Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring stitching and party report

Good morning! And how is everyone on this last day of March? I've just experienced one of the busiest months of my life and I'm hoping April brings a much-needed sense of calm! Before I get started on today's post, I want to thank all of you who took the time to comment on my last post. Comments are dwindling all across blogland--even my sons noticed that the comments on my last post were way down. So, I'm thankful for those who still take a minute or two to say "hello" when I post--that means so very much to me... And a warm welcome to my new followers--so glad you are here!

With my crazy-busy March, I had little time to stitch, but did manage a few spring finishes. I think the chick in this Lizzie Kate design (A Chicky Easter) is particularly adorable. Would you believe that with all of the spring/Easter smalls I have stitched, this is the only one with the word "Easter" on it? I changed the border colors from blues to pink and green  (on 40 ct. white Newcastle) and used my own selection of overdyeds. Pale pink beads were added to the stitched flower centers, too. (The colors are softer than appear in this photo--more like the photo shown below in the finished pillow).

The cutest chick around!

I'm so pleased with how the final finish turned out. I made a little pillow with a pink striped fabric, a yellow print fabric, and handmade yellow cording. I then embellished it with a pale pink button topped with a pink gingham ribbon. So bright and cheery! Do you notice the little bunny dish sitting behind it? That is filled with some yummy Sees chocolates that my husband brought home from his skiing trip in Utah earlier this month. You know what else he brought home? A torn ACL in his knee... Sigh... A bad fall ended his trip early and he may be facing surgery down the road. Luckily, with an ACL injury like this, he can still bike, but skiing ever again is definitely out unless he has surgery. 

Finished Lizzie Kate "A Chicky Easter"

Here is my newest pillow nestled in an Easter basket with several other spring pillows. I really love the colors in each of these tiny creations. Spring stitching makes me happy (well, stitching in any season makes me happy to be honest!) Do you have a favorite season to stitch?

Bunnies, chicks, and eggs galore!

My second spring finish is this Shepherd's Bush design called "Joyful Spring" from the Spring Folio chart. I used 40ct. white Newcastle and a variety of spring colors for the flowers, eggs, and tiny chick. I love how the kite string is made from ribbon. This was sent to my French friend, Nathalie (no blog), for her birthday. I simply inserted it into a card opening and mailed it along with a chart and some spring ribbons. With the rising cost of international postage, I'm trying to be creative and save money, too! Nathalie loved it and said she has the card sitting on her desk...

Shepherd's Bush "Joyful Spring" finish

My final Spring finish was made for my boss for her retirement party on March 19th. You will all recognize this as Prairie Schooler's "S Is For Spring" which I have stitched many times before. I chose it for her, not only because it is currently spring, but also because she is beginning a new chapter of her life--a "new spring" so to speak. I forgot to take a photo of it before I gave it to her so I'm simply using the one I took of my own finish back in 2014 as I finished hers exactly the same. My old boss stitches a bit and was so appreciative of my gift.

Prairie Schooler "S Is For Spring"

A darling surprise arrived in the mail last week, too... Just look what hopped over from Germany! This little cutie was sent by my friend Gabi (no blog) for Easter along with a pretty card. Isn't it sweet? Thanks so very much, Gabi--I will think of you each time I decorate for Easter!

Easter gift from sweet Gabi in Germany

Retirement Party Memories... Many of you have asked how the retirement party for my dear boss went that was held at my home... Well, I'm pleased to say it went very well--a little too well, perhaps! You see, now my coworkers are suggesting that I be in charge of future parties as well... And believe me, we have quite a few retiring in this coming decade (including me!). No, I think one is enough for me. I enjoyed the creativity of it, but the preparation was a ton of work and the evening went by so quickly. Anyway, I thought I would share a few of the things I did to help any of you if you ever have to host a retirement party...

First of all, I made a gift card bouquet for her. My coworkers and I all pitched in and purchased a variety of gift cards for my boss based on her various interests including reading (of course!), knitting, pets, tea, movies, etc. I simply printed the flowers off on heavy scrapbooking paper and added centers with cute sayings and graphics. Then I glued on a skewer to each one and attached the gift card to the back with double faced tape.

Each flower held a different gift card

Sam's Club had the most spectacular, giant blue hydrangeas for sale so I purchased one of them, inserted the "flower" skewers and voilĂ --there you have a personalized, useful, and much appreciated gift. My boss loved it and I know she'll have fun purchasing little gifts for herself for quite some time. 

The finished gift card bouquet

My boss requested, multiple times, that she wanted her party to be kept simple. She doesn't like fuss and so I tried my best to make things fun, but classy. I found a simple reusable banner (you can just slide the cardboard letters off and on to make different sayings) at Target, hung it from my mantle, and placed photos of each member of our department at the library across the top. (Their faces are blurred for privacy making it look like I work with a bunch of aliens!! I can assure you, they are all wonderful, attractive coworkers--I couldn't ask for a better bunch!). In the middle was a framed print with the words "A truly great boss is hard to find, difficult to let go, and impossible to forget." How very true... At the end of the evening, the staff photos were sent home with my boss.

