Thursday, March 6, 2014

Snow, snow, go away...

Good morning all! I hope this post finds you doing well with signs of spring popping up in your part of the world. I wish I could say they were here, but our ground remains snow covered and the temperatures very chilly. I've been feeling particularly unmotivated lately when it comes to both my stitching and blogging and I'm honestly blaming it on the weather we've experienced this winter. It just beats you down, doesn't it? People are starting to lose patience and are even getting a bit mean about being stuck in this endless snow, freeze, ice cycle. Just the other day at the library a friend stopped by while I was working at the reference desk. Our first discussion was, naturally, about the weather and how we were both so tired of it. Now, this was a private conversation--or so we thought. But, from behind us came a man's voice saying, "Oh, quit whining!" We quickly turned to check and see if he was just joking around with us, but no--he was truly being a mean, eavesdropping curmudgeon! If whining about the wicked weather helps us get through winter, so be it, I say... Thirteen days until spring and it can't come soon enough this year!

My husband was skiing in Colorado last week and I thought that would translate into all sorts of free time for stitching, but that wasn't the case... I ended up working more days than normal and when I was off I just couldn't focus on my needle and thread. But, I do  have my first two Christmas ornaments for 2014 stitched and finished which I'd like to share with you today. (I also sent out another RAK to some unsuspecting friend, but won't show that until it arrives at its destination).  First up, is a very cute freebie which you can find on this French blog. This Noel Snowman was stitched "over one" on 32 ct. dark gray mystery linen using the following DMC colors:  white, black, 304, 801, 936, and 3826. The colors weren't charted so I just picked what I thought worked well together.

Noel Snowman freebie

To finish my January ornament off, I used a combination of two cheery red and white fabrics, a bit of mini black ric-rak and a black satin ribbon hanger. The little metal snowflake charm is one I've used many times before--I love these things because they don't look cheap... 123 Stitch sells a pack of four for $3.50. Time for me to order some more! The backing fabric is the red and white fabric in the lower right edge. Changes I made to the chart: I stitched "Noel" in black rather than white and I changed the color of the ribbon the striped ornaments are hanging from and omitted the bows that were charted due to the small size of the finished piece. How do you like him? He's a real cutie, isn't he?

Noel Snowman freebie finished ornament

My ornament for February brought back such special memories of our three boys playing outside in the snow when they were growing up. We have the perfect back yard with a little hill down one side for sled-riding. This is called "Snow Day" and can be found in Prairie Schooler's Book No. 177 titled "January." Again, I stitched it "over one" on 28 ct. blue Monaco (a hand-dyed piece from Sassy's Fabrics called "Winter Blues"--thanks, Robin!) with the suggested DMC threads. The color of the fabric is much more blue than is shown in the photo. 

Prairie Schooler's "Snow Day" 

Boy, did this piece take a long time to stitch, but I'm so glad I kept at it and finished.  With all that is going on in this design, I kept the finish very simple--just added a blue cording. The blue checked fabric laying to the right is what it is backed with. The blue color of the pillow in the finish is much more true-to-life in this photo.

Prairie Schooler's "Snow Days" finished ornament

I like to think of the above winter scene as depicting our family of five enjoying a fun afternoon romping in the snow (well, if you added one black cat in place of the two dogs!). But when I told my middle son that this was us and I was the little one on the sled was me, he immediately said, "What do you mean, mom? You never came out with us in the snow." Yep--he's right!! I hate the cold and was more likely watching their antics from my cozy kitchen window as I made hot chocolate and baked cookies for the guys when they came inside all shivering and rosy-cheeked. I was always the family photographer, though, so I at least ventured outside enough to capture these scenes... I've been recently been sorting through old photos and came across this one from 1990 of my little guys aged 8, 5, and 2. See what I mean about the rosy-cheeks?

Snow Day in Pittsburgh! December 1990

And here is the trio at various ages enjoying our winter weather long, long ago: my youngest son (at age 12 in his treasured Mario Lemieux hockey jersey) shooting a few pucks on our backyard pond in 2000, my oldest son in 1987 (at age five) impishly aiming a snowball at me, and my middle son helping clear the ice on our pond (at age eight) in 1993. Really nice to look at these and enjoy the memories they bring back...

 Winter memories

GIFTS AND A GIVEAWAY WIN...  Wow, the past few weeks have been filled with mail coming in from around the world. I think my mailman is beginning to wonder about all of these international deliveries! I'll start with two special deliveries from the U.S. First of all, I won a truly fabulous giveaway from Laurie (My Little Corner of Iowa blog). She was giving away a large box of her fabric scraps left over from quilting and finishing projects and I was the lucky winner. Oh, my--I was absolutely thrilled with what she sent and I know many of them will be making appearances in my pillow finishing projects. In fact, I have the perfect one picked out for my March ornament (which is stitched, but not finished). I layed them all out on the kitchen table and have had the best time "playing" with them! Thank you so much, Laurie--I am really excited to add these to my fabric collection.

