend. I, too, have a January birthday on Sunday but no plans to do anything. :( Love all your stitching, especially the cardinal on the black.

  17. Happy belated birthday Carol! Such a sweet gift from your sons! I can see why your favorite photo is your favorite!

    I know what you mean about birthdays! Today is my 60th and I told my husband that I don't have too many big birthdays left to have. He was not happy that I said that.

  18. Happy belated Carol! Obviously a very special one with family together. What a gorgeous view. Glad everyone was safe, it was a bad snow storm and no matter how careful we drive, other vehicles are even more of a danger.

    And yes, daily plans are rarely accomplished! It's really bad when you sit in the evening and can't remember what you did during the day, if anything!

  19. Happy belated birthday Carol! What a wonderful gift from your sons. I'm so glad you were finally able to spend the weekend together!!Icy roads can be so scary! Have fun with your Christmas stitching. I always stitch what I like. After all it is a hobby and should be fun. I don't do SALs or anything like that. I also tend to like to do one thing at a time so I could never get involved in Flosstube even though I am grateful for those who do! And yes to your question. Sometimes after a week, I could not tell you what I did exactly!!!!

  20. Carol: Happy Birthday, I remember 67 I was also born in January but on the 26, I am now into my seventies and feel like my fifties.
    Beautiful Christmas stitching.
    The Cardinals are beautiful, did you know they mate for life, we have many pine trees on the golf course and the cardinals live in every one of them, it's beautiful to look out and watch them.
    I do not do SAL, cannot seem to stick to it.
    Beautiful Birds Of A Feather, one of my favorite stitched projects.

    What a wonderful gift from your children, you are a lucky Lady.

    Have a lovely day

  21. What a gorgeous place to celebrate your birthday! I am jealous. As far as the days going by too quickly...I can really relate. I am trying to spend more time enjoying moments every day...and get some stitching in while I'm at it. Time just seems to fly by. All of your Christmas pieces are gorgeous. A gift made from the heart is like no other. Happy stitching! -Andrea

  22. Oh Carol you made such lovely gifts for your friends. I treasure mine. :)
    What a beautiful picture of you all. And such a fantastic present you were given this year! I love the picture of Grandpa and Mister B also. It is so special.
    I look forward to seeing your ornament. I know you will finish it before the end of this month. ;)
    And you got your snow!

  23. ALL of the stitches are so pretty. That snowflake is a wonderful wintery stitch and one over one made it even prettier. I love pink so that one really caught my eye. The framed piece is so pretty on that blue wall too.
    As we get older there is no better present that time with our family like that. I am glad everyone made it home safely. I honestly can't even imagine weather like that. I have lived in the Deep South all of my life except in Germany as a baby. Snow is an exciting event and is usually a passing fancy. We complain about cold like it is the plague of death and y'all live with this for months on end. I say you are a heartier sort than me for sure. Enjoy the time to stitch.
    I failed miserably on birthday this month. I have been so busy my head is spinning. Tucker's school closed because so many were sick. I am sure they were just trying to make sure the church stayed open. It wasn't really Covid but just strep and colds.

  24. Always look forward to your posts! I’m 68 with six grandkids, and time indeed moves much too fast! I want to slow down and savor every precious moment.
    This year I’m definitely doing “all Christmas all the time.” It’s the only way I’ll accomplish my stitching and quilting goals!

  25. Dear Carol,
    I wish you to your birthday a best health,good luck and many nice days with your wonderfull family and your hobbies.
    Your gift was so very nice.Every hour with dearest people are fantastic.
    Have nice days
    Eva in Czech Republic

