Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Stitched, but not finished

How are my blogging friends, today? I hope November is treating you well? We enjoyed a gorgeous, almost summer-like, first week of what is normally a very gray and chilly month--I loved it! It made me realize that living in a part of the country that is always warm and sunny would be so different than living here in the northeast. You would actually be able to get outside to walk and just enjoy the fresh air whenever you wanted. Am I ready to move south? No, I'm sure I would miss the four seasons, but I do admit the idea of warm weather year-round is becoming more and more tempting as I get older!

This week has brought back the normal cool, rainy weather that November is known  for so I've been nesting in my stitching chair and binge-watching a couple of older television series via Netlix (Parenthood and Foyle's War--love them both!). The problem is, when I'm watching television, I can't finish anything so all I have to show you today is stitched, but not finished pieces. I know many of you come here for finishing inspiration because you've told me so, so I hope you're not too disappointed today...

I've finished my very first Plum Street Samplers chart! I just fell in love with the adorable turkey family in this piece and knew I had to stitch it. I had begun this one before I went to my stitching retreat two weeks ago and managed to finish it there. How cute is the littlest turkey riding on the Mama turkey's back? And I love the Pilgrim hat that Papa turkey is sporting. And how about the giant whimsical sunflower? This piece was such fun to stitch!

Plum Street Samplings "Thankful For Thee" finish

I used a new-to-me 40 ct. linen and really liked the color: Burch newcastle. Most of the suggested DMC threads were used, too, but I did make a couple of changes so the golds would show up better on the fabric. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it before next Thanksgiving because it doesn't look like it's going to get done this year!

My second finish is from the Just Cross Stitch 2015 Halloween issue and is called "Crow On a Pumpkin" by Samplers Not Forgotten. I used 36 ct. summer khaki linen, but had some issues with the thread coverage so this is stitched a bit differently than what I normally do. In some places (the crow, the pumpkin, the tablecloth, the berries, and the flower centers) two threads were used (just chose my own selection of overdyeds) and for the leaves and gold sunflower border, I only used one thread. Did I do this on purpose? No, I first stitched the leaves with one thread and thought they looked fine, but when I began doing the crow with only one thread, he looked a bit sickly and anemic! I just couldn't bear the thought of going back and ripping out all of the leaves to re-stitch with two threads so I left them as I had stitched them. What do you think? I actually think it turned out quite well... the flowers and leaves have a more lacy appearance which, I think, looks pretty.

Crow On a Pumpkin

And I have a new Prairie Schooler Santa to add to my collection. This is one I also stitched last year. But, since that one was sent away to my friend Lois in Northern Ireland (you can see the finished ornament in this post), I decided to stitch one to keep for my own tree. This golden Santa is from Book No. 43, "Father Christmas" and is stitched on 40 ct. raw Newcastle with the suggested DMC threads (although I did change the green of the wreath to DMC 520). This makes the fifth PS Santa that I've stitched this year. My Sunday Santa SAL partners Melissa in Canada, Hilda in Austria, and I were trying to do a Santa a month, but all of us have failed. Oh well, we have all stitched a few and should be proud of that fact, right? Now, to get them finished and ready to hang on the tree--not much time left!!

Prairie Schooler Santa (Book No. 43: "Father Christmas")

I was so touched to receive a wonderful package of goodies from Charlene at Paraclete Designs. She thought I deserved a little something for spreading the word about my friend, Cindy, who lost everything to black mold. (If you haven't read about Cindy's plight, please go to this post). I also mentioned Charlene's Paraclete Designs which collects unwanted stitching stash to pass along to different charities and mission projects and she wanted to thank me for getting the word out. Anyway, just look at what arrived in my mailbox--the entire collection of Heartstrings "The 12 Days of Santa" along with some buttons, perforated paper, and a couple of other cute small kits. Charlene--you are such a generous soul! Thank you so very much--I know I'll enjoy stitching these chubby guys and I wish you much luck in your mission to spread the love of cross stitch...

I've been published! Well, self-published, that is... I had been wanting to get a hardcopy of my blog printed for a few years now and when a 20% discount offer appeared in my email last month, I finally took the plunge. The result is this two year compilation (2013-2014) of Stitching Dreams which weighed in at a solid 314 pages! Every photo, every word, every finish shown on my blog from 2013 and 2014 is here! This was quite a splurge for me--even with the discount, but I am thrilled to be able to sit down and read through two years of memories in book form. Now to save up enough to publish 2009-2010 and 2011-2012. 

My blog--in book form!