Fabrics from Laurie

From my friend, Shirlee (The Easily Influenced Stitcher blog), came another package of treats. I had admired this blue Jobelan fabric that Shirlee had stitched one of her ornaments on last year and she kindly offered to send me a piece. When I opened the package, I discovered she not only sent the fabric, but also a pretty Cedar Hill flower chart and her favorite needle threader--"just because." Shirlee, you are such a generous soul... thank you so much for your wonderful gifts!

Fabric, chart, and needle
threader from Shirlee

From Canada, Dani (Black Belt Stitching blog) sent this cute Lizzie Kate Christmas chart. I had admired her finish on her blog and she offered to send me the chart--how kind!! I will definitely keep the kindness going, Dani--after I've stitched it, it will be offered to another stitcher. She also included a card made from one of her photographs of an old shed--she is an excellent photographer. If you haven't visited her blog yet, you're in for a treat when you do. Not only beautiful stitching, but beautiful photography as well! Thank you again, Dani... I look forward to stitching this later this year.

LK chart from Dani

And from across the Atlantic came two more surprise gifts... From my friend, Gabi (no blog) in Germany, came two beautifully stitched hanging ornaments. Isn't the spring scene with the nesting birds and their parents adorable? This is a freebie available here  (if you want a copy of the chart, you must contact the designer--her email address is in her blog's sidebar under "Contactez l'auteur"). Gabi also sent the prettiest little Valentine ornament which will make a great addition to my bowl of Valentine pillows.  Thank you so much, Gabi--I've really enjoyed our long-distance friendship and I'm honored to have some of your beautiful stitching in my home!

Gifts from Gabi in Germany

And from Nia (Caixinha de Pirlimpimpim blog) in Portugal came a sweet little crocheted Christmas tree. She said it was a thank you for a small gift I sent her at Christmas time, but I think it might also be an early Christmas present. Nia is expecting her first baby any day now, so I think she may just be too busy to make Christmas presents for too many this year! I love it, Nia, and will think of you each time I display it on my Christmas tree... Thank you so much for thinking of me--your work is beautiful!

 Christmas ornament from Nia

And, I've saved the best present for last--chocolates from my dear husband. As I mentioned earlier, he went skiing for five days last week in Colorado (where, ironically, it was so warm that the skiing wasn't very good!) and he brought me this yummy box of chocolates from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. I've been rationing them--just one a day (really!!) and they are such a special treat. Of course, I still have a bit more chocolate each day from my not-so-secret chocolate stash drawer. How about you--how many of you admit to having your own personal "stash of sweets" hidden away from your family? Chocolate definitely helps beat the "winter blues." Plus, I'm working off the calories by all the shivering I've done this year, I'm sure :)

The perfect cure for the "winter blues?"

I've so enjoyed seeing the signs of spring that many of you have been showing in your blog (although I'm very envious!)... Thought I'd leave you with this photo of the only bright spot of color in a field of white in my backyard...the red berries on my holly bush. I doubt if too many of you are envious of this frigid looking scene, are you?
Ice on the holly bush in March--
will Spring ever come?

I am hoping that the next time I post, birds will have begun returning to western Pennsylvania, crocuses will be poking their little green heads through the soil, and the sun will slowly be heating up the air. I know this may be wishful thinking, but I can still hope! I'm sure the extra hour of daylight that starts with Daylight Saving Time this weekend will bring smiles to many of us, though. Thanks so very much for visiting me today and taking the time to say "hi." And I want to wish a warm "welcome" to my new followers--so glad you're here! Think spring, everybody!! Bye for now...


  1. A delightful read as always, Carol. Your two finishes are beautiful. Thanks for all the links. Spring has to come, doesn't it? :)

  2. The ornaments are delightful, and so are all the gifts. I hope you get better weather soon, and in the meantime just whine as much as you like :-)

  3. Such cute finishes Carol ! Love them both! Great photos of your sons :) Your mailbox must be full :) everyday ! Still cold here too ..we will end up going straight to summer !

  4. Oh I do love reading your posts!! You always find the nicest words & everything comes naturally.. A real joy! As always your finishes are perfect. I do have a preference for the first one but it doesn't mean I don't like the second one of course :) Your poor postman in all that snow, having to deliver all these fantastic goodies :D I do hope the snow melt away quickly. I love snow when I'm at home for the weekend. Otherwise, I don't like it. Plus, here in UK when we have an inch of snow everything comes to a halt because we are not used to it & aren't prepared... What a joke! Take care, until your next post. Hugs & xxxx

  5. Your finishes are lovely. I think your snowman turned out great. The pictures you shared are really cute. It was a nice trip to the past as I am about the same age as your boys. Where I live we don't get snow all that often, with the exception of this winter of course. We have been having some of the same rosy cheeks in my house (my kids are 6, 5 and 2).