  26. Un bon anniversaire ne retard mais c'est de tout cœur. Dimanche dernier vous avez pris un an de plus, comme mon fils Valentin qui a eu 26 ans.. Nous avons déjeuné ensemble avec notre petite Lara, Noémie et notre grand fils Baptiste.
    Hélas mon mari ne se sentait pas très bien en fin de journée, je lui ai donc fait un auto test covid qui s'est avéré positif... Le lendemain nous sommes allés nous faire tester chez un médecin, positif confirmé pour Hervé ( isolement pour 7 jours, donc jusqu'à demain soir..)et négatif pour moi. Selon les directives j'ai refait un test mercredi, toujours négatif et hier vendredi qui s'est révélé positif... Donc isolement également jusqu'à samedi prochain. Nos symptômes sont un peu de température, de la toux pour Hervé et des douleurs articulaires pour moi ! J'ignorai que la Covid pouvait créer de telles douleurs ! Nous avons appris ce matin que Valentin est positif également. Lara, Baptiste et Noémie restent négatifs.
    Comme vous j'ai souvent l'impression de me coucher pour la nuit en ayant l'impression de n'avoir pas fait grand chose dans la journée.. Mais en réfléchissant on se rend compte que l'on a fait énormément de choses et d'autres...
    Tous vos ornements sont magnifiques, j'admirerais toujours vos finitions. Je suis bien incapable de faire ça. Le tableau est absolument magnifique, c'est une pépite. Il a toute sa place sur votre mur afin d'être admiré.
    Vos fils vous ont fait un très très beau cadeau avec ce séjour. De beaux souvenirs qui resteront.
    Pas de neige chez nous pour le moment, et tant mieux, car je confirme qu'il est très stressant, angoissant et fatiguant de rouler avec des temps comme ça.
    Amitiés de France,

  27. Happy birthday Carol, what a super photo to treasure. Thankfully you all stayed safe. Beautiful stitching, I must look into the round ornament finishes as they are so effective.

  28. A belated Happy Birthday Carol.
    Thank goodness you made the decision to leave Maryland earlier and missed the storm.
    I loved seeing all your finishes.

  29. What a wonderful, beautiful posting you’ve shared with us, Carol! First of all, your birthday celebration that your sons planned for you and your family seems like it was perfect (ok, except for the snow storms!) The home they chose for all of you to stay at and Deep Creek Lake look so beautiful! I can imagine all of you going back to stay again in warmer weather. What fun!
    Thanks, too, for sharing your beautiful stitched gifts you shared with your stitching friends - I know how special they are to the recipients. And the gifts given to you are just as wonderful - so generous and thoughtful.
    Your stitched “Birds of a Feather” is truly beautiful! The long wait to get it stitched and framed was worth the wait - it really is so pretty, framed beautifully, and is perfect hung on that lovely blue wall. You must love getting to admire it every time you go past it.
    Thanks, too, for sharing the very special picture of you and your sons, and the picture of your husband holding Mister B. looking out the window at that beautiful lake.
    Barb R. 💕

  30. Happy Belated Birthday! You had a wonderful birthday. That will be a hard one to follow. Glad all made it home safely during bad weather. Yes, I also have days where I wonder where the day went despite being busy. I declare, I got more productive when I was working full time. What fun to have many friends around the world!

  31. That was so nice of your sons to surprise you like that; they are very thoughtful. Glad you were able to spend time with everyone. Love your last ornaments of 2021 and they are all beautiful as always. Sorry to see I missed wishing you a happy birthday so here is a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  32. Happy Belated Birthday, Carol! Thank you for all the time and energy you put into your wonderful blog posts. I always look forward to the stitching inspiration you share and love seeing your beautiful stitching and finishing. Each and every post is such a special treat. I can certainly relate to your comment about how the days seem to go by in a, so true. And, I thought retirement would provide me with all this leisure time for all my sewing and cross stitch projects! Well.... Blessings to you and your family!

  33. Beautiful stitching as always. Love them all. What a wonderful Birthday gift from your boys. Not so much from Mother Nature. Glad you all arrived home safe and sound. Enjoy your new week.

  34. Belated Happy birthday, Carol. Such a wonderful gift from your boys. You all look so happy on the picture, precious moments!
    Your ornaments are all beautifully finished as always, i am sure they are all treasured by your friends.
    Have a lovely week.

  35. Happy Belated Birthday Carol! What a lovely gift your sons planned for you! So much better to make memories than to receive a material gift. Your sons are so handsome!! What a special time it was for all of you and even more joyous to be entertained by your adorable grandson.
    Driving in snow and especially ice can be hair raising, I'm glad you all arrived home safely.
    Such lovely stitching you gifted and lovely gifts you received for your 67th! Time is going by far too quickly the older we get. I can't believe I'm 67, I certainly don't feel it most days.
    Looking forward to seeing your Christmas well and stay warm.

