Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Two simple words

And here we are at the end of the year--the beginning of a new decade dawns in just a matter of hours. How can that be? I just wrote my end-of-the year post for 2018, didn't I? I truly believe time speeds up as we age and I'm not sure I like it... But, there is no alternative--we must put one foot in front of the other and face 2020 head on--let's hope it's a good year for all!

Christmas here was a bit different, as I mentioned it would be in my previous post. We took our meal up to my in-laws' assisted living home in Ohio (an hour away) in an effort to make the holiday special for them. (I wish I had taken photos--I was just too busy getting the meal on the table)! There was no oven or refrigerator in the room where we had our dinner (there were nine of us) so that meant everything had to be heated here at home and transported in two Crock-pots and an unused wedding gift from nearly 43 years ago. That's right! We finally used the electric skillet that we received for our wedding in 1977! (That's one in the "you just never know when you might need it" column for me; as opposed to my husband's "we've never used it, let's get rid of it" philosophy)! We took everything from plates to napkins, to serving utensils, to coolers to keep the dessert and salads cold... But, oops--I forgot to take anything decorative like tablecloths or placemats. So, I looked around the room in an attempt to brighten up our tables and removed two  larger paper cutout snowflakes that were hanging on the walls, grabbed a plant from a windowsill, and went out into the hallway to "steal" a Merry Christmas planter from a sidetable. Voilà--instant Christmas centerpieces for the two tables! (Of course, we returned each item to its proper place when all finished up).

I truly felt that our efforts were appreciated as my father-in-law declared, "This is the best meal I've had in ages!" He even called my husband the following day to say how nice it was and say "thank you" once again. It was so heartwarming to know that our Christmas meal meant so much to them. Unfortunately, the day after Christmas, both my middle son and I came down with the flu... I've been resting these past five days, but, boy--it really hit me hard. And yes, I had the flu shot! Second year in a row I've had the shot and still got the flu. But, perhaps it is a lighter version than if I hadn't gotten the shot. My body aches, I have an almost constant headache, cough, am exhausted--all the typical things. I think I got so run down from trying to do too much (like most of us!) in December that my immune system was weakened. It will be nice to have January to rest up, that's for sure!

Here are some photos from our day before we left for Ohio...

Christmas morning (well, early afternoon, actually--we got a late start!)... From left to right are me, my husband, middle son, his girlfriend, and youngest son. It was my oldest son's turn to be in Texas with my daughter-in-law's family. We sure missed them, but are already looking forward to a bigger group next year! And we began a new Christmas tradition. I purchased this 1000 piece "Holiday Cats" puzzle which we worked on after the present opening. I think I'll be buying a new one each year--it was a fun, family activity!

I love making these Cream Cheese Kolacky every year--they are so light and tasty! You can find the recipe right here.

After seeing this idea on Pinterest, I decided to add a couple small wreaths hanging from red and white checked ribbon from my cupboards. I may expand on this idea next year and hang them from the solid white cupboards as I think they will show up better. I think I'll also add a bow and some berries. We'll see!

The shelves on my corner cupboard  are waiting to be filled with a snowman theme for January!

As I mentioned in my last post, I displayed my stitching gifts on my mantle this year because my tree is simply getting too crowded. From left to right are the gifts I received from, Tricia, Gabi, Karen, Meg, Robin, Cindy, Manuela, and June. Love how they brighten up my mantle!

I'm sure you would like a closer look at the little gifts that came my way this Christmas, wouldn't you?  In the order that I received them:

My long-time blogging friend, Cindy, sent me some fabric, two charts, and this beautifully finished Prairie Schooler Santa. Ironically, I had also stitched him this year, but sent him away as a gift. Now I don't need to stitch him for myself! Thank you so much, Cindy ♥

My Instagram friend, Jen, sent this cute Snow Village chart and a red snowflake tin filled with chocolates (which are long gone!). Thank you so much, Jen ♥

My Instagram friend, Tricia, sent a cute needleminder and this beautifully stitched and finished stand-up cube for an early birthday / Christmas present. It is a Scarlett House design and she wanted me to be able to display it all winter so she sent it way before my mid-January birthday. Love the little bird cage accessory perched on top! Thank you so much, Tricia ♥

My blogging friend, Meg, sent this beautiful blue Christmas design. Not only did she stitch and finish it, she also designed it! Isn't it special? You can find the chart here and while you're there, please do read Meg's post and keep her in your prayers. Thank you so much, Meg ♥

My blogging and Instagram friend, Robin, sent this darling cardinal ornament and a pack of Moda fabric squares. She knows I love to use these in my finishing and she knows how special cardinals are to me... Thank you so much, Robin ♥

My long-time stitching friend, Gabi in Germany, made me this lovely Noel card. It was so pretty on my mantle! Thank you so much, Gabi ♥

My stitching friend, Karen Y., in Indiana, sent this darling stitched card. She said she knew if anyone would appreciate this sweet boy, I would. She is right! Thank you so much, Karen ♥

