Friday, May 31, 2019

The end of a busy (and bit painful!) month!

Good morning on this final day of May, my dear stitching friends! I'm sure your month has been just as busy as mine, hasn't it? So much to do at this time of year and I've been trying to manage everything with some sort of hand / thumb tendonitis going on. Not fun at all--in fact, downright painful at times, but I'm hopeful that it might be improving. I've been wearing a brace on my left hand at night and faithfully doing thumb exercises hoping to keep it from getting even worse. I'm a bit behind in commenting on your blogs as typing is one of the many things that aggravates it (stitching is another, sadly)... I think the tendonitis began due to general overuse of my hand, and unfortunately, I do believe stitching is a prominent cause (along with holding my phone, typing, gardening,and lifting my light weights--basically anything that involves a gripping, repetitive motion). I've pulled back on all of these activities and hope that I'll be back to normal in 4-6 weeks.

I do have three small finishes to share with you this month. Many of you have seen this one on Instagram (if you wish to follow me, just click here!) and I was thrilled with all the sweet comments I received. This finish, called "Berries In a Basket," is a design by one of my Instagram friends, Jenny, at Homestitchness and is available on her Etsy shop right here. You all know I have a very special relationship with cardinals that began soon after my dad died so the minute I saw this darling piece, I knew I had to stitch it. I love that both the female and male cardinal are featured as you so often see them as a couple in nature. The basket of berries just says "summer" to me so I added the gold cording and red gingham bow to reflect that. I have it hanging in my kitchen now and it always makes me smile when I spot it!

The fabric is closer to the color in this second photo below. I used 40 ct. vintage Cedar Plank by Lakeside Linen and although I love the color of it, the holes must have shrunk during the dyeing process as they were very tiny and close together... In other words--it was very hard to stitch on! But, I persevered and ended up with this lovely summer finish!

In my last post, I mentioned how far behind I am on my monthly ornament finishes! Well, I did manage to get two finished... For March (yes, March--I told you I was behind!) comes one of my very favorite Prairie Schooler Santas from way back in 1999. I stitched him for a friend at the library years ago and I'm so happy to have one for my own Christmas tree this year.

I just love the quartet of gingerbread men and that cute gingerbread house he is carrying don't you? I kept the finish very classic as I really think he should be the star of the show--just added some handmade cording and a simple gingham bow at the top. I've been using 40 ct. vintage Country Mocha Newcastle linen for the yearly Prairie Schooler Santas for the past few years and just love how well the white shows up on it. The called for DMC threads were used except for the green which I substituted DMC 520. I think I'll be finishing all of my yearly PS Santas this way from now on.

My April ornament is another Prairie Schooler design. For this one, I stitched only the top third of Book No. 190 called "Happy Christmas." It is very tiny as I stitched it "over one" on 28 ct. black Monaco. I did make a few changes to the colors--used DMC 221 for the red and stitched the reindeer and tree trunks in DMC 610. Let me tell you, stitching that lettering over one was not an easy feat! But, look how cute it turned out!

The finish was fairly quick and easy--I simply surrounded the little pillow with DMC 221 cording and hung a quintet of rusty bells from the bottom.

Unfortunately, I was not able to finish my May ornament (although it is stitched!) due to my wrist / thumb pain. Hopefully, I'll have that to share with you in June!

Giveaway winner...  I'm happy to announce the winner of the pretty hummingbird chart is...

Congratulations, Mini! Please send me your mailing address and I will get this chart to you as soon as possible... And for those of you who didn't win, keep an eye on this spot. More charts will be given away in the near future!

So, what kept me busy in May? Well, I mentioned our trip to Washington, D.C. to visit our youngest son in early May in my last post, but I wanted to share a few photos with you. I absolutely love visiting the D.C. area as we lived there for a year back in the late 1980s; in fact, my youngest son was born there! I always feel like I'm "going home" when we drive down I-95 and into the city. As many times as I've been there, we did two things on this trip that we've never done before. One, was to see the monuments at night. It was a beautiful, warm spring night--the perfect evening to enjoy those special sights by moonlight.

The beautiful Lincoln Memorial--can you spot Abe sitting inside?

