Thursday, July 30, 2015

And a good month was had by all!

It's hard to believe that almost a month has passed since my last post! July is always our busiest month of the year with two family birthdays (my youngest son turned 27 and my husband celebrated his 60th--he finally caught up with me!) and our wedding anniversary (38 years on July 23rd). But, this July we had a big family wedding thrown in as well--my younger sister was married on July 25th up in New York. All were very happy occasions--but the happiest day of all? That came this Tuesday, when, after 10 weeks of wearing a hot, uncomfortable neck brace after he suffered his broken neck, the doctor told my husband he no longer needs to wear it except when he is in the car! We feel so incredibly blessed that that potentially crippling fall down our front stairs left him with only one lingering injury... The numb / tingly feeling in his fingers on his right hand has never improved since his accident on May 21st. Luckily, that does not affect his ability to use his hand--it is just a slight lack of feeling (for instance, he can't feel the little nubby bumps on the "F" and the "J" on the computer keyboard). So, we truly had some grand things to celebrate in July, don't you think?

In between all of these celebrations, I actually have found time to stitch a bit. Having fallen way behind on my monthly Christmas ornaments, I decided to concentrate on them and got all caught up (of course, since August begins soon, I will be behind again--oh well!). My choice for my May ornament was an obvious one--it had to be an angel, for I truly believe my husband had an angel on his shoulder as he fell down our stairs that night. This little LHN design "Joy to the World" had been in my stash forever so I decided she would get the honor of being my husband's angel.

For this ornament, I used 40 ct. gray Newcastle and good old DMC threads. Ivory colored Mill Hill Beads were used for the snow. The fabric shown behind the ornament is used as the backing and the green and cream gingham ribbon is ruched and used as the trim and hanger. A simple finish for a very special little angel!

Little House Needleworks: "Joy to the World"

My June ornament is another LHN design called "Deer Valley Inn." I was a bit unsure about this piece as there was so much brown in it (not a fan of stitching with brown threads!), but I do love the way it turned out.  I used a mixture of the suggested threads--both overdyed and DMC--and a few of my own choosing with 40 ct. raw natural Newcastle for this finish. The main change was the color of the door--I changed it from brown to red! I especially love the pretty tree in this one and the regal looking buck standing beside it.

The ornament was made up with a combination of two fabrics, some ivory ric rac, and an old-fashioned gingham ribbon. This is actually one of my favorite ornament finishes ever! The colors in the stitching and the finishing fabrics just came together so nicely--don't you love it when that happens?

Little House Needleworks:  "Deer Valley Inn"

And finally, my ornament for July is a tribute to my favorite designer: Prairie Schooler. I, like many of you, feel so sad that they are retiring, but luckily I have accumulated a wonderful stash of their old charts which will last me well into my 80s (do you think I'll be able to even thread a needle by then?!). I've written, many times, of the comfort these designs bring me when I stitch them--and, of course, anything with a small boy always captures my heart...

The chart for this small lad bringing home his Christmas tree, along with a sprig of holly, is from Prairie Schooler Book No. 143 "Button Up." I used most of the suggested colors, but changed the green to DMC 520. Two red fabrics and two buttons, along with some handmade gold cording finish this one off quite well.

Prairie Schooler's "Button Up" finish

Here is a photo of all three together... do you have a favorite? It's so hard to believe that Christmas is in just five short months, isn't it? At least my tree will look good!

Finished Christmas ornaments for May, June, and July
I also had a wonderful surprise earlier this month when I received this beautiful Chessie & Me chart from sweet Maggee. I had written in a previous posts about how much I loved Linda's designs and the specialty stitches that she uses so Maggee immediately thought of me when she was de-stashing and sent "The Breath of Autumn" my way. I just love it, Maggee--thank you so much for thinking of me. I can't wait to stitch it!

Random Act of Kindness sent from Maggee

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, my next younger sister got married last week. It was a lovely, casual wedding held at her home on the shores of Lake Ontario. We held our breath as the rain fell that morning, but it passed by the time the late afternoon ceremony was held and it couldn't have been nicer. Since my sister and her husband had been married previously, they didn't want any wedding presents, but suggested a gift to our favorite charity (I gave to the Lewy Body Dementia Association in memory of our dad). They also welcomed what they called "gifts from the heart." So, we all pitched in: my youngest sister acted as the official photographer, my mom purchased the flowers, my brother-in-law made the music playlist for her wedding reception, and I made the cookies--of course!