Fireplace decor

A few years ago, my youngest son gave me some magnetic Scrabble tiles for our refrigerator so it has become a family tradition to use them on special occasions. The retirement party was certainly that! So, I created a bit of "refrigerator art" for her using the Scrabble tiles and cute graphics that I printed off the internet. Some of my favorites are "Librarian: The Original Search Engine" and "Librarians Dewey It Better!" It was a big hit and a great conversation piece...

Refrigerator art: librarian style!

Here are some close-ups for you. You'll notice the tiny clothes pins holding up the signs... Well, those were purchased at Target and I simply added tiny pieces of peel-off magnet strips to the back so they would stick on the refrigerator. Such a simple, but cheery touch...

And here is the bottom portion containing my all time favorite graphic (in the lower left) which says "Yes, we have that book with the green cover by that famous guy--It's over in the book section!" Believe it or not, we get so many patrons coming in to the library with these vague requests for things like "that tiny blue book by a woman." Ummm, yeah...

My husband received some personalized M&Ms for his 60th birthday last summer so I decided to splurge and buy some for my boss' retirement party. You can choose your own colors, request short sayings on them and even add a photo of the honoree right here! Too cute and another big hit at the party. 

Personalized M&Ms were such fun!

The food was fabulous! Each coworker brought a dish to pass (something easy to eat as we didn't have a sit-down dinner planned). I made my fruit kebabs (like I showed you in this post), a very tasty light taco dip (recipe can be found here), and chocolate chip cookies. Others brought crabmeat dips, seafood baked in real shells, Swedish meatballs, pork barbecue sliders, veggie trays, olive roll-ups, desserts. Oh, my--a real feast! I wish I had taken a photo of the food before we had devoured most of it, but I did manage to snap a photo (this was only about a third of the dishes!) right at the end before we indulged in the desserts at the end of the table.

The food was so tasty as you can see by the little that remained!

To add interest to the buffet table I made up little signs like these, framed them,  and interspersed them among the food. I found them by googling "retirement party ideas." 

This one was placed next to the desserts... I personalized it (the words in pink) by using "Publisher" on my computer.

And this was my favorite... A miniature poster of an old movie called "Ladies In Retirement!" Don't you love it? At the party, I covered over the name of "Evelyn Keyes" with my boss's name--she loved it!

Having a party means lots of flowers, of course, and between Easter and the retirement party, my house is beginning to look like a floral shop! I took this photo yesterday morning as the sunlight was streaming in the kitchen window. The red Gerbera Daisies were from my oldest son and his girlfriend for Easter and my middle son brought me the most fragrant blue hydrangea I have ever smelled--wonderful!  The pretty shamrock plant in the front came from a coworker to thank me for hosting (along with many, many bottles of wine from other coworkers!).

I could start my own floral shop!

And did you notice that gorgeous orchid on the right? Well, that was given to me when my dad passed away in late 2014 and it has just re-bloomed! What a special gift... I had no hope that I would be able to grow an orchid, but apparently, I'm doing something right. Here is a close-up of the orchid by itself. I think of my dad each time I walk by it...

Blooming once again...

With the arrival of spring (and a most beautiful warm, sunny spring, I might add!), we are seeing more and more wildlife in our yard. The dreaded geese have returned attempting to nest by our pond. We try to chase them off whenever we see them because they make such a terrible mess of our yard. Yes, they are beautiful, but we'll be happier if they choose somewhere else to nest. We haven't seen them in almost a week, so we think they have found a "more welcoming" yard!

Pretty, but, oh, so messy!

And the deer seem to be coming around more and more often. I saw this herd of seven (the 7th is barely visible to the left of the red part of the birdhouse pole) grazing near our pond a few weeks ago. Again, very pretty animals, but they are so destructive to our plantings. We can't plant any flowers out in the open any longer. They end up as deer food time after time. I'm so envious of those of you who can have lovely gardens!

The deer are taking over!

Even daffodils aren't safe--we watched as a deer chomped off one after another while we ate dinner last week. Just look at this photo--I swear he is sticking his tongue out at me!! They are very brazen and seem to think we've planted all of the greenery just for them! That is why anything we truly value has to be planted in the fenced-in raised beds you see behind the deer in the photo below.

"Ha ha ha--you can't stop me!"

Well, I had hoped to share my Uruguay travel photos with you, but have simply run out of time. I'll plan that for next month, okay? I wish each of you a delightful April with many happy stitching moments.  Bye for now...


  1. I'm so glad that your party went well, Carol! You have so much imagination. I love all the special touches you added. Your spring stitching is so pretty. I'm glad you had a nice Easter, but I'm sorry to hear your husband has a torn ACL. Dear me. We just can't keep them safe, can we?? :)

  2. Wow! What a great post. All your stitching is lovely, and your retirement party ideas are inspired. Wouldn't the retired librarian cat be a cute stitching project?! I'm so pleased that your blooming orchid brings you comfort. Now if we could just keep your husband upright... I'll keep him in prayer for complete healing. Thanks for all you shared.