My blogging friend, June, sent me a sweet stitched card with a Nativity scene, a thread keep, mini-flashlight, bookmark, and a tiny ornament. I love the card and will display it proudly each December. Thank you so much, June ♥

My blogging and Instagram friend, Stasi, sent me the cutest Scrabble tile decoration. Over on Instagram, some folks have taken to calling me the "Christmas ornament queen" so I thought this was perfect. She also included a stitchable paper oval and some chocolates. Thank you so much, Stasi ♥

My blogging and Instagram friend, Manuela, sent me the sweetest little hexie wreath Christmas ornament. Look--there are my beloved cardinals! Thank you so much, Manuela ♥

My stitching friend, Nathalie in France, sent me a cute woolen mitten ornament and a pack of Christmas themed stickers. Thank you so much, Nathalie ♥

Oh-my-goodness! I was just a bit spoiled, wasn't I? Thank you all so very much for your little remembrances at this special time of year. I will treasure them and think of  you each time I display them at Christmas.  In my next post, I'll share the gifts that I sent out to my blogging and Instagram friends... hope you'll stop by!

On Instagram, my "Best Nine" 2019 (generated from the photos that were most liked on my account) resulted in the collage below. All were Christmas / winter themed except two. I was glad to see "Miss Bingley's Library" made an appearance smack-dab in the middle. And that sweet pink Valentine on the middle right column was a breath of fresh air, too.

My "Best Nine" 2019 according to Instagram
But, the above nine certainly didn't tell my whole 2019 stitching story so I went through my photos and picked my own personal "best nine!" Would you like to see? This is more representative of my stitching throughout the year (plus reminders of a couple of our travels that I treasure). My Christmas tree is the only photo that made both "Best Nine" lists! Do you have a favorite in either of these collages?

My personal picks for "Best Nine" 2019 photos!

TWO SIMPLE WORDS... Have you figured out the meaning of today's blog post title yet? Well, look carefully... those two words are scattered throughout this post. They are: "Thank you." Simple words, but ones often forgotten in today's society. One of my most vivid memories from my childhood is being told--repeatedly--by my mother to look someone in the eye and say "Thank you" when being paid a compliment or being given something--and to also remember to use their name. I was a shy little girl (I'm still on the shy side and quite introverted which is odd considering I write this blog, isn't it?) and I had a hard time looking anyone in the eye and speaking. But, my mother's lesson stayed with me and it is one I've taught my sons. Be thankful, be appreciative, show gratitude...

I truly believe that what goes around comes around--if you spread thankfulness and a spirit of caring it will come right back to you tenfold. I've been so blessed with the friendships that I've made through this blog and on Instagram, that I hesitate to bring this up, but it's something that's bothered me for many years. Every week, I get several questions emailed to me regarding information on a chart or a fabric or thread. I do my best to answer these questions--often sending the person a link to a particular blog post or website that will help them. I get no money or compensation of any kind for my blog--I've chosen to keep it ad-free--and I answer these questions on my own time. Can you imagine how it hurts then to not even get a "thank you" emailed back to me? Just two simple words...  I  had two questions last week--one on where to obtain a certain fabric and one on what design was featured in my sidebar. I nicely sent them the answers... no reply. I honestly don't get it--it takes less than a minute to email those words. Many people do take the time to reply to me and I appreciate them so much. But, sadly, there are far too many who don't...

I've often heard that you can tell a lot about a person by how he or she treats waitresses or cashiers or others who work with the public and I think this is so true. Are they condescending? Are they compassionate? Do they say thank you? Having worked with the public as a reference librarian for close to 30 years, I came in contact with all kinds of people wanting help. They would wander into the library with a lost look in their eyes and I was always happy to help them find an answer or point them in the right direction. 95% of them were so appreciative, but there were those 5% who simply listened to my answer, turned, and walked away. At times,  I would actually call out to them: "You're welcome!" at which point they would sheepishly turn and mumble "thank you" or simple act like they hadn't heard me and keep walking away. Those two simple words can make someone's day... So, in this coming new year and new decade, let's all say thank you more often, try to be more appreciative, and have an "attitude of gratitude" for even the simplest acts. I promise, you'll feel better and you'll make a difference in someone's day. It often takes only a simple kindness to turn things around when someone is having a bad day!

Favorite Memory of 2019... Each year at this time, it is a tradition for me to recall my favorite memory of the past 365 days. No doubt about it--it was the late-August week we spent in a beautiful mountain-top home in Estes Park, Colorado. All was right with the world then--I had my entire family with me, I sat and stitched while relaxing with beautiful mountain scenery surrounding me, and I felt such peace. I hiked in the most verdant green forests under azure blue skies. I gazed at clusters of stars in the sky brighter than any I had ever seen...  If only every week could be like that one. Do you have a favorite memory of 2019? I'd love to hear it!