I've written before on my blog about the popularity of the cookie table at weddings here in western Pennsylvania (you can read that post here, if you're interested). I ended up making eleven kinds of cookies (35 dozen, if you're counting!) for the wedding and here they are all displayed on the dessert table. What kind do you think was gobbled up first? Well, it was the Reese's Cup Cookies shown second from the left in the front row. Most of them were devoured before dinner even started! I've used a recipe very similar to this one for years (I just use 1/2 tsp. of vanilla, though, and roll the dough balls in sugar before setting them in the muffin pans).

35 dozen bites of sugar and butter!

Since the wedding had a nautical theme, I made these cute blue and white cards with the cookie names on them. They added a nice touch and pulled the whole look together on the cookie table at the recption. My sister said they were a big hit although I didn't eat a single one--after weeks and weeks of baking (and tasting!), they just no longer appealed to me!

Since there were the five of us from my family (plus two girlfriends) attending the wedding, you can imagine what it would have cost us in hotel room fees! Luckily, my sister came to the rescue and gave us the use of her whole house (since she was staying at her lake house) for those days. It was so nice to be able to relax and spend time together while not having to go out for every meal. I wanted to find some way to thank her so I made her a gift card bouquet... Have you seen these on Pinterest? You simply cut out some flowers printed on cardstock, glue them onto skewers, and then glue another piece of cardstock on the back to hold the gift card. I chose to write little words of appreciation on the flower heads.

Then you simply place the skewers into a pretty purchased flowering plant and voilà... you have an easy, fun thank you gift. My sister was just thrilled with it and immediately called to tell me so. It really was the least we could do for her for opening her home to the seven of us...

Gift card bouquet for my dear sister and new brother-in-law

Whew! And so ends my busy month of July--in looking at August, things won't be slowing down much. We have yet another family wedding up in New York (with more cookies to be made, but not nearly that many!), extra work hours for me, and our annual family trip to the Outer Banks. It will be a different kind of trip for my husband this year as he is not allowed to boogie board or be in any waves that may hurt his neck. He is also not allowed to ride his bike which has been the cruelest form of torture for him throughout his recovery. Riding a bike for him is what stitching is to me--a passion and something that he can hardly bear to do without. He is hoping the doctor gives him the okay to return to biking in September; I am hoping it's not until next Spring. The thought of him falling and injuring himself again just scares me to death. But, you can't simply stop doing the things that bring you so much joy, can you?

Thanks so very much for your kind comments and emails--especially throughout my husband's fall and recovery. I can't tell you how much your supportive words, positive thoughts, and prayers meant--to both of us. It truly is a miracle, in our opinion, that he will be okay--not perfect, but perfectly "good enough!" Bye for now...


  1. Carol, wonderful post - you did have such a busy July. I am so pleased to hear that your dear husband is recovering so well - an angel has certainly spread his wings over him. I love, love all of your ornies but my favourite has to be the PS one with the little boy - I don't have Book #143 in my stash but I am going to look out for it now. I find it fascinating that weddings in your neck of the woods have cookie tables - such a lovely idea. So glad that you are joining my PS SAL blog - we will have fun! Have a great August. Kaye xoxoxo

  2. What a fabulous post, Carol! First, that is great news about Tim and the hard collar. I know it will be tough though for him during the time at the Outer Banks. The cookies you made look great. Now you have me wanting a cookie or two. Wonder if there are any in the freezer!??!?! Best wishes to your sister and your new brother in law. What a terrific idea with the gift card bouquet! Congratulations on your three ornaments; while I like them all, my favorite is the PS one.

    Robin in Virginia

  3. Lovely post! So glad your husband is doing well.
    Your finishes are wonderful--love the PS!

  4. I can't pick a favorite but it's between the stag and the boy. Sounds like a lovely celebration and oh my the cookies! Never saw the gift card bouquet - great idea. Any chance your hubby would consent to wearing the brace for protection while biking to get early privileges?