  3. Hello Carol. I justgot back from a 3 day getaway to the smokey mountains. I checked my blogs and yours isthe first one that popped up. what a treat. the easter piece is bright and cheery, love the finish. the easter basket looks great. you did an amazing job on the retirement party. I am sure your boss will always remember it. so many pretty flowers. how nice your orchid is reblooming. yes, spring is here. I have also noticed hardly anyone comments on blogger anymore. I enjoy reading and posting comments. we all share stitching. kind words can make someone's day. I hope it isn't something people will stop doing all together. I hope you find April more relaxing. hope your husband heals quickly.

  4. You know, it seems I start off all my comments with something like "Lovely stitching, as usual". That's because it's true. You always have some lovely stitching. I like what you stitched for your boss. You can't go wrong with Prairie Schooler, methinks! And Gabi has stitched you a lovely Spring piece.

    The party was a success and is now over for you so you can sit back and relax...? You did a great job with a lot of attention to the details. No wonder they all want to appoint you to be the party giver now!

    Can't believe a quarter of the year is already over but I am ready for Spring and being out in the garden, even if the pollen is making us sneeze a lot! Have a lovely weekend, Carol!

  5. O my gosh, what a great post, Carol. There's so much to comment on, I hope I don't leave anything out. I just love your Easter Basket - I keep telling myself I want to stitch several smalls to put in a basket each month, but I just haven't done it yet. Too many BAP projects to make. I think when you retire you should go into the party business. The retirement party you hosted looked awesome! The refrigerator art was my favorite if I absolutely had to pick from all of the great decor. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Carol, the Easter chick is adorable! All your Easter and Spring pieces are beautiful! Your party sounds wonderful and it's no wonder they want you to be party coordinator ... you could have a new career when you retire from the library, lol. ♥

  7. I read your blog faithfully but have never commented and think it is high time I did! You are a Queen of Color and Creativity! Your finishes are amazing and you truly have a wonderful eye for color. You have given me many ideas for finishes but mine never seem to look as lovely as yours. This blog was truly a feast for the eyes and imagination. Your former boss is a lucky lady to have had you as her party organizer. Happy spring!

  8. What beautiful flowers. Love the scrabble tile idea -- so fun. Since you asked, my favourite season to stitch for is Christmas. Quilts, too. I keep telling myself to stop making Christmas things but the designers keep designing things too tempting to pass up. I don't much care for pastels so have few springy things. I need to think "spring" every time I am tempted by just one more Santa.....

  9. What a great post! It is hard to know what to comment on first. Actually I will say I am sad to hear about the torn ACL. Your DH and I are orthopedic wonders!! I do love your Spring stitches. Their finishes are beautiful as usual. What a party, like the blog, I don't know what I think is the best part. You really made that such a special evening for her. Your time and work to make it a special night were evident. I'm sure she will never forget it. Having retired myself, I loved the things you chose. The spring stitch was a perfect gift. It really is a new beginning to your life. I hope this will be a wonderful spring for you.

  10. Your spring and Easter stitching projects and finishes are so lovely and inspire me to work on something for next year.

  11. The little chick is completely adorable!

    Your party looks lovely, and I'm not surprised people tried to nominate you to do all future parties. :)

  12. gorgeous stitching, love the finishing

  13. Hi Carol, I should have read the blog first! Such lovely touches for the party. The signs are perfectly displayed. The food looked great. I remember the fruit kebabs.

    Your Easter pillow is cute and fits perfectly in the basket with your other finishes. Your gift is cute also.

    What a beautiful orchid. So special that is bloomed for your Dad.

    Hope the geese are gone...nice to look at--nasty to have around! It seems there are millions of them...everywhere! Beautiful dear, but they do think everything is for them.

    Happy spring.

    Judy Heatland stitcher

  14. Hello Carol,
    wonderful little finishes. Your stitching and sewing is so beautiful as always.
    Greetings, Manuela

  15. Hi Carol - this morning I just had a "feeling" that maybe you would have a new post up and Ta-Da What a wonderful blog post you've shared with us. You always delight us with such interesting, fun things. I love your stitched pieces - your work is always so lovely and finished so beautifully. I've said it before but you are really an inspiration to all of us.

    The retirement party you planned for your friend (boss) was really amazing! Such clever ideas (that gift card bouquet is a great idea!), beautiful flowers, wonderful food - what a special event for a lady that most obviously is very special to you and your co-workers. I can understand why your co-workers think you should be the party planner for all these events. I chuckled in your last post when you wrote about cleaning the whole house for a party. So true, but why do we do that to ourselves?

    I'm sorry to read that your husband got hurt skiing - I love to ski too, so it would be difficult to give that up.