So, another year of Stitching Dreams has ended. It was a busy year with my stitching and with my traveling. I hope you've been inspired by some of my finishes as I know I've been inspired by yours. I've made some new blogging friends and some new Instagram friends and I'm so happy to welcome you to my list of followers! Blogging may be dying, but I truly love having this record of my year to look back upon. So--until next year! Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comments. Thank you for your kind words and emails and, most of all, thank you for your friendship. See you in 2020! Bye for now...

Happy New Year and New Decade to all!


  1. So lovely to see you at your family get-together. The Cream Cheese Kolacky look delicious!
    It's so nice to decorate at home. I do the same.
    You certainly received some beautiful gifts from blogging friends.

    Wishing you and family a wonderful New Year!

  2. Happy New Year Carol to you and your family, can't wait to see what it brings.

    Thank you for all the time and energy you put into this blog, I know I certainly enjoy reading it, going on trips with you and your family even if it is only through your pictures and storytelling, but I really feel like we are friends.

    I totally agree with you on the Thank You issue having worked with the public for more than 35 years, and don't get me started on the cell phone ignorance.

    Well that is enough from me for today.

  3. Carol, I think it's hysterical that you finally broke out your electric skillet from 77!!! I never had one but thought many times about buying one. I'm glad it finally came in handy! What a lovely dinner you made for your in-laws and it was certainly a huge effort to coordinate all the supplies you needed and transport it. I'm sure they appreciated the thought more than you realize.
    What gorgeous gifts you received!! I never even sent out a card this year. I'm hoping for a peaceful 2020 to have more time for the things I love. I cannot believe 2019 is over, the year flew by.
    Your décor is beautiful and such lovely family photos!! Thanks for sharing the recipe...
    I wish You and yours a Blessed, Happy and Healthy New Year!! Mary

  4. What a lovely post Carol and so many special gifts. I agree with so much of what you have talked about here - working on a public desk within the NHS, I can relate to it all. All my good wishes for the coming year, I hope it brings you happiness and joy.

  5. Carol, I totally enjoyed reading your last post for 2019. Thank you for sharing your stitching, your life's adventures, and your inspiration. You received lovely gifts from your blogging/Instagram friends. Your Christmas sounded wonderful and what a wonderful meal you provided for your in-laws. I am sorry you were hit with the flu and I hope you are beginning to feel much better!

    Wishing you a very happy, bright and healthy New Year!

  6. What a beautiful post Carol.
    So happy to hear about your Xmas celebration and that your efforts were appreciated.

    You have received some beautiful gifts from your friends.

    I do have favourites from the two best nines..the gingham fabric pillow finish in first and the heart finish in second .

    I agree with you that how people can be rude not saying thank you..what's so difficult on saying two words.
    Looking forward to your posts in next year.
    Happy New year

  7. What a lovely post....so glad you could make the day special for your inlaws, Carol. Yes I got an electric skillet as well.:) Mine went to the junkyard many years ago. Idid use it to make pancakes but now I have a griddle. I too received some stitchy kindness that both surprised and humbled me. Like you, I blog for myself mainly but I have been so blessed by friendships made in the Blogiverse. I agree about Thank You and just being polite overall. Here in the south we tend to be more mannerly but I see that changing. Parents no longer teach children to respect their elders and to be grateful for help received. I have been a waitress and I know how far a thank you. As a nurse, it meant a lot to me as well. I like your look back at your favorite part of the year. I guess our trip to Oklahoma and visiting Pioneer Woman land was my favorite. Hope you are feeling better and that 2020 is a year of blessing for you and your family.

  8. Thank YOU Carol, for sharing so much of your life and your stitching with all of us! I really enjoy reading your blog posts, no matter what the topic, and I do appreciate that you comment on my blog and Instagram posts. I love your top 9 and favorite 9. I think my favorite of yours is the cardinal piece. Glad you had such a nice holiday with 2 sons and grateful in-laws and wish you much happiness in 2020!

  9. Oh my, Carol, you got some awesome gifts! I love the way you display your stitching. Hope you feel better soon. Happy New Year!

  10. Carol, thank you for always having such an interesting post. I agree with what you have to say about saying thanks, being kind, etc. Sadly, we cannot enlighten the unconscious. Interestingly, my mother said the same things to me - say thank you, use their name and look them in the eye. Looking forward to 2020 posts.

  11. A great reminder to be kind and say Thank You! Thank you, Carol, for your blog. It's always fun to see your new post show up on my sidebar! All of your '9s' are my favorite, especially the picture of your Christmas tree and that PS fall scene. Favorite 2019 memory? Thanksgiving and Christmas spent at my daughter's which is a new tradition, and her graduation from a EMT course with a national exam between her and her dream job with a local ambulance company.

    Happy New Year to you and yours, o mighty Queen of Christmas ornaments! :)

  12. Another beautiful Carol post. Oh I agree with you about the Thank you. It's amazing how this has become not as normal as it should be. Thanks for everything you do! I love all the gifts you have received. You deserve them all. Have a wonderful 2020!