  5. Deer Valley Inn is a winner Carol. Love the ribbon. Impressive cookie production and display. I am off to read more about the tradition. I think I should import it to Oregon as I love cookies and do not care for pie!

  6. You have been busy - my favorite has to be the Deer Valley Inn beautiful job finishing it. I was happy to read Tim is on the road to recovery and it would be wonderful to have some family time on the Outer Banks.

  7. Hi Carol - you know, it's such a happy day when there is a new post from you and this one was just the best with the truly happy news about your husband. I''m thrilled to read that he is recovering so well - I think you are right that he definitely has a guardian angel watching over him.
    I honestly can't choose a favorite from your three newest ornaments - they are all just so cute, each so different and finished beautifully!! You never fail to inspire us with your creativity - well done!!

    And seriously, Carol, how on earth did you find the time to bake all those cookies? I just love that tradition and I'd never heard of it until you wrote about it previously - I think it's quite unique to your area but I think it's a great idea and one that should spread around the country! Best wishes to your sister and her new husband.

    It appears that you still have a busy summer ahead of you and I hope it's happy and joyful (and maybe a little restful too?) - enjoy!

    Much love to you - xoxo - Barb

  8. Really wonderful news about your husband! As usual, I love all your ornaments but the PS with the little boy is my favorite I think. Those cookies look delicious. What a great way to do a second wedding. It sounds like a great time was had by all. Enjoy August!

  9. Wonderful, happy post, Carol! Praise God your husband is doing so well! A very happy birthday to him and your son and happy anniversary to the both of you :-) Fabulous, beautiful finishes; the angel is my favorite. Wow, that's a lot of cookies! I love the idea of a cookie table. The gift card bouquet is a fun idea. Take care :-)

  10. So glad to hear the good news about your husband's recovery - I am sure the restrictions have been hard on him and hope that he's able to (safely) return to the activities he loves soon. Lovely stitching to put on your tree this season! Enjoy the remainder of your summer :)

  11. Love all your ornaments, but Deer Valley Inn is my favorite. Such scrumptious cookies, and what a kind sister you are for baking them all in July! The gift card bouquet is inspired! So glad your hubby no longer has to wear his neck brace.

  12. I am still trying to catch up on lots of blog reading Carol and I didn't know of your husband's fall. So sorry to hear about it but glad he's recovering! I hope he continues to improve and can go back to doing the things he loves. Your ornies are always an inspiration to me..I think I like the one with the red door the best this time but they're all adorable. I only heard the other day about Prairie Schooler's going to be so strange not to have them in business anymore as I've been buying their charts forever it seems! The older I get the more I'm beginning to dislike change! Hoping August is a good month for you...I want to get back to stitching ornaments again myself.

  13. Hi Carol, glad to hear that your husband is doing well. His guardian angel watched good over him. You know what happened with my husband.
    Greetings from Germany

  14. Happy anniversary to both of you and convey my Bday wishes to your son and husband :) Congrats on a new marriage in the family!!
    I loved all three of your ornaments, your finishing touches are always so beautiful and perfect !! And wow, so many cookies!! I also liked those card flower cuts and all the touches you added to make the family event beautiful and happy:)

  15. Such a wonderful post. Its good to hear that your husband is recovering well. Congratulations for family birthdays and wedding. I love how you finished the ornaments. My fav is the PS one. The cookies and bouquet look lovely.

  16. What a lovely post...good news and happiness all round I hope you enjoy your break. The gift card bouquet is such a wonderful and unique gift and well done you on all those cookies I just can't imagine cooking that many! X

  17. A lovely post with some great news! I am so happy for you :)
    Your Christmas stitching is always adorable ♥ Love all of them!

    All my very best!

  18. Glad your husband is on the road to recovery.
    Your ornaments are beautiful, as always.
    Love Deer Valley Inn.
    Those cookies look scrumptious! :)
    That sounds like a great wedding, and the thank you gift is unique.

  19. What a beautiful post. The stitching and finishes are so creative and ADORABLE! Love the ruches gingam ribbon. And how creative to to the flowers and card boutique. Fabulous idea!!