    It's raining buckets today (so you may get this weather tomorrow) but it's fun to see the grass turning that beautiful spring green, and watch the early spring flowers pushing out of the ground. Your yard is lovely even if you can't really grow too many things due to all the wildlife - they are fun to see, too. The deer sticking his tongue out at you is just too funny!! I thought deer didn't like daffodils?? - well, I guess the deer proved that wrong.

    Happy Spring to you, Carol and your family.

    xo - Barb R.

  16. Hello Garold - so lovely to read your post! I'm so happy that the party was such a huge success. Theodore looked delicious, as did the flowers, and all your thoughtful little touches made it so special for your boss. Your stitching is so bright and cheerful, and just lovely, as always, and the colours you've chosen are just right for Spring. I love the photos of the wildlife in your garden - even if they are messy! I hope your husband feels better soon! Hope you are having a lovely day - sunny here, but we had snow last Sunday.....
    Will write soon - take care,
    Lots of love,

  17. Super-cute Easter pillow. And a great idea for a the rick rack trim.

    You really went all-out for the party! No wonder they all want you to be the chief party planner. If you do this much when the recipient asks for something simple, your elaborate parties must be incredible! So much thought and time went into that. I'm glad it worked out well.

  18. I just stumbled onto your blog!!! WTG on all your finishes! I love the way the LK was finished as well as the PS finish!!! Thank you for the reminder of the lovely SB spring project!!!! I will have to pull that out of my stash to stitch up quickly and finish for a nice spring finish in my house!

    I look forward to reading and following your blog more. You can find me at

    Blessings to you!!


  19. Lovely Spring stitching, love your Easter basket .
    I think Easter stitching is the one I love the most beacause I love rabbits and Spring flowers.
    looks like you had a lovely party and all the hard work you put into it just wonderful.
    You have some lovely flowers and plants , I know they mean so much to you.
    Lovely gift from your friend , I know Nathalie would love your stitching card .
    Beautiful wildlife , Happy April.

  20. Carol, it is always a treat to see a new blog post from you. I always feel like we are visiting across the table as I read what you have written.

    I am glad to read that your retirement party for your boss was a success. You found such precious ideas to provide the simple but classy party atmosphere. I really liked the gift card bouquet you created.

    I enjoyed seeing what you created during this time. All your spring pieces are adorable. They make me smile. Enjoy your pair of bunnies from Gabi.

  21. Wow, Carol, your Easter decor is gorgeous!
    Have you prepared a great feast! You are extremely creative person, bouquet is a great idea! And your flowers and I like the orchid is amazing!

  22. Lovely post Carol, I enjoyed hearing about the party and I'm glad it went well.
    I love the geese but wouldn't want the associated mess either. The orchid blooming again is very special, it's beautiful too.

  23. Wow what a fun filled post. Love all your beautiful stitching. Your pillow finishes are perfect. I need to get over my fear of the sewing machine and try to do some of my own pieces like this. Love your fantastic ideas for the party. No wonder they want you to host more parties.

  24. Love that chickie!! I have that stitched up too, but of course not 'finished'!

    Your party looks like it was a lot of fun. Great decorating ideas!

  25. My goodness, your March was a busy month! Congratulations on the successful party. It's no wonder that your co-workers want to you to host all parties. Your Easter chick, and all your other Easter/spring finishes, are just adorable.

  26. I just love your spring bowl of little pillows. I have that same basket from Hallmark from quite a few years ago :). You stitching is lovely and always inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Wow! What a fabulous job you did at the party Carol, honestly. I see why they want to recruit you again and again. ;)
    Your stitching is so very sweet.
    I am so sorry to read of your husband's knee issue now. :(

  28. It sounds like you had a wonderful party for your boss and I'm sure appreciated it! Your makes are so pretty. I actually like doing spring cross stitch best. The colors and motifs are just so pretty.
    I couldn't believe all of those deer in your yard! We get some - we see their foot prints in the flower beds - but not many at one time. They mostly eat our tulips.

    Thanks for sharing! Enjoy this beautiful spring!

  29. Ha! What a cute chick! I just adore your Springtime basket display.

    Oh my, when you throw a party...I can see why your coworkers think you're the bomb!

    I can loan you a quite nutty Border Collie to round up your wildlife. It looks like she would love living with you!

    I do know what you mean about comments. I think other social media platforms are teaching people to just scroll past without reaching out to connect. Bah, that's what we are here for, to connect with others!

  30. You have such a wonderful Easter basket, Carol. And the new little pillow is such a great addition to it. It's so much fun to look at all the lovely spring bunnies. I think it's a great idea to use the Shepherd's Bush piece for a card. You are right, one has to be creative with international postage costs.

    Sorry to hear that your husband didn't only bring chocolates from his skiing vacation. Hopefully surgery can repair the torn ACL in his knee.

