Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A cross-stitch Christmas tree!

My tree is up and, although I fully expected that my little grandson would have totally rearranged the ornaments by now, that hasn't been the case. He's been much more interested in the vintage Little Tikes 1980's era refrigerator and oven/microwave/sink play kitchen that I have set up for him on the opposite end of the sunroom. I'm so glad I saved them from when my sons (who were all born in the 1980s) were little. They were pretty dusty from being in the attic for thirty years, but lots of soap and a little elbow grease made them sparkle like new. And my tree still stands! Here is my cross stitch Christmas tree for 2021...

2021 Christmas Tree

I always put the smaller ornaments up near the top and the bigger ornaments at the bottom

I did end up leaving most of my Prairie Schooler Santas in the Pottery Barn cubby, but a few made it to my tree

I've now moved my newest 12 ornaments to my tree, too. 

Can you spot the five Little House Needleworks buildings that I've stitched so far? I am definitely going to add to that series in 2022!

On my tree you'll see everything from cute to traditional.

It's so wonderful to relax in my sunroom and just gaze at my tree...

... especially at night!

This is my favorite photo of my sunroom and the Christmas tree at night

It's hard to believe that another year is winding down. We all had such high hopes that Covid would be conquered by now... at least I know I did! Unfortunately, that was not meant to be. But, I am extremely grateful that all three sons will be here--the first Christmas since 2018! My youngest just returned from a trip to Iceland and I was sure he would get Covid on the flight back to Washington DC on Sunday. But, he took a rapid test, and is driving home as I write this. I am so thankful! 

I've received some lovely gifts from fellow stitchers around the world and I'll share those with you in my next post. I hope to be back at the end of the month with one last post for 2021, but with my family visiting, I'm not sure I'll get around to it. We'll see...

I want to wish all of my stitching friends, fellow bloggers, dear family members, and blog readers a truly wonderful Christmas. It may be another low-key Christmas for many, but I hope you are still filled with at least some of  the wonder and excitement that can be seen in the eyes of a young child at this time of year. I dare you not to smile when you look at this little cutie holding his very first Christmas stocking as Grandpa was adding another hook to our mantle to hang it up alongside the others. Merry Christmas to all! Bye for now...

"Look! I got my very own stocking and it has puppies on it!" (Or "puppos" as my 17-month-old grandson calls dogs :)




  1. Goodness! You're soon going to need two Christmas trees for all your stitching masterpieces!

    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your whole family and especially with your sweet little grandson!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and the family.
    Your tree looks gorgeous and has definitly the best place.
    Have a wonderful time, until next year.
    Best wishes

  3. Tuo nipote è bellissimo, è la gioia più grande di questi anni bui. Che albero meraviglioso, da guardare per ore! Buon Natale Carol, che sia pieno di luce e gioia

  4. Just Beautiful , always love to see your stitched tree .
    Have a lovely Christmas with your family and your cute GS and family .
    Lots of hugs and Kisses to all , June .

  5. As always, it's a gorgeous tree Carol.
    A great collection of ornaments, for sure.
    I'm so glad your family will all be home for Christmas this year.
    Your Grandson is too cute, and growing fast!
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Hello Carol,
    I love your Christmas tree. It is so amazing to see all your handmade ornaments.
    Enjoy the Christmas day with your family.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Hugs, Manuela

  7. This is the most beautiful Christmas tree, dear June, fantastic !!!
    And the little grandson as well, Merry Christmas to you and your family,
    Christmas greetings, Jutta

  8. Merry Christmas Carol, Your tree is beautiful. What fun your Christmas will be with that little grandson this year. How exciting that all your family will be together this year.

  9. Merry Christmas Carol to you and your family. 🎄 What a lovely tree....wish I had a sunroom! Have. Happy New Year 🥂 Donna

  10. Your tree is completely wonderful. Enjoy your special Christmas with the family. X

  11. Such a joyful tree, Carol....I'm sure it holds many memories on its branches! I imagine you fondling each one and recalling when/how you made it. Does it take eons to adorn???
    B is getting so big...and is so adorable!!! Enjoy this special time with your family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  12. Carol, your tree is gorgeous. I would spend all day there -- staring and stitching. Your grandson is precious and can't get over how big he has gotten. Enjoy this season with your family! Merry Christmas to you.

  13. Your tree is amazing!! I would love to come and look at it in person!! And that Baby B is getting to be a big boy. Like you, I saved my Fisher Price things for the grands and they were big hits. Merry Christmas to your family Carol and a blessed 2022!!

  14. Dear Carol, your lit Christmas tree is absolutely wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Your little grandson is happy with his Christmas stocking.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family: enjoy his affection, his kisses and his hugs.
    Greetings from Spain

  15. What a beautiful Christmas tree. Enjoy your time together as a family. Merry Christmas, Carol.

  16. Merry Christmas Carol! Your tree is stunning!

  17. Votre sapin est magnifique. Tous ces ornements en font comme le dit la chanson le roi des forêts.
    BabyB a bien grandi et il est effectivement très heureux avec sa botte de Noël.
    Joyeux Noël entourée de votre famille. Je vous souhaite plein de chaleur, de douceur, de joie et de sourires.
    Amitiés de France,

  18. Your tree is just wonderful wth such a range of ornaments. I would also spend hours sitting there looking at them!
    So glad that you will have all your family with you this Christmas, it will make it so special with the grandson too!