  20. Hello Carol!
    It is so good to hear from you and read your wonderful post! How busy you've been, too - puts us all to shame! So glad everything is going well.
    I love to see all your photographs - and your baking is just sublime! Do you want to come and help me with my wedding baking too?!!!
    Take care of yourself - thinking of you all,
    With love,

  21. I'm so glad to hear about Tim's progress! That is wonderful news. And I would have stitched and angel in his honor too after that! All 3 of your ornaments are adorable as usual. I thought of you first thing when I heard PS was retiring. I know you like those designs a lot.

    The cookies are amazing! I mis-read and thought the cards were cookies too at first. I can't believe you didn't eat any. Not even while you were baking?

    The gift card plant is so clever. What a great way to say thanks.

    Seems like summer has been pretty good to you guys all things considered. Have fun with your August festivities!

  22. So glad to read hubby is doing well.
    Fabulous stitching & finishing... you have been busy!
    Love the Angel best!!

  23. Those are fantastic ornaments. Button Up is my favorite.
    What a great sister you are! I don't have a sister. I have three younger brothers, not the same. ;)
    I am still praying for Tim. I know it is really hard for him with biking. I understand completely. Unfortunately these life altering, physically altering accidents happened to us. It took me a while, and I still catch myself sometimes, but we need to focus on what we still have and still can do instead of what we long to do. It is hard. I know. ♥

  24. Glad to hear the good report! I hope he can get back on his bike and enjoy his rides. I love that cookie table. Wish I could smell all that butter and sugar. Yum! Have a good month! Hugs.

  25. That is the best news to read about your husband! The finishes you've shown are some of the sweetest I've seen. The little lad pulling the tree tugs at my heart since I live in a house filled with 3 boys! I'll have to see if I can find that pattern for our tree!

  26. What a lovely post, Carol. I am still in awe of that cookie table, almost as much as I am in awe of your stitching and finishing! Those ornaments look wonderful.

    I am glad Tim has the collar off now most of the time. As to the tingling with his fingers I wonder if a massage might help.Not around his neck but I've had similar down my arm and it was due to tight muscles in my back and shoulders. Something he can check with his doctor on perhaps?

    Here's to another busy but happy month for you, Carol! Hugs!

  27. I am so glad to hear your hubby is recovering from that scary fall :) I am in love with your ornament finishing Carol, it's just divine! That table of cookies looks absolutely delicious :)

  28. You're such a busy lady! Love your new makes and it was very appropriate to stitch a guardian angel for your hubby. So pleased to read that your husband has recovered so well and so quickly and I hope you've been able to put it behind you, too. Love the idea of the cookies! xx

  29. Hooray for good news from the Doctor! So glad things are returning to normal for you Carol ! these 3 ornaments! The Prairie Schooler is my favorite( of Course) :) Makes me want to toss what I am doing aside and stitch these 3 !! Your finishing is just perfect them ! The cookies you made look wonderful and so diud the tags and the gift card bouquet ..what a nice sister you are!
    Have a great weekend!

  30. Carol, you experienced it very much! We have something in common - a wedding anniversary. We had 10 July 39 rokov !!!!
    Me very like your Christmas decorations, you know sew beautiful little pillows!
    You baked the many yummy!
    Great idea with a bouquet card :-)))
    Husband wish health and welcome him between 60 :-)))

  31. Such good news about your husband,I hope you have a wonderful time on your holiday.
    You have had a busy July!!! So many lovely events.
    Your stitching is gorgeous. The PS Button Up that is my favourite:) but they are all so beautifully finished.
    Those cookies would not have lasted long in this house:) Have a great weekend ,Carol.

  32. so happy your husband is doing better. I know its not nearly the same, but could he possibly ride a stationary bike since you sit pretty straight up on those?

    Your finishes are just beautiful! You are going to have to get a bigger Christmas tree! LOL!

    Cookies look so good! Would you by chance be willing to share your recipe for Chocolate Crinkles?

    Please and Thank you!! :-)

  33. What wonderful news about your husband! I'm so glad he is recovering well. I hope it continues so he can get back to doing things he loved to do.