  13. Happy New Year Carol

    Thank you for your beautiful blog, warms my heart to look and you gave me the best idea for a year of stitching I love the ,.Year of Chalk finish with blue it is so pretty. I also love the two little children valentine ornament you made I agree it is a great year pick. Keep up with your beautiful work and Thank You with all of my heart.

    Donna White

    What a lovely post Carol , you are an angel taking your dinner to your in laws
    on the day , I would have been well stressed but you did it and I bet it was just wonderful.
    I see your family were doing a puzzle a cat one well mine was a dog one ha .
    I will show you next post.
    I love the little girl and boy design it is so sweet so I will say it was my favorite .
    Best moment in 2019 I have two my little new GGS and being invited to the Queens garden party .
    Get well soon hugs June.

  15. Thank you for continuing to blog when so many have abandoned theirs. This is still my favorite way to keep up with stitchers, trends and plain ol friendliness.
    I will take on your challenge of offering up more thank you's this year. I think I'm pretty good about saying it but I will make sure I'm more aware.
    Happy New Year to you and yours(I hope you and your son feel better soon)

  16. I read all of your posts, but can never think of anything appropriate to comment, so I don't. I love your stitching and finishing! I'd like to know the designer of that pink valentine. I love it!

    Happy New Year!

  17. Happy new year. I am glad that Christmas worked well and hope that you are feeling better soon. I love reading your blog and seeing all of your amazing finishes, thank you for sharing it with us. x

  18. Thank you so much for continuing to Blog! I really enjoy seeing what you are stitching.

    It is because of you, that I started to stitch again after a long break. I stopped, because with over 40 eyes, I could not see to use even weave or linen.
    I got 14 count Aida and the strongest reading glasses and I'm back...I even do the chalkboard patterns on black- in the daytime also helps.

    I try to say Thank you and You're Welcome every time. Please let's lose "No Problem" and say " You're Welcome"!!

  19. Carol thank you for sharing your experiences and goodies always a favourite blog of mine to read and see all your lovely pieces stitched by you and friends. All the best for 2020!

  20. Carol, I always love your posts so much. You give me so much that I want to comment about that I almost feel silly writing back with so much:) Let's see. The eating with your in-laws is amazing and precious and time not to feel wasted. You lightened their day in their senior years. I used my electric fryer so much that just this year it finally bit the dust. It was a good one for sure. Your kitchen is just lovely...love it!!!! The mantle is precious with your gifts but what caught my eye was that framed print above. Is that not you to a tee?!! Cat and books...
    I am reminded of an old poem about saying please and thank you that I read my 4th graders. Tis true... a little thank you goes a VERY long way.
    I am going to have to ponder the question of my favorite memory of 2019...it is not coming to me as yours is other than just having Tucker each day.
    Happy New Year.

  21. Happy New Year Carol! I love this blog so much! I am in shock that you have never used an electric skillet til now! wOw! I use mine every week for years of our marriage now. I am gone through three of them!!! You have wonderful gifts from your friends! Your blog title. Sigh. The lack of those two words bothers me so many times Carol. I send charts to soooo many friends far and wide across the country and across the world through blogging and IG. I can't tell you how many times I have NOT even received a thank you once the person has received the chart. I have had to ask sometimes if they have received and, Oh yes, I got that. Well then. Sad. Makes me think of not sharing anymore.
    God bless you Carol. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!

  22. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas with your in-laws. That was very kind of you to do, Carol. So sorry you got sick right after, but better then than over Christmas.

    All the beautiful stitchy gifts you display just make my head swim! How wonderful!

    I don't think I can pick a favorite from either of your Top Nines, they are all so nice.

    Thanks for being a blogging/Instagram friend, and have a healthy, happy 2020!

  23. Lovely post to end 2019 Carol. This year has really flown by, I do think the older you get the faster they go :-(
    Your mantle looks lovely with your stitched gifts and I love the little wreath on you cupboards, I may steal that idea next year :-)
    I hope you feel better soon, It's only today that I've started to feel something like, I think perhaps you're right, we rush around trying to make everything perfect and once we stop that's when the bugs find a way in, lol. Anyway, fingers crossed you will be right as rain soon.

    Happy New Year to you and your family, I hope 2020 is everything you want it to be, wishing you health and happiness, and thank you for sharing all your wonderful stitching finishes, they inspire me to improve my own finishing attempts :-)

  24. Happy New Year to you and yours. Carol, thank you for sharing your inspiring blog with us.

  25. So glad to have found this blog from floss tuber Brenda and serial stitcher. I have a santa cross stitch tree and I love it. I also have family in TX and my family is from Omaha and we meant in Wichita 2 weekends
    and had our Xmas.