    That retirement party for your boss must have been a huge success. So great to see all the nice things that you prepared for the party. Very creative ideas, Carol., the M&Ms, the scrabble refrigerator art and all the other lovely details. No wonder that they all want you to throw the future retirement parties as well, lol. But as you say, it's a lot of work to prepare such a party. The best thing with this kind of parties is all the different dishes and food that people bring for the feast.

  31. Another fabulous post Carol. I am sure your party was quite a creative. Your stitching and finishing is just gorgeous. Wishing you a wonderful spring my friend!

  32. Beautiful Spring stitching! Just love your basket of Spring pillows! Great and creative party! I love all the food and flowers! Gorgeous orchid!

    Hope your husband is well rested!


  33. All the little details you did for your boss's retirement party are so great! A friend of ours also did the personalized M&Ms for her son when they threw him a party for his sendoff to college. They are so much fun! Love all your stitching too! And so many flowers! It's funny cause I sort of feel like at least a few people are coming back and restarting their blogs. But I find fewer commenting as well. I figured for me it was because I've started knitting instead of stitching!

  34. Congrats on all of the super cute finishes Carol. Your party looks amazing.


  35. What a great post, Carol! I love the PS you stitched for your boss. The finishing was perfect! All your finishes are so sweet.
    What s great job you did for he party. People that don't throw parties really have no idea how much work goes into it. Cleaning, cooking, decorating, whew! You pulled it off beautifully! Your gift card bouquet was fabulous and I really like the framed retirement pics snd that poster was great!
    Yep, blogging comments are definitely down, it seems to me, too. Looks like people are reading, just not so many commenting.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  36. Carol, congratulations on hosting such a wonderful retirement party! It is a ton of work to put an event like that together and don't blame you for saying this is a one-time only thing! :)

    We all have so many social media sites to check on these days, our blogs just don't get the love they used to.

  37. Sorry to hear about the ACL. Really enjoyed the party details. So many nice ideas and the perfect gift solution. Looks like the food was a hit! Does that fence really help? Our garden is small yet there are two or three at a time inside the fence munching. Our friend installed an electric perimeter fence and it worked. Easy installation and doesn't harm them at all.

  38. Oh, Easter is so pretty! I would say Autumn is my favorite stitching season followed by winter. Well, there you go, a new career after you've retired from the library-a party consultant! You would do great. Sorry to hear about your husband but I'm impressed that he's able to do all of that! My very bad knees have cut down on my hiking which I love to do. Wishing for a speedy recovery after his surgery. I'm am glad you still continue to blog. I would be a very sad girl if you stopped! Have a super weekend, Carol!

  39. Carol, it is always a treat to read your posts. Love your easter stitching and the gift you received from Gabi.
    Wow, you are full of ideas for party ..I'm going to borrow a few of your ideas if I ever host a party.
    You have put so much heart in the party deco,your boss must be so touched.
    Oooh..Orchids...aren't they the most beautiful .

  40. I always enjoy your blog posts! Thanks so much for sharing a glimpse of your charming life and lovely talents with us! :)

  41. The little chick pillow is so cute!!! Just like your other finishes!
    Happy April! :o)))

  42. Wow!! You made so many beautiful things for the party. By seeing all, I can understand the amount of time taken for thinking, planning and executing such a lovely get together. Love those messages you printed and the gift bouquet idea is awesome :) Great job!!
    Your stitching is always wonderful !! :) Lovely gifts too!!

  43. You are right, that little Chickie is too darn cute.
    Great finish, and what a cute little gift with Bunnies.
    OMG, that must've been a great party!
    You had some great ideas, just so nice for a retirement.
    What a great idea for the gift cards too.
    Your Orchid is just beautiful, glad it re-bloomed for you.

  44. Carol your Easter stitching is beautiful, and the finish is perfect! It looks so pretty in that gorgeous Easter basket. Gabi's gift to you is so lovely. And what you did for your boss's retirement party, I'm not surprised that all your co-workers are keen for you to host in future. Perhaps you did too good a job?! Your decorations are so funny, especially the fridge magnets.
    I hope your husband feels better soon and gets the treatment he needs. That sounds painful.

  45. Lovely, as always. Your Easter basket is very cute. Right now I am stitching the free bunny piece. It is so cute.

    Your party decorations were so darn cute! How honored your former boss must feel.

    Happy spring.


  46. I know I keep saying it at each and every one of your post, but Wow! Beautiful stitching and finishing! I do love the LK sweet little chick :)
    Fabulous party and I am so jealous about the personalised M&Ms!!! Oooh I will have to look into this

  47. Love your Easter finish. The red ribbon really sets the whole thing off.
    Your party sounds like a fun time with friends. You certainly put a lot of thought into it.

  48. What a busy and wonderful month for you - looks like the party was quite the success and your group sure sent your boss off in style! I hope your husband's ACL is quickly repaired - my dad did the same thing on a ski slope many years ago and returned to ski once it was healed with no adverse effects. I love your little Easter stitching - I've seen that one on blogs and will have to pick it up next time I am shopping! Hope you have a lovely April and have more time to stitch!