The Washington Monument, at just over 554 feet, is the tallest building in Washington, D.C. and the tallest obelisk in the world!

The World War II Memorial is especially striking at night with its 56 pillars, fountains,  and arches of water.

Of course, I had to locate the pillar for Pennsylvania!

If you look closely to the right of the Washington Monument, you can spot the dome of the U.S. Capitol in the distance. It really is quite an inspiring vista!

The other place we visited during our Washington, D.C. trip was a hidden treasure that I had never heard of and I know we'll be going again. Far removed from the tourists and the hustle and bustle of the monument area is a delightful gem known as the National Arboretum. Have any of you visited? Oh, what a wonderful surprise this was--over 400 acres of gardens and paths and special features located right in the District of Columbia. We only saw a fraction of it (and walked nearly 10 miles while doing so!), but we thoroughly enjoyed our visit. If you visit, try to go in the spring... The azalea garden had already bloomed, but we still saw so many gorgeous spring flowering plants and trees.

Scenes from the National Arboretum all dressed up for Spring!

Some of the beautiful dogwoods in bloom
The peonies were at their peak when we visited and made me want to rush out and buy some peony bulbs to plant at home.

But, the highlight for me was the beautiful National Capitol Columns... These 22 Corinthian style columns were once part of the United States Capitol built way back in 1828. These stayed in place until they were removed in 1958 in order to build an addition to the Capitol. In the 1980's, the columns were brought to the National Arboretum where they now stand like soldiers watching over the gardens. Apparently, there were originally 24 columns, but 2 were damaged and lie somewhere on the grounds of the National Arboretum's Azalea Gardens. It was really quite a sight to see these giant sandstone columns in the middle of a flower-strewn meadow like this--they almost looked like ancient ruins!

The National Capitol Columns on a cloudy D.C. afternoon

Don't they look majestic?

The intricately carved sandstone columns rest on a foundation of steps once used on the east side of the U.S. Capitol

The reflecting pool at The National Capitol Columns

My husband and me taking a breather!! If you visit the National Arboretum be advised that a lot of walking is involved!

After our trip to DC, I went up to my mom's in New York to help her celebrate her 92nd birthday.  Just look at all the cards and flowers she got! The pretty calla lily was sent by my oldest son and daughter-in-law. And her friends at her senior living community had her all decked out with a light-up crown and a bright lei for dinner one night to help her celebrate. She felt very much loved--which she is!  Thank you all for leaving such sweet birthday wishes for her on my last post. She enjoys reading my blog (especially the comments!) and I know she appreciates your kind words.

Happy 92nd, dear, dear mom!!

I wasn't home for Mother's Day this year so I saw none of my sons. To be honest, it felt a bit lonely, but they each remembered me with a phone call and some wonderful gifts--trekking poles for our next hiking adventure, ranunculus bulbs to plant in my garden, and this sweet reading rabbit statue which I adore.

Could this be any more perfect for a former librarian who loves bunnies?!

Memorial Day was quiet with none of our sons home so we did a lot of gardening. I'm not sure if it is all the rain or what, but our ferns are going crazy and are now nearly as tall as me (which isn't hard as I'm only 5'1"!). They just keep growing and growing. For some reason, I seem to be taking more of an interest in my garden this year--not sure if it's because I have the time now that I've retired or what. My husband has been faithfully spraying the plants with "anti-deer" spray (horrible smelling stuff!!) and it seems to be working. For the first time in years, my hydrangeas are absolutely covered with buds...

If only our gardens could look this lush and green year round!

We transplanted some of the giant ostrich ferns to individual planters and placed them on our patio.

A view out to the garden shed and the vegetable garden beyond.

I've put my patriotic stitching on display for the next few months and am so happy to see all the red, white, and blue again! I'll probably leave it up through July and then begin to switch to sunflowers and bees for the rest of the summer.

Honoring all those who served our country on Memorial Day

And, just like that, another month is over... unbelievable! Thank you so much for visiting me today and a special thank you to those of you who take the time to say "hello" in your comments. I truly appreciate each and every one of you and love reading your comments. I know blogs are not the "in" thing these days as Flosstube has taken over, but I so treasure you faithful friends who are still hanging in there with me! As always, if you have a question about a finish of mine, please, please leave your email address so I can get back to you. I have no way of responding to your questions if you don't. See you in June! Bye for now...