    I can't believe you made all those cookies. I'm sure they were delicious. I really liked the thank you bouquet you made your sister. I've never seen those before. Such a great idea.

    Your stitching looks fabulous as always. They all came out so great. Too hard to choose a favorite.

    I hope August is just as wonderful for you all.

  34. Carol, what a wonderful post of good news from you!! So glad your husband is doing better, what a relief that must be to you. I love all three of your finishes; my favorite might be the LHN inn with the deer; just love the colors and the design plus your wonderful finish. All of them are inspiring. Just reading your post makes me tired when I think about all the things you did in July. Happy August to you and enjoy some stitching time.............

  35. I'm so happy to read of the news about your husband Carol. That is the best news ever. Your stitching and finishing are absolutely gorgeous as always. I need to come spend a month with you so you can teach me how to do finishes.
    If I remarry my hubby would you bake me 35 dozen cookies?? lol


  36. I am so happy that your DH recovery is progressing nicely.

    Beautiful ornaments, as always! I do think the angel was appropriate given the situation. Very pretty too.

    Wow, the cookies look delicious and the presentation is wonderful. Your talent is endless. I love the gift card flower idea!
    Glad that you too had a nice wedding day, free of rain. That was my fear on my DS 7/11 wedding.

    Enjoy your vacation to the outer banks!

    Can you email me your mailing address? :-)

  37. Oh Carol I am so happy that July was such a happy month for you and your family .

    I love your Christmas stitching so beautiful and your finish is so beautiful.

    Love the cookies and the way you displayed them all.

    And those little plant notes how sweet.

    Enjoy your August hugs .

  38. Hi Carol. A new post from you is a treat! It's fun to read about what you have been doing. Your cookies for the wedding look wonderful. What a nice idea. The ornaments are lovely, I want to stitch the deer with the Inn. However, I have some other projects in my bag that have to have attention first.

    I'm so very glad to read that your husband has progressed so well after his horrible fall. What a blessing! It was nice all of you could get together with family at the wedding.

  39. Oh my, you have been busy. I love your darling Christmas decorations, especially Joy to the World, your finishing is always just lovely. The cookie table at weddings is quite new to me, but I love cookies and would be sure to eat my way around each kind. x

  40. So glad to hear your husband's recoverly is well under way Carol! Beautiful beautiful finishes as always - you are my finishing idol lol! It sounds like your sister had a wonderful day! I love hearing about people's weddings and the different "customs" in different countries.

  41. I love all your finishes!, especially deer valley inn! What a great idea with the flower cut outs and words of appreciation! I love it!! I am so thrilled your husband is now able to take the neck brace off - a wonderful miracle! Xxx

  42. I'm so glad to hear your husband is doing well and is out of the neck brace except in the car. Such good news! You did so much for your sister's wedding! So much fun! A lovely thank you gift for the use of her house too. Love all your stitching ornaments, of course. I am very sad about Prairie Schooler retiring. I guess everyone is. Hope your August is a fun kind of busy! Happy belated birthday to your son and husband!

  43. Oh what a wonderful and cheering post. First of all: Belated birthday greetings to Tim and of course to your youngest. May the next year bring them only joy and health and harmony. And to you and Tim my best wishes to your anniversary!
    I am so happy to read, that Tims recovery is on a good way and the neck brace was changed to a soft one. A big step towards the right direction!!!

    Your christmas ornaments are as beautiful as always. You have chosen very sweet designs for these three months. I love all three of them. It makes me feel to go back to some Christmas stitching too ;-)

    Have a wonderful month of August, my dear friend.


  44. Carol, me alegro mucho que tu marido ya esté casi restablecido del todo y que sólo use el collarín para conducir. Felicidades por su 60 cumpleaños, felicidades a tu hijo por sus 27 años, enhorabuena a tu hermana por su reciente boda. Enhorabuena a ti, por esas maravillosas manos que saben coser divinamente y hornear montones de galletas para endulzar un ratito de la vida de la familia y amigos.
    Un gran beso y feliz verano.
    Carol, I really glad that your husband is almost completely restored and only use the collar to drive. Congratulations on your 60th birthday, congratulations to your son for 27 years, congratulations to your sister on her recent wedding. Congratulations to you, for those wonderful hands that know how to sew and bake divinely lots of cookies to sweeten a little bit of life from family and friends.
    A big kiss and happy summer

  45. what good news about your husband. I'm pleased to read that July was a good month for your family. Love the finishes on your Christmas ornaments.