  6. Love your new finishes! We all have to hang in... Spring has to arrive soon!

  7. I adore both your small finishes Carol. Oh those chocolates! I gave up chocolate for Lent. No easy task for me, I tell ya. And yes, I normally do have my stash of dark chocolate. ;) Keep looking for Spring! I am too!!!

  8. Beautiful finishes! Lovely prizes and gifts too! Loved seeing the pics of your boys as kids -- what fun and cherished memories! I hear you on the snow. I'd be so happy just to see the ground again, even if it's bare and brown. It's just endless, this winter of ours. Sigh.

  9. Oh my goodness - the finishes are beautiful and all those prizes and gifts! Don't you jut love how generous and sharing stitchers are? Looking forward to Spring and warm weather here in Iowa, too.
    Fondly -

  10. Just beautiful, what wonderful gifts..we stitchers truly are a lovely group of people! Enjoy your wonderful treasures.

  11. Your finishes are wonderful, Carol, and I'm so glad you've been showered with treats and gifties to stave off the winter blues. And I love the word "curmudgeon"! I hadn't heard it for ages and it made me giggle! :)

    Happy {almost} Spring!


  12. Yes, we are having signs of spring mixed with the much needed rain. It is always such a pleasure to read your blog. Great job on your ornaments. Cute pics of your boys. WOW! You have received some amazing gifts.

  13. Delightful post, Carol! Isn't it fun to look through old photos! You always have the best finishes but the sled riding ornament is extra special!!!
    Looks like we will be getting some warmer temps ... let's hope it melts this ugly dirty snow ... enough already!!

  14. A lovely post full of colour Carol. The Snow Days is such a fun ornament, it really does depict family fun in the snow.
    Great pics of your boys having fun in the cold weather.
    What a haul that fabric win was, how wonderful to be playing with those.
    The chocs from hubby do look inviting and delicious... and yes, I have a little stash that only comes out when my boys are at work...what they don't see they don't have to know about lol.
    Have a lovely weekend, and I hope that Spring is just around the corner for you.
    {{hugs}} x

  15. First of all I need to comment on your little guys. How darling they all are :) You know I don't think I have pictures of my kids in the snow ever. I'm a bad mom that way. I just always forget to take pictures. :( Oh well I have lots of memories stored in my heart. Your ornaments are so perfect! I love, love, love the Snow Day one! You stitched it just as I would have over 1 and made an ornament. Mine has been tagged to do that for years now! HA HA! :)
    People are acting nasty, my hubby and I were talking about this last has just been never ending this year. And we keep passing bugs around to each other. Last Thursday, my husband came down with his second cold in a month time period. I told him to STAY AWAY from me. We haven't kissed each other on the mouth, eaten or drank after each other because I'm getting to the point that I've been sick since Jan 10. First the respiratory flu and then a terrible head cold. guess what...I'm sick. Was awake from 12 midnight when I awoke to make a trip to the bathroom and it was like my head just filled with you know what and I've been blowing and stuffing ever since. Here we go third illness since January 10. I've had something going on for 2 months now. this weekend when I was working I did blood work on myself thinking I was going to find something horrible. Guess what...according to my blood work I'm healthy as a horse! Ha ha...

  16. Hi Carol! Your two ornaments are just gorgeous! I love the finishing on the first one. I want to try stitching over one, but I am not sure that my eyes will allow me too do it. :-)

    What lovely gifts! !! I am sure that they helped brighten up the dreary days.

    I am so over snow. It was so beautiful in the beginning. I am ready to pack up and head back to Arizona. :-) I can't believe someone would be so rude like that! !!

    Enjoy your chocolate, stay warm and let's hope spring comes quickly. :-)

  17. I love your latest finishes, Carol.
    I have a few "winter" stitches in progress even though we have literally been knee deep or more in snow!
    Hopefully spring will help us forget these past months.

    Your gifts are wonderful from such generous stitching friends!
    What fun to receive all of that fabric, too.

    I enjoyed seeing the pics of your boys....such happy memories and I'm sure they are still cuties today!
    Snow days here were always fun. I remember throwing 4 sets of sopping jackets,leggings, hats and mittens into the dryer while the kids eagerly waited for the next go around outside. Fresh baked cookies were always the order of the day.

    Our temps are steadily rising this week and the snow is starting to melt so spring IS coming...and not a day too soon!

  18. What a terrific post, Carol! I always enjoy seeing your pictures and reading about what has been happening in your neck of the woods! Both your ornaments are lovely, but I am partial to the PS one. You have received some mighty fine packages in the mail!

    Spring is coming!