  1. What a lovely post Carol, I loved seeing photos of your garden, those ferns are beautiful, everything looks so lovely and green and healthy.
    Your mum looks very happy with her birthday celebrations, how wonderful that she reads your blog! My mum will be 91 in August and I do wish she looked as happy as your mum does.

    Your stitching and finishing is as beautiful as ever, I do hope your tendinitis improves soon.

  2. Carol, we bloggers must stitch together but if you ever decide to do a Floss tube channel, I will watch for sure. Frankly, I have a face made for blogs and not You I am so sorry you are having hand problems. Stitching is such a solace to my soul that I would be so upset if I could not stitch as much as I would like. I love all your finishes and I especially like the Prairie Schooler on the black fabric. One thing I like about PS charts is that there are so many stand alone motifs within each chart. I am planning to start WeatherWise soon. I am not adding the words, just doing the harbor scene as I love villages. And while I love the Santas, I have stitched only one. I do like the newest one of Santa with the sheep. Your Mama looks lgreat and I am so glad she had a great birthday. Yes, as the kids get older, things change so much. Being an empty nester even after all these years is hard sometimes. Hope that hand is better soon!!

  3. I am so sorry to hear that you have such wrist and thumb pain Carol, since I know the only remedy is to rest it. :( ALL three of your ornaments are darling!!! Thank you for sharing Washington DC. I have never been there. I would love to go. Your mother is just precious! Happy Birthday once again to her!! Oh my goodness! That bunny in a chair is the ABSOLUTE PERFECT gift for you! Love it so much! And your ferns! They are so fabulous!

  4. Your Prairie Schooler Happy Christmas piece is quite lovely. You did a great job finishing it. Sorry about the troubles you’re having with your hands. Hopefully giving them a rest and the brace at night will bring about a speedy return to normal.

    Such cute photos of your mother. My mother will be 94 in September. I see her most every day. Over the past 4 years, dementia has reared its ugly head; however, mom still recognizes me so I treasure each day with her.

  5. Hi Carol! I totally enjoyed reading your end of May post. Glad you had a marvelous trip to DC. I enjoyed seeing your photos of the monuments at night and of the National Arboretum. I remember going there on a school trip. Your patriotic display looks fabulous as do your finished ornaments. I love the way you finished the PS Santa. Your garden/yard is looking very lush. I am sorry you are being troubled by wrist/thumb issues and praying for its return to full function without the ache. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Seriously Carol, You keep blogging forever. No Flosstube or IG post can ever be as good as your blog. I love and look forward to reading your posts. Your mother is precious. She is so pretty! I didn't know about the arboretum. I keep saying we need to visit DC. It has been forever since we went. I love the little reading bunny. Your boys seem to know you well. Enjoy the gardening before the heat of summer comes. I think it has arrived here. That cardinal pattern is distracting me ---I think I have to add that to my list for sure. Your ornament is so pretty. I have definitely fallen for those Santas.

  7. I so enjoy reading your blog, and sharing your love of stitching and family. I love stitching smalls/ornaments as well, but will be venturing into a larger project come July. I have a stitch along to start June 1. I hope your tendonitis gets better, and I think I am suffering from the same thing in my left hand. I am guessing it is from holding q-snaps all these years. I have been stitching since my teens. It is my stress reliever and creative outlet. Thank you for sharing your projects with us and I look forward to reading your next post.

  8. Your mum looks so lovely and happy surrounded by her lovely birthday cards! A great one of you with your husband too!
    I do love the basket of strawberry plants and fruit.
    I was so sorry to hear about your tendinitis. Yes, frequent repetitive movements can be detrimental to our hands. I do hope that a good rest will do the trick and bring the inflammation down. Look after yourself.

  9. That sweet bunny and book and the chair - be still my heart! So adorable. The columns you shared are amazing and I love seeing them preserved. Happy last day of May.