The service I used is called Blog2Print and it was so easy. My only complaint is that my photo captions weren't centered under the photo itself, but were off to the side. However, the paper quality, layout, and solid construction of "my book" are just wonderful. Here is a look at two of the interior pages so you can get an idea of what it looks like... I know I'll enjoy sitting down and looking through this when I'm old(er) and gray(er) and want to marvel at how I was able to see well enough to stitch such tiny creations!

When I'm not working, sleeping, stitching, or reading, I seem to be spending time getting ready for our upcoming trip to Argentina. Oh, my, how do I pack for this trip? You see we'll be spending part of our visit in northern Argentina where it will be warm--high 70s / low 80s. And then we'll be flying way, way down--almost 2000 miles--to southern Argentina where it will be cold and very windy. Yes, we're going to Ushuaia in Patagonia, commonly known as the southern-most city in the world. And guess what we're going to see? Those darling little black and white tuxedoed guys known as Magellanic Penguins!! Yes, I'm beyond excited to be able to see them in person. Well, not as excited as I will be to see our youngest son who is studying international relations in Buenos Aires--but close!!

Thankfully, the bone bruise on my left foot is almost totally healed and I am walking normally again. I get a twinge of pain every now and then, but it should be fine for the tours and hikes we will be doing. I bought some great new hiking shoes which will give me even more stability so I should be in good shape. Now, we just have to hope the weather cooperates!

I'll leave you with a couple of photos from my kitchen... I tried this recipe for Dutch Apple Pie on Sunday and it turned out very well. I thought I could have cooked the pie longer as the apples were just a bit on the firm side, but the flavor was wonderful--especially when topped with ice cream!

Apple Pie, anyone?

I snapped this photo of our kitchen eating area to send to my youngest son one sunny morning. Thought he might like a "bit of home." We just heard that he plans on spending about two weeks with us over the Christmas holidays and I'm so excited. I love cooking and baking for that "kid" as he truly loves to eat and really appreciates my meals. Anyway, the kitchen just looked so pretty with the sun streaming in the (dirty!) windows... Thought you might like to see it, too!

I want to welcome all of my new followers--so glad you're here! Please remember that, if you ask me a question and want a reply, you need to leave your email address for me. Otherwise I have no way to respond to some of you who are "no-reply bloggers." I hope you can find some time to sit and stitch in this very busy pre-holiday season--it is so good for the stress-levels that seems to skyrocket at this time of year... Thank you, as always, for each and every comment--I truly appreciate them! Bye for now...


  1. Good morning, Carol! It always makes me smile to see a new post from you. Love your stitched pieces; finished or not, they are still inspiring to me! The apple pie looks so good; I have some caramel sauce I would share with you. I know you are looking forward to your trip south to see your son along with the penguins. What kind of hiking shoe did you get?

    Thinking of you!

  2. Carol, your new pieces are so lovely. How nice to have a record of your blog in book form! You're going to see penguins - lucky you. Enjoy your trip.

  3. Oh wow, where do I start?! I just love the little turkey pillow in your blog header: Thanksgiving is over for us but I still love seeing all the fall-ish decorations in other people's homes.
    I must have missed that crow on pumpkin design; even though I bought the magazine I didn't get anything stitched from it this year. I'll have to dig it out and bookmark that one for next year. I think the way you used your threads turned out quite well.
    This summer I read my blog from end to beginning and it was the best thing ever: you will enjoy reading your hard copy very much!
    Your trip sounds really fun and I'm sure when you come back you will have seen so much to inspire you in all ways at home. Good news about your son being home at Christmas: kids really do make the holidays, even if they're big kids!
    Happy Days,

  4. I really enjoyed reading your post! And I love the plum street sampler finish. It's so cute!
    Thank you for the link about printing your blog. I will have a good look at the website...
    Enjoy your holiday

  5. Hello Carol - what a lovely post! It is always so good to read all your news and see your photos. The pie looks amazing, as does your stitching, which is always wonderful. I shall be in touch before you leave - I haven't forgotten you! Everything just so hectic...
    Take care, dear friend,
    Much love,

  6. Hello Carol from sunny Texas where my second round of Marigolds for the year are blooming, I let them die in July and spread the seeds in the dirt. When we started getting rain a few weeks ago, they sprouted and now are blooming.

    Your blog book looks great. I ordered my first photo book for my mom a few weeks ago after her visit here and she says it turned out great. It made it a lot easier to share with her friends because I labeled everything. We had visited the 13th floor museum and the JFK assassination site because it was blocks from the Amtrak station in Dallas but there was also some cute pictures of her and the girls.