  49. What a lovely party you hosted with so many special touches. I'm sure your boss felt well loved and respected, which would be a wonderful way to close one of life's chapters. I really love the gift card bouquet: such a creative way to present gift cards.
    I love to stitch for Spring but I have to confess I am a little behind the eight ball this year on my Spring stitching. I think a lot has to do with the crazy weather we have been having and the fact that Easter came so early this year. Perhaps I will feel more in the mood when the leaves and flowers start to come out. Or maybe just when the snow and cold temperatures stop!
    Have a wonderful day!

  50. What an enjoyable post. Your stitching is lovely. I love your basket of Easter finishes and the gift you received.
    I'm not surprised that your co-workers thought you should be in charge of future parties. Your preparations were amazing. What a lot of work you did.

  51. Love all the special touches you gave to the retirement party for your boss. I agree with your co-workers, you are a great party planner! Your spring and Easter stitches are adorable. I have the PS Spring pillow that I won from your giveaway several years ago displayed with my bunnies and eggs.

    So sorry to hear about your hubby's ACL injury. Hope that he's not in too much pain with it.

  52. Your comment about the "book by the famous author" cracked me up. I used to work in book stores (both independent and chain) and my "favorite" customers were those looking for "the romance with the picture of that guy on the cover." It was right up with "that book they've been talking about on the radio." There were times I desperately wished the cafe sold something much stronger than coffee. I have to say, I love, love, love the Prairie Schooler piece, you finished it a treat, and your German pal is a friend indeed to send you such a treasure.

  53. A great post. I love your Easter basket and your Easter stitching. I have stitched the PS design a couple of times. I am pleased the retirement party went well, you really did put a great deal of thought into it which I am sure was much appreciated. xx

  54. What a nice party you threw! We just had a colleague retire after 38 years. What a coincidence! Your Easter peeper is very cute as well!

  55. My about coming to Indiana and throwing my daughter's HS graduation open house? What a beautiful tribute you created for your coworker! You have a beautiful servant's heart. STUNNING JOB!
    And of course all of your sweet stitches makes me want to race upstairs and stitch...but alas I'm waiting for the "Mom come to pick me up from practice call" while I'm making 4 large pizzas for our Friday night Pizza pig out! :) Hopefully this evening!
    Comments are low on my blog too...sad. But I still get lots of daily hits. Just people using my information though, I think.

  56. A wonderful party you hosted Carol, with lovely gifts and goodies.
    Love the Easter basket with your smalls collection, the pink gingham ribbon on your latest finish is adorable.
    I'm late commenting on blogs, trying to catch up...
    I hope April is a calmer month for you
    {hugs} x

  57. Just put simply.............I LOVE your posts and mostly your stitching!!!!

  58. Carol... I look forward to your posts since I found your blog late last year. Your stitching projects are just beautiful! I envy your creativity with the finishing of each one. They are all truly a treasure to admire. Congratulations on such a successful party. I know it requires lots of planning and work. So sorry to hear about your husbands injury but unfortunately these things sometimes happen. So glad it wasn't worse than it was. I will be anxiously awaiting your next blog to see what treasures you have made.

  59. Your basket of Spring smalls is just beautiful! I love to stitch in Spring, too, although I love to stitch any time of the year. What a beautiful party you put together! I love your gift card idea. It's perfect! Thank you for sharing all the beautiful photos and ideas!

    Blessings - Julie

  60. I'm glad your party was a success - I was sure of it :) You had so many lovely ideas ! I can imagine you had very busy days while organising and making everything!!
    Your stiching is beautiful as always, I love the way you finished that sweet chicken design :) It's a very pretty addition to your Easter basket.

    The orchid is beautiful and it's not complicate at all to take care of this type of orchid . I have three of them and I got the first one nine years ago from my husband and it blooms at least two times every year...

  61. What beautiful finishes Carol, you are an inspiration to us all đź’ś!

  62. Looks like your party was a huge success. Love your bouquet of cards! I'll certainly remember that. Your finishes are adorable and I love the one you did for your boss. Hope your husband heals quickly. Injuries always spoil the fun.

  63. Glad to hear the party was a success. Great ideas and decoration! Your stitching is as beautiful as always.
    Happy spring and warm greetings.

  64. Carol...your stitching & finishing is just awesome. I use you as my inspiration when finishing my Christmas ornaments. What a wonderful retirement party for your boss. My co-workers threw a small party for me when I retired at the end of the was heart warming to know that I would be missed. I will be looking forward to more of your travel posts.

  65. Cute stitches Carol! I love stitching Spring projects... besides being cheerful colors, they usually include birds or flowers, which I love! The party looks like it was a success! Congrats on hosting it, and doing such a great job! Of course, I think that is the only way you operate! Hugs!