  10. Carol what a wonderful and busy month you have had. So sorry to hear of your tendonitis,I had it in my elbow rest and ice seemed to help it . Loved your pictures of Washington at night and the Arboretum is a special place to visit.
    Your Mom sure looks happy , it is so nice you get to spend some time with her.
    As always your stitching and finishing is spot on. Just reading your blog is like visiting with a friend and I might not always comment but I really appreciate all the work you put into creating your post.

  11. Sorry to hear that you have the painful tendinitis Carol which makes doing everything more dificult so it is a wonder that you managed to complete some very pretty stitched ornaments. Thank you for sharing your interesting photos of Washington and those of your mum´s birthday, doesn´t she look happy and pampered as one should at her age. Love those cardinals, such pretty colours in the design. Congrats to Mini.

  12. I am sorry to hear about your hand - hopefully it will feel better soon. Your finished ornaments are again beautiful - I never get tired of looking at your ornaments. Happy belated birthday to your mom - she looks great for 92. I hope you get to spend time with your sons over the summer

    Elizabeth B

  13. I so enjoy your blog. I love seeing your finishes and hearing about your adventures. I think I told you you are the one that got me back into cross stitching after a 20-year hiatus. I didn't even know there was something as wonderful as of the world of Smalls before I discovered you. I will never be as accomplished as you are but I do so enjoy looking at your finishes for inspiration.

  14. Hi Carol: I hope your hand is feeling better soon.
    You did a beautiful job finishing the PS designs, I love Santa's.
    The Strawberry Basket design is beautiful.
    Thank-you for sharing the DC photos, they are stunning at night.
    Your Patriotic setting is beautiful.


  15. Carol, I love the berries in a basket and Happy Christmas! Good luck with your tendonitis - that's what I had in 2017 and it was not fun. k

  16. I love all your cross stitch pictures and finishes! I really enjoy seeing what others are working on. Happy Birthday to your mom, how special to be able to celebrate with her. I hope your hand improves quickly. I do love all your patriotic finishes. Hugs,

  17. So many wonderful things in this post Carol. Your pictures of the night sights are stunning.
    Waving to you 'Carols mom' from over the pond, you looks fabulous for being 92.
    PS santas always get my vote!
    Hope your thumb is soon pain free
    Love and blessings

  18. Beautiful pictures Carol! I especially love your book reading bunny! Berries In a Basket is a beauty and I love March Santa!

    Hope you feel better soon and Happy Birthday to you Mom!

  19. Oh Carol, hoping that pesky tendon pain goes away quickly. I know the feeling, and it can be a screamer. Lovely stitching and finishing once again, I never tire of your talent, thank you for sharing:)

  20. Glad your mom had a lovely birthday. Hope she is feeling well.

    400 acres? 10 miles? Do they have scooters? What a perfect place to show off those columns. Thanks for the photos.

    Now about that 40 count fabric and the over one on black, I don't which is more scary!! Great finishes.

  21. I love reading your blog each month. Your photos of Washington DC at night are beautiful. I’ve only been there once but I would love to go back. I will definitely do the night tour and the arboretum. Your Prairie School ornament is lovely! I hope your hand feels better soon. Your gardens look nice. Have a great June!

  22. Hi Carol,
    I hope you hand is better soon.
    Your finishes are so pretty and nicely done. Prairie Schooler are one my favorites also.
    Washington DC is one of my favorite places to go also, I am in central PA, so we go a few times a year. I have never seen it at night though, thanks for sharing your pictures, they are so pretty. The National Arboretum looks like a must see, I've never heard of it. I've just returned from a trip from the Outer Banks and visited the Elizabethan Gardens there in which they were in bloom. It was not nearly as big but still very pretty.
    I so enjoy reading your blog, thank you for all of the time you put in to it.

  23. Congrats to Mini. I am so behind in gardening due to the rain. I work feverishly today to dig up a garden bed and plant onion sets. I added some Garden Soil to it and I don't have a tiller-all by hand. I did some punch needle earlier this month on a rainy day and overdid it. I bought a wrist brace and the next time I punched it was uncomfortable but my wrist didn't hurt-I iced it as an added precaution. Last night I punched some petals and today my thumb is in pain. I iced my hand and wrist afterward so I don't know what my issue is. Now my back is hurting from the digging. I guess if it rains tomorrow as they predict I'll work on a wool applique project-like stitching through butter. I still have a lot of garden spots to dig and amend before I plant my zinnia, sunflower and marigold seeds. I may not make it this year.