    Robin in Virginia

  19. Hello Carol, I see that I am not the only embroidery christmas! thank you for the link of the free, this is too cute! In Paris it's nice and we have a small air spring as this weekend we are going to a picnic! Bright spring!
    good day! bye

  20. I, too, am tired of the weather. We are up to 7 snow/ice days in northern Texas. 7! I never had that many and I lived in Wisconsin!

    But next week is spring break so I am hoping to get a little bit of stitching in since my professors are being nice and not assigning stuff over the break.

  21. Carol --
    It's always so fun to "visit" with you! Your ornaments are just darling and I love the story behind the Snow Day ornament. Great pictures of your boys and treasured memories.....

    Spring can't come soon enough this year. We still have so much snow on the ground I don't know if it will all melt before the
    4th of July!

    Take care my friend. I'm thinking Spring too...

  22. Carol, thank you so much for your kind words about my blog! I really should post something really soon since I've been back for almost a week now!

    As usual your stitching and finishing is just so lovely! Makes me want to stitch up and finish some ornaments but I've been rather disciplined with the Accolade and its really coming along now!

    Yup winter is really trying this year! Despite being in the DR for a week it was really depressing to come back to more snow and temps of around -20 usually by the time I get home the weather starts turning around and I can be more optimistic about life. Not the case this year. I thought we were under global warming???

  23. That was a loaded post! Loved the blast from the past pics of your kids playing in the snow. I'm with you, though, as the cold and I are not friends. Then all the sweet finishes and the packages you've received!! I think I'm going to have to look for a copy of your Cedar Hill design as I recently finished a sister design. :)

  24. Great blog header Carol. I really like your simple PS finish too. Wow all that fabric! I know you will find lots of creative uses for it.

  25. As always, Carol, what a lovely post! I don't know where to begin.

    Love your stitching. I always admire your over-one, so delicate. You were lucky to be the recipient of so much goodies! But most of all, I love the photos of your boys, especially the first one with the three of them. Ahhh, how time has flown by, eh?

    I hope spring comes your way soon!

  26. Hi Carol. What beautiful stitching and finish work! Your blog is so pretty for March and St. Patrick's day. Congrats on the goodies you received in the mail.

  27. Carol,
    I always enjoy reading your blog and I love this post. I have found people here in Georgia (a normally very nice place)are edgier lately as well. I blame it on the cold and am so ready for Spring. Your finishes are lovely and even the winter ones make me smile ;-) They are just adorable. Hang in there....Spring and the Easter bunny will be here soon :-)
    P.S. Your boys are so's wonderful to walk down memory lane. Great pictures!

  28. Quit whining? Quit eavesdropping!! More and more people are getting on my nerves. What a great win from Laurie. I'm sure they will be used in many of your creations. Lots of goodies and another great post!

  29. Love the March bowl in your header! I think my favorite in this post is the snowman. Too cute! What fun memories you shared today. I'm afraid I'd be with you in the kitchen making the cookies. LOL! Stay warm, dear friend. Hugs.

  30. Hi Carol!

    I love your finishes! You are motivating me to stitch more ornaments and BUY more stash!! Love your blog.


  31. The ornaments are gorgeous Carol. The finishing is awesome as always. You have received some lovely gifts. Loved the pics of the kids.


  32. Both finishes are so pretty. Everyone wants spring, including me. The boys Look so cute. What a grumpy man from the library, it made me laugh. Some pretty gifts That you received.

  33. I so enjoy reading your posts, Carol, and seeing your lovely finishes! I hope that Spring arrives at your house very soon!!

  34. Hello Carol!
    So good to see your always-beautiful stitching, and to read your friendly words!
    The weather is awful-we have not had any snow this winter season-we have had the rain! We had one lovely spring-like day this week, and with it came thoughts of those beautiful spring colours and the garden in the sunshine. It wasn't to be-back to the wet and windies the next day'
    Smashing photos of your beautiful boys. Be happy in spite of the weather-keep warm, eat chocolate and stitch!!
    Take care.
    With love and best wishes,

  35. Love the 2 new finishes Carol and your gifts ~ how sweet!
    Darling pics of your boys! Fun memories, for sure.
    That box of chocolates look divine!

    Still have some snow here, but most has melted yesterday & today ~ YAY!!


  36. Love your stitching finishes. Like you, we are snow covered and it will be awhile before it all melts. Your pictures were great and nice gifts you got.

  37. Carol, you certainly have had a winter to remember (forget?!) with all those awful temps and snow. Here we finally have had a few days when it doesn't feel like it is raining constantly!!! What a lovely post. Such cute pics of your boys when they were younger and some lovely winter/Christmas stitching too! Chocolates- yum - you know how addicted I am and those chocolates look delicious. Can't believe you're managing to stick to one a day!! I would not have the will-power! What lovely goodies you've been receiving lately too.