    I'll continue to drool over your ornament finishes. I have several I have to do. Not looking forward to it. At least I got the Victoria Sampler house finished. That took a bit of work.

  7. Carol,

    Your needle has been very busy. I like the Plum Street piece - so cute! And your blog in book form. I have wanted to do something like that, too. A kind of stitching diary. I may have to look into that very soon. Safe travels when you go to Argentina. How exciting!


  8. Carol, as always, I love seeing your stitched pieces. I do love your piece in your blog header as well. I'm sure you'll so enjoy sitting in your stitchy chair reading through your book of blog posts. I'd call that a must read! Full of inspiration. How exciting to be visiting your son! We just returned from my son's winging in FL and he's home visiting now. Love these days to say the least. Have a great trip. Do you have a couple of projects kitted up for your flight? Enjoy!

  9. Carol, how are your embroidery always beautiful!
    But your holiday will be great, I wish you to take it in good health enjoyed !!!
    Apple pie with ice cream - yum!

  10. Gorgeous stitching Carol,I absolutely love Crow on a Pumpkin:)
    How exciying to be going to see your son and the adorable Magellan penguins.
    Our younger son has just been to Angkor Wat in Cambodia with his girlfriend and now they are in Hanoi and going to travel down the coast to Ho Chi Minh City over the next eleven days.I am enjoying the photos he is sending back via his smart phone:)
    I hope you and your husband have a wonderful time on holiday.

  11. That Golden Santa is wonderful. So is your book! That is a great present for yourself. :D
    We have been spoiled with the sunny mild days here for two weeks. Tomorrow our usual grey and rain comes again. But I finished in the garden!! Woo hoo!
    You have a safe, wonderful trip. That is what I am praying for!

  12. Hi Carol - what a great idea to have a hard copy of all your blogs. I wish you would sell copies to your fans. I am fairly new to your blog and I would love to see all that you wrote. I am sure others would like it as well. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  13. i. am. so. ready. to. move. to. fla. :)

  14. Your work is fantastic. Have safe travels and a wonderful trip.

  15. Beautiful stitching, I especially love the turkeys! The pie looks very yummy, love to have some ha ha!

    Glad that your foot healed well so that you can enjoy your coming trip! Enjoy and be safe!


  16. Hi Carol! I'm so glad to hear your foot is better. Foot pain is no fun at all. Your stitching is gorgeous as always and you always describe the design so wonderfully. Wow! Argentina! That will be quite an adventure especially for a fellow homebody. I will be anticipating some awesome blog posts. Bless you my friend. I hope you and w family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  17. your blog always inspire me...cross stitch finished or not!
    thank you for sharing!
    i hope your foot get well completely very soon!

  18. I always love your posts, finishing or not! All the stitching is beautiful. I am so excited for you and your trip, first to see your son and then to visit another country. The packing does sound like a challenge. Your kitchen looks so warm and cozy I can almost smell that pie!

  19. Your posts are always such a pleasure to read!

    The other part of the county that people think is warm and sunny isn't always sunny. I can't tell you how many gray days we've had this summer (it's still summer here). Honestly, it could be 15 degrees here every day if the sun was shinning and I'd be happy. The older I get the more the lack of sunshine bothers me. I've always told Greg that if we had a 2nd home in the mountains, it would be spring and fall that I'd like to spend there. We don't have much of either here and summer is hot everywhere!

    I have very few PS charts but love Father Christmas. I like the simplicity of it.

    Enjoy your trip! I'm hoping you'll have lots to share with us when you get home!

  20. Carol, I am so excited for you for your trip!! I am so happy to hear that your foot is doing well. I can't wait to hear about it (and hope you are able to get lots of penguin pics!)
    What a beautiful idea to have your blog published! It is and will continue to be such a treasure. I hope you are able to get the other years published as well.
    I love "Thankful for Thee". I have it in my stash and one day hope it gets stitched! It is impossible not to love the PS Santas. Each time I see one, I just smile. PS continually evokes warm and fuzzy memories for me. I love your Crow on a Pumpkin!
    Have a wonderful vacation. I know you will be thrilled to see your son. I am sure he was so thrilled to get a picture of your kitchen (which is gorgeous). I hope your stitching retreat was fabulous. It is hard to believe Christmas is almost here but I am going with your plan to keep trying to find a little time to stitch and de-stress.