  24. Hi Carol,
    The strawberry basket with the two cardinals is just fantastic, a great finish. It fits perfectly with the motif. The new Santa with the gingerbread men is again very well done. Often you see many pictures of DC, but they lit so at night - I've never seen them before. It looks great in your garden, and the giant ferns look gorgeous. The reading rabbit is really cute.
    Have a nice weekend, Hugs, Martina

  25. What a lovely post.
    Sorry to read about your tendonitis. Hope it will improve soon. I remember DC very well and that my feet hurt very when we were there. Long ago.
    Congrats to your Mom. She looks great.
    Stitching is as wonderful as ever.
    Have a happy weekend.

  26. Oh what a lovely post , love the photo of your mother she looks so happy bless her hope she had a wonderful day.
    Sorry about your hand Carol I had the same a few years ago and it killed me to stitch ,I found it was best to stitch for 30 mins then take a 30 mins break before you do any more so if you take little rests in between your stitching after time it will get better.
    Oh my your stitching is so beautiful always is , I loved the berry one and I knew right away why you stitched it .
    Your garden looks fab and it's funny my ferns are growing like mad this year too.
    Love all the photos , and what lovely sons you have to buy such lovely gifts
    I think you are so well loved my friend , enjoy your weekend.

  27. The Cardinals are so sweet!
    Love that Santa with the Gingerbreads, not sure I ever noticed that one.
    All very pretty finishes.
    The DC pics are beautiful, thanks for sharing them.
    I think I need some of those Peonies too. :)
    It looks like your Mom had a wonderful birthday, she looks so happy.
    Sweet pics of her.
    Have a great weekend!

  28. You have had a busy month.....despite the tendonitis. Hope it's improving as we speak! I've never been to the National Arboretum but must aim for it next spring...I love the looming columns! Your patriotic display is so sweet and perfect for this time of year. Enjoy your weekend!

  29. Carol....your blog is always so full of cross stitching and adventures! So sorry about your tendonitis! Hope it resolves soon (with rest)....
    Love the cardinals cross stitch...very sweet! I'm going to have to look that one up! Your Schooler Santa makes me want to get back to mine...can't stitch as long these days...hurt my back a year ago when I moved and it's not going away! Sitting is the worst!
    Washington D.C. and the Arboretum look amazing....lovely trip!

    And the Bunny! Adorable! And so meaningful since it holds a lot of significance for you!

    Your mom looks amazing at 92...I'm sure she is where you get your sweetness!


  30. Your garden is lovely. Yes, the deer repellent spray smells bad when it is first applied, but it sure works. We lived in the D.C. metro area for a number of years, but never made it to the National Arboretum. We did enjoy visiting Meadowlark Gardens in Vienna, VA. Berries in a Basket is such a sweet finish.

  31. Aww, your mom is just adorable with her crown and lei on! Wow, I had no idea the monuments in D.C. were lit at night! Gorgeous. D.C. is on my bucket list. Your finishes are wonderful, as usual. Sorry you're hurting but we can't have you not stitching!!! Just kidding, of course! I hope the pain lessens some with rest and the brace. Your garden is so green and beautiful! Loved this post, Carol! Do take care:)

  32. J'eso-re de tout coeur que la tendinite va vite se rĆ©sorber, je sais que cela fait souffrir. Lorsque j'en ai eu (plusieurs malheureusment...) je ne pouvais plus broder, ni jouer de la musique... Merci pour les photos de tes visites, ne connaissant pas du tout ton beau pays cela me permet de dĆ©couvrir de bien jolis monuments et sites. Ta Maman Ć©tait trĆØs heureuse pour son anniversaire, cela se voit grĆ¢ce Ć  son beau sourire et dans ses yeux.
    Bravo pour les jolies broderies et les finitions ! Il faudrait bien que je fasse les finitions sur mes ouvrages rangƩs depuis bien longtemps dans un carton Ơ dessin....
    AmitiƩs de France,

  33. What an awesome post Carol. I loved everything about it. Congrats on all of the great finishes. I really enjoyed the pictures of your trip. I really loved the ones of the pillars and the story behind them. Sorry to hear about the hand trouble.