  26. Thank you, thank you, thank you for so much. Thank you for the lovely photos, for not giving up on your blog, for the inspiration, for sharing bits & pieces of your personal life with your followers. I love jigsaw puzzles but have no where to set them out to work on them but I sure would if I could. I was very shy, bashful and introverted and still am. I think the majority of crafters are but never seen the results of an official survey but those I met tend to be. Our Christmas was very low key, last year I didn't even put up a tree after losing my beloved dog so I think the small white tree I decorated with cardinals was a good boost toward back to normal. Trees, decorations and gifts really aren't the reason I celebrate but it does add to some wonderful memories and a nice reason to display our creations. The Friday after Christmas my brother was hit by a car, thankfully he wasn't taken from us but he has a lot of broken bones. He's not quite 70 yet but the older you get, the longer healing takes. I went to visit your friend Meg's blog since I'm not a follower but I signed up.I'll definitely add her to my prayer book. In 1995, they discovered my Dad had bone cancer but it was so far gone they recommended he come home to be comfortable as much as possible. Thankfully they have some options for Meg. Thank you for referring us to her, may Heaven be flooded with prayer requests on her behalf. Happy New Year!

  27. Happy New Year �� Carol! I love your designs and look forward to seeing your next creations. To fill a whole tree with them....an amazing job! I make them for all holidays and seasons and just display them around the house. Thank you for your blog.

  28. lovely stitchery! stumbled on your blog and was wondering...is there a pattern for the little square piece...tree and snowflake? gracemth@yahoo.com

  29. Carol...I'm sorry you were so sick...I think you are right, tho...you probably push yourself too hard and your immune system "pays" you back! I trust you are on the mend now.

    What beautiful presents you received from your devoted and generous followers....generosity begets generosity. You are generous yourself in your life and especially with the way you share on your blog. I don't read a lot of blogs anymore, but yours is always outstanding and very interesting. Thank you!

    Happy New Year!
    Love, Susan

  30. Hi Carol,
    I always look forward to a new post from you. I can't even imagine the precious time it takes to do all of the marvelous stitching and finishing. However, it doesn't stop there. You have such an amazing way with words-you connect us all together with them. That my friend is not an easy task. So, Thank You for being so generous with your time. We appreciate all you do!!
    I pray you and your family have an amazing Year in 2020!��


  31. Thank you for sharing your world with us all year. Your posts are genuine and make us feel as if we are speaking personally.

    What a wonderful gift you two gave to your in-laws. I can only imagine how special you made them feel with all the work and effort and love you put into their special dinner.

    Sorry you are feeling poorly. Rest rest rest!!! Best wishes for 2020!!

  32. I certainly appreciate all that you post on Instagram and on your blog. You are a real inspiration to many stitchers all over the world. Your stitching is beautiful, and your finishing too. You give people the confidence to try new designs themselves. Take it easy and I hope you're feeling better soon.

  33. Oh yes, I also believe that time goes faster as you get older, at least you get the feeling. I am glad that you had a nice Christmas and your decorations are so perfect again.
    I had a lot of wonderful moments last year and this will definitely be the trip to Rome. Let's be surprised what the new year will bring.
    I wholeheartedly wish you all the best and good health in the new year, lots of time for travel and your creativity.
    Big Hugs, Martina

  34. What a wonderful blog post Carol - thank you. I would also like to add, that as well as saying thank you to waitresses and the like, it's also nice to actually look them in the eye when you say it and smile, it certainly makes my day and hope it makes their's better too. Happy New Year.

  35. Happy New Year.
    What a wonderful post. I agree that time runs faster when we get older
    and that these two little words are not spoken very often in todays life.
    So I say "Thank you" for your lovely card you sent to me. It is one of the most beautiful cards I received this year.
    What a lovely gift you gave to your in laws. Something special. I am sure you had a very good time.
    I wish you all the best for 2020, health, luck and happiness.
    Hugs, Gabi

  36. ★⋰⋱★⋰⋱★⋰⋱★⋰⋱★
    ★ Happy New Year ★

    For you and your family! I am excited to see what we get in 2020!
    Happy Stitching

  37. Happy New Year Carol! all the best to you and your wonderful family

  38. Happy New Year Carol.
    A lovely post.
    Eine schöne Idee deinen Schwiegereltern ein Weihnachtsessen zu kochen.
    Viele schöne Geschenke sind bei dir angekommen.
    I'm very glad you like my little wreath and card.
    Thanks for your lovely Christmas card to me. I was very happy.
    Es gab viele schöne Momente, aber auch ein paar traurige Tage in 2019 für mich.
    Now I look forward to see what will 2020 bring.
    All the best for you and enough time to stitch and travel.
    Big Hugs, Manuela

  39. I love all of your blue finishes on the header.
    I think you made your in-laws Christmas, so thoughtful of you, & how you found things to decorate fro them.
    Thank you for the Kolacky recipe & the link to the freebie, it's nice.
    Can't wait to see your Snowmen, I leave mine out for awhile in winter.
    You received some awesome goodies! Enjoy them.
    I love the Library piece & the boy & girl in your collages.
    We were always taught to say thank you also.
    That is rude to ask for something & not reply!
    I worked as a cashier for awhile, yes, some are good, some bad, think they are owed something.
    My favorite memory of 2019 was going to my niece & nephew's for Christmas with her Grandma, aunt & uncle, it was a fun time for all.
    Hope you & your son feel better soon.
    Wishing you & your family a very Happy New Year!!