  38. Oohh that Noel Snowman is adorable! Thanks for sharing the link!

  39. Carol, I always smile when I see you have added a new post to your blog as I know I'm in for a treat with your lovely stitching and other photos, love the family pics this time! Enjoy all your lovely mail and those chocolates look divine!

  40. Oh I love reading your blog. Your ornaments and finishes are always to die for! I like to sip a cup of coffee while reading as it is always enjoyable. I'm ready to say 'uncle" on the snow and move on to spring. Trying to see if any bulbs are peeking out from the snow and surprising, YES! Spring is coming!

  41. Wow... how lucky to receive so MANY wonderful gifts. Love your ornaments. I especially love the one with the boys in the snow! How special. Beautiful work as always!

  42. A lovely post Carol with gorgeous stitching and great photos.Thanks for putting up the snowman link ,it is a very sweet design.
    You have received beautiful gifts too.

  43. What lovely finishes, Carol as well as the gifts received.
    And i am envious of your fabrics collections, that's a lot.
    Spring seems really starting here, lots of spring flowers showing up.

  44. Such cute finishes! And very lovely gifts from stitchy friends.
    Spring is nowhere on the horizon here. In fact, it's actually snowing right now. I'm not looking forward to trying to get out of the house tomorrow!

  45. Beautiful finishes, Carol! I love both!
    And your boy's pictures are so cute, great childhood memories for sure!
    And I love your gifts too, the chocolates look so good.
    We had rain last week...a lot in some areas. I already started working on my little garden.
    Hope Spring comes soon for you and be away from grumpy people.
    Ana Paula.

  46. Great new finishes for you and a lot of thoughtful gifts you received too. What a blessing to win the fabric pieces! You will have a great time using those. Thanks for sharing the photos of you sons - just darling!

  47. Carol, I so agree with you about winter! It's time for it to go! I actually love your final picture with the bright red holly berry - the snow makes lovely icing in the picture. It was fun to see the pictures of your boys enjoying the snow (do they still enjoy it as much now?) You received some lovely gifts - I am hungry looking at the chocolates!
    You ornaments - I am running out of ways to describe your talents! They are just beautiful. The snowman is too cute for words and I love the PS scene. I am sure it did take a long time to stitch as there is alot of detail in there.
    Love your March header! I hope the weather improves and your urge to stitch returns. Hugs, Wanda

  48. What a great post Carol! ANd I love the March/St. Paddy's Day header. Congrats on your two finishes. Both came out great and that Snow Day just makes me want to smile. It was nice to see the "blast from the past" photos of the boys. And what wonderful mail you've been getting! So much fabby from're set on finishing fabby for a while! lol Love that chart from Shirlee...I've never seen it before. And what sweet ornies from Gabi! I hope it warms up for you soon. We've been getting a little rain and I got soaked last wednesday trying to get to an appointment after work but today is shaping up to be a nice, mild day. Hugs to you! Hope you have a great weekend!

  49. Wonderful ornaments, always love your finishing!

    Beautiful gifts from friends! Love those fabrics, they will be great for your finishing!

    Great photos of your sons, lovely memories of those fun days!

    Hope Spring comes soon, stay warm!


  50. Your blog is always such fun to read. I love the pictures of your sons. I just might have to stitch that one next year as it reminded me of my son playing in the snow when we lived in upstate NY. I totally agree with you, people often need to complain about the weather very harmless. What an old grouch that man was!!!!

  51. Such wonderful finishes! And the pictures of the boys in winter are so adorable. I don't know how we tolerated it when we were kids. I loved being outside in the snow, it was never too cold to be outside. But now....I don't even like to open the door to look in the mailbox when it's cold. And it's been miserable cold this last week....warming up for the weekend though. (fingers crossed that it's true)

  52. Those chocolates look delish!

    Your ornaments are beautiful as always. I do have a question, though. How to you attach the ric rac?

    What nice gifts you've received, too.

    I can relate to people's attitudes being nasty this winter. I say the weather is what it is. Don't take it out on me. lol

  53. Wonderful post! Those fabrics are awesome and gifts you received are beautiful.

    I'm ready for spring too. We've had 10 inches of snow this week. I don't think I'll ever see the grass again.

  54. Ow so terrible you still have so many snow!!
    I can imagine your fed up with it.
    Here its really spring time. Look atbmy blog all spring pictures. Maybe it Will cheer you up!!
    The pics of your boys are so awesome cute!! They have a lot of fun.
    Al Kids do. Im still a kid I would love to have your snow. Not no anymore. Then all the flowers Will die.
    How terrible of that man. You can say What you want. And if he doesn't like it go away then.

    What a beautifull pieces you have stitched. The second Is like your pictures indeed!!
    The finish off as always Is so beautifull!!

    So you Got spoiled!! Enjoy it all. Look at all those fabrics. Awesome. Enjoy it all.