  34. I sure hope you hand feels much better soon. I have lots of arthritis in my thumb but I still can manage a few hours of stitching everyday but really no more than that. So I am reading more. Love the ornament with the strawberries. Your Mom looks so happy in the picture. I'm glad you could spend some time with her. I enjoyed all the red, white,and blue stitches!

  35. Carol, I do hope your hand eases. I know I get a bit of aching in my left had between my thumb and forefinger, so even the smallest frame I adjust my floor stand and stitch. I try not to hold a frame and I don't stitch in hand.
    Your ornaments are just beautiful. I love it how you choose parts of charts to make your ornaments, they just work so well.
    Love the rabbit sitting in the chair, so adorable.
    Your Mum is looking so well. A very Happy Birthday to her.
    Take care Carol, use you own advice and rest your hand as much as you can.

  36. Berries in a Basket is gorgeous, love that strawberry basket!! Your Santa is to adorable! Such a beautiful pieces, Carol!

    You really need to take care of your hand, hope you can feel better soon.

    Wonderful photos of your mother!

    Have a lovely June!

  37. Once again I want to let you know how much you have encouraged me to revive my stitching. Love seeing your red, white, and blue display. I'm working on a small patriotic piece right now and hope to make my own display soon. The red birds and basket are so sweet! Of course, I love the Prairie Schooler Santa. They've always been a favorite of mine. "Happy Christmas" is amazing! I still don't see how you can stitch over one on such small count! My eyes are not that good any more! Sorry to hear about your hand pain! It's so hard to stop and let ourselves recover! Hope your pain eases soon.

  38. Love your finishes, hope your hand improves and let you enjoy your hobby
    Lovely photos, especially those including your mum!! She's looking so well
    have a great weekend

  39. Hi Carol, What a lovely post! Your blog is so uplifting and inspiring! I love your PS Santa. When I was stitching mine, I stitched them on 18 count Floba as I was hanging them up the stairs. I don't need anymore for the stairs (we actually are in a bungalow now) so I think I will use your idea of stitching them on 40 count so they are a nicer size for the tree. Your cardinal ornament is lovely. I also believe it is a loved one thinking of us.
    Thank you for sharing pictures of your mom's birthday celebration. She looks amazing and so happy.
    I am so sorry about your wrist/thumb pain and hope that it is improving - it's never good when we can't stitch comfortably.
    Thanks for sharing pictures from your DC trip. They are beautiful and the National Arboretum looks like an amazing place to visit.
    Thanks as always for your beautiful posts Carol. I always feel like I have had a hug when I read your posts as you are so very welcoming.
    I have recently finished Antique Bee Sampler by Elizabeth's Designs as a gift and am now working on Three Tulips by WTNT and have just recently started And They Sinned, an Adam and Eve sampler that I have had kitted for years. I always have an ornament on the go as well. I go to a stitching group once a week and it has been a lovely way to get to know people.
    Your gardens look beautiful! We are loving all the lilacs and bleeding hearts right now.
    Wishing you a wonderful June with pain-free stitching.

  40. Lovely post. My parents were members of the National Arboretum growing up. I used to love to go see the goldfish!

  41. I never have heard of the National Arboretum! We don't plan to visit DC anytime soon but if we do, we'll be sure to stop by. I want to see those columns!

    Sounds like a busy month full of fun things!

  42. Carol, your stitching is always so perfect and your choice of patterns is fun. The black one for Christmas is especially striking and was an excellent segue into your DC pictures of the monuments at night.

    When I lived in Fairfax County 1984-1988, we were thrilled with the Azaleas. I'm glad to now be back in a part of the country that also has Azaleas (they don't do well in Colorado).

    I hope your aches and pains heal up soon. Yes, as it so often the case, just resting the affected areas seems to be the most effective treatment. But that's hard to do when you have so many fascinating projects!