  40. And thank you for a wonderful post! :-)
    I enjoyed seeing what your stitchy friends gifted you! So much time and thought put into each one!
    Your favorite moment of 2019 sounds like a dream! I think we all need to slow down and enjoy the simple blessings of this wonderful land of ours! It truly is a gift to be able to do so!
    Looks I'm going to have to add Miss Bingley's Library to my stitching list for 2020...the design is pretty and the verse is cute!

  41. I just wanted to leave a little note to let you know that I thank YOU. I pop in to read your blog a few times over the year and I always leave inspired to get back to my stitching projects. I love the way you finish your pieces - you have a real talent for selecting the perfect fabrics and trims to make each any every piece a work of art. With much appreciation Julia Paris

  42. Happy New Year Carol! I don't get to read blogs much these days and I always love reading your posts. Thank you for sharing with us all. Your Christmas with your in-laws sounds like it was wonderful. What a generous way to include your in-laws. Hope you are feeling better now.

  43. THANK YOU!! Happy New Year. Thank you for doing this blog. I so look forward to seeing your stitched pieces and hearing about your adventures and daily life.

  44. Thanks for a wonderful recap of your year; it was nice to revisit some of your experiences and projects. It was a true gift you gave your in-laws and I know it was much appreciated. I hope you are feeling better by now and start to enjoy the new year. A BIG thank you to YOU for continuing to blog and share your stitching projects and experiences with us.
    Happy 2020 Carol!!!

  45. What a great post, Carol. Thank you for your kind words about my ornament. I received a lot of very nice comments from your readers. You received some really pretty gifts from your friends! So many talented stitchers following you.

    What a neat thing you did for your in-laws! So cool!

    I agree wholeheartedly about the importance of saying “thank you.” Shawn and I thank each other for everything, and I try to always say it to people I encounter who do things for me, even if it is their job. My brother was visiting us years ago and out of frustration, he said, “Would you please STOP saying thank you? It’s really annoying and unnecessary. You and Shawn say it to each other a lot, and I don’t see the point.” It just struck me as odd, and watching how he and his then wife (they are now divorced) bit at and bickered with each other all the time, I thought, it’s better to say thank you too often than not enough. I think a key to a happy marriage is showing gratitude and appreciation, even for the little things. Believe me, I know, there comes a time when the little things are suddenly the big things.

    I hope 2020 brings you a lot of happiness and good memories with your family.

  46. Hello! I came across your blog thru Priscilla of the Housewives last evening...I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and looking thru the pictures...I will read more today...your cross stitch pieces are amazing...I learned how to stitch from my Mom...and I enjoy all kinds of sewing...after reading for a while, I saw that you are from Western Pennsylvania, as am I...I live in Plum Borough and grew up in Penn Hills----didn't go far from home...I met my husband when I was 13.. I graduated in June of 1963, and we ran away to get married in July....still married 56 years later with 4 grown children--3 boys and a girl....and 10 grandchildren...we have been so blessed...
    I have included you in my prayers....and I look forward to your posts...hugs and blessings, I'm a Carol, too!

  47. Merci Carol pour ce jolie billet. Je t'envoie tous mes voeux de bonheur, amour, santé, paix pour cette nouvelle année 2020.
    C'est tout à fait vrai ce que tu écris. Dire merci ce n'est pas compliqué et cela fait plaisir aux personnes, c'est une politesse de tous les jours au même titre que bonjour et au revoir. J'ai passé des choses à mes enfants mais je leur ai inculqué cette politesse qui se perd.
    Bravo pour tes rétrospectives. Tu as beaucoup oeuvré en 2019 et grâce à tes partages nous avons pu admirer tout ce qu tu fais. C'est un vrai bonheur. Alors merci merci merci Carol de nous régaler avec tes articles.
    Amitiés de France,

  48. Such a lovely last post of 2019! Although I'm sorry that you were hit by the flu. I do hope you are feeing better by now! Lovely gifts from friends! So lovely that your in-laws appreciated your efforts for a celebratory dinner together! As for thank you -- yes, I hear you on that. It seems too common these days to be rude and not polite or nice. I hope that things change and people change for the better. And thank YOU for always being such a lovely person, for being what I consider a friend to me. For being you!! Your warmth and sweetness always come through. Thank you! And Happy New Year!