  19. Your Christmas tree is just so beautiful, Carol! It must be so amazing to see all those hand-stitched, hand-finished ornaments - what a true treasure you have in that beautiful sunroom. It must be really incredible to see all those ornaments hanging on that tree and know you made nearly all of them. Your tree is far beyond special and thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.
    Thank you, too, for sharing that adorable picture of your grandson - so precious! I am so happy for you and your family that you will all be together to celebrate this Christmas- joy and happiness to all of you!
    💕🎄🎁 Barb R. 🎄❣️

  20. Merry Christmas, Carol. The tree is magnificent. I could just sit and stare too at all those wonderful ornaments. Little man is adorable and grands make Christmas so special. Nothing like having all our children home.

  21. You did it again, Carol! Another beautiful Christmas tree. It is stunning. I love seeing it every year. Great tip on placing the smaller ornaments near the top . I will remember that for next year. I got tickled when you said that you expected your darling grandbaby to rearrange the tree. That happens at my house , but oh there joy and wonderment. Good thing you had some fabulous Little Tikes toys for him to play with ( you can't beat them for entertainment for the little ones) . I am so glad that all of your children will be home for the holidays. I wish you the most blessed and joyous Christmas. Thank you for spreading so much joy throughout the year to so many stitchers. Big hugs.

  22. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  23. Your tree is absolutely glorious! I love the eclectic mix of styles of ornaments. We should always stitch what we like, even if that changes from week to week (or minute to minute). I am looking forward to participating in the 12 ornaments in 12 months challenge in 2022. A PS Santa will be the first on my list. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  24. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas. Wonderful that you will all be together. I am at my son's, combination helping out and celebrating. They had their first baby, a little girl, my first grandchild. She will be two weeks on Christmas day. This is the best present! Love your tree. Lori

  25. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Carol!
    I am glad to see the tree and ornaments have survived so far. ;-)
    Wishing you a wonderful time with your family, enjoy and cherish these moments together. They are the best present.
    Love from Spain.

  26. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  27. Your tree is stunning. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  28. You have so fantastic Xmas time.Your Xmas tree is so big and wonderfull.How was your days with all your family?
    Have a nice wonderful last days of 2021.
    Love Eva

  29. I am glad you found a distraction from the tree for him! He is just soooo cute!

    It will be nice for you to have all the boys home for Christmas along with your DIL and Baby B! Merry Christmas to you all.

  30. Merry Christmas Carol!! Your tree is stunning!! I can't believe how big your grandson is, seems like he should still be an infant!! He is too precious! I'm sure your holiday is all the brighter with a little one.

  31. I am certain Christmas was so much fun with your darling B. So glad you were all together again.

  32. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day! I know your heart was full with your family around you! xoxo

  33. Your tree makes me want to cross stitch again. Are these your own patterns or ones you have collected through the years?

  34. Just beautiful. Merry Christmas indeed.

  35. Your Christmas tree is beautiful and your grandson looks so happy with his stocking. I hope you had a Happy Christmas with your family.

  36. Un árbol de navidad maravilloso que nos permite ver cómo va creciendo cada año. Que estas fiestas sean entrañables con toda tu familia y el año nuevo nos depare la felicidad de olvidarnos de esta maldita pandemia.

  37. Happy January 1st to you, Carol!

    I just wanted to wish you and your family a very wonderful, special and Happy New Year! 🎈

    xoxoxo Barb R. ❣️

  38. Your tree is gorgeous and only outshone by the cuteness of your grandson.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  39. Your tree is beautiful and I look forward to seeing it every year! Your grandson is adorable along with his stocking. Wishing you a Happy, Healthy New Year!

  40. Carol,
    Such a lovely tree! I so enjoy seeing it every year…all those treasures you have stitched and finished so perfectly. I am so glad you were able to have your family home for Christmas. Little B is growing so fast! I bet he had a good time opening presents. I think the grownups have more fun watching their wonder.(Smile) Special times for sure. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  41. Carol: Happy New Year, beautiful tree. lovely decorating.
    What a little cutie pie with the Christmas stocking.


  42. Baby B is growing up too fast! He's such a handsome little man. I know your Christmas was joy-filled having all your family with you. Your tree is magnificent. The variety of ornaments is lovely.
    Happy New Year!

  43. Feliz entrada de año Carol. Me ha encantado la entrada, tan entretenida y escrita con tanta paciencia y explicando todo con tanto detalle.
    Los adornos son muy bonitos y muchas gracias por el enlace a los diseños gratuitos, y los regalos que has recibido son todos una maravilla, se nota que has conocido a muchas costureras buenas y generosas.
    Saludos desde Canarias, España

  44. Wow, your tree looks great! And it's so big, it even looks like you got room for a couple more years of ornaments :) Very glad you got to have all your sons and families there with you. Our Christmas was very quiet and small again, but we got to see almost everyone, even if just for a little bit outside, so that was nice.

  45. I had the best plans to catch up on blogs over the holidays, but I didn’t quite get through them all - I just love seeing your tree in the sunroom and think I’d spend the whole month in there enjoying it - hope it was a great Christmas and you all had a blast together!


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Hope you have a wonderful day!