  43. Yay! I won. Thank you for the giveaway. I will send you an email shortly.
    Your finishes are just lovely specially the cardinal one.
    I love the gifts you got for mother's day. How nice to be able to spend time with your mother on her birthday.
    I love the pics from Washington D.C. We visited some of these monuments in 2017 but in day light.
    National Arboretum looks like such a nice place to spend a day .

    Wow , your garden is blooming. Have a good month of June and I pray that your thumb pain goes away.

  44. Hello Carol,
    a lovely post. The strawberry basket with the two cardinals are so beautiful. I love your finish. I have stitch it the basket as well. Know I will frame it. I have stitch the Pair of Robins.
    A wonderful finish is the Santa. So cute with all the gingerbreadmans.
    One day I will travel to DC. Thanks for sharing the photos from your journey.
    Have a nice month of June and a big Hugs, Manuela

  45. What a great post, it was like sitting down and having a visit! I'm sorry you're having thumb issues, but I'm also interested as I may be having the same thing. Did you have a Dr diagnose tendonitis? My left thumb has been hurting for a couple of months with the pain radiating down to the wrist. I just assumed it was atthritis, but now I'm wondering if maybe it's similar to yours. I'll have to google thumb exercises and see if that helps. Your photos from your DC trip were beautiful. And your mom's birthday pic was gorgeous. Thanks again for such an interesting post!

  46. Another lovely Carol post. Hope your hand pain goes away very quickly. We love seeing your beautiful crafting and you can't have pain to keep you from it. Just love the cardinal finish. The Santa is beautiful as well. That lovely Christmas design over one is just amazing though. I love how striking it is on the black fabric. Congrats Mini! What a lovely visit to D.C. Thanks for sharing. Happy Birthday to your sweet mom. She sure looks happy indeed. Love the reading bunny. Perfect for you. The garden pics look great. I think it's because of all the beautiful gardens you have toured on your travels. Now you have your own in your backyard. Lovely patriotic display. I need to work on some patriotic stitching for my shelves this time of year. Have a great June! Take care!!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Carol, I'm not sure which of your ornaments I like best; they're all adorable!
    I'll have to check out the link for the strawberry basket as it's perfect for summer. I was asked about knee pain recently and they wanted to know if it was a mileage issue. Never thought about it that way. I hope you heal quickly! I'll stick around with you as I love your blog and so glad that you continue to post.

  49. Wow, so many neat things in this post. Love the stitching and hope your tendinitis heals soon so you can get back to doing so many things you love! The pictures from DC are great - I didn’t even know about the arboretum, it looks like an amazing place and those columns are so cool. Your yard looks just as great as the arboretum and I hope you’re hard work and the deer spray keep it that way through the summer. Love the pics of your mom and the reading bunny from your son - hope that your June is full of beautiful things and healing!

  50. adoro i tuoi ricami e come li finisci, sei bravissima! Che bella tua mamma!

  51. Deal Carol,
    I love your embroideries, beautiful, my favorite is your Santa.
    Thank you for the great fotos of your trip, your sweet Mum and your garden.
    Grettings from Jutta

  52. You sure had another busy month! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your trips as well as your quiet days, and do hope your hand will feel better soon. Your stitching still is lovely, even if you couldn't do as much of it.

  53. Your posts are always full of so many good things - well, except for your hand, thumb pain. I'm hoping you are pain-free very soon! Love your cardinal finish! And the pictures from your Washington DC trip. So many great things to see and do there. Your mom has such a sweet smile and it looks like she very much enjoyed her birthday celebration. Love the reading rabbit! : )

  54. Such a nice visit with you today, Carol! I enjoy your finishes whenever they come, monthly or not. Always so inspiring. I really enjoyed seeing your night time photos of the monuments. Would love to visit one day and see the Smithsonian, too. What a cute picture of your mom :) Such a sweet idea to give her the birthday crown. I sympathize with you and your hand. As you know, I had issues with mine last summer, too. I often wonder how others can stitch for 12 hours a day and not have any problems. I guess some of us wear out faster than others! Hopefully with some rest and limited stitching time you can get some relief from that pain. Your garden looks beautiful and hopefully you'll have lots of good weather to enjoy that patio. Reading is always good when you can't stitch although you do have to be careful how you hold the weight of the book. All these things we find out when something happens to our hands! Happy June and thanks for all the news! xoClaire

  55. Sorry to hear about your hand problems, especially as it affects your stitching.
    You did manage to finish some lovely ornies anyway.
    The nighttime photos are just stunning, well worth a visit and the Gardens are just beautiful.