  21. Gorgeous stitching as always Carol. That pie looks yummy. Your kitchen/dining room is beautiful. I think I'm jealous.


  22. Your post makes me realize how short the time is to get ornaments ready! Your blog book is really neat, what a nice reference. Glad the foot is better and have a safe enjoyable trip. Penguin pictures!

  23. Good morning Carol ,
    it gives me such a joy your " novels " to read..smile . Your embroidery are again all wonderful, the turkeys are very amusing . To let the idea of the post to make a book I find amazing, someday I'll me I think it is also possible to make . Just awesome. wish you a good time
    Alles Liebe Sandra
    PS : I am always very pleased with your comments , thank you so much !


  24. Where do I start , Soooo exciting for you both to go and visit your son you are going to have such a wonderful time.
    Oh Carol your stitching always looks so wonderful and always so neat , I love all three designs .

    I am having trouble getting my stitching finished too just too busy right now , but hey we can now see your lovely designs twice .

    Love the book you had made how wonderful .

    Your kitchen looks so lovely and cosy , I can just see me sitting there eating your apple pie , talking about your stitching ha.

    Have a wonderful trip my friend , I will be thinking of you hugs.

  25. Oh wow! Amazing to have your blog post compiled.
    Great stitching, your fall blog header is adorable.
    Wishing you a fun filled adventure on your trip. It sounds exciting.

  26. Your kitchen looks so inviting Carol. A wonderful parcel you received, lots of lovely thing to keep you busy. So good to read your foot is healing well and you are able to walk much better. Beautiful autumn stitching and your santa looks perfect for the upcoming festive season. What a fabulous keepsake your book is, I might have to look into that myself.
    Love and {hugs} x

  27. Wonderful Autumn stitching Carol ♥♥♥ Love , love, love

    Argentina - How excited ♥♥♥ No doubt, it will be an unforgettable trip for you!

    Your kitchen is so invited as well as the apple pay (looks so delicious)

    Over all, thank you for such an inspirational post (as always) I enjoyed a lot ♥♥


  28. I always enjoy to read your blog and see your amazing stiching. It always looks so beautiful. Your kitchen looks very cosy--don't worry about the windows. Apple-pie and ice cream--- yummie.
    Enjoy your trip to Argentina. It's a wonderful country, I am sure you will have amazing moments.
    Greetings from Germany

  29. Wonderful stitching as always Carol!!
    Love the idea of the blog being available on printed book, that is something to look into.
    Have a fantastic time on your holiday!

  30. I've never seen that Plum Street pattern. What a cutie!

    Your crow looks great. I always use 2 threads on 36 ct over 2. I guess I prefer a fuller look.

    Looks like you'll have Santas to stitch for some time to come now!

    That book is such a nice idea, especially since you have such wonderful blot posts. You are first person I've ever known to do this.

    Glad to hear the foot is perking up in anticipation of the trip. Be sure to break in the hiking shoes before you go. The packing does sound complicated. Dress in layers, huh?

  31. Can't imagine being disappointed in your blog! It's is always full of wonderful things. Like that cute turkey family. :) Your stitching is beautiful! And what a treasure your book is. Your trip sounds very exciting! Hope your foot and the weather are cooperative. It's always nice to cook for someone who appreciates it. :) Your kitchen looks very homey!

  32. I used to really love penguins, almost obsessively, back a few years... Now I still like them, but... I can control it! How neat that you are going to South America to visit your son (I knew that was coming!) AND to visit the southernmost city in SA for the penguins! Congrats on finishing a PSS piece... I look forward to seeing how you finish it. And I really like the crow on the pumpkin... the mix of thread strands looks great! Plus you finished another Santa! Very nicely done! After receiving the gift from Charlene, now you have a bunch more to stitch! In October, I went to 'apple country' in VA and got a bushel of apples. I made LOTS of applesauce, some muffins, and four dutch apple pies. We ate the first one... it was good! I used a recipe from the Pioneer Woman... man can she cook!! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  33. What a great post, Carol! i will look forward to seeing great photos from your exciting trip, not least of which will be those "tuxedo" penguins!

    I love what you have stitched. The PSS piece is so cute with those tall turkeys, and the piece with the crow does look nice with the 'lacey' leaves. Love the yellow Santa too. That yellow is quite smart looking.

    I am so glad you got all those Santas in the mail. That'll keep you busy! :-)

  34. Oh my, how often have I thought how nice it would be to skip winter and just live the three remaining seasons, lol. And the older I get the more often I think so - but it's just a dream, and why not dream about it?