  36. What a great BD gift from your sons. There's nothing better than having all of our kids together in one place, is there? Lovely finishes, Carol!

  37. A belated Happy Birthday to you Carol! What a lovely gift from your sons, I sounds like it was an eventful trip, glad everyone made it home safely.
    Time does seem to go faster the older you get, it's a scary thing if you stop and think about it too much, we have to make the most of every day.
    I love your framed peice and I'm glad you finally got it done so you can enjoy looking at it :-)
    What pretty feathered visitors you have, we don't get such colourful garden birds here in the UK, Mark and myself stood at our kitchen window at the weekend looking at all the blue tits flying back and forth to the feeder, we love to watch them, now, if we had those cardinals I don't think we would get anything done in the day!
    Hope you are having a lovely week, looking forward to seeing your January ornament. x

  38. Happy birthday Carol! What a wonderful birthday weekend and how thoughtful of your sons. Love the picture with your husband and baby B too. My birthday is in late August and I hated waiting all summer for “the next thing.” The most memorable one was going to our neighborhood pool without an adult - you had to be 8 and that had to be the longest summer of my life waiting to be able to walk down the street all by myself. Oh, the days! I can’t wait to see all your Christmas stitching this year, sounds like a great plan. I really love your pink snowflake. Judy’s designs are just so neat! I will be starting my first ornament of the year soon as soon as I decide which one to stitch! I am going to alternate ornaments and another project this year. Have a good rest of your week and stay warm!

  39. Lovely ornaments and gifts. I do like seeing how different they look stitched over one and over two on different coloured fabrics.
    Sounds like you have a great Birthday and I'm glad everyone got home safely in the end. Lovely photo of Grandad and Grandson. And of you and your boys too!

  40. Happy Belated Birthday, Carol! I'm so glad you all made it safely to your respective homes. I always thought round or oval ornaments were elegant. All shapes are of course beautiful, but there's something about round and oval that have oomph! Handsome dashing sons you have, Carol. Wonderful bday gifts you received too. I have a bday not far after yours but I'm catching up!! Take care!

  41. Happy belated birthday, dear Carol, you wrote such a wonderful post again.
    I especially like your family photos, I'm glad you had such a nice birthday weekend. Your sons are all so gorgeous to look at, congratulations on that too... smile! You embroidered so diligently, beautiful, best wishes to you and thank you for your last comment, Jutta

  42. What a wonderful post, so full of love with all the gifts given and received! I am happy you had a great birthday, even if it was cut short by that storm. Happy belated birthday, by the way!

  43. Happy Belated Birthday, Carol! What a special and memorable birthday at the lake house with your family, even if all didn't go to plan! Family truly is a gift. I love your favorites are the JBW snowflakes. I do think her "French Country" series is so she can make a little picture with so few stitches. I haven't stitched one but I have a few of those charts and should just do it!

  44. Dear Carol,
    I have somehow come across your Beautiful Blog page and so very happy I have. Your pictures and stitching, and finishes are all so very pretty. I will be looking backwards many times just to remember all these finishes. I had the pleasure of living in Pa for a short five years in Malvern (close to Philly) but very close to Valley Forge and it was one of the prettiest places I've had the pleasure of living. Being from Texas our season's are not even close to the fall's, springs and yes even winters you have there. I do enjoy seeing your photos.
    I have fallen crazy over an old pattern you had on your 2012 April site, it's a freebie but all references are no longer available on line at least I can't fine anything on it. the Pattern is Stitching Dreams 2012 Bunny with needle and thread standing on the scissors. Your finish is very nice. I love bunnies and don't know if there is anyway you might could help me get this pattern to stitch. I'm very late to the party of pin keeps and small stitches. Have lots of catching up! Your pottery barn cupboard is gorgeous I can't even pick a favorite they are all so nice.
    I' ve gotten hooked on fosstubes & now will be checking your blogspot. Thanks for all the eyes candy to get excited over!


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!