  56. Hi Carol, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, it was very encouraging :) I'm sorry to hear about your tendonitis, as stitchers I think we find this especially hard. I don't know if this is a dumb suggestion, but have you considered trying a lap frame in order to stitch two-handed? It's what I'm thinking of doing myself, for when my hands hurt. I love your cardinals finish by the way, it's adorable! I hope you get better, happy stitching xx

  57. You've definitely been busy! I love all your finishes, of course. Goes without saying that I'm always amazed at your finishing as well as your stitching! The sight of the monuments in DC at night -- wow, that is really spectacular!! I didn't know you lived there and that your youngest was born there. Rather appropriate that he chose to live there as an adult! I didn't know about the arboretum. Looks lovely! My DD and I visited the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens right during cherry blossom season -- it was so wonderful! Still lots of tulips and daffodils too! Love all your patriotic stitching out on display too! Love seeing the pics of your mom! Hope you are having a great June so far.

  58. I'm sorry your thumb and wrist are giving you so much grief, Carol! I hope that by the time you read this, you are on the mend. Your stitching and garden are certainly pretty and reflect all the effort and care you put into them.

    Happy belated birthday to your mom! She makes 92 look spectacular! My mom and some of her hometown friends visited this past weekend and we helped their good friend Louise celebrate her 90th birthday. Louise moved to my neck of the woods a few years ago to be closer to her family, but her old pals back home in central Idaho sure do miss her. It was good to see them all reunited, if only for a weekend.

    Sending healing thoughts your way.

  59. Carol, You certainly have had a busy month!!! Congrats and Happy Birthday to your lovely Mom, 92 is certainly a milestone birthday!!
    I love your Berries in a Basket, I love it for those sweet cardinals!! They are such special birds. YOur Patriotic display is gorgeous as are your gardens!! We have had so much rain I missed a spraying and the deer got all my beautiful hostas. I have little desire to garden as the deer get it all. How adorable is your bunny in the chair!!! So, so sweet!!! DC is a great place to visit and it looks as you had a great time. I have visited DC a few times but never made it to the gardens, I can see I have to go back. Hope you have a lovely week. Mary

  60. what a lovely garden! I wish my garden is just as beautiful as yours! I really enjoy your post, new follower here :D

  61. I have been following your blog for awhile now and i love it!! You are doing such a good job!!! Keep up the great work

  62. Hello Carol,
    I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to get here. I've been out of town for about five weeks and getting going again has been slow. But, I truly enjoyed such a lovely post. I do hope your thumb and had get better quickly. I have the same problem with mine. I bought a special glove at Joann's that helps alot. I'm totally in love with all of your pretty stitches and finishes but the cardinals truly stole my heart. Oh my is that pretty. And, you know how much cardinals mean to me.

    Your trip to DC sounded wonderful. I love DC each and every time I visit. There is so much to see and do. And a very HAPPY birthday to your lovely Mom. She is such a beautiful woman and looks marvelous at 92. God bless her. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  63. Buongiorno, sono belli i tuoi ricami e anche il tuo blog. Ti seguo giĆ  su instagram ed ora anche nel tuo blog. Buona giornata

  64. Oh those cardinals are just darling! The little basket of berries is super cute too. I recently discovered our yard is sprouting the wild variety, a nice little snack that I can snag when mowing haha. Your PS ornaments are very pretty too. Do you keep a pine tree out year round or did you snag a branch from the yard for a photo op? :D

    DC at night looks awesome, and probably a whole lot less busy! Was the Washington Monument open to the public yet? When we were there just over a year ago, it was still closed for renovations. The Arboretum is one place we wanted to go and didn't manage due to scheduling the transportation! Of course it would've been mid March so not much life would've been there at the time. Your mom looks so happy in her rainbow lei! And that's a fantastic pile of cards!


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