  49. Hi Carol - I know I’m a day behind with this but my wish is so sincere - “Happy New Year” - to you and your family. May it be joyful, happy and truly special and wonderful for all of you. As always, I loved reading this posting you shared with us. I am so sorry that you and your son got the flu, but I’m happy to read that you are feeling better. (I hope your son is recovering too.). I think this time of year everyone is crazy-busy and we are just a bit more susceptible to picking up some kind of bug that truly slows us down. I’m glad to know that you are on the mend.

    What a special Christmas dinner you did for your in-laws - really a dinner party of love! I’m sure your mother-in-law and father-in-law loved all that you shared with them. I had to laugh when I read that you finally got to use the electric skillet for the first time and you have had it nearly 43 years!! That is so funny and can become a part of your family legend that your kids can retell over the years!

    Thank you, too, for sharing all the beautiful Christmas gifts you received this year from all the fellow stitchers that appreciate your generosity to all of us when you share your incredible stitching and finishing work with us. We are truly lucky!

    I hope you have a wonderful year ahead - much joy and happiness to you and your family and friends.

    Love, Barb R.

  50. Happy New Year, Carol! What beautiful pictures and words you have shared on this wonderful post. Your baking is every bit as beautiful as your stitching! Such treasures on your tree and mantel and beautiful gifts and greetings from friends. The joy you spread to others is a blessing and the time and care you take to inspire and include others is a true gift. I am so happy that my stitching led me to you and look forward to reading your blog and Instagram posts so much. I hope that you start feeling better very soon and that you will find some quiet time to enjoy all of the things that you hold dear. Your compassion and generosity has made a wonderful Christmas for your family and friends. Sometimes all of that energy going out leaves nothing left for yourself. May the kindness and thoughtfulness that you give to others be returned to you in 2020 and best wishes for you and your family.

  51. Happy New Year, Carol and some people are just rude and thoughtless. We are all so grateful for your gorgeous blog and your inspirational stitching and finishing. Thank you for the link to the Cream Cheese Kolacky - I am going to try them one day soon. Also, I must ask (and I promise to say thank you) what is the name and designer of the Happy New Year stitch with which you ended your blog? It is so cute! hugs, Kaye. P.S. Love your two Top Nines.

  52. P.P.S. My favourite memory this year was attending our Italian cousin's wedding in Rome - an absolutely magical experience.

  53. Happy New Year to you and your family Carol. Thank you for sharing your Christmas and wonderful gifts with us. You using your skillet from your wedding finally is hilarious - I won’t show my husband this post, as he is like you and thinks we should keep things just in case. Your post proves him right! I look forward to following you through 2020 x

  54. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, Carol!
    You received so many lovely gifts and cards.
    We are a puzzle-family, too, so much fun. Thanks for your private photos.
    I wish you a happy new year filled with good health and creativity.

  55. What a lovely my post. The Christmas meals sounds like fun and I'm glad it was appreciated too! You are so right about Thanks being important. I work in retail and I think it should be compulsory for everyone to work in a service industry job at some point of their life!

    You certainly are appreciated by your friends who sent such lovely gifts, thanks for the link to Meg's design too.

    I like alll the double 9 photo collages but my favourite is probably your wonderful Christmas Tree, I love the way it looks in that room.

  56. HNY 2020 Carol! Enjoyed your finishes, pics and postings throughout the year, well done again! Glad you were able to enjoy the holiday with your in-laws. Hold on - those kolacky, were they not meant for travel my front door? Hope you and son are feeling better sooner than later.

  57. I really enjoyed reading this post Carol and agree with a lot of what you said, I too find it hard that people are quick to ignore help that is given and not thank the person. In the past have often sent things to people getting no response to whether it arrived or not...very sad.
    We too have a jigsaw puzzle on the table over the festive season for people to sit at quietly if they feel the need in all the excitement, your puzzle sounds lovely.
    Your Christmas meal sounds lovely and truly in the sentiment of the season of good will and sharing with others.
    love and blessings x

  58. Happy New Year Carol! It has been a little over 2 years since I visited blogland and it is a pleasure to read your posts. Lovely gifts there and it reminds me of all the exchanges I used to do! I can't think of a good memory for this year except maybe one in Cornwall but I will have to think. xx

  59. That was very sweet of you guys to go eat with your in-laws. I am sure they appreciate the company on a holiday and then they get to brag to all their friends about how they had their family in for dinner! :) Love the electric frying pan story.

    Love the family puzzle time! I can't get anyone to puzzle with me here but they do love to buy the puzzles which is just as good.

    Mmmm, Kolacky cookies; haven't had those in forever when my grandma used to make them for me. Love all the gifts you have received too and of course your stitching is gorgeous. Thank you is a phrase people don't use anymore and it is sad. I do try to remember to say it to all those I meet that help me along my daily journey whether it is family or a stranger.

  60. Carol,
    Thank you for your words about expressing gratitude. You phrased it all so well. I love the teaching from your mother to look people in the eye, use their name, and speak a sincere thank you for [whatever]. Such good instruction! (and so timely in today's culture)

    I always capture and save to my computer photo program pictures from your blog posts because they are so beautifully done and inspiring. Your productivity simply amazes me.