    I Will sent you some spring!!

  55. Beautiful stitching finishes as always. The photos are great memories.

    Congrats on your awesome win and lovely gifts received. Sorry the weather is still bad. We are having a very bad dry and hazy season here. Those snow would do us some good at my end here if only you could shovel over? LOL

    Have a good weekend, Carol

  56. Gorgeous stitching. Lovely gifts received. Great photos of your sons.

  57. Great stitching, lovely gifts and wonderful pics of your sons. Funny, how time slips away.
    Hugs from Germany

  58. Lovely gifts and gorgeous ornamnets. I adore the little snowman

  59. Very very cute finishings Carol, as always ! I especially like the Prairie Schooler piece. I'm planning to stitch some PS designs too as I like them very much.
    Oh, I really do hope spring will arrive soon for you there in the USA
    with sunshine, warm weather and beautiful flowers !! We have springtime weather here in Hungary, some flowers are blooming and you just feel that spring is really in the air ...

  60. A thoroughly enjoyable post my friend, as always : ) I really enjoyed seeing all your finishes & gifts, but especially the photo of your sons sledding when they were small. It's wonderful to relive such memories, isn't it : )

  61. a fantastic post as always =)
    you never thought at writing short stories ? really you're gifted with words.
    I love you two new ornaments.
    I already stitched several designs made by Carmela , they are very sweet
    what a giveaway you won ! wow !
    spectacular !! very great & kind. you will make plenty of beautiful pieces with all those fabrics =)
    really wonderful
    just like all the gifts you received and that are all lovely
    My postman here often says me that thank to me he can 'travel' a bit =)
    it's so great to have something in the mail box.
    I hope Spring will soon be by your side. Here it's slowly arriving ! we have sunny days and everything is in bloom but as Grandma says 'when March arrives like a sheep it goes out like a lion'...=)
    so maybe we will see some flakes lately this winter !!
    have a great weekend
    big big hugs

  62. Oh Carol, everyone is so tired of this weather. We are having freezing rain here and are on a 2 hour delay this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be like spring so I will be outside. It is so crazy and just exhausting at this point. I hope that this heavy rain and freezing rain isn't headed your way.
    Thanks for sharing the snowman freebie. I love your version and the finishing is out of this world. I love snow day too and the wonderful pics of your sons. What a perfect remembrance of those past snow days.
    Lovely gifts from your stitching friends.
    I hope that some spring weather comes your way this weekend!

  63. Oh Carol, everyone is so tired of this weather. We are having freezing rain here and are on a 2 hour delay this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be like spring so I will be outside. It is so crazy and just exhausting at this point. I hope that this heavy rain and freezing rain isn't headed your way.
    Thanks for sharing the snowman freebie. I love your version and the finishing is out of this world. I love snow day too and the wonderful pics of your sons. What a perfect remembrance of those past snow days.
    Lovely gifts from your stitching friends.
    I hope that some spring weather comes your way this weekend!

  64. This months ornaments are wonderful! I especially love the PS one and really enjoyed seeing a peek of your kids as young children. Great memories!

    You need to come down here Carol! Spring is definitely here though we're a bit cooler than normal.

  65. Love the pictures of the boys!

    Your Prairie Schooler ornament is so is the Noel one but love Prairie Schooler.

    Fingers crossed for spring. We are seeing sunshine for the second day in a row!


  66. love all your finishes and giveaway wins! Yes, I think everyone is tired of this Winter weather. Many people have had it much worse than we have but it has still been bad enough to wear me out. That was unneccessary of that man to be so rude though.

  67. I can't believe I have a dentist appt. this morning and there is threat of the dreaded winter mix on Mar. 7! Supposed to be warm for the weekend, but another threat of snow next week. Will it ever end?

    Meanwhile, lots of pretty stitching on your post today... new, old, gifts galore. Your 3 guys were such adorable kids. And now they are adorable grown men!

    Keep whining with the rest of us. Misery loves company you know.

  68. Wonderful post my friend.
    Your boys were so cute how lucky you are to have 3 fine boys.
    Your stitching always inspires me love them both keep stitching more Carol I love to see every thing you stitch and the little extra's you add to make them look so beautiful.
    What lovely gifts sent from your friends.
    Yummy chocs they would not last long here.
    Hope Spring time will be with you soon it can't be far away hugs and xxx .

  69. As I type this comment, there are daffodils outside my window and blue skies too. I can't imagine having snow still! I hope Spring is just around the corner for you Carol.
    What a wonderful fabric stash you received! I bet you can't wait to use it for upcoming projects.
    Thank you for sharing treasured family photos. Your boys look very sweet with their rosy cheeks!
    Best wishes.