    Your three finishes are just wonderful, and they are an inspiration althjough they are not finish-finished. That lovely designs by Paulette is now on my wishlist, so that's another kind of inspiration :)

    These 12 Santas by Heartstring that you received as a gift will be so nice to stitch. I have some of them myself and if there weren't all these lovely PS Santas I would already have stitched at least one of them.

    You have a great trip ahead of you. And from all I have heard and seen about Patagonia you will see a lot of dramatic scenery. I am already looking forward to the pictures you will show. At least I hops so :))

  35. It is always great to read a post from you Carol! Love the book idea ..that is so nice! I really love that Plum Street Sampler piece ..adorable .. and of course that Santa ..he is fabulous! I hope you have a wonderful trip and take us along in photos!

  36. Hi Carol - what a great post - you never fail to inspire all of us. Even if your stitched pieces aren't finished, I don't think you could ever disappoint us. The Plum Street Sampler stitch is so cute and love the PS Santa - what a great color he is!

    I am so excited for you and your trip to visit your son and The Penguins! How soon are you going? Please takes lots of pictures to share - what a great adventure for you!!

    Thank you, too, for,the apple pie recipe link - it looks so delicious - and apple pie is one of my favorites!

    Your kitchen is just lovely - I think you should give us a "house tour" sometime. 😊

    Xo - Barb R.

  37. How neat to be able to print your blog in book form! I may have to look into that idea. Hope your weekend is good!

  38. Hi Carol - I so much enjoyed reading your post (as always).
    The Plum Street Sampler finish is amazing. I had to look several times at your pictures because there are so many lovely details to find.
    And - oh - you stitched it. The one ornament that I bought the whole magazine for. It is so pretty - and your version looks really really amazing. I however did not makeit to stitching it although I had the very firmly intention!(I am talking of "Crow on a Pumpkin, of course)
    Your journey to Argentina sounds quite exciting. I am looking forward to all the stories and pictures you will bring back from. Enjoy the days with your youngest.

    Thanks for showing us a picture of the dining area of your kitchen. You have a gread view out your wonderful windows and the whole space looks so comfortable!
    I love seeing how persons live. Especially when I feel so close to them. And I agree to Barb - I either would enjoy a "house tour" from your home!

    Have a wonderful rest of the week, my dear friend - and a relaxing weekend!


  39. Carol, you really have some pretty finishes. Just love your "Thankful For Thee" by Plum Steet. And, it looks like you have alot of stitching panned for the future.

    Your kitchen looks very inviting...so what time is Christmas Dinner being served? lol.

    So glad that your son will be home for Christmas, too!! I know that will be a very special day for you. Also, hope you have great time on you up coming trip and good luck with the packing!

  40. Really enjoyed reading your blog post today. I am so behind with reading and replying to blogs at the moment so thought I would make a concerted effort to catch up on my favourites. I adore all the stitching that you do and your current projects are no exception. I wish I had your finishing skills as I am feeling in the mood to stitch some tree ornaments but am useless when it comes to the finishing. Your trip to Argentina sounds so exciting, cannot wait to read some blog posts about your travels. xx

  41. Carol, me alegra saber que ya te encuentras mejor de tu lesión de pie. TUs bordados son maravillosos,aunque no los tengas acabados, ya lo harás cuando puedas. Preciosa esa cocina tan amplia y tan bonita. Espero que puedas disfrutar de vuestro viaje a Ushuaia, tengo una postal en el panel de la oficina que me envió mi jefe hace unos años... así es como yo la conozco.
    A mi, me sigue gustando que haga frío el calor intenso no lo soporto.
    Esa tarta tiene un aspecto riquísimo.
    Un beso.

  42. Hi Carol,
    Beautiful stitching as always !! I think the leaves and crow both look great with their respective threads. The colour black always need more strands to show up nicely. Great to see your kitchen, it is so inviting :)
    Congrats on the publication!! The book looks great !! I had plans to get my blog printed too but my writing is not consistent and I have so many things other than stitching, so I need a big time to edit which I guess is not going to happen in this life .
    I would love to visit the land of penguins some day.

  43. Wonderful new stitched pieces. I love those turkeys! I'll be looking forward to a few photos from your trip! Glad to hear your foot is better, so you can enjoy the walking!

  44. Love all your stitching! Your trip to Argentina sounds so wonderful! I assume your youngest will be with you? Or you're just visiting him and going on? Anyway, I hope you have fun! I use Blog2print too! Every year I try to print the current past year plus another year from the past. It will take me a while to get all the years! I always wait for the sales too. lol!