  66. I love your Easter finish Carol and enjoyed reading of your bosses party.You certainly gave her a great send off..a lot of work,rewarded.

  67. Hey Carol, this was a fun post! Sounds like your March was also very busy & fast, but also wonderfully productive. :) Your ornaments and smalls made the sweetest-looking Easter basket!!

  68. Loved this post Carol. As always by the time I get to the end I forget what I was going to say about the beginning but your Easter?Spring stitching is gorgeous. Your finishing skills never fail to delight.
    Well that looks like quite a send off you gave your boss lady and if ever you are looking to change direction I'm sure you could find work as a party planner! I think those little signs are genius. Loved the whole thing.
    I think you have earned yourself a good long rest in April :)

  69. Your blog is always my favorite! Love your Spring stitcheries! Thank you for the lovely description of the party. Felt like I was there. Thank you, Carol!

  70. Carol, I love your cushion "yellow chick," he has been very nice. Farewell party for your boss or boss, to say, looks great, with such attention to detail and rich and abundant food. If a bounce is enough, a lot of work. I'm sure you've succeeded and they want to keep being your host.
    A big kiss.

  71. Beautiful Easter stitching/finishing. I struggled to find Easter designs to stitch this year but did manage to find a few.
    Wow, you certainly do know how to organize a great party. Your creativity shined on this one. I am sure that your boss was not only grateful but impressed.

    I hope that your DH is doing okay after his ski mishap. We spent Easter in Denver and had the opportunity to Ski @ Copper Mountain. My older son, a snow boarder, took quite a fall off of a jump and cracked his helmet! That was it for him for the day as his head hurt. Fortunately, he is okay and will be purchasing a new helmet!

    It certainly does not feel like spring here in VT. The temperatures are winter like and we may see some snow. Things are expected to warm up after wednesday…thankfully. Love your animal pictures. Made me think about putting up the bird feeder as the bears might be out of hibernation. ugh!

  72. As always, a pleasure to read your posts :D I love your blog so much, I've told you, one of my favourites for sure! It's true that I haven't been around so much but.. you know well why :) And I always show up :D and comment :D
    I do feel the blog world has changed a lot on these last two years... it's slowing down, isn't it? I haven't been the only one posting less.. maybe everyone else will be back in a near future too ;) heehehhe

    Looks like you found a new career to pursuit :D hahahahah Congrats on planning and hosting such a successful party!!Love the card bouquet, so adorable and a very special gift =)

    Hugs and smiles to you my sweet friend!! :)

  73. I can see why your coworkers want you to be in charge of parties. You did an awesome job! I loved the gift card idea! I might have to steal that idea sometime! Love your spring stitching and your Easter basket of stitched pieces! I might have to steal that idea too!! Enjoy your week!

  74. So many wonderful news! You did a wonderful job wth this party. You must have a lot of great ideas. Your stitching looks awesome. And these flowers are so beautiful!

  75. Thank you, Carol, for another terrific blog entry. Loved all the cute sayings you found to display for your party. I'm curious to know how you usually go about choosing the thread colors for a project. Do you choose the thread colors first, and then search for the fabrics to use for the finishing? Or do you find a cute yellow fabric - like in A Chicky Easter - and then choose appropriate threads? However you do it, the results are always adorable!!!

  76. Wow!! What a wonderful post. You have such talent. As always, your stitching and finishing are truly wonderful; I always look forward to your posts so I can see what you have completed. It makes me want to stitch something springy. Your party was wonderful - so many great ideas and fun things. I realize that you could have a party planning job when you retire, but I highly recommend keeping that time for stitchy things; I am retired and I love not having to have my time totally committed to "busy" things; just like to do what I enjoy. I hope your husband heals quickly. As far as blog posts, I am finding that I am enjoying the blogs much more than I did when I first joined FB and thought it was the greatest; FB has developed into a negative/angry/bashing media, so I plan to spend more time reading blogs; they always seem to lift you up instead of tear you down. I truly enjoy reading your posts. Have a happy stitching month.............

  77. Your spring finishes are beyond adorable, Carol. The work and creativity you put into planning your boss' retirement party are awesome! Hope you have a relaxing April.

  78. che Pasqua meravigliosa, piena di ricami bellissimi

  79. gorgeous stitching ♥

  80. Your stitching and finishing are as always just perfect, Carol! And what a lovely basket of beautiful spring stitching! I think your boss was very lucky to receive one of your beautiful creations. :) Maybe (hopefully) your husband will give up skiing and avoid surgery? The party looks like it was spectacular and you did such a wonderful job with everything - I can see why it might have been suggested that you handle all future celebrations. :) The flowers are beautiful, especially the orchid. Fortunately, we don't deal with any destructive wildlife - the geese all stay down by the ponds. And I'm pretty sure you are right. That dear is sticking his tongue out at you. :)

  81. Thank You carol for visting my little blog ! Your easter decorations are all so very cute ..I wish someday I would have a bakset fullfilled with stitched smalls just like YOU ! yU ARE MY STITCHING STAR :) This post was really lovely thank you for party pictures and ideas..I also liked all the animals !