  70. Love your blog- I look forward to it! The ornie finishes are fantastic! And the photos of your sons: icing on the cake! Thank you for your warm and folksy words. Karen

  71. Hola amiga
    muchas felicidades por tu aniversario de blog y ese premio que has recibido, tantas telas, es algo que sueño cada día, que maravilla !!
    Me gusta la foto de tus hijos, es una delicia ^^
    Además los regalos que recibiste son formidables, disfruta de todo !!

    Y tus bordados como siempre, son maravillosos, me gustan mucho, eres increíble ^^

    te envío besos y que la primavera vuelva pronto a nuestros jardines y calienten los días, hoy aquí hay sol, después de tantas semanas,


  72. You must be in heaven with all that lovely fabric and chocolates.
    Lovely finishes has always (Snow Days is my Favorite) and gifts.

  73. Great post, Carol. It was so neat getting a flashback to visit with your guys! Always love your beautiful beautiful stitching and creative finishing! Stay warm and dry - we're all looking forward to spring more than I've ever heard.

  74. Ahh, what a joy to read a post from you. Beautiful finishes. You really do love your over 1 don't you?

    I'm sure all of your ice and snow can't and won't go on for much longer ... Spring has to come eventually of we could just go straight for the Summer! Great photos of your boys in younger days, as a child you never felt the cold and it was always exciting playing in the snow. When we had snow many, many years ago when I was younger we had a large hill just by us that had a horse chestnut tree right at the top and we used to take the sledges up and whizz right on down. Sadly that hill has gone now and been replaced by the local refuse site.

    Beautiful gifts. Mmmmm chocolates ... look very yummy.

    Have a good weekend. Take care.

  75. Carol, I love reading your blog - it always lifts my spirits and invigorates me, which I really need as we have had snow, wind, and cold temps here in Kansas as well. Can't wait for spring. Oh my gosh, those fabric pieces from Laurie as to die for. I can just imagine how much fun you had going through them and planning how to use them. Fabric is such fun! I love your new finishes and the photos of your kids and all of your "mail" deliveries; so much fun. Hang in there; spring is coming! Thanks again for sharing. Love it.

    Pam in KS

  76. You do have the loveliest finishes! So creative - your eye for color and what works together is really amazing! I love, love, love the sledding ornament - so funny that you were the mom inside. I just had a similar conversation with the wife of a high school friend. All of their winter outdoor photos are of their daughter and the husband. Mom is inside, nice and warm, and only pops out occasionally with the camera. Oddly enough, most of our outdoor winter pictures are Jeff and Nick....

    I couldn't help but but think of several pictures of Jeff and his brother, out skating and playing hockey on the pond behind their parents' house too!

  77. Another great post. Your finishes are great as usual. I know that here we still have almost 2 ft on the ground. Will be months before it's all gone. I'm knee deep in our major remodel, and just got back from a vacation in the Keys. That was an awesome week of relaxation. 2 more walls and the kitchen soffits to demolish and then I think the mess part will be over for the most part. You've won some great giveaways and received some great gifts too. I took an over one on 28 ct on vacation. I'm still working on it.

  78. Hi Carol,
    Your finishes are absolutely gorgeous, as always! It is amazing how time flies, the boys looked like
    they had fun in the snow, what winderful memories you have there.
    I love the gifts you have received.

  79. I always enjoy reading your blog because it is always filled with such lovely stitching.

    Blessings always

  80. I love these ornaments they are so cute

  81. Beautiful finishes! Lovely gifts & wonderful post. I so enjoy your blog.
    lover Annette

  82. What a lovely post full of goodies Carol. Beautiful finishes and I love all your gorgeous gifts and wins.

    I'm not surprised you're tired of Winter. If we'd had that for all that time I would be too. Although I do feel a little envious that you've had snow I would not have wanted as much as you've had! We've just had rain and wind but I still long for just one decent snow fall here but I will have to wait now until next Winter! It looks very much like Spring is on the way so I hope it is for you soon too :)

  83. It is a fact--SPRING will come! Hasn't failed yet! Great post, full of so many good things: friends, family,fun! And a little stitching, of course!! Hugs!

  84. Oh my what beautiful photos thanks for sharing them all - lovely post x

  85. I know exactly what you feel like in this long winter. We were having such along winter two or three years ago, in March everyone was feeling more or less grumpy and kind of stressed by hte weather, and even those who love the snow were feeling that it was enough. I can see the difference this winter - you even can't call it winter because the last real snow we saw was back in November, and nice temperatures with a few frosty nights since then. Everyone has been relaxed, no shoveling of snow in the early mornings, no driving on dangerous roads. Makes life easier. I hope that itwill soon be much warmer and the snow will melt away so that you will soon see the first signs of spring in your garden.

    Meanwhile you have been enjoying the colours of your stitching floss and fabrics. And your two new ornaments are so beautiful and so creatively finished. I love them both but I'm always partial when I see a PS design, lol. And this one is just darling.