  46. Carol the 3 piece look just beautiful. They angel is so fitting. July really did go so fast. They older we get the quicker it goes. I have been walking 5-10 miles a day. so not much stitching in the summer for me. The cookies look so good. I bet the are just amazing. I am hoping your husband can ride in september again. Its what brings him joy and happiness, i used to ride a lot, so i understand. It like our stitching, I am sure it is driving him crazy to not be able to ride. Glad he has the brace off. Enjoy your trip to the outer banks.

  47. WooHoo! Fantastic news that your hubby doesn't have to wear the neck brace all the time anymore! Love the ornies you stitched. Sounds like July was a wonderfully busy month for you and your family and I hope that August will be just as wonderful. Keeping you all in my prayers!

  48. All three ornaments are Beautiful!!! LOVE the angle one you stitched in honor of your DH! WOOHOO!!! great news about your husband getting that collar off...what a relief for him. OOOOH all those cookies you made look amazing. I love cookies and have made a few of the recipes you did in the past. Wonderful post Carol! LOVE all your fantastic finishing on each ornament!!! love Annette

  49. Carol, what a lovely post and I am so pleased that July was a great month for you and your family with lots of celebrations and am delighted with the news that your husband has progressed so well since his scary accident. I love your angel ornament, so appropriate for you at the moment. I was shocked to hear Prairie Schooler are closing, I love their designs and have lots of their charts to stitch. I was collecting the monthly designs, perhaps I had better hurry up and complete my collection. I hope August proves to be a good month for you as well. xx

  50. I KNEW there would be good news about hubby this post! It is about time for him to be freed (mostly anyway)... He will have to just RELAX at the annual vacation this year... that's not so bad is it? If I have to pick a favorite ornament... I like the LHN one with the angel. But--I love the finishes on all!! How do you do the LHN one with double fabric--can't quite wrap my head around that one... Your cookie table looks sumptuous... oh my! And the gift card flowers are delightful! Your posts are ever so fun! Thanks for sharing!

  51. Praise the Lord that your husband is doing well! It makes me so happy for you both! I love your stitching - the Prairie Schooler one is my favorite. : ) And the gift card bouquet has my mind working. What a great idea!! Have a wonderful rest of the summer, my friend!!

  52. Beautiful ornaments, love the PS one best! The cookies sure look yummy, great labor of love!

    Glad your husband recovered well!


  53. Hi Carol,
    I was so excited to read your post the other day and had tears of joy for you and your husband! :) :) :)
    I love your cookie tradition but oh my goodness, you have been busy. Like your stitching, your cookies are also pieces of art! I may have to try the peanut butter cup cookies.
    Your ornaments are beautiful! I love the angel in honour of the angel on your husband's shoulder and Deer Valley Inn is gorgeous but the little boy and his dog bringing home the tree really sings to me. It could be that I keep thinking about PS retiring. I wish them all the best and like you, Carol, I could be stitching into my eighties and still not finish all of them.
    I hope you have a great time away in August. You have had such a stressful summer. Thanks as always for the joy of your beautiful blog.
    Hugs, Wanda

  54. Wow I don't know how you do it Carol! Truly you are remarkable. Your cookie stand looks awesome and all the decor and things you did for your sisters wedding is amazing. You even managed to squeeze in those beautiful finishes which are stunning. Love the way you use different fabrics. To top it off you even manage a wonderful blog post. Thanks for all the inspiration Carol. X

  55. Dearest Carol, what a great month of July you've had. It is so good to read about all the happy events you've had in July and I am glad to hear the good news of your husbands recovery. That really is good news:). Your finishes are beautiful as always and I sure enjoy seeing them too. BTW..What color DMC red did you use for Deer Valley..498??? It's gorgeous. That one is in the pile to do. I have not been motivated by much of anything. It has been really hot here. I am so sad to learn that PS will not be designing anymore, but I think I have a fairly good stock too. TFS your beautiful work and I look forward to seeing your next set of ornies. Take care and have a wonderful day:))).