  82. Wow! You did your boss proud, what a wonderful party you organised, I love all of the party tips you gave and that bouquet of gift cards is wonderful.

    I love all of your Spring stitching but the Prairie Schooler Spring has to be my favourite, I remember you stitching it before, I loved it then and still love it now!


  83. Your spring finishes are beautiful as always. Love the gift your received as well. Sounds like the party was a huge success. Sorry to be one of the slackers that hasn't been posting comments. I now get your posts via email since my feed reader was not showing new posts each time. I read them on my phone and tend to not be on my PC too much since I have been having issues with the tendonitis flaring up in my right shoulder and wrist. I haven't stitched in about two months. Good thing I love books.

  84. Carol , your Easter basket is wonderful as well as your spring finishes, all looks so beautiful. And wow, how great party you have organized.
    Have a nice coming weekend.

  85. I can't remember the last tiem I was at your blog..
    Going to catch up.. Missed so much beautifull things........

    It's every where in blogland, many bloggers stopped. many went to FB or IG or what other things there are ....

    That Lizzie Kate chart is so cute!!!
    Looks really lovely, as is your finish
    Cute basket full of goodies!!!
    So many beautifull finsihed Sping pieces!!

    The basket of paper flowers is awesome.. so cool
    The pictures of the party are awesome..
    You really did a great job, I can imagine they asked you to do all the others as well

    What a beautifull memery the orchid. and so beautfull in bloom!!
    WOW so many deers!
    You can start a zoo.. hihihi

    Enjoy April... we have a lot of rain, but also sunshine.. hope the sunshine will get more

  86. What a lovely post as always Carol. SO glad your party went well. The thought of that would fill me with absolute dread but it looked wonderful and looks like you did a great job!

    Beautiful stitching and a lovely gift.

    I have noticed blog comments down but then again mine if because I've not been commenting on blogs as much as I used to. I need to get back into it but I think my mood really does not help!

  87. Fabulous post, Carol - loved all of the stitching and all of the special touches you did for the party - I knew it would be a great success. So interesting to me to see all of the deer photos but annoying for you, I am sure. hugs, Kaye

  88. What a wonderful post, Carol! I love your basket with your Easter fnishes. They all look so pretty and fresh and springlike. As same as your other Spring stitchings, you showed.
    What a wonderful party this must have been. You had amazing ideas for your guests, especially for your boss. You are a great hostess.

    Have a wonderful new week of Spring!


  89. Wonderful interesting post Carol. Beautiful Easter basket and such pretty Spring stitching. I´m not surprised that your workmates would like you to organise other parties as you put such a lot of work and lovely details into the gathering. I expect Jane was very happy and amazed at the kindness shown to her.
    Beautiful flowers too Carol.

  90. I'm so pleased the party went well .... but then I knew it would knowing you were behind it.

    Wonderful stitching, love the Easter display. A great gift for you too.

    Sorry to hear about your DH. He really will have to stop these risky activities!

  91. What a lovely great post, Carol.

  92. Hi! Many days ago I wanted to write you. I was so busy too!
    I feel the same, Carol. Comments are so important for us, the bloggers. Our readers, our motors.
    Love your Lizzie Kate's chicken! It's adorable and the beads detail, so delicate. The other ones are lovely too, but the little chicken is cute!
    Your party report was fantastic! Good job! :)
    Hope your husband is better now.
    Have a great spring :) Giovi

  93. What a great party you had for your boss Carol many wonderful ideas! Love that Lizzie Kate piece and all your other Spring pieces! Yikes on the geese and deer!

  94. Glad the party you hosted went well, everything looked lovely. Adore your LK Easter finish too!

  95. Glad to hear the party went well. Your Spring finishes are gorgeous.

  96. Beautiful party, I love all the details! The gift card bouquet and the scrabble are so creative! No wonder your friends now want you to host all the parties!
    I love the Easter Chick finish, lovely colors! And sorry, I looove the deer!
    Hope your husband is feeling better!
    Have a great week!

    Ana Paula.

  97. Your basket of spring items is beautiful. Love seeing all your finishes.

  98. What a wonderful retirement party you threw Carol! I'm not in the least surprised that your co-workers are thinking you could do it again - so much thoughtfulness put into a lovely send-off.

    Some lovely Easter/Spring stitching - I didn't manage any this year - and I love the card you made. SB come up with wonderful seasonal designs.

    Sorry to hear about your DH and his mishap! I hope he is healing well and can avoid surgery if needs be.

  99. What a fun retirement party you planned!! I had fun just reading about it. :)

    Love the chick finish. Very, very cute!

  100. Thank you so much for sharing about this wonderful creative party meet up. I am a newbie in this field and keep on looking for such parties and get-togethers. Last week, attended my friend’s creative party at local venues and was so much fun.


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