    Such generous gifts that you received from your stitching friends. That amount of fabric from Laurie is quite simply amazing and I'm sure you'll find the perfect backing fabric for every possible ornament or pillow in the future, lol. Enjoy everything.

    Loved to see your March bowl in the header.

  86. The ornaments are so beautiful! Love the PS ornament! As a mom as well I can remember those days quite well! Beautiful photos of your boys in winter all those years ago. Such wonderful goodies you got!

  87. Your ornaments are very cute, congratulations and you got some lovely gifts.

    Spring arrived here this weekend so I hope yours isn't too far behind

  88. Hola Carol, espero que la primavera esté haciendo acto de presencia y que el hielo y el frio se vayan y den paso a la buena temperatura. Me gustan tus dos nuevos almohadones son muy lindos, en especial el segundo que te trae recuerdos de la infancia de tus hijos.
    Aquí la primavera ya se nota, los árboles están en flor...
    Un beso.
    Hi Carol, I hope that spring is making an appearance and the ice and the cold go away and give way to the right temperature. I like your two new pillows are very cute, especially the second one brings back childhood memories for your children.
    Here it shows the spring and the trees are in bloom ...
    A kiss.

  89. We are the time of the year where I'm pretty sure spring is NEVER going to happen. Heh. (No signs of spring here either. Still lots of snow around!)

    Both of these ornaments are just super darling. The Snow Days one really does match your boys! (I like the dogs being a part of things, too. Everyone looks so HAPPY in that little ornament!)

    I would probably faint if I got a box of fabric like that. WOW. Ooooooo-weeeeeeeee are you going to put that all to good use! Oh, the finishing possibilities!!! These are all great goodies. Just one great thing after another. Very fun.

  90. Hi Carol,
    Congratulations on all your lovely gifts, I bet you will make good use of all that fabric with your stitched ornaments. You are really tempting me with these charts but I have promised myself no more starting new projects! The weather in the UK is very warm for this time of the year so I hope it soon comes your way too. Have a lovely weekend,

  91. Ohhh my little gift has arrived :) your first christmas gift in 2014, right? ;) heheheheh
    My boy is changing my world, indeed :) i don't know when or how much i will be able to craft but... I think i will still make a few things along the year ;) heheheh
    The first week was to catch up on sleep :p and also to learn this new rhythm with our baby boy at home :) but slowly things will get back on track, I'm sure. I'm even catching up on blogs! ;) heheheheh
    Spring has arrived here, the Sun came just in time to welcome my baby boy :D but i didn't know it was so bad over there :( hope some sunshine will go to you and melt all that snow! Spring will come for you too sweetie, just a little more and your mood will shine :)
    Loooove your first ornament, goooorgeous finish!
    Such a fun photo from your boys on the snow :D
    Hugs&smiles to you my friend!

  92. Oh Carol, your pictures are so wonderful. Both the ones with your stiching and the ones with your boys. They really look as if they had much fun in the snow.

    I hope Winter has left Pennsylvania the last weeks and some more springlike days have come for you. Because here in Austria we enjoy so wonderful warm and sunny days (although it was very windy the last weekend) - I really really want to send some of our spring weather to you!

    Have a nice new week

  93. Your finishes are perfect! Great eye for color, and I love the way the black works on the snowman ornament.

  94. Hello Carol, your stitching is as beautiful as always. I hope you see some nicer weather soon. It can be quite depressing when it's the same dreary weather day in and day out. I love the photo of your boys, just gorgeous and special memories for you.

  95. How did I miss this post?!?! Maybe I was blown away by the unsuspecting Rak?!?! Love the little Noel finish! So teeny tiny! Snow Day is adorable too!! I still have to buy one of those bobbin winders so I can twist the cord faster than how I do it! Love the picture of your boys in the snow! So sweet!! Wonderful gifts from around the world Carol. I'm sure you will find a use for all of those lovely fabric scraps! I hope it is getting warmer for not so much. We have flowers but it is still chilly. Can't wait for warmer weather! Hugs!

  96. Nicely finished ornaments Carol and I love the Prairie Schooler Snow Day ornie. It's a perfect match for your family. Lovely trove of fabric collection that I am sure you will put to good use:).
    Love all the wonderful gifts your received too.
    Chocolate!!!! Love the treat from your DH. I know they took the winter blues away:)
    I think the ice on the holly bush is a gorgeous picture.
    Love the red there!
    Take care,

  97. I was thinking about your ornaments down the stairway a while back... so glad you shared them again! Another chance to see your fabulous stitching and finishing! They say what goes around, comes around! You are a very kind person, and it is only fair that kindness returns to you, in the form of stitchy gifts. And chocolate!! Yes, I am one of those with a sweets stash... Enjoy the season's festivities! Hugs!


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