  56. OH what a wonderful catch-up post this is, Carol. IT was great to read the news of your husband and that he is able now to go without that stiff neck brace. He must have been more thasn delighted when he heard that it could come off most of the time - and you, too.

    Your three new ornaments are so beautiful, so nicely stitched and finished. The PS book Button Up is one of my favourites among their winter/Christmas themed books. It has the lovliest motives and they are all so much fun to stitch. It's sad that the Prairie Schooler aera finds its end now. Sad but completely understandable. I'm really glad that I have - like you - a nice stash of their books so that I think I won't get short of stitching a new PS design.

    Wonderful to read about your sister's wedding and what you all contributed to it. These cookies look gorgeous!!!

  57. What a great sister you are! I like the idea for the gift card bouquet too. Looking at your finished ornaments, I'm starting to get the itch to take out the sewing machine! :)

  58. Wishing your sister and her new husband every happiness, what a wonderful cookie table you put together for their celebration. Such a great idea with the planter too.
    Superb ornaments as always, the little angel is adorable.
    Good news the neck brace is off for DH, I know you have both waited for that news.
    Enjoy your holiday
    much love x

  59. What a fantastic and happy post!
    So glad your hubby is getting well. The cookies indeed look yummy. The wedding sounds wonderful and it's always a place to catch up with the relatives. Beautiful stitching and perfect finishes like always.
    Have a good weekend

  60. How wonderful that your husband is doing so well! I love your ornaments - I'm sure anything Little House would always get my vote for favorite. Love their stuff! But the Prairie Schooler one is adorable so this time I'd have a hard time picking a favorite. Your wedding pictures were wonderful! blessings, marlene

  61. Wow, I didn't realize your blog wasn't showing up on my Bloglovin' feed until today when I did a thorough cleaning and refreshed it a million times, then it popped up. I'm glad your husband and family are doing well. Sounds like you have had a very busy summer so far. Great job on all of your ornaments. Beautiful finishing as usual. Yummy, cookies are on of my favorite desserts. Your gift card bouquet was a wonderful idea. Have a wonderful rest of your summer.

  62. What a wonderful post. I am especially glad to know that your husband is doing so well. There is so much I could comment on but I think I will concentrate on the ornaments. I love the little boy with the tree and how you chose to finish it. I have been stitching for 30 years and have never none ornaments. I have a ton of charts for that purpose but other projects have always taken priority. I so want to do some and seeing your finishes is very inspiring.

  63. Always love to read your posts. July sounded like it was quite a busy month for you! Lots of happy events! I am happy to hear your husband is doing much better after what happened. Love your finishes as always!!!! Happy August!

  64. Hello Carol, I'm glad to hear that your husband is doing well .
    Your little pillows are gorgeous as always :) My favourite is the LHN angel :)
    have a wonderful week

  65. Carol, I congratulate you on all joyful, it was very good month!
    I really love all your ornaments, it is very gorgeous.

  66. Lovely stitching and finishing as always Carol, I think I had better start on Christmas projects soon. So pleased to hear of your husbands progress. best wishes

  67. The cookie table looks absolutely delectable! What a neat idea for the gift cards. I haven't seen it before.

    As always, your stitching is so beautiful and an inspiration. :)

    Glad to hear the DH is getting much better. I can imagine how fearful you must be for him to be doing activities where he might re-injure himself.

  68. Carol what beautiful ornaments as always!

    Oh that table of sweets is just making my mouth water!

  69. Carol, I am so very, very sorry to read of your husband's fall and resulting injury. I have been chasing myself all over since about February and I have just not had the time to sit and catch up with all my favorite people and blogs. I am so thankful to read that he is better and will certainly pray for a full return to his normal self ~ All things are possible both great and small.
    I adore your cookies and think you are the most loving and kind of sisters! Your little gift as a thank you with the flower pokes ~ adorable!
    Your stitching, no matter what it is or how it is done is always, always fabulous and perfect! You are the all-around perfect girl :) and I mean that sincerely! I hope you are having a fabulous August! Hugs and much love to you all!


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Hope you have a wonderful day!