  45. Oh, what fun to have your blog printed into a book. I've been wanting to do that, too.

    Stitching looks great. Adorable Santa!

    Looking forward to hearing about your Argentina trip.

  46. You are a true inspiration in every sense of the word!! Your blogs and stitching are some of the best I have ever seen.
    OK...now....how do we get a copy of your book!!?? Lol...

  47. I am new to your blog and I love it so far! I am inspired to start stitching again. I do so many crafts - quilting, knitting, and scrapbooking - but I still enjoy cross stitching. I have been doing a few freebies that I see on Pinterest, but I'm going to order a few charts after Christmas. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work.

  48. Argentina! Wow - I cannot wait to hear about your adventure. Enjoyed all your 'finished but not finished' pieces. I've used Blog2Print for several years now - I do think having a 'hard copy' of the blog is important. Start saving!

  49. wow Carol, che belli i tuoi ricami e fantastica l'idea del libro

  50. Lovely stitching as always, and I am glad to see that you have some unfinished projects - makes me feel better about my drawer full! I too loved Parenthood and am now working my way through Friday Night Lights, also by the same producer with several familiar actors - I missed it when it was on and am really enjoying it now. Hope your trip preparations go well and can't wait to read all about it and see pictures!

  51. Lovely work Carol, love your turkey family and apple pie, yum. Also love the idea of a blog book and you must get the other years done too. Hope you have a wonderful journey and get away.

  52. I always love reading your posts, your stitching is beautiful!

  53. Wonderful stitching. Love the Crow and pumpkin piece. You are going to be so busy stitching Father Christmas'!

    36ct is a funny count. Some designs I think would take 2 threads like a LK, LHN or CCN, while more delicate like a DT suffice with 1 thread. I think it is personal preference.

    I bet you are crossing the days off until your trip. How exciting.

    Ahhhh apple pie one of my favourites. Think it's time for dinner!

  54. Carol: I love Plum Street Samplers they are just adorable, all your stitching projects are wonderful and look at all the Santas, you will be busy.
    I love warm weather, we are looking at moving to Mississippi after Mike retires maybe next year.
    I am happy your foot is getting better ow, I hope you have a wonderful trip and it is very memorable for you all.
    Apple pie oh my yummy in my tummy.
    I made mini pumpkin breads on sunday, they are perfect for one person they are so small.
    Next week I have to bake about 20 dozen Christmas cookies for a sale at Church.


  55. Hello Carol, finally have a moment of peace here and time for catching up...enjoyed always reading your post and everything you share either finish or unfinish stitched pieces.
    Beautiful stitching as always and wow! such a lovely gifts you received.

    We love apple pie here too so i prepare it often...i cleaned and slice the apples, add the sugar and cinnamon and let it stay for nearly an hour before using it so the apples soften a bit, strain it before adding to the baking dish or else the bottom will be quite wet.

    Enjoy your vacation.

  56. You have some lovely finishes here! I especially love the "Thankful for Thee" finish. I think it is wonderful that you have your blog in book form. I had no idea you could do that! Great idea. I hope planning for your trip to Argentina goes well :)

  57. Good Morning Carol, it always makes me smile to see a blog update from you :) Hopefully soon I will update mine LOL That crow on a pumpkin is adorable. I love white pumpkins....

    I bet your upcoming trip is going to be quit the adventure!! Wishing you fun and safe travels on your upcoming trip!

    Hope your day is beautiful one!

  58. Wow, what wonderful travel plans! I am quite sure it will be an amazing fun-filled trip. Love your thanksgiving Plum Street Sampler, but especially love the crow and pumpkin! I really like the way you use a small count linen and do your own thing with the colors, threads, etc. Your pieces all turn out lovely! As always you inspire me. Have a happy Thanksgiving.

  59. Hi Carol!
    It's so nice to see your recent finishes, but more importantly to hear of your upcoming trip to see your youngest. How exciting!
    Glad you had a satisfying Thanksgiving and wishing you a speedy and thorough recovery of your foot. Esp. in lieu of your upcoming trip!

    Stay well my friend.

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  61. So I'm very late with looking at blogs, but always love to read your!!
    How awesome that book of your blog!! Looks so cool.
    Your cross stotching keep on a roll. you always make so many pieces!!!
    have fun, enjoy every stitch.
    That apple pie looks very great, a dutch recipe? which?
    I think in my blogroll I will see a post of you vaction, can't wait too read it!!
    have a great time


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!