    The idea to use ribbon to hang the small wreaths on the kitchen cabinets is charming. I have white cabinets (no windows in them). I may do that next year.

    And thank you for giving us the link to the recipe for the Kolackys. I want to make some (but first, I need to lose some extra weight gained over the holidays!!!).

    Have a blessed New Year and do keep on blogging because your posts are uplifting and so beautiful.

  61. Just popping in to say a quick hi Carol, I've been missing for a while and trying to catch up with everyone! What a lovely post, it was nice seeing your family pictures and the beautiful gifts you received from your stitching friends- isn't it wonderful to be in a community like this one?

    I agree with you about the value of a "thank you", so I'll take this opportunity to thank you very much for sharing your stitching and thoughts with us on this blog, and also for your sweet comments on my own and others' :)

    And lastly, you asked about our favorite memory of 2019, hmm... I don't think I can choose, but a highlight was certainly kayaking down a river in Belgium with a towering castle on a cliff edge :) that day was exhilarating.

    See you next time & happy stitching xx Robin

  62. I enjoyed reading about your Christmas and seeing all the wonderful gifts you received! I always love what you have stitched and enjoy seeing all those beautiful ornaments on the annual tree! Hope you and your family have a very happy, healthy New Year!

  63. Thank you for being such a wonderful sissy! I love your blog and you. I can't pick a favorite as all your stitching is beautiful.

  64. Happy New Year!
    It's strange...I can't believe 2019 is already over, but things that happened in the first half seem sooo far away as well.
    It's nice to hear you still had a great Christmas, even if it was a different one. Hope you are all recovered from your flu now!
    I love all the stitchign gifts you got, but the Snow Village chart is my favourite. I hope you'll stitch it soon :)
    It was great to see your stitching recap of the year too. So many great finishes, but it's so easy to forget about them a few months after I've seen the pictures.
    I agree that some people seem to forget their manners...or rather, they don't really see people on the internet (and sometimes service providers as well) as other humans deserving of the courtesy. I have no idea what's going on in their heads! Just know that I am very grateful to you for diligently sharing your beautiful stitching, links to freebies, recipes and general decoration ideas. Your blog is always a joy to come to and I know you must put a lot of work into making it though.

  65. Beautiful decorating, beautiful gifts and a sweet holiday with your family! Can't ask for more!

    Thank YOU, Carol, for sharing your stitching with us!!

  66. Happy New Year to you Carol,

    Thank you so much for continuing with your blog. I have followed it for many years. This post was very thought provoking and makes one stop and think of the good in the world. Yes, sadly sometimes it is not always seen. It can be just the little things that can make the difference. Gratitude and respect for others is what is needed to make this a better place.
    Thank you for sharing. You do share so much of your life and your love of stitching. I, for one, am very appreciative.

  67. Buon anno Carol! Spero che tu stia meglio, che ti sia riposata e che anche tuo figlio stia bene. Quanto hai ragione sulla gratitudine, nessuno più dice grazie!

  68. Thank you so much for your blog. I know people are rude and don't care about manners any more. That's their loss. I always thank people no matter what it's for. Have a great 2020 year. big hugs Lynda Ruth

  69. Happy New Year Carol! It is so good to be back in blogland again. I have missed all of my blogging friends so much.

    I always enjoy visiting your blog and reading all you have been up to. Thank you for a year of great posts. I have truly enjoyed them all.

    Your Christmas dinner for your in laws is such a thoughtful and perfect thing to do. I'm sure they really appreciated it and loved you for your generous and sweet nature.

    What fantastic gifts you received for Christmas and very well deserved.

    Those cookies looked amazing! I know everyone enjoyed them. I didn't get to make too many cookies this year but managed to get my son's favorite chocolate chip cookies made after he arrived. He helped get them out of the oven and put them on the cooling rack. It brought me back to the days when he was a little boy and would help me make cookies at Christmas.

    My favorite memory of the year was our 50th reunion with our six best friends from college. We got to stay in an amazing house at Seabrook Island. So much fun was had...I really hope we can do it every year.

    I have a lot of reading to do to catch up on all of your posts I missed while I was sick but I know I will enjoy them all so much. Plus I will see so many awesome cross stitch finishes. Thank you again for all the enjoyment you give to all of us stitchers. I look forward to all your future projects. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  70. You got so many fantastic gifts from your stitcher friends, your corner cupboard and mantelpiece look lovely. I also like the kitchen decoration, it may be small and subtle but adds to the Christmas air nonetheless. I'm glad you got to spend quality time with your family and enjoyed their company. :-)
    May you have a blessed 2020!

  71. I hope you are feeling better...I realized when I responded earlier that I didn't say I would love to be put in the drawing for the chart...thank you...I have looked over your posts several times...I am so happy to have found your blog thru Priscilla